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What is Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality?

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What is Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality?


Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality (also called Creation Spirituality, Nature

Spirituality, and Earth-Centered Spirituality) is a life-affirming spiritual

focus based on Nature. It is an individualistic spiritual path, not a distinct

organized religion. It is practiced by many who are members of mainstream

religions, and by many who are not.


Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality is an underlying element common to most religions.

It is embodied in non-patriarchal aspects of indigenous religions throughout the

world. It is an aspect of Hinduism, Taoism, Shinto, and Buddhism (Tantra & Zen).

It is found in the mysticism of Judaism (Kabbalah), Christianity (ecumenical

mysticism/Wisdom Tradition), Islam (Sufism), and Baha'ism. And it is reflected

in Unitarian Universalism.


Those on an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality path reject blind obedience to all

human spiritual leadership and blind acceptance of any decreed dogma. Diversity

of opinion is the norm. Each person explores his/her own path on the common

journey--guided by compassion, reason, and experience.


Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality reflects an emphatic love for, and desire to

understand, Deity. It conceives Deity to be an unfathomable mystery: ultimately

genderless, formless, and limitless. All definitions necessarily fall short.

Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality emphasizes the ultimate oneness of Deity, but

acknowledges a multitude of names, attributes, and forms of the primordial and

eternal, omnipotent and omniscient, all-encompassing and universal Deity.


Many call Deity Yahweh, the Trinity, Allah, Brahman, or Adi-Buddha. Some call

Deity Ch'i, the Great Spirit, or Mother Nature and Father Time. Others call

Deity the Source, the Force, the Cosmos, the Absolute, or the Unity. Still

others simply refer to Deity as the Mystery.


Many understand Deity in both masculine and feminine terms. (But " masculine " and

" feminine " are not defined by patriarchal concepts: " masculine " is not

aggressive and active; " feminine " is not receptive and passive.) Eco-Egalitarian

Spirituality emphasizes that all God concepts are attributes of the One God, all

Goddess concepts are attributes of the One Goddess, and together the One God and

One Goddess make up God-Goddess (or Goddess-God)--the one genderless Deity.


God generally embodies the concepts of Being, Will, and Consciousness. He also

represents the principle of duality: order and chaos. From Him come the gifts of

free will, knowledge of self and others, knowledge of good and evil, and

knowledge of life and death.


Goddess, on the other hand, generally embodies the concepts of Becoming, Power,

and Conscience. She represents the principle of the eternal cycle. From Her come

the gifts of peace, love, compassion, passion, inspiration, worldly knowledge,

wisdom, conscience, truth, and justice.


The feminine aspect of Deity is not alien to the Judeo-Christian-Islamic

traditions. The Bible reflects that Deity was honored as female as well as male

in ancient Israel and Judah, until Her shrines were destroyed and Her priests

and priestesses killed at the behest of the patriarchal prophets. The Bible

still honors the feminine aspect of Deity in the Wisdom Literature--Proverbs,

Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, etc.


To the ancient Hebrews, the feminine aspect of Deity was Elath, which means

Goddess; and Asherah, which means Tree of Life. In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life,

She is represented in the feminine Sephiroth (divine attributes). She is Heh of

Yahweh (YHVH or Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh), the Mother-Daughter of the Kabbalistic

Tetragrammatan. She is Eloah (Goddess) who, in unity with Eloh (God), make up

the genderless Elohim. She is also Hokhma, which is the feminine Hebrew word

meaning Wisdom; Shekhina, the feminine Hebrew word meaning Powerful Presence;

and Ruach, the feminine Hebrew word meaning Spirit.


Christians know Her as the Holy Spirit, the third part of the Holy Trinity. They

also call Her Holy Wisdom (as well as Sophia and Sapientia, the feminine Greek

and Latin words for Wisdom). She is also called the Paraclete, Grace, Justice,

and Providence.


Sufis know Her as Allat Ruh Sakinah (Goddess Spirit Presence). Sufis also

consider Old Arabic Goddesses Al-'Uzza (Power) and Manat (Fate) to represent

feminine attributes of the ultimately genderless Deity.


Those with an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality focus celebrate Deity as creator,

sustainer, and destroyer--providing the gifts of life, death, and rebirth. They

also generally recognize Angels or Spirits to be emanations, guardians, guides,

or messengers from Deity.


Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality recognizes Deity to be transcendent (beyond all) as

well as immanent (within all). There is nothing that is not Deity. Thus, all

Nature is considered sacred--including all people and all animals. Consciousness

of divine immanence fosters recognition of the interconnectedness and

interdependence of all aspects of Nature, and engenders awe and gratitude for

the wondrousness of the Universe. And scientific theories about the Universe and

life within it are thought of as tools to bring us closer to understanding both

Deity and ourselves.


Those on an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality path acknowledge Deity to be beyond

humanity's concept of good and evil, and acknowledge that divine gifts bring

both benefit and harm. They recognize that all good and evil originate in the

individual, but do not conceive of people as inherently evil. Each moment the

individual chooses to do good or evil and is fully responsible for that choice.

The good and evil one does will return to the doer as reward and punishment, but

atonement is possible where there is regret and reparation made.


Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality emphasizes a fundamental duty to respect all and

harm none. Each person is valued as unique and as a child, temple, and part of

Deity. Each person is our sister or brother. All people, however different they

may seem, are to be treated as equals and with compassionate respect. Animals

and other aspects of Nature are likewise valued.


To intentionally harm or disrespect the inherent rights of people (including

one's self), animals, or other aspects of Nature is to do evil. Thus, sexism,

racism, religious bigotry, homophobia, and other kinds of mistreatment,

discrimination, or oppression are evil. Likewise, to needlessly or irreverently

harm any animal or destroy its habitat is evil.


Those with an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality focus also recognize a duty to oppose

injustice and aid those in need--particularly the sick, the disabled, the young,

and the old. They also acknowledge a duty to practice conservation and to avoid

and oppose environmental waste and abuses.


They seek peace within and without, and attempt to live in harmony with Nature.

They strive to be self-reliant and empower themselves, as well as to challenge

and better themselves. They desire to understand and love themselves. They want

happiness for themselves--and for everyone.


Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality is family-centered, and recognizes that each person

bears familial duties to children, spouse, and parents. Marriage is conceived to

be a partnership of equals. Differences between men and women are celebrated;

but the idea that differences in gender indicate superiority or inferiority of

either gender is rejected, as is the idea of mandated gender-based familial or

societal roles.


Those on an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality path follow the positive (non-harmful)

aspects of their respective religious traditions. Worship of Deity may include

prayer, meditation, chanting, or singing. Or dancing, drumming, ritual, or

sacred drama. Indeed, celebrating the artist within, worship of Deity may be

manifested in any kind of artistic expression. Worship of Deity may also include

thanksgiving or penance offerings of candles, incense, or flowers. Or offerings

of grain, fruit, or libations. Or it may include action offerings, such as

giving food to the poor, demonstrating against social injustice, or picking up



Those with an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality focus recognize that one can have

direct experience of Deity any time and any place. One can worship alone, as a

family, or in a spiritual community. The cycle of life, the cycle of the

seasons, and the lunar cycles are often celebrated. (The Sun and Moon, and their

continuing cycles, are seen as symbols of Deity, and metaphors for human

physical and psychological cycles.)


This calendar is intended to show how Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality is reflected

in religious traditions of the past and the present. It is also intended to aid

in reclaiming and exploring positive aspects of one's own religious traditions,

letting go of harmful aspects, and learning about the traditions of others. May

it inspire you to love Deity, Nature, and all humankind. Blessed be!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Permission to use and distribute these excerpts is granted for non-commercial

purposes, provided the following information is included:


Excerpted from


A Multifaith Calendar Reflecting Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality


© 2002 Page Two, Inc.


For information contact Page Two, Inc.:

P.O. Box 77167, Washington, D.C. 20013






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