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Jesus: They will set up their own churches in the image of my Body

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" `As long as you remain in mortality,' he (Jesus) continued, `you

will not be able to discern who is in what group, for they grow as

tares among wheat, but those who ascend to live on a spiritual plane

will be called out by the More Sure Word of Prophecy and brought

into the Body of the Firstborn through a holy anointing so that you

will know them. Others may not know them, but you will know them,

just as you will be known by them. Those who are deaf and blind to

Truth will join together, for mortals prefer the company of their

own kind, and they will separate themselves from you, for they will

be uncomfortable in your Light. They will set up their own churches

in the image of my Body, but there will be no Life in them except

that which they borrow from my teachings, so that while they may

have the illusion of life for a little while, they will eventually

die and dissolve into that darkness which is their Source.


Ultimately there are only two churches, the Church of the Lamb of

the Eloheim and the church of the gods of darkness. You can know

them by their fruits, for people do not gather figs from thorn

bushes or grapes from thistles. As long as a church is leading

people toward Light, it is the Church of the Lamb of the Eloheim,

but when it sets stakes around them to confine them within its

dogma, it becomes to them the church of the gods of darkness. You

will know them by their fruits. "





" Once there was a single Christian group, Jesus of Nazareth's tiny

band of twelve apostles; now there are thousands. It has been

estimated that there are some twenty-two thousand separate and

distinct Christian groups around the world. "


Charles Templeton, Farewell to God,

The Canadian Publishers, 1996 p. 130.



" Your avarice has plunged the World into the Dark shadow of

spiritual Desolation, trampling down good men so that you might

exalt evil-doers. Of Shepherds like you did St. John the Evangelist

write in his vision of the Apocalypse, revealing you to be that

Great Harlot who sits upon the many Waters committing fornication

with the Kings of the Earth; She, the seven-headed Beast, whose ten

horns thunder forth Her vain Glory, deceiving her divine Spouse with

Her false Virtue. Of gold and silver you have made your God, no

differently than does the idolater, save that he worships but one

Abomination and you one hundred. Ah Constantine! to so much

wickedness did you give birth when you conferred temporal power and

wealth upon the Holy Father. " Dante, Inferno, xix, 104-117


Moved by the spirit of poetic prophecy, Dante " chants " these words

to the infernal shade of Pope Nicholas III, who held the Keys of St.

Peter during a period of great schisms in the Church (1277-1280

A.D.), a time of ruthless struggle between the French and the

Italians for domination of the Holy See. Indeed, Nicholas himself

had, in his efforts to undermine Charles of Anjou, played a most

foul role in the notorious massacre known as the " Sicilian Vespers " ,

in which 8,000 Frenchmen perished. Such a Pope we might well expect

to encounter as one of the wretched denizens of that precinct of

Hell in which the sinners are buried face-down in a hole, with only

their lower bodies protruding — a punishment modeled on that which

was meted out to assassins under the law of 13th Century Florence.


In Dante's turbulent times, assassination was indisputably an

efficacious instrument of Vatican policy and a not-infrequent factor

in the Papal succession itself. But before we hasten to banish these

sinister practices to the back pages of ecclesiastical history, we

might do well to first recall the mysterious death of Pope John Paul

I in 1978, or the shooting of John Paul II in St. Peter's Square in

1981; we might do well to entertain at least the possibility that

the assassin's hand, though now perhaps hidden in the shadows, is

still poised to strike at the heart of the Holy See.


Though most assuredly the greatest poet of the Roman Church, Dante

did not flinch from equating the criminally degraded Papacy of his

day with the Scriptural Mother of Abominations, " drunken with the

blood of the Martyrs. " After all, had it not been the Caesars of

Rome whose provincial governor had ordered the Crucifixion of

Christ? Had not the Caesars of Rome martyred countless of Christ's

disciples, including Saints Peter and Paul? Yet, had not the Caesars

of Rome also dispensed, from the hand of the Emperor Constantine the

Great, a portion of their dominion to the Roman Pontiff? And hence,

if the Church is the mystical Bride of Christ, then had not the

Bride lain down in the carnal embrace of her divine Husband's

butcher and made of herself the Great Harlot?


So inured to evil has the general Opinion of Mankind become that it

finds nothing at all incongruous in the opulent puissance of the

modern Papacy. But surely those who would call themselves Christians

(as well as those non-Christians who, like the Author, respect the

spiritual teachings of Jeshua the Nazarene) cannot but marvel at the

vast moral gulf which divides their Prophet — who in the wilderness

of Jordan spurned the Tempter's offer of worldly kingdoms — from his

Vicars — whose white robes are sprinkled with the blood they have

wantonly spilled in the furious pursuit of power and riches. And if,

like Dante, we summon the vision to peer down into the profound

spiritual abyss into which the Holy See has descended, must we not

also discern that we are living in the Time of Tribulation — the

Time of whose coming Christ forewarned his Apostles (Matthew 24:15),

when men should come to behold the " Abomination spoken of by Daniel "

standing in the Holy Place? "


Apokalypso: The Fall Of The Papacy



The Vicarius Christi or Antichrist


Catholic Christianity begun with the satanic alliance between the

barbaric, concubine-sired Constantine and Pope Sylvester (Bishop of

Rome.) Constantine had by then already murdered Crispus (his son by

his first wife) in 326, drowned his second wife in the bath, killed

his eleven-year-old nephew, and then his brother-in-law. Both

benefited enormously from this unholy alliance between Altar and

Throne, the power of the Pulpit aligning with the terror of the

Sword, a formidable foe that crushed all opposition.


The Prince of Carnal Life His Holiness (Sanctitas) Benedict XII

throbbed for the sister of the great scholar, Petrarch, who rejected

his offer of a cardinal's hat. This lusty pope still managed to bed

this pretty lass by bribing her brother, Gerardo. " Petrarch

described — anonymously, since he did not want to be burned — the

papal court as 'the shame of mankind, a sink of vice, a sewer where

is gathered all the filth of the world. There God is held in

contempt, money alone is worshipped and the laws of God and men are

trampled under foot. Everything there breathes a lie: the air, the

earth, the houses and above all the bedrooms.' "


His Holiness Benedict IX was eleven years old in October 1032 when

he became pope in the footsteps of his father Pope John XIX. His

exploits with women brought an early puberty and by the time he was

fourteen he had surpassed the exploits of all predecessors. St Peter

Damain has this to say: " That wretch, from the beginning of his

pontificate to the end of his life, feasted on immorality. " Another

observer was more precise: " A demon from hell in the guise of a

priest has occupied the Chair of Peter. "












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