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How a SY should be?

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Dear all,


I remember that in Dr. Balwinder's story of not feeling the vibrations for such

a long time,

that he had mentioned that he was living the way Shri Mataji had said a Sahaja

Yogi should

live and behave. I have heard other references to this and i wanted to know if


could explain to me, point me in the direction of a speech or compile a simple

list of the

things that Shri Mataji has said about how to live like a " good " Sahaja Yogi.


I am increasingly having a desire to first find out how to live like a Sy and

then to

impliment that, especially in light of all the new " stuff " that is going on in

the organization

and with Mother; which to me signals that eventually the only way to remain sane


focused on the truth will be to go completely and focus completely on the mother


and the truths that stand independant of SY the organization.


I can't see any other way of doing this but to learn how to live like a SY as

described by

Shri Mataji in my own personal case.


Any help would be good.


Thank you all and much love to you all and always with love



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Dear Kyyan,


i have found that apart from practicing Sahaja Yoga and achieving Union with the

Divine... that this advice of Shri Jesus has helped me the most, especially when

there are murmuring voices or ceaseless chatter of catches and cures:


" You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul,

and with all your mind. " This is the great and foremost commandment. The second

is like it, " You shall love your neighbour as your Self. " On these two

commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets. " (Matthew 22:37-40)


The best is not to compare your Sahaja Yogi-ness with others, but to just " go

within " and do as Shri Jesus said. You just cannot do better than that, if you

follow that. It fulfills the whole Law and the Prophets. It is only the Sahaja

Yogi Scribes and Pharisees that will now make a thousand rules and regulations.


The Truth is... we each have to find the best way to fulfil what Shri Jesus

describes above. Nobody loves God in exactly the same way... just as none of

your friends and family do not love you in exactly the same way. They each love

you in a unique way... individual to the person. The same is our love for God

and our love for our neighbour.


Rules and regulations can spoil the Spirit of things, and Sahaja Yoga is

" especially " about your Spirit Within! Your Spirit Within will teach you more

than any other person can. You will learn it in the Silence... in the

contemplation. It does not have to be a set format or anything. You can talk to

God anytime, anywhere. She (the Holy Spirit) is within you, and you can commune

with Her at any time at all. As already stated... it does not always have to be

a formal meditation each time. You can do it anytime at all during the day with

'an upward glancing of an eye'. The main thing... is to keep that contact.


So... it is not about rituals. Rather... it is about a relationship. Rituals can

help in the beginning to make our minds steadfast on the Divine Within,

however... once obstacles are overcome, and a person goes beyond thought, they

can stay in the thoughtless state pretty well all the time. That does not mean a

person becomes a 'vegetable'. It means they actually become more brilliant (for

want of a better word).


They become more intelligent because when you are in touch with your Highest

Self/Spirit, you access the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit, and that knowledge is

" pure intelligence " . This intelligence works with us. We can put our attention

on something and gain knowledge of a situation through the Spirit. The Spirit

also works things out through the Paramchaitanya (the All-Pervading Power of



She warns, advises, admonishes, alerts, tells, and does many things, when we

have a relationship with Her. People who are " too into ritual " ... miss out on

this relationship, because this relationship requires spontaneity with an open

heart, mind, and soul. Ritualization rigidizes things, and the spontaneity is



This is a living relationship. As already stated... once you are having a living

relationship with the Divine Within... ritual is very little needed, if at all.

The hands might be used only minimally to work with one's Self/Spirit, because

the Kundalini energy may be flowing unobstructedly. There are no hard and fast

rules. Just remember that for every 'supposed rule' Shri Mataji gave... there

were always exceptions to that rule, for example... if a person achieved a

certain spiritual state whereby they cannot come down anymore.


She did mention such a spiritual state, where the kundalini flows 24 hours a day

unobstructedly and the person is clearing all the time. Not that they need

clearing all the time, but if anything comes that needs clearing... it flows in

and out of the system. Sometimes... some negativity tries to stick, but if a

person puts their enlightened attention on it, usually it goes away in a few

minutes. i know it happens, because i have experienced it, and i know other SYs

have experienced it too. Jagbir also says that is how it works for him, too.

However, it will never be possible for people who " think it is impossible " . That

in itself... is a negative block, which stops that spiritual state.


So... if you follow your Spirit only, that will give you all the confidence you

need. Of course... spiritual discipline is required at first to settle down, but

once you have put your Spirit in charge... things get much easier. Also... the

beauty of the " Divine Within " is that all we have to do is " TO BE IT " . It is

much easier to Be Our Spirit, than try to be some kind of a good SY according to

someone else's mental concept.


If we follow the Dharma Within and Become Our Spirit... there is no mental

concept involved in that. It just is. And the qualities of the Spirit will flow

in our life. We are not here to please any 'scribes and Pharisees' in SY

Organisation. We are only here to surrender to the Holy Spirit within, which is

One with our Spirit. We become One in our heart, mind, and soul. We become

spiritual integrated. This can be best seen in childen, whom Shri Jesus also

said " we must become like, in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This,

however, does not mean to become childish, but 'child-like' in our trust of the

Divine Within!


i hope this helps.


warmest regards,





, " v_koa " <v_koa



> Dear all,


> I remember that in Dr. Balwinder's story of not feeling the

vibrations for such a long time,

> that he had mentioned that he was living the way Shri Mataji had

said a Sahaja Yogi should

> live and behave. I have heard other references to this and i wanted

to know if someone

> could explain to me, point me in the direction of a speech or

compile a simple list of the

> things that Shri Mataji has said about how to live like a " good "

Sahaja Yogi.


> I am increasingly having a desire to first find out how to live

like a Sy and then to

> impliment that, especially in light of all the new " stuff " that is

going on in the organization

> and with Mother; which to me signals that eventually the only way

to remain sane and

> focused on the truth will be to go completely and focus completely

on the mother within

> and the truths that stand independant of SY the organization.


> I can't see any other way of doing this but to learn how to live

like a SY as described by

> Shri Mataji in my own personal case.


> Any help would be good.


> Thank you all and much love to you all and always with love


> Kyyan


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" So, when you're coming out of it, still, these things hang over.

Still, you get affected by them. Even when you're rising higher and

higher, you find suddenly you are again pushed down to some sort of

a funny situation, to some sort of a degrading things. Of course,

sometimes you are shocked at yourself. Sometimes you accept all that.


So, for a Sahaja Yogi, it is very important that, after coming to

Realization, he has to be very introspective. Instead of seeing the

bad of others, he should try to see what is bad in within himself.

It's very important that you have to know how far you are going

towards your spirituality because Christ did not need this. He did

not even have to introspect himself. He was something which was

beyond any corruption and for Him it was just a physical

transformation on the sense that He died and then He resurrected



But for us, it is very different. We are now Sahaja Yogis but we

were ordinary human beings. We had no Light within us. Now the Light

comes within us and we see the Light then what do we become? We have

to become the Light, itself. Christ was the Light. He did not have

to become. We have to become the Light. And now you have to guard on

the way this Light might get disturbed, might be reduced or maybe

completely extinguished.


So carrying on, yourself, with this Light, first thing you should

know that if you see the Light is not proper means you are not the

Light. You have to become the Light. When you are the Light, then in

that Light you can easily see how your mind works, what ideas it

gives, what affects your mind while you're ascending. Is this the

worry or is this the responsibility that you have? Or is this from

the bad habits you had, that there is an impediment in your growth

as a spiritual personality?


So you have to guard yourself all the time and see for yourself how

you are progressing. It's a very beautiful journey — very, very

beautiful journey. "        


Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Rome, Italy — April 11, 1993



So Kyyan, you have to check yourself till you are well-established

and strong enough to overcome the difficult road ahead. As Violet

pointed out, you can follow the footsteps of the past incarnations.

Let their virtuous and exemplary living inspire you to emulate them

in your daily life. You may fall every now and then but just get up

and keep on following their path. One day you will realize that

" It's a very beautiful journey — very, very beautiful journey " ......

....... and when you do you will not be able to describe it to anyone

else. You are now taking the first few steps of this very, very

beautiful journey that begins on Earth. Purifying your mind, body

and soul is absolutely essential for the spiritual stamina required

to complete the most difficult leg of the journey ........... Earth!


best of luck,




, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


Dear Kyyan,


i have found that apart from practicing Sahaja Yoga and achieving

Union with the Divine... that this advice of Shri Jesus has helped

me the most, especially when there are murmuring voices or ceaseless

chatter of catches and cures:


" You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all

your soul, and with all your mind. " This is the great and foremost

commandment. The second is like it, " You shall love your neighbour

as your Self. " On these two commandments depend the whole Law and

the Prophets. " (Matthew 22:37-40)


The best is not to compare your Sahaja Yogi-ness with others, but to

just " go within " and do as Shri Jesus said. You just cannot do

better than that, if you follow that. It fulfills the whole Law and

the Prophets. It is only the Sahaja Yogi Scribes and Pharisees that

will now make a thousand rules and regulations.


The Truth is... we each have to find the best way to fulfil what

Shri Jesus describes above. Nobody loves God in exactly the same

way... just as none of your friends and family do not love you in

exactly the same way. They each love you in a unique way...

individual to the person. The same is our love for God and our love

for our neighbour.


Rules and regulations can spoil the Spirit of things, and Sahaja

Yoga is " especially " about your Spirit Within! Your Spirit Within

will teach you more than any other person can. You will learn it in

the Silence... in the contemplation. It does not have to be a set

format or anything. You can talk to God anytime, anywhere. She (the

Holy Spirit) is within you, and you can commune with Her at any time

at all. As already stated... it does not always have to be a formal

meditation each time. You can do it anytime at all during the day

with 'an upward glancing of an eye'. The main thing... is to keep

that contact.


So... it is not about rituals. Rather... it is about a relationship.

Rituals can help in the beginning to make our minds steadfast on the

Divine Within, however... once obstacles are overcome, and a person

goes beyond thought, they can stay in the thoughtless state pretty

well all the time. That does not mean a person becomes a

'vegetable'. It means they actually become more brilliant (for

want of a better word).


They become more intelligent because when you are in touch with your

Highest Self/Spirit, you access the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit,

and that knowledge is " pure intelligence " . This intelligence works

with us. We can put our attention on something and gain knowledge of

a situation through the Spirit. The Spirit also works things out

through the Paramchaitanya (the All-Pervading Power of God).


She warns, advises, admonishes, alerts, tells, and does many things,

when we have a relationship with Her. People who are " too into

ritual " ... miss out on this relationship, because this relationship

requires spontaneity with an open heart, mind, and soul.

Ritualization rigidizes things, and the spontaneity is lost.


This is a living relationship. As already stated... once you are

having a living relationship with the Divine Within... ritual is

very little needed, if at all. The hands might be used only

minimally to work with one's Self/Spirit, because the Kundalini

energy may be flowing unobstructedly. There are no hard and fast

rules. Just remember that for every 'supposed rule' Shri Mataji

gave... there were always exceptions to that rule, for example... if

a person achieved a certain spiritual state whereby they cannot come

down anymore.


She did mention such a spiritual state, where the kundalini flows 24

hours a day unobstructedly and the person is clearing all the time.

Not that they need clearing all the time, but if anything comes that

needs clearing... it flows in and out of the system. Sometimes...

some negativity tries to stick, but if a person puts their

enlightened attention on it, usually it goes away in a few minutes.

i know it happens, because i have experienced it, and i know other

SYs have experienced it too. Jagbir also says that is how it works

for him, too. However, it will never be possible for people

who " think it is impossible " . That in itself... is a negative block,

which stops that spiritual state.


So... if you follow your Spirit only, that will give you all the

confidence you need. Of course... spiritual discipline is required

at first to settle down, but once you have put your Spirit in

charge... things get much easier. Also... the beauty of the " Divine

Within " is that all we have to do is " TO BE IT " . It is much easier

to Be Our Spirit, than try to be some kind of a good SY according to

someone else's mental concept.


If we follow the Dharma Within and Become Our Spirit... there is no

mental concept involved in that. It just is. And the qualities of

the Spirit will flow in our life. We are not here to please

any 'scribes and Pharisees' in SY Organisation. We are only here to

surrender to the Holy Spirit within, which is One with our Spirit.

We become One in our heart, mind, and soul. We become spiritual

integrated. This can be best seen in childen, whom Shri Jesus also

said " we must become like, in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

This, however, does not mean to become childish, but 'child-like' in

our trust of the Divine Within!


i hope this helps.


warmest regards,





, " v_koa " <v_koa



> Dear all,


> I remember that in Dr. Balwinder's story of not feeling the

vibrations for such a long time, that he had mentioned that he was

living the way Shri Mataji had said a Sahaja Yogi should

> live and behave. I have heard other references to this and i wanted

to know if someone could explain to me, point me in the direction of

a speech or compile a simple list of the things that Shri Mataji has

said about how to live like a " good " Sahaja Yogi.


> I am increasingly having a desire to first find out how to live

like a Sy and then to impliment that, especially in light of all the

new " stuff " that is going on in the organization and with Mother;

which to me signals that eventually the only way to remain sane and

> focused on the truth will be to go completely and focus completely

on the mother within and the truths that stand independant of SY the



> I can't see any other way of doing this but to learn how to live

like a SY as described by Shri Mataji in my own personal case.


> Any help would be good.


> Thank you all and much love to you all and always with love


> Kyyan


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