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Shri Mataji: I was with Him (Guru Nanak Ji), in fact with all of Them.

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> " In April 1994, Kash's father sent two faxes of these early

> spiritual journeys to the Sahaja Yoga centre in San Diego,

> California, and received by Sahaja Yogini Pramila. She used her

> vibrations and confirmed they were authentic, but other were

> skeptic, rejecting it as a 'supraconscious experience.'


> In June 1994, Pramila's son, SY Harsh Mehra, took these faxes to

> London, UK, and read them to Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She affirmed

> that it was the Truth. Upon his return to the United States he

> contacted Kash's father to congratulate him. His mother also

> expressed her heartfelt joy. They also told him that Shri Mataji

> had assured that She would be protecting both Kash and his newly

> born sister Lalita. "


> Faxes read by Harsh Mehra to Shri Mataji in UK June 1994:


> 1) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_1.jpg

> 2) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_2.jpg

> 3) http://adishakti.org/images/1994_fax_3.jpg


> Fax mentioned in opening paragraph of above 1994_fax_1.jpg:

> 4) http://adishakti.org/images/first_fax.jpg



Note: When Shri Mataji started to declare Her advent in the 1970s

whatever She was announcing must have seemed incredulous, almost

blasphemous to the ignorant. But She continued to announce Her

mission and Divine Message to humanity.


i quote one of Shri Mataji's earliest talks that must have made many

criticize Her and leave:


" We can say on Guru principal Nanak Sahib came. Even in His time so

many could not know their Spirit. He was breaking his head advising

the people. He had taken human form but still he was not recognized.

I was with Him (Guru Nanak Ji), in fact with all of Them. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Delhi, India — August 18, 1979



More than a decade later starting November 1993 She began providing

irrefutable evidence that whatever She had said since the 1970s was

true. When Shri Mataji told seekers in 1979 that " I was with Him

(Guru Nanak Ji), in fact with all of Them " She was telling the truth.




Today we have hundreds of web pages giving evidence that Shri Mataji

is the incarnation of the Divine Mother, the Adi Shakti entrenched

in all that holy scriptures. She has been daily witnessed hundreds

of times since 1993 together with Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad,

Buddha, Guru Nanak, Shri Radha & Krishna, Shiva & Parvati, Lakshmi &

Vishnu, Saraswati & Brahmadeva, Sita & Rama, Ganesha, Hanuman and

others. Each and every one of these deities and prophets meditate on

Her at all times because She is their Self. She is your Self too!


Peace on Earth,






Shri Guru Nanak Ji


Guru Nanaka was born into a Hindu family in 1439 in what is now

Pakistan. Following a transformative realisation while bathing in

the river Bein, He gave up his career as an accountant and began to

travel throughout India teaching, composing hymns and establishing

centres of worship known as dharamsalas.


He taught the absolute unity of God; everything is God, and

everything is dependent on the will of God; therefore, spirit and

matter are not ultimately antagonistic. Spirit is the only reality,

and matter is a form of spirit.


" When I saw truly, I knew that all was primeval. Nanak, the subtle

(Spirit) and the gross (material) are, in fact, identical, " Guru

Nanak said. " That which is inside a person, the same is outside;

nothing else exists; by Divine prompting look upon all existence as

one and undifferentiated. "


It was a time in India's history when Mughal domination had led to

increasing tension between Hindu and Muslim. Seeing the divisiveness

of human religions, He said: " There is no Hindu or Muslim, so whose

path shall I follow? I shall follow the path of God. "


Guru Nanak taught that the way to connect with the Supreme is not

through the mind or through rituals, but through direct personal

experience. Therefore, He emphasised meditation on the Name and

Presence of God.


" As fragrance abides in the flower, as reflection is within the

mirror, so does your Lord abide within you. Why search for Him

without? "


He also made it clear that realisation of Self/God is not possible

without the compassionate agency of a true guru:


" The Guru is my ship to cross the world ocean. The Guru is my place

of pilgrimage and sacred stream. "


" Let no man in the world live in delusion. Without a Guru none can

cross over to the other shore. "


Before His death in 1539, Guru Nanaka chose one of his followers to

take responsibility for establishing the principles He had taught.

The principles were then passed down through a succession of gurus

in the Sikh religion. Sikhism was not initially intended to be a

separate religion from Hinduism or Islam but, due to a long period

of persecution, it became increasingly distinct.


The Concept Of Sahaj


" The concept of Sahaj is central and pivotal in Guru Nanak's

mystical thought. It relates to the highest spiritual state humanly

attainable and has thus deepest connotations attached to it. The

ordinary meaning of Sahaj [is] `just what it should be' or `just

normal'. In other words, a simple human proposition: that a man

should become a man par excellence, a real man; no adhesions, no

default, no accretions, no deviations.


But this paradoxical word Sahaj does not go with mere `saying' or

verbal expression. It is an actuality, a real human state, a

tangible workable human achievement. Guru Nanak himself …

experienced directly the blissful union with God and the concomitant

divine manifestations attending such beatitude.


Sahaj is originally a Sanskrit word which means `having been born

together' and thus something inwardly perceived or intuited along

with one's birth as a human being – a sort of indwelling mystical

principle of divine perception given to man as his birthright and

therefore, a natural and effortless heritage of divinity ingrained

in humanity.


Properly speaking, Sahaj is the very mysticality of religion. It is

the acceptance of inwardness and intuitionism as the true basis of

religion, to the negation of all ritualistic externalities. Sahaj in

this meaning would be the mystical state of a man who has accepted

the divine will. Sahaj, thus, is the highest spiritual state

attainable in Sikhism. It is the highest bliss.


Sahaj connotes a natural slowness and steadiness required for

perfect action. Sahaj is the opposite of inordinate haste. Sahaj is

compactness and self-sufficiency, while haste is flippancy and inner

weakness. Sahaj would mean equipoise, equanimity and equilibrium. It

may be called `balanced perspicacity' or sambuddhata, in the

psychological sense. All true balance and true action (which may be

called Sahaj-karam, as distinct from the self-willed action)

engender aesthetic as well as spiritual pleasure, while spiritual

fulfillment produces infinite bliss. "


From a book on Guru Nanak by Dewan Singh

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