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Introspection and thoughtless awareness

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Dear all,


There is much talk about introspection as being one the of greatest gifts of

self realization

(to see one's self clearly) and how it can help you grow in leaps an bounds in


to anything else, which i do not doubt; however, there seems to be the issue of

thoughtless awareness in regards to true introspection.


It has been stated on this forum that introspection is not thinking about one's

problems or

why one is reacting or angry, but rather putting one's enlightened attention on

the issue in

the thoughtless state to see it for what it is.


IF one has not touched thoughtless awareness yet, how can one introspect? I know


thoughtless awareness is the reality and is very attainable by every Sy, but up

until the

point where a yogi/yogini even touches the thoughtless state, how can one


Without the the thoughtless state, it would be looking at the issues logically

to a certain

extent and really analyzing the issue. For example, why one is angry at another


and then seeing mentally if it is ego or justified, etc, etc. This by the

definition in pervious

posts on this forum is not introspection, as it has not occured within the




So i guess my question is: How can one introspect when they haven't reached any

thoughtlessness at all? It would seem like a huge waste of time to wait until

you have

established the thoughtless state before introspecting, when some progress i

feel could

possibly be made by being realistic about the issue and mentally seeing the

reason for the

problem and being honest about it with yourself, that is until you can become


and introspect by definition.


I would enjoy some responses to clarify this issue.


Also, any information about " contemplation " in regards to ones life, problems

etc for a

realized soul would be good. What i am asking here is for someone to explain

what is

means to contemplate in SY terms(thoughtless and not thoughtless), as

contemplation has

always meant deep thought in my mind. Are these two things only able to be had

by those

who have the thoughtless state?


Thanks everyone



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Dear Kyyan,


The most important thing is to meditate, and carry the thoughtless state with

you throughout your day. Throughout the day, anytime unwanted thoughts intrude,

just take control by saying " not that thought " or " I forgive that thought " . Your

Attention is connected to your Spirit, so you have the power to make it work.


Throughout the day, just keep your mind on Spirit. Nothing is more important.

Even when you are working or doing anything, your Spirit is still right there

with you. You can include your Spirit in everything you do, by keeping your

attention on your Spirit while you are also working or doing anything. It is

similar to speaking to someone while at the same time your attention is on that

'kite flying up there'. You can keep your attention on both.


Surrender all thoughts. They are not needed at all. There is a Higher Way of

Thinking. 99.9% of human thoughts are mundane and absolutely useless. Replace

these with Higher Thoughts of the Spirit... of spiritual things, which also give

you the Joy and the Reality. That will be a great spiritual benefit to help

establish you also. Loving and helpful thoughts are not mundane. Any good

thoughts are not mundane. Cultivate them. They are of the Spirit.


With meditation, spiritual thoughts, and keeping your attention on Spirit...

eventually you will remain " in Spirit " . With your Sahaj Connection

(self-realisation) you can do it. All you have to do is learn to use that

connection to achieve your Spirit. Have faith in yourself, and use it.


Contemplation is contemplating on any subject. Introspection is contemplating on

yourself. You have your connection. Your attention is at Sahasrara. You don't

have to wait to be perfect to contemplate or introspect. It is just that your

contemplation and introspection will become stronger and deeper as your

meditative abilities deepen and strengthen. If in your contemplation or

meditation, you have mundane, unwanted, or useless thoughts creeping in, deal

with them at once. That is the secret. Be firm. Be disciplined. That is

important. It takes spiritual work. And meditation is the key to make it work.


Appended below is what Shri Mataji said on meditation, introspection and more



warmest regards,






" Now, the problem of this Adi Shakti is this: that I decided that I will have

all of you enter into My body, absorb all of you. It is a very dangerous game, I

know, but I did play. Because I'm supposed to do at this stage of time that I

should absorb you all in My body. So with you all, your problems have also gone

into Me, all your troubles also have gone into Me, but by absorbing it, see, it

is like ocean into which you are put and you are cleansed, but what about the

ocean? Ocean has got still your problems and things lingering and they are very

troublesome. So the best thing would be for you to cleanse yourself. Cleansing

is very important through introspection. But doesn't mean thinking, never means

thinking, but introspection means meditation and that you all should meditate.


I must tell you, we had a meeting of the leaders and they came out and sat in

the drawing-room. As soon as they assembled, I had such a severe pain in the

stomach and I had such a bad diarrhoea that you can't believe it. Now, who has

got those problems, I don't know. Who has brought these problems, I don't know,

but as a Mother, as a Mother I don't mind anything, as long as you all get well

and purified. Just like as the Mother Earth cares for you, I also care for you

and just like as the Mother Earth loves you, I also love you.


(Excerpt - Adi Shakti Puja - Cabella, Italy - 25 May, 1997)




" So now all of you must develop that dedication to yourself to find out what's

your problem and how you have to correct it. If it is done everyday, I can

assure you, you'll have no problem of any kind. Your thoughts will stop. Your

problems will be solved and you'll have no catches at all because you've washed

them away, but if you leave them on your being then they grow and they become

big. So there should be no lethargy as far as meditation is concerned but

joyfully you'll start doing after some time. You won't be happy if you have not

done it.


But in the beginning you'll have to go to yourself and tell yourself that this

body has to be cleaned. But work on this body, this mind and this intellect.

Both of them are to be corrected. To be an instrument of God you have to be

perfect, perfect personality, otherwise you might not be able to communicate the

message of Sahaja Yoga in the proper way. Many people say we are surrendered to

Mother, and we are surrendered to Her and as surrendering we'll get everything.

But what are you surrendering? Is that a clean heart or a heart full of all

kinds of wrong things? Or is that an intelligence which is a very superior kind

of clean intelligence or else are you coming out with all your arrogance.


So though there is the Ganges of Sahaja Yoga flowing, still you have to have the

depth of a pitcher. A stone cannot fetch any water. Same with children. Of

course, as they will be going to India, I'm sure they'll form proper routines

and they'll form proper meditation methods. It's obvious that we never had the

sense of divinity in the West. Whatever we have, whatever we got from the church

or from any synagogue or something like that, which was only Sunday to Sunday...

Sunday to Sunday. For a Muslim it is Friday to Friday... Friday to Friday. But

that has lead them no where. So we have to do something about it. Problems will

be solved in no time. You don't have to sit down and contemplate 'for worry' how

you will solve your problems. It will be solved.


But what cannot be solved are the habits you have developed - habits of

lethargy. I can understand England and if the people are lethargic (there), but

they are not. They have become extremely, extremely hard working, active and

also dedicated. How they have achieved it? Only by knowing that this dedication

brings forth all the cleansing and all the powers. Now supposing that this

instrument is not clean: You won't be able to even hear me! It is useless. So

our instrument has to be perfect to manifest Sahaja Yoga. If it is not... all

the defects can have (a) double effect. Like first it will effect you; you can

never feel the full advantage of Sahaj Yog... and secondly, it will effect the

people who will meet you and gradually they will find out there is something

wrong with you: " Some sort of a subdued madness which this Sahaja Yoga is

because I don't find anything great about this man. He's half way here and half

way there. "


Once you start getting deeper into your being you will be amazed that you can

develop such capacities that you'll be amazed at yourself. Of course, there are

blessings, there are miracles, but think of your own capacities. What are your

capacities? How far are you able to do something about curing people? We have

few people in Bombay and few people in Pune also, but they're available for

curing. Some of them are going to villages. Now they have asked Me to give them

Jeep so they could take a music party to the villages and sing there and achieve

greater number of Sahaja Yogis. But when they come back immediately, whether

they come in the daytime or in the night, immediately they wash the feet before

the photograph. Also to protect yourself you have to give yourself a bandhan all

the time. It is not that you should say, " Now I am all right. " You should not

say that " I am perfect. " You should not say, " Now I am a Sahaja Yogi " ... ever.

Never think like that. The moment you start thinking you are perfect, you are



So before going out, you must give a proper bandhan. Also before sleeping you

must give a proper bandhan. Put your attention to your Sahasrara; then sleep.

It's very amazing how things work out. Immediately you will know whether a

person is meditating or not - immediately. It's like there is a person who has

given a bath to the child. Though he has given a bath to the child, still he has

not taken a bath. You can immediately make it out... the difference between the



In the same way, those who have been meditating every day, morning and evening,

not much time needed - you can see we waste all our time in something

nonsensical. When there is complete understanding of yourself and complete

understanding of these vibrations, then only you can handle them properly. All

this knowledge is for you. It's absolutely free, as you know and all this can be

yours. So, do not just get satisfied: " All right, today is Sunday. We go to the

church. " Take the hymn book. Let us sing this same number such-and-such. Again

sit down. Get up. Sit down. Come back home - just the same. But today I have

really thought of telling all of you that you have to develop the depth within



(Brisbane Puja Talk - Brisbane, Australia - 6 April, 1991)




-- In , " v_koa " <v_koa



> Dear all,


> There is much talk about introspection as being one the of greatest

gifts of self realization

> (to see one's self clearly) and how it can help you grow in leaps

an bounds in comparison

> to anything else, which i do not doubt; however, there seems to be

the issue of

> thoughtless awareness in regards to true introspection.


> It has been stated on this forum that introspection is not thinking

about one's problems or

> why one is reacting or angry, but rather putting one's enlightened

attention on the issue in

> the thoughtless state to see it for what it is.


> IF one has not touched thoughtless awareness yet, how can one

introspect? I know that

> thoughtless awareness is the reality and is very attainable by

every Sy, but up until the

> point where a yogi/yogini even touches the thoughtless state, how

can one introspect?

> Without the the thoughtless state, it would be looking at the

issues logically to a certain

> extent and really analyzing the issue. For example, why one is

angry at another person

> and then seeing mentally if it is ego or justified, etc, etc. This

by the definition in pervious

> posts on this forum is not introspection, as it has not occured

within the thoughtless

> state.


> So i guess my question is: How can one introspect when they haven't

reached any

> thoughtlessness at all? It would seem like a huge waste of time to

wait until you have

> established the thoughtless state before introspecting, when some

progress i feel could

> possibly be made by being realistic about the issue and mentally

seeing the reason for the

> problem and being honest about it with yourself, that is until you

can become thoughtless

> and introspect by definition.


> I would enjoy some responses to clarify this issue.


> Also, any information about " contemplation " in regards to ones

life, problems etc for a

> realized soul would be good. What i am asking here is for someone

to explain what is

> means to contemplate in SY terms(thoughtless and not thoughtless),

as contemplation has

> always meant deep thought in my mind. Are these two things only

able to be had by those

> who have the thoughtless state?


> Thanks everyone


> Kyyan


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