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Question from spiritual seeker...

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Dear All,


i had a response from someone (who's identity i will keep confidential) who

stated that they enjoyed the recent posts which helped them a lot... regarding

'catch problems' and so forth. Here is what they said:


" Great posts. They really help alot. I find that despite my catch " problems "

that i find it the most comfortable and " most in tune with my spirit " when i

just sit down and meditate in a simple way twice a day. It seems right. So I'm

glad your posts were posted up, as usual at the perfect time for me.


I had concern when I read Jagbir's post on someone called Danny and of course

this was an eye-opener. In it he mentioned black magic and using a person's

photo to " do " black magic on them, or occult stuff. Now before SY i went to a

false guru or rather was not really a guru but an apparent multi-dimensional

healer. After many " sessions " and near the end of getting her sessions, she

asked me to email her a picture of myself, supposedly for her records/portfolio

etc. or whatever it was. It made sense at the time though inside i felt a bit



I sent an old picture instead, but now i see it may have had more sinister

applications. By that i mean i think she wanted the picture to continue to do

whatever she does to me long after we have parted ways, and her other clients as

well. This makes me wonder if the reason i have been having such problems with

SY and my catches, especially of the left side is because she is continually

" treating me " or trying to influence me or attack me for whatever reason by way

of my picture she now has. Sure, nothing would affect Shri Mataji, but a human

such as myself not so much established, may be a bit different. In any case,

either way, i was wondering what i could do to minimize the damage and if at

some point she will be unable to do anything with my picture because of the

strength of my connection/vibrations? i would like to know how to deal with it.

Thank you. "



So folks... i am putting this request for an answer on the forum. Anyone who

would like to respond, would be most welcome.









" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> The greatest thing is to be able to have our Spirit to balance and

heal us, but we also have to access medical attention when necessary.

Shri Mataji has said that Sahaja Yoga will give you self-realisation

leading to spiritual liberation (through surrender to the Divine) but

i don't think She ever GUARANTEED 100% that " surrender to the Divine "

will cure you of all physical bodily ailments in the short-term...

and maybe not even in the long-term. Shri Mataji gave many remedies

to help 'bodily health', but She also said that if it isn't

working... that we should seek " medical attention " . The thing is...

Sahaja Yoga is only spiritually-oriented. It is not physically-



> " And they should know that Sahaja Yoga is only spirit oriented.

Nothing but spirit oriented. That, you have to have your spirit

enlightened, that your spirit has to work everything, that you are

not this body, this money, this position, this power, nothing. But

you are the spirit. This is what one has to know. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Athena Puja 1993 - Athens, Greece - 26 April, 1993)


> i read that Jagbir suffers from diabetes. Well, i suffer from high

blood pressure ever since my 'change of life'... and it 'kicked in'

from the time of hormonal change in my body. Why? I don't know, but

it is a very common thing that happens to women at that age. And i

have to have medical attention and tablets for that. So... my

physical body is not completely free of 'dis-ease'... even though i

surrender everything to Her. However, i also know that i am 'not this

body, mind, or emotions, but that i am the Spirit " . And regardless of

any bodily ailments... i have the spiritual balance within my Self:


> " All problems created by extreme behaviour on the right hand side

or on the left hand side can be corrected by bringing the play of the

Kundalini because, when, she rises she pulls the attention towards

the centre. Thus, a person becomes a very balanced personality and

doesn't go to extremes into anything. Moreover, all the ego-oriented

habits drop out. Also, habits which exist because of conditioning

also disappear. So a person becomes a free personality and he sees

himself in the past and laughs at himself. "

> (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Book/Meta Modern Area - Chapter 11 -

The Subtle System - 29 September, 1995)


> i have found that the Spirit is more mighty and powerful over the

physical body, than the physical body is over the Spirit. i find that

the 'goodness'(kundalini) from the connection to the Divine

Within.... flows in the form of spiritual vibrations and adjusts my

psycho-somatic system " from within " . It cleanses, clears, and

balances it, as it is awakened and inbuilt and flowing unobstructedly:


> " All kinds of detachments have to be developed. (This) means your

priorities change. Once your attention gets fixed up with your

Spirit, the catch or the hold on things that are of no importance,

starts reducing by itself. "

> (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Advice, Guru Purnima Day - Guru Puja -

London, England - 29 July, 1980.)


> So... i find that my Spirit is more mighty and powerful over the

body, than the body is over the Spirit. The 'goodness' from

connection to the Spirit... flows and adjusts my psychosomatic

system. It balances it. So... even though, physically in my body, i

might register high blood pressure at times... this still does not

register as any heart catch or block. i feel the cool vibrations

daily, because i put my enlightened attention on my Spirit, and not

on my physical body. i guarantee it is the same with Jagbir inspite

of his diabetes he says he has, he puts his attention on his Spirit,

and not on his physical body. i believe it is the same with Shri

Mataji that She does not put Her Attention on Her physical body, but

on Her Spirit. Shri Mataji also has diabetes, but... She has Very

Cool Vibrations.


> The thing is... if you do not identify with the 'physical body'

then the 'physical body' cannot affect the " Real You " ... and we are

not talking about any kind of 'splitting'... we are talking about an

integration whereby the " Spirit " ... and not the body... " is in

charge " !


> i used to have a permanent catch (psycho-somatic block) on the

Heart Chakra on the left side. It was there for a long time while i

worked it out with external treatments. But although the daily

external treatment worked until the next day, it did not permanently

cure the Left Heart Psych-somatic Block. It was only when the

realisation dawned that i had to address issues of " self-confidence "

and " security " within myself... and i introspected and addressed

these... that real healing came and the Left Heart Block cleared



> Through Shri Mataji's teachings, i understood that i could not

blame my lack of self-confidence and my insecurities on anyone but

myself. i could not blame it on my parents, teachers, co-workers, or

family members. Therefore, i finally summoned up the " courage " to

face these demons within myself. It was the " introspection " and the

" facing of reality " that finally cleared my Left Heart Psycho-somatic

Block. Then the kundalini energy finally flowed unobstructively

within me!


> i believe what Shri Mataji reveals about " a lack of self-

confidence " ... should really help us see this issue clearly and also

help us to address this issue within ourselves:


> " We must understand why we are not progressing. Actually arrogance

comes to people who lack self-confidence. Self-confidence is

shattered in people whose Self is not manifesting. Let your Self

manifest. When the Self is not manifesting, you get all kinds of

problems, and then you complain. Actually the problem resides within

you. It is God who has to complain. Think of it. The One who has

created this universe, the One who has created you all with such love

and affection, the One who has given you everything under the sun,

also the One who has given you realisation, given you light ; -

everything that is possible. And you are complaining against Him? You

should not. Complain about 'yourself', that " I am not alright, I

should be alright. " Complain about it. Face yourself. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Hampstead, England - 17 October, 1982)


> Here is what Shri Mataji says about " finding our absolute, our

sense of security " ... and some other things about Herself also which

is interesting:


> " The other day a gentleman, old man, who met me in Singapore long

time back, he told me that: 'Mother, after realization, actually I've

not even touched it fully, but one thing happened to me I just gave

up gambling, smoking and drinking, just like that. What happened to

me? I said, when you have found out the real, you give up. When you

have found the real diamond, of course, you give up the artificial

ones. Because you are bored stiff, because you find life so boring,

human beings so boring, life so boring, so uninteresting, full of

tensions, full of cruelty, full of problems, you want to take to

these things. But once you've found out your absolute, your sense of

security is absolutely established. And the joy and happiness, the

bliss that is promised to you, starts pouring down into you. You feel

so relaxed. Apart from that, so many things happen to you that it is

hard to tell you in this one lecture. I'm going to have many other

lectures for you. Now first thing that happens is that physically you

get fit. It's not that I'm going to go to the hospital to find out

who are physically unfit and start an enterprise. Alright, pay so

much money to cure this disease and all that. No, I do not know how

many people I've cured, really I do not know, believe me. And I do

not know how many of my disciples have cured. It's like the sun

shining, it does not know how many leaves have become green. You do

not keep notes of people whom you love, and whom you feed ... Do you

write down how many morsels you have fed the person, do you? This is

love. Why do you need the proof? Why do you need, you are not paying

me anything? Do you want to have any proof of the sun? You are not

giving me anything! I'm not selling anything! There's no shop on! You

have to get this gift. You have to get it. So why do you want to

judge me? If you don't get it, better try for it. What are you going

to gain by knowing about me, it's not easy to know about me. It's

very very difficult. I'm such a camouflage. It's a very difficult

thing to know. Better thing is, you know yourself, then you'll learn.

Unless and until you know yourself, you won't know me, so no use

asking me questions which are rather embarrassing, I won't be able to

tell you; because I've become very clever now. Krishna, just told one

person, Arjuna. He said, give up everything and follow me. He said

that after Yoga you'll get the Kshema, means, well-being. Not before.

You get the well-being, physically, mentally, emotionally,

materially, socially, in every way. And spiritually He said after

Yoga it will happen! not before that. And that's what is going to

happen to you, when you get it. If you don't get it today, don't get

disappointed. (First talk of H. H. Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi delivered

in Maccabean Hall, Australia on 22-3-81)




> However, if Sahaja Yoga Treatments are not working for a person, i

have to agree with Jagbir's solution that " if you have a medical

problem that needs attention go and seek help from any doctor/

hypnotherapist immediately. In the meantime stop all the SY

treatments that are messing up your mind....... and i mean ALL -

daily footsoaking, shoebeating, multi-mantra chanting and what not.

Simple meditation twice a day is all you need to remain connected

with the Divine ................ and sanity.


> So... i apologize to you Adam, for taking to understanding your

issues from the spiritual perspective only... when you were

addressing the need to have " medical treatment " instead. Thankfully,

Jagbir has clarified this issue, and we can all see things a bit more

clearly now.


> regards to all,


> violet



> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Adam,

> >

> > The blind faith of the vast majority of subtle system SYs over


> > gives way, for a few, to wisdom and balance. Chances are you will

> > always find far more conditioned SYs for the rest of your life


> > meet those souls who are not diseased by the Sahaja Yoga Subtle

> > System Religion. i can almost visualize SYs shoebeating Mother


> > sore with that of mental patients needing restraining for their


> > welfare and sanity. The treatment disease has now mutated into a

> > mental monster that has all but brought Sahaja Yoga to its knees.

> >

> > i have always insisted that treatments should only be used if


> > is something SERIOUSLY wrong. It is just like finding out you have

> > diabetes and trying SY treatments out. But as soon as you realize


> > is not working, which should not take more than a few weeks, go


> > see a doctor right away. If the doctor cannot help try homeopathy


> > acupuncture or herbal cures. You discard the SY treatments

> > completely and try ANYTHING that helps. This approach applies to


> > situations. Frankly, there are very few diseases that Sahaja Yoga

> > can cure despite all their claims. It bestows untold wonders and

> > unbelievable miracles for spiritual evolution, enlightenment and

> > peace of mind, not body. That being the case, you should not even

> > bother checking for SY treatments.

> >

> > Shri Mataji takes western medication for Her diabetes. She did not

> > follow the false advertisment of SYs:

> >

> > " Medically as such there is no cure to Diabetes. As a prevention

> > insulin are prepared that acts as SOS.

> >

> > But, by the blessings of H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, through her

> > unique discovery called Sahaja Yoga, where one is taught to be in

> > inner balance, through meditation. Through Sahaja Yoga Meditation,

> > after the person gets his Self-Realization, he gets a state

> > called " Thoughtless Awareness " , the person learns to work without

> > intensive planning, and as a result the liver is subsequently

> > relaxed, its intensity of hotness is reduced, and thus diabetes


> > completely cured from its roots. "

> >

> > http://www.geocities.com/diabetes_cure_from_sahajayoga/

> >

> >

> > Neither did Shri Mataji do any specific SY treatments or go to the

> > Vashi clinic. She choose to follow what was best - western


> >

> > i also have diabetes. After an initial period of stabilization

> > without any medication my sedentary lifestyle and rebellious


> > tooth got the better of me. i had to take western medication and


> > glad that the SYSSR did not turn me into a treatment fanatic.

> >

> > It is a blessing that we have methods of measuring blood sugar

> > levels, evidence that can compel us to seek alternative treatment.

> > The real problem is that there are many diseases that do not have

> > the same technological/medical edge. One of the most serious of


> > handicaps are diseases of the mind.

> >

> > Many of the incarnations underwent personal misfortunes despite

> > their awesome divine nature, experiencing the same diseases and

> > social torments that we humans endure. Despite our connection with

> > the Divine we also should not expect personal favors. Neither did

> > the incarnations. Neither does Shri Mataji.

> >

> > So if you have a medical problem that needs attention go and seek

> > help from any doctor/hypnotherapist immediately. In the meantime

> > stop all the SY treatments that are messing up your mind.......


> > i mean ALL - daily footsoaking, shoebeating, multi-mantra chanting

> > and what not. Simple meditation twice a day is all you need to

> > remain connected with the Divine ................ and sanity.

> >

> > regards,

> >

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

> >

> > , " adam332412 "

> > <lunduner1@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Violet

> > >

> > > I am well versed with SY teachings and experience too. I have

> > experienced a transformation in the last 4 years and behave in a


> > today I was unable to before, because I found SY. However, my

> > experience is that SY can not make me feel 'normal' on its own. I

> > have to do other activities also to feel how I want to feel, so I

> > disagree with yogis who say all you need is SY to get all the

> > spiritual help you need. I have actually been to pujas and felt

> > quite terrible in myself when I had a period just doing SY

> > treatments - because people like yourself told me it is all I

> > need.......those who feel SY makes them feel 'in the kingdom of


> > would speak the way you do, but if you still feel you have

> > > problems that worshipping Sri Mataji can't help with, anyone


> > consider other treatments/help. I am not trying to devalue SY and

> > say hypnotherapy is better but trying to analyze why yogis like

> > yourself refuse to recommend anything else...it's almost like


> > > have become conditioned themselves with SY and that nothing else

> > exists! Like I said, I'm not saying don't do SY.....but why on


> > not try additional things also if SY isn't the whole ticket for


> > I think telling people it is just a case of worshipping the divine

> > more and more will cause psychological problems for some


> > when the solution to their problems may lie within alternative

> > treatments/practices. If hypnotherapy is " nothing " in comparison


> > what the Divine Within you has to offer, then what is the harm

> > > in trying it? Surely you'll just waste your cash and then go


> > to meditating as usual?? I posted here because I wanted to see if

> > there were other yogis who feel hypnotherapy could be helpful but


> > get the impression they dare not expose themselves on this forum

> > > hehehehe! Please send me a personal e-mail if you don't wish to

> > post here.

> > >

> > > As for how is my surrender to the Divine going? Well it was


> > okay until I started to feel unconfident in myself and realized SY

> > meditation can only help some of my chakras to put it in SY terms.

> > All of you surrender to the divine within when you feel in

> > thoughtless awareness (the kingdom of God to quote Sri Mataji) you

> > wouldn't do it if you still feel screwed up after meditating - I

> > wonder how many yogis have actually EVER felt 'screwed up' to


> > with so they just can't relate? Violet & others, you just have to

> > appreciate, SY methods might not be enough for everyone...just

> > defending SY non-stop to me seems bordering on 'cultish'. How do


> > know that my friend's (or mine or anyone's) path further INTO SY


> > actually SUPPOSED to be via hypnotherapy, that he is supposed to


> > it, so later on his understanding of SY is greater? So that


> > him not to do it is actually contrary to the divines intention for

> > him? You see what I mean?

> > >

> > > Anyway, many thanks for taking the time to do the research into

> > hypnotherapy you have done online and replying to me, I really

> > appreciate it.

> > >

> > > Love Adam

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Meditation versus Hypnotherapy...

> > > >

> > > > This is what hypnotherapist... Patrick Porter, PhD, the


> > of Positive Changes

> > > Hypnosis... has to say on the difference between meditation and

> > hypnotherapy:

> > > >

> > > > " Well the biggest difference is that in meditation you are

> > usually seeking a higher power

> > > to intervene and assist you or you are just contemplating the

> > vastness of the universe. It's

> > > not a real specific thing other than a spiritual-like communion.

> > Hypnosis typically involves

> > > something mundane. It has to do with the physical role like


> > loss, stopping

> > > smoking, or overcoming stress. You could use meditation for the

> > same thing.

> > > Physiologically there is no difference, but psychologically


> > is a difference, because

> > > hypnosis doesn't depend on a higher power. "

> > > >

> > > > http://beauty.expertvillage.com/experts/meditation-


> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Adam,

> > > >

> > > > To the above quote... i would like to add that Sahaja Yoga is

> > not just meditation like all

> > > other meditations either. Sahaja Yoga is about Union with the

> > Divine. It is about kundalini

> > > awakening. And with kundalini (coiled energy) we are talking


> > the greatest power for

> > > inner transformation and spiritual liberation.

> > > >

> > > > i personally experienced when helping to raise the kundalini


> > others at a Body-Mind-

> > > Spirit Festival, that some of the people had taken an Aura

> > Photograph at the Aura

> > > Photograph Stall next to us, before they had their self-

> > realisation at our SY Stall. We were

> > > curious, so asked them to get their photograph taken after they

> > had their self-

> > > realisation... which 3 people did. In each case, the Aura

> > Photograph went from different

> > > colours to Pure White.

> > > >

> > > > A white aura is the aura colour of a saint as you see in

> > religious paintings of saints. That

> > > is the power of kundalini. What this white aura indicates is


> > you have been connected

> > > to the Divine Power. What you do with that is another matter.

> > Normally people did not

> > > have kundalini awakening before they had virtually become saints

> > with all their austerities,

> > > and inner contemplations and spiritual seekings... but Shri


> > has intervened and made

> > > it possible so that we have our connection first, and She has

> > given all the techniques to

> > > use that connection to heal, cleanse, and clear ourselves and

> > to " become the Spirit " and

> > > liberate ourselves spiritually.

> > > >

> > > > No hypnotherapy can connect you to the Divine. It does not


> > a saint of a person. It

> > > does not give a person the power to heal themselves, nor to


> > spiritually liberated.

> > > Hypnotherapy does not result in the natural blossoming of the

> > spiritual qualities that

> > > comes through the Connection with the Divine Spirit Within.

> > Hypnotherapy can claim none

> > > of these, because it is done by mere man.

> > > >

> > > > Union with the Divine... which is what Sahaja Yoga is... is


> > by the Divine. Sahaja

> > > Yoga is not just a treatment; it is a spiritual way of life with

> > the Divine Within. Being in

> > > connection with the Divine within, you get the spiritual help of

> > Shri Mataji, Shri Ganesha,

> > > Shri Jesus, Shri Krishna and other deities. This is a Divine


> > that is real.

> > > >

> > > > However, to get their help (and they are instituted and placed

> > upon your chakras or

> > > energy centres)... you need to please them by having good

> > thoughts, good intentions, and

> > > leading a moral life. That means you are in tune with their

> > spiritual qualities, and they will

> > > help to awaken these spiritual qualities ever more as you pursue

> > your spiritual liberation.

> > > >

> > > > i realise that Sahaja Yoga is used as a treatment only by some

> > people, when it is meant

> > > for much more. Shri Mataji did not come on Earth just to cure

> > people; She came on Earth

> > > to give people their spiritual liberation/salvation/moksha. If a

> > person only uses SY as an

> > > external treatment and does not surrender to the Divine to


> > their spiritual liberation

> > > at this Resurrection Time, then they are really not


> > SY properly... as Shri

> > > Mataji taught it. It is not surprising then, if people do not

> > avail all of the properties of

> > > Sahaja Yoga... that their non-wholistic approach does not work


> > to their best

> > > advantage. The thing is... Sahaja Yoga needs a Wholistic


> > not just a Subtle

> > > System Approach.

> > > >

> > > > In fact the best approach to Sahaja Yoga is actually to

> > surrender to the Divine, and the

> > > Divine works things out 'hand in hand' with you. It is a


> > cooperation through

> > > spiritual integration. If the person just uses Sahaja Yoga as a

> > treatment, and does not

> > > surrender to the Divine also, the Divine may become disappointed

> > that a person is

> > > searching the cure only... and not seeking to " become One with


> > Author of All Cures " .

> > > The Divine is interested in our spiritual liberation, above all

> > else. Physical cures are a by-

> > > product of that... or at the very least... they go 'hand in


> > > >

> > > > Most Sahaja Yogis are very nice people. Each have their

> > spiritual work cut out for them.

> > > The more they surrender to the Divine, and integrate with their

> > Higher Spirit, the more

> > > things work out for them. Therefore, if you are seeing yogis


> > lots of problems, that

> > > should not put you off, because you can only 'see yourself


> > by surrendering to the

> > > Divine yourself. Maybe the yogis you refer to are missing that

> > point... which is that the

> > > Ultimate Cure is in Surrender to the Divine Within. What i am

> > saying is... that if just

> > > externals are focussed upon, and the surrender is not there...

> > then it cannot work out as it

> > > really should. When a person surrenders everything, they depend


> > the Divine for

> > > everything too. Can you imagine such a surrender? It usually


> > happens bit by bit, as

> > > each individual problem or thing is surrendered.

> > > >

> > > > So... checking other people's spiritual condition... is not

> > going to improve yours. You

> > > will not become spiritually liberated, by putting your attention

> > on other people... or their

> > > problems. The best thing you can do is to " go within to your own

> > Spirit " . Why don't you

> > > just give up your 'bee in the bonnet' about hypnotherapy? If

> > others decide to have

> > > hypnotherapy, you have no power to stop that. It is their free

> > will to do so. That does not

> > > mean you have to start to do so. i can tell you that


> > is " nothing " in

> > > comparison to what the Divine Within you has to offer. As


> > Porter states:

> > > >

> > > > " Hypnosis, however, does not depend upon a higher power.

> > Hypnosis typically involves

> > > something mundane. It has to do with the physical role like


> > loss, stopping

> > > smoking, or overcoming stress. You could use meditation for the

> > same thing. "

> > > >

> > > > Adam... hypnotherapy fails too... if a person does not have


> > desire or will to replace

> > > the negative with the positive. It also requires repeated

> > sessions, plus putting the positive

> > > conditionings into practice each day. This is no different to

> > needing repeated sessions of

> > > meditation to replace the negative with the positive, plus


> > the positive

> > > conditionings into practice each day.

> > > >

> > > > As hypnotherapist Patrick Porter states:

> > > >

> > > > " You could use meditation for the same thing " .

> > > >

> > > > So... don't expect yogis to 'go for hypnotherapy' when most


> > getting the results with

> > > the use of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Sahaja Yogis... even though


> > think they still have a

> > > lot of problems... nevertheless have all been greatly helped in

> > many ways. It is just that

> > > there are so many conditionings, and it requires daily surrender

> > to the Divine... which is

> > > your Higher Self or Spirit. So... don't expect us to to become

> > enamoured with

> > > hypnotherapy, as we have been given all the tools to transform

> > ourselves through Sahaja

> > > Yoga.

> > > >

> > > > i hope this answer satisfies you, Adam, and gives you a larger

> > and greater perspective of

> > > Sahaja Yoga... rather than just being a " cure " . If you have any

> > more questions, feel free.

> > > However, i would like to know something. How is your surrender


> > the Divine going? Have

> > > you tried that yet? (You don't need to answer; just answer that


> > yourself). Because... that

> > > is the wholistic approach needed in Sahaja Yoga, that gives many

> > blessings from the

> > > Divine. You can start today. Forget about the hypnotherapy idea.

> > Your friend obviously just

> > > had more trust in a hypnotherapy session than in their own power

> > of the Divine Within.

> > > And just do meditation instead to achieve the same results.


> > get down to your own

> > > spiritual work...okay. i encourage you in that. You don't need a

> > hypotherapist for that.

> > > >

> > > > with love and best wishes,

> > > >

> > > > violet

> > >

> >


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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> i had a response from someone (who's identity i will keep

confidential) who stated that they enjoyed the recent posts which

helped them a lot... regarding 'catch problems' and so forth. Here

is what they said:


> " Great posts. They really help alot. I find that despite my

catch " problems " that i find it the most comfortable and " most in

tune with my spirit " when i just sit down and meditate in a simple

way twice a day. It seems right. So I'm glad your posts were posted

up, as usual at the perfect time for me.


> I had concern when I read Jagbir's post on someone called Danny

and of course this was an eye-opener. In it he mentioned black magic

and using a person's photo to " do " black magic on them, or occult

stuff. Now before SY i went to a false guru or rather was not really

a guru but an apparent multi-dimensional healer. After

many " sessions " and near the end of getting her sessions, she asked

me to email her a picture of myself, supposedly for her

records/portfolio etc. or whatever it was. It made sense at the time

though inside i felt a bit funny.


> I sent an old picture instead, but now i see it may have had more

sinister applications. By that i mean i think she wanted the picture

to continue to do whatever she does to me long after we have parted

ways, and her other clients as well. This makes me wonder if the

reason i have been having such problems with SY and my catches,

especially of the left side is because she is continually " treating

me " or trying to influence me or attack me for whatever reason by

way of my picture she now has. Sure, nothing would affect Shri

Mataji, but a human such as myself not so much established, may be a

bit different. In any case, either way, i was wondering what i could

do to minimize the damage and if at some point she will be unable to

do anything with my picture because of the strength of my

connection/vibrations? i would like to know how to deal with it.

Thank you. "



There is absolutely no reason to be concerned now, all the more that

the past was buried. There are extremely few individuals like Danny

and i will strongly advise not to correspond with him in any way.

These type of characters should be avoided like SARS. Any contact

will lead to infection - some will succumb, especially those

desperately seeking help, astral companionship, dark powers or sick

enough to worship him.


i would also advise you to dump all the catch concerns of the SYSSR

into the garbage right away. It has over the years/decades mutated

into a mental monster. You will always be wrestling with your own

demons even after years of meditation, just like most SYs. That is

why SYs need daily cleansing.


It will be far better if you focus your attention on the Messianic

Times on a 24/7 basis. There will be nothing to fear then of false

gurus or catches - past, present or future.





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