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RE : What if this job is not done by 2012? Won't it be a bit late?

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Dear Jagbir, Dear Violet,


It's a great pity english is not my mother language,

for I would have been able to answear properly without

harming you in your feelings ( or ego ).

I know Our most Holy Mother always asked us, just wach

and don't react. But I can say it's unberable to still

read all your insults to all of us, the " Old Sahaja

Yogis " ,hiding I don't know what.

From which country are you writing ? Here in Belgium

we received and chared and sent with love all over

the world Mother's teaching.

I just want to add that If all of you are standing on

your feets, it is because " we beleived in Her, we

adored Her,( and still do )followed Her, anywhere,by

any weather,night and days,everywhere ( Japan, China,

North Africa, whole Europe, Russia and we have given,

with or whitout " Her " 1000's and 1000's realisations

and follow -ups !

Are you the murmuring souls < Lord Christ Talked of> ?

I'ts more than enought.!

Have you lost your cridibility ( like " us " ) with

frends , famility, have you lost your jobs, husbands

or wives or children because you were standing for

" TheTruth " ?

Have you spent thousand and thousand dollars for the

lawyers wen we where attaked by politics, have you

received 500 stones on your head on India tour's89/90

( by Her grâce ,only 3 persons were touched ,and had

been cured by Mother) and have all your clothes,

passeport, money been destroyed in the huge fire we

had in Ganapatipule96/97 (half of the tentes were

burnt), being attaked during the night by Mother's

opposants??????? !!!!!

That's how we paved for you " the highway " , my dears !

And we are ALL here still Loving,dedicated to Her

ever " doing as I said last time OUR UTMOST

Please stop stop murmuring IT'S MORE THAN ENOUGHT.

It's a pity you don't read frensh( may be) otherwise

you would have been able to see with HOW MUCH LOVE,

our moderators write to us.

Ì pull my ears, but it had to be said.

Some of the text you're mailing are gorgeous, but they

are spoiled by all your agressisity, this is

absolutely not the behaviour,not " the way " for

YOGIS.Stop, stop for Lord Krishna's sacks.


Sharmila, belgium.-


P.S as a mother myself I hated to see my children

figthting,it's hurting too much..

I guess you don't want to hurt Our Beloved Shri


< I wish one day you'll see Me in all your brothers

and sisters> That's Her Words >

And if you both had problems with other so called "

yogis " ,remember what Lord Boudha said <Bless your

ennemies for they make you higher >



--- Violet <violet.tubb a écrit :


> > > ,

> " jagbir

> > > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > For years i believed that there were more

> talks that Shri Mataji

> > > > made in the 1970s ............ although there

> was no evidence of

> > > > them. But yet this feeling persisted, enforced

> by a realization

> > > > that these were Her most awesome and

> mind-blowing knowledge. i

> > > > kept telling others that these talks, even

> non-existent at that

> > > > time, were far better and enlightening than

> any of the late 80s

> > > > and 90s.

> > > >

> > > > Last year i received about 24 GB of Shri

> Mataji's earliest talks

> > > > but did not have the time to listen. Many of

> these talks have

> not

> > > > been heard by SYs as they were kept quite

> 'secret' till recently

> > > > when a SY managed to make a hard copy and send

> it to me. (i

> > > > believe the SY organization is now in the

> process of

> transcribing

> > > > them.)

> > > >

> > > > Just a few minutes ago for the first time i

> listened at random

> to

> > > > a 1979 talk. i am at a loss to describe my

> feelings, especially

> > > > after hearing Her say " You have no time to

> waste now. This is

> the

> > > > Last Judgment " . SYs were suppossed to spread

> the same knowledge

> > > > and message to the rest of humanity,

> explaining to them the same

> > > > way Shri Mataji was doing. They were suppossed

> to glorify Her

> > > > advent and declare the Great News way back in

> the late 1970s.

> But

> > > > nothing happenned. Over the years it was all

> but forgotten.

> Today

> > > > SYs are oppossed to it!!!

> > > >

> > > > All i can say is that the damage done to Shri

> Mataji's Advent

> and

> > > > Message is unbelievable, unforgiveable and

> unprecedented. The SY

> > > > leadership will have to pay for their active

> role in suppressing

> > > > the Truth Shri Mataji began declaring so

> early. Their SYSSR is

> > > > but a collective corruption of Her teachings,

> a fitting grand

> > > > finale of their end after decades of

> dereliction of duty and

> > > > dharma. One day SYs will realize what really

> happened. Right now

> > > > ignorance is bliss.

> > > >

> > > > Jai Shri Mataji,

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > jagbir

> > >

> > >

> > ,

> " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir,

> > >

> > > So these early talks, which a person would

> believe would be

> > > transcribed first, have been delayed by at least

> twenty-five years

> > > or so, which is as long as it takes for a

> generation to grow up!!!

> > > That explains why the new generation of Sahaja

> Yogis knows very

> > > little about the Last Judgment and Resurrection,

> for example, as

> it

> > > is not generally taught in Sahaja Yoga now. And

> it seems that

> > > those 'with the say and the sway'... did not

> believe it important

> > > enough to inculcate in the younger generation

> either. So these

> have

> > > grown up, ignorant to a lot of what Shri Mataji

> unequivocally gave

> > > in the late 1970's to the early Sahaja Yogis!

> > >

> > > What are they all going to do now, when these

> tapes are finally

> > > transcribed and made known to the younger

> generation... now grown

> > > up? What are they going to make of it, when they

> realise that

> > > knowledge which Shri Mataji considered vitally

> important... is

> > > information that has been kept secret/hidden

> away from them?

> Surely

> > > this must be a 'time bomb ticking away' for

> WCASY et al?

> > >

> > > i mean... will it not show them up to have been

> derelict in their

> > > duty to the Adi Shakti? After all, the leaders

> had 'their way and

> > > sway' with the Sahaja Yogis in regards to what

> SYs could tell and

> > > what they could not tell, while Shri Mataji said

> all along to

> " TELL

> > > IT!!! " What if this job is not done by 2012?

> Won't it be a bit

> > > late? i mean in the late 1970's Shri Mataji said

> there was not

> much

> > > time left.

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> >

> >

> > Dear Violet and All,

> >

> > We are trying here to re-establish faith in God

> Almighty and His

> > Divine Message to humanity delivered by the

> incarnation of His

> Shakti

> > Shri Mataji, and not the petty subtle system that

> 1001 gurus are

> > peddling too. There is nothing to be concerned as

> to whether the SY

> > leaders/organization will do the same by 2012. You

> should realize

> > that the pen is a mighty weapon, the Truth far

> more. A single SY

> > armed with both can do more in a year than what

> the entire SY

> > organization accomplish in a decade. The reason is

> that, unlike

> them,

> > you are using the awesome potential of both pen

> and Truth. While

> they

> > are scribbling subtle system notes for stress

> relief you are doing

> > entire essays on the Last Judgment. While they are

> externally

> > experimenting with petty treatments you are

> explaining in detail how

> > the Spirit within wholesomely heals mind, body and

> spirit. While

> they

> > are justifying phantasm and deceit to explain

> about Shri Mataji you

> > are openly declaring the plain truth about Her

> advent and message.

> > Thus there should be absolutely no room for

> failure or cause for

> > concern because Truth has its own innate potential

> to destroy all

> > obstacles and negativity and reach into the hearts

> and minds of

> > humanity. Truth is divinity itself. So protect it

> at all times, cost

> > and personal sacrifice.

> >

> > So even if the SY rank and file does not want to

> help, you just keep

> > working with a single-minded purpose to stand on

> the Truth and

> > declare it. It does not matter at all how SY

> leaders/organization

> > feel. Truth will overcome all the obstacles placed

> by them to

> > suppress Shri Mataji's Divine Message. If you are

> chosen to become

> > Her instrument then never falter in this blessed

> task. One day She

> > will triumph and we look forward to 2012/13 as the

> excitement is


=== message truncated ===





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