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The stage Shri Mataji founded and was in charge is over.

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, Suzy Creamcheese <suzyogi



> Dear Jagbir,


> Not only is Sir CP regarded as Shri Shiva but I've heard that he

> and the family have taken over the SY finances. I believe this

> was one of the reasons for Guido to go into his tirade some years

> ago. It appears, from my limited knowledge, that WCASY and

> SYSSRs, as you refer to them, are supporting the family. I wonder

> if Shri Mataji is being paraded around the world to do puja in

> person just so that the family can confiscate the dakshina. Do

> you think that in Shri Mataji's condition that Sir CP doesn't have

> power of attorney over Shri Mataji's affairs? He was a lawyer

> after all. He should be held accountable on what he is doing with

> the dakshina. To me, it doesn't matter whether or not Sir CP

> knows WCASY is referring to him as Shri Shiva, the man emits no

> vibrations.



> Suzy




Dear Suzy and All,


i have no any problem with anyone taking over all the finances,

properties or dakshina. They may rob Her to their hearts' content

but just don't claim to have robbed Shri Mataji of Her Will, and

handed it over to WCASY. i have not read of such an unprecedented

crime in all the world's scriptures. To claim to have committed such

an act against the Adi Shakti is a most satanic negativity that has

now entrenched itself in the organization. That is why i keep saying:




Maybe i am the few who feel so strongly. How will anyone who has

discovered that the Shakti is one’s own Self feel? Are SYs that

stupid or ignorant as not to be indignant or angered at this

unspeakable crime against God Almighty/Brahman/Spirit? In fact words

cannot express my utter disgust and revulsion against this most

grievous insult to the Devi. It is just unbelievable that a man of

Sir CP’s professional, social and academic stature and recognition

has the temerity to issue such a blasphemous statement!!!! We just

cannot keep quiet and let this unforgivable insult to the Primordial

Mother’s incarnation stand. Yes, they are insulting Her first and

foremost – their own blissful Self – and then Shri Mataji.


So do not be found guilty by helping or active association with

those who claim to represent Her Will. It is fraught with danger and

history will be a harsh judge. That is how the Catholic Church

started i.e., by self-empowering humans to represent the Divine.


" [W]e hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty. " --POPE LEO XIII


Cited in Double Cross by Chick Publications, p. 27


p. 304, Benziger Brothers (1903)



" For the Roman pontiff (pope), by reason of his office as VICAR OF

CHRIST, and as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme, and

universal POWER over the whole Church, a power which he can always

exercise UNHINDERED.





Vicar of Christ. A substitute Christ...

VIC'AR, n. [L. vicarius, from vicis]...a substitute in office.


Webster's 1828 Dictionary



" We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely

NECESSARY FOR the SALVATION of every human creature to be SUBJECT TO






[W]e hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty. "





" I will be like the most High. "





That is how the Catholic Church started i.e., by self-empowering to

represent the Divine. How different is Sir CP's statement from that

of the popes?


Sir CP:


" One thing I want to mention - World Council - is that She (Shri

Mataji) desires for me to convey to you that the World Council is

the highest authority in Sahaja Yoga, representing Her will. And

this will be, the World Council, will be the final deciding

authority in Sahaja Yoga collectives. There should be no doubt about

that. That is Her will, and on behalf of Her, the World Council will

be acting. Is that clear to everyone? That is Her will and She asked

me to convey this, and I am conveying it to you. The final authority

is the World Council. Everything else emanates from the World

Council. Whatever decision is to be taken, the World Council takes,

because that is Her will. The Council represents Her will. Alright?

So there should be no confusion in future. That has been decided.

Thereafter, what happens where is a matter for the World Council to

decide. We have now to move forward, carry forward the message and

act on that basis. " (End of quote)


But what was Shri Mataji's original aim?


In December, 2003, before She left America, Shri Mataji created The

World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga. The purpose of

this body is to stimulate the further growth of Sahaja Yoga and to

provide support to the efforts of all the national collectives.


The World Council for the Advancement of Sahaja Yoga is composed of

34 members designated as world leaders. Advisors of the Council for

financial, legal and communications affairs have also been

identified. The Council is expected to meet twice a year.


The announcement from Shri Mataji reads as follows:


" The world is in turmoil today. People everywhere are anxious about

the future. What they need is the soothing, uniting, elevating

spiritual message of Sahaja Yoga. They have to be enabled to

experience " Self Realization " and thereby attain inner

transformation. Only then will they begin to regard all human beings

as members of one global family regardless of their race, culture

etc. Only then will they discard hatred and violence.... Sahaja

Yogis have a momentous responsibility at this crucial time in human

history. They have to spread Sahaja Yoga in all the parts of the

world by written and spoken word.... For this purpose, a well

thought out approach is required. " (End of quote)


So what can we conclude from all this?


" Dear brothers and sisters! Sahaja yogis of Russia!


I would like to use this only possibility to address to you all. The

stage, when Divine Incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founded

and personally was in charge of Sahaja yoga, has finished. The time

has come now, when without Her participation formation of a new

worldwide organization named Sahaja Yoga takes place. The new

leaders, basing on their experience and beliefs emphatically

suggested me to leave the position of leader of Russia and a member

of the World Council I have been taking, as they need a completely

controllable and easily directed from abroad candidate. I do not see

possibility for myself to take part in such organization, as well as

I do not want to fight and act with the same methods they do. Thus I

leave the position I was given in 1999 by Shri Adi Shakti, as now a

new organization is created, where I cannot be a leader, as

principles of it's formation contradict everything taught by our

Mother. I would like to thank you for all your great love and

support, which I felt for all these 6 years. Thank you very much for

we together reached unseen spread of Sahaja Yoga in Russia and are

second (in quantity) collective in the world. And in quality, I

think, the first! I leave with clear conscience.


With all my love and best wishes,

ex-leader of Sahaja Yoga in Russia

Perezhogin S.V.





The stage Shri Mataji founded and was in charge is over, as the

principles of it's formation contradicts everything taught by our

Mother. That is why we cannot empower those who have usurped Shri

Mataji's Will and reduced Her to a convenient rubberstamp .......

and a lovely PR prop during a picture shoot. Always remember that

your own Eternal Mother within is bearing witness to all, and the

kundalini recording every second. She has all your records dating

back countless billions years into the dawn of time. Do not empower

those who now claim to represent Her Will. It is a poisoned pawn to

defeat them in Her endgame. Retreat and disassociate yourself from

the deluded humans engaged in the power struggles of Her Maya.


The stage the Devi's incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founded

and was in charge is over. It is time to withdraw our senses and

attention from the silent 83-year-old Shri Mataji approaching

Mahasamadhi and seek the sanctuary and sanctity of Her eternal Self

and Abode within. Seek the Devi within and, merging with Her, be Her!



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