Guest guest Posted January 2, 2007 Report Share Posted January 2, 2007 Dear All, In relation to a person's health, just like Shri Jesus... Shri Mataji views " the Whole Man " ... considering him not just to be a physical body with a mind and emotions attached, but teaching us that " We are the Spirit " . One mantra She gave us that helps me a lot is: " I am not this body, not this mind, not these emotions, but I am the Spirit! " This is one mantra that i have used very often, if ever i have been thinking too much, or being too emotional and not objective, or if i have had bodily aches and pains. In every way, this mantra really helps me to focus from the vantage point of Spirit. (i am not saying i now think too much, am too emotional, or have any bodily aches and pains, but when i first started out with Sahaja Yoga, i had many of these complaints.) i am also not saying that i don't ever make mistakes, because i do. We all do. However, these mistakes only need to be short-lived because i can correct myself if i have made a mistake, and resolve not to do that mistake again. There is no guilt involved in that... and there should not be. Making mistakes is a part of learning, and anyone who has never made any mistakes... has also never achieved anything... nor done anything. So, folks.... basically what i am saying is that " once we really realise that we are the Spirit " ... then we start to understand everything differently. So much so... that it has an effect on our body, mind, and emotions!!! Therefore, in reality this affirmation/mantra is the knowledge to use our self-realisation to ascend ourselves up the spiritual ladder from our self-realisation (salvation) to our complete spiritual liberation or " moksha " as the Hindus call it. The more we ascend up this spiritual ladder of spiritual understanding... the more will be our spiritual mastery within ourselves too. In other words... we will be closer to becoming " our own master, teacher, and guru " . However, we have to do that work. If we do not do that work, we should not complain that Sahaja Yoga is not working for us. If Sahaja Yoga is not working for us, then there is something wrong with us... and not with Sahaja Yoga... because Sahaja Yoga means " Union With The Divine " . The " Divine Within " can help us to overcome all obstacles. We may not have complete physical healing... depending upon our particular circumstances, but we may just have partial healing, or no healing. Sometimes a bodily part is too damaged. Even Shri Mataji explains that... as you will find in Her address at the medical conference (appended below). Remember also that Shri Jesus required a certain amount of " faith " as part of the ingredient of healing. After He had healed a woman, He told her that her faith had made her whole: And He said to her, " Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace. " (Luke 8:48 NAS) In the King James Version, it uses the word " whole " which gives the understanding that the healing is " Wholistic " meaning it involves the Whole Person: And he said unto her, " Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace. " (Luke 8:48 KJV) So... Shri Jesus healed wholistically, but the person was required to have the " faith " for that complete healing too! No matter how many vibrations are given to us, if we do not have the faith to sustain ourselves with these vibrations, the healing cannot last. That is why it is so important to be surrendered to the Spirit. i hope this is understood. It is not some kind of magic. It is work combined with spiritual help from the Divine... the Deities that reside within and the Help of Our Mother. However, we have to please them, and " recognise them " . There is much more than meets the eye here. There is no magical formula. No amount of spiritual rituals will give healing... if the heart, mind, and soul is not in it, and if the person is not trusting in the Lord for their spiritual liberation also. So... it is a complete dedication of your life... and nothing less. The more you surrender your self, the more the Spirit becomes uppermost, and the less and less problems you will have. However, it has to be experienced as fact. Each person can only prove that for themselves, by their own surrender to that kind of spiritual life. It is not easy at first, but what is too easy is not appreciated anyway. In fact, i believe it is a continual " work in progress " , whereby we could say we are a " master-teacher-and-guru-in-training " . i can assure you that the real masters, gurus, and teachers will never advertise themselves as such. They will just quietly go about their work, or not so quietly... depending upon circumstances. But their outstanding characteristic is that they will help others to achieve what they themselves have achieved. Once they have experienced success, they can guide others to spiritual success. However, that requires real dedication on the part of the person " wanting spiritual success " . You will always have the murmurers and the complainers. Some people just never can do it, just like some people can never do other things either, and murmur and complain at the success of others, while they are not having success. Instead of complaining, these people should stop complaining and murmuring, and do the " hard spiritual work " . If it still doesn't work, then they should not complain, because that achieves even less. However, they should know that it is not the Divine that is " at fault " . It is themeselves. When you help others... you also help yourself. It is a joy to do so. As a master, guru, and teacher 'in training', you need to help others also, and as you help, so also are you helped in turn! When Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was having a medical conference in which She spoke to doctors in Moscow, She also was talking about how " the Spirit " is involved in our wellbeing. It is truly a Body/Mind/Spirit connection, and the Spirit is the over-riding factor in all of it. The Spirit, in fact, needs to be in control for this Mind/Body System (psychosomatic system) to work " at its optimum " . This is what Shri Mataji is really explaining to the doctors. There are many things the doctors do not know yet... in relation to the Spirit, and Shri Mataji is opening their spiritual understanding to the " Spirit within " . Some of the significant things She said is that: " Sahaja Yoga gives you the complete picture of the totality of consciousness. As you grow higher and higher in Sahaja Yoga you yourself understand and can work out this great system. First we have to accept that we are not only this human body, nor are we emotions, neither are we ego and conditionings, but we are the Pure Spirit. There is an all pervading power of Love which does all this living work of creating flowers, fruits, and making us human beings. In science they do not talk of love but even the doctors have love for the patients. Otherwise they cannot dedicate. " First the doctor has to become the Spirit. He has to feel the cool vibrations on his head which are the Fruit of this all-pervading Power of Love. This is the instrument which you have to use, first of all for cleansing yourself and for cleansing others. In the medical science we can say that the parasympathetic system is looked after by the central channel and the left and right is looked after by two more channels. According to Sahaja Yoga, left and right sympathetic are two separate energies. The left one is the one which comforts us. The right one is the one which counsels us and the center one is the one which redeems us. All this happens after realization, because you have to have the correction. " (Excerpt - Medical Conference, Moscow - 29 June, 1990) Folks... i must say also that i have never heard anyone explain how the health of a person can be involved in such a " domino effect " like Shri Mataji describes it. However, it all makes such common sense. i have never heard it so well explained to a 'lay man'. Anybody can grasp a basic understanding from the way Shri Mataji describes it. She obviously knows very much... more than doctors or anyone else. Of course, Sahaja Yogis have realised that all along. Shri Mataji always comes up with amazing information. So... please enjoy. Take what information is of spiritual benevolence to you, and whatever does not apply, do not worry about it. violet (Excerpt - What Shri Mataji told doctors at a Medical Conference in Moscow on 29 June, 1990)... In the medical studies whatever we have discovered so far is available there already. Whatever we can discover with human awareness has its own limitations. Supposing it is said that the human body does not accept any foreign thing into its body... but when the foetus is implanted, it is not thrown out but looked after and thrown out at the right time. Also the adrenalin and acetylcholine on our body... its mode of action cannot be explained because sometimes they augment and sometimes they relax. We cannot explain so many things through medical achievements. Much has to be known and much to be found out. I would like you all to know something of the beyond which is not known so far. So have an open mind of a scientist to see for yourself if its true or not. Till then it is like a hypothesis. Sahaja Yoga gives you the complete picture of the totality of consciousness. As you grow higher and higher in Sahaja Yoga... you yourself understand and can work out this great system. First we have to accept that we are not only this human body, nor are we emotions, neither are we ego and conditionings, but we are the Pure Spirit. There is an all pervading power of Love which does all this living work of creating flowers, fruits, and making us human beings. In science they do not talk of love but even the doctors have love for the patients. Otherwise, they cannot dedicate. First the doctor has to become the Spirit. He has to feel the cool vibrations on his head which are the fruit of this all pervading Power of Love. This is the instrument which you have to use, first of all for cleansing yourself and for cleansing others. In the medical science we can say that the parasympathetic system is looked after by the central channel and the left and right is looked after by two more channels. According to Sahaja Yoga, left and right sympathetic are two separate energies. The left one is the one which comforts us. The right one is the one which counsels us and the center one is the one which redeems us. All this happens after realization... because you have to have the correction. In human beings, the centers are in the spinal cord and also in the brain. They are formed from the left and the right... (and both put together is the central system). The triangular bone in which the Kundalini resides is called as sacrum. Sacrum means sacred and the Greeks knew about it and put that word in the medical terminology. According to Sahaja Yoga, we are basically three types of people. Firstly we either go to the left or to the right. Left side is our desires and also whatever doesn't work out goes into our collective subconscious. We can say it looks after our psyche. It starts from down below at first center and goes upward and crosses over at the optic chiasma and creates the super-ego. In psychological terms, (it) is the " conditioning " . The lower center also nourishes the pelvic plexus. This is responsible for our excretion and sex. So one has to have sane ideas about sex, because this channel originates from the last center. When Freud talked of psyche he perverted the whole thing. Instead of telling people how to safeguard this center ( " Center of Innocence " ) by looking after the sex habits... he just told the other way round. He related everything to sex... as if human beings are just " sex points " . He formed a self-opinionated ideology that every man has sex feelings for his mother. On this mental projection, Freud based all his theories and people thought it was so-called " freedom " to have sex the way they like. They didn't even challenge him. He became more than Christ to them in the West. As a result ('of anything goes') we have now diseases like AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.... all related to sex organs. It was always called " private parts " ... but it was never understood what it means. Left side is the psychic (mind) problem and on the right side are the psychosomatic (mind/body) problems. Psychosomatic (Mind/Body) problems are when you work too hard and think too much. In the second center all the energy goes to the brain which thinks too much and is futuristic. Right sided problems are caused by over active liver or one gets diabetes because pancreas it not looked after. You get leukemia because spleen is not looked after. You get high blood pressure because kidneys are in trouble. As the heat of the liver ascends you get asthma. The brain is like a spongy matter and it coagulates. So the heat goes to kidneys. They cannot pass urine and the urine circulates in the body and blood. Also it causes constipation. Heat is the symptom of disease and coolness is the symptom of good health. The experiment with helium gas showed that when given heat, all the molecules were fighting with each other. And when they removed the heat they found all the molecules were united. The third type of diseases are psychosomatic. Those who are 'psycho-somatic' have more problem with the psyche than with the physical. Cancer is psychosomatic. All viruses are dead plants or dead animals, maybe microscopic, which have gone out of circulation of evolution. They reside in the area called collective sub-conscious. Doctors have reached a certain understanding that they say that this cancer is caused to a person when he goes into a shock and the attack comes from the left in the area which was built within us since the Creation. This is the same area as the collective sub-conscious where everything that is dead is there. So there are humans who are dead hanging around there. In physical science you may have never heard of something. There is a soul which is playing on the causal of all elements. It is attached in loops on the back side of our body. In all the seven centers plus the sacrum bone it resides. It makes seven loops. After realization you can see many loops like going round and round like chakras and one into another: sometimes many into it together, and sometimes only one. (Also you can see little sparks like commas, which is chaitanya of the vibrations.) These are the dead souls. Now this soul is reflected on ourselves in the receptor area. Recently in America they have taken photographs of the receptor of a cell. It looks exactly like what you see after realization. But when another soul sits on the being then it is reflected on the cells. It affects the receptor also. This new soul might get attached to any of the centers or to all of them. It affects the cells also and they give all this dopamine series which causes epilepsy, mental problems, cancer, etc. If they are viruses it's not so bad. Only one may go in and affect but it can travel from one to another. If it's a human possession, then it's very difficult. Hypertension, Heart disease, epilepsy come from the left side. Migraine or sick headache could be from both sides. All bone diseases are psychosomatic. Leukemia, Tumors, Fibrosis is psychosomatic. Menopause is not a disease. Its a normal condition. Inflammation of the pancreas could be also psychosomatic. Sciatica could be somatic or psychosomatic. All mental diseases are left sided. Schizophrenia is left sided. Alcoholism starts in the right side and creates left sided problems. Arthritis is psychosomatic. Drug addiction, smoking, homo sexuality and perverted sex, too much indulgence in sex is all left sided or psychosomatic. Smoking creates left-sided problems because one feels guilty. Perverted sex habits and flirting of the eyes, AIDS, too much sex, or rigidity is due to left side. It is some sort of a possession. Multiple sclerosis is center problem. Neurosis could be from both sides. Parkinson's disease is left side. Rheumatism comes from the Nabhi. Muscular distrophy comes from the left side. Yuppie's disease is where you are extremely hard working, very futuristic and use your conscious mind too much. Studying too much. Then the conscious mind becomes absolutely paralysed. You are walking alright and suddenly you are conscious that you are walking then you will suddenly fall down. I had told eight years back in America that it will come. I told them about AIDS about fourteen years back. But nobody listened. Now it's very serious. Diabetes is mostly right-sided. When you use too much of right then the exhaustion takes place here. So you are vulnerable and suddenly (it) happens from the left side, as the connection with the whole is lost. These proteins like 53, 58, ... are very ego-oriented and arbitrary. Whatever cell they touch, that becomes malignant. Thus malignancy sets in. So women suffer from breast cancer. The center of the heart is the Mother's center. When the motherhood of a woman is challenged... say the husband is a flirt and keeps her insecure, or if she's insecure, then this center gets affected. This center produces antibodies in the sternum bone to fight the diseases till the age of twelve years. Then they are distributed all over. Whenever there is fear, the sternum bone shakes and it is like a remote control that sends messages to all the antibodies to fight. If you establish the security of such a lady through Kundalini awakening, then her cancer can be cured. When they are in very advanced stages, they do not have that will-power left. Then it's better to remove the breast and then establish your security. There are diseases which are caused by the lethargic organs. When (the) heart is lethargic, one gets angina. When the left vishuddhi catches, you feel very guilty and then there's a block and the blood cannot flow to the head. Then it has to go to the heart... and such a heart becomes tired and lethargic. In Sahaja Yoga we have two types of organs: One is lethargic and the other is over-active. The doctors should first of all establish themselves properly and protect themselves. Then they can learn to cure others. Use the photographs which have the vibrations in them. Psychosomatic must be dealt (with) first... only on the left side. Some children suffer from hyper-activity. Diabetes also comes from the same reason. At the time when the mother is pregnant, she should not work very hard. She should take more rest. She should not think too much, but read something soothing... something nice. Best is to meditate. At that time, if the mother is over-active and thinking of futuristic things, children are born with diseases. Or if she's hectic, the child may get leukemia. The spleen is for all emergencies because it produces red blood corpuscles. But if you are hectic... panicked all the time... rushing about... then the poor spleen cannot understand. It becomes erratic and crazy. It could happen to children or adults. When something triggers from the left side, and there's (a) sudden shock... may be sadness, accident, anything... it triggers leukemia. The worst thing which is very difficult for anyone to understand is that there are negative forces working. They work through negativity. They work through some false guru or parapsychology or mesmerism etc. All these things are done by putting some sort of a dead soul on your soul. One has to be very clear. For this you cannot charge money. It is a living process. For example you sow a seed. You don't pay money to Mother Earth. She does it. It is built-in... in the seed as well as Mother Earth. We also take all the living processes for granted. There's no obligation. But all these horrible people are money-oriented. They have no purity of heart or purity of eyes. They are interested in women, men or all kinds of dirty things. They are not able to explain how they do it. They cannot relate it to medical science, or any (other) science. In Sahaja Yoga we do some Hatha Yoga exercises whenever necessary. When there is a chakra damaged because of some physical problem, we try to give that particular Hatha Yoga exercise. But the way people do Hatha Yoga is to take all the medicines at once. In Hatha -- Ha and Tha... both the nadis have to be used. But nowadays its only Ha used. This can cause a great imbalance within you. People who do this can become extremely dry, hot tempered and may divorce his wife or leave his children. We should be in the center and Kundalini should be fixed permanently with that All Pervading Power and flow all the time within you. But apart from physical, mental and emotional life, you have the Spiritual life, which is much more miraculous, which is very blissful and when you understand how this power of Love looks after everything, you are amazed! (Shri Mataji's Talk at a Medical Conference, Moscow - 29 June 1990) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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