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What Shri Mataji said about Faith (Shraddha)...

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Dear All,


In the lengthy excerpt appended... Shri Mataji explains about a faith which is

based upon a deep spiritual conviction (a.k.a. 'Shraddha' by the Hindus). This

faith is based upon deep inner convictions in relation to the Divine Within...

and therefore has nothing to do with any kind of a 'blind faith'. But firstly,

lets have a look at some scriptural references which also describe " shraddha " :


1./ " Behold as for the proud one... his soul is not right within him. But the

righteous will live by his faith. " (Habakkuk 2:4)


2./ And behold, they were bringing to Him a paralytic, lying on a bed; and Jesus

seeing their faith said to the paralytic, " Take courage, My son, your sins are

forgiven. " And behold, some of the Scribes said to themselves, " This fellow

blasphemes. " And Jesus... knowing their thoughts... said: " Why are you thinking

evil in your hearts? For, which is easier to say: " Your sins are forgiven " or to

say " Rise, and walk " ? But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has

authority on Earth to forgive sins " ... (with which he then said to the

paralytic)... " Rise, take up your bed, and go home. " And he rose and went home.

But when the multitudes saw this, they were filled with awe, and glorified God

who had given such authority to men. " (Matthew 9:2-8)


3./ And when they (Jesus & His disciples) came to the multitude, a man came up

to Him, falling on his knees before Him saying, " Lord, have mercy on my son, for

he is a lunatic, and is very ill... for he often falls into the fire, and often

into the water. And I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not cure

him. "


And Jesus answered and said, " O unbelieving and perverted generation, how long

shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him here to Me. "

And Jesus rebuked him and the demon came out of him and the boy was cured at

once. Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said: " Why could we not

cast it out? " And He said to them: " Because of the littleness of your faith. For

truly I say to you... if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this

mountain, " Move from here to there " and it shall move. And nothing shall be

impossible to you. (Matthew 17:14-20)


4./ Folks... here is a story where a Pharisee named Simon requested Shri Jesus

to join him for dinner at his home. Shri Jesus was reclining at the table in

this Pharisee's house, when a woman who had heard that Jesus was there, brought

an alabaster vial of perfume to him:


And standing behind Him at His feet weeping... she began to wet His feet with

her tears and kept wiping them with the hair of her head and kissing His feet

and anointing them with the perfume. Now when the Pharisee who had invited Him

saw this, he said to himself, " If this man were a prophet, He would know who and

what sort of person this woman is who is touching Him.... that she is a sinner. "


And Jesus answered and said to him, " Simon, I have something to say to you. " And

he replied, " Say it, Teacher " :


" A certain moneylender had two debtors: one owed five hundred denarii, and the

other fifty. When they were unable to repay, he graciously forgave them both.

Which of them therefore will love him more? " Simon answered and said, " I suppose

the one whom he forgave more. " And He said to him, " You have judged correctly. "


And turning toward the woman, He said to Simon: " Do you see this woman? I

entered your house... you gave Me no water for my feet, but she has wet My feet

with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You gave me no kiss... but she,

since the time I came in... has not ceased to kiss My feet. You did not anoint

My head with oil... but she anointed My feet with perfume. For this reason I say

to you, her sins which are many have been forgiven for she loved much. But he

who is forgiven little... loves little " .


And He said to her, " Your sins have been forgiven. " And those who were reclining

at the table with Him began to say to themselves, " Who is this man who even

forgives sins? " And He said to the woman, " Your faith has saved you; go in

peace. " (Luke 7:38-50)


5./ Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for... the conviction of things

not seen. And without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to

God, must believe that He is... and that He is a Rewarder of those who Seek Him.

(Hebrews 11: 1, 6)


6./ Consider it all Joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing

that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its

perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete... lacking in nothing. But

if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously

and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith,

without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea...

driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man expect that he will receive

anything from the Lord... being a double-minded man unstable in all his ways.

(James 1:2-8)


7./ Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved,

he will receive the Crown of Life (reference to Sahasrara) which the Lord has

promised to those who love Him. (James 1:12)


8./ Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good thing bestowed and every

perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of Lights (reference to

enLIGHTenment)... with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow.(James



Folks... this should therefore give us a pretty good indication what Shri Jesus

meant by faith/shraddha. i think it is pretty obvious that this kind of a faith

really only comes through our Earthly Trials that we all have. According to

James, we should be joyful that with the trials we encounter... if our faith is

in the Divine Within... then that faith will be strengthened through the trials

that we endure... and that " endurance " in and of itself... perfects and

completes us. You could say that it rounds up our personality. It knocks off all

the rough edges... like the potter does with the clay. So... here is that

scripture again, which i think bears repeating:


" Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing

that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its

perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete... lacking in nothing. "


And just to top it up, folks... here are two more scriptural references: one on

prayer, and one on healing. Please take special note of these, because in the

appended teaching of Shri Mataji... She says exactly the same thing:


" The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. " (James 5:16b)


" And the prayer offered in faith, will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord

will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. "

(James 5:15)


At this point, i believe it is worth mentioning what we have recently discovered

that Jagbir has brought to our attention... and this is that our Higher Self or

Spirit, is really " the Divine Within " . It is " Shri Lalita " :

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So... finally we arrive at a lengthy excerpt, wherein Shri Mataji explains that

the effectiveness of Sahaja yoga ( " Union with the Divine " ) depends upon our

" faith in the Divine " . Having faith in the Divine is " one and the same " as

having faith in our Higher Self/Spirit. I trust you will gain much from Shri

Mataji's stirring words on this subject.


(Btw... i have added some missing English words like 'the', 'it', and so forth.

i have also turned words into their 'English order rendering'... for example...

" This once is established " has been made to read " Once this is established " . i

have also added some explanations and notes (which are all in brackets to

differentiate it from Shri Mataji's Words). It is only slightly condensed by not

repeating words as happens when a person is speaking. A few sentences have been

paraphrased for purposes of comprehension, such as when some words were missing

and these had to be ascertained from what was there. i also omitted any names of

Sahaja Yogis mentioned, as this is for the glory of God and not for the glory of

any particular person. I trust that this is pleasing to the Goddess. Jai Shri






What Shri Mataji said about Faith (Shraddha)...


Of course the health of the person is a most important thing and that has to be

brought to a normal condition. (It) is the basic of the kundalini awakening, but

still the way it has spread, the way it has worked out, is more a credit to you

than to me, because this is the Special Time (Last Judgment and Resurrection)

and the Blossom Time... and so many of you are seekers, seeking Truth all over

(by) going to (the) Himalayas, standing on your heads, fasting, doing all kinds

of renunciations... and everything.


Now (you) have taken birth and are normal people... " householders " . This was all

promised that this thing would happen only with such people. Sahaja yoga will

work out. So the whole thing is, I would say, a plan which has worked out. You

all took your birth at this Special Moment. Even if you see the position of the

stars, and you can all see clearly how everything has clicked together. It (is)

all a Divine Plan. But in your case, it is your own decision, because we are

human beings and we have been given (the) freedom to choose. It is your own

decision to take to Sahaja yoga.


This is the Time when there are billions and billions of seekers. Seekers were

'banging their heads all around'. When I listen to the stories (of) some of the

Sahaja yogis who came to Sahaja yoga, I am really astounded the way they were,

the way they worked very hard, the way they did everything the false guru told

them and whatever the books told them. They ransacked libraries, and (they were)

all so desperate. This has come from your last life 'that you are Seekers'. (You

were) also of the same type in your last life and you took birth now at this

moment with your decision that you have to come to this Earth. Maybe you are not

aware of that, but the second decision that you took, was to come to Sahaja



Normally if you see, there is a market all over about these gurus. (With an)

ascetic type of a life, (they) wear saffron clothes. (Some) wear some horns or

something. They impress people. There are so many ways of publicity, so many

ways to collect people (and) mesmerise people from America. And all rich

countries, you see, are more alluring. You can be sure that it is with that kind

of a background (where money gives you the validity) which is why these (false

gurus) have come to them in this lifetime.


And Sahaja yoga started in a very small way, as you know. One person I used to

cure. People, one after (the other), so many people (I) cured, but still they

would not come to Sahaja yoga. No commitment. Nothing! They never felt any

responsibility that they should help others. On the contrary, they collected so

many more (to cure). I cured one person (and) they will collect ten persons and

bring them to me like an agency.


Also many (other) people started curing in this country (of India). They found

(that) all (of the) people (who were) cured, were useless, and not good for

Sahaja yoga. So I told them (the Sahaja yogis) to use my photograph and they

won't catch (negative vibrations) and then (the people) will develop Shraddha

(faith). Use at least the photograph. Thus, gradually, they will come to Sahaja



So the second choice (that) you have made (is) the decision that you are

committed to Sahaja yoga. So you could have done it as thousands have done; just

get cured and out of Sahaja yoga. Or (like some) who have helped some and (then)

out of it. But no, you have committed to this. Your commitment is a sign of

Higher Awareness. Otherwise, what is the (point of) going (on) in Sahaja yoga,

if you see (it only) from a material point of view?


I would also (like to) say (about) the doctors. You see, it is easy to say " this

happened and that happened " , (but they) get frightened. If Sahaja yoga is going

to do this (cure people), what (are) they going to do? How are we going to earn

(money)? After all, we studied seven years. So much time, and (look) how the

Sahaja yoga is curing everybody. So what (are) we going to do about (that)? They

could be quite frightened, and they must be thinking 'to better not have

anything to do (with Sahaja yoga)'. I do know one doctor who has no practice

after Sahaja yoga. He thinks all doctors may have to starve.


It is not so. Not true, of course. Sahaja yoga definitely cures people. Even a

'mass' it can cure. No doubt. But still there are so many left for the doctors

to cure. So they shouldn't worry on that point. But one thing is definitely

(for) sure (that) if you are a doctor and you are in Sahaja yoga, you can easily

help the patient to be alright without going into diagnosis or other procedures

you have. There are very very simple methods.


But I tell you it is a business now. Medicine has become a business. When we

were studying medicine, we had to remember each and every prescription. Every

word of it and the compounder had to make it and the doctor was responsible, but

nowadays there are industrialists. (It is) very very dangerous to take

antibiotics (by) just prescribing antibiotics and taking the fees. So the whole

thing has become industrialised. Every thing is an industry. Even if you have to

buy some seeds for your farm, you have to go to the industry. In the same way

(it is with) medicine, (in order) to work out very easily, very cheaply. You

cannot do that (have cheap medicine) unless the doctor prescribes something very

high potency sort of a medicine. He is (therefore) not regarded as a great

doctor under these circumstances.


We are now sahaja yogis (who) must have full faith in themselves. First of all,

they must practice Sahaja yoga at least ten to fifteen minutes and there is no

need for you to go to any doctor, no need to purchase any medicine, no need to

get (a) diagnosis done.





Shri Mataji is talking about the ideal circumstances that can be expected, but

this takes faith, desire and will to accomplish. Those who have the faith,

desire and will, have experienced many positive health changes, so that quite

often they do not need the medicines they needed before, nor do they need the

diagnoses as they can pick these clues up very clearly on their fingertips... in

relation to any illness before it even manifests as an illness.


Sahaja Yogis who are able to 'pick up on' the clues on their fingertips such as

sensations of pricking, numbness, pain, heat or coolness... are said to be able

to " feel the vibrations " . This is an actual biofeedback system that 'kicks in'

which acts like an early warning system in the body... of any vibration (whether

" positive " or " negative " ) that affects the psycho-somatic system. This

biofeedback system comes 'compliments of the Kundalini Energy' that has awakened

within the person, when the person has their Self-realisation.


Shri Mataji says that when this biofeedback system manifests within the person,

that it indicates that the person has entered the realm of " collective

consciousness " , whereby the Kundalini Energy Itself informs the person, giving

the person the information they require in relation to the status of their

psychosomatic system (mind/body system). In this biofeedback system, sensations

of " coolness " (also called " positive vibrations " ) mean that everything is

" A-OK " ... whereas sensations of heat, pricking, numbness, or pain (called

" negative vibrations " ) indicate that there is danger or potential danger to the

person's psychosomatic system, for whatever reason.


In fact, we are not left to guess at the reason, because Shri Mataji has given

us the " decoding information " relating to what danger or potential danger to the

psychosomatic system is indicated, depending upon which finger of the left or

right hand is feeling the sensations of advice or warning. There are a number of

possible factors involved, but based on the information that Shri Mataji has

given us, we can use our discernment to know exactly what we need to address

within ourselves.


From my own personal experience, i have found that most psychosomatic blocks

(a.k.a. " catches " or " negative energy " ) have to do with either our egoistical

attitudes or the habits and conditionings that we have acquired. It takes real

courage to address these, and this is called " introspection " . Our ego likes to

think it is perfect. However, we are not our ego, and we have to let our ego

know that it is not the boss!!! OUR SPIRIT IS!!!


Whatever the case might be, after picking up on these clues given by the

Kundalini... Sahaja Yogis can use their enlightened attention to have the

Kundalini energy balance, correct, soothe and heal them, thus preventing the

stage where 'dis-ease' can even set in. In most cases, correcting where one's

attention is, or correcting one's attitude in regards to an unthinking or

unforgiving moment... usually resolves this warning signal or " catch " ... and it

ceases to register on the fingertips, because the person has taken corrective

action, such as correcting whatever thought, word, or deed needed correcting.


This is very successfully done by forgiving ourselves, others, or asking

forgiveness of the Divine... whichever is appropriate. (Often the minute we even

think wrong thoughts, these signals come... folks. Then when we dispense with

that wrong thought or feeling by again putting our attention on the Divine

Within... the signal dissipates just as quickly) so this biofeedback system also

teaches us as well, and helps us 'keep on spiritual track'!


In addition, the Self-realised person is also given information in the form of

" spontaneous feedback " in relation to any " negative vibrations " emanating from

others or any environmental hazards, in which case precautionary measures can be

taken to protect oneself spiritually with the Full Armour of God as the

Scriptures describe it:


" Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Put on the

full armour of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of

the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the

rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against

the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places " . (Ephesians 6:10-12)


The Kundalini Energy in Her Wisdom informs us... like a Mother 'built-in' within

us... which She is. This is the amazing facility offered by the newly awakened

" collective consciousness " that comes with Self-realisation. This whole

biofeedback system is mainly to keep ourselves centred (a.k.a. " in balance " ). i

have to say that this biofeedback system never fails to amaze me. The Cool

Vibrations (a.k.a. the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost) are a constant happy

reminder that i have entered the Kingdom of God within myself and that the

Paramchaitanya, literally meaning " surrounding vibrations " , but actually

referring to the All Pervading Power of God's Love that surrounds us... works

everything out very beautifully, as i surrender daily to these spiritual



But " faith " in the Power of the Kundalini Energy to heal ourselves is also

required. Some folks do not have that faith and just go through ritualistic

practises year after year, without breaking through the barrier of psychosomatic

blocks that block the kundalini energy's flow. That is where the ingredient of

" faith in the Divine " also plays a very important part. This part, Shri Mataji

states, is lacking a lot in Sahaja Yogis. So... it does take a combination of

faith in ourselves, and in the Divine Within, to achieve spiritual outcomes.

However, at the Ultimate Level of Spirit, and in Union with the Divine, Our

Spirit and the Divine are united! That is what Sahaja Yoga means: " Union With

the Divine " !


In relation to illness however, anyone who does not have the ideal outcome...

Shri Mataji advises them to see a medical practitioner. In other talks, Shri

Mataji mentions the value of medical intervention and the benefits that Western

Medicine has also given to us.





Continuing with " What Shri Mataji said about Faith (Shradda)...


Like the other day, we had (a) doctor who is having kidney dialysis. This doctor

now came to me (saying), " I am having kidney trouble. " I said, " I can cure it

but stop dialysis, because you know by dialysis you are not going to (get)

cured. He said " I know that " . Dialysis means you must become absolutely bankrupt

because you have to pay for that dialysis. No money for his children; no money

for his wife and he just dies as a bankrupt, giving all that money to this

dialysis machine. So he said, " How can I do it? I have already bought (the)

machine; all this expense, and what can I do? " I said, " Give it to somebody

else. At least you will get your money back " . " No, no... I have invested so much



So (the) thing has become an investment. As Sahaja yogis, we have to think how

we can reduce this problem of (the) world (where) you start weighing everything

in money. If (the) doctor thinks 'I will cure this patient just without taking

money'... but supposing he does that without taking any money! (Supposing) he

cures that person. Just say what happens? He might think " Mother, how can I

earn? " You have to believe that this Divine power (will look after you). Still

we are sometimes on (the) mundane level. This is (the) Divine Power and (the)

Divine power provides you with everything.


Now believe me that (if you) want money, you will have money. No problem. Which

way will you have (money)? Any way! Suddenly you will have money, as much (as)

you will like. Whatever you will need money (for), at least you will have for

that provision. So this faith has to be strong. These people (SYs from India)

have told (that) this (is) true, but they have a " complete faith " that this

Divine power gives you everything. So once you have that deep faith in (the

Divine Power)... I just cannot say! Bring the faith and put it in your heart,

which (needs to be) inculcated.


You have to meditate and inculcate this faith, that we can do all these cures

without taking any money, without taking anything. But there will be money for

your use. You won't become a rich man like Ford or anyone, but (you) will be

sensibly paid. For that you don't have to worry about money, because you are (a)

Sahaja yogi. " And how can (it) work, Mother, when I have no money? " ... You just

try. I told you. They have told (of) so many miracles of health.


But about wealth I have to tell you... (it) would take 108 days. Somebody was

writing (in regard to) miracles about wealth and (the) whole thing came up so

much on my head. " Forget it... you can't publish it! " Everybody has gained in

wealth a lot... health and wealth. Above all, is your spiritual wealth, which is

the one you should enjoy. Why do you want money? Money for getting Joy? If you

have Joy, why do you want to get a headache making a cheque (with) income tax on

your head? If you take that kind of an attitude I can tell you, assure you, you

will have no problem.




On other occasions, Shri Mataji has also stated that it is important to have a

career and earn one's own money, not depending upon others. However, She also

expects us to have faith and trust in the Divine to supply our needs (and not

necessarily our 'wants'). Of course, if you have the faith, your 'wants' will

very likely be supplied too!!! But be careful what you wish for, that it is also

good for your spiritual ascent, which is your Main Goal in this lifetime. Shri

Mataji's aim is to have us all become less materialistically minded, and more

spiritually minded.





Continuing on...


But I have seen (some people) coming to Sahaja yoga (who) also start worrying

too much about money. Then sometimes (they) get involved in things that cause

(them) trouble. They come to Sahaja yoga. (Then) first thing they do (is): " (My)

mother, my father's uncle and uncle's wife is sick. So will you cure her? They

will bring somebody. " My daughter, my father, my brother or someone is sick " :

(That is the) first thing that goes into their head. " This is the lady... or

find out. Alright, who can cure? Can we use her? So where should we plug Her

(in)? So they bring all kinds of sick people. That is one (problem).


And the second problem comes: " Mother, I have this problem, financial problems.

After some time Mother, my vibrations are not there. I like to have my

vibrations. I would like to feel my vibrations. I would like to be One with

Divine. " If it is the other way around, everything will work out.


First, you should (I should) have my vibrations. I should feel the Divine

powers. Once the Divine power is in your hand... flowing... what do you want? So

now... this (is) where we lack. I am not saying to have 'blind faith', but you

should have " Shraddha " . (It) is an enlightened faith within you, where (you) see

that something has happened. (It) works out. Why (would) not the other things

work out (for you) also? Once this is established, you will really find that all

your 'so-called problems' will dissolve into something (with) no problems at



So for Sahaja yogis, it is very important that they should meditate for 10-15

minutes. When they are in Nirvichar... " in thoughtless awareness " , then they

will grow spiritually, and then the rest of the thing will follow. Like you

see... somebody on the street (might be) running after some minister; somebody

(might be) anxious to buy a car, or house or something. But supposing (that)

somebody is giving you everything! You can get that thing. Why not get to that

(Source) and immediately you will see... as soon as you fix your attention on

that... you will see that all problems fizzle out... absolutely! But that kind

of a faith, I have seen, is rarely there.


But now there are so many who have found Sahaja yoga, and (it is) so miraculous

(those) who have come up to it... and it works. Like I know a lady (who) was

told by (her) doctor that: " you have developed a cancer " . She said: " Impossible!

I can not develop cancer! I am a Sahaja yogi! How can I develop a cancer? So, I

don't want to believe. No, I don't! " She went to another doctor. He said: " No

cancer. You don't have cancer " . Only (by) saying this with complete faith in

herself... might have cured her! (When) you see cancer coming (and) going in the

body, (it is) not something like a mosquito (bite)... but I must say when she

said: " It cannot be! It cannot stay in my body! " ... She came and told me: " I was

amazed Mother; I just told... and it worked out! " (So) if you have faith, cancer

can be worked out... only with prayer. Also any disease can be worked out with

prayer... but this " faith part " is very important.


i know of another fellow from Bombay. His mother from Rohtak was suffering from

cancer. He received a message that she was going to die within three days, as

the cancer was 'galloping'. He went to Rohtak and saw his mother was dying, and

he just prayed: " Mother, cure my mother somehow. " She would not even talk. They

said that in three days she would die, and she was out of (the) hospital in

three days! He brought her to Bombay, and took her to the Cancer Hospital. They

said she had no cancer! Now, she is not a Sahaja yogi, but (the) faith of a

Sahaja yogi (saved her), because now you know there is " God-Actualization " . You

know it! (It) is not just telling you. There is God! (What I have told) is that

you NOW all have become realised souls. You have become walis. You have become

Atmasakshatkari. So now (the) only thing is to have faith! That is all.


(There) are great people who were sitting here (in India). Say... Nizamuddin

khan sab. Such a great incarnation, I would say. Such a great realized soul! I

would say (that when) I first came here to Bombay... after that, people started

recognising (Me). Many people said: " Now what is the difference between you and

him? " He has complete faith that he was one with God! He had complete faith!

That is the only part sometimes missing in Sahaja yoga... which you should try

to imbibe. Once you have that, (it) solves all the problems. All these

conditionings... all this ego will drop out. So try to understand (that) such a

great responsibility is on you people.


There were only (a) few people here. One Chishti... one Nanak sab... one here

and (one) there... but now you are so many! The responsibility to transform the

whole world is on you... and (the) simple thing is to have faith. Trust yourself

and have faith. I am sure one day you will be able to cure many, to help many,

to give realisation and to transform them. As it is, (I) am seventy years old,

and now you all have to come out and give realization to people and transform

this world. (This is) very important by which we will solve all our problems. It

is very important to understand.


(Birthday Puja Seminar - Delhi, India - 20 March, 1993)

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