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Christ demonstrated the Great Truth that resurrected body does not die...

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Dear All,


Christ demonstrated the Great Truth that the resurrected body does not die. " The

Christ " is a title which means " the christed or christened One " . Jesus, the

Christ was already a spiritually liberated Being before He incarnated. He was

filled with the imperishable divine vibrations that cannot die. Therefore His

death and resurrection, showed human beings, that the resurrected body does not



In the excerpt below, Shri Mataji teaches that Christ died at the gross, i.e.

" visibly seen " level of the physical body. In biblical terminology and human

understanding... He 'gave up the Ghost and died'. However, Shri Mataji states

that as His Body was also made up of imperishable divine vibrations... which are

the radiations known as " Brahma " ... therefore the divine vibrations of His body

did not die and that is why He could resurrect His body with those divine



Shri Mataji also teaches that the 'crucifixion scenario' was needed in order to

physically enact (physically demonstrate) the Great Truth that " the resurrected

body does not die " . Human beings had to know and understand this.


Through His death and resurrection, Christ also achieved another important

thing. He created a Cosmic Space and placed Himself there at the Agnya Centre of

human beings. The Agnya Centre is the " narrow gate " through which a spiritual

aspirant must ascend in order to reach the Kingdom of Heaven within (known as

Sahasrara to the Hindus).





(Please note that when Shri Mataji uses the word " gross " in the passage below,

it is used as given in the Miller-Keane Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Medicine,

Nursing & Allied Health... where it describes " gross " as meaning: " visible to

the naked eye " .)


Shri Mataji explains about " the Christ's death and resurrrection " :


" Now as you know, He created all the Brahmandas. Brahmanda means a Universe. Now

the Universe of the Sun. Out of that Universe has come the Earth. Out of that,

you have come out and in your agnya chakra He created a small Virata as they

call it. He exists within your agnya chakra. This sacrifice is very very

significant and though it is gross, in subtle, it has to happen to take the

awareness through this centre of agnya; was done by Christ, by His crucifixion.

He came as a gross person, just like a gross human being. His body died but did

not die, because that body was also made of that imperishable divine vibrations,

as you call, the radiations or this Brahma. They did not die and that's why the

body did not die and He resurrected with His body. He had to die to show that

the body, though dies, can be saved. That's why he had to be crucified.

Otherwise, He could not have shown you, but His actualizing that He died and

then resurrected to show that this does not die. "


(Easter Puja Talk - Ashram, London England - 6 April, 1980)

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, " Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> Christ demonstrated the Great Truth that the resurrected body does

> not die. " The Christ " is a title which means " the christed or

> christened One " . Jesus, the Christ was already a spiritually

> liberated Being before He incarnated. He was filled with the

> imperishable divine vibrations that cannot die. Therefore His

> death and resurrection, showed human beings, that the resurrected

> body does not die.


> In the excerpt below, Shri Mataji teaches that Christ died at the

> gross, i.e. " visibly seen " level of the physical body. In biblical

> terminology and human understanding... He 'gave up the Ghost and

> died'. However, Shri Mataji states that as His Body was also made

> up of imperishable divine vibrations... which are the radiations

> known as " Brahma " ... therefore the divine vibrations of His body

> did not die and that is why He could resurrect His body with those

> divine vibrations.


> Shri Mataji also teaches that the 'crucifixion scenario' was

> needed in order to physically enact (physically demonstrate) the

> Great Truth that " the resurrected body does not die " . Human beings

> had to know and understand this.


> Through His death and resurrection, Christ also achieved another

> important thing. He created a Cosmic Space and placed Himself

> there at the Agnya Centre of human beings. The Agnya Centre is

> the " narrow gate " through which a spiritual aspirant must ascend

> in order to reach the Kingdom of Heaven within (known as Sahasrara

> to the Hindus).


> violet



> (Please note that when Shri Mataji uses the word " gross " in the

> passage below, it is used as given in the Miller-Keane

> Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Allied Health...

> where it describes " gross " as meaning: " visible to the naked eye " .)


> Shri Mataji explains about " the Christ's death and resurrrection " :



" Now as you know, He created all the Brahmandas. Brahmanda means a

Universe. Now the Universe of the Sun. Out of that Universe has come

the Earth. Out of that, you have come out and in your agnya chakra

He created a small Virata as they call it. He exists within your

agnya chakra. This sacrifice is very, very significant and though it

is gross, in subtle, it has to happen to take the awareness through

this centre of agnya; was done by Christ, by His crucifixion. He

came as a gross person, just like a gross human being. His body died

but did not die, because that body was also made of that

imperishable divine vibrations, as you call, the radiations or this

Brahma. They did not die and that's why the body did not die and He

resurrected with His body. He had to die to show that the body,

though dies, can be saved. That's why he had to be crucified.

Otherwise, He could not have shown you, but His actualizing that He

died and then resurrected to show that this does not die. "


(Easter Puja Talk - Ashram, London England - 6 April, 1980)



Dear Violet and All,


After reading this post three times, which i normally do not do, i

now recall Arwinder telling me something about his spiritual body

which i did not mention due to my own shortcomings.




He told me that his spiritual body is made of " this very tiny balls

of light " which are " shiny " . i tried to make sense of them but that

is how he kept describing, and telling me that it is difficult to

explain yourself being the spirit.


Since i was unable to grasp that explanation i did not write it so

as not to confuse readers, or give WCASY forum watchdogs like John

Noyce an opportunity to ridicule it as hilarious.


But then Violet's post just kept popping up and i read it for the

third time before my thoughtless state recalled and recognized the

fact that both Arwinder and Shri Mataji descriptions of the

spiritual body match. Arwinder's narration that his spiritual body

is made of " this very tiny balls of light " which are " shiny " is

similar in essence to what Shri Mataji’s description that

Jesus' " body was also made of that imperishable divine vibrations,

as you call, the radiations or this Brahma. "


i also noticed another similarity. Arwinder knows he has this

spiritual body within that is eternal. Shri Mataji is telling us

that Shri Jesus was able to resurrect Himself because the body is

imperishable. Both are talking about the eternal spiritual bodies

that are clothed by this gross physical layer. Arwinder is talking

about his present eternal spiritual self within while still alive,

and Shri Mataji is talking about Jesus' eternal spiritual self after

death and resurrection. In short, there is no death of the spiritual

self ever and that human beings are eternal souls at all times.


That brings us to the reality of the Resurrection. Jesus provided

irrefutable evidence that it is possible for humans to resurrect

(evolve) from the gross human body into the eternal soul. Both the

Bible and Quran promise the Resurrection and confirm that those

participating will feel the Wind of the Spirit/Al-Qiyamah:


Jesus answered and said unto him,

Verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man born be born again,

He cannot see the Kingdom of God.

Nicodemus saith unto him,

How can a man be born again when he is old?

Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

Jesus answered: Verily, verily, I say unto thee,

Except a man born of water and the Spirit,

He cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of

Spirit is spirit,

Marvel not that I said unto thee: Ye must be born again.

The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound


But cannot tell whence it comes and where it goeth:

So is every one that is born of the Spirit.


John 3:3-8



It is Allah who sends forth the Winds so that they raise up the Clouds, (3881)

And We drive them to a Land that is dead,

And revive the earth therewith after its death:

Even so (will be) the Resurrection!


surah 35:9 Fatir (The Originator of Creation)



Today tens of thousands of SYs taking part in the Resurrection feel

the Cool Breeze daily. They are experiencing what the Holy

Scriptures promised and preordained for all humanity. Shri Mataji

is the incarnation of the Shakti (Spirit/Ruh) who is able to trigger

this Cool Breeze, an irrefutable fact that is backed by the

scriptures. She is the catalyst that enables you to feel the divine

cool breeze (ruach/chaitanya), a sure sign and experience of the

Last Judgment and Resurrection:


“Today only people felt the cool breeze coming out of their heads.

Can you do that by jumping, or by paying money? They felt the cool

breeze in the hand. It's written in the Bible, even in the Bible

very clearly, that it's the cool breeze, cool breeze is the sign of

the Holy Ghost. You start feeling the cool breeze in your hands and

you start feeling the cool breeze on your head. This is the



You are the Spirit, and you should get it. It's your own which is

given to you. I have nothing to do about it. I'm just a catalyst. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



“The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come

for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in

the Bible but all the scriptures of the world. The time has come

today that you have to become a Christian, a Brahmin, a Pir, through

your Kundalini awakening only. There is no other way. And that your

Last Judgment is also now.”


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi



Yes, Violet, it is true that Christ demonstrated the Great Truth

that resurrected body does not die. The faithful believers who are

presently taking part in the promised and preordained Resurrection

will always draw great strength and perseverance from the greatest

sacrifice in human history. Anyone who feels the cool breeze today

knows that Jesus told the Truth 20 centuries ago – it is a daily

experience that sustains our faith in Shri Mataji too! Indeed the

time has come for humanity to get all that is promised in the holy

scriptures. How can we ever remain silent with the possession of

such priceless, eternal blessings of the Divine? How can such

knowledge and joy be suppressed and kept away from humanity?


Since the 1980s SYs have remained collectively paralyzed by baseless

fear and apprehension, unable and unwilling to freely share the joy,

knowledge, truth, and blessings of the Divine. What is the nature of

the negativity that has possessed them to collectively act that way -

godly or satanic?


Jai Shri Ganapathy,




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, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> After reading this post three times, which i normally do not do, i

> now recall Arwinder telling me something about his spiritual body

> which i did not mention due to my own shortcomings.





> He told me that his spiritual body is made of " this very tiny balls

> of light " which are " shiny " . i tried to make sense of them but that

> is how he kept describing, and telling me that it is difficult to

> explain yourself being the spirit.



i just reconfirmed with Arwinder the above explanation. He clarified

that " shiny " does not mean like light shining into the eyes. In

other words, it is more like very tiny balls of light glowing and

not rays of light shining into the eyes eg., from a torchlight or

table lamp. So the spiritual body has a unique radiance emitting

from countless number of very minute specks of light, similar to

what Shri Mataji calls " imperishable divine vibrations... which are

the radiations known as Brahma. "



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