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The sahajvidya site is a wonderful source of information...

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Dear All,


http://www.sahajvidya.org/SahajVidya/0h1o0m8e_721.html is a wonderful site with

a " composite distillation of excerpts spoken by the Devi, and obtained

exclusively from audiotape and videotape recordings " .


Here is an extract of the underlying Policy of Nirmala Vidya which i believe is

most significant:


" All data on this site is derived exclusively from those recordings that have

been made, over the years... of lectures and other talks, given sometimes quite

informally by our beloved mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. No detail is

included, unless a 'tape recording' is on hand to substantiate the authenticity

of that which is written herein. No other 'authority' is consulted... as it is

implicit in the fundamental understanding of these pages... that there is no

authority higher than She, Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, in any sphere

of life... from whom indeed all of creation emanates... from whom all knowledge

derives... whether it be of the Cosmic Consciousness itself... of Parabrahma...

or of the Powers that She Herself creates... or of that which is the most

mundane, the 'cement' which holds together the material things of our lives. It

therefore follows that no matter how well known a fact may be in Sahaja Yoga, it

will not find a place here unless and until it is 'found' on tape. "


In the Preface to this site it is also explained that:


" Right at the very outset it should perhaps be stated that the contents of this

work are not claimed to be, nor are they to be taken as 'absolutely literal', or

'verbatim' quotations from our Holy Mother's audiotapes, though there is much

that will be recognised... by many.


That which is contained herein, is derived directly from the spoken words of our

Holy Mother, as recorded on the many occasions when She has spoken. However,

because of the need to include references to the enormous amount of material

that exists, within a moderately sized volume, there has of necessity been a

certain amount of abbreviation. Where a passage was long, or a subject referred

back to repeatedly, or intermixed with another, then a certain amount of sorting

out was necessary, whilst ensuring that the essential and salient words

originally used, are in all cases retained.


Also following the compilation of the many items, taken from a large number of

Shri Mataji's talks, it was found that the result was somewhat disjointed. So in

order to retain the 'flow' and improve the readability, and to avoid repetition,

the expedient of 'joining' by using link words, or occasionally combining

phrases or sentences was employed, where it was clear that the subject matter

was one and the same. Also, and for similar reasons, the 'person' may sometimes

have had to be brought into line with that of adjacent text, e.g. 'you must

listen..' might become 'we must listen..' or 'one must..' etc., whilst however

ensuring that the essence of what is being said remains the same. In all cases

the 'original references' remain. In a similar fashion, the first person

singular style may occasionally translate to the third person style, where it is

felt preferable and perhaps more appropriate. In all cases the essential text

remains unchanged.


Here it might be helpful to attempt to set out the rationale that underlies this

project. Something that Shri Mataji said on 25th July 1989 at Melichargasse

summarises it precisely. It is quoted under the Subject headings...

'Studying'... 'Mother's Words'... and also 'Audiotapes'... and is reproduced



" You must all individually also work it out that you study Sahaja Yoga in a way.

In most of the tapes whatever I have said can be seen… found out... what is said

about health... what is said about children... because I spontaneously say

things... and if you can sort it out you will know so many things... I mean if

you sit down and do a study of these tapes it will help you to find out so many

little little things that are so important for life. You can clarify it... can

note it down... that this Mother said about these things... it will be very good

for us to sort it out this way... what point is to be noted down in different

headings... can put different different headings, and jot it down. Mother has

said so... Mother has said so... whatever is not on the tape you should not

listen to... whatever is on tape is authentic... whatever is recorded already

should be accepted (890725) "


So with this approach... and over several years... and listening to many many

talks... noting it all down... typing it onto computer... sorting it out...

checking for flow and readability... this 'presentation' is the end result.


The references that are quoted throughout this compilation, point the reader to

the original source material, and are in the main simply the date of recording

of the talk, shown in reverse (e.g. a date of… 21st March 1998 would read as



This has the great advantage that in any listing of dated material, all items

added at a later date, will automatically get sorted into the correct position,

chronologically speaking. The exception to the above is the reference 'MME',

which references Shri Mataji's own book, " Meta Modern Era " , and is the sole

written or textual source used here.


This volume serves not only as a pointer to the original source material, i.e.

the audio or videotape, wherein can be found much more detail, but also serves

as a collection point, where anything that Shri Mataji has had to say on any

particular subject, can be gathered together under the various headings.


The reader is strongly urged to go to the original source material, not only to

verify the item in question, but more, to gain the incalculable benefits of

listening directly to Shri Mataji speaking on that and many other subjects. Much

more important is the very great and immeasurably beneficial, vibrational effect

of listening to Shri Mataji talking, and which cannot be represented in any way

in the printed word. The unending flow of Vibrations that emanate from Shri

Mataji, in all Her various Aspects, are recorded along with our Holy Mother's

Words, and as we listen to recordings of Her Talks, we receive once again the

tremendous transforming qualities of those vibrations. As we listen to a talk on

a particular subject, so the vibrations are working on those problems within us

- in short, there is no substitute for listening to the 'actual spoken word' of

our Holy Mother, each of which is a mantra in it's own right.


This work was started originally as a simple dictionary, to give the meanings of

foreign words, as defined by Shri Mataji, in the many recordings of Shri Mataji

speaking, sometimes in informal settings, but more usually in lectures or talks

given the world over. Later it developed into something much more, and now

within it's confines are included any and all references to anything that our

much beloved and Holy Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has deemed it necessary to speak

about - the only exception is that no references are included to individuals in

Sahaja Yoga, past or present, other than in reference to the bibliography.


Happily, confirmation came one day, when listening to the recording made of the

talk of 25th July 1989 at Melichargasse, in which Shri Mataji urges us to listen

to the tapes... to study Sahaja Yoga... and sort it all out. On this tape, Shri

Mataji also tells us... 'whatever is on tape, is authentic... whatever is

recorded already, should be accepted' - another reference to the importance of

listening to the audiotapes. Again in a talk recorded on 6th November 1989, in

Connecticut, Shri Mataji tells us, that we all should have one tape each.. we

should sit down and listen, again and again... with pencil and paper, and 'see

what I am saying...' and again 'every tape should be with you... '


This edition is in no way to be considered complete, nor is it to be taken as a

'full' or 'balanced' account of what Shri Mataji has to say on any particular

subject. To date, only a comparatively small number of talks have been

referenced. There remain a very large number of recordings, which so far have

not been accessed. Until they have all been researched, til then this work

remains incomplete. To date 388 talks form the basis of the research for this



With regard to the material included in this edition, each item has had to meet

certain rules, for it to be acceptable for inclusion. Firstly, it must be

understood that no material from any source other than our Mother is even

considered, and also for it to be included, it must be from tape recordings

only, other than the already mentioned exception of Shri Mataji's book, Meta

Modern Era. Thus all material which is in written form is excluded, unless in

Shri Mataji's own handwriting. It follows from this that if what is 'discovered'

when listening to any particular tape is incomplete, in the sense that there are

some parts of the subject not mentioned, then only that which is 'discovered' in

this particular talk is used. At a later date it is to be hoped that the missing

details will be added, but only when 'chanced upon' in listening to the tapes -

no matter how well known or basic the information may be. The reader is

therefore asked to exercise some degree of tolerance, and of forbearance in this



Any entry which is felt to be resulting in too much of an imbalance, is excluded

from the published version. Where different countries are mentioned, and where

some of the words may indeed seem unpalatable to some of us, it is felt that

Sahaja Yogis are sufficiently enlightened, that we can see it's relevance to our

ascent. As we grow away from our Country's basic problems, so we become

detached, and can see that it is to those left behind, that the words apply.


One word of 'caution' perhaps, to the reader who mistakenly believes that 'one

can work it out on one's own'. Shri Mataji tells us again and again, that Sahaja

Yoga is a collective phenomena, and " anybody who thinks… 'I can work it out on

my own, I have a 'special relationship' with Mother' should know that they

are... 'going out' - you cannot work it out on your own " . Again, she tells us

" the greatest law of Sahaja Yoga is that it is a collective happening " , and

again... " collectivity, will make you grow " .


Finally, we are most fortunate to be born at this time, to be here at a time

when the greatest of all Incarnations is with us, here on this Earth - and who

is accessible to us. We are so blessed... we see so many miracles... we receive

so much joy... yet do we all really recognise... and do we all have that sense

of protocol... that in whose Presence we so often are... and in whose protection

we bathe. Let us, even if it be in only so small a way, see what we can do, in

return for our unfathomable, indescribable, unimaginably great Mother... the

Primordial All Pervading Power of Lord God Almighty... our Holy Mother,

Paramchaitanya Shri Mataji, Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti, Shri Nirmala Devi.


Errors & Omissions

The compiler wishes to beg Shri Mataji's pardon, if Her Holy Words have in any

way been so mutilated, as to alter the message that they were intended to carry.


Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that errors are kept to a minimum, if

you are one of those who does find something, it would be helpful if you would

please send notification via the publishers… or if on the web, via the e-mail

address provided. The notation 'Sic' indicates that the adjacent text is noted,

and is correct, whilst 'Ed' indicates some words that have been added for



Phonetic Transliteration

The convention used is simply to attempt to represent any Indian words in a way

that the average non-Indian reader will be able to pronounce the words

reasonably accurately, whilst deviating from the generally accepted rules of

transliteration as little as possible. It is accepted that there will be

variations in resulting pronunciations, endemic to the different regions of the

world, and this is something that this work makes no attempt to reconcile.



A word of thanks to all those who have helped with the checking of the draft

copies, for uncovering the multitude of little errors that crept in at the

beginning of this project, and in particular to one young Sahaja Yogi who comes

all the way from Turkey, who was a great help in many ways - he will know who he



In closing it is hoped that the reader, wherever he or she may be, will enjoy,

and hopefully gain much, not only from this offering, but more importantly from

the audiotapes that he or she will be directed to, in journeying through the

following pages. With every good wish… to all who delve into the depths of the

numerous recordings, of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's many talks.



9 Mar 2003 (Originally penned in 1998)





So, folks... this is all good to know.



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