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What Shri Mataji said about detachment, attachment & 'catches'...

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What Shri Mataji said about detachment, attachment and 'catches'...


Shri Mataji gave advice on Guru Purnima Day at London, England on 29 July, 1980.

Here Shri Mataji explains what " Purnima " means:


" Today is Purnima, which means " a complete moon " . A Guru has to be a complete

personality to talk about these Statutes... and to elevate his disciples to the

level of understanding whereby they imbibe those statutes. He is there to fulfil

the gap (between human and Divine awareness) and that is why it is essential

that every Guru has to be a realised soul of the most highly evolved spiritual

caliber. He does not need to be an ascetic who lives in a forest; he can be a

common householder... or he could be a king. The so-called position in this

world makes no difference, as long as you have imbibed the Statutes of the Lord.

The imbibing of the Statutes is what is important " . (Guru Purnima Day - London,

England - 29 July, 1980)



So... this is a continuation of what Shri Mataji taught on " Guru Purnima Day " in

regards to being one's own Guru:


(Begin Quote) Shri Mataji: " The third thing 'for Guru' a Sahaja Yogi has to

do... is to develop DETACHMENT. Gradually you do develop it because you find

that unless and until you develop that detachment, you are not receiving

vibrations in the full way. All kinds of detachments have to be developed.

(This) means your priorities change. Once your attention gets fixed up with your

Spirit, the catch or the hold on things that are of no importance, starts

reducing by itself. " (Break Quote)


(Folks... please note this most important statement of Shri Mataji's of: " Once

your attention gets fixed up with your Spirit, the " CATCH " a.k.a. " the hold on

things that are of no importance " ... STARTS REDUCING BY ITSELF. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Advice, Guru Purnima Day - Guru Puja - London, England - 29 July,



Shri Mataji is making it quite clear here that 'CATCHES' come from holding on to

things that are of no importance. And She is quite clearly saying here that the

way these start reducing by themselves is to " fix up our enLIGHTened attention

with our Spirit. This is great news for Gurus-in-the-making and this is a

'wake-up-call' for subtle system yogis who would never believe from what we have

heard... that it is EVEN POSSIBLE! for catches to reduce by themselves!!!

WITHOUT MANUAL CLEARING. They don't yet realise that by " fixing our enLIGHTened

Attention with our Spirit... the catches reduce all by themselves!!!


Introspection is also worth thousands of days of daily clearing that never

resolve into permanent clearing until the person finally gets to the source of

his problems. Through 'introspection' the 'demons within' are faced. However, we

do not " think " about it per se... but we put our " enLIGHTened attention " on it,

and 'contemplate with our en-LIGHT-ened attention'... which is different than

'thinking with thoughts'. When a person contemplates with their enLIGHTened

attention... that attention works/highlights wherever you put its LIGHT...

wherever you SHINE ITS SPOTLIGHT. In thoughtLESS awareness, " you " are not doing

the thinking. It is like the Universal Mind is doing the comtemplating for you,

but that is because you are connected to Universal Mind (Collective

Consciousness) and being " thoughtLESS... it can therefore flow into your

consciousness and " inform " you. It manifests within you. So... it manifests in

such a way that when we put our attention on some problem, or some situation...

we get a " flow " back from wherever the attention is focussed. And that flow

" informs you " . It usually happens when we introspect or contemplate and if you

are in thoughtLESS awareness, it can manifest anytime; anywhere... if your

Spirit/Divine within wills it.


So... with regards to any 'demons' within ourselves of whatever negative things

we might be suffering from... we do not get emotionally involved... but

'witness' our problems with the Light of the Spirit as a spotlight. It is done

through " such detachment " that you " witness it " like watching a scene, but not

getting emotionally involved in it. You just 'see' what is there, and Let the

Light transform it through your attention. The LIGHT absorbs the dark,

dissipates the dark and the dark either gets absorbed, dissipates, or flees the

LIGHT, because the dark cannot withstand the LIGHT of the enLIGHTened Attention.

This LIGHT is the Divine... it is God. The Psalmist knew it, which is why he

wrote this beautiful piece:


" The LORD is my LIGHT and my SALVATION. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the

defense of my life; whom shall I dread? When evildoers came upon me to devour my

flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell. Though a host

encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, inspite

of this I shall be confident.


One thing I have asked from the Lord that I shall seek; that I may dwell in the

house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and

to meditate in His temple. For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His

tabernacle. In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up

on a rock, and now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me; And I

will offer in His tent sacrifices and shouts of joy; I will sing, yes I will

sing praises to the Lord. " (Psalms 27:1-6)


(Resume Quote of Shri Mataji)


For example, you have a father, a mother and a sister. This is a bigger problem

in India. Here (in England) you get 'over'... you are over-detached. But in

India, people are very much involved in their own children... " this is My son "

and others are all orphans. 'Only " your " sons and daughters are the " real "

children. " My " daughter... I must do this for " my " SON, " my " father... " my "

mother. Two types of attachments are there; one through Moha-involvement into

that; that you want to do this for them; that for them (you) want to give them

property; have insurance for them... and every sort of thing.



And another could be the other way, as we have here. You hate your father, you

hate your mother. You hate everyone. Both things are just the same. So,

DETACHMENT must be developed, The DETACHMENT is that you are your father, you

are your mother, you are everything. (Break Quote)


Folks... this is one of the most profound statements that " you are your father,

you are your mother, you are everything " . Shri Mataji is referring to the fact

that " Our Spirit " is everything to us. It does not matter if our father, or our

mother, or anyone else cannot be everything to us. It is a wonderful secret,

that our Spirit has to become " everything " for us. This is something i am

learning too. But... it is such a consolation... isn't it!!!


(Resume Quote of Shri Mataji)


ONLY YOUR SPIRIT is EVERYTHING to you, only your spirit you HAVE TO ENJOY, then

the DETACHMENT comes from them, then you really do good to them, because, by

detaching you see the complete vision about them and about what is to be done.

(Break Quote)


(Yes!!! This is the secret. When our Spirit becomes " everything " to us, then the

detachment comes! Then we can really see clearly!)


(Resume Quote of SM)


For example, people have attachment with some crazes. Human beings always become

crazy about something. I mean it can be anything. One has to understand that

there should be only one craze i.e. to be SETTLED, ABSOLUTELY SETTLED IN YOUR

SPIRIT. All other crazes will disappear because it is the greatest joy giving

thing. That's the most nourishing thing, that's the most beautiful thing. (Break



(This is such a beautiful Truth, folks. We all need to embrace that Truth. So

many problems will just melt away if we can embrace that.)


(Resume Quote of SM)


So, all the other things fall off, you enjoy only that which is the

source of all enjoyment. You GET YOURSELF ATTACHED TO YOUR SPIRIT,

and DETACHMENT STARTS WORKING. Sometimes detachment is taken as a

license for becoming dry to others, which is absurd. (Break Quote)


(Folks... this is a most important point. " Being detached " does not mean " being

indifferent " or " ignoring " people. That is absolutely the wrong idea of what

spiritual detachment is. Spiritual detachment is not being detached in a

negative sense of separating ourselves from others. It is more that we are

" objective " rather than too subjective, and can see clearly, but the love flows

to others, and they are attracted by our love. In other words, we do not become

" dry " personalities, but the opposite.)


(Resume Quote of SM)


This is a human quality to make everything dirty which is beautiful. Actually, a


PERSON, IS LOVE. Look at the flowers, they are detached. They are dying

tomorrow, they are not going to live but every minute they live they are

emitting fragrance to you. The trees are not attached to anything; they will die

tomorrow, doesn't matter. But if anybody comes to them, they give shadow, they

give fruits.



example, in a tree, say the sap rises, goes to all the necessary parts, all the

flowers, all the fruits, then goes back to Mother Earth. It is not attached to

anyone, Supposing, the sap goes and gets attached into one fruit. What will

happen? The fruit will die and the tree will die. DETACHMENT GIVES YOU THE


Devi on Guru Purnima Day - 29 July, 1980 - London, England)



DETACHMENT IS OF THE ATTENTION. Do not allow your attention to get involved into

something, even rituals of anything. Say, now we have not washed Mataji's FEET

Alright it does not matter. You love ME, alright. If some mistakes may be

committed, what does it matter? If you see on the abstract plane. IT'S LOVE.

This is just a step forward, like somebody ran very fast and fell down before

reaching ME and says, " Mother, Sorry, I fell down before reaching you, I should

not have not done that. But, Mother see, how I prostrated before you " . It's a

complete poetry - DETACHMENT.


So, one has to develop that DETACHMENT to be a GURU. AND THAT DETACHMENT does

not mean SANYAS (renunciation) or anything like that. Sometimes one has to wear

those dresses to announce to the world because if you have to work in a short

time then you have to take to that intensive behavior like CHRIST, you can say

or ADISHANKARACHARYA. All these people had a very very short life. In that short

life they had to achieve - such a tremendous task that they had to actually take

a military uniform just to avoid problems, NOT to impress others. Now-a-days

people do it just to impress others that they are detached and do just the

things opposite to it.


(Advice, Guru Puja - Guru Purnima Day - London, England - 29/7/80)

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