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In June 1994, Pramila’s son, SY Harsh Mehra, took these faxes to London, UK

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, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir,


> i refer to your words:


> " So the existing 1994 SY leadership knew about Shri Mataji's

> predictions about Montreal and must have requested a grand puja.

> In fact i heard the local collective organizer SY Robert McNeil

> telling SYs that Canada will be the place from where Sahaja Yoga

> will spread. It all makes sense now Violet. " (END QUOTE)


> Jagbir, your remarks are most prescient: " Why indeed???... would

> there be a North American Puja in Montreal... when it could have

> been in Vancouver, Toronto, or New York! i decided to recall that

> day in 1994 once again in order to ascertain if Shri Mataji had

> mentioned anything about a puja in Montreal:


> So... just to summarize... Shri Mataji had revealed that " special

> personalities " would " give evidence " of Her Incarnation and that

> these personalities would come from Montreal, Canada. i remember

> us all being " stunned into complete Silence " at hearing Shri

> Mataji's Revelations. We had never heard anything like this

> before! However... Shri Mataji, True to Her Self... was as calm

> and unperturbed as ever, as if there was nothing unusual about Her

> Revelation.


> i noticed however, somewhat of a flurry of quiet conversation

> among a few SYs and leadership. Then the SY leader responded to

> Shri Mataji's Revelations. He requested of Shri Mataji on behalf

> of all Sahaja Yogis... to have the North American Puja in

> Montreal, Canada... since this was to be the place where Sahaja

> Yoga would be given Evidence of Her Incarnation, which in turn...

> would spread Sahaja Yoga around the world. Shri Mataji happily

> gave Her consent and therefore the North American Puja took place

> in Montreal.


> So... Jagbir, you are absolutely right when you say that a special

> puja must have been requested inspite of the fact that SYs did not

> know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know the

> " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

> However, they had been informed that these " special personalities "

> would come from " Montreal, Canada! "


> And like you also say, Jagbir... it " was unprecedented " to have a

> North American Puja in Montreal, Canada. Normally, these would be

> in the large cities like Vancouver, Toronto, or New York.

> Therefore we can take great comfort from the fact that the reason

> the North American Puja was held in Montreal, Canada... was

> because of Shri Mataji's Revelations of what was to come out of

> Montreal... that would give a great blessing to the world!


> Jai Shri Mataji!


> violet




Dear Violet and All,


i came across an incident that had been long forgotten. There are

reasons i completely forgot about it:


i) i was really busy and focussed on recording and cross-examing the

mystical experiences of Kash, Arwinder and Lalita. Since this was

happening on a daily basis all else seemed petty and quickly

forgotten ................. including the fact that Shri Mataji

and the SY leadership knew full well what was taking place.


ii) the faxes sent 17-04-94 were addressed to the director of the

Divine Cool Breeze in San Diego, USA and not Shri Mataji. That made

me forget too until yesterday when, while searching for information,

i read page 98 (below) and checked my files. Only then did it dawn

on me what had actually transpired, and connected it with what

Violet had witnessed in Australia around the same time.


iii) none of us were interested in trumpeting such blessings. i did

not want to convince skeptical SYs that Shri Mataji believed all

that was taking place in Montreal as the North American SYs cared

two hoots about the childrens' mystical experiences. Even Kash told

me not to tell outsiders anything " as they will just pretend to

listen " . So the presentation of the 1994 faxes by Harsh Mehra to

Shri Mataji were soon forgotten as there were more important and

urgent matters to focus on and attend too.


It must be again made clear that my intention in 1994 was just to

let SYs know what was taking place. So it was indeed a pleasant

surprise when i found out that Shri Mataji was read the contents of

the faxes and confirmed they were true. This fact is recorded on

page 89 of Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God and i quote;


" In April 1994, Kash's father sent two faxes of these early

spiritual journeys to the Sahaja Yoga centre in San Diego,

California, and received by Sahaja Yogini Pramila. She used her

vibrations and confirmed they were authentic, but other were

skeptic, rejecting it as a 'supraconscious experience.'


In June 1994, Pramila's son, SY Harsh Mehra, took these faxes to

London, UK, and read them to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She affirmed

that it was the Truth. Upon his return to the United States he

contacted Kash's father to congratulate him. His mother also

expressed her heartfelt joy. They also told him that Shri Mataji had

assured that She would be protecting both Kash and his newly born

sister Lalita. "


Faxes read by Harsh Mehra to Shri Mataji in UK June 1994:


1) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_1.jpg

2) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_2.jpg

3) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_3.jpg


Fax mentioned in opening paragraph of above 1994_fax_1.jpg:

4) http://adishakti.org/images/first_fax.jpg



Violet, within a few months Shri Mataji confirmed as true what " SYs

did not know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know

the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " . So

what you witnessed and heard spoken by Shri Mataji in Australia

March 1994 materialized by June. It happened exactly the way She

predicted .............. and even i am flabbergasted by the

mystical nature, accuracy and timing of Shri Mataji's casual remark.

One can easily determine this by reading the contents of the faxes ..

............ that also reveal the explosive nature of the Truth!


So way back in June 1994 the SY leadership knew Shri Mataji had

confirmed that the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be

forthcoming " , presented to Her in UK by Harsh Mehra, was true. They

had full knowledge that Shri Mataji, unlike themselves, did not

regard Kash's experience as caused by some possession or evil

entity. To top it up Shri Mataji had already mentioned earlier in

March 1994 in Australia that " special personalities " would " give

evidence " of Her Incarnation and that these personalities would come

from Montreal, Canada. That left absolutely no room for doubt as

whatever She had declared in March was confirmed to be true by

written evidence in June 1994!!! There was supposed to be a

collective outpouring of great joy and bliss!!!


But nothing happened, as if Shri Mataji's confirmation was

accompanied by an eruption of collective jealousy amongst leaders

that infected SYs as well. What else could silence them to not

rejoice at the evidence given of Shri Mataji's incarnation? Maybe

leaders felt that their children deserved such roles as they had

served Shri Mataji for years. They just could not accept outsiders

suddenly appearing out of nowhere and taking the limelight, honors

and recognition (which none of us were ever interested in the first

place right from the beginning ......... till today). The Truth

would make great world leaders like Yogi Mahajan and others almost

impotent and powerless overnight. There would be a seismic shift of

power and prestige away from them. Years of basking in the public

glory, limelight, adulation and responsibility of spearheading and

spreading Sahaja Yoga would soon end. The explosive contents of the

faxes were more than the SY leadership could bear and they made

their disapproval and disappointment clear ........................

behind Shri Mataji's back. i too did not know or could have believed

at that time the dark nature of their intentions.


But today i can truly see the breadth and scope of the subtle, silent

conspiracy against Shri Mataji, initiated by ex-world leader Yogi

Mahajan in the mid-1990s, against those giving evidence of Her

incarnation. i quote:


" He Is A Child Of Darkness


The sad saga continued as the latent negativity crossed the seas to

continued its destructive path.


At this time Kash and his brother Shahwinder were enrolled at the

International Sahaja Public School in Dharamsala, India. When Kash

and Shahwinder reached New Delhi, India, they were in for a shock.

The school authorities told them to go back because they could not

find their names in the registration book, and that they did not

realize they were educated in French (even though they were fluent

in English)! Those in charge insisted that Kash and his brother must

return home, as if they had just taken a three-wheeler from nearby

Janak Puri and rudely requested registration. Even the Canadian

leader Jay Chudasama and SY Steve Gulati were unable to remove this

petty problem. The school authorities were determined to send them

back and demanded they return home!


Their father had to make frantic calls to Delhi and Poona and begged

that they be allowed to stay. He was so relieved when they were

given a one-month extension.


Then, a few days later, realizing that they could not possibly

switch from French to English, study new subjects and pass the

required exam within a month, the Truth had to be told to secure

their stay for a few years. He sent fifty pages of Shri Adi Shakti:

Kingdom Of God as evidence to one of the SY world leader, Yogi

Mahajan, and Mrs. Chitnavis (the principal) explaining that

something phenomenal had happen: a young SY child had confirmed that

the Golden Goddess does reside in the Sahasrara.


At this time `Shri Kalki' was also in India, and approached by SY

Mahajan. Kash was the topic of discussion. 'Shri Kalki,' who was

sure that Kash was possessed by the same demons that tormented him,

probably did not have much kind words. Evil spirits had possessed

this 'child of darkness' and given him the visionary powers. This

child was dangerous to Sahaja Yoga and had to be dealt with quickly.

The fact that he was now inside the compound of the Adi Shakti's

school, mingling with the children of realized souls, only made

matters worse.


The father humbly asked that Kash be given protection, guidance and

sanctuary until Her book was published, as the school atmosphere in

Montreal was harsh and against spiritual development.


But SY Mahajan vaguely explained to him over the phone what he

thought about the whole episode, as reflected in his opinion in The

Ascent, and believed by most Sahaja Yogis. Kash was dabbling in

darkness and deserved no special attention or protection — or even

be exorcised of the `demons' that `possessed' him.


Kash's father was not convinced by SY Mahajan's brief evasive

explanation as it contradicted his (Mahajan's) own conviction

that " Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden

Goddess that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the

total being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle

resides in every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of

it, and the saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent,

Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)


Then he (Yogi Mahajan) was told that his (Kash) younger 5-year-old

brother, Arwinder, was also experiencing and confirming the same

Reality. Yogi Mahajan offered no explanation. On the contrary, he

rejected one of the greatest spiritual enlightenment in the history

of humankind as the work of evil spirits and refused to listen to

any further explanation!


Their stunned father could hardly believe the utter disregard and

spiritual arrogance displayed by those empowered to make decisions.

Fifty pages of proof was treated as trash! Desperate pleas for help

found no compassion!


Two stranded sons of the Great MahaDevi soon found that there was no

shelter from the fast approaching storm! "


Shri Adi Shakti: Kingdom Of God, pg. 114



Yogi Mahajan succeeded in his plot to demonize and lay false charges

against the children in order to expel them against Shri Mataji's

wishes. Then he set about influencing leaders and those able to

inflict maximum damage. Since he was the undisputed power broker in

Sahaja Yoga his false accusations and ignorance were most welcome

and willingly spread since most SYs too believed likewise.


Despite Shri Mataji expelling him a few years ago WCASY members like

Alan Wherry, Viktor Bondar and others have continued where Yogi

Mahajan left. And they have henchmen like John Noyce and Ed Saugstad

to poison and turn SYs against the websites and forum of those

giving evidence of Her incarnation. The ghost of Yogi Mahajan still

walks the corridors of Sahaja Yoga till today and continues to

frighten SYs. Let me remind them that the Truth of Her incarnation

will outlast each and every one of them. There is no way WCASY and

SYSSR will survive, as it is coming clear in Vancouver, Montreal,

Toronto, New York, London, Hamburg and other SY centers.


the camel will die from the thirst of the Truth being declared,



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Dear Jagbir and All,


The greatest stumbling block for Sahaja Yogis is leaders who have 'con'vinced

them that they are really the leaders. However... Shri Mataji clearly stated in

Dourban, France in 1986 that no leader She appoints is really the leader... and

anyone who starts to think that they are really the leader... is going to get

into all sorts of problems:


" If we appoint somebody as a leader, the leader may start thinking that he's

really the leader. And then it becomes really a problem for him because he

starts losing everything that is leadership. " (Puja Address in Dourban, France,



Any Sahaja Yogi 'worth their salt' must know that " the real leader " in Sahaja

Yoga is " The Divine Unity " . Sahaja Yoga means " Union with the Divine " . And Shri

Mataji also described this Divine Unity in Her Birthday Puja Speech in Bombay,

India, when She started Her Vishwa Nirmala Dharma... which literally means Her

" Universal Immaculate Religion " :


" First, we have started Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. You are under the Vision of Shri

Ganesh, under the Guidance of your Spirit, and under the blessings of God

Almighty " . (Excerpt Birthday Puja - Bombay, India - 21 March, 1985)


So, folks... once we start to follow the " Vishwa Nirmala Dharma " in action and

not just in words... then we have to continue following it. We just have no

choice but to do so. We have to be honest. We have to stick to the maryadas

(spiritual boundaries). Sahaja Yogis who follow leaders as if they are the real

leaders have not even begun to understand what " Vishwa Nirmala Dharma " is!!!

Because... once you follow " this Dharma " ... you can follow nobody else. Shri

Mataji explains it like this:


" But be careful... because once you become that, you have to keep to that

Dharma. You have to be honest about it. If you have decided... from today

onwards... you be careful! Anything can happen to you if you get out of the

'maryadas' (boundaries of spiritual behaviour). Till you keep the maryadas of

Sahaja Yoga... 'saying morning-evening-night that " I am a Sahaja Yogi " '...

nobody can harm you; hurt you. Nobody can trouble you. On the contrary you will

be enjoying life if you keep to the maryadas. But if you leave the maryadas of

Sahaja Yoga, you will have big problems. (Birthday Puja - Bombay, India - 21

March, 1985)


Jagbir... 'in regards to leaders who think they are really the leaders'... WCASY

have clearly fallen into that trap now, and problems beset them and " they have

lost everything that is leadership " ... just like Shri Mataji warned at Dourban.

They have rejected Her Mystical Evidence... for the more important notion that

they thought they were really the leaders now. This thought enabled them also to

'demonize your children'. Little did they know, therefore... that when they

cried " Demonic! " ... " Demonic! " ... in reality they were referring to

themselves... and their subsequent demonic repression and suppression of the

Mystical Evidence of Shri Mataji.


When these leaders whom Shri Mataji appointed thought they were really the

leaders... they repressed and suppressed all knowledge of

(http://www.adishakti.org/) and (http://www.al-qiyamah.org/). Instead of

fulfilling their leadership role in complete humility as Shri Mataji expected of

them... they revolted against Her Mystical Evidence and went against it.


However, Shri Mataji is making sure that " no stone remains unturned " in the

Pursuit of Her Truth and Her Mystical Evidence. So... Jagbir... i have something

important to tell you that i hope will bring you " Added Joy " for this Christmas

Season of 2006. You could call it " the final missing piece of the puzzle " ... and

this 'missing piece' can actually be found within your own quote of:


" So Shri Mataji did declare around the end of March 1994 that special

personalities from Montreal, Canada will give evidence. That is the reason why a

few weeks later the first and only national puja was held at Camp Interval in

Quebec on June 24, 1994. At that time i was wondering why the tiny Montreal

collective was given the honor of hosting the North American Guru Puja, and not

Toronto or Vancouver or New York. So the existing 1994 SY leadership knew about

Shri Mataji's predictions about Montreal and must have requested a grand puja.

In fact i heard the local collective organizer SY Robert McNeil telling SYs that

Canada will be the place from where Sahaja Yoga will spread. It all makes sense

now Violet. "




And the precise clue to the 'final missing piece of the puzzle' is in the very

words of:


" In fact i heard the local collective organizer SY Robert McNeil telling SYs

that Canada will be the place from where Sahaja Yoga will spread!!! "


Jagbir... for some reason my attention was drawn again and again to those words

of SY Robert McNeil. i realise now that the reason for this is that " Shri Mataji

said it first!!! " In fact... right after She told about the special

personalities from Montreal, Canada who would give evidence of Her

Incarnation... She then said that " Sahaja Yoga will spread from Canada to the

rest of the world " .


Jagbir... 'given that She said that Sahaja Yoga will spread from Canada to the

rest of the world'... and She said this right after talking about " special

personalities " whom we now know to be your children... i believe we can safely

assume that:


" Sahaja Yoga will spread from Montreal, Canada... to the rest of the world!!!


Jai Shri Mataji!





-- In , " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > i refer to your words:

> >

> > " So the existing 1994 SY leadership knew about Shri Mataji's

> > predictions about Montreal and must have requested a grand puja.

> > In fact i heard the local collective organizer SY Robert McNeil

> > telling SYs that Canada will be the place from where Sahaja Yoga

> > will spread. It all makes sense now Violet. " (END QUOTE)

> >

> > Jagbir, your remarks are most prescient: " Why indeed???... would

> > there be a North American Puja in Montreal... when it could have

> > been in Vancouver, Toronto, or New York! i decided to recall that

> > day in 1994 once again in order to ascertain if Shri Mataji had

> > mentioned anything about a puja in Montreal:

> >

> > So... just to summarize... Shri Mataji had revealed that " special

> > personalities " would " give evidence " of Her Incarnation and that

> > these personalities would come from Montreal, Canada. i remember

> > us all being " stunned into complete Silence " at hearing Shri

> > Mataji's Revelations. We had never heard anything like this

> > before! However... Shri Mataji, True to Her Self... was as calm

> > and unperturbed as ever, as if there was nothing unusual about Her

> > Revelation.

> >

> > i noticed however, somewhat of a flurry of quiet conversation

> > among a few SYs and leadership. Then the SY leader responded to

> > Shri Mataji's Revelations. He requested of Shri Mataji on behalf

> > of all Sahaja Yogis... to have the North American Puja in

> > Montreal, Canada... since this was to be the place where Sahaja

> > Yoga would be given Evidence of Her Incarnation, which in turn...

> > would spread Sahaja Yoga around the world. Shri Mataji happily

> > gave Her consent and therefore the North American Puja took place

> > in Montreal.

> >

> > So... Jagbir, you are absolutely right when you say that a special

> > puja must have been requested inspite of the fact that SYs did not

> > know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know the

> > " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

> > However, they had been informed that these " special personalities "

> > would come from " Montreal, Canada! "

> >

> > And like you also say, Jagbir... it " was unprecedented " to have a

> > North American Puja in Montreal, Canada. Normally, these would be

> > in the large cities like Vancouver, Toronto, or New York.

> > Therefore we can take great comfort from the fact that the reason

> > the North American Puja was held in Montreal, Canada... was

> > because of Shri Mataji's Revelations of what was to come out of

> > Montreal... that would give a great blessing to the world!

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji!

> >

> > violet

> >

> >


> Dear Violet and All,


> i came across an incident that had been long forgotten. There are

> reasons i completely forgot about it:


> i) i was really busy and focussed on recording and cross-examing the

> mystical experiences of Kash, Arwinder and Lalita. Since this was

> happening on a daily basis all else seemed petty and quickly

> forgotten ................. including the fact that Shri Mataji

> and the SY leadership knew full well what was taking place.


> ii) the faxes sent 17-04-94 were addressed to the director of the

> Divine Cool Breeze in San Diego, USA and not Shri Mataji. That made

> me forget too until yesterday when, while searching for information,

> i read page 98 (below) and checked my files. Only then did it dawn

> on me what had actually transpired, and connected it with what

> Violet had witnessed in Australia around the same time.


> iii) none of us were interested in trumpeting such blessings. i did

> not want to convince skeptical SYs that Shri Mataji believed all

> that was taking place in Montreal as the North American SYs cared

> two hoots about the childrens' mystical experiences. Even Kash told

> me not to tell outsiders anything " as they will just pretend to

> listen " . So the presentation of the 1994 faxes by Harsh Mehra to

> Shri Mataji were soon forgotten as there were more important and

> urgent matters to focus on and attend too.


> It must be again made clear that my intention in 1994 was just to

> let SYs know what was taking place. So it was indeed a pleasant

> surprise when i found out that Shri Mataji was read the contents of

> the faxes and confirmed they were true. This fact is recorded on

> page 89 of Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God and i quote;


> " In April 1994, Kash's father sent two faxes of these early

> spiritual journeys to the Sahaja Yoga centre in San Diego,

> California, and received by Sahaja Yogini Pramila. She used her

> vibrations and confirmed they were authentic, but other were

> skeptic, rejecting it as a 'supraconscious experience.'


> In June 1994, Pramila's son, SY Harsh Mehra, took these faxes to

> London, UK, and read them to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She affirmed

> that it was the Truth. Upon his return to the United States he

> contacted Kash's father to congratulate him. His mother also

> expressed her heartfelt joy. They also told him that Shri Mataji had

> assured that She would be protecting both Kash and his newly born

> sister Lalita. "


> Faxes read by Harsh Mehra to Shri Mataji in UK June 1994:


> 1) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_1.jpg

> 2) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_2.jpg

> 3) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_3.jpg


> Fax mentioned in opening paragraph of above 1994_fax_1.jpg:

> 4) http://adishakti.org/images/first_fax.jpg



> Violet, within a few months Shri Mataji confirmed as true what " SYs

> did not know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know

> the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " . So

> what you witnessed and heard spoken by Shri Mataji in Australia

> March 1994 materialized by June. It happened exactly the way She

> predicted .............. and even i am flabbergasted by the

> mystical nature, accuracy and timing of Shri Mataji's casual remark.

> One can easily determine this by reading the contents of the faxes


> ........... that also reveal the explosive nature of the Truth!


> So way back in June 1994 the SY leadership knew Shri Mataji had

> confirmed that the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be

> forthcoming " , presented to Her in UK by Harsh Mehra, was true. They

> had full knowledge that Shri Mataji, unlike themselves, did not

> regard Kash's experience as caused by some possession or evil

> entity. To top it up Shri Mataji had already mentioned earlier in

> March 1994 in Australia that " special personalities " would " give

> evidence " of Her Incarnation and that these personalities would come

> from Montreal, Canada. That left absolutely no room for doubt as

> whatever She had declared in March was confirmed to be true by

> written evidence in June 1994!!! There was supposed to be a

> collective outpouring of great joy and bliss!!!


> But nothing happened, as if Shri Mataji's confirmation was

> accompanied by an eruption of collective jealousy amongst leaders

> that infected SYs as well. What else could silence them to not

> rejoice at the evidence given of Shri Mataji's incarnation? Maybe

> leaders felt that their children deserved such roles as they had

> served Shri Mataji for years. They just could not accept outsiders

> suddenly appearing out of nowhere and taking the limelight, honors

> and recognition (which none of us were ever interested in the first

> place right from the beginning ......... till today). The Truth

> would make great world leaders like Yogi Mahajan and others almost

> impotent and powerless overnight. There would be a seismic shift of

> power and prestige away from them. Years of basking in the public

> glory, limelight, adulation and responsibility of spearheading and

> spreading Sahaja Yoga would soon end. The explosive contents of the

> faxes were more than the SY leadership could bear and they made

> their disapproval and disappointment clear ........................

> behind Shri Mataji's back. i too did not know or could have believed

> at that time the dark nature of their intentions.


> But today i can truly see the breadth and scope of the subtle,


> conspiracy against Shri Mataji, initiated by ex-world leader Yogi

> Mahajan in the mid-1990s, against those giving evidence of Her

> incarnation. i quote:


> " He Is A Child Of Darkness


> The sad saga continued as the latent negativity crossed the seas to

> continued its destructive path.


> At this time Kash and his brother Shahwinder were enrolled at the

> International Sahaja Public School in Dharamsala, India. When Kash

> and Shahwinder reached New Delhi, India, they were in for a shock.

> The school authorities told them to go back because they could not

> find their names in the registration book, and that they did not

> realize they were educated in French (even though they were fluent

> in English)! Those in charge insisted that Kash and his brother must

> return home, as if they had just taken a three-wheeler from nearby

> Janak Puri and rudely requested registration. Even the Canadian

> leader Jay Chudasama and SY Steve Gulati were unable to remove this

> petty problem. The school authorities were determined to send them

> back and demanded they return home!


> Their father had to make frantic calls to Delhi and Poona and begged

> that they be allowed to stay. He was so relieved when they were

> given a one-month extension.


> Then, a few days later, realizing that they could not possibly

> switch from French to English, study new subjects and pass the

> required exam within a month, the Truth had to be told to secure

> their stay for a few years. He sent fifty pages of Shri Adi Shakti:

> Kingdom Of God as evidence to one of the SY world leader, Yogi

> Mahajan, and Mrs. Chitnavis (the principal) explaining that

> something phenomenal had happen: a young SY child had confirmed that

> the Golden Goddess does reside in the Sahasrara.


> At this time `Shri Kalki' was also in India, and approached by SY

> Mahajan. Kash was the topic of discussion. 'Shri Kalki,' who was

> sure that Kash was possessed by the same demons that tormented him,

> probably did not have much kind words. Evil spirits had possessed

> this 'child of darkness' and given him the visionary powers. This

> child was dangerous to Sahaja Yoga and had to be dealt with quickly.

> The fact that he was now inside the compound of the Adi Shakti's

> school, mingling with the children of realized souls, only made

> matters worse.


> The father humbly asked that Kash be given protection, guidance and

> sanctuary until Her book was published, as the school atmosphere in

> Montreal was harsh and against spiritual development.


> But SY Mahajan vaguely explained to him over the phone what he

> thought about the whole episode, as reflected in his opinion in The

> Ascent, and believed by most Sahaja Yogis. Kash was dabbling in

> darkness and deserved no special attention or protection — or even

> be exorcised of the `demons' that `possessed' him.


> Kash's father was not convinced by SY Mahajan's brief evasive

> explanation as it contradicted his (Mahajan's) own conviction

> that " Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden

> Goddess that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the

> total being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle

> resides in every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of

> it, and the saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent,

> Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)


> Then he (Yogi Mahajan) was told that his (Kash) younger 5-year-old

> brother, Arwinder, was also experiencing and confirming the same

> Reality. Yogi Mahajan offered no explanation. On the contrary, he

> rejected one of the greatest spiritual enlightenment in the history

> of humankind as the work of evil spirits and refused to listen to

> any further explanation!


> Their stunned father could hardly believe the utter disregard and

> spiritual arrogance displayed by those empowered to make decisions.

> Fifty pages of proof was treated as trash! Desperate pleas for help

> found no compassion!


> Two stranded sons of the Great MahaDevi soon found that there was no

> shelter from the fast approaching storm! "


> Shri Adi Shakti: Kingdom Of God, pg. 114



> Yogi Mahajan succeeded in his plot to demonize and lay false charges

> against the children in order to expel them against Shri Mataji's

> wishes. Then he set about influencing leaders and those able to

> inflict maximum damage. Since he was the undisputed power broker in

> Sahaja Yoga his false accusations and ignorance were most welcome

> and willingly spread since most SYs too believed likewise.


> Despite Shri Mataji expelling him a few years ago WCASY members like

> Alan Wherry, Viktor Bondar and others have continued where Yogi

> Mahajan left. And they have henchmen like John Noyce and Ed Saugstad

> to poison and turn SYs against the websites and forum of those

> giving evidence of Her incarnation. The ghost of Yogi Mahajan still

> walks the corridors of Sahaja Yoga till today and continues to

> frighten SYs. Let me remind them that the Truth of Her incarnation

> will outlast each and every one of them. There is no way WCASY and

> SYSSR will survive, as it is coming clear in Vancouver, Montreal,

> Toronto, New York, London, Hamburg and other SY centers.


> the camel will die from the thirst of the Truth being declared,


> jagbir


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Dear Jagbir and All,


When i first replied to your post of Message #7115, i was contemplating on what

Shri Mataji said in Dourban, France in 1986 about " leaders She appointed

starting to think they are the real leaders and how once they think that, they

get into problems and lose all that is leadership " . Then i also needed to

address what you said SY Robert McNeil told you about " Sahaja Yoga spreading

from Canada to the rest of the world " which i did in Message #7117:

(/message/7117) There was

just so much 'going on for me' that i was unable to address the issues you had

actually brought up in Message #7115. So, i would like to do so now.


Jagbir, you said:


i came across an incident that had been long forgotten. There are reasons i

completely forgot about it:


i) i was really busy and focused on recording and cross-examining the mystical

experiences of Kash, Arwinder and Lalita. Since this was happening on a daily

basis all else seemed petty and quickly forgotten ....... including the fact

that Shri Mataji and the SY leadership knew full well what was taking place.




Jagbir, i am not at all surprised that you had forgotten this, as you had

focused on recording and cross-examining the mystical experiences of not only

one, but " three children " . And you have told us that just like with any

children, the knowledge has to be extracted at propitious times, or it would be

lost forever. It is a real spiritual boon for us to have three children's

mystical knowledge so that this knowledge can be 'cross-examined'. Such a

" built-in-confirmation-factor " for Shri Mataji's Incarnation is a Divine Boon

and Blessing that is unprecedented in Spiritual History! It can only have been

ordained by the Divine Itself!!!


Extracting, comparing, and compiling all this is an immense job, requiring much

detail, clarification, common sense and objectivity. i am sure many more of Her

Devotees will discover this Treasure Trove of Mystical Evidence of Her

Incarnation in the future, especially when they become disillusioned with the

priestly factor. For the present, Sahaja Yogis have been unable to rejoice at

the Revelations of Shri Mataji because they don't rightly know about it, but SYs

will soon come to know about it when the rest of the world does too.




ii) the faxes sent 17-04-94 were addressed to the director of the Divine Cool

Breeze in San Diego, USA and not Shri Mataji. That made me forget too until

yesterday when, while searching for information, i read page 98 (below) and

checked my files. Only then did it dawn on me what had actually transpired, and

connected it with what Violet had witnessed in Australia around the same time.




Jagbir, i am glad you found the information that you had forgotten about. The

Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit) seems to be making sure that " not one stone is left

unturned " in the confirmation of Her Incarnation. That is fantastic that you

sent faxes on the 17th of April, 1994 to the director of the Divine Cool Breeze

in San Diego, USA... and not to Shri Mataji. This is all evidence that will help

to bring Shri Mataji's Incarnation to the world-at-large.


That said, i would again like to discuss the information that Shri Mataji had

made regarding the " special personalities " who would " give evidence " of Her

Incarnation, which myself and 80-90 SYs witnessed Shri Mataji saying at Sydney

Airport in March/April 1994. Shri Mataji had come for the Easter Puja, and from

what you have told us, Lalita was born on Easter Sunday, which is an auspicious

Holy Day on which to be born. i would specifically like to address my initial

rendering in which i recounted that i could not remember whether Shri Mataji had

said that one child " was yet to be born " ... or if She said that one child " had

already been born " .


i can now tell you the answer, which i have finally recalled. i now know that i

did not know the answer to that question, because neither did Shri Mataji know

the answer to that question. i now remember that Shri Mataji said that " the

timing of the birth was so close that even She could not say for sure whether

the child was " born or not born " ... even while She was speaking. However,

whichever the case, the fact that Shri Mataji was speaking about the child at

all, is what is significant. It is significant because Shri Mataji talked openly

in front of 80-90 SYs (including myself) and speculated on the imminent birth of

Lalita! We did not know her name then nor that she would be a girl!


It is unprecedented in Sahaja Yoga, that Shri Mataji drew the attention of any

collective to the imminent birth of a child. Shri Mataji had also just referred

to her as a " special personality " (along with Kash). Shri Mataji had called both

" special personalities who would give evidence of Her Incarnation " . Shri Mataji

had also said they would come from Montreal, Canada, and they do!!!


Jagbir has since then confirmed that both Kash and Lalita are " angels

incarnated " which he says means they are " ancient liberated souls " who have

incarnated to give evidence of Shri Mataji's Incarnation. And that is why Shri

Mataji drew such Collective Attention to the birth of whom we now know as

" Lalita " . This also confirms the prophecy in the Koran, that the Ruh of Allah

will be accompanied by angels!!! Shri Mataji also told us She was accompanied by

angels too.


And now i can feel that Shri Mataji is " utterly relieved and joyful " that this

information has come to the fore again, and is now recorded for posterity. i say

this, because since i have written this, i could feel that a collective pent-up

dam has broken its banks and the Cool Living Water of Truth is joyfully

bursting, bubbling, and flowing everywhere. There is no more containment

folks!!! The Waters of the Age of Aquarius are bursting through everywhere!!! It

cannot be contained!!! What a joyful thing this is!!!




iii) none of us were interested in trumpeting such blessings. i did not want to

convince skeptical SYs that Shri Mataji believed all that was taking place in

Montreal as the North American SYs cared two hoots about the childrens' mystical

experiences. Even Kash told me not to tell outsiders anything " as they will just

pretend to listen " . So the presentation of the 1994 faxes by Harsh Mehra to Shri

Mataji were soon forgotten as there were more important and urgent matters to

focus on and attend too.




There is nothing worse, Jagbir, than sharing the Great Blessing of the Divine

which is meant for Her Devotees, and finding that Sahaja Yogis are only

pretending to listen. i once shared my story of how i underwent a dramatic

spiritual cleansing process in which Shri Mataji's face also looked down on me

from above my Sahasrara. It just so happened that this was a leader's wife i

told it to. However, i noticed at a certain point of the telling, that she was

not really listening, as if this sort of thing should perhaps not happen in

Sahaja Yoga. So i said nothing more.


Such incidents make me think about people who as the Bible says, " have a form of

godliness, but deny the power thereof " . Here are various biblical translations

which warn about interaction with such types who are not pursuing the Reality of

the Spirit (godliness) but are just pretending to be pursuing it (only going

through the outward motions; just appearing to be godly):


2 Timothy 3:5

Parallel Translations


NASB: holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid

such men as these. (NASB ©1995)


GWT: They will appear to have a godly life, but they will not let its power

change them. Stay away from such people. (GOD'S WORD®)


KJV: Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn



ASV: holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power therefore. From

these also turn away.


BBE: Having a form of religion, but turning their backs on the power of it: go

not with these.


DBY: having a form of piety but denying the power of it: and from these turn



WEY: and will keep up a make-believe of piety and yet live in defiance of its

power. Turn away from people of this sort.


WBS: Having a form of godliness, but denying its power: from such turn away.


WEB: holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof. Turn away

from these, also.


YLT: having a form of piety, and its power having denied; and from these be

turning away,






It must be again made clear that my intention in 1994 was just to let SYs know

what was taking place. So it was indeed a pleasant surprise when i found out

that Shri Mataji was read the contents of the faxes and confirmed they were

true. This fact is recorded on page 89 of Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God

and i quote;


" In April 1994, Kash's father sent two faxes of these early spiritual journeys

to the Sahaja Yoga centre in San Diego, California, and received by Sahaja

Yogini Pramila. She used her vibrations and confirmed they were authentic, but

other were skeptic, rejecting it as a 'supraconscious experience.'




Jagbir, it is fantastic news that this incident has been brought into our

attention again. That was just great that Shri Mataji was read the contents of

the faxes, and that She confirmed them " as true " .


Jagbir, you are telling us that Sahaja Yogini Pramila who could use her

vibrations to tell the Truth, confirmed these faxes of the early spiritual

journeys " as authentic " . It is fantastic that Sahaja Yogini Pramila did so on

the spot, before any Mahajanites (followers of Yogi Mahajan) could get to her to

make her change her mind.


For anyone that does not know, 'Mahajanites' have a way of changing SY minds, or

so we have noticed anyway. The original Mahajanite, Yogi Mahajan, could not feel

the spiritual vibrations with either the 'false Shri Kalki' nor with Kash. He

got it wrong on both counts firstly by listening to the false Shri Kalki and

then by wrongly demonising Kash. These actions prove to me that SY Mahajan did

not feel the vibrations, and therefore, according to what Shri Mataji has

taught, SY Mahajan should never have been listened to, because anyone that

cannot feel the vibrations, does not have any spiritual authority to speak about

Sahaja Yoga.




In June 1994, Pramila's son, SY Harsh Mehra, took these faxes to London, UK, and

read them to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She affirmed that it was the Truth. Upon

his return to the United States he contacted Kash's father to congratulate him.

His mother also expressed her heartfelt joy. They also told him that Shri Mataji

had assured that She would be protecting both Kash and his newly born sister

Lalita. "




So firstly Shri Mataji talked about the children at Sydney Airport in March of

1994. And by June of 1994, only three months later and unbeknownst to Australian

yogis like myself, who had heard about the children from Shri Mataji Herself,

Shri Mataji assures you and your wife through SY Harsh Mehra " that She would be

protecting both Kash and his newly born sister, Lalita " . i can only express my

great Joy in Silence, at hearing of this Great News.




Faxes read by Harsh Mehra to Shri Mataji in UK June 1994:


> 1) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_1.jpg

> 2) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_2.jpg

> 3) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_3.jpg


> Fax mentioned in opening paragraph of above 1994_fax_1.jpg:

> 4) http://adishakti.org/images/first_fax.jpg


Violet, within a few months Shri Mataji confirmed as true what " SYs did not know

" who " the personalities were... nor did they know the " mystical nature of the

evidence that would be forthcoming " . So what you witnessed and heard spoken by

Shri Mataji in Australia March 1994 materialized by June.




Isn't that just amazing!!! We are just piecing all this information together

now. i am also 99.9%-100% sure that what Shri Mataji said at Sydney Airport in

1994 was all recorded. i wonder if that is stored under lock and key for Sahaja

Yogis to never hear again. It doesn't matter, for we have the Montreal Puja as

proof of what happened. However, this sin of omission has helped the priestly

caste to hijack Shri Mataji's organisation and to maintain power over SYs. This

sin of omission has also helped to sway SY minds to the SYSSR. However, Shri

Mataji is outwitting these priests. She has Witnesses and Global Evidence

everywhere, not to mention Her Words of Truth, all of which we are discovering

now and disseminating to Seekers of the Truth and Her Devoted Devotees.




It happened exactly the way She predicted .............. and even i am

flabbergasted by the mystical nature, accuracy and timing of Shri Mataji's

casual remark. One can easily determine this by reading the contents of the

faxes .............. that also reveal the explosive nature of the Truth!




i am stunned also, Jagbir. i think the casualness of Shri Mataji about all this

makes it doubly stunning too. Shri Mataji was quietly, firmly, and casually

saying all the things and doing all the things, that due to the internet and

information technology, we are only now realising. WCASY thought they had

everything tied up neatly into their Subtle System Package. Now we are finding

that Shri Mataji is very systematically unravelling this neat Subtle System

Package which they had organised for SYs to follow. However, i believe what is

really being tied up now is that noose around their necks of that long rope of

liberty that Shri Mataji gave them!!!


It would have behooved them to contemplate, introspect and meditate deeply on

what Shri Mataji said at Dourban, France and to pass this message on to all SYs

too that: " If we appoint somebody as a leader, the leader may start thinking

that he's really the leader. And then it becomes really a problem for him

because he starts losing everything that is leadership. " (Puja Address in

Dourban, France, 18/5/86)




So way back in June 1994 the SY leadership knew Shri Mataji had confirmed that

the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " , presented to

Her in UK by Harsh Mehra, was true. They had full knowledge that Shri Mataji,

unlike themselves, did not regard Kash's experience as caused by some possession

or evil entity. To top it up Shri Mataji had already mentioned earlier in March

1994 in Australia that " special personalities " would " give evidence " of Her

Incarnation and that these personalities would come from Montreal, Canada. That

left absolutely no room for doubt as whatever She had declared in March was

confirmed to be true by written evidence in June 1994!!! There was supposed to

be a collective outpouring of great joy and bliss!!!




That left absolutely no room for doubt, whatsoever!!! The priestly caste had

tied everything up and there could not be the collective outpouring of great joy

and bliss that Shri Mataji had prepared and envisioned for Her Devotees. And it

would seem that the priestly caste could not give a toss about Shri Mataji's

Mystical Evidence that confirmed Her Incarnation. i don't think they have ever

been interested in confirming Her Incarnation!!! All they seem to be interested

in, is having a Meditation and Subtle System Teacher for their SYSSR (Sahaja

Yoga Subtle System Religion). That is also how they prefer to present the Holy

Spirit Incarnate to the world!!! Imagine that!!! It is spiritually outrageous!!!


This highlights ever more that Her Organisation has been hijacked by the

perennial incarnated priestly caste of whom Shri Mataji repeatedly warned us.

She never said directly who they were, but She said She had given them extra

long ropes of liberty so that if they abused their liberty, they would hang

themselves with that liberty. Now it looks like they have abused their liberty

and they are hanging themselves with it, just like Shri Mataji predicted would

happen to them!


We can now see clearly through their pretty speeches and pious displays of

affection for Shri Mataji, that at the same time they have suppressed Her

Mission, Message, and Mystical Evidence until there is nothing left to suppress

anymore! They have done their job thoroughly and we can see the shocking result

of it. As the Scriptures say: " You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are

not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? Even so, every

good tree bears good fruit; but the bad tree bears bad fruit " (Matt. 7:16-17)




But nothing happened, as if Shri Mataji's confirmation was accompanied by an

eruption of collective jealousy amongst leaders that infected SYs as well. What

else could silence them to not rejoice at the evidence given of Shri Mataji's





As stated above, it would seem that the priestly caste were already in the

process of hijacking Shri Mataji's Organisation, which explains why Shri Mataji

gave so many warnings to leaders, and about leaders, but always in a nice

Motherly way. She especially stressed that the perennial priestly caste had

incarnated again and come into the Organisation of Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yogis

(including myself) just did not want to believe that though. Then we were slowly

but surely suckered by these perennial priests, who slowly sucked away at our

spiritual liberties, while retaining theirs, resulting in spiritual imbalance of

the worldwide collectives.


However, Shri Mataji knew they were there all along, and that is why She warned

us about them. That is why i don't think it was jealousy so much, as collective

fear amongst the leaders, in regards to the evidence given, Jagbir. It is my

belief that they did not really want a Holy Spirit Incarnate, but they just

wanted a Subtle System and Meditation Teacher. Therefore, when the mystical

evidence arrived, it must have made them shake in fear that this mystical

evidence would destroy their nice new religion of the " Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Religion " they had created. However, much as they have tried, they have not been

able to quash Her Mystical Evidence, and just as they fear, it will destroy

their power over Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yogis have nothing to fear, but the

priestly caste have everything to fear.




Maybe leaders felt that their children deserved such roles as they had served

Shri Mataji for years. They just could not accept outsiders suddenly appearing

out of nowhere and taking the limelight, honors and recognition (which none of

us were ever interested in the first place right from the beginning .........

till today). The Truth would make great world leaders like Yogi Mahajan and

others almost impotent and powerless overnight. There would be a seismic shift

of power and prestige away from them.




What you say, just indicates that these leaders thought they were really the

leaders. What you are saying also indicates that these 'so-called-leaders' have

had a very insular view of Sahaja Yoga rather than a Universal Understanding of

what Sahaja Yoga really is!!! If the Truth makes world leaders impotent and

powerless overnight, then they are not great leaders but power-mongers. Since as

you say they are power-mongers, and i agree, then yes, they deserve to have a

seismic shift of power and prestige go away from them, because power and

prestige is not what Sahaja Yoga is about!!!




Years of basking in the public glory, limelight, adulation and responsibility of

spearheading and spreading Sahaja Yoga would soon end. The explosive contents of

the faxes were more than the SY leadership could bear and they made their

disapproval and disappointment clear ........................ behind Shri

Mataji's back. i too did not know or could have believed at that time the dark

nature of their intentions.




It is all becoming very apparent now, Jagbir, that the perennial priestly caste

had already taken over Sahaja Yoga Organisation by the early 1990's. Shri Mataji

was not being listened to on many counts even then. While the priestly caste

were silently suppressing Her Mission, Message, and Mystical Evidence... as well

as conditioning and repressing Sahaja Yogi Minds and Hearts, Shri Mataji worked

constantly day and night around all these obstacles put in Her Way. Now i can

feel Her working even harder to get Her Mission, Message and Mystical Evidence

known to the Seekers of Truth and Her Devotees.




But today i can truly see the breadth and scope of the subtle, silent conspiracy

against Shri Mataji, initiated by ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan in the mid-1990s,

against those giving evidence of Her incarnation.




Now that i can also see it in its " breadth and scope " , it seems very blatant to

me even though it was obviously done in " subtle, silent conspiracy " . However,

what was done in secret is being shouted to the rooftops now. Everyone will know

what they have done in secret.




" He Is A Child Of Darkness


The sad saga continued as the latent negativity crossed the seas to continued

its destructive path.


At this time Kash and his brother Shahwinder were enrolled at the International

Sahaja Public School in Dharamsala, India. When Kash and Shahwinder reached New

Delhi, India, they were in for a shock. The school authorities told them to go

back because they could not find their names in the registration book, and that

they did not realize they were educated in French (even though they were fluent

in English)! Those in charge insisted that Kash and his brother must return

home, as if they had just taken a three-wheeler from nearby Janak Puri and

rudely requested registration. Even the Canadian leader Jay Chudasama and SY

Steve Gulati were unable to remove this petty problem. The school authorities

were determined to send them back and demanded they return home!




Jagbir, i have no words to describe that incident. It is just so shocking and

horrifying. What happened to Sahaj Love? i remember some Sahaja Yogis who had

children there at the same time, who were very upset about this incident. They

told me that they could not understand why such nice children had been sent home

rudely and abruptly. There were rumours of trumped up charges floating around,

because the children had mystical experiences. So we will shout it to the

mountaintops, and let the whole world know what happened to Kash and his

brother!!! The Sahaj priests just won't get away with this!!! Let them hang

their priestly heads in shame!!! Thus they will learn that Sahaja Yoga is about

transparency, and not secrecy!!!




Their father had to make frantic calls to Delhi and Poona and begged that they

be allowed to stay. He was so relieved when they were given a one-month



Then, a few days later, realizing that they could not possibly switch from

French to English, study new subjects and pass the required exam within a month,

the Truth had to be told to secure their stay for a few years. He sent fifty

pages of Shri Adi Shakti: Kingdom Of God as evidence to one of the SY world

leader, Yogi Mahajan, and Mrs. Chitnavis (the principal) explaining that

something phenomenal had happen: a young SY child had confirmed that the Golden

Goddess does reside in the Sahasrara.


At this time `Shri Kalki' was also in India, and approached by SY Mahajan. Kash

was the topic of discussion. 'Shri Kalki,' who was sure that Kash was possessed

by the same demons that tormented him, probably did not have much kind words.

Evil spirits had possessed this 'child of darkness' and given him the visionary

powers. This child was dangerous to Sahaja Yoga and had to be dealt with

quickly. The fact that he was now inside the compound of the Adi Shakti's

school, mingling with the children of realized souls, only made matters worse.




Jagbir, i don't recall you ever mentioning that 'Shri Kalki' and SY Mahajan

discussed together about Kash. Could you tell me who Shri Kalki is in this

instance? Since SY Mahajan followed this false Shri Kalki's advice, it is

evidence that SY Mahajan did not discern him to be false. In other words, he did

not feel the vibrations of warning. According to Shri Mataji, " anybody who

cannot feel the vibrations, should not be listened to, because they have no

spiritual authority " !!!


Jagbir, it seems increasingly evident that more often than not, it is the

leaders themselves who do not feel the vibrations. SY Mahajan who was a

power-broker at the top of the organisation is a prime example of this, until

Shri Mataji sacked him. i know that Shri Mataji has appointed many of these

leaders just to expose these perennial priests and get rid of them. She openly

told Sahaja Yogis (including myself) at Sydney Airport about this Game Plan of

Hers. These priests must have gotten the message too, that Shri Mataji was

working against them, and sacking them left, right, and centre. Maybe that is

why they also worked together against Her Mission, Message and Mystical



They must have really hated it when Shri Mataji talked about the " special

personalities that would give evidence of Her Incarnation from Montreal,

Canada. " i also remember now, Jagbir, that Shri Mataji also said that these

" special personalities " would be " independant witnesses to the Truth " . So that

must have put a real spanner in the priestly workings too. Independant

Witnesses!!! Lets see it from their point of view, and really appreciate how it

must have affected them!!! Then we can enjoy Shri Mataji's Sense of Humour too,

in getting SYs from outside the organisation to do Her Work for Her!!! She told

us at Sydney Airport that this would happen if we did not get Her Message out

from inside of the Organisation!!! That must have " really " 'p......d' off the

priestly caste!!! Then She also charmed the priests into feeling obliged to

request a Puja for Montreal, so it had to be shifted at short notice from USA to

Montreal, Canada, where your children are. This puja came to Montreal in honour

of your children, because through them Sahaja Yoga will spread to the world.

This special puja in Montreal is a major piece of evidence that the priests

cannot hide!!! The Puja in Montreal confirms that " special personalities will

give evidence of Her Incarnation " ... just as Shri Mataji said!!! Shri Mataji is

indeed Shri Mahamaya!!! Her Ways are past finding out!!!




The father humbly asked that Kash be given protection, guidance and sanctuary

until Her book was published, as the school atmosphere in Montreal was harsh and

against spiritual development.




That made sense, and Shri Mataji wanted that too. She said Kash was to be

allowed to go to the school!!!




But SY Mahajan vaguely explained to him over the phone what he thought about the

whole episode, as reflected in his opinion in The Ascent, and believed by most

Sahaja Yogis. Kash was dabbling in darkness and deserved no special attention or

protection — or even be exorcised of the `demons' that `possessed' him.




Since SY Mahajan could not discern the vibrations of a fake Shri Kalki, he

therefore did not have the ability to discern a false guru when he came across

one. Since he obviously couldn't feel the vibrations, then he did not have the

spiritual authority either!!! He also trumped up charges against Kash that he

must have known were false. i believe that is also why he did not help Kash and

his brother.


SY Mahajan is an example of a leader who thought he was really the leader and

consequently got himself into problems and then lost all that is leadership. It

seems that all he cared about was his own position, power and prestige. Nice

words he had written of the " Golden Goddess " did not translate to love for the

Golden Goddess's Mystical Evidence. His treatment of Kash confirms this fact.

Instead, he went against the Mystical Evidence of the Golden Goddess.


On a deeper spiritual level, he was also a spiritual traitor towards a " special

personality that Shri Mataji said would give evidence of Her Incarnation and who

came from Montreal, Canada " . Shri Mataji revealed at Sydney Airport in 1994...

and i was present there among 80-90 yogis when She said that " there were two

special personalities that we now know are angels (ancient liberated souls) who

would give evidence of Her Incarnation " . This also fulfills the Islamic Prophecy

that the Ruh of Allah " will come with the angels " . Therefore what SY Mahajan did

amounts to spiritual treachery.




Kash's father was not convinced by SY Mahajan's brief evasive explanation as it

contradicted his (Mahajan's) own conviction that " Only those who go deep in the

source discover the Golden Goddess that resides within. Her touch enlightens and

enthralls the total being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle

resides in every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of it, and the

saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent, Motilal Banarsidass

Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)




That quote of SY Mahajan does not prove that he met the Golden Goddess within.

Anyone can write such pretty words. In SY Mahajan's case, he proved by his

actions that he had never met this Golden Goddess within himself. That is why he

had such a problem with Her Mystical Evidence, when he was confronted with it

through Kash. It is not by their words, but by their fruits (actions) that we

really know who is born of the Spirit, and who is not.


SY Mahajan proved to be just another priestly type that Shri Mataji had allowed

to come on the Stage of Sahaja Yoga for a while until he hung himself with the

long rope of liberty Shri Mataji had given him. Come on, folks, lets be real!!!

These metaphors that Shri Mataji used, such as " ropes of liberty with which

leaders can hang themselves with, if they abuse that liberty " ... are not exactly

metaphors of love for false priestly actions, are they???!!!


SY Mahajan was a bitter pill for you to swallow, Jagbir. He was despicable in

his behaviour toward Kash and Arwinder, and therefore he was not worthy of being

called a Sahaja Yogi. However, if we keep in mind that Shri Mataji allowed these

perennial priests to come on the Stage of Sahaja Yoga, so She could quickly get

rid of these perennial opponents of Her Mission, Message, and Mystical Evidence,

when they misbehaved... then we can feel better that there was a method in this

apparent madness of allowing abhorrent leaders with no vibrations to be in

charge of Sahaja Yogis!!! (Meanwhile, i reckon all followers of Yogi Mahajan

should be called 'Mahajanites' just to differentiate them from 'Sahajites'!!!)




Then he (Yogi Mahajan) was told that his (Kash) younger 5-year-old brother,

Arwinder, was also experiencing and confirming the same Reality. Yogi Mahajan

offered no explanation. On the contrary, he rejected one of the greatest

spiritual enlightenment in the history of humankind as the work of evil spirits

and refused to listen to any further explanation!




" There are none as blind as those who do not want to see, and none as deaf as

those who do not want to hear! "




Their stunned father could hardly believe the utter disregard and spiritual

arrogance displayed by those empowered to make decisions. Fifty pages of proof

was treated as trash! Desperate pleas for help found no compassion!




Jagbir, you were thrown directly in confrontation with priestly powers ranging

from utter disregard to spiritual arrogance, to zero compassion and your fifty

pages of proof were treated as trash. This reminds me that Shri Mataji said that

we have to work these things out in Sahaja Yoga before they can get worked out

in the world. In other words, we have to work out the leadership problem in

Sahaja Yoga too, before it can get worked out in the world. i guess you could

say we are doing that now, and a lot of Sahaja Yogis might not like it, but it

is a task that needs to be done. It should be clear by now from what Shri Mataji

has said and done, that there are to be no priests in Sahaja Yoga!!!




Two stranded sons of the Great MahaDevi soon found that there was no shelter

from the fast approaching storm! "




That was the dregs! It was pitiful and awful, especially for the parents, too!




Shri Adi Shakti: Kingdom Of God, pg. 114


Yogi Mahajan succeeded in his plot to demonize and lay false charges

against the children in order to expel them against Shri Mataji's

wishes. Then he set about influencing leaders and those able to

inflict maximum damage. Since he was the undisputed power broker in

Sahaja Yoga his false accusations and ignorance were most welcome

and willingly spread since most SYs too believed likewise.




We are dealing with this issue now. Priests who demonize, lay false charges,

accuse and spread their ignorance are being exposed. That is the only way they

will stop their bad behaviour. They can't hide their actions behind fancy words

anymore and get away with it. We have the internet now and can communicate about

their bad behaviour almost the instant it happens.




Despite Shri Mataji expelling him a few years ago WCASY members like

Alan Wherry, Viktor Bondar and others have continued where Yogi

Mahajan left. And they have henchmen like John Noyce and Ed Saugstad

to poison and turn SYs against the websites and forum of those

giving evidence of Her incarnation. The ghost of Yogi Mahajan still

walks the corridors of Sahaja Yoga till today and continues to

frighten SYs.


Let me remind them that the Truth of Her incarnation will outlast each and every

one of them. There is no way WCASY and SYSSR will survive, as it is coming clear

in Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, New York, London, Hamburg and other SY centers.


the camel will die from the thirst of the Truth being declared,






> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Jagbir,

> >

> > i refer to your words:

> >

> > " So the existing 1994 SY leadership knew about Shri Mataji's

> >; predictions about Montreal and must have requested a grand puja.

> > In fact i heard the local collective organizer SY Robert McNeil

> > telling SYs that Canada will be the place from where Sahaja Yoga

> > will spread. It all makes sense now Violet. " (END QUOTE)

> >

> > Jagbir, your remarks are most prescient: " Why indeed???... would

> > there be a North American Puja in Montreal... when it could have

> > been in Vancouver, Toronto, or New York! i decided to recall that

> > day in 1994 once again in order to ascertain if Shri Mataji had

> > mentioned anything about a puja in Montreal:

> >

> > So... just to summarize... Shri Mataji had revealed that " special

> > personalities " would " give evidence " of Her Incarnation and that

> > these personalities would come from Montreal, Canada. i remember

> > us all being " stunned into complete Silence " at hearing Shri

> > Mataji's Revelations. We had never heard anything like this

> > before! However... Shri Mataji, True to Her Self... was as calm

> > and unperturbed as ever, as if there was nothing unusual about Her

> > Revelation.

> >

> > i noticed however, somewhat of a flurry of quiet conversation

> > among a few SYs and leadership. Then the SY leader responded to

> > Shri Mataji's Revelations. He requested of Shri Mataji on behalf

> > of all Sahaja Yogis... to have the North American Puja in

> > Montreal, Canada... since this was to be the place where Sahaja

> > Yoga would be given Evidence of Her Incarnation, which in turn...

> > would spread Sahaja Yoga around the world. Shri Mataji happily

> > gave Her consent and therefore the North American Puja took place

> > in Montreal.

> >

> > So... Jagbir, you are absolutely right when you say that a special

> > puja must have been requested inspite of the fact that SYs did not

> > know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know the

> > " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

> > However, they had been informed that these " special personalities "

> > would come from " Montreal, Canada! "

> >

> > And like you also say, Jagbir... it " was unprecedented " to have a

> > North American Puja in Montreal, Canada. Normally, these would be

> > in the large cities like Vancouver, Toronto, or New York.

> > Therefore we can take great comfort from the fact that the reason

> > the North American Puja was held in Montreal, Canada... was

> > because of Shri Mataji's Revelations of what was to come out of

> > Montreal... that would give a great blessing to the world!

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji!

> >

> > violet

> >

> >


> Dear Violet and All,


> i came across an incident that had been long forgotten. There are

> reasons i completely forgot about it:


> i) i was really busy and focussed on recording and cross-examing the

> mystical experiences of Kash, Arwinder and Lalita. Since this was

> happening on a daily basis all else seemed petty and quickly

> forgotten ................. including the fact that Shri Mataji

> and the SY leadership knew full well what was taking place.


> ii) the faxes sent 17-04-94 were addressed to the director of the

> Divine Cool Breeze in San Diego, USA and not Shri Mataji. That made

> me forget too until yesterday when, while searching for information,

> i read page 98 (below) and checked my files. Only then did it dawn

> on me what had actually transpired, and connected it with what

> Violet had witnessed in Australia around the same time.


> iii) none of us were interested in trumpeting such blessings. i did

> not want to convince skeptical SYs that Shri Mataji believed all

> that was taking place in Montreal as the North American SYs cared

> two hoots about the childrens' mystical experiences. Even Kash told

> me not to tell outsiders anything " as they will just pretend to

> listen " . So the presentation of the 1994 faxes by Harsh Mehra to

> Shri Mataji were soon forgotten as there were more important and

> urgent matters to focus on and attend too.


> It must be again made clear that my intention in 1994 was just to

> let SYs know what was taking place. So it was indeed a pleasant

> surprise when i found out that Shri Mataji was read the contents of

> the faxes and confirmed they were true. This fact is recorded on

> page 89 of Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God and i quote;


> " In April 1994, Kash's father sent two faxes of these early

> spiritual journeys to the Sahaja Yoga centre in San Diego,

> California, and received by Sahaja Yogini Pramila. She used her

> vibrations and confirmed they were authentic, but other were

> skeptic, rejecting it as a 'supraconscious experience.'


> In June 1994, Pramila's son, SY Harsh Mehra, took these faxes to

> London, UK, and read them to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She affirmed

> that it was the Truth. Upon his return to the United States he

> contacted Kash's father to congratulate him. His mother also

> expressed her heartfelt joy. They also told him that Shri Mataji had

> assured that She would be protecting both Kash and his newly born

> sister Lalita. "


> Faxes read by Harsh Mehra to Shri Mataji in UK June 1994:


> 1) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_1.jpg

> 2) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_2.jpg

> 3) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_3.jpg


> Fax mentioned in opening paragraph of above 1994_fax_1.jpg:

> 4) http://adishakti.org/images/first_fax.jpg



> Violet, within a few months Shri Mataji confirmed as true what " SYs

> did not know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know

> the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " . So

> what you witnessed and heard spoken by Shri Mataji in Australia

> March 1994 materialized by June. It happened exactly the way She

> predicted .............. and even i am flabbergasted by the

> mystical nature, accuracy and timing of Shri Mataji's casual remark.

> One can easily determine this by reading the contents of the faxes


> ........... that also reveal the explosive nature of the Truth!


> So way back in June 1994 the SY leadership knew Shri Mataji had

> confirmed that the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be

> forthcoming " , presented to Her in UK by Harsh Mehra, was true. They

> had full knowledge that Shri Mataji, unlike themselves, did not

> regard Kash's experience as caused by some possession or evil

> entity. To top it up Shri Mataji had already mentioned earlier in

> March 1994 in Australia that " special personalities " would " give

> evidence " of Her Incarnation and that these personalities would come

> from Montreal, Canada. That left absolutely no room for doubt as

> whatever She had declared in March was confirmed to be true by

> written evidence in June 1994!!! There was supposed to be a

> collective outpouring of great joy and bliss!!!


> But nothing happened, as if Shri Mataji's confirmation was

> accompanied by an eruption of collective jealousy amongst leaders

> that infected SYs as well. What else could silence them to not

> rejoice at the evidence given of Shri Mataji's incarnation? Maybe

> leaders felt that their children deserved such roles as they had

> served Shri Mataji for years. They just could not accept outsiders

> suddenly appearing out of nowhere and taking the limelight, honors

> and recognition (which none of us were ever interested in the first

> place right from the beginning ......... till today). The Truth

> would make great world leaders like Yogi Mahajan and others almost

> impotent and powerless overnight. There would be a seismic shift of

> power and prestige away from them. Years of basking in the public

> glory, limelight, adulation and responsibility of spearheading and

> spreading Sahaja Yoga would soon end. The explosive contents of the

> faxes were more than the SY leadership could bear and they made

> their disapproval and disappointment clear ........................

> behind Shri Mataji's back. i too did not know or could have believed

> at that time the dark nature of their intentions.


> But today i can truly see the breadth and scope of the subtle,


> conspiracy against Shri Mataji, initiated by ex-world leader Yogi

> Mahajan in the mid-1990s, against those giving evidence of Her

> incarnation. i quote:


> " He Is A Child Of Darkness


> The sad saga continued as the latent negativity crossed the seas to

> continued its destructive path.


> At this time Kash and his brother Shahwinder were enrolled at the

> International Sahaja Public School in Dharamsala, India. When Kash

> and Shahwinder reached New Delhi, India, they were in for a shock.

> The school authorities told them to go back because they could not

> find their names in the registration book, and that they did not

> realize they were educated in French (even though they were fluent

> in English)! Those in charge insisted that Kash and his brother must

> return home, as if they had just taken a three-wheeler from nearby

> Janak Puri and rudely requested registration. Even the Canadian

> leader Jay Chudasama and SY Steve Gulati were unable to remove this

> petty problem. The school authorities were determined to send them

> back and demanded they return home!


> Their father had to make frantic calls to Delhi and Poona and begged

> that they be allowed to stay. He was so relieved when they were

> given a one-month extension.


> Then, a few days later, realizing that they could not possibly

> switch from French to English, study new subjects and pass the

> required exam within a month, the Truth had to be told to secure

> their stay for a few years. He sent fifty pages of Shri Adi Shakti:

> Kingdom Of God as evidence to one of the SY world leader, Yogi

> Mahajan, and Mrs. Chitnavis (the principal) explaining that

> something phenomenal had happen: a young SY child had confirmed that

> the Golden Goddess does reside in the Sahasrara.


> At this time `Shri Kalki' was also in India, and approached by SY

> Mahajan. Kash was the topic of discussion. 'Shri Kalki,' who was

> sure that Kash was possessed by the same demons that tormented him,

> probably did not have much kind words. Evil spirits had possessed

> this 'child of darkness' and given him the visionary powers. This

> child was dangerous to Sahaja Yoga and had to be dealt with quickly.

> The fact that he was now inside the compound of the Adi Shakti's

> school, mingling with the children of realized souls, only made

> matters worse.


> The father humbly asked that Kash be given protection, guidance and

> sanctuary until Her book was published, as the school atmosphere in

> Montreal was harsh and against spiritual development.


> But SY Mahajan vaguely explained to him over the phone what he

> thought about the whole episode, as reflected in his opinion in The

> Ascent, and believed by most Sahaja Yogis. Kash was dabbling in

> darkness and deserved no special attention or protection — or even

> be exorcised of the `demons' that `possessed' him.


> Kash's father was not convinced by SY Mahajan's brief evasive

> explanation as it contradicted his (Mahajan's) own conviction

> that " Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden

> Goddess that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the

> total being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle

> resides in every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of

> it, and the saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent,

> Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)


> Then he (Yogi Mahajan) was told that his (Kash) younger 5-year-old

> brother, Arwinder, was also experiencing and confirming the same

> Reality. Yogi Mahajan offered no explanation. On the contrary, he

> rejected one of the greatest spiritual enlightenment in the history

> of humankind as the work of evil spirits and refused to listen to

> any further explanation!


> Their stunned father could hardly believe the utter disregard and

> spiritual arrogance displayed by those empowered to make decisions.

> Fifty pages of proof was treated as trash! Desperate pleas for help

> found no compassion!


> Two stranded sons of the Great MahaDevi soon found that there was no

> shelter from the fast approaching storm! "


> Shri Adi Shakti: Kingdom Of God, pg. 114



> Yogi Mahajan succeeded in his plot to demonize and lay false charges

> against the children in order to expel them against Shri Mataji's

> wishes. Then he set about influencing leaders and those able to

> inflict maximum damage. Since he was the undisputed power broker in

> Sahaja Yoga his false accusations and ignorance were most welcome

> and willingly spread since most SYs too believed likewise.


> Despite Shri Mataji expelling him a few years ago WCASY members like

> Alan Wherry, Viktor Bondar and others have continued where Yogi

> Mahajan left. And they have henchmen like John Noyce and Ed Saugstad

> to poison and turn SYs against the websites and forum of those

> giving evidence of Her incarnation. The ghost of Yogi Mahajan still

> walks the corridors of Sahaja Yoga till today and continues to

> frighten SYs. Let me remind them that the Truth of Her incarnation

> will outlast each and every one of them. There is no way WCASY and

> SYSSR will survive, as it is coming clear in Vancouver, Montreal,

> Toronto, New York, London, Hamburg and other SY centers.


> the camel will die from the thirst of the Truth being declared,


> jagbir


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" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear Jagbir and All,


> When i first replied to your post of Message #7115, i was

contemplating on what Shri Mataji said in Dourban, France in 1986

about " leaders She appointed starting to think they are the real

leaders and how once they think that, they get into problems and lose

all that is leadership " . Then i also needed to address what you said

SY Robert McNeil told you about " Sahaja Yoga spreading from Canada to

the rest of the world " which i did in Message #7117: (http://

/message/7117) There was

just so much 'going on for me' that i was unable to address the

issues you had actually brought up in Message #7115. So, i would like

to do so now.


> Jagbir, you said:


> i came across an incident that had been long forgotten. There are

reasons i completely forgot about it:


> i) i was really busy and focused on recording and cross-examining

the mystical experiences of Kash, Arwinder and Lalita. Since this was

happening on a daily basis all else seemed petty and quickly

forgotten ....... including the fact that Shri Mataji and the SY

leadership knew full well what was taking place.


> Violet(V):


> Jagbir, i am not at all surprised that you had forgotten this, as

you had focused on recording and cross-examining the mystical

experiences of not only one, but " three children " . And you have told

us that just like with any children, the knowledge has to be

extracted at propitious times, or it would be lost forever. It is a

real spiritual boon for us to have three children's mystical

knowledge so that this knowledge can be 'cross-examined'. Such a

" built-in-confirmation-factor " for Shri Mataji's Incarnation is a

Divine Boon and Blessing that is unprecedented in Spiritual History!

It can only have been ordained by the Divine Itself!!!


> Extracting, comparing, and compiling all this is an immense job,

requiring much detail, clarification, common sense and objectivity. i

am sure many more of Her Devotees will discover this Treasure Trove

of Mystical Evidence of Her Incarnation in the future, especially

when they become disillusioned with the priestly factor. For the

present, Sahaja Yogis have been unable to rejoice at the Revelations

of Shri Mataji because they don't rightly know about it, but SYs will

soon come to know about it when the rest of the world does too.


> (J):


> ii) the faxes sent 17-04-94 were addressed to the director of the

Divine Cool Breeze in San Diego, USA and not Shri Mataji. That made

me forget too until yesterday when, while searching for information,

i read page 98 (below) and checked my files. Only then did it dawn on

me what had actually transpired, and connected it with what Violet

had witnessed in Australia around the same time.


> (V):


> Jagbir, i am glad you found the information that you had forgotten

about. The Adi Shakti (Holy Spirit) seems to be making sure that " not

one stone is left unturned " in the confirmation of Her Incarnation.

That is fantastic that you sent faxes on the 17th of April, 1994 to

the director of the Divine Cool Breeze in San Diego, USA... and not

to Shri Mataji. This is all evidence that will help to bring Shri

Mataji's Incarnation to the world-at-large.


> That said, i would again like to discuss the information that Shri

Mataji had made regarding the " special personalities " who would " give

evidence " of Her Incarnation, which myself and 80-90 SYs witnessed

Shri Mataji saying at Sydney Airport in March/April 1994. Shri Mataji

had come for the Easter Puja, and from what you have told us, Lalita

was born on Easter Sunday, which is an auspicious Holy Day on which

to be born. i would specifically like to address my initial rendering

in which i recounted that i could not remember whether Shri Mataji

had said that one child " was yet to be born " ... or if She said that

one child " had already been born " .


> i can now tell you the answer, which i have finally recalled. i now

know that i did not know the answer to that question, because neither

did Shri Mataji know the answer to that question. i now remember that

Shri Mataji said that " the timing of the birth was so close that even

She could not say for sure whether the child was " born or not

born " ... even while She was speaking. However, whichever the case,

the fact that Shri Mataji was speaking about the child at all, is

what is significant. It is significant because Shri Mataji talked

openly in front of 80-90 SYs (including myself) and speculated on the

imminent birth of Lalita! We did not know her name then nor that she

would be a girl!


> It is unprecedented in Sahaja Yoga, that Shri Mataji drew the

attention of any collective to the imminent birth of a child. Shri

Mataji had also just referred to her as a " special

personality " (along with Kash). Shri Mataji had called both " special

personalities who would give evidence of Her Incarnation " . Shri

Mataji had also said they would come from Montreal, Canada, and they



> Jagbir has since then confirmed that both Kash and Lalita are

" angels incarnated " which he says means they are " ancient liberated

souls " who have incarnated to give evidence of Shri Mataji's

Incarnation. And that is why Shri Mataji drew such Collective

Attention to the birth of whom we now know as " Lalita " . This also

confirms the prophecy in the Koran, that the Ruh of Allah will be

accompanied by angels!!! Shri Mataji also told us She was accompanied

by angels too.


> And now i can feel that Shri Mataji is " utterly relieved and

joyful " that this information has come to the fore again, and is now

recorded for posterity. i say this, because since i have written

this, i could feel that a collective pent-up dam has broken its banks

and the Cool Living Water of Truth is joyfully bursting, bubbling,

and flowing everywhere. There is no more containment folks!!! The

Waters of the Age of Aquarius are bursting through everywhere!!! It

cannot be contained!!! What a joyful thing this is!!!


> (J):


> iii) none of us were interested in trumpeting such blessings. i did

not want to convince skeptical SYs that Shri Mataji believed all that

was taking place in Montreal as the North American SYs cared two

hoots about the childrens' mystical experiences. Even Kash told me

not to tell outsiders anything " as they will just pretend to listen " .

So the presentation of the 1994 faxes by Harsh Mehra to Shri Mataji

were soon forgotten as there were more important and urgent matters

to focus on and attend too.


> (V):


> There is nothing worse, Jagbir, than sharing the Great Blessing of

the Divine which is meant for Her Devotees, and finding that Sahaja

Yogis are only pretending to listen. i once shared my story of how i

underwent a dramatic spiritual cleansing process in which Shri

Mataji's face also looked down on me from above my Sahasrara. It just

so happened that this was a leader's wife i told it to. However, i

noticed at a certain point of the telling, that she was not really

listening, as if this sort of thing should perhaps not happen in

Sahaja Yoga. So i said nothing more.


> Such incidents make me think about people who as the Bible says,

" have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof " . Here are

various biblical translations which warn about interaction with such

types who are not pursuing the Reality of the Spirit (godliness) but

are just pretending to be pursuing it (only going through the outward

motions; just appearing to be godly):


> 2 Timothy 3:5

> Parallel Translations


> NASB: holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its

power; Avoid such men as these. (NASB ©1995)


> GWT: They will appear to have a godly life, but they will not let

its power change them. Stay away from such people. (GOD'S WORD®)


> KJV: Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:

from such turn away.


> ASV: holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power

therefore. From these also turn away.


> BBE: Having a form of religion, but turning their backs on the

power of it: go not with these.


> DBY: having a form of piety but denying the power of it: and from

these turn away.


> WEY: and will keep up a make-believe of piety and yet live in

defiance of its power. Turn away from people of this sort.


> WBS: Having a form of godliness, but denying its power: from such

turn away.


> WEB: holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power

thereof. Turn away from these, also.


> YLT: having a form of piety, and its power having denied; and from

these be turning away,


> http://bible.cc/2_timothy/3-5.htm


> (J):


> It must be again made clear that my intention in 1994 was just to

let SYs know what was taking place. So it was indeed a pleasant

surprise when i found out that Shri Mataji was read the contents of

the faxes and confirmed they were true. This fact is recorded on page

89 of Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God and i quote;


> " In April 1994, Kash's father sent two faxes of these early

spiritual journeys to the Sahaja Yoga centre in San Diego,

California, and received by Sahaja Yogini Pramila. She used her

vibrations and confirmed they were authentic, but other were skeptic,

rejecting it as a 'supraconscious experience.'


> (V):


> Jagbir, it is fantastic news that this incident has been brought

into our attention again. That was just great that Shri Mataji was

read the contents of the faxes, and that She confirmed them " as true " .


> Jagbir, you are telling us that Sahaja Yogini Pramila who could use

her vibrations to tell the Truth, confirmed these faxes of the early

spiritual journeys " as authentic " . It is fantastic that Sahaja Yogini

Pramila did so on the spot, before any Mahajanites (followers of Yogi

Mahajan) could get to her to make her change her mind.


> For anyone that does not know, 'Mahajanites' have a way of changing

SY minds, or so we have noticed anyway. The original Mahajanite, Yogi

Mahajan, could not feel the spiritual vibrations with either the

'false Shri Kalki' nor with Kash. He got it wrong on both counts

firstly by listening to the false Shri Kalki and then by wrongly

demonising Kash. These actions prove to me that SY Mahajan did not

feel the vibrations, and therefore, according to what Shri Mataji has

taught, SY Mahajan should never have been listened to, because anyone

that cannot feel the vibrations, does not have any spiritual

authority to speak about Sahaja Yoga.


> (J):


> In June 1994, Pramila's son, SY Harsh Mehra, took these faxes to

London, UK, and read them to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She affirmed

that it was the Truth. Upon his return to the United States he

contacted Kash's father to congratulate him. His mother also

expressed her heartfelt joy. They also told him that Shri Mataji had

assured that She would be protecting both Kash and his newly born

sister Lalita. "


> (V):


> So firstly Shri Mataji talked about the children at Sydney Airport

in March of 1994. And by June of 1994, only three months later and

unbeknownst to Australian yogis like myself, who had heard about the

children from Shri Mataji Herself, Shri Mataji assures you and your

wife through SY Harsh Mehra " that She would be protecting both Kash

and his newly born sister, Lalita " . i can only express my great Joy

in Silence, at hearing of this Great News.


> (J):


> Faxes read by Harsh Mehra to Shri Mataji in UK June 1994:


> > 1) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_1.jpg

> > 2) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_2.jpg

> > 3) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_3.jpg

> >

> > Fax mentioned in opening paragraph of above 1994_fax_1.jpg:

> > 4) http://adishakti.org/images/first_fax.jpg


> Violet, within a few months Shri Mataji confirmed as true what " SYs

did not know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know the

" mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " . So what

you witnessed and heard spoken by Shri Mataji in Australia March 1994

materialized by June.


> (V):


> Isn't that just amazing!!! We are just piecing all this information

together now. i am also 99.9%-100% sure that what Shri Mataji said at

Sydney Airport in 1994 was all recorded. i wonder if that is stored

under lock and key for Sahaja Yogis to never hear again. It doesn't

matter, for we have the Montreal Puja as proof of what happened.

However, this sin of omission has helped the priestly caste to hijack

Shri Mataji's organisation and to maintain power over SYs. This sin

of omission has also helped to sway SY minds to the SYSSR. However,

Shri Mataji is outwitting these priests. She has Witnesses and Global

Evidence everywhere, not to mention Her Words of Truth, all of which

we are discovering now and disseminating to Seekers of the Truth and

Her Devoted Devotees.


> (J):


> It happened exactly the way She predicted .............. and even i

am flabbergasted by the mystical nature, accuracy and timing of Shri

Mataji's casual remark. One can easily determine this by reading the

contents of the faxes .............. that also reveal the explosive

nature of the Truth!


> (V):


> i am stunned also, Jagbir. i think the casualness of Shri Mataji

about all this makes it doubly stunning too. Shri Mataji was quietly,

firmly, and casually saying all the things and doing all the things,

that due to the internet and information technology, we are only now

realising. WCASY thought they had everything tied up neatly into

their Subtle System Package. Now we are finding that Shri Mataji is

very systematically unravelling this neat Subtle System Package which

they had organised for SYs to follow. However, i believe what is

really being tied up now is that noose around their necks of that

long rope of liberty that Shri Mataji gave them!!!


> It would have behooved them to contemplate, introspect and meditate

deeply on what Shri Mataji said at Dourban, France and to pass this

message on to all SYs too that: " If we appoint somebody as a leader,

the leader may start thinking that he's really the leader. And then

it becomes really a problem for him because he starts losing

everything that is leadership. " (Puja Address in Dourban, France, 18/



> (J):


> So way back in June 1994 the SY leadership knew Shri Mataji had

confirmed that the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be

forthcoming " , presented to Her in UK by Harsh Mehra, was true. They

had full knowledge that Shri Mataji, unlike themselves, did not

regard Kash's experience as caused by some possession or evil entity.

To top it up Shri Mataji had already mentioned earlier in March 1994

in Australia that " special personalities " would " give evidence " of

Her Incarnation and that these personalities would come from

Montreal, Canada. That left absolutely no room for doubt as whatever

She had declared in March was confirmed to be true by written

evidence in June 1994!!! There was supposed to be a collective

outpouring of great joy and bliss!!!


> (V):


> That left absolutely no room for doubt, whatsoever!!! The priestly

caste had tied everything up and there could not be the collective

outpouring of great joy and bliss that Shri Mataji had prepared and

envisioned for Her Devotees. And it would seem that the priestly

caste could not give a toss about Shri Mataji's Mystical Evidence

that confirmed Her Incarnation. i don't think they have ever been

interested in confirming Her Incarnation!!! All they seem to be

interested in, is having a Meditation and Subtle System Teacher for

their SYSSR (Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion). That is also how

they prefer to present the Holy Spirit Incarnate to the world!!!

Imagine that!!! It is spiritually outrageous!!!


> This highlights ever more that Her Organisation has been hijacked

by the perennial incarnated priestly caste of whom Shri Mataji

repeatedly warned us. She never said directly who they were, but She

said She had given them extra long ropes of liberty so that if they

abused their liberty, they would hang themselves with that liberty.

Now it looks like they have abused their liberty and they are hanging

themselves with it, just like Shri Mataji predicted would happen to



> We can now see clearly through their pretty speeches and pious

displays of affection for Shri Mataji, that at the same time they

have suppressed Her Mission, Message, and Mystical Evidence until

there is nothing left to suppress anymore! They have done their job

thoroughly and we can see the shocking result of it. As the

Scriptures say: " You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not

gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? Even

so, every good tree bears good fruit; but the bad tree bears bad

fruit " (Matt. 7:16-17)


> (J):


> But nothing happened, as if Shri Mataji's confirmation was

accompanied by an eruption of collective jealousy amongst leaders

that infected SYs as well. What else could silence them to not

rejoice at the evidence given of Shri Mataji's incarnation?


> (V):


> As stated above, it would seem that the priestly caste were already

in the process of hijacking Shri Mataji's Organisation, which

explains why Shri Mataji gave so many warnings to leaders, and about

leaders, but always in a nice Motherly way. She especially stressed

that the perennial priestly caste had incarnated again and come into

the Organisation of Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yogis (including myself) just

did not want to believe that though. Then we were slowly but surely

suckered by these perennial priests, who slowly sucked away at our

spiritual liberties, while retaining theirs, resulting in spiritual

imbalance of the worldwide collectives.


> However, Shri Mataji knew they were there all along, and that is

why She warned us about them. That is why i don't think it was

jealousy so much, as collective fear amongst the leaders, in regards

to the evidence given, Jagbir. It is my belief that they did not

really want a Holy Spirit Incarnate, but they just wanted a Subtle

System and Meditation Teacher. Therefore, when the mystical evidence

arrived, it must have made them shake in fear that this mystical

evidence would destroy their nice new religion of the " Sahaja Yoga

Subtle System Religion " they had created. However, much as they have

tried, they have not been able to quash Her Mystical Evidence, and

just as they fear, it will destroy their power over Sahaja Yogis.

Sahaja Yogis have nothing to fear, but the priestly caste have

everything to fear.


> (J):


> Maybe leaders felt that their children deserved such roles as they

had served Shri Mataji for years. They just could not accept

outsiders suddenly appearing out of nowhere and taking the limelight,

honors and recognition (which none of us were ever interested in the

first place right from the beginning ......... till today). The

Truth would make great world leaders like Yogi Mahajan and others

almost impotent and powerless overnight. There would be a seismic

shift of power and prestige away from them.


> (V):


> What you say, just indicates that these leaders thought they were

really the leaders. What you are saying also indicates that these 'so-

called-leaders' have had a very insular view of Sahaja Yoga rather

than a Universal Understanding of what Sahaja Yoga really is!!! If

the Truth makes world leaders impotent and powerless overnight, then

they are not great leaders but power-mongers. Since as you say they

are power-mongers, and i agree, then yes, they deserve to have a

seismic shift of power and prestige go away from them, because power

and prestige is not what Sahaja Yoga is about!!!


> (J):


> Years of basking in the public glory, limelight, adulation and

responsibility of spearheading and spreading Sahaja Yoga would soon

end. The explosive contents of the faxes were more than the SY

leadership could bear and they made their disapproval and

disappointment clear ........................ behind Shri Mataji's

back. i too did not know or could have believed at that time the dark

nature of their intentions.


> (V):


> It is all becoming very apparent now, Jagbir, that the perennial

priestly caste had already taken over Sahaja Yoga Organisation by the

early 1990's. Shri Mataji was not being listened to on many counts

even then. While the priestly caste were silently suppressing Her

Mission, Message, and Mystical Evidence... as well as conditioning

and repressing Sahaja Yogi Minds and Hearts, Shri Mataji worked

constantly day and night around all these obstacles put in Her Way.

Now i can feel Her working even harder to get Her Mission, Message

and Mystical Evidence known to the Seekers of Truth and Her Devotees.


> (J):


> But today i can truly see the breadth and scope of the subtle,

silent conspiracy against Shri Mataji, initiated by ex-world leader

Yogi Mahajan in the mid-1990s, against those giving evidence of Her



> (V):


> Now that i can also see it in its " breadth and scope " , it seems

very blatant to me even though it was obviously done in " subtle,

silent conspiracy " . However, what was done in secret is being shouted

to the rooftops now. Everyone will know what they have done in secret.


> (J):


> " He Is A Child Of Darkness


> The sad saga continued as the latent negativity crossed the seas to

continued its destructive path.


> At this time Kash and his brother Shahwinder were enrolled at the

International Sahaja Public School in Dharamsala, India. When Kash

and Shahwinder reached New Delhi, India, they were in for a shock.

The school authorities told them to go back because they could not

find their names in the registration book, and that they did not

realize they were educated in French (even though they were fluent in

English)! Those in charge insisted that Kash and his brother must

return home, as if they had just taken a three-wheeler from nearby

Janak Puri and rudely requested registration. Even the Canadian

leader Jay Chudasama and SY Steve Gulati were unable to remove this

petty problem. The school authorities were determined to send them

back and demanded they return home!


> (V):


> Jagbir, i have no words to describe that incident. It is just so

shocking and horrifying. What happened to Sahaj Love? i remember some

Sahaja Yogis who had children there at the same time, who were very

upset about this incident. They told me that they could not

understand why such nice children had been sent home rudely and

abruptly. There were rumours of trumped up charges floating around,

because the children had mystical experiences. So we will shout it to

the mountaintops, and let the whole world know what happened to Kash

and his brother!!! The Sahaj priests just won't get away with this!!!

Let them hang their priestly heads in shame!!! Thus they will learn

that Sahaja Yoga is about transparency, and not secrecy!!!


> (J):


> Their father had to make frantic calls to Delhi and Poona and

begged that they be allowed to stay. He was so relieved when they

were given a one-month extension.


> Then, a few days later, realizing that they could not possibly

switch from French to English, study new subjects and pass the

required exam within a month, the Truth had to be told to secure

their stay for a few years. He sent fifty pages of Shri Adi Shakti:

Kingdom Of God as evidence to one of the SY world leader, Yogi

Mahajan, and Mrs. Chitnavis (the principal) explaining that something

phenomenal had happen: a young SY child had confirmed that the Golden

Goddess does reside in the Sahasrara.


> At this time `Shri Kalki' was also in India, and approached by SY

Mahajan. Kash was the topic of discussion. 'Shri Kalki,' who was sure

that Kash was possessed by the same demons that tormented him,

probably did not have much kind words. Evil spirits had possessed

this 'child of darkness' and given him the visionary powers. This

child was dangerous to Sahaja Yoga and had to be dealt with quickly.

The fact that he was now inside the compound of the Adi Shakti's

school, mingling with the children of realized souls, only made

matters worse.


> (V):


> Jagbir, i don't recall you ever mentioning that 'Shri Kalki' and SY

Mahajan discussed together about Kash. Could you tell me who Shri

Kalki is in this instance? Since SY Mahajan followed this false Shri

Kalki's advice, it is evidence that SY Mahajan did not discern him to

be false. In other words, he did not feel the vibrations of warning.

According to Shri Mataji, " anybody who cannot feel the vibrations,

should not be listened to, because they have no spiritual

authority " !!!


> Jagbir, it seems increasingly evident that more often than not, it

is the leaders themselves who do not feel the vibrations. SY Mahajan

who was a power-broker at the top of the organisation is a prime

example of this, until Shri Mataji sacked him. i know that Shri

Mataji has appointed many of these leaders just to expose these

perennial priests and get rid of them. She openly told Sahaja Yogis

(including myself) at Sydney Airport about this Game Plan of Hers.

These priests must have gotten the message too, that Shri Mataji was

working against them, and sacking them left, right, and centre. Maybe

that is why they also worked together against Her Mission, Message

and Mystical Evidence.


> They must have really hated it when Shri Mataji talked about the

" special personalities that would give evidence of Her Incarnation

from Montreal, Canada. " i also remember now, Jagbir, that Shri Mataji

also said that these " special personalities " would be " independant

witnesses to the Truth " . So that must have put a real spanner in the

priestly workings too. Independant Witnesses!!! Lets see it from

their point of view, and really appreciate how it must have affected

them!!! Then we can enjoy Shri Mataji's Sense of Humour too, in

getting SYs from outside the organisation to do Her Work for Her!!!

She told us at Sydney Airport that this would happen if we did not

get Her Message out from inside of the Organisation!!! That must have

" really " 'p......d' off the priestly caste!!! Then She also charmed

the priests into feeling obliged to request a Puja for Montreal, so

it had to be shifted at short notice from USA to Montreal, Canada,

where your children are. This puja came to Montreal in honour of your

children, because through them Sahaja Yoga will spread to the world.

This special puja in Montreal is a major piece of evidence that the

priests cannot hide!!! The Puja in Montreal confirms that " special

personalities will give evidence of Her Incarnation " ... just as Shri

Mataji said!!! Shri Mataji is indeed Shri Mahamaya!!! Her Ways are

past finding out!!!


> (J):


> The father humbly asked that Kash be given protection, guidance and

sanctuary until Her book was published, as the school atmosphere in

Montreal was harsh and against spiritual development.


> (V):


> That made sense, and Shri Mataji wanted that too. She said Kash was

to be allowed to go to the school!!!


> (J):


> But SY Mahajan vaguely explained to him over the phone what he

thought about the whole episode, as reflected in his opinion in The

Ascent, and believed by most Sahaja Yogis. Kash was dabbling in

darkness and deserved no special attention or protection — or even be

exorcised of the `demons' that `possessed' him.


> (V):


> Since SY Mahajan could not discern the vibrations of a fake Shri

Kalki, he therefore did not have the ability to discern a false guru

when he came across one. Since he obviously couldn't feel the

vibrations, then he did not have the spiritual authority either!!! He

also trumped up charges against Kash that he must have known were

false. i believe that is also why he did not help Kash and his



> SY Mahajan is an example of a leader who thought he was really the

leader and consequently got himself into problems and then lost all

that is leadership. It seems that all he cared about was his own

position, power and prestige. Nice words he had written of the

" Golden Goddess " did not translate to love for the Golden Goddess's

Mystical Evidence. His treatment of Kash confirms this fact. Instead,

he went against the Mystical Evidence of the Golden Goddess.


> On a deeper spiritual level, he was also a spiritual traitor

towards a " special personality that Shri Mataji said would give

evidence of Her Incarnation and who came from Montreal, Canada " . Shri

Mataji revealed at Sydney Airport in 1994... and i was present there

among 80-90 yogis when She said that " there were two special

personalities that we now know are angels (ancient liberated souls)

who would give evidence of Her Incarnation " . This also fulfills the

Islamic Prophecy that the Ruh of Allah " will come with the angels " .

Therefore what SY Mahajan did amounts to spiritual treachery.


> (J):


> Kash's father was not convinced by SY Mahajan's brief evasive

explanation as it contradicted his (Mahajan's) own conviction that

" Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden Goddess

that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the total

being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle resides in

every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of it, and the

saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent, Motilal

Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)


> (V):


> That quote of SY Mahajan does not prove that he met the Golden

Goddess within. Anyone can write such pretty words. In SY Mahajan's

case, he proved by his actions that he had never met this Golden

Goddess within himself. That is why he had such a problem with Her

Mystical Evidence, when he was confronted with it through Kash. It is

not by their words, but by their fruits (actions) that we really know

who is born of the Spirit, and who is not.


> SY Mahajan proved to be just another priestly type that Shri Mataji

had allowed to come on the Stage of Sahaja Yoga for a while until he

hung himself with the long rope of liberty Shri Mataji had given him.

Come on, folks, lets be real!!! These metaphors that Shri Mataji

used, such as " ropes of liberty with which leaders can hang

themselves with, if they abuse that liberty " ... are not exactly

metaphors of love for false priestly actions, are they???!!!


> SY Mahajan was a bitter pill for you to swallow, Jagbir. He was

despicable in his behaviour toward Kash and Arwinder, and therefore

he was not worthy of being called a Sahaja Yogi. However, if we keep

in mind that Shri Mataji allowed these perennial priests to come on

the Stage of Sahaja Yoga, so She could quickly get rid of these

perennial opponents of Her Mission, Message, and Mystical Evidence,

when they misbehaved... then we can feel better that there was a

method in this apparent madness of allowing abhorrent leaders with no

vibrations to be in charge of Sahaja Yogis!!! (Meanwhile, i reckon

all followers of Yogi Mahajan should be called 'Mahajanites' just to

differentiate them from 'Sahajites'!!!)


> (J):


> Then he (Yogi Mahajan) was told that his (Kash) younger 5-year-old

brother, Arwinder, was also experiencing and confirming the same

Reality. Yogi Mahajan offered no explanation. On the contrary, he

rejected one of the greatest spiritual enlightenment in the history

of humankind as the work of evil spirits and refused to listen to any

further explanation!


> (V):


> " There are none as blind as those who do not want to see, and none

as deaf as those who do not want to hear! "


> (J):


> Their stunned father could hardly believe the utter disregard and

spiritual arrogance displayed by those empowered to make decisions.

Fifty pages of proof was treated as trash! Desperate pleas for help

found no compassion!


> (V):


> Jagbir, you were thrown directly in confrontation with priestly

powers ranging from utter disregard to spiritual arrogance, to zero

compassion and your fifty pages of proof were treated as trash. This

reminds me that Shri Mataji said that we have to work these things

out in Sahaja Yoga before they can get worked out in the world. In

other words, we have to work out the leadership problem in Sahaja

Yoga too, before it can get worked out in the world. i guess you

could say we are doing that now, and a lot of Sahaja Yogis might not

like it, but it is a task that needs to be done. It should be clear

by now from what Shri Mataji has said and done, that there are to be

no priests in Sahaja Yoga!!!


> (J):


> Two stranded sons of the Great MahaDevi soon found that there was

no shelter from the fast approaching storm! "


> (V):


> That was the dregs! It was pitiful and awful, especially for the

parents, too!


> (J):


> Shri Adi Shakti: Kingdom Of God, pg. 114


> Yogi Mahajan succeeded in his plot to demonize and lay false charges

> against the children in order to expel them against Shri Mataji's

> wishes. Then he set about influencing leaders and those able to

> inflict maximum damage. Since he was the undisputed power broker in

> Sahaja Yoga his false accusations and ignorance were most welcome

> and willingly spread since most SYs too believed likewise.


> (V):


> We are dealing with this issue now. Priests who demonize, lay false

charges, accuse and spread their ignorance are being exposed. That is

the only way they will stop their bad behaviour. They can't hide

their actions behind fancy words anymore and get away with it. We

have the internet now and can communicate about their bad behaviour

almost the instant it happens.


> (J):


> Despite Shri Mataji expelling him a few years ago WCASY members like

> Alan Wherry, Viktor Bondar and others have continued where Yogi

> Mahajan left. And they have henchmen like John Noyce and Ed Saugstad

> to poison and turn SYs against the websites and forum of those

> giving evidence of Her incarnation. The ghost of Yogi Mahajan still

> walks the corridors of Sahaja Yoga till today and continues to

> frighten SYs.


> Let me remind them that the Truth of Her incarnation will outlast

each and every one of them. There is no way WCASY and SYSSR will

survive, as it is coming clear in Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, New

York, London, Hamburg and other SY centers.


> the camel will die from the thirst of the Truth being declared,






Dear Jagbir and All,


Those who follow where Yogi Mahajan left off and are followers of Yogi Mahajan,

such as Alan Wherry, Viktor Bondar, John Noyce and Ed Saugstad are Mahajanites

who frighten Sahaja Yogis till today with their Mahajanite characteristics.

Instead of introspecting and spiritually transforming themselves from within,

they are only interested in bending SYs to their will, which they now claim is

the Will of the Adi Shakti Herself. Of course they are in a position of power to

do just that, and the priestly punishments you can now expect to be meted out

and which you have to prepare yourself for, are such perennial priestly

specialties as listed below. They are:





false love







blasphemy of the Holy Spirit



Many SYs have already been at the receiving end of these punishments, and have

tolerated them, succumbed to them, or left the organisation because of them.

There is no choice now, but to either allow them to become your masters, or for

you to become your own master, teacher, and guru, like Shri Mataji taught you.


If you want to become your own master, teacher, and guru, then it is time to

stand up and be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, so that you

can stand firm against the schemes of the evil one. The Bible explains all about

it, and here it is:


" Finally be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Put on the

full armour of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of

the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the

rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against

the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.


Therefore, take up the full armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the

evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand firm therefore,

having girded your loins with TRUTH, and having put on the breastplate of

RIGHTEOUSNESS, and having shod your feet with the PREPARATION of the Gospel of

Peace; in addition to all, taking up the shield of FAITH with which you will be

able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one. And take the helmet

of SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD OF GOD. (Ephesians



Meanwhile, from these priests there is no love for Her Mission, Message, and

Mystical Evidence. Therefore, they cannot expect to remain standing once the

Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God has sifted the chaff from the

wheat. This is the Harvest Time, and the Absolute Truth is destroying all that

is not the truth. That is what happens at the Last Judgment and Resurrection

Time, which is a subject and topic that these priests also like to avoid like

the plague!!!


As you say, Jagbir, only the Absolute Truth will stand. Anything that is less

than the Absolute Truth is not going to stay standing with the Mighty Sword of

Truth. Mahajanitism is not the Truth. Those who follow Yogi Mahajan are in fact

followers of a false guru, who had infiltrated the Sahaja Yoga Organisation,

because that was part of Shri Mataji's Game Plan to expose him as a false guru.


Sahaja Yogis will just have to hang on to the Adi Shakti Within, because She is

the only one that can take us safely across the Sea, with complete freedom and

wisdom. We do not have to fear any Mahajanites, but we must stand up to this

priestly power in Sahaja Yoga, because if this priestly power in Sahaja Yoga is

not stood up to, it will not work out in the world either.


To that end, here is the Desire of the Adi Shakti for Her Devotees:


" Tell all the nations and tell all the people, all over, the great message -

that the time of Resurrection is Here. Now, at this time, and that you all are

capable of doing it. You are the ones who are capable of manifesting God's joy

on this earth. You are the flutes which are going to play the Melody of God. I

am doing all this to perfect you to be the 'most' beautiful instruments of God.

Like the ship is built, is brought to the sea, tried, and found out to be

sea-worthy to sail out, when you know everything about the ship, everything

about the sea, with complete freedom and wisdom, you have to sail now. Not

afraid of any storms or any gales or any typhoons because now all you 'know'.

Your job is to cross through. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 28 September 1996)


At Sydney, Australia in 1983, Shri Mataji asked SYs to prove that She is the Adi

Shakti of the Hindus. This also necessarily translates to Her being the Holy

Spirit (Christians), Ruh of Allah (Muslims), Shekinah (Jews), Maitreya

(Buddhists), Aykaa Mayee (Sikhs) and the Great Mother (Taoists). Here is what

She told us Australians then:


" I am the Adi Shakti. I am the One who has come on this Earth for the first time

in this form to do this tremendous task . The more you understand this the

better it would be. You will change tremendously. I knew I'll have to say that

openly one day and we have said it. But now it is you people who have to prove

it that I am that! "

(Shri Adi-Shakti Devi - Sydney, Australia — March 21, 1983)


However, in 1994, eleven years later, SYs had not yet proven that She is the Adi

Shakti. Then in March/April 1994, Shri Mataji told 80-90 Sahaja Yogis at Sydney

International Airport that " special personalities from Montreal, Canada would

give evidence of Her Incarnation " . This was a Great Blessing For Mankind,

because it would prove that Shri Mataji is much more than a mere Meditation and

Subtle System Teacher. These special personalities, in fact succeeded, and they

have proven that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is in fact the Adi Shakti!!!


However, the Mahajanites (followers of Yogi Mahajan) who had by then hijacked

Her Organisation, had proved nothing!!! All they wanted was a Subtle System and

Meditation Teacher, and that is all they have gotten too, because you can only

have the Adi Shakti within yourself. You cannot ever own Her Will, as these

followers of Yogi Mahajan and self-deluded priestly caste seem to believe.


Jai Shri Adi-Shakti Devi!!!





> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir,

> > >

> > > i refer to your words:

> > >

> > > " So the existing 1994 SY leadership knew about Shri Mataji's

> > >; predictions about Montreal and must have requested a grand


> > > In fact i heard the local collective organizer SY Robert McNeil

> > > telling SYs that Canada will be the place from where Sahaja Yoga

> > > will spread. It all makes sense now Violet. " (END QUOTE)

> > >

> > > Jagbir, your remarks are most prescient: " Why indeed???... would

> > > there be a North American Puja in Montreal... when it could have

> > > been in Vancouver, Toronto, or New York! i decided to recall


> > > day in 1994 once again in order to ascertain if Shri Mataji had

> > > mentioned anything about a puja in Montreal:

> > >

> > > So... just to summarize... Shri Mataji had revealed that

" special

> > > personalities " would " give evidence " of Her Incarnation and that

> > > these personalities would come from Montreal, Canada. i remember

> > > us all being " stunned into complete Silence " at hearing Shri

> > > Mataji's Revelations. We had never heard anything like this

> > > before! However... Shri Mataji, True to Her Self... was as calm

> > > and unperturbed as ever, as if there was nothing unusual about


> > > Revelation.

> > >

> > > i noticed however, somewhat of a flurry of quiet conversation

> > > among a few SYs and leadership. Then the SY leader responded to

> > > Shri Mataji's Revelations. He requested of Shri Mataji on behalf

> > > of all Sahaja Yogis... to have the North American Puja in

> > > Montreal, Canada... since this was to be the place where Sahaja

> > > Yoga would be given Evidence of Her Incarnation, which in


> > > would spread Sahaja Yoga around the world. Shri Mataji happily

> > > gave Her consent and therefore the North American Puja took


> > > in Montreal.

> > >

> > > So... Jagbir, you are absolutely right when you say that a


> > > puja must have been requested inspite of the fact that SYs did


> > > know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know the

> > > " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .

> > > However, they had been informed that these " special

personalities "

> > > would come from " Montreal, Canada! "

> > >

> > > And like you also say, Jagbir... it " was unprecedented " to have


> > > North American Puja in Montreal, Canada. Normally, these would


> > > in the large cities like Vancouver, Toronto, or New York.

> > > Therefore we can take great comfort from the fact that the


> > > the North American Puja was held in Montreal, Canada... was

> > > because of Shri Mataji's Revelations of what was to come out of

> > > Montreal... that would give a great blessing to the world!

> > >

> > > Jai Shri Mataji!

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Dear Violet and All,

> >

> > i came across an incident that had been long forgotten. There are

> > reasons i completely forgot about it:

> >

> > i) i was really busy and focussed on recording and cross-examing


> > mystical experiences of Kash, Arwinder and Lalita. Since this was

> > happening on a daily basis all else seemed petty and quickly

> > forgotten ................. including the fact that Shri Mataji

> > and the SY leadership knew full well what was taking place.

> >

> > ii) the faxes sent 17-04-94 were addressed to the director of the

> > Divine Cool Breeze in San Diego, USA and not Shri Mataji. That


> > me forget too until yesterday when, while searching for


> > i read page 98 (below) and checked my files. Only then did it dawn

> > on me what had actually transpired, and connected it with what

> > Violet had witnessed in Australia around the same time.

> >

> > iii) none of us were interested in trumpeting such blessings. i


> > not want to convince skeptical SYs that Shri Mataji believed all

> > that was taking place in Montreal as the North American SYs cared

> > two hoots about the childrens' mystical experiences. Even Kash


> > me not to tell outsiders anything " as they will just pretend to

> > listen " . So the presentation of the 1994 faxes by Harsh Mehra to

> > Shri Mataji were soon forgotten as there were more important and

> > urgent matters to focus on and attend too.

> >

> > It must be again made clear that my intention in 1994 was just to

> > let SYs know what was taking place. So it was indeed a pleasant

> > surprise when i found out that Shri Mataji was read the contents


> > the faxes and confirmed they were true. This fact is recorded on

> > page 89 of Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God and i quote;

> >

> > " In April 1994, Kash's father sent two faxes of these early

> > spiritual journeys to the Sahaja Yoga centre in San Diego,

> > California, and received by Sahaja Yogini Pramila. She used her

> > vibrations and confirmed they were authentic, but other were

> > skeptic, rejecting it as a 'supraconscious experience.'

> >

> > In June 1994, Pramila's son, SY Harsh Mehra, took these faxes to

> > London, UK, and read them to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She


> > that it was the Truth. Upon his return to the United States he

> > contacted Kash's father to congratulate him. His mother also

> > expressed her heartfelt joy. They also told him that Shri Mataji


> > assured that She would be protecting both Kash and his newly born

> > sister Lalita. "

> >

> > Faxes read by Harsh Mehra to Shri Mataji in UK June 1994:

> >

> > 1) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_1.jpg

> > 2) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_2.jpg

> > 3) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_3.jpg

> >

> > Fax mentioned in opening paragraph of above 1994_fax_1.jpg:

> > 4) http://adishakti.org/images/first_fax.jpg

> >

> >

> > Violet, within a few months Shri Mataji confirmed as true what

" SYs

> > did not know " who " the personalities were... nor did they know

> > the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be forthcoming " .


> > what you witnessed and heard spoken by Shri Mataji in Australia

> > March 1994 materialized by June. It happened exactly the way She

> > predicted .............. and even i am flabbergasted by the

> > mystical nature, accuracy and timing of Shri Mataji's casual


> > One can easily determine this by reading the contents of the faxes

> ..

> > ........... that also reveal the explosive nature of the Truth!

> >

> > So way back in June 1994 the SY leadership knew Shri Mataji had

> > confirmed that the " mystical nature of the evidence that would be

> > forthcoming " , presented to Her in UK by Harsh Mehra, was true.


> > had full knowledge that Shri Mataji, unlike themselves, did not

> > regard Kash's experience as caused by some possession or evil

> > entity. To top it up Shri Mataji had already mentioned earlier in

> > March 1994 in Australia that " special personalities " would " give

> > evidence " of Her Incarnation and that these personalities would


> > from Montreal, Canada. That left absolutely no room for doubt as

> > whatever She had declared in March was confirmed to be true by

> > written evidence in June 1994!!! There was supposed to be a

> > collective outpouring of great joy and bliss!!!

> >

> > But nothing happened, as if Shri Mataji's confirmation was

> > accompanied by an eruption of collective jealousy amongst leaders

> > that infected SYs as well. What else could silence them to not

> > rejoice at the evidence given of Shri Mataji's incarnation? Maybe

> > leaders felt that their children deserved such roles as they had

> > served Shri Mataji for years. They just could not accept outsiders

> > suddenly appearing out of nowhere and taking the limelight, honors

> > and recognition (which none of us were ever interested in the


> > place right from the beginning ......... till today). The Truth

> > would make great world leaders like Yogi Mahajan and others almost

> > impotent and powerless overnight. There would be a seismic shift


> > power and prestige away from them. Years of basking in the public

> > glory, limelight, adulation and responsibility of spearheading and

> > spreading Sahaja Yoga would soon end. The explosive contents of


> > faxes were more than the SY leadership could bear and they made

> > their disapproval and disappointment clear


> > behind Shri Mataji's back. i too did not know or could have


> > at that time the dark nature of their intentions.

> >

> > But today i can truly see the breadth and scope of the subtle,

> silent

> > conspiracy against Shri Mataji, initiated by ex-world leader Yogi

> > Mahajan in the mid-1990s, against those giving evidence of Her

> > incarnation. i quote:

> >

> > " He Is A Child Of Darkness

> >

> > The sad saga continued as the latent negativity crossed the seas


> > continued its destructive path.

> >

> > At this time Kash and his brother Shahwinder were enrolled at the

> > International Sahaja Public School in Dharamsala, India. When Kash

> > and Shahwinder reached New Delhi, India, they were in for a shock.

> > The school authorities told them to go back because they could not

> > find their names in the registration book, and that they did not

> > realize they were educated in French (even though they were fluent

> > in English)! Those in charge insisted that Kash and his brother


> > return home, as if they had just taken a three-wheeler from nearby

> > Janak Puri and rudely requested registration. Even the Canadian

> > leader Jay Chudasama and SY Steve Gulati were unable to remove


> > petty problem. The school authorities were determined to send them

> > back and demanded they return home!

> >

> > Their father had to make frantic calls to Delhi and Poona and


> > that they be allowed to stay. He was so relieved when they were

> > given a one-month extension.

> >

> > Then, a few days later, realizing that they could not possibly

> > switch from French to English, study new subjects and pass the

> > required exam within a month, the Truth had to be told to secure

> > their stay for a few years. He sent fifty pages of Shri Adi


> > Kingdom Of God as evidence to one of the SY world leader, Yogi

> > Mahajan, and Mrs. Chitnavis (the principal) explaining that

> > something phenomenal had happen: a young SY child had confirmed


> > the Golden Goddess does reside in the Sahasrara.

> >

> > At this time `Shri Kalki' was also in India, and approached by SY

> > Mahajan. Kash was the topic of discussion. 'Shri Kalki,' who was

> > sure that Kash was possessed by the same demons that tormented


> > probably did not have much kind words. Evil spirits had possessed

> > this 'child of darkness' and given him the visionary powers. This

> > child was dangerous to Sahaja Yoga and had to be dealt with


> > The fact that he was now inside the compound of the Adi Shakti's

> > school, mingling with the children of realized souls, only made

> > matters worse.

> >

> > The father humbly asked that Kash be given protection, guidance


> > sanctuary until Her book was published, as the school atmosphere


> > Montreal was harsh and against spiritual development.

> >

> > But SY Mahajan vaguely explained to him over the phone what he

> > thought about the whole episode, as reflected in his opinion in


> > Ascent, and believed by most Sahaja Yogis. Kash was dabbling in

> > darkness and deserved no special attention or protection — or even

> > be exorcised of the `demons' that `possessed' him.

> >

> > Kash's father was not convinced by SY Mahajan's brief evasive

> > explanation as it contradicted his (Mahajan's) own conviction

> > that " Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden

> > Goddess that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls


> > total being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle

> > resides in every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak


> > it, and the saints glory in its praise. " (Yogi Mahajan, The


> > Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)

> >

> > Then he (Yogi Mahajan) was told that his (Kash) younger 5-year-old

> > brother, Arwinder, was also experiencing and confirming the same

> > Reality. Yogi Mahajan offered no explanation. On the contrary, he

> > rejected one of the greatest spiritual enlightenment in the


> > of humankind as the work of evil spirits and refused to listen to

> > any further explanation!

> >

> > Their stunned father could hardly believe the utter disregard and

> > spiritual arrogance displayed by those empowered to make


> > Fifty pages of proof was treated as trash! Desperate pleas for


> > found no compassion!

> >

> > Two stranded sons of the Great MahaDevi soon found that there was


> > shelter from the fast approaching storm! "

> >

> > Shri Adi Shakti: Kingdom Of God, pg. 114

> >

> >

> > Yogi Mahajan succeeded in his plot to demonize and lay false


> > against the children in order to expel them against Shri Mataji's

> > wishes. Then he set about influencing leaders and those able to

> > inflict maximum damage. Since he was the undisputed power broker


> > Sahaja Yoga his false accusations and ignorance were most welcome

> > and willingly spread since most SYs too believed likewise.

> >

> > Despite Shri Mataji expelling him a few years ago WCASY members


> > Alan Wherry, Viktor Bondar and others have continued where Yogi

> > Mahajan left. And they have henchmen like John Noyce and Ed


> > to poison and turn SYs against the websites and forum of those

> > giving evidence of Her incarnation. The ghost of Yogi Mahajan


> > walks the corridors of Sahaja Yoga till today and continues to

> > frighten SYs. Let me remind them that the Truth of Her incarnation

> > will outlast each and every one of them. There is no way WCASY and

> > SYSSR will survive, as it is coming clear in Vancouver, Montreal,

> > Toronto, New York, London, Hamburg and other SY centers.

> >

> > the camel will die from the thirst of the Truth being declared,

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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