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Shri Mataji: But the Muslims do not want to talk about Resurrection at all

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" I met a Russian who asked Me why the U.N. was helping the Muslims in Bosnia....

I was shocked at his perception of Muslims. I have such respect for so many of

them. I wish they could accept that this is not Jihad time anymore but Qiyamah

Time, the Resurrection Time, the Blossom Time. Are they going to miss it?


Both things are wrong; one has to understand that all these religions were born

on the same tree of spirituality and that people have plucked the flowers and

are fighting with these dead flowers. Of course there are some absurd things

which grew with misinterpretation and interference from unholy people, which are

common in these religions. For example, Jews, Christian and Muslims believe that

when they die their bodies will come out of their graves and they will all be

resurrected at the Time of Resurrection, at the Time of Last Judgment, at the

Time of Qiyamah. It is illogical to think what will remain inside those graves

after five hundred years. Nobody wants to think and understand that it is not

the body but the soul that will come out of these bodies, be born again as human

beings, and be saved through Qiyamah and Resurrection. Who will tell them? No

one can talk to them. As soon as one wants to talk one can be killed. This is

the only way they know — how to kill....


The greatest problem with the fundamentalists is that they have no compassion

because they do not love Mohammed Sahib, who He was and why He came on this

Earth. They do not know the Reality. They just think that they are right type of

people and that they can kill as many human beings as they want, and they can

create as many problems as they like, and they can destroy the rest of the

people who do not follow their fundamentalism. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi




" The worst part is the practice of conversion. People are being converted from

one religion to another not for faith but for non-religious reasons such as

matrimony or monetary gain. Bitter fights are going on in different parts of the

world between followers of different religions, all in the name of God Almighty!

This cruel phenomenon is not understood by any saintly person. Groups of people

claiming to profess the Islamic religion are in the forefront of these fights.


The Sufis amongst the Islamic people tried to tell them that this is not the way

to behave if you are a follower of Mohammed Sahib, because this brings a bad

name to Mohammed Sahib and to Islam.


There are some people who believe that Islam should be spread by Jihad. This was

never the idea of Mohammed Sahib. At the time when He was here on this Earth,

the people we facing a very difficult situation because there were lots of

tribes, and these tribes were fighting and killing all the people who were

taking to Islam. That was the time when it was alright to talk about Jihad, but

today there is no such problem. Moreover by talking incessantly of Jihad, they

are becoming very unpopular. Not only that, actually, they have achieved



By doing all this have they achieved their Self-Realization? Have they attained

their Qiyamah and have they found the Truth? Nothing of the kind has happened to

them. They are diverting the attention of people to wrong things and are trying

to do something which is absolutely no good for the peace of the world. It is

because of them that there are little wars going on in so many places. . . .


These religions inject fixed ideas into the brains of people. These fixed ideas

start developing in a collective way and this can produce a very big, collective

monster which can believe only in killing others and pushing its own ideas. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi




Dear All,


Shri Mataji is probably the first guru who has challenged the Muslims about

their comprehension of the Quran. Few, if any, will take on this dangerous task

that can bring serious repercussions, even fatal consequences. But that has not

deterred Her from speaking out boldly against their blind faith and ignorance,

as She has done to Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and others

as well.


" But the Muslims do not want to talk about Resurrection at all because they want

to frighten people with the Doomsday. They don't want to talk about the

Resurrection Time which is going to come - which is the intermediary time -

because they want to use the time which will frighten people by saying that:

'Now your Doomsday is coming! Now your Doomsday is coming!' Everyone is

frightened about God and they think, 'Now we should just wait for our doom.

Nothing at all in between.' "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Los Angeles, USA - 18 August 1983



Till the advent of Shri Mataji no one could explain the parables of the Holy

Scriptures and enlighten humans with priceless knowledge. It is not possible to

list them here as there are just too many. So i will just briefly discuss Her

quote above that, in a nutshell, turns Islam on its dead. i was stunned the

first time i realized that the Qur'an, without question, backed Her.........

stunned because my eyes could hardly believe the verses irrefutably confirming

that She was telling the Truth.


" But the Muslims do not want to talk about Resurrection (Al Qadr: The Night of

Power) at all because they want to frighten people with the Doomsday (Al Qariah:

Day of Noise and Clamor). They don't want to talk about the Resurrection Time

which is going to come - which is the intermediary time (Al Qadr: The Night of

Power) - because they want to use the time which will frighten people by saying

that: 'Now your Doomsday (Al Qariah: Day of Noise and Clamor) is coming! Now

your Doomsday is coming!' "


Of all the chapters in the Qur'an, surah 75 Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) must

have clearly confronted them with so frightening a prophecy and promise of

Divine intervention to collect, promulgate, recite and explain in detail the

only Surah entirely devoted to Al-Qiyamah, that it could only be explained away

by vagueness, briefness, distortion, misinformation, untruth and outright

deceit. But Allah (SWT) warned humans not to move " thy tongue concerning the

(Resurrection), to make haste therewith " since " it is for Us to collect it and

to promulgate it. " Then, after having announced it they were to follow " its

recital " And last, but not the least, the Resurrection is " for Us to explain " -

leaving absolutely no ambiguity as to Allah's (SWT) Intention. This is referred

as the Great News or Great Event in the Qur'an and was to coincide with specific

Sure Signs absolutely beyond human manipulation or duplication Thus it is

obvious that the announcement and detailed narration of the Resurrection to the

entire human race was Allah's (SWT) sole and explicit prerogative.


But mere mortals with puny minds and huge egos have blabbed their tongues about

this Surah for the last 1400 years. They collectively erased the mercy of the

blessed Resurrection (Al Qadr or the Night of Power) for all humankind,

substituting it with the nightmare of a Doomsday End (Al Qariah or the Day of

Noise and Clamor)!


Now the question of making such serious allegations against so established a

faith arises. How is it possible that so obvious and fundamental Truths be

hidden from so many by so few for so long? Perhaps it must be asked: How was the

Ummah deceived into speculating about Al-Qiyamah, despite Allah's (SWT)

explicit, simple and clear Warning not to do so? This Al-Qiyamah website exposes

the depth of deception that the Ummah has been indoctrinated over the centuries

by their ulama, imams, ayatollahs, amirs, caliphs, mu'attilah, aalims,

mujtahids, mullahs and muftis on this central theme of the Holy Qur'an.


Till date no Muslim has been able to refute Shri Mataji's declaration of the

Resurrection at www.al-qiyamah.org where 300 pages of devastating evidence and

punishing questions rip to pieces 14 centuries of Islamic understanding of

Qiyamah, exposing a collective falsehood that turns Islam on its head. The only

official Islamic defense has been collective censure. But for how long in this

age of instant information can they effectively suppress it?


regards to all,





Note: It is indeed sad that " Muslims do not want to talk about

Resurrection at all " . Shri Mataji wished they did. i just want to

say that " the SYs, leaders and WCASY also do not want to talk about

Resurrection at all " . This is tantamount to a collective conspiracy

against Shri Mataji nad Her Divine Message. ...... Yet against all

the odds and obstacles She has triumphed. Jai Shri Mataji!!!





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> i have given evidence too at www.adishakti.org and www.al-

> qiyamah.org, evidence that for years have compelled even the most

> fanatical to sulk away in silence. The websites are for the

> fundamentalists to ignore, the foolish to not comprehend and the

> wise to follow. Few know to what extend and how the false beliefs

> and scriptural manipulations of their inherited religions over the

> centuries have retarded the religious masses.



i have just received an email that confirms that the open,

cosmopolitan and progressive Dubai has blocked www.al-qiyamah.org.

Before i forget i want to thank the sender of this very important

email from the bottom of my heart.


to Jagbir Singh <xxxxxxx

date Dec 8, 2006 11:50 PM

subject information about site




Dear Uncleji,


Just wanted to let you know that i noticed that the following links:



and http://www.afreehome.com/adishakti/book.html


are blocked in dubai, (and possibly in other nearby countries

following same format too). i could enter al-qiyamah through the

main adishakti.org site, but only one page opened, and any other

links in the same page, were again leading to the " site blocked "

page. so basically, anything that is written in context of this is

blocked, and only " hinduistic " / adishakti links open.


i dont remember too clearly, but i think i was able to enter all

those links before and they have been blocked somewhat recently.


Jai Shri Mataji,





The reason you were able to open the www.adishakti.org link on

Qiyamah is because the first page is in that server. All subsequent

links are in the www.al-qiyamah.org server which are blocked in

Dubai. Since i just did that last week or so then the www.al-

qiyamah.org site must have been blocked some time ago. This being

the case, then we can conclude that the majority of conservative

Islamic nations have already done so.


But why block a website based entirely on the Holy Koran?


On 28 February 1990, while on Her way to Australia, Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi stopped at Changi Airport, Singapore. She informed

those who had gathered to meet Her that in Islam there is a complete

surah written about Her. In this surah it is stated that the Sent

One will give Realization, will make you Pirs and give Collective

Consciousness. But you will be non-believers. (That surah is Al-

Qiyamah - The Resurrection).



















On the homepage of www.al-qiyamah.org this challenge is issued:


Those who hear this Truth for the very first time ever will, on the

contrary, reject it and return to their families in full conceit,

i.e. brimming with their own ideas, thought, concepts, and personal

opinions. And we challenge the Ummah to bear witness to their own

disbelief, one that is clearly predicted for them in no uncertain



" But on the contrary, he rejected Truth and turned away! Then did he

stalk to his family in full conceit! Woe to thee, (O man!), yea,

woe! Again, woe to thee, (O man!), yea, woe! "


Qur'an 75.32-35



And then one by one the phalanx of prophecies will rise to defend

the Sure Signs of Al-Qiyamah from the enemies of Allah (SWT), who

will be asked in the Afterlife:


" O ye assembly of Jinns and men! Came there not unto you messengers

from amongst you, setting forth unto you My Signs, and warning you

of the meeting of this day of yours? " They will say: " We bear

witness against ourselves. " It was the life of this world that

deceived them. So against themselves will they bear witness that

they rejected Faith. (The messengers were sent) thus, for thy Lord

would not destroy, for their wrongdoing men's inhabitants, whilst

their occupants were unwarned. "


Qur'an 6.130-131



Since Muslims have been unable to challenge www.al-qiyamah.org the

only defence is block the site ............... lest more Muslims

ask the ulema (religious scholars) to take up the challenge, and the

later have to decline.


The prophecies of the Holy Koran are devastatingly precise and will

run their course!


Concerning what are they disputing?

Concerning the Great News. [5889]

About which they cannot agree.

Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!

Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!


surah 78:1-5 Al Naba' (The Great News)


" 5889. Great News: usually understood to mean the News or Message of

the Resurrection. "


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an, Amana Corporation, 1989.



Truth is indeed a double-edged sword that can be wielded to

challenge the mightiest empires. There is no way i could have set up

the www.al-qiyamah.org site from Muslim Malaysia, the country of my

birth. Religion is a very sensitive subject there and any person

posing a threat to Islam or Muslim unity can be detained under the

draconian 1960 Internal Security Act (ISA) for two years without

charge, detentions that can be extended indefinitely. i am not

saying i would have been detained but a single warning would have

effectively ended it. What can you do from behind bars anyway?


Now i understand why i had to leave for Canada and become a citizen

of this great nation. The Adi Shakti had everything worked out.


regards to all,




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