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What Shri Mataji said about our built-in protection...

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Dear All,


Here is a an in-depth spiritual smorgasbord to 'get your teeth into' and really

give you lots to contemplate and introspect upon. i trust Our Mother's Words

will enrich us all as we contemplate entering into a New Spiritual Year of



Happy New Year!!!





What Shri Mataji said about our " Built-in Spiritual Protection " ...


Shri Mataji spoke in a way not heard before and described in detail the built-in

protection for keeping people in the centre. She spoke about the seven

Goddesses, who protect human beings from going too far into the left side by

pushing them toward the central channel. Shri Bhairava helps here also. This

attention of the Goddesses gives the person shraddha (deep faith) and when they

move too far into the left or right side they may lose this attention, thus

leading to their destruction.


Shri Mataji spoke about Hitler being so far in the right that he lost his

shraddha and protection on the left side and was destroyed at that moment.

According to Her, some people are born into the world, only to be destroyed

through their own actions. In Hitler's case, the misuse of the swastika in the

reverse position, led to his destruction.


When humans move too far into the right side, the Goddesses move the person onto

the left and the sleep state to cool them down. The negativity of the left side

is far more dangerous, as it can lead to serious emotional and psychological

problems like depression and schizophrenia. These diseases can be cured by

worshipping Amba, as She is the one who protects us.


If people are possessed and they cause problems for Sahaja Yoga and argue all

the time, then it is better that they leave.


Faith is the key to working out Sahaja Yoga. You only have to see this and

everything will work out. It is such a power. Putting one's attention on

problems and having the faith that the Divine Power will work it out will solve

all your problems. (Sahaj News - 4/11/2000)



The Scriptures also describe this faith that Hindus call " Shraddha " :


" Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not

seen. For by it the men of old gained approval. By faith we understand that the

worlds were prepared by the Word of God, so that what is seen was not made out

of things which are visible. And without faith, it is impossible to please Him,

for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of

those who seek Him. " (Hebrews 11:1-3, 6)


Therefore, it can be seen that this is not a blind faith, but it is faith borne

of inner spiritual vision... and not of mere physical vision!!! It is from this

inner spiritual vision, that the spiritual conviction (confidence) comes.


Going spiritually deeper... Shri Mataji states that it is the attention of the

Seven Goddesses that give the person shraddha or faith, and when they move too

far into the left or right side they may lose this attention, thus leading to

their destruction.


According to Shri Mataji, that is what happened to Hitler. She says that he lost

his protection, because he went so far into the right (spiritual imbalance) that

he lost his faith. She says he also misused the swastika, which is a very

important ancient spiritual symbol (comparable to the symbol of the Cross in

Christianity). For Westerners, the swastika is a symbol that is usually

associated with Hitler. That is why it might come as a surprise that it is an

ancient Vedic symbol of great spiritual significance, that in fact, Hitler had

misused. Attached are some teachings where Shri Mataji clarifies what this

symbol is. She also explains the connection between the Omkara, Swastika, Shri

Ganesha and Christ:


Excerpt - Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India...


I have told you long time back (long ago) that how we can prove that Christ was

Ganesha and he was the Logos. He was the what we call is the Brahmanat, the

first sound. By looking at your left side from the right side, if you see the

Mooladhara you will see swastikas because it is made of carbon atom. If you see

from left to the right you can see Omkara and if you see from down upward it

looks like Alpha and Omega.


In those days Christ has said I am the Alpha and I am the Omega, and now we have

made the animation, we have no arrangement to show you there. I don't know if

you could arrange it somehow, but you can see it clearly, what I have said can

be proved. So as you worship Ganesha, you must worship Christ in the same

manner... for all those who worship Ganesha.


Because I have seen that Hindus, they are stuck to Ganesha and Christians are

stuck to Christ. Even after coming to Sahaja Yoga they carry those traits.

Ganesha is all right up to a point and then it is important we must pray to his

incarnation that is Christ. In the same way those who worship Christ, must also

worship Ganesha because he is the Source. He is the potential of Christ. All

this was in the Divine plan, done with Divine discretion. Everything was done so

beautifully. But as I told you, human beings are good at massacring anything

that is beautiful. And that's how it has happened. Its very, very sad and on his

birthday today we have to decide that he has to be born within us again. In a

proper way, that he is the Alpha and the Omega.


At that time of his time I didn't know that anybody knew about these symbols.

These symbols also must have come from unconscious to some of the great

mathematicians in long time (long ago). And that's why these symbols are used

exactly like Alpha and Omega. You see him clearly. It is so clear cut now in

Sahaja Yoga. We can prove so many things all tangible. How Christ used to cure

people, what did he do, it's all tangible. We can prove it now in Sahaja Yoga,

how it works out, how these powers work out. But we have to first of all cleanse

our lives. We have to lead a very honest, powerful and pure life.


So the first thing of Ganesha is that wisdom. And that wisdom we see in the life

of Christ. From the very beginning, he was so confident of it that at the age of

twelve years, he went and talked to these Parsees (means the people who were

priests). We still have priests and mullahs and these burgees and all of them,

these so called dharma mantandas, all over. But he went and argued with them at

that young age and he was just saying what are you doing here? What is this?

What are you talking all lip service? He was discussing and talking to them but

his parents were perhaps... were frightened that these people might kill him. So

they brought him to India.


He came to India for wisdom. I don't know where is that wisdom missing now from

Indians. But must be this country was full of wisdom when he came and stayed in

India. And we have lots of memories about him. Even the King Shaliman met him.

Is described in his book that he met a man in Kashmir who was very saintly and

he asked him what's your name? He said my name is Isa, see now imagine - Isa.

(Is pronounced eesa). Is the word used in the Vedas for the Adi Shakti. Sa means

with. He said my name is Isa. (It was) said from what country do you come? He

said I come from a country which is foreign to me and this is my country.


So this India, the Bharat, the Hindustan was the country of spirituality. And

one should not try to compete and feel inferior to other countries who have gone

up materially higher. You don't know where they are! But we should be

spiritually higher. That's what Christ said. This is my own country, is clearly

written. That means Christ recognised that this country of spirituality is his

own. So we belong to that country of spirituality and not to the materialistic

or to the mundane or the baser type of life. (Excerpt - Christmas Puja,

Ganipatipule, India Tour - 25/12/92)



" He came on this earth as actually Christ. Full of innocence, who was the One

who came as the embodiment of Shri Ganesha. I've even (given) the proof of it

how the carbon atom... by which I have proved that Christ is the alpha and omega

while he is made of omkara and swastika. All this we have experimented. We have

found it there. With all this, what is the greatest achievement is to respect

your innocence. This is what is to be asked for today to be innocent. God looks

after all the innocent people. Don't worry... (you) don't have to worry. I've

seen children falling from seven stories. Nothing happens to them. They are

perfectly alright. How 'who' looks after them. Angels. You have seen photographs

of angels around you so try to be simple, innocent, not reactive and keep quiet

and peaceful. Because here we are talking about the global transformation

where(by) people will find their peace and their heart. And we will establish a

New World of peace, joy and spirituality. May God bless you.

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Christmas Puja, Ganipatipule, India - 24/12/95)



Easter Puja, France - 19 April, 1993...


Shri Mataji said that there is an important connection between the Agnya and the

Mooladhara Chakra. Shri Jesus Christ said that he is the Alpha and the Omega,

which refers to this connection.


If the Mooladhara is examined from different angles one can see the Swastika,

the Cross, and the Omkara. If these images were captured then this could

scientifically prove the connection between the Mooladhara and the Agnya Chakra.


She said that Shri Jesus Christ is a very important incarnation. Without his

work, no human being could ascend. Every path in the world has led to

destruction. Every religion in the world has led to an increase in destruction,

an increase in violence... in ugliness and in falsehood. He said that we have to

be born again; that we have to transform ourselves.


We must make every effort! Some of us are still afraid, but we must be fearless

like Shri Jesus was. This is why it is important to introspect and ask

ourselves: " How far have I travelled in spirituality? "


She said we have to become the light as He was the light of the World. When we

are the light, we can see everything. We can see all the things which affect us

and the things in us which affects others. All our bad habits and conditioning.

We must rid ourselves of these things through introspection. The collective can

see the problems with the individual, but the individuals within the collective

cannot see their own problems. If someone can see your problems and they tell

you, then introspect and see if they are correct.


Shri Mataji also spoke about the heights we can reach in Sahaja Yoga. But at the

same time, there is danger that there is also a long way to fall. Problems come

when Sahaja Yogis do not have faith in themselves. In Sahaja Yoga. In the Divine

Power, which means " in Sahaja Yoga " . If we have faith, then we become very



Shri Mataji spoke about two types of Sahaja Yogis. The first type are as solid

as a rock because of the strength of their faith. The second type have no faith.

Life is full of dramas. She said that Shri Jesus knew that He was the Son of

God. The yogis have to be like Christ and have faith. Still some Sahaja Yogis

have no faith. They are problem Sahaja Yogis. They come and say " Shri Mataji, I

am no good. I have this problem " . This should not happen. People do not have to

ask me anymore. The time has come when everything is going to be worked out by

the All-Pervading Power of God.


Those with faith have power. Faith in their powers and in the deities. The

deities like this. They are happy that people have faith in them and they like

to work for us. Shri Mataji also said that people should ask: " What have I done

for spirituality? " And introspect. And have no attention on materialism. Then

there would be no problems. (Australian Sahaja Newsletter - 23 April 1993)

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