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Dear All,


In the appended four chapters of Gnostic Scriptures, there is an excerpt wherein

Jesus reveals to his disciple Peter that behind the wooden cross... " is a Cross

of Light " . Shri Jesus Christ explains its meaning, and also states that " It is

my consort Sophia, through whom I bring you forth in realms of Light " :


" Then the Master showed me a cross of Light, firmly planted in the ground.

Around this cross was a crowd of beings, but they appeared to me as shadows.

There was one form attached to the cross, and above the cross was the Lord

himself, although he appeared to me to be pure Light. Then the Lord said to me,

`Peter, you need to understand the meaning of the cross, and to share this

testimony with my elect children. I have called this cross of Light by many

names during my ministry to help you understand my meaning. I have referred to

it as Logos, Mind, Jesus, Christ, the Door, the Way, the Bread, the Seed,

Resurrection, Son, Father, Mother, Spirit, Life, Truth, Faith, Gifts, and so

forth. Each of these names refers to an aspect of the cross, but actually it is

the bridge between darkness and Light, between death and Life. It is that which

is firmly grounded and will lift everyone who is attached to it above the mortal

condition. It is my consort Sophia, through whom I bring you forth in realms of

Light. "


Please read on for more about what Shri Jesus revealed to his disciples.












After Jesus had risen from among those who had died, a group of his closest

disciples were sitting by the Sea of Galilee discussing the amazing experiences

they had had with the Redeemer. His brother Jude raised the question of the

crucifixion. " How could saving power flow out of such horror? " he asked the

assembled disciples. " Surely the Gods of Light could overcome darkness without

such suffering. "


It was John who was the first to reply to this question. " Once while I was

sitting in the temple courtyard with the Redeemer, he said to me, `John, the

elect who descend to the mortal plane are blessed, for their hearts are

sensitive to the word of Life when they hear it. Wherever they may be hidden

among mankind, the word will pierce their souls, and when it does they will

hunger for more until they are satisfied by the revelation of Truth. Since the

beginning of time, the elect have sought the vision of the Son of Man, but that

vision has not been easy to find, for it has been hidden by the mists of

illusion which cover the mortal plane. Mortal existence is shrouded in illusion,

but those who have eyes to see can pierce the illusions of mortality and

penetrate to the core of that Reality from which all existence emanates. The

prophets have foretold the Reality that would descend to the mortal plane, but

those who revere the prophets have not understood their words. They honor those

who have spoken but reject him of whom they have testified. Both the Law and the

prophets testify of the ministry of the Son of Man, but those who enshrine the

Law and the prophets in their hearts reject the Son of Man when he comes because

they understand neither the Law nor the prophets.


" `John, you know that the Son of Man has descended from the heavenly plane to

reveal Truth to the elect among mankind. You must perfect yourself through

absorbing that gnosis which I reveal to you, so that you can rise above the

mortal plane to meet me in those realms which await us. Be strong, and I will

initiate you into the mysteries of godliness so that you will become like me. I

intend to make of you a foundation on which others can build an edifice of

holiness. Peter will lead them to James, and James will lead them to you and

Mary, who will show them all things. John, you know that your exaltation is

assured; this gnosis empowers you with the means to lead everyone who comes to

you to salvation.


" `You know the meaning of the nail in the sure place. Be strong in that gnosis

which I have shown you, for I will continue to reveal to you the principles of

Truth as long as you remain on the mortal plane, and when you have departed from

this plane, you will continue to increase in Truth and Light forever, as will

all those who accept your testimony of Truth.'




" While Jesus was speaking to me, a group of people, led by several priests, ran

up to us. They were carrying large stones and shouting angrily. I thought that

they were going to throw the stones at us and kill us, but Jesus said to me,

`John, don't fear death, for death is an illusion. I have told you many times

that those who come against us are blind, with no guide to direct them. If you

want to see what they see, place your hands over your eyes.' When I placed my

hands over my eyes, I could see nothing. `That is what they see of Reality,'

explained Jesus. `Now place your hands over your eyes again.' This time I saw a

bright Light, brighter than the light of the sun, which descended until it

enveloped us. `This is the Reality which they cannot see,' explained the



" Then he said to me, `Cover your ears, and you will hear what the priests and

the people are saying.' When I covered my ears, I could hear the priests and the

experts in the Mosaic Law murmuring to one another, but I could not make out

their words because of the noise of the crowd. When I told this to the Redeemer,

he instructed me to cover my ears again. This time I could hear the priests and

the experts in the Law. To my surprise, they were commending Jesus' teachings,

although they were doing so grudgingly. `His teachings must originate in

darkness,' one of them said, `for we cannot fault anything he says, but if he

continues saying it, it will mean the end of our existence as a nation.' I don't

think he realized how true this was, for the Spirit of Truth was speaking

through that man, prophesying the destruction of their nation because they

rejected that Truth which could have preserved them.


" I perceived that many of the people were favorably impressed that their

teachers could find no real flaw in Jesus' teachings. When I told the Redeemer

this, he replied, `Many of them will follow us for awhile, but then they will

turn away, returning to the father of lies who is the source of their beliefs

and of their fears. They will follow us until they glimpse the Reality I have

come to reveal, but they will be so frightened by the vision of it that they

will race back to the darkness from which they have come. After I have left you,

you will see this happen. They will accept me as a dead man, because then they

do not have to deal with my Reality, just as their predecessors have honored the

dead prophets while rejecting the living ones. I am the Living One who has

descended from the Living Parents. Although they will think they have killed me,

I will continue to live, for I will ascend back to the Parents where I will live

forever. All those who become part of me will likewise ascend to Eternal Lives,

but those who follow a dead god will remain dead. For them there is only Eternal



" `When I have departed from you, many will come in my name proclaiming their

version of Truth, but they will be dead guides of those who are dead. They will

build great churches in my name, but there will be no life in them. You will

recognize them by their deeds, for they will take those who come to them and

enmesh them more firmly in the chains of darkness than they were before. They

will lock them into their systems of dogma so that their spirits cannot ascend

to the vision of Truth. They will teach them to reject me, the Lord of Life, in

favor of the Lord of Death who does not grow, does not progress, does not rise

above the mortal condition. He who does not rise cannot raise others up to

Light. I go before you to mark the Way. Those who follow me will ascend forever

through Endless Lives.'


" Then I asked the Redeemer, `How can we discern between those who are following

you and those who are following an Anti-Christ, one who appears to be you but

whose substance is illusion?' This is what the Master explained to me. `John,

there are three different entities, all of whom are called mankind. There are

those who are trapped in physical existence. These eat and sleep. They drink

wine and promiscuously engage in sexual intercourse. They act according to

instinct, doing whatever pleases their bodies, and whatever does not please

their bodies they abstain from doing. They are no different from any other kind

of animal. Their bodies become their gods, governing their decisions and their

deeds. These form the vast majority of mankind.


" `Separate from these is a much smaller group which is trapped in mental

existence. These have the capacity to be human, although they may never develop

that capacity. They govern their choices by their mental processes. They are

reasonable and logical, but they cannot rise above the limitations of mortal

mind. They act according to rational thinking, doing whatever pleases their

minds, and whatever does not please their minds they abstain from doing. Their

minds become their gods, governing their decisions and their deeds. These are

the servants of the demiurge, who maintain that their way of thinking is right

and all others are wrong. They are so convinced of their self-righteousness that

they cannot perceive the Sun of Righteousness when it shines right before them.


" `The smallest group of all consists of those who live on a spiritual plane.

These transcend the limitations of mortal existence. They join the angels and

rise to dwell among the Eloheim while they are still in mortality. These are not

trapped by their bodies or their minds, for they bring body and mind into

subjection to the Light within them so that they are transformed into the Divine

image. These put on the mind of Christ. They become the Father and the Son, the

Son submitting to the Father in every situation.


" `As long as you remain in mortality,' he continued, `you will not be able to

discern who is in what group, for they grow as tares among wheat, but those who

ascend to live on a spiritual plane will be called out by the More Sure Word of

Prophecy and brought into the Body of the Firstborn through a holy anointing so

that you will know them. Others may not know them, but you will know them, just

as you will be known by them. Those who are deaf and blind to Truth will join

together, for mortals prefer the company of their own kind, and they will

separate themselves from you, for they will be uncomfortable in your Light. They

will set up their own churches in the image of my Body, but there will be no

Life in them except that which they borrow from my teachings, so that while they

may have the illusion of life for a little while, they will eventually die and

dissolve into that darkness which is their Source. Ultimately there are only two

churches, the Church of the Lamb of the Eloheim and the church of the gods of

darkness. You can know them by their fruits, for people do not gather figs from

thorn bushes or grapes from thistles. As long as a church is leading people

toward Light, it is the Church of the Lamb of the Eloheim, but when it sets

stakes around them to confine them within its dogma, it becomes to them the

church of the gods of darkness. You will know them by their fruits.




" Then the Master touched my eyes so that they were opened to Reality. It

appeared to me that the people seized him. They carried him off and hung him on

a tree. I looked at him whom they had pierced, and I cried out, `What's

happening, Lord? Is it you they have nailed to this tree? Who is this standing

above the tree rejoicing, laughing aloud? Are you above the tree, Lord, or is it

you they are nailing to it?' Then the one standing above the tree reached down,

lifted me up, and pressed me against the one who was hanging on the tree, so

that I was covered by his sweat and blood. The one hanging on the tree groaned

and the one standing above the tree laughed. Then I found myself standing in the

temple courtyard again with Jesus.


" `The one you saw hanging on the tree is my mortal nature,' explained the

Redeemer. `The one rejoicing above the tree is my divine nature. My mortal

nature will suffer as you have seen, and the suffering will be real, but my

divine nature will rejoice because you, and those who believe your testimony,

will be washed in my blood, which will generate the power of rebirth into

Endless Life. I have sanctified you, John; I have claimed you as my own. My

elect will accept your testimony and will come to you to receive those mysteries

through which they will also be sanctified and claimed by me in the mansion of

my Parents.'


" I looked around and saw that no one was watching us, so I said, 'Lord, no one

is paying attention to us. Let's leave this place of darkness.' The Master

replied, `This is my Parents' House, John. Its ministers have invited the

demiurge to take up residency here, but my Parents' House transcends this place.

I will cleanse and purify it so that you can minister in it the mysteries of



" Then I saw someone approach us enveloped in Light. He looked like the one who

was laughing above the tree. Walking up to the Master, he embraced him, and the

two flowed together until there was only one person standing with me. He said to

me, `Be strong, for you are the one to whom the keys of these mysteries are

given. Those I do not give you personally, you will know through revelation.

Lead my elect to understand that he who is crucified and he who appears in Light

are one Lord, and each of you must pass through this mystery. I go first to show

you the Way, but each of you must follow me. John, you will continue to minister

these mysteries in age after age, and in distant lands, for I will give you the

power to transcend the illusion of death, so that your ministry will be Eternal.

This power is the heritage of all those who give their souls to me. I will

return them to themselves filled with Divine Light, just as I am filled with

Divine Light. Everyone who becomes like me will be where I AM, but everyone who

maintains the image of mortal existence cannot come where I am, for they must

remain with their master the demiurge. I am the Lord of Light, John, and I raise

my elect to realms of Light where the destroyers have no power.


" `You must be strong, fearing nothing, for perfect faith drives out all fear. In

your courage you will find the keys to overcoming every weapon of darkness. I

will be with you always, for you have overcome this world of darkness. Let your

Light shine, for it will draw the attention of my elect, who will gather around

you as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings to protect them from danger.

You will protect my children and lead them safely home to my Parents, who are

also your Parents.'


" When Jesus had said these things, we left the temple and went to the Mount of

Olives. Amen. "




When John had finished speaking, there was silence for awhile. Then Peter spoke

up. " On the day Jesus was crucified, John and I left the house of the high

priest together, but I couldn't watch the Master suffer anymore, so I parted

from John and went to a cave I knew on the Mount of Olives. There I wept for

what was happening to my Lord. Outside the cave, the sky grew dark, like it was

the middle of the night. Suddenly, the Master stood in front of me in the cave,

enveloped in Light. `Peter,' he said, `the people down below see me being

crucified, pierced with lances, and with a crown of thorns on my head, but I am

here speaking to you in this cave. Remember what I tell you so that when I have

ascended to my Parents, you can share this testimony with my elect.'


" Then the Master showed me a cross of Light, firmly planted in the ground.

Around this cross was a crowd of beings, but they appeared to me as shadows.

There was one form attached to the cross, and above the cross was the Lord

himself, although he appeared to me to be pure Light. Then the Lord said to me,

`Peter, you need to understand the meaning of the cross, and to share this

testimony with my elect children. I have called this cross of Light by many

names during my ministry to help you understand my meaning. I have referred to

it as Logos, Mind, Jesus, Christ, the Door, the Way, the Bread, the Seed,

Resurrection, Son, Father, Mother, Spirit, Life, Truth, Faith, Gifts, and so

forth. Each of these names refers to an aspect of the cross, but actually it is

the bridge between darkness and Light, between death and Life. It is that which

is firmly grounded and will lift everyone who is attached to it above the mortal

condition. It is my consort Sophia, through whom I bring you forth in realms of



" `This cross is that which unites all opposites through the word. It acts as a

sword to lop off everything which is not of Light. It is not the wooden cross on

which they have hung my mortal body, for that cross generates the power of

redemption, but this cross is the bridge to exaltation and Eternal Lives. It is

on this cross that mortal nature is crucified and from this cross it is

resurrected as Divine Anthropos to rule with me from the heavenly plane forever.

The wooden cross is that which mortals see, but the cross of Light is the

mystery hidden beyond the wooden cross. Many will come to the wooden cross

seeking salvation, but because they will stop there, centering in that cross,

they will not pass beyond it to ascend the cross of Light.


" `Peter, you must pick up your cross and follow me, as must everyone who desires

to be where I am. Only when you pick up the cross of wood, instead of just

worshipping before it, will you be able to perceive the cross of Light which is

beyond it. Then, still carrying your wooden cross, you will be able to ascend

the cross of Light, for at its center you will find yourself.' Then the Light

around the Master flared up, so that I could see nothing, and when I could see

again, I was alone in the cave.


" Now my heart was rejoicing. I descended to the city, going to the place of

crucifixion, but the Lord's body was already gone, so I went into the city to

find the other disciples. Although I told no one at that time what the Lord had

told me, my heart rejoiced, and I never again feared what mortals could do to

me, for I knew the reality of the Light behind the cross. Amen.



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