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The Feminine Aspect of Deity in Ancient Israel and Judah...

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Dear All,


Firstly, here is a short introduction to Judaism, and directly beneath it is

information in regards to the Feminine Aspect of Deity in Ancient Israel and

Judah. The writing and work below comes in conjunction with an Inter-Faith

Calendar, but it also includes some of the clearest information i have read on

the Feminine Aspect of Deity in Ancient Israel and Judah. Please note that most

of this information comes from Biblical and Apocryphal Sources, and a lesser

part is from Non-Biblical Sources... but firstly here is your basic background

intro to Judaism.





Short introduction to Judaism...


[The Jewish holy scripture is the Tanak (Hebrew Bible), which includes the Torah

(Law), the Neb'im (Prophets), and Kethubim (Writings). Another holy book that

reflects Jewish oral tradition is the Talmud. Jews believe that Deity is a

unity, but recognize that Deity has many attributes. The Jewish Sabbath

(Shabbat) is from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. On the Sabbath, Jews

attend temples or synagogues to hear readings from the Torah. Jews also abstain

from labor and use this time for prayer and study of the Torah. Home rituals are

also performed. The Four Covenants with God are a foundation of Judaism. Jews

follow the Ten Commandments. Beliefs, ritual practice, and the length of Jewish

holidays vary between Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Reform Judaism,

Reconstructionist Judaism, Liberal Judaism, Progressive Judaism, and Humanistic

Judaism. The Kabbalah (also known as Kabbalism) is the mysticism of Judaism.]

(End of introduction to Judaism)


(Jagbir, in reference to their interfaith calendar as shown in:

http://www.wheeloftheyear.com/ees.htm .... please take note of their notation

(directly underneath) whereby they astutely use the term " God " only when

referring to a male Deity, but they use the term " Deity " when referring to a

gender-neutral Deity or a Deity that encompasses both male and female

characteristics. i don't know for sure, but this useage may be handy to know

about somewhere along the track, which is why i am drawing your attention to



" [Please note: Because this calendar is an interfaith calendar, the term " God "

is used only when referring to a male Deity. The term " Deity " is used to refer

to a gender-neutral Deity or a Deity that encompasses both male and female

characteristics.] "




About the Feminine Aspect of Deity...


A. Biblical & Apocryphal Sources:


1. The Suppression of Asherah


The Bible reflects that, originally, Asherah (which means " Tree of Life " ) was

worshipped with the Lord in ancient Israel and Judah, on hill tops and under

trees. Asherah was symbolized as a terebinth tree; The Lord was sometimes

symbolized as a serpent (and was called Nehushtan by Moses). These shrines were

later destroyed, and their priests and priestesses killed, at the behest of the

patriarchal prophets. Patriarchal reforms also attempted to limit worship of the

Lord to the Temple of Jerusalem. Though Asherah was also worshipped in the

Temple of Jerusalem for two-thirds of the time the Temple stood, She was

ultimately ousted from the Temple by the patriarchal prophets, who considered

Her a foreign Deity. See Genesis 12:6, 13:18, 18:1; Exodus 4:3-4, 7:8-16;

Numbers 21:4-9; Judges 3:7, 9:6; I Samuel 9:13-19, 10:3-6; I Kings 3:1-4,

14:23-24, 15:13-15, 18:19-19:1, 22:43-44; II Kings 13:6-7, 17:9-11, 18:4-5,

21:3-7, 22:8-23:24; II Chronicles: 14:3-5, 15:8, 15:16-17, 17:6, 24:17-18, 28:4,

29:3-19, 31:1, 32:12, 33:3-7, 33:15-19, 33:22, 34:3-7; Isaiah 6:2-6; Jeremiah

7:17-18, 17:1-3, 44:15-19; Micah 5:13-14; Wisdom of Solomon 16:5-12. See also R.

Patai, The Hebrew Goddess (1990).



2. The Feminine Holy Spirit


Though worship of Asherah was suppressed by the patriarchal prophets, the

feminine aspect of Deity is still honored in the Bible under the guise of Eloah

(Goddess), Hokhma (Wisdom), Ruach (Spirit), and the Shekhina (Divine Presence),

all feminine Hebrew concepts.


The Bible reflects that the first creation, as well as continuing creation, is

done in tandem by Eloh (God) and Eloah (Goddess) (also referred to as Hokhma and

Ruach). Together, Eloh and Eloah make up the genderless Elohim. See Genesis

1:1-3, 1:26-27; Proverbs 3:19-20, 8:22-31; Job 38:4-40:30; Wisdom of Solomon

7:22, 8:1-7, 8:21-9:4, 9:9-11; Ecclesiasticus 1:1-10, 24:1-6.


Hokhma sits beside the throne of the Lord in heaven. She spans the world. She is

sent to comfort, protect, instruct, and guide humanity. But Her Spirit is also

within humanity and within all of Creation. She is life itself. See Proverbs

1:20-23, 2:11-15, 3:18, 4:7-9, 6:20-23, 8:1-36, 9:1-6, 9:10-12; Wisdom of

Solomon 1:4-8, 6:12-21, 7:7-12, 7:22-30, 8:1, 9:1-4, 9:10, 9:17, 10:1- 11:1;

Ecclesiasticus 1:1, 1:9-10, 1:14-21, 4:11-14, 14:20-15:4, 24:1-29, 39:6, 42:16.


Wisdom of Solomon describes Her:


" In Wisdom there is a Spirit intelligent and holy, unique in its kind yet made

up of many parts, subtle, free-moving, lucid, spotless, clear, invulnerable,

loving what is good, eager, unhindered, beneficent, kindly towards humanity,

steadfast, unerring, untouched by care, all-powerful, all-surveying, and

permeating all intelligent, pure, and delicate spirits. For Wisdom moves more

easily than motion itself, She pervades and permeates all things because She is

so pure. Like a fine mist, She rises from the power of Deity, a pure effluence

from the glory of the Almighty; so nothing defiled can enter into Her by

stealth. She is the brightness that streams from everlasting light, the flawless

mirror of the active power of Deity, and the image of goodness. She is but one,

yet can do everything; Herself unchanging, She makes all things new; age after

age She enters into holy souls, and makes them Deity's friends and prophets.... "


See Wisdom of Solomon 7:22-27.



3. Eloah/Hokhma/Shekhina/Ruach/Holy Spirit as Supernal Co-Creatrix


This meditation uses a combination of Biblical interpretations from the

Septuagint With Apocrypha, the Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version), and the

New English Bible With the Apocrypha (Oxford Study Edition) to reflect: Genesis

1:1-2; 1:26-27; Job 38:4-11; 38:28-30; Psalm 104:24-30; Proverbs 3:19-20;

8:22-31; Wisdom of Solomon 8:2-6; 8:21-9:4; 9:9-11; and Ecclesiasticus 1:1-5;



* * * * * * * * * *


In the beginning, the Elohim created Heaven and Earth. The Earth was without

form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the Abyss; and the Holy Spirit

moved upon the surface of the waters.


* * *


Then the Elohim said, " Let us make humanity in our image and likeness to be

stewards of the fish in the Sea, the birds of Heaven, the cattle, all wild

animals on Earth, and all reptiles that crawl upon the Earth. "


So the Elohim created humanity in Their own image; in the image of the Elohim,

They created them; male and female, They created them.


* * *


Wisdom praises Herself, and glories in the midst of Her people. Before the

congregation of the Heavens She opens Her mouth, and speaks of Her triumphant



" I did the work as uttered by the Lord. It was I who covered the Earth like a

cloud of mist and created as He willed. My dwelling place is in the heights of

Heaven, and My throne is a pillar of cloud. Alone I encircled the reaches of the

Sky, and traversed the depths of the Ocean abyss. Within the waves of the Sea,

on all the Earth, and over every people and nation I have dominion. "


* * *


" The Lord loved Me since the beginning, before all time. Ages ago I existed, at

the beginning, before the Earth was made. When there were no Ocean depths, I was

there, when there were no springs abounding with water. Before the mountains had

been shaped, before the hills, I existed; before there was the Earth or the

Seas, or the first of the dust of the world. "


" When The Lord established the Heavens, I was there; when the horizon was drawn

on the face of the Ocean abyss, when the canopy of clouds above and the strong

winds were made; when the fountains of the deep were established, when the Sea

was assigned its limit, so that the waters might not transgress His command;

when the foundations of the Earth were marked out; then I was beside Him each

day, brought up with Him, His beloved, advisor, and confidant. "


" I was a master worker, making and arranging all things. I was daily His

delight, and He Mine; rejoicing and playing with Him always, rejoicing in the

inhabited world, and delighting in the children of humanity. "


* * *


" Where were you when I laid the Earth's foundations? Tell Me, if you know and

understand. Who determined its dimensions? Surely you know! "


" Who stretched the measuring line over it? On what do its supporting pillars

rest? Who set its cornerstone in place, when the stars were made, and all My

Angels joyfully sang My praises? "


" Who watched over the birth of the Sea, when it burst forth in flood from its

Mother's womb? when I wrapped it in a blanket of cloud and cradled it in mist,

when I established its bounds, fixing its bars and doors in place, and said,

'Thus far shall you come and no farther, and here your surging waves shall

halt. "


* * *


" Who is the rain's Father? Who sired the drops of dew? Whose womb gave birth to

the ice, and who gave birth to the frost from Heaven, which lays a stony cover

over the waters and freezes the surface of the Ocean? "


* * *


By Wisdom, the Lord founded the Earth; By Prudence, He established the Heavens.

By Knowledge, the deep burst forth, and the clouds dropped down the mist.


* * *


Wisdom is of Deity, and will reign with the Lord forever.


Who, but Wisdom, can count the sands of the seashore, the drops of rain, or the

days of eternal time? Who, but Wisdom, knows the height of the Sky, the breadth

of the Earth, the depths of the Ocean abyss, and all wisdom?


Wisdom existed before all things, and the understanding of Prudence was eternal

from the beginning. The fountain of Wisdom is God's word, and Her ways are the

eternal commandments.


* * *


Wisdom I love. I sought Her out when I was young; I desired Her greatly and

loved Her. She magnifies Her nobility by enjoying intimacy with the Lord, and

the Lord of All loves Her as His Bride. She is initiated into all Divine

knowledge and mysteries. She created all His works; She advises and dictates to

the Lord what to do.


If Prudence shows Herself in action, who is a greater artificer than Wisdom, who

is the artificer of all that is? If riches are a prize to be desired in life,

what is richer than Wisdom, the active cause of all things?


* * *


I discovered that there was no way to win Her love except by Divine gift; and

that it is a mark of understanding to know from whom Her gifts come. So I

pleaded with the Lord to will it, to gain Me the gifts of Wisdom. With my whole

heart I said:


" Lord of my ancestors, Lord of Mercy, who commanded creation with Your word, and

with Wisdom fashioned humanity to be steward of the world, with holiness,

equity, and righteousness, and to administer justice with an upright heart;

entreat Wisdom, who is enthroned next to You, to come to me; and do not refuse

me a place among Your children. "


* * *


With You is Wisdom, who knows Your ways and who was with You in creating the

world, who knows what is acceptable to You, and in line with Your commandments.

Will Her to come forth from the holy Heavens; from Your glorious thrones, ask

Her to come down, so that She may advise me, and I may learn what pleases You.

For She knows and understands all things, and will guide me prudently in all I

do, and guard and preserve me with Her power.


* * *


O Lord, how manifold are Your works;

countless are the things You have made!

In Wisdom have You made them all;

the Earth is full of Your creatures,

beasts great and small.

Yonder is the great and wide sea

which teems with things innumerable,

living things both small and great.

There go the ships, and Leviathan,

which You did form to sport with it.


These all look to You

to give them their food in due season.

When You give it to them; they gather it up;

When You open Your hand, they are filled with good things.

When You hide Your face, they are dismayed;

When You take away their breath, they die and return to their dust.

When You send forth Your Spirit, they are created;

and so You renew the face of the Earth.


* * * * * * * * * *


" Elohim " is one of the names for the Creator used by the authors of the Bible,

and the name used in Genesis 1. It is a feminine plural Hebrew word meaning " God

and Goddess. " The singular forms are " Eloh " meaning " God, " and " Eloah " meaning

" Goddess. "


The Hebrew word for " Wisdom " (also translated as " Knowledge, " " Counsel, " Truth, "

and " Law " ) is the feminine " Hokhma. " The Hebrew word for " Understanding " (also

translated as " Prudence, " " Insight, " " Intuition, " and " Intellect " ) is the

feminine " Binah. " " Sophia " and " Sapientia " are the feminine Greek and Latin

words for " Wisdom. "


Other Hebrew names for the Holy Spirit are the feminine " Shekhina " (which means

" Divine Manifestation, " " Divine Presence, " " Divine Power, " " Glory, " and " Grace " )

and the feminine " Ruach " (which means " Soul " or " Spirit " ).



4. Eloah/Hokhma/Shekhina/Ruach/Holy Spirit as Life and Bounty


This meditation uses a combination of Biblical interpretations from the

Septuagint with Apocrypha, the Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version), and the

New English Bible with the Apocrypha (Oxford Study Edition) to reflect: Psalm

104:24-30; Proverbs 3:13-18, 8:17-21, 8:32-36, 9:11-12, 24:3-5, 24:14; Wisdom of

Solomon 7:7-12, 7:14, 8:17-18; Ecclesiasticus 1:16-20, 15:3-8, 24:18-22.


* * * * * * * * * *


O Lord, how manifold are Your works;

countless are the things You have made!

In Wisdom have You made them all;

the Earth is full of Your creatures,

beasts great and small.

Yonder is the great and wide sea

which teems with things innumerable,

living things both small and great.

There go the ships, and Leviathan,

which You did form to sport with it.


These all look to You

to give them their food in due season.

When You give it to them; they gather it up;

When You open Your hand, they are filled with good things.

When You hide Your face, they are dismayed;

When You take away their breath, they die and return to their dust.

When You send forth Your Spirit, they are created;

and so You renew the face of the Earth.


* * *


I prayed, and Understanding responded; I called for help, and the Holy Spirit of

Wisdom came to me. My prayers were answered by Binah; I was aided by Hokhma.


I preferred Her over scepters and thrones; I esteemed wealth nothing compared to

Her. I counted no precious stone Her equal, because all the gold in the world is

mere sand compared to Her, and silver worth no more than clay. I loved Her more

than health and beauty. I preferred Her to the light of day. The light that

comes from Her never is extinguished; Her radiance is everlasting.


All good things came to me along with Her. In her hands was uncounted wealth. I

rejoiced in them all because Wisdom leads them; I had not known that She was the

Mother of all Bounty.


* * *


By Wisdom, a house is built; by Understanding, it is established; by Knowledge,

the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Wisdom prevails over

physical strength; Knowledge prevails over brute force.


* * *


The way of the Lord brings the fullness of Wisdom and the Earth overflows in

abundance. She fills humanity with Her fruits; She gives them deep draughts of

Her wine, and stocks Her storehouses with Her produce. She fills Her house with

all that is desirable.


The way of the Lord is the garland of Wisdom flowering with peace and health.

She showers down skill and knowledge of Understanding, and bestows high honor on

those who cling to Her. The way of the Lord is the root of Wisdom; and a long

life grows on Her branches.


* * *


She is an inexhaustible treasure for humanity. Those who receive Her are friends

of Deity, commended by the gifts they derive from Her instruction.


* * *


Blessed are those who have found Wisdom, happy are those who know Understanding;

for Wisdom is more profitable than silver, and the gain She brings is better

than gold. She is more precious than precious stones. None of your jewels can

match Her; nothing you desire can compare with Her.


Long life is in Her right hand; in Her left hand are riches and honor. Out of

Her mouth proceeds righteousness; and She carries Law and Mercy upon Her tongue.


No evil thing can resist Her. Her ways are ways of pleasure, and all Her paths

are peaceful and lead to prosperity.


She is the Tree of Life, the Asherah, to those who lay hold of Her; She secures

help, protection, and happiness for those who remain with Her.


* * *


Make Wisdom your own. If you find Her, and She is in your soul, you may look

forward to the future; your thread of life will not be cut short.


* * *


In kinship with Wisdom lies immortality, in Her friendship is pure delight. In

doing Her work brings a wealth that cannot fail; in the works of Her hands are

infinite riches. Conferring with Her brings understanding, talking with Her, an

honorable name.


* * *


With the bread of Understanding will She feed them; with the water of Wisdom

will She give them drink. They will lean on Her, and will not fall. They will

rely upon Her, and will not be confounded.


She will exalt them, and will speak through them in the assembly, they will know

joy and exaltation, and they will be granted lasting honors.


But the foolish will not attain Her; the evil-doers will never see Her. She

stands apart from the arrogant, and the deceitful will never know Her.


* * *


Hear Wisdom and be wise; do not separate yourselves from Her:


* * *


" I give birth to noble love, reverence, knowledge, and holy hope; and I give all

these, my eternal progeny, to Deity's chosen. "


" Come to Me, all who desire of Me; fill yourselves with My fruits. Memory of Me

is sweeter than honey; My gifts are even sweeter. Those who eat Me will hunger

for more; those who drink Me will thirst for more. Those that obey Me will never

be confounded; those that work with Me will never go amiss. "


* * *


" I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me find Me. Wealth and glory

belong to Me; all boundless wealth and righteousness. My fruit is better than

gold and precious stones, My produce better than choice silver. "


" I lead in the way of virtue; My path is the path of Justice. I endow with

wealth those who love Me and fill their treasuries with good things. "


* * *


" By Me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life. If

you understand the Law, your mind will be sound; if you know Wisdom, you will be

wise yourself; but if you scoff at Me, you will bear the result. "


* * *


" Blessed are those who listen to Me, and those who keep My ways. "


" Blessed are those who watch daily at My threshold, who wait beside My doorway;

for My entrance is the entrance to life, and My exit, life's exit. "


" Those who find Me, find life and obtain favor from the Lord; but those who fail

to find Me, injure themselves, and all who hate Me, love death. "



* * * * * * * *



5. Eloah/Hokhma/Shekhina/Ruach/Holy Spirit as Wisdom and Understanding


This meditation uses a combination of Biblical interpretations from the

Septuagint with Apocrypha, the Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version), and the

New English Bible with the Apocrypha (Oxford Study Edition) to reflect: Proverbs

1:7-9, 2:2-7, 4:10-13, 7:4, 8:1-11, 9:1-6, 9:10, 24:7-8; Wisdom of Solomon

6:17-19, 7:15-22, 8:7-9; and Ecclesiasticus 1:25-27, 14:20-21.


* * * * * * * * * *


Call Wisdom your sister; greet Understanding as a good friend. Make Hokhma your

kinswoman; approach Binah as a confidante.


* * *


Receive my words and the years of your life shall be many. for I teach you the

ways of Wisdom; I lead you on the right paths. When you walk, your steps will

not be hampered; and if you run, you will not stumble.


Hold fast to Wisdom; do not abandon Her. Keep Her, for She is your life.


* * *


Make your ear attentive to Wisdom; incline your heart to Understanding. If you

cry out for Wisdom, If you invoke Understanding; if you seek Her like silver, if

you search for Her diligently as for hidden treasures, then you will understand

the way of the Lord and find Holy Wisdom.


For the Lord sends Wisdom to teach. From the Divine Presence, the Shekhina, who

is the mouth of Deity, comes knowledge and understanding, which is reserved for

the righteous, and taught to the upright.


* * *


The way of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and Knowledge of the Holy One is

Understanding. The way of the Lord is the pinnacle of Wisdom, and Counsel of the

Holy One is Insight.


* * *


Understanding comes to those who practice it. Piety toward the Divine is the

beginning of discernment; but fools despise Wisdom and Her instruction.


Hear, child, the instruction of your Father, and reject not the law of your

Mother; and you will receive a garland of Grace for your head and a chain of

Glory around your neck.


* * *


The true beginning of Wisdom is the desire to learn; a love for learning, is

love for Her. Love for Her means keeping Her laws; keeping Her laws will bring

immortality; and immortality brings one nearer to Deity.


* * *


Blessed are those that meditate on the good things of Wisdom and that reason of

holy things by Understanding. Those that consider Her ways in their hearts,

shall understand Her secrets.


* * *


In Wisdom's book are wise proverbs, but holiness is detested by the evil. If you

desire Wisdom, keep the commandments, and the Lord will send Her to you. For the

way of the Lord is Wisdom's instruction; and loyalty and gentleness are His



* * *


If virtue is the object of human affections, the fruits of Wisdom's labors are

the Virtues: Temperance, Prudence, Justice, and Fortitude. These are Wisdom

Herself, and Her teaching that She shares with humanity. There is nothing so

valuable as these.


She knows the past and what is to come; She understands the subtleties of

argument and how to solve problems; She can read signs and explain wonders, and

foretell the outcome of events and periods. She will be your counselor in

prosperity and your comfort in anxiety and grief.


* * *


The Lord leads humanity to Wisdom and we are subject to Her. She shares with us

the skills of workcraft; and the knowledge of all things that are: how the world

was made and exists, and the operation of the elements; the beginning, ending,

and midst of times; the solstices of the Sun, the changing of the seasons, the

cycles of the years, and the changing position of the stars; the natures of

living creatures, and the ways of wild beasts; the forces of the winds, and the

reasoning of humankind; the varieties of plants, and the virtues of roots.


I learned all things, both hidden and manifest. I was taught by Wisdom, She

whose skill made all things.


* * *


Wisdom has built Her house, She has hewn out and set up Her seven pillars. She

has slaughtered a beast for the feast, She has mixed Her wine with spices, and

She has prepared Her table. She has sent out Her maidens to proclaim the feast,

calling from the tower, and from the walls of the city: " Whoever is foolish, let

them leave their foolish ways and turn in here! "


And to the ignorant desiring Understanding, She says, " Come, eat of My bread,

and drink of the wine I have mixed for you. Abandon folly, that you may live

forever; forsake ignorance, and live! Seek Wisdom and gain Knowledge; know

Prudence, and walk in the ways of Understanding. "


* * *


Wisdom is at the gates of the wise; Understanding is at the doors of the

prudent. The wise do not turn aside from Wisdom, but take Her counsel, because

She is the mouth of Deity.


* * *


Does not Wisdom call? Does not Understanding raise Her voice? On the heights of

the hills, by the wayside, and at the cross-roads of the paths, She takes Her

stand; beside the gates, at the entrance of the city, at the doorways, She cries



" To you, humankind, I call; My cry is to the children of humanity. Ignorant

ones, learn of Wisdom, gain Knowledge; foolish ones, attend to Prudence, put

Understanding into your heart. "


" Hear, for I will speak noble truths, and from My lips will come what is right.

My mouth will utter truth; lies are an abomination to My lips. "


" All the words of My mouth are righteous; they are not twisted or perverse. They

are all plain to those who understand and right to those who find knowledge. "


" Take My instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold;

for Wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you desire cannot compare with

Me. "


* * * * * * * * * *


The Hebrew word for " Wisdom " (also translated as " Knowledge, " " Counsel, " Truth, "

and " Law " ) is the feminine " Hokhma. " The Hebrew word for " Understanding " (also

translated as " Prudence, " " Insight, " " Intuition, " and " Intellect " ) is the

feminine " Binah. " " Sophia " and " Sapientia " are the feminine Greek and Latin

words for " Wisdom. "


An ancient name for the Holy Spirit found in the Bible is " Asherah, " which means

" Tree of Life. " The medieval Jewish mystics considered " Hokhma " and " Binah " to

be feminine sephiroth (attributes or emanations) of the Kabbalistic " Tree of

Life, " which was perceived to be a representation of the One Deity.


Other Hebrew names for the Holy Spirit are the feminine " Shekhina " (which means

" Divine Manifestation, " " Divine Presence, " " Divine Power, " " Glory, " and " Grace " )

and the feminine " Ruach " (which means " Soul " or " Spirit " ). " Elohim " is one of

the names for the Creator used by the authors of the Bible, and the name used in

Genesis 1. It is a feminine plural Hebrew word meaning " God and Goddess. " The

singular forms are " Eloh " meaning " God, " and " Eloah " meaning " Goddess. "



6. Eloah/Hokhma/Shekhina/Ruach/Holy Spirit as Justice & Mercy


This meditation uses a combination of Biblical interpretations from the

Septuagint with Apocrypha, the Holy Bible (Revised Standard Version), and the

New English Bible with the Apocrypha (Oxford Study Edition) to reflect: Proverbs

1:20-33, 2:8-15, 3:3-6, 3:21-26, 4:7-9, 8:12-16, 8:20-21, 28:13; Wisdom of

Solomon 1:6, 1:8, 6:6-10, 8:7-9.


* * * * * * * * * *


Wisdom will protect those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of Justice,

and preserving the way of the Holy One. From Her, you will learn righteousness,

justice, and equity, and every good path.


If Wisdom comes into your heart and Knowledge is pleasant to your soul, Prudence

will keep watch over you, Understanding will guard you.


She will save you from evil ways, and from those of subversive speech; from

those who forsake the honest path to walk in the ways of evil; from those who

rejoice in doing harm and exult in evil and subversive acts; from those whose

paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways.


* * *


Your primary task is to Seek Wisdom, to follow Prudence. Know Hokhma, and Binah

will be found. Gain Understanding, though it cost you all you have. Do not

forsake Her, and She will preserve you; love Her, and She will guard you.

Cherish Her, and She will exalt you; Embrace Her, and She will bring you to

honor. She will set a garland of Grace on your head, and bestow on you a crown

of Glory.


* * *


Keep sight of Wisdom; take watch of Prudence. She is health to your flesh and

protection to your bones. Let Her not escape from your sight; that your soul may

live, that Grace may be around you, and that you may confidently go in peace on

all your paths.


You will walk on your way safely, and your foot will not stumble. When you rest,

you will be unafraid; when you lie down, you will slumber sweetly. And you shall

have no reason to fear, no cause to panic, no need to fear attacks of the evil,

or destruction of the wicked. For Wisdom shall be with you, and the Lord shall

watch over you.


* * *


Wisdom is a loving Spirit, Hokhma is a beneficent Presence; devoted to the good

of humanity. But She will not hold blasphemers blameless for their words; For

Deity is witness of one's innermost being, beholds that which is in one's heart,

and hears every word said.


* * *


Those who in holiness have kept a good path, will be judged holy, and those who

have learned their lesson will be able to make their defense.


* * *


But none may utter injustice without being found out; nor will Justice overlook

the injustice when She passes sentence.


* * *


Conceal your offenses, and you will not prosper; but confess and give them up,

and you will find Mercy.


* * *


Let not Mercy abandon you; let not Rahamin depart. Let not Truth forsake you;

let not Hokhma go.


Bind Her to yourself about your neck, keep Her in Your heart, and you shall find

favor and understanding with Deity and humanity.


Trust in Deity with all your heart; do not rely on yourself. In all ways

acquaint yourself with Her, that She may rightly direct your path.


* * *


Mercy will pardon the powerless their offenses, but the powerful will be

mightily punished by Justice, by Gevurah, for their cruelty and injustice.


For Deity reigns over all humanity and is awed by none. Powerful and powerless

are both Deity's children, and all are subject to the rule of Providence; but it

is the powerful who are most strictly brought to account.


* * *


" I, Wisdom, am Understanding; I contain Knowledge and Prudence. Pride and

arrogance, the way of evil beings, and perverted speech I hate. "


" I have sound wisdom and strength; understanding and power are mine. I provide

counsel and ability; I bestow insight and protection. By Me, good kings reign,

and judges decree what is just. "


" I lead in the way of virtue; My path is the path of Justice. I endow with

wealth those who love Me and fill their treasuries with good things. "


* * *


Wisdom cries aloud in the street; in public markets, She boldly raises Her

voice; on the top of the walls, She cries out; at the entrance of the city

gates, She speaks:


" So long as the you cleave to Justice, you shall not be shamed. "


" But how long, ignorant ones, will you love being ignorant? How long will the

insolent delight in their insolence and fools hate Knowledge? "


" Give heed to My reproach; I will pour out My Spirit to you; I will instruct you

with My speech. "


" But if I call, and you refuse to listen, if I stretch out my hand, and you do

not heed; if you spurn all my counsel and ignore my reproach; I, in my turn,

will laugh at your fate and deride you when fear descends like devastation, when

terror strikes you like a hurricane, and your calamity comes like a whirlwind,

when distress and anguish overcome you. "


" When the wicked call upon Me, I will not answer them; When the evil search for

me, they shall not find me. "




B./Non-Biblical Sources:



1. The Lord and The Shekhina


The Shekhina (also Shekhinah or Shekina), means in Hebrew " Divine

Manifestation, " " Divine Presence, " " Divine Power, " " Glory, " and " Grace. "

(Shekhina is a feminine word in Hebrew.) It is the Talmudic term for the

visible and audible manifestation of Deity's presence on Earth. The Shekhina is

considered so large that She overshadows the world (i.e., is transcendent), but

so small She can dwell in the Temple and in each aspect of creation (i.e., is



The Shekhina first appears in the Aramaic translation of the Hebrew Bible called

the Targum Onkelos (circa 1st to 4th century CE). In this Bible, wherever Deity

is indicated to have acted directly with humanity, the Shekhina is interpolated

because Deity is considered an abstraction, and it is considered taboo to

anthropomorphise Deity.


The Shekhina is believed to have dwelled in the Temple, filling it with love.

According to Rabbi Yehoshua, who lived at the end of the 1st century CE:


" While the Children of Israel were still in Egypt, the Holy One, blessed be He,

stipulated that He would liberate them from Egypt only in order that they build

Him a sanctuary so that He can let His Shekhina dwell among them....As soon as

the Tabernacle was erected, the Shekhina descended and dwelt among them. "


While the Shekhina is believed to have lived in the First Temple, there is

disagreement whether She ever graced the Second Temple. Shekhina's presence was

marked by the sound like the tinkling of a bell.


However, the sins of Israel caused the Shekhina to go into exile into the desert

or onto the Mount of Olives, reflecting that sin resulted in separation of the

people from Deity, and separation of Shekhina from the Lord. When the Hebrews

were taken into captivity and exiled--to Babylonia, Egypt, and Rome--the

Shekhina is believed to have accompanied them all. This exile is considered to

have been an exile of the Shekhina from the Lord, as well as an exile of the

people from their promised land.


The Shekhina is believed to have shown Herself to people (including Adam and

Moses) and to animals. Shekhina comforts the sick, the sad, and the repentant.

She embraces those who commit good deeds, even idolaters. She also dwells with

the wise and with husband and wife in a loving marriage.


Having inherited the attributes of Hokhma, by the late Midrash literature, the

Shekhina was considered an independent feminine aspect of Deity. By the 3rd

century CE, the Shekhina was considered capable of opposing and influencing the

Lord. Her compassionate nature compelled Her to argue with the Lord in defense

of humanity. She was thought to have admonished the Lord not to practice

retribution and to refrain from punishing Israel. Rabbi Aha said:


" The Holy Spirit comes to the defense [of sinful Israel by] saying first to

Israel: 'Be not a witness against thy neighbor without a cause,' and thereafter

saying to Yahweh: 'I will do to him as he hath done to me.' "


The Shekhina is also thought to intervene at judgment after death. According to

Midrash Mishle and Rabbi Hananel (died 1050 CE):


" When the Sanhedrin wanted to add King Solomon to ... [those] who had no share

in the World to Come, Shekhina rose up before the Holy One, blessed be He, and

said: 'Master of the World! Seest Thou a man diligent? They want to count him

among mean men!' In that hour, a divine voice was heard saying to them: 'Let him

[solomon] stand before kings, let him not stand before mean men!' "


Just as the Shekhina represents divine love and mercy, She also represents just

punishment. She is believed to have destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of its

depravity, when not even one good person was found to dwell there. She is

believed to have led the Hebrews through the Red Sea when fleeing captivity in

Egypt, and to have drowned the pursuing Egyptians. It is believed that She will

descend to fight in the battle between good and evil at the end of time.


In the Middle Ages, the mystical Jewish movement of the Kabbalah flowered. It

was first evident in the 7th century CE, was in full force in the 13th century

CE, and was eminently popular in the 16th and 17th centuries CE. The most

important work in the Kabbalistic movement was the Zohar (Book of Splendor),

written circa 1286 CE by Moses de Leon.


In the Kabbalistic doctrine of Deity, the feminine plays a significant role. The

Kabbalah recognizes Shekhina to be the feminine aspect of Deity, just as the

Lord is considered the masculine aspect.


[Primary Source: R. Patai, The Hebrew Goddess (1990). See also C. Matthews,

Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom (1991); T. Schipflinger, Sophia-Maria (1998); G.

Scholem, On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead (1991); G. Scholem, Kabbalah

(1974); G. Scholem, On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism (1965).]



2. The Tetragrammatan: YHVH/Yod-Heh-Vau-Heh


The Kabbalah focuses on the nature of Deity and the relationship between Deity,

the world, and humanity. It is considered ancient transmitted doctrine, but also

emphasizes personal experience. While Kabbalistic Judaism never ceases belief in

strict monotheism--the ultimate Oneness of Deity--that monotheism is integrated

with the belief that the One Deity has a number of different persons,

attributes, or emanations.


In addition to perceiving Deity to be a complementary duality of feminine and

masculine, Kabbalah also perceives Deity to be a family of Father, Mother, Son,

and Daughter. Both Father and Son are aspects of the Lord; and both Mother and

Daughter are aspects of the Shekhina.


Among the names of the Hebrew God in the Bible is Yahweh--YHVH in Hebrew. These

four letters are referred to as the Tetragrammatan. Each letter came to

represent in Kabbalistic theology a distinct familial aspect of Deity: Y (Yod)

representing Deity as Father; H (Heh) representing Deity as Mother; V (Vau)

representing Deity as Son; and the second H (Heh) representing Deity as

Daughter. This Tetrad is not unlike the Canaanite-Hebrew Tetrad of



Father Yod and Mother Heh are considered inseparable in permanent embrace, and

filled with great unceasing mutual love for each other. According to the Zohar:


" The Father and the Mother, since they are found in union all the time and are

never hidden or separated from each other, are called 'Companions.'... And they

find satisfaction in permanent union. "


Son Vau and Daughter Heh are considered both siblings and consorts. They have

both a passionate and contentious relationship with each other. Both are given

numerous names and attributes. Son Vau is considered to be Sky, and Daughter Heh

is considered to be Earth. Son Vau is also commonly called the King. Daughter

Heh is also called Night, Moon, Sea, and the Matronit.


Son Vau and Daughter Heh are thought to have wedded and embraced nightly in

Solomon's Temple. Cherubim (Angels of Love) were born from Their embrace. With

the destruction of the Temple, Son Vau is believed to have withdrawn into

Heaven, while Daughter Heh is believed to have accompanied the Hebrews into



Kabbalists believe that humans can impact the Divine Couple. When Israel sins

against Yahweh, it is believed to cause a quarrel and separation between Son Vau

and Daughter Heh. Separation weakens Son Vau, who cannot act without Daughter

Heh. They are hoped to be reunited on the Day of Atonement.


Similarly, an unloving or adulterous human relationship is believed to cause the

Divine Couple to quarrel. Conversely, a loving relationship between human

spouses is believed to help reconcile Divine Son Vau and Daughter Heh. Pious

Jews pray, do good deeds, and have sacred union with their spouses to help bring

about the reunification of Son Vau and Daughter Heh, which will restore peace

and order in the world.


[Primary Source: R. Patai, The Hebrew Goddess (1990). See also C. Matthews,

Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom (1991); T. Schipflinger, Sophia-Maria (1998); G.

Scholem, On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead (1991); G. Scholem, Kabbalah

(1974); G. Scholem, On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism (1965).]



3. The Matronit/Maggid


Daughter Heh is equated with the Matronit and the Maggid, and is an aspect of

the Shekhina. She represents compassion and justice. She is also a protector

against aggression. She is perceived to be both amorous in Her lovemaking with

Son Vau and fierce as a warrior against evil. In the popular view of the

15th-18th centuries, She was a discrete Goddess and Her attributes were very

similar to Blessed Mother Mary in Christianity. In Her fierce aspect, She is the

chaotic and destructive Lilith.


During the period of exile, the Matronit-Shekhina was the central link between

the Divine and human. She identifies Herself with humanity and is Mother Zion,

the Mother of Israel. She is directly concerned with the welfare of people, and

can be approached at any time, any place. She is particularly fond of the wise

and those who perform good deeds.


As Queen of the Sabbath, the Matronit-Shekhina personifies the Sabbath. She was

mentioned in Talmudic literature as early as the 2nd century CE: " Rabbi Hanina

used to wrap himself [in festive clothes] towards evening on Friday and say:

'Come, let us go to receive Sabbath the Queen.' " Likewise, the 13th Century

Zohar, provided instructions on how to receive Her: " One must sing and rejoice

at the table in Her honor....One must receive the Lady with many lighted

candles, many enjoyments, beautiful clothes, and a house embellished with many

fine appointments.... " Pious Jews would also honor Her with sacred union between

husband and wife.


As the Maggid, the Matronit-Shekhina is believed to have communicated verbally

to humankind. Kabbalists claimed to have had auditory experience of the Maggid

both in dreams and while awake. Joseph Caro (1488-1575), the renowned Jewish

scholar who codified the currently authoritative Jewish law, was also a

Kabbalist. He ascribed his wisdom to life-long communications with the Maggid.

Caro recorded their conversations in a secret diary. He noted that She said of

Herself: " I am the Mother who chastises Her children, I am She who is called

Matronit.... "


As the Maggid, the Matronit-Shekhina has also appeared visually. In a

Palestinian Midrash dating from the 7th century, Jeremiah [who rebuked the

people for honoring the Queen of Heaven] is confronted by the Maggid, who he

fails to recognize:


" Jeremiah said: When I went up to Jerusalem, I looked up and saw a woman sitting

on top of the mountain, clad in black, her hair disheveled, crying and hoping

someone would comfort her. And I too was crying and hoping someone would comfort

me. I approached her and spoke to her and said to her: 'If you are a woman,

speak to me, and if you are a spirit get away from me!' She responded and said

to me: 'Don't you recognize Me?' ... I answered and said to her: 'You are not

better than my Mother Zion, who has become a grazing ground for the beasts of

the field.' She answered and said to me: 'I am your Mother Zion.' "


[Primary Source: R. Patai, The Hebrew Goddess (1990). See also C. Matthews,

Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom (1991); T. Schipflinger, Sophia-Maria (1998); G.

Scholem, On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead (1991); G. Scholem, Kabbalah

(1974); G. Scholem, On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism (1965).]



4. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life


In addition to perceiving Deity as a complementary dualism of masculine and

feminine and as a tetrad of Father-Mother-Son-Daughter, Kabbalists also perceive

Deity to be a collective of Sephiroth/Sefirot (singular Sephira/Sefirah)--which

are attributes or emanations of the One Deity.


Kabbalists likened the numerous aspects of Deity to branches on the Tree of

Life. The Tree of life incorporates both Biblical and non-Biblical Hebrew

concepts of Deity in the masculine and feminine Sephiroth.


The Sephiroth:


Kether/Keter (Einsoph; Yahweh) (masculine & feminine): the Unity of Masculine &

Feminine; Boundlessness & Formlessness; the Unknown Mystery


Daath/Da'at (The Abyss; Sheol) (neuter/originally feminine*): That Which

Generates All & Reabsorbs All


Hokhma (Mother Heh; Torah) (originally feminine*): Wisdom, Eternal Truth &

Divine Law


Binah (Mother Heh) (feminine): Prudence, Understanding, Insight, Intuition &



Hesed/Gedullah (Adonai) (masculine): Love & Kindness; Order & Constructive Power


Gevurah/Din (Matronit; Lilith) (originally feminine*): Justice, Judgment &

Conscience; Chaos & Destructive Power


Rahamin/Tipharaeth/Tiferet (Shekhina) (originally feminine*): Love, Compassion &

Mercy; the Beauty of Nature


Nezah (Ruach; Shekhina) (feminine): Energy & Instinct; the Powers of Nature;

Becoming & Eternal Change


Hod (Father Yod) (masculine): Will & Consciousness; Being & Changelessness


Yesod/Zaddik (Son Vau) (masculine): the Physical Elements; the Masculine Aspect

of Nature


Malkuth/Malkut/Atarah (Daughter Heh) (feminine): Sovereignty; Physical

Manifestation; the Feminine Aspect of Nature


* These are feminine words in the Hebrew language. Their feminine character is

evident linguistically by their feminine endings (e.g., a/ah/ch/t/th/im).

However, in spite of this, these sephiroth that were originally considered

feminine have been changed to the masculine.


[Primary Source: R. Patai, The Hebrew Goddess (1990). See also C. Matthews,

Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom (1991); T. Schipflinger, Sophia-Maria (1998); G.

Scholem, On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead (1991); G. Scholem, Kabbalah

(1974); G. Scholem, On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism (1965).]



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Permission to use and distribute these excerpts is granted for non-commercial

purposes, provided the following information is included:


Excerpted from


A Multifaith Calendar Reflecting Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality

© 2006 Page Two, Inc.







" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> Dear All,


> i remember that Shri Mataji made favourable mention of Hildegard

von Bingen. If we will read some of Hildegard's writings, we will see

that she was an extraordinary spiritual visionary. She wrote some of

the most beautiful writings on the Divine Mother.


> violet



> Writings of St. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)

> on the Holy Spirit Wisdom


> * * *


> Oh children of humanity, why have you corrupted tender Love, who

gazes far into my depths and flows forth in works abounding? Because

She flows within me, from Her in turn flow the living waters. She

resembles a budding branch, for, as a virgin's embraces are most

tender because of her integrity, even so Love's embraces are more

tender than those of any other. But now She mourns, because audacious

men tear her to pieces with their evil grumbling. Hence, She flees

from them to that height whence She came, and weeps because Her

children, whom She suckled at Her fertile breasts, fall sick and will

not be cleansed from the corruption of their flighty minds.


> O wretched humanity! Why do they take on themselves the misery of

alienation and exile, tearing themselves away... She is always

ready... Yet they separate themselves from the Bride, whence they are

darkened and shadowed by clouds as if they had ruptured heaven.


> The Holy Spirit as Caritas (Grace/World Soul)

> St. Hildegard von Bingen

> trans. B. Newman (mod.)


> * * *


> I heard a voice saying to me, " This Lady whom you see is Love, who

has Her dwelling place in eternity. When God wished to create the

world, He leaned down, and with tender Love, provided all that was

needed, as a parent prepares an inheritance for a child. And thus, in

a mighty blaze the Lord ordained all His works.


> Then creation recognized its Creator in its own forms and

appearances. For in the beginning, when God said, " Let it be! " and it

came to pass, the means and the Matrix of creation was Love, because

all creation was formed through Her as in the twinkling of an eye.


> The Holy Spirit as Sapientia (Wisdom/Creatrix)

> St. Hildegard von Bingen

> trans. B. Newman (mod.)


> * * *


> I am Wisdom. Mine is the blast of the resounding Word through which

all creation came to be, and I quickened all things with my breath so

that not one of them is mortal in its kind; for I am Life. Indeed I

am Life, whole and undivided -- not hewn from any stone, or budded

from branches, or rooted in virile strength; but all that lives has

its root in Me. For Wisdom is the root whose blossom is the

resounding Word....


> I flame above the beauty of the fields to signify the earth -- the

matter from which humanity was made. I shine in the waters to

indicate the soul, for, as water suffuses the whole earth, the soul

pervades the whole body. I burn in the sun and the moon to denote

Wisdom, and the stars are the innumerable words of Wisdom.


> The Holy Spirit as Caritas (Grace/World Soul & Wisdom/Creatrix)

> St. Hildegard von Bingen

> trans. B. Newman (mod.)


> * * *


> May the Holy Spirit cleanse you from all faults of malice, and win

you the friendship of Love, most sweet, most tender; who captured the

mighty Stag and poured forth song above all heavens; who entered the

bridal chamber of all the King's mysteries; and who revealed Herself

in all Her beauty in the mirror of the Cherubim.


> The Holy Spirit as Caritas (Grace/World Soul)

> St. Hildegard von Bingen

> trans. B. Newman (mod.)


> * * *


> I am the Supreme and Fiery Force who kindles every living

spark....As I circled the whirling sphere with my upper wings (that

is, with Wisdom), rightly I ordained it. And I am the fiery life of

the Divine essence: I flame above the beauty of the fields; I shine

in the waters; I burn in the sun, the moon, and the stars. And, with

the airy wind, I quicken all things vitally by an unseen, all-

sustaining life. For the air is alive in the verdure and the flowers;

the waters flow as if they lived; the sun too lives in its light; and

when the moon wanes it is rekindled by the light of the sun, as if it

lived anew. Even the stars glisten in their light as if alive.


> The Holy Spirit as Caritas (Grace/World Soul)

> St. Hildegard von Bingen

> trans. B. Newman (mod.)


> * * *


> She is Divine Wisdom. She watches over all people and all things in

heaven and on earth, being of such radiance and brightness that, for

the measureless splendor that shines in Her, you cannot gaze on Her

face or on the garments She wears. For She is awesome in terror as

the Thunderer's lightening, and gentle in goodness as the sunshine.

Hence, in Her terror and Her gentleness, She is incomprehensible to

mortals, because of the dread radiance of divinity in Her face and

the brightness that dwells in Her as the robe of Her beauty. She is

like the Sun, which none can contemplate in its blazing face or in

the glorious garment of its rays. For She is with all and in all, and

of beauty so great in Her mystery that no one could know how sweetly

She bears with people, and with what unfathomable mercy She spares



> The Holy Spirit as Wisdom: Scientia Dei (Knowledge of God)

> St. Hildegard von Bingen

> trans. B. Newman (mod.)


> [Primary source: B. Newman, Sister of Wisdom: St. Hildegard's

Theology of the Feminine (1987). See also L. Boff, O.F.M., The

Maternal Face of God (1987); F. Bowie & O. Davies, Eds., Hildegard

of Bingen: Mystical Writings (1990); E. Johnson, C.S.J., Women,

Earth, and Creator Spirit (1993); C. Matthews, Sophia, Goddess of

Wisdom (1991); B. M. Meehan, S.S.C., Delighting in the Feminine

Divine (1994); B. M. Meehan, S.S.C., Exploring the Feminine Face of

God: A Prayerful Journey (1991); T. Schipflinger, Sophia-Maria

(1998); G. Uhlein, O.S.F., Meditations with Hildegard of Bingen



> http://www.wheeloftheyear.com/reference/hildegard.htm




> ,

> " Violet " <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > What is Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality?

> >

> > Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality (also called Creation Spirituality,

> Nature Spirituality, and Earth-Centered Spirituality) is a life-

> affirming spiritual focus based on Nature. It is an individualistic

> spiritual path, not a distinct organized religion. It is practiced


> many who are members of mainstream religions, and by many who are


> >

> > Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality is an underlying element common to

> most religions. It is embodied in non-patriarchal aspects of

> indigenous religions throughout the world. It is an aspect of

> Hinduism, Taoism, Shinto, and Buddhism (Tantra & Zen). It is found


> the mysticism of Judaism (Kabbalah), Christianity (ecumenical

> mysticism/Wisdom Tradition), Islam (Sufism), and Baha'ism. And it is

> reflected in Unitarian Universalism.

> >

> > Those on an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality path reject blind

> obedience to all human spiritual leadership and blind acceptance of

> any decreed dogma. Diversity of opinion is the norm. Each person

> explores his/her own path on the common journey--guided by

> compassion, reason, and experience.

> >

> > Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality reflects an emphatic love for, and

> desire to understand, Deity. It conceives Deity to be an


> mystery: ultimately genderless, formless, and limitless. All

> definitions necessarily fall short. Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality

> emphasizes the ultimate oneness of Deity, but acknowledges a

> multitude of names, attributes, and forms of the primordial and

> eternal, omnipotent and omniscient, all-encompassing and universal

> Deity.

> >

> > Many call Deity Yahweh, the Trinity, Allah, Brahman, or Adi-


> Some call Deity Ch'i, the Great Spirit, or Mother Nature and Father

> Time. Others call Deity the Source, the Force, the Cosmos, the

> Absolute, or the Unity. Still others simply refer to Deity as the

> Mystery.

> >

> > Many understand Deity in both masculine and feminine terms. (But

> " masculine " and " feminine " are not defined by patriarchal concepts:

> " masculine " is not aggressive and active; " feminine " is not


> and passive.) Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality emphasizes that all God

> concepts are attributes of the One God, all Goddess concepts are

> attributes of the One Goddess, and together the One God and One

> Goddess make up God-Goddess (or Goddess-God)--the one genderless

> Deity.

> >

> > God generally embodies the concepts of Being, Will, and

> Consciousness. He also represents the principle of duality: order


> chaos. From Him come the gifts of free will, knowledge of self and

> others, knowledge of good and evil, and knowledge of life and death.

> >

> > Goddess, on the other hand, generally embodies the concepts of

> Becoming, Power, and Conscience. She represents the principle of the

> eternal cycle. From Her come the gifts of peace, love, compassion,

> passion, inspiration, worldly knowledge, wisdom, conscience, truth,

> and justice.

> >

> > The feminine aspect of Deity is not alien to the Judeo-Christian-

> Islamic traditions. The Bible reflects that Deity was honored as

> female as well as male in ancient Israel and Judah, until Her


> were destroyed and Her priests and priestesses killed at the behest

> of the patriarchal prophets. The Bible still honors the feminine

> aspect of Deity in the Wisdom Literature--Proverbs, Wisdom of

> Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, etc.

> >

> > To the ancient Hebrews, the feminine aspect of Deity was Elath,

> which means Goddess; and Asherah, which means Tree of Life. In the

> Kabbalistic Tree of Life, She is represented in the feminine

> Sephiroth (divine attributes). She is Heh of Yahweh (YHVH or Yod-


> Vau-Heh), the Mother-Daughter of the Kabbalistic Tetragrammatan. She

> is Eloah (Goddess) who, in unity with Eloh (God), make up the

> genderless Elohim. She is also Hokhma, which is the feminine Hebrew

> word meaning Wisdom; Shekhina, the feminine Hebrew word meaning

> Powerful Presence; and Ruach, the feminine Hebrew word meaning


> >

> > Christians know Her as the Holy Spirit, the third part of the Holy

> Trinity. They also call Her Holy Wisdom (as well as Sophia and

> Sapientia, the feminine Greek and Latin words for Wisdom). She is

> also called the Paraclete, Grace, Justice, and Providence.

> >

> > Sufis know Her as Allat Ruh Sakinah (Goddess Spirit Presence).

> Sufis also consider Old Arabic Goddesses Al-'Uzza (Power) and Manat

> (Fate) to represent feminine attributes of the ultimately genderless

> Deity.

> >

> > Those with an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality focus celebrate Deity


> creator, sustainer, and destroyer--providing the gifts of life,

> death, and rebirth. They also generally recognize Angels or Spirits

> to be emanations, guardians, guides, or messengers from Deity.

> >

> > Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality recognizes Deity to be transcendent

> (beyond all) as well as immanent (within all). There is nothing that

> is not Deity. Thus, all Nature is considered sacred--including all

> people and all animals. Consciousness of divine immanence fosters

> recognition of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all

> aspects of Nature, and engenders awe and gratitude for the

> wondrousness of the Universe. And scientific theories about the

> Universe and life within it are thought of as tools to bring us

> closer to understanding both Deity and ourselves.

> >

> > Those on an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality path acknowledge Deity to

> be beyond humanity's concept of good and evil, and acknowledge that

> divine gifts bring both benefit and harm. They recognize that all

> good and evil originate in the individual, but do not conceive of

> people as inherently evil. Each moment the individual chooses to do

> good or evil and is fully responsible for that choice. The good and

> evil one does will return to the doer as reward and punishment, but

> atonement is possible where there is regret and reparation made.

> >

> > Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality emphasizes a fundamental duty to

> respect all and harm none. Each person is valued as unique and as a

> child, temple, and part of Deity. Each person is our sister or

> brother. All people, however different they may seem, are to be

> treated as equals and with compassionate respect. Animals and other

> aspects of Nature are likewise valued.

> >

> > To intentionally harm or disrespect the inherent rights of people

> (including one's self), animals, or other aspects of Nature is to do

> evil. Thus, sexism, racism, religious bigotry, homophobia, and other

> kinds of mistreatment, discrimination, or oppression are evil.

> Likewise, to needlessly or irreverently harm any animal or destroy

> its habitat is evil.

> >

> > Those with an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality focus also recognize a

> duty to oppose injustice and aid those in need--particularly the

> sick, the disabled, the young, and the old. They also acknowledge a

> duty to practice conservation and to avoid and oppose environmental

> waste and abuses.

> >

> > They seek peace within and without, and attempt to live in harmony

> with Nature. They strive to be self-reliant and empower themselves,

> as well as to challenge and better themselves. They desire to

> understand and love themselves. They want happiness for themselves--

> and for everyone.

> >

> > Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality is family-centered, and recognizes

> that each person bears familial duties to children, spouse, and

> parents. Marriage is conceived to be a partnership of equals.

> Differences between men and women are celebrated; but the idea that

> differences in gender indicate superiority or inferiority of either

> gender is rejected, as is the idea of mandated gender-based familial

> or societal roles.

> >

> > Those on an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality path follow the positive

> (non-harmful) aspects of their respective religious traditions.

> Worship of Deity may include prayer, meditation, chanting, or

> singing. Or dancing, drumming, ritual, or sacred drama. Indeed,

> celebrating the artist within, worship of Deity may be manifested in

> any kind of artistic expression. Worship of Deity may also include

> thanksgiving or penance offerings of candles, incense, or flowers.


> offerings of grain, fruit, or libations. Or it may include action

> offerings, such as giving food to the poor, demonstrating against

> social injustice, or picking up litter.

> >

> > Those with an Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality focus recognize that


> can have direct experience of Deity any time and any place. One can

> worship alone, as a family, or in a spiritual community. The cycle


> life, the cycle of the seasons, and the lunar cycles are often

> celebrated. (The Sun and Moon, and their continuing cycles, are seen

> as symbols of Deity, and metaphors for human physical and

> psychological cycles.)

> >

> > This calendar is intended to show how Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality

> is reflected in religious traditions of the past and the present. It

> is also intended to aid in reclaiming and exploring positive aspects

> of one's own religious traditions, letting go of harmful aspects,


> learning about the traditions of others. May it inspire you to love

> Deity, Nature, and all humankind. Blessed be!

> >

> > * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

> >

> > Permission to use and distribute these excerpts is granted for


> commercial purposes, provided the following information is included:

> >

> > Excerpted from


> > A Multifaith Calendar Reflecting Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality

> >

> > © 2002 Page Two, Inc.

> >

> > For information contact Page Two, Inc.:

> > P.O. Box 77167, Washington, D.C. 20013

> > 1-800-821-6604

> > WheeloftheYear@

> > www.WheeloftheYear.com

> >

> > http://www.wheeloftheyear.com/ees.htm

> >


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