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In the end the Truth matters most, whether a priest or pimp proclaims it.

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Dear All,


i received an email from a SY who had good reason to feel the

catches from some artcles in www.adishakti.org, and i explained:




Dear Jagbir,


From a few talks of Shri Mataji, she mentioned that that the world

we live in can only be saved by SYs so let's see ...


I was going through your website and read some articles which at

times, seems to condone other yogas, religions, sects, etc. (notes

that you copied from other sources). Since Shri Mataji is the the

Answer, would this mislead people? They may think they can combine

two or even three yogas, techniques, masters, which can be

confusing. I only question this, at times while reading some of the

quotes that you copied or even after I finished reading them, I can

feel catches / pain in my stomach void.







date Nov 23, 2006 12:19 PM

subject Re: Here they are ...

mailed-by gmail.com


Dear Xxxxxxxxx,


i doubt if we can ever attract people by Shri Mataji's quotes alone.

If Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti then She will be found in all

scriptures, religions and sects. It is how to synthesize all these

that makes the difference and leads others to Her. In the end the

Truth matters most, whether a priest or pimp proclaims it. The truth

is always the truth, and can never be depreciated by the person

mentioning it.









So i have to caution that some SYs will feel catches from the priest

or pimp, not from what they say. In some cases however these people

try to subtly glorify themselves. Truth is a double edged sword and

you must know how to wield it against its enemies. We must learn

the art of using the Truth against those false priests or pimps who

utter it. That can only be accomplished by quoting them in relation

to the Adi Shakti. They must all be challenged and subsequently

compelled to sulk away in silence, including the religious regimes.

i am just quoting their Truth. So how come they suddenly cannot

accept or agree with it any longer?


So this site is both for new seekers and SYs to learn.


i have appended below the quotes of two teachers who talk about the

Age of Aquarius. Only one has given evidence to convince seekers of

the Truth. The other is a false guru who alludes that he may be the

teacher who carries the pitcher of water. But then isn't what he is

saying reinforcing the Truth that Shri Mataji is saying too? Only by

quoting both is it possible to arrive at this conclusion and expose

the spiritual pimp and yet uphold the Truth he spoke.


Maybe we can now understand Her better:


" The Truth which is Absolute has to express itself in these Modern

Times. And even if it is not accepted it will never die. On the

contrary, if it is not accepted, it will expose all falsehood and

destroy it. "







The New Cosmic Period


We are living in an era signified by the beginning of a New Cosmic

Period that many people call New Age or the Age of Aquarius. Some

others may call it the Age of the Second Coming or of the Epiphany

of the Holy Spirit.


The characteristics of this new state are becoming more and more

visible as rhythm of life is accelerating rapidly along with the

concern for the events that reveal a universal crisis. There is a

constant wavering uncertainty and confusion for what the future

holds for humanity that seems to live the anxiety and pain of a New

Birth. We find ourselves at the Prodromic Phase, at the dawn of this

New Period, which is defined as a period of preparation, catharsis

and repentance. In other words, a shifting of the mind from limited

established ideas to Ideas of Divine Infinity and Truth. The

inspired revelations of the Scriptures and the unveiling of the

Divine Laws is only one of the examples of activating a universal

phenomenon on a spiritual quest which will lead to the enlightenment

of Humanity, as was written two thousand years ago. " And it shall

come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my

Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall

prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall

dream dreams. " (Acts 2:17).


There are three principal Cosmic Periods in the human evolutionary

course. The Prophetic Period or Age of Aries, where many enlightened

teachers prepared humanity and during which the Will of the Father

God was manifested by the Prophets. Next, there was the Cosmic

Period of the Incarnation of the Logos Christ, of the New Testament,

when the Will of God was manifested directly by Christ Himself, the

Son of God, the Ever Perfect, who came down from Heaven in order to

complete and expand what had been presented up until that time as

Divine Law. He did that through the teaching of " Love One Another " .


Today, approximately two thousand years later - that is how long a

Cosmic Period lasts - we have entered into the era where the second

part of the Christian revelation is taking place. It is a time that

Love and Unity prevail on the planet and the Spirit prevails over

the material.


That is, the time of the Second Coming of Christ within the souls of

men, the time for the Christofication and The ofication of Man, the

time for his return to Father God, as the words of Christ

revealed, " Through Me to the Father " . We find ourselves in the Age

of the Epiphany of the Holy Spirit, of the Paraclete, as Christ

Himself said just before His departure, " How be it, when he, the

Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he

shall not speak on his own; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall

he speak: and he will show you things to come. " (John 16, 13), at

the age of the revelation and ascent of the Woman-Soul, or as some

people call it, the Age of Aquarius. A characteristic of the Age of

Aquarius is realignments and changes in all areas of Human thought

and life, which bring an optimistic message to man: the Perfection

of man and his Divine Communion in the Kingdom of Heavens, His

Christofication and The ofication.


At the Last Supper, where Christ gave Holy Communion to his

disciples as a trust of activation of His Essence within them, the

Mystery took place in a specially selected residence according to

the scriptures. The Last Supper for the disciples was not just a

foretaste of their fulfillment in the Kingdom of God, but it also

showed explicitly that they were allowed to sit at the table of the

Father as Sons of God, something which was corroborated by previous

orations of Christ who said, " You are gods. " (John10:34) and " Be ye

therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is

perfect. " (Matthew 5:48), thus showing the magnitude of the Divine

Lineage and Divine Predestination of Man.


We know that the time and the place where each event unfolds play an

important role in the interpretation of the symbols in the

Scriptures. So, where does the Mystery of Holy Communion take place?

The answer is given in Christ's instruction to His disciples when

they ask Him where to prepare the meal. As the Gospel according to

Luke reports, " And he said unto them, Behold when ye are entered

into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of

water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. " (Luke

22:10). The man who holds the pitcher of water is the symbol of

Aquarius and the house symbolizes the period during which all of

humanity will receive the same Holy Communion, which the disciples

received at the Last Supper.


The New Cosmic Period





" If we have to change this world, and if we have to save our people

from complete destruction, we have to take to wisdom, and that is

only possible when the brain is enlightened by Kundalini. This is

what is very important today, when we see that this world is on the

verge of destruction. Of course, the Creator Himself is very anxious

to save us and that is why He has in these modern times which are

called Kali Yuga, made the All-pervading power activated.


So, now a New Age has started which is called the Age of Aquarius,

meaning the pitcher carrier of spiritual holy water that is the work

of Kundalini. The activity of the Kundalini is like the sap of the

tree that rises and nourishes all parts of the tree and does not get

stuck at one flower (subtle centre).


Moreover these are special times. This is the Resurrection Time (Al-

Qiyamah). The Last Judgment is done by the Kundalini. On the

fingertips one can feel oneself and can judge oneself. Moreover the

All-pervading power has become very activated, so the Kali Yuga

(these modem times or Age of Darkness) is passing into Krita Yuga of

Brahma Chaitanya (activated All-pervading power). This is helping

the en-masse enlightenment and self realisation.


After this will be Satya Yuga (Age of Truth). We have to take

advantage of this activity of the Brahma Chaitanya by all the time

being corrected with the All-pervading Power and achieving our

realisation and establishing it. After such a state a person becomes

very dynamic and compassionate. His race, sex, nationality and age

do not hamper his dynamic life.


There are so many blessings in Sahaja Yoga that it is impossible to

compile them into a book as it would require volumes and volumes to

assemble the experiences of the Sahaja Yogis.


Whatever one is doing now is relative in this modern world. In

relative terms, everything is working it out. This relative working

is not going to give any absolute results. Absolute knowledge only

comes from the Spirit, and so unless we know the Self, the Spirit,

we cannot know what is absolute and what is Absolute Truth.

Otherwise, when we live in the relative world we will be always

quarrelling, fighting and having wars. But if one is in the Absolute

then one knows that there is only one Truth for everything, and

there will be no more argument or discussion; everybody will enjoy

that Truth as it is Absolute. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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