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It is the Adi Shakti's Divine Drama...

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, Suzy Creamcheese

<suzyogi wrote:


> Thanks for being here to discuss these things. We all know we can't discuss

openly among the SY organization.



> Love,

> Suzy



Dear Suzy,


Thank you for being here and caring about Shri Mataji enough to question what is

going on. i believe Shri Mataji has raised this issue to the forefront at this

time, in order for it to be dealt with, because this is the Last Judgment Time,

when nobody can hide anything under the carpet anymore. No religious regimes can

get away with power over the masses anymore... without themselves being

implicated in turn. i remember Shri Mataji telling us that because of the

spiritual forces now around us, that we are pretty well reaping what we sow...

'instantly now'. This is different to before. i guess this is so... because it

is Last Judgment Time. This is " End Game " time. This is Decision Time to follow

the Forces of Light... or of darkness.


So... do we really believe " even for one minute " ! that Shri Mataji is going to

allow the Hijackers of Her Will to get away with trying to make a religion out

of Her Teachings! She was " dead against " any such thing, and i heard Her say in

Sydney that:


" I hope nobody tries to make a religion out of My Teachings " .


(i also know She has often repeated the same.)


So... at this 'instant karma' Time... we can see the religious regimes

crumbling, disintegrating and imploding. They are now reaping what they have

sown over the millenniums of time. And " Seekers of the Truth " , whom Shri Mataji

often addressed 'in those very words'... are now being given the opportunity...

" through self-realisation " ... to free themselves from the shackles of ALL

religious regimes.




But... this is going backwards and not forwards at all!


i don't even know how Sir C.P. can describe what WCASY is doing as " moving

forward " . His whole speech was to tell SYs to obey WCASY. Then he said that his

message to obey WCASY should be carried forward and be acted upon. This is what

he said!:


" Thereafter, what happens where is a matter for the World Council to decide. We

have now to move forward, carry forward the message and act on that basis. "



Obeying WCASY and carrying forward WCASY's message is moving backwards... and

not forwards. In fact, Sahaja Yoga is about the Adi Shakti's Message, and not

about WCASY's message. They are just trying to confuse the two, and make Her

Will blend with their leadership wills for power over the masses. That is why i

too believe that is why Shri Mataji has " gone Silent " .... and refuses to speak

One Word. To me... this is an outward and external sign that She refuses to

empower them... by saying nothing, but just witnessing as this Divine Drama



Shri Mataji always discussed things openly. By actually writing and giving Her

" To Whomsoever It May Concern " Letter... She knew what She was doing. She must

have known it would turn into a Drama of Major Proportions, but She has often

taught that She works things out via Dramas. She has said it is a Play of the

Divine.... yes???!!! And She has asked us to play our role or part in that



So... we are. Her Devotees have to play their part too! We cannot remain on the

fence, while the religionists that want to " POWER IT " over the masses in Sahaja

Yoga.... only play " their role " in the drama. We " also " have to play our role in

this Divine Drama of major proportions, because it is a Drama of Dharma of Major

Historical Significance. This Drama will see the Power of the Adi Shakti as

victorious over " all " religious regimes. They demise is certain.


So... you see! This is clearly not WCASY's drama, nor Sir C.P.'s drama. It is

the Adi Shakti's Drama... and She will play this drama through Her Children 'to

the finish'. Her Message will be victorious and will go out... as the astrologer



A passage from the Bible (NIV) meaning " New Internatiional Version " shows the

dimensions of this Divine Drama, and how we have to be prepared to partake in

this drama by putting on the full armour of God:


" Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the

devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against

the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and

against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on

the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to

stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm

then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of

righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes

from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith,

with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the

helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. "

(Ephesians 6:11-17)


http://www.ibs.org/niv/passagesearch.php?passage_request=Ephesians+6%3A11-17 & niv\

=yes & submit=Lookup






> Dear all,


> Indeed, seek her within; that is where she is. Her physical

manifestation is not necessary and actually it never was. We needed

her physical presence to help us get beyond our egos; so that at the

time of our realization we would have a physical something to

attribute it to. Otherwise, if we got our realization spontaneously,

being the ego oriented beings we are, we would have thought it was us

alone who did it. Well, another one of my theories.


> Shri Mataji's vibrations can be felt for many, many miles. At

one of this year's pujas I felt her vibrations long, long before she

arrived at the puja hall. I was wondering why they had not started

playing Swagata Agata.


> Thanks for being here to discuss these things. We all know we

can't discuss openly among the SY organization.



> Love,

> Suzy


> Violet <violet.tubb wrote:

> Dear Suzy,


> In regards to 'strokes'... apparently the most common language

disorder following a stroke is aphasia. Here is what it says about

'aphasia' in the Miller-Keane Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Medicine,

Nursing & Allied Health (Sixth Edition):


> aphasia (ah-fa'shah) defect or loss of the power of expression by

speech, writing, or signs, or of comprehension of spoken or written

language, due to disease or injury of the brain centers, such as

after STROKE SYNDROME on the left side.


> PATIENT CARE. Aphasia is a complex phenomenon manifested in

numerous ways. The recovery period typically is very long, sometimes

extending to months and years. Because communication is such a vital

part of everyday living, loss of the capacity for verbal expression,

whether in speaking or writing, can profoundly affect the personality

and behaviour of an aphasic patient. Although aphasic persons usually

require extensive treatment by specially trained speech therapists,

all persons concerned with the care of the patient should practice

techniques that will help minimize frustration and improve

communication with the aphasic patient.


> In Potter & Perry's " Fundamentals of Nursing " p.1652-53... it says:


> Communication...


> The most common language disorder following a stroke is aphasia. As

a result of a disruption in blood flow to the brain, the speech

centre becomes damaged, altering a person's ability to either use or

understand spoken words. Depending on the type of aphasia, the

inability to communicate can be frustrating and frightening.


> Communication Methods (Clients with Aphasia):


> Listen to the client and wait for the client to communicate.

> Do not should or speak loudly (hearing loss is not the problem).

> If the client has problems with comprehension, use simple, short

questions and facial gestures to give additional clues.

> Speak of things familiar and of interest to the client.

> If the client has problems speaking, ask questions that require

simple yes or no answers or blinking of the eyes. Offer pictures or a

communication board so that the client can point.

> Give the client time to understand; be calm and patient.

> Do not pressure or tire the client.

> Avoid patronising and childish phrases.


> The nurse should initially establish very basic communication and

recognise that aphasia does not indicate intellectual impairment or

degeneration of personality. The nurse explains situations and

treatments that are pertinent to the client, since he or she may

understand. Because a stroke often causes partial or complete

paralysis of one side of the client's body, an aphasic client may

need special asistive devices. There are communication boards that

have been developed for several levels of disability. (End Quote)


> i would not be a bit surprised if Shri Mataji had a partial stroke.

When i saw a picture of Her, i showed it to my husband who is a

Registered Nurse (Division I). He has worked with people suffering

from stroke and is experienced at picking up visual clues. He said to

me: " It looks like She has had a partial stroke! " i have to say that

when i looked at Her Photo, i actually thought the same, which is why

i asked Peter to look at the Photo just to confirm my suspicions.


> However... 'given the above info'... there is no apparent reason

why Shri Mataji should not attempt to communicate... " unless She does

not want to. " Perhaps what Jagbir is saying... is more true than we

" even care to believe " .


> i will repeat what Jagbir has written:


> " That brings us back to the same question: But why is Shri Mataji

silent for so long and continues to bear witness to the official

orgies of the copulating parties tightly locked in embrace in their

lust for power and self-aggrandizement?


> But then She promised to spread Sahaja Yoga before attaining

Mahasamadhi. i know Her deafening silence has begun raising outsiders

who will complete that task, and continue long after She has left.

Shri Mataji has steered through the conflicting loyalties and aims of

some of her so-called followers who are enemies in disguise. Despite

all this, She has found the way to the goal of Her life, viz.,

universal Self-Realization! There is nothing WCASY or Sir Shiva can

do to stop Her now. It does not matter anymore if Sir Shiva does not

agree to uphold the truth of www.adishakti.org and www.al-qiyamah.org

which Dr. B presented and made clear to him in a lengthy letter that

called for his unconditional duty towards Shri Mataji. It is obvious

that WCASY and Sir Shiva work hand in glove to suppress Shri Mataji's

Divine Message to humanity, and both have made clear their intentions

and we have evidence. The Adi Shakti, both within and without, knows

that neither WCASY nor Sir CP is

> interested in propagating Her Incarnation and Message.


> i know deep in my heart that Shri Mataji did not summoned Dr. B to

examine Her ear. In Her silence She has exposed all those who work

against Her, specifically her husband Sir Shiva. She also laid bare

the boldness and blasphemy humans are capable of, acts they would

shuddered of committing when She was in Her element. Perhaps this was

to be Her final act to expose the negativity that has overwhelmed the

Sahaja Yoga organization. Perhaps all this is a harbinger of the

trials and tribulations to be faced by the faithful, concerned and

conscientious after She departs.


> Remember the supreme devotion (parabhakti) She has described? That

is your only sanctuary now ............. seek Her within! " (End Quote)


> What Jagbir says resonates as the truth to me.


> violet


> , Suzy Creamcheese

> <suzyogi@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> >

> > Or maybe Shri Mataji's body had a stroke. Makes sense since her

> left side seemed to be paralysed for some time (Although I saw her

> use her left hand at the 2006 Shri Krishna Puja).

> > Also makes sense that no one will admit to it, since if one has a

> stroke one needs medical attention immediately. Now, if the


> took the time to call Sir CP and waited for his return before


> medical attention, as was reported some time back,

> > then it stands to reason that Shri Mataji's left side, speech and

> cognitive skills could be effected. Certainly the family would not

> want the knowledge to go out that they dragged their feet getting


> proper attention. So, another problem is circulated as truth. Even

> if she has gotten her speech back, it may not be in the family's


> WCASY's best interest to allow lectures as her cognitive skills may

> be effected.

> >

> > Just my theory but from what I've seen and heard the stroke

> theory may be based on a true hypothosis.

> >

> > Suzy

> >

> >

> > Violet <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > Dear All,

> >

> > But why is Shri Mataji silent for so long and continues to bear

> witness? Perhaps the following is why Shri Mataji is silent for so

> long and continues to bear witness.

> >

> > violet

> >

> > Sir CP

> > One thing I want to mention - World Council - is that She (Shri

> > Mataji) desires for me to convey to you that the World Council is

> the

> > highest authority in Sahaja Yoga, representing Her will.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > And this will be, the World Council, will be the final deciding

> > authority in Sahaja Yoga collectives.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > There should be no doubt about that.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > That is Her will, and on behalf of Her, the World Council will be

> > acting.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > Is that clear to everyone?

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > That is Her will and She asked me to convey this, and I am

> conveying

> > it to you.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >


> >

> > i did not like the original scenario where Shri Mataji was


> to say " OF COURSE " . So... in this scenario... i have Sir C.P.


> it instead:

> >

> > Violet

> > Sir C.P., you must be aware that Shri Mataji wrote a letter in

> reference to yourself, where She stated that: " Any advice from him

> should not be accepted at all. "

> >

> > Sir C.P.


> >

> > Violet

> > Sir... i therefore believe you should respect the Desire of Her

> Devotees to do just as Shri Mataji has requested.

> >

> > Sir C.P.


> >




> >

> > Sir CP

> > The final authority is the World Council.

> >

> > Shri Mataji:

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir CP

> > Everything else emanates from the World Council.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > Whatever decision is to be taken, the World Council takes,


> that is Her will.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > The Council represents Her will.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > Alright?

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > So there should be no confusion in future.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > That has been decided.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > Thereafter, what happens where is a matter for the World Council


> decide.

> >

> > Shri Mataji

> > Any advice from him should not be accepted at all.

> >

> > Sir C.P.

> > We have now to move forward, carry forward the message and act on

> that basis.

> >

> > Violet

> > Sir... it is more important to please Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


> 100,000 WCASY members!

> >

> > 'Why, after hearing the kind of advice you gave, i am not


> at all that Shri Mataji said: " Any advice from him should not be

> accepted at all. "

> >

> > violet

> >

> > http://www.sahajayoga.org/swan/view/swan_512_2006.asp

> > http://www.adishakti.org/images/sm_1998_letter.JPG

> > /message/

> 6321?var=1 & l=1

> >

> > ,

> > " Violet " <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji hand-wrote a letter, in which She advised Sahaja

> Yogis

> > not to listen to " any " advice from her husband. Here is that


> > >

> > > To Whomsoever It May Concern:

> > >

> > > " I want to state that nobody has any right on my body, without


> > permission. I should not be treated by any doctor vidya or any

> other

> > person. Specially my husband and my family members should not at

> all

> > have any say in my sickness. No one has to admit me in any

> hospital.

> > Even Sahaja Yogis can not admit me in the hospital or treat me or

> > arrange any doctor for treatment for me. I want to declare that


> > family should never admit me in the hospital. Specially my


> > has no right over my body AND ANY ADVICE FROM HIM SHOULD NOT BE

> > ACCEPTED AT ALL. In short, I do not want to be admitted in any

> > hospital by anyone. Before my death I will write what is to be


> > with my body. "

> > > (sg. Mataji Nirmala devi - Mrs. Nirmala Srivastava 10th Dec.


> > > http://www.adishakti.org/images/sm_1998_letter.JPG

> > >

> > > The letter above looks just like a letter a person would write,

> if

> > they want to be sure that they are treated... " or not treated "

> > according to their own wishes. Shri Mataji seems to be

> acknowledging

> > in the above letter that She is already having... or will be


> > 'a sickness'. i imagine a letter like that would not be liked by

> any

> > husband or family (whoever they are)... yet every individual has

> > exactly that right... to write such a letter, expressing their

> > wishes... if they so please.

> > >

> > > And... Shri Mataji has such a right too. Just because She also


> > the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti, does not mean others have


> > over Her Body or even over Her Will. In fact, She is clearly

> > asserting in this letter that neither her husband, her family, or

> > Sahaja Yogis have any rights over her body... without Her express

> > permission:

> > >

> > > " I want to state that nobody has any right on my body, without


> > permission. "

> > >

> > > Therefore... in hindsight... perhaps that Drama in Italy was a

> > Drama of Dharma to protect our Mother. i am sure i could hear the

> > rumbling of a Quick Exit all the way from Down Under. i have


> > seen nor heard of Shri Mataji ever making such a speedy exit...

> > especially when Her Children from Italy and other countries, were

> > just wanting to make sure that Her wish (as per the above letter)

> was

> > being upheld. Therefore... it would appear, that the benefit of


> > QUICK EXIT was for WCASY and Co, who of course flew at lightning

> > speed over the Atlantic Ocean into the Sheltering Reprieve of


> > Wherry Country... " USA " . In their happiness at a World First, the

> > Italians were forgotten. What the Italians and others had to


> > was dismissed. Any leaders involved... were sacked. The media


> > made the Italians and others " at fault " and made the WCASY look

> like

> > the Heroes that Rescued Their Mother " . i am sure, according to

> > them... if the Letter were followed, She would not be given

> > medications, unless She approved them... and to WCASY et al...

> their

> > Worldview appears to be that " no medication for Shri Mataji's

> > sickness spells bodily danger " . i really believe they convinced

> > themselves that they were rescuing Shri Mataji from the Italians.

> > That is how it came across anyway.

> > >

> > > Here is the letter to " My dear Modi and other Sahaja Yogis " (of

> > which the original was handwritten by SM)... and please pay


> > attention to Shri Mataji's Worldview of Her Body and what it is

> meant

> > to undergo for the mission for which it has been taken, and that

> > therefore She is not bothered. She talks about working under

> > anaesthesia... folks. This is not a normal lady... lets face it!

> She

> > also says that She " never has pains " . This is an official letter

> > which She wanted everyone to see and read, because it gave us Her

> > Bodily Worldview. (However, as Shri Mataji is 'wont to do'... She

> > again hides this information very cleverly " right out in the

open "

> to

> > be discovered... if we " really look " .)

> > >

> > > Here then is the letter, which She gave to Modi... with the

> request

> > to " please circulate this letter among all Sahaja Yogis " :

> > >

> > > My dear Modi and other Sahaja Yogis,

> > >

> > > Many blessings. Received your letter. I am very glad to know


> > > your Ida Nadi has become clean and I hope, Ida Nadis of all have

> > > become clean at least to some extent. Here I had told all that I

> > > would work, while under anaesthesia, to clean the Ida channels


> > > all. I worked for 3 days cleaning it by vomiting nearly 50 times

> > > every day and it is nice that the cleaning has become possible.

> > >

> > > This physical being has to be used for the mission for which it

> has

> > > been taken and therefore I am not bothered by the illness and

> other

> > > troubles. On the contrary all such and different experiments


> > > this incarnation will have to be performed.

> > >

> > > Why are you so anxious about it? What else is the use of this

> body?

> > > I never have any pains. All I want is that, in the laboratory of

> > > this body, some work or the other must go on. Time is short


> > > the work to be done is very big.

> > >

> > > You cannot do the cleaning of Ida channel only on the strength


> > > your realisation. I knew that it had to be cleaned from within.

> > >

> > > In ancient days all seekers had to do this action (Kriya)

> constantly

> > > right from their childhood at the residences of their gurus at

> > > isolated places. The seekers had to do it individually in many

> > > lives. Because, now you have attained the state of collectivity


> > > have done it in collective consciousness.

> > >

> > > Although you say I have done it, the distinction of you and I

> should

> > > not be there in collective consciousness. Mantras ''Twam


> > > Twam Durga, Twam Ambika etc.'' are good for Ida Channel, but


> > > you are established in Sahaja Yoga, you will have to say 'Aham

> > > Bhavani'. However this Mantra can be said only when your purity

> > > becomes one with that of 'Aham Bhavani' and I tell you now


> > > that this will happen.

> > >

> > > After cleaning the Ida Channel I am awakening Pingala Nadi.

> > > Sahaja Yogis had become rather lethargic due to the


> of

> > > Ida Channel. Laziness and a tendency of avoiding the work was

> > > dominating in them. Their attention was being frittered away on

> > > avoiding the work. But I have now started the work of awakening

> > > Pingala Channel. All of you should raise your right hand from

> right

> > > side over your head and leave it on the left side but while


> > > it, you must apply your will power so that your desires will

> > > materialize.

> > >

> > > With the awakening of collectivity, you will have many people to

> > > share your work which you are doing alone.

> > >

> > > The sphere of Sahasrara envelops your heart. When conditioning


> > > heart is reduced, as if the glass of a lamp becomes clean, rays


> > > ever resplendent Spirit awaken Sahasrara sheath and the light of

> > > bliss spreads, which is felt in Sahasrara. This light


> all

> > > sides of colourful heart and decorates it with the qualities


> > > can be described as pleasing, blissful etc. Gradually this state

> > > will grow and become stable within you.

> > >

> > > Most of the Sahaja Yogis should try this method, but there


> > > not be merely the mechanical movement of hands. Whatever you


> it

> > > should be done with the faith that you have in worshipping,


> of

> > > a warrior and sensitivity of an artist. There should be complete

> > > purity in the recitation of Mantras to awaken the deities and


> > > heart must be involved in it. Only then the awakening will take

> > > place.

> > >

> > > You should understand a simple principle. How can a big fire be

> lit

> > > with a small match stick? Will a wick hold the flame if water is

> > > mixed in the oil? How can those Sahaja Yogis have enlightenment

> who

> > > are using Sahaja Yoga to solve only their own petty problems?


> > > why should God give them the enlightenment? Lighthouses do not

> show

> > > light to themselves even for a moment. Therefore, they are

> > > considered so important and are looked after.

> > >

> > > Please circulate this letter among all Sahaja Yogis.

> > >

> > > Your Mother - NIRMALA

> > >

> > >

> > > So... please note especially these words:

> > >

> > > " Why are you so anxious about it? What else is the use of this

> > body? I never have any pains. All I want is that, in the


> > of this body, some work or the other must go on. Time is short

> while

> > the work to be done is very big. " (End Quote) (Given what Shri

> > Mataji says in these amazing words, and given what She says in


> > " To Whomsoever It May Concern " letter about not wanting

> hospitals...

> > it can be seen that the Spirit in the two letters indicate a


> > personality' with a similar 'bodily worldview'.

> > >

> > > i believe it was not long after that the Big Announcement with

> the

> > Infamous Response of " OF COURSE! " was recorded. A dramatic Letter

> of

> > Shri Mataji's that the Italians 'surfaced'... obviously demanded


> > equally dramatic and unprecedented " OF COURSE " from Shri Mataji.


> > was amazing how the two words of " Of Course " ... made the world

" so

> > right " for WCASY and Co. However, the question needs to be asked:

> > > Did those two words of " OF COURSE " also 'make the world right'

> for

> > Mother? "

> > >

> > > Because i have a few questions:

> > >

> > > Why did WCASY not do the right thing and get a Handwriting


> > on the spot to clear any confusion and authenticate the Letter


> > the Italians claim Shri Mataji wrote? Because as administrators


> > Sahaja Yoga Organisation, they owe at least 'that much' to Sahaja

> > Yogis worldwide. That they did not 'do so' (that is get a

> handwriting

> > expert) to verify the Letter... implicates WCASY very much... as

> not

> > doing the right thing.

> > >

> > > Now the job of WCASY as administration, is essentially

> > communication:

> > > " Leaders should be very careful. They should become free of all

> > arrogance. They are only a communication link, like I have to put


> > letter in the envelope and post it. " (Gudi Padwa - 24 March, 1993)

> > > (Excerpt Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 10 Feb. 1996)

> > >

> > > However, the communication severely broke down on two counts.


> > first count was the failure to get a Handwriting Expert to

> > authenticate the Letter. The second, was to flee the country. Am


> > awake or am i dreaming or am i under some illusion? Because not


> > get a Handwriting Expert, and to flee the country at breakneck

> speed.

> > What does that indicate? (rhetorical question)

> > >

> > > So... 'as already given'... Shri Mataji has stated in Her

> > (regarding her husband) that:

> > >

> > > " Any advice from him should not be accepted at all " .

> > >

> > > That was probably the teensy weensy bit in the letter that


> > hated, and decided the better option was to get out of Italy real

> > fast.

> > >

> > > So... what is this advice that Shri Mataji said " should not be

> > accepted at all " ? Here it is:

> > >

> > >

> > > Sir CP:

> > > " One thing I want to mention - World Council - is that She


> > Mataji) desires for me to convey to you that the World Council is

> the

> > highest authority in Sahaja Yoga, representing Her will. And this

> > will be, the World Council, will be the final deciding authority


> > Sahaja Yoga collectives. There should be no doubt about that.


> is

> > Her will, and on behalf of Her, the World Council will be acting.

> Is

> > that clear to everyone? That is Her will and She asked me to


> > this, and I am conveying it to you. "

> > >

> > > Sir CP:

> > > " The final authority is the World Council. Everything else

> emanates

> > from the World Council. Whatever decision is to be taken, the


> > Council takes, because that is Her will. The Council represents


> > will. Alright? So there should be no confusion in future. That


> > been decided. Thereafter, what happens where is a matter for the

> > World Council to decide. We have now to move forward, carry


> > the message and act on that basis. "

> > >

> > > (Btw... in between the two paragraphs of Sir C.P.'s was the

> famous

> > alleged " OF COURSE " from Shri Mataji.)

> > >

> > > Now... lets remember that Shri Mataji advised us not to listen


> > any advice that Sir C.P. gave. As Sir C.P. was " giving advice " to

> > which Shri Mataji 'supposedly agreed'... this is proof that Shri

> > Mataji did not know what She was saying 'of course' to. If She


> > what She was supposedly saying 'of course' too, She would not


> > agreed with it. All you have to do is read Her Letter to know She

> > would not have agreed with it:

> > >

> > > To Whomsoever It May Concern:

> > >

> > > " I want to state that nobody has any right on my body, without


> > permission. I should not be treated by any doctor vidya or any

> other

> > person. Specially my husband and my family members should not at

> all

> > have any say in my sickness. No one has to admit me in any

> hospital.

> > Even Sahaja Yogis can not admit me in the hospital or treat me or

> > arrange any doctor for treatment for me. I want to declare that


> > family should never admit me in the hospital. Specially my


> > has no right over my body and any advice from him should not be

> > accepted at all. In short, I do not want to be admitted in any

> > hospital by anyone. Before my death I will write what is to be


> > with my body. "

> > > (sg. Mataji Nirmala devi - Mrs. Nirmala Srivastava 10th Dec.


> > > http://www.adishakti.org/images/sm_1998_letter.JPG

> > >

> > > Lets also not forget that the astrologers predictions are


> > coming true:

> > >

> > > " The T-square formations between Moon-Mars, Venus, Jupiter and

> > Neptune, indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be

> hindered

> > by obstructive activities of evil and negative forces. " (End


> > >

> > > (This part of the prediction has already come true. WCASY have

> > obstructed knowledge of Shri Mataji's Identity, as well as Her

> > Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection to the world-at-

> large.

> > The astrologer's description of " obstructive activities of evil


> > negative forces " sounds 'spot on' too.)

> > >

> > > " Also Mataji might have to steer through conflicting loyalties

> and

> > aims, of some of her so-called followers who are enemies in

> disguise. "

> > > (End Quote)

> > >

> > > (We have shown how time and again that there are many " so-


> > followers " who are not following Shri Mataji's Leading at all.


> > they are enemies in disguise is becoming very apparent. The


> > in Italy, i think, is a prime example. i think this prediction


> > also already come true.)

> > >

> > > " But despite all this, she will find her way to the goal of her

> > life, viz., universal Self-Realization! " .

> > > /message/6321

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> > >

> > > , " jagbir

> > > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > This incident is evidence that Shri Mataji does not talk to

> Sir

> > CP

> > > > > as has been claimed by WCASY and himself. It is just not


> as

> > > > > She has stopped talking due to the medication administered


> > Her.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Shri Mataji used to be a prolific talker who literally spent


> > > > last three decades traversing and criss-crossing the globe


> > > > year in an effort to enlighten humanity. We all know the

> > prodigious

> > > > time and effort spent by Her in talking with fellow human

> beings,

> > > > sometimes for hours at end. She promised to spread Sahaja Yoga

> > > > before attaining Mahasamadhi.

> > > >

> > > > Then a minor incident in April 2003 snowballed into what we


> > > > today. Shri Mataji, then an octogenarian, had some

> hallucinations.

> > > > It ended with Her being given an anti-psychotic drug

> Risperidone.

> > > >

> > > > Since being given medication She has not communicated with any

> > > > person in any meaningful way over the last three years. i

> thought

> > > > the medication was the cause of Her inability to talk.


> > today

> > > > i have realized that is NOT THE CASE! Risperidone does not

> silence

> > > > the patient.

> > > >

> > > > " Side Effects

> > > >

> > > > RISPERDAL® (risperidone) is generally safe and effective for

> > > > treating the symptoms of schizophrenia.

> > > >

> > > > With any medication, some people have side effects and some

> don't.

> > > > If you have any side effects with RISPERDAL, or feel you're


> > > > getting better, please talk to your doctor.

> > > >

> > > > The most common side effects that may occur with RISPERDAL


> > > > anxiety, sleepiness, restlessness, tremors, and muscle

> stiffness;

> > > > dizziness, constipation, nausea, indigestion, runny nose,


> > and

> > > > rapid heartbeat.

> > > >

> > > > Studies suggest an increased risk of elevated blood sugar-

> related

> > > > side effects, and sometimes potentially fatal, in patients

> treated

> > > > with this class of medications, including RISPERDAL. Some

> people

> > may

> > > > need regular blood sugar testing.

> > > >

> > > > Some people taking RISPERDAL may feel faint or lightheaded


> > they

> > > > stand up or sit up too quickly. By standing up or sitting up

> > slowly

> > > > and following your doctor's dosing instructions, this side

> effect

> > > > may be reduced or it may go away over time.

> > > >

> > > > You may have heard the term " extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS). "

> These

> > > > are usually reversible movement disorders or muscle

> disturbances,

> > > > such as restlessness, tremors, and muscle stiffness. Some


> > > > taking RISPERDAL have these side effects. In clinical


> > these

> > > > side effects were uncommon at lower doses, but did increase


> > > > higher doses. If you have these symptoms, talk to your doctor.

> > > >

> > > > You may have heard the term " tardive dyskinesia. " These are

> > > > potentially irreversible, uncontrollable, slow or jerky


> or

> > > > body movements that can be caused by all medications of this

> type

> > > > (antipsychotics). If you have these symptoms, talk to your

> doctor.

> > > > Only your doctor should adjust your dose or stop your

> medication. "

> > > >

> > > > www.risperdal.com/

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > So why is Shri Mataji so silent for so long? It is as if Shri

> > > > Mahamaya is playing a game with those who have boldly


> Her

> > > > Will and now raised and praised Sir CP to be the incarnation


> > Shri

> > > > Shiva. Sir Shiva, in return for such a blessing, has



> > > > to act as judge, jury and executioner.

> > > >

> > > > Violet has raised a very troubling point that also pricked my

> > > > conscience:

> > > >

> > > > " Here then is the advice given from the person of whom Shri

> Mataji

> > > > wrote: " Any advice from him should not be accepted at all. "

> > > > (http://www.adishakti.org/images/sm_1998_letter.JPG) When you

> read

> > > > what he advised... i am sure it will become clear why Shri

> Mataji

> > > > told us not to listen to him:

> > > >

> > > >; Sir CP:

> > > >

> > > > " One thing I want to mention - World Council - is that She


> > > > Mataji) desires for me to convey to you that the World


> is

> > > > the highest authority in Sahaja Yoga, representing Her will.


> > > > this will be, the World Council, will be the final deciding

> > > > authority in Sahaja Yoga collectives. There should be no


> > about

> > > > that. That is Her will, and on behalf of Her, the World


> > will

> > > > be acting. Is that clear to everyone? That is Her will and


> > asked

> > > > me to convey this, and I am conveying it to you. The final

> > authority

> > > > is the World Council. Everything else emanates from the World

> > > > Council. Whatever decision is to be taken, the World Council

> > takes,

> > > > because that is Her will. The Council represents Her will.

> > Alright?

> > > > So there should be no confusion in future. That has been

> decided.

> > > > Thereafter, what happens where is a matter for the World

> Council

> > to

> > > > decide. We have now to move forward, carry forward the


> and

> > > > act on that basis. "

> > > >

> > > > http://www.sahajayoga.org/swan/view/swan_512_2006.asp

> > > > /message/

> > > 6321?threaded=1 & l=1

> > > >

> > > > " The T-square formations between Moon-Mars, Venus, Jupiter and

> > > > Neptune, indicate that some of the plans of Mataji might be

> > hindered

> > > > by obstructive activities of evil and negative forces. Also

> Mataji

> > > > might have to steer through conflicting loyalties and aims,


> > some

> > > > of her so-called followers who are enemies in disguise. But

> > despite

> > > > all this, she will find her way to the goal of her life, viz.,

> > > > universal Self-Realization! " .

> > > >

> > > > /message/


> > > >

> > > > That brings us back to the same question: But why is Shri


> > > > silent for so long and continues to bear witness to the


> > > > orgies of the copulating parties tightly locked in embrace in

> > their

> > > > lust for power and self-aggrandizement?

> > > >

> > > > But then She promised to spread Sahaja Yoga before attaining

> > > > Mahasamadhi. i know Her deafening silence has begun raising

> > > > outsiders who will complete that task, and continue long


> She

> > > > has left. Shri Mataji has steered through the conflicting

> > loyalties

> > > > and aims of some of her so-called followers who are enemies in

> > > > disguise. Despite all this, She has found the way to the goal

> of

> > Her

> > > > life, viz., universal Self-Realization! There is nothing


> or

> > > > Sir Shiva can do to stop Her now. It does not matter anymore


> > Sir

> > > > Shiva does not agree to uphold the truth of www.adishakti.org

> and

> > > > www.al-qiyamah.org which Dr. B presented and made clear to


> in

> > a

> > > > lengthy letter that called for his unconditional duty towards

> Shri

> > > > Mataji. It is obvious that WCASY and Sir Shiva work hand in

> glove

> > to

> > > > suppress Shri Mataji's Divine Message to humanity, and both


> > > > made clear their intentions and we have evidence. The Adi

> Shakti,

> > > > both within and without, knows that neither WCASY nor Sir CP


> > > > interested in propagating Her incarnation and Message.

> > > >

> > > > i know deep in my heart that Shri Mataji did not summoned Dr.


> to

> > > > examine Her ear. In Her silence She has exposed all those who

> work

> > > > against Her, specifically her husband Sir Shiva. She also


> > bare

> > > > the boldness and blasphemy humans are capable of, acts they

> would

> > > > shuddered of committing when She was in Her element. Perhaps

> this

> > > > was to be Her final act to expose the negativity that has

> > > > overwhelmed the Sahaja Yoga organization. Perhaps all this is


> > > > harbinger of the trials and tribulations to be faced by the

> > > > faithful, concerend and conscientious after She departs.

> > > >

> > > > Remember the supreme devotion (parabhakti) She has described?

> That

> > > > is your only sanctuary now ............. seek Her within!

> > > >

> > > > Jagbir

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Note: John Noyce, please sent a copy of this email to WCASY


> > Sir

> > > Shiva.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > , " jagbir singh "

> > > > <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Xxxxxx,

> > > > >

> > > > > Thank you for this 'shocking' mail. i did not know Sir CP


> now

> > > > > regarded as Shiva. Shri Mataji never ever even once hinted

> that

> > > her

> > > > > husband was in any way divine. On the contrary, She did


> > > that

> > > > > even Her own family (husband and children) do not recognize

> Her.

> > > > > How come now when Shri Mataji is old, drugged and

> incapacitated

> > we

> > > > > start hearing of things She never said? i.e., words are put

> in

> > Her

> > > > > mouth because She refuses to say so on Her own.

> > > > >

> > > > > So maybe we will have to wait for Sir C P to officially

> announce

> > > > > that he is Shiva. Perhaps then WCASY can request SYs to


> > > > > meditating on his lotus feet too.

> > > > >

> > > > > regards,

> > > > >

> > > > > jagbir

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Note: i just realized that WCASY's Sir Shiva has a serious

> > > > > credibility problem that will now haunt all of them. It is


> if

> > > > > Shri Mataji knew what was coming and gifted the guilty


> > > with

> > > > > enough rope to hang all who participated in this terrible

> > > > > transgression and blasphemy despite Shri Mataji's explicit

> > > > > instructions: " Specially my husband has no right over my


> > and

> > > > > any advice from him should not be accepted at all " .

> > > > >

> > > > > Why do i have this feeling that WCASY's Sir Shiva will need


> > lot

> > > > > of smoke and mirrors to pull this off?............. sorry, i

> > > forgot

> > > > > wool for SYs. But does Sir C P know he has been elevated to

> > Shiva

> > > > > by WCASY, perhaps without his knowledge or consent? WCASY


> > more

> > > > > sinister than we think ............... and time will tell.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Dear All,

> > > > > >

> > > > > > i read Shri Mataji's 1998 letter again and compared it


> > Her

> > > > > > previous chakra notes. Even with the brief notes i found

> that

> > > > > > letters " a, b, d. h. m, n, r, y " matched in both


> > i.e.,

> > > > > > there is no need for a handwriting expert. By all means


> > > > > > Mataji did write the letter below to all SYs and is no

> > forgery.

> > > > > > So what did She declare to all SYs?

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To whomsoever it may concern

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I want to state that nobody has any right on my body,

> without

> > my

> > > > > > permission I should not be treated by any doctor vidya or

> any

> > > > > > other person.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Specially my husband and my family members should not at


> > > have

> > > > > > any say in my sickness, no one has to admit me in any

> > hospital.

> > > > > > Even Sahaja Yogis cannot admit me to the hospital or


> me

> > or

> > > > > > arrange any doctor for treatment for me.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I want to declare that my family should never never admit

> me

> > in

> > > > > > the hospital. Specially my husband has no right over my

> body

> > and

> > > > > > any advice from him should not be accepted at all. In


> I

> > do

> > > > > > not want to be admitted in any hospital by anyone.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Before my death I will write what is to be done with my

> body.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > sg. Mataji Nirmala Devi

> > > > > > Mrs. Nirmala Srivastava

> > > > > > 10th. Dec 1998

> > > > > >

> > > > > > http://www.adishakti.org/images/sm_1998_letter.JPG

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear Jagbir,

> > > > >

> > > > > Jai Shri Mataji! We're so glad to have been told about your

> Shri

> > > > > Adishakti website because it has been very difficult and

> > > frustrated

> > > > > of not being able to express our views in these past two

> years

> > due

> > > > > to the total control of the Sahaj official website and

> national

> > > > > websites around the world by WCASY and their followers.

> > > > >

> > > > > My husband and I, who have been in Sahaj for more than 20

> years,

> > > > > truly admire you and your family for having such tremendous

> > > courage

> > > > > and inner strength to stand up for the Truth and sticking


> > your

> > > > > principles because we also have been subjected to similar

> fate

> > as

> > > > > you have been through in the past 3 years. We also have


> > > > > admiration for those true yogis like Sergei, Guido, Derek,


> > > > > Ganesh, Henry Ho, the late Dr. Harald Knobel, Avinash and

> > several

> > > > > more of my true brothers and sisters, whose characters have

> been

> > > > > tarnished, vilified and defamed publicly around the world in

> > > recent

> > > > >; years by WCASY and their followers. How many times have


> > > Mataji

> > > > > talked of Love? It is so apparent that after all these years

> > > > > they've never felt God's love in their heart and this is


> so

> > > > > many of them have fallen in the spider's web.

> > > > >

> > > > > However much they try to attack and discredit me, they can

> never

> > > > > ever ever destroy my spirit, my faith and my love for Shri

> > Mataji

> > > > > which are a permanent fixture in my heart! I must say,


> > have

> > > > > been times when the attacks they inflicted upon me was so

> > > > > horrendous that it has posed risk to my health and danger


> me

> > > > > and my family, I thought I would not be able to last any

> longer.

> > > > > My survival through this awful time only comes from the

> > > > > protection, guidance and love of Shri Mataji and using

> clearing

> > > > > and cleansing techniques which She has recommended to us on


> > > > > regular basis. She would come into my dreams regularly


> > > > > during or after an attack either to forewarn, to indicate,


> > > > > soothe, to advice, to love, to correct or to reassure me.

> > > > >

> > > > > My family and I withdrew from the collective which has

> nothing

> > to

> > > > > do of how we've been treated, but it has to do of how they,

> > > > > disgustingly, have been treating our Holy Divine Mother, God

> > > > > Almighty, Shri Adi Shakti for the past 3 and a half years.

> > Often I

> > > > > would cry my eyes out and feel so ashamed of us as human

> beings

> > > who

> > > > > have been giving the greatest blessing of all and look at


> > > > > they've done in the name of God. They violate Her Divine


> by

> > > > > silen(cing) Her with this anti-psychotic drug, they parade


> > > > > around without any respect for Her physical well being,


> > have

> > > > > group photos taken with Shri Mataji in order to pamper


> > ego,

> > > > > they totally disregard all protocols which are needed to be

> > > > > observed for Shri Adi Shakti, they anointed and


> > Sir C

> > > > > P and claimed publicly that Shri Mataji speaks through him


> > > > > that he is Shiva, they sanctified Kalpina and Sadna by


> > shri

> > > > > before their names, they show photo of Sir C P's feet in the

> > > > > official website, they praised Sir C P by chanting " Bolo,


> > > > > papaji qui jay! " at the last Diwali puja, and finally, the

> > > > > ultimate sin committed against Shri Mataji is that they are

> > doing

> > > > > their utmost to destroy by politicising, organising and

> > distorting

> > > > > the teachings and works of God Almighty!

> > > > >

> > > > > Shri Mataji has said that She is the Adi Shakti and She is


> > > only

> > > > > Incarnation on this earth, are they deaf or what? For all


> > > years

> > > > > we've been in Sahaj, of course we've great respect Sir C P

> and

> > his

> > > > > family, we never once regarded them as SYs. The only member

> of

> > the

> > > > > family who is a SY was Shri Mataji's beloved brother,

> BabaMama.

> > I

> > > > > would like to ask if anybody has witnessed any members of


> > > > > family worship, meditate and bow to Shri Mataji at pujas in

> all

> > > > > these years?

> > > > >

> > > > > I know that those who are now considered as 'outsiders' will

> > > > > continue carrying the divine flame of Shri Mataji's and no

> one

> > on

> > > > > this earth, particularly the WCASY and their followers, can

> stop

> > > us

> > > > > from spreading the True Message of our Holy Divine Mother.

> > > Gregoire

> > > > > had mentioned about fear in us, but do they have fear of


> > wrath

> > > > > of God?

> > > > >

> > > > > Jagbir, we'll keep in touch.

> > > > >

> > > > > Love,

> > > > >

> > > > > Xxxxxxx

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sir CP had no right to make public Shri Mataji's medical


> > and

> > > > file

> > > >

> > > > Dear Xxxxxxx,

> > > >

> > > > i consider Sir C P's divulging of Shri Mataji's medical


> and

> > > > history to all SY leaders as one of the greatest misfortune in

> > > > Sahaja Yoga history. Such matters were supposed to be strictly

> > > > confidential that, in order to be made public, required the

> > express

> > > > permission of Shri Mataji due to the highly damaging and

> explosive

> > > > nature of the medical file.

> > > >

> > > >




> > > >

> > > > Any information about you, whether in electronic or physical

> form,

> > > > regarding your medical history, mental or physical condition,


> > > > treatment is subject to California laws protecting your


> > > > record confidentiality.

> > > >




> > > >

> > > > To be valid, an authorization form used by health care

> providers,

> > > > HMOs and health care contractors must:

> > > >

> > > > Be handwritten by you (or your authorized representative

> signing

> > the

> > > > authorization form) or be typewritten in no smaller than 8-


> > > > type.

> > > >

> > > > Be clearly separate from any other language on the same page


> > > > have a line for your signature that serves no purpose other

> than

> > to

> > > > authorize the release of your information.

> > > >

> > > > Be signed by one of the following:

> > > >

> > > > -- you, the patient,

> > > > -- your legal representative if you are a minor or


> > > > -- the beneficiary or personal representative of a deceased

> > patient,

> > > > -- or your spouse or person financially responsible for you


> > the

> > > > sole purpose of processing an application for health care

> > insurance

> > > > or enrollment in a health care service plan or employee


> > plan

> > > > when you are to be an enrolled spouse or dependent under the

> > policy

> > > > or plan.

> > > > -- Specify the uses and limitations on the types of medical

> > > > information to be disclosed,

> > > >; -- Specify the name or functions of the health care provider

> that

> > > > may disclose the information,

> > > > -- State the name or functions of the persons or entities

> > authorized

> > > > to receive the medical information,

> > > > -- State the specific uses and limitations on the use of the

> > medical

> > > > information by the persons or entities authorized to receive


> > > > medical information,

> > > > -- State a specific date after which the health care provider

> is

> > no

> > > > longer authorized to disclose your medical record


> and

> > > > -- State that you have a right to receive a copy of the

> > > > authorization.12

> > > >



> > > >

> > > > Yes, but only in certain limited situations when necessary to

> > > > provide you with appropriate health care. Your doctor or HMO


> > > > required to release your medical record information, even

> without

> > > >; your written authorization, to the following:

> > > >

> > > > A court pursuant to a court order.

> > > >

> > > > A board, commission, or administrative agency for purposes of

> > > > resolving a dispute pursuant to its lawful authority.

> > > >

> > > > A party to a proceeding before a court or administrative


> > > > pursuant to an investigative subpoena.

> > > >

> > > > An arbitrator or arbitration panel, when arbitration is


> > > > requested by either party pursuant to a subpoena.

> > > >

> > > > A government law enforcement agency pursuant to a search


> > > >

> > > > http://www.calpatientguide.org/iii.html

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > None of the above conditions or reasons were met.

> > > >

> > > > Yes, some SYs may wonder why am i saying it only now. Well, i

> was

> > > > under the impression that the 10th. Dec 1998 letter of Shri

> Mataji

> > > > was a forgery i.e., She never wrote it. Only lately i


> > that

> > > > She did in fact write it and Her instructions were crystal

> clear

> > and

> > > > unequivocal.

> > > >

> > > > If WCASY had sided with Her instead of Sir CP, or at least


> Her

> > > > express permission first for medical treatment and release of

> > > > information, the present crisis would not have come. After


> > how

> > > > difficult was it for them to ask Shri Mataji on probably Her

> most

> > > > important personal desire? WCASY seems to have all the time


> > > > luxury to ask 1001 mundane questions but not concerning Her

> > express

> > > > written order!!!??? How many of you would want your medical

> file

> > be

> > > > made public without your permission? This reeks of a most

> > > > frightening negativity and foul play!

> > > >

> > > > So SYs now think that WCASY's claim that Shri Mataji speaks

> > through

> > > > Sir CP is true and that he is Shiva? Let me tell you


> to

> > > > the contrary.

> > > >;

> > > > Last year a SY ENT expert, Dr. B, was summoned to Genoa,


> by

> > > > Sir CP to treat Shri Mataji's ear as She is hard of hearing.


> > the

> > > > appointed hour Dr. B met Sir CP and Shri Mataji. Dr. B asked

> Shri

> > > > Mataji if She wanted to be treated. There was no reply from


> > > > Then Dr. B again asked in a louder voice if he could examine

> Her.

> > > > Again Shri Mataji remained silent.

> > > >

> > > > It was then when Sir CP told Dr. B to go ahead as She had

> agreed.

> > > > Dr. B was quite shocked by Sir CP's insincerity since Shri

> Mataji

> > > > never gave any verbal hint or physical gesture that She can be

> > > > examined. Dr. B then silently asked Her for forgiveness as he

> was

> > > > about to perform an ear examination without Her permission.


> > > > incident is evidence that Shri Mataji does not talk to Sir CP

> as

> > has

> > > > been claimed by WCASY and himself. It is just not true as She

> has

> > > > stopped talking due to the medication administered to Her.

> > > >

> > > > WCASY's claim that Sir CP is Shiva is just pure fabrication.


> > was

> > > > necessary for WCASY to bestow divinity on him as Sir CP holds

> the

> > de

> > > > facto power in the organization, not Shri Mataji. She is now

> > reduced

> > > > to a mere puppet involuntarily holding a rubber stamp that is

> used

> > > > by WCASY to endorse and bless any undertaking - from

> assassinating

> > > > Guido, poisoning Avinash, garroting Perezhogin to suppressing


> > > > websites and demonizing my children. WCASY and their hired


> man

> > > > Alan Wherry is rumored to have now set the crosshair on Derek

> Lee.

> > > > Yes, WCASY claims that all such acts have the blessings of


> > > > Mataji who 'speaks' through Sir Shiva ................. just


> > > > Dr. B and you will know how much Shri Mataji's talks to Sir


> in

> > > > public or private.

> > > >

> > > > But the main question is: " Did Sir CP have Shri Mataji's

> > permission

> > > > to make public Her medical health and file " ? i have the right

> to

> > ask

> > > > because WCASY and Sir CP are now putting too many words in Her

> > > > incapacitated mouth. Their outrageous claim that Sir CP is

> > actually

> > > > Shiva is the last straw. Tens of thousands of SYs are either


> > > > blissfully unaware or unfortunately dull to comprehend what


> at

> > > > stake! It is outsiders like us who have to wake them up.

> > > >

> > > > Everything will be alright one day – i am sure too that the

>; > darkest

> > > > hour comes just before dawn. Your Mother Kundalini within is

> > > > recording all during the Last Judgment! Don't be fooled by

> humans

> > > > who claim to be Her Will or Shiva. The Devi within has no

> partners

> > > > or spouse. Even Shri Shiva meditates on Her! So do all others


> > Shri

> > > > Ganesha, Jesus, Krishna, Radha, Rama, Sita, Brahma, Saraswati,

> > > > Prophet Muhammad, Guru Nanak, Mahavira, Buddha - and all

> liberated

> > > > souls in the Spirit World. So stand your sacred ground and


> > > > budge an inch. Gladly leave the organization to continue on

> your

> > own

> > > > but don't ever sell your soul to WCASY or Sir Shiva. Your

> > allegiance

> > > > and attention at all times must be exclusively,


> > and

> > > > without any question whatsoever on the Adi Shakti, the Devi

> > within:

> > > >

> > > > " Now listen attentively about the supreme devotion


> > > > which I will now describe to you. He always hears my glories


> > > > recites my name. His mind always dwells in me, like the

> incessant

> > > > flow of oil, and he is the receptacle of all good qualities


> > > > gunas. But he does not have the least trace of any desire to

> get

> > the

> > > > fruits of his actions (karma). Indeed, he does not want the

> > various

> > > > levels of release (moksha), including being on the same plane

> as

> > God

> > > > (salokya), nearness to God (samipya), having the form of God

> > > > (sarsti), union with God (sayujya) and other forms of release.

> > > > Devi continues noting that true worshipers abandons all

> concepts

> > of

> > > > themselves, completely identify themselves with Devi, and


> no

> > > > distinctions between themselves and anything else. Worshipers

> find

> > > > Devi in everything, including other souls:

> > > >

> > > > He becomes filled with devotion for me alone, worships me


> > > > knows nothing higher than to serve me, and he does not even


> > > > final release. He does not like neglecting the notions of

> > " serving "

> > > > (sevya) and the " servant who serves " (sevaka). He always

> meditates

> > > > on me with a constant vigilance, actuated by a feeling of

> supreme

> > > > devotion. He does not think of himself as separate from me,


> > > > rather thinks to himself, " I am the Lord (Bhagavati). " He

> > considers

> > > > all souls (jivas) as myself, and loves me as he loves


> He

> > > > makes no distinction between the souls and myself since he

> finds

> > the

> > > > same pure consciousness (caitanya) everywhere and manifested


> > all.

> > > > He does not quarrel with anyone since he has abandoned all

> ideas

> > of

> > > > separateness. He bows down and worships the pure


> and

> > > > all the souls. He becomes filled with the highest love when


> > sees

> > > > my place, sees my devotees, hears the scriptures, describes my

> > > > deeds, and meditates on my mantras. His hairs stand on end


> of

> > > > love for me and his tears of love flow incessantly from both


> > his

> > > > eyes. He recites my name deeds in a voice that is choked with

> > > > feelings of love for me. With intense feeling he worships me


> > the

> > > > mother of this universe and the cause of all causes. " [Devi

> > > > Bhagavata Purana, 7.37]

> > > >

> > > > Jai Shri Ganapathy,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > jagbir

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Check out the all-new Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful

> email and get things done faster.

> >


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