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Shri Mataji: They (Sikhs) came to Sahaja, but they said, We cannot worship Goddess. I said Why?

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Var Sri Bhagauti Ji Also known as Chandi di Var Var Sri Bhagauti Ji can be found in the Dasam Granth and is third in a trilogy of compositions about the goddess Durga. It is one of the few compositions written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in punjabi and it is regarded as one of most significant compositions in this language. It narrates the exploits of the

goddess Durga as she battles the demons to wrestle control of the lands of the gods. It was a tradition in the olden days to recite poetry and vars of chivalry, courage and super human exploits on the eve of battle to imbue the courageous spirit and vigor needed to face the enemy. Having this in mind, Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote these compositions to fill the Sikhs with a martial spirit when they went into war and not because of any admiration for the goddess. It has been suggested by some that Guru Gobind Singh Ji may have

worshipped Durga and thus wrote this var as an ode to her. Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of Sikhism or the tenth Guru will know that this is absolutely absurd. For Guru Sahib Ji worshipped the One true Lord and none else. At the beginning of this composition Guru Gobind Singh Ji is very careful to state this. In the first verse Guru Sahib Ji evokes God with the name of Bhagauti and then calls upon the nine Gurus by name to assist and protect him. Guru Sahib Ji then recounts how God then created the whole universe. It should be noted that at a time when most of civilization regarded the world to be flat Guru Sahib Ji states that God created the worlds without pillars or support . Guru Sahib Ji then states quite clearly that Durga (as well as Sri RamChandra Ji and Bhagwan Krishan Ji) obtained her power and strength from the One Timeless Lord. Guru Gobind Singh Ji has written : Mai ‘n’ ganays(i) pritham manaaoo(n), kisn bisn kabhoo(n) nh dhiaaoo(n) Kaan sunay pahichaan ‘n’ thin so, liv laagee more pag in so I do not praise or hail Ganesh nor do I let the thought of Vishnu or any incarnations of Vishnu enter my mind. I know of their existence, but I do not ever worship them. May my prayers and thoughts always be in the immaculate, holy feet of the Lord (the one and only). Mhaa kaal rakhvaar hamaaroo , Mhaa(n) loh mai kinkar thaaro Apnaa jaan karo rakhvaar , ba(n)h(i) gahay kee laaj bichaar I pray to my protector, the one that brings death to Death (the

deity ‘Klal’; which was worshipped in the past). Oh unbreakable one, I am your slave. Make me your slave oh Lord and watch over me. (I have come to your sanctuary) So preserve my honour. The Var Bhagauti Ji is the mukh vaak of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, that is, it is a composition as uttered by Guru Sahib Ji and the descriptions of war and battle are the most stunning (although some impact is lost due to translation) and Guru Sahib Ji heaps praise on all who are brave and courageous, whether they are the gods or demons. Verse 1 - 10 Verse 11 - 20 Verse 21 - 30 Verse31 - 40 Verse 41 - 50 Verse 51 -

55 Home Dear All,Just a few days back i realized how little my Sikh mother knew aboutSikhism. This sad realization was made all the more clearer by mysister-in-law, a university graduate, who despite having a deepgrounding in Sikhism is just as ignorant. Like most Sikhs, they toohave been conditioned that Sikhism forbids the worship of the Devi.The fact that most Sikhs, like Muslims, do not understand thelanguage of their holy scriptures just keeps them ignorant and at

themercy of the priests.But if you read the holy scriptures of Sikhism you will realize thatShri Mataji is absolutely correct when She said ""They (Sikhs) cameto Sahaja, but they said, "We cannot worship Goddess." I said "Why?""i just cannot understand why Sikhs are so blind, all the more to theAykaa Mayee (One Mother) whom they have recited countless times overthe centuries when they read the Japji Sahib. Moreover, the DasamGranth is clear about the Devi:"6. The Granth contains sixteen compositions versified in differentforms of poetry in the following order:Jap (meditation)Bachitar Natak ( autobiography of the Guru)Akal Ustat (praises of God)Chandi Charitar I & II (the character of goddess Chandi)Chandi di Var (a ballad to describe goddess Durga)Gian Prabodh (the awakening of knowledge)Chaubis Avtar (24 incarnations of Vishnu)Brahm Avtar (incarnation of Brahma)Rudar Avtar

(incarnation of Shiv)Shabad Hazare (ten shabads)Swayyae (33 stanzas)Khalsa Mehma (the praises of the Khalsa)Shaster Nam Mala ( a list of weapons)Triya Charitar (the character of women)Zafarnama (epistle of victory, a letter written to Emperor Aurangzeb)Hikayats. (stories)"http://www.allaboutsikhs.com/basics/intro-03.htm"Touching upon various aspects of all religion and the mission ofthese incarnations, Shri Mataji reminded us of Sikhism and itsteaching and the paradox that the present people have onunderstanding God in their own terms. She says "We have also Sikhcommunity. They came to Sahaja, but they said, "We cannot worshipGoddess." I said "Why?" Surprised at it, because Shri Guru Nanakhas talked about the Goddess, the Devi. The first sentence of Hisbook is Adya. Adya is the Adi Shakti. And for this, if the

Sikhsstupidly say, then why do they have a 'Chandi'-'garh'. That's sostupid also, nothing to really compare."Transcript of 2001 Christmas Puja message of Shri MatajiNot only that but the Dasam Granth also praises Shri Brahma, Shivaand Vishnu ......... who were first created by the Aykaa Mayee.All this is but another pearl to be added in the priceless Necklaceof Knowledge that the Devi (Aykaa Mayee/Shakti) has bestowed over theyears. i have realized that ignorant gianis and priests have madefools out of the religious faithful and retarded their spiritualgrowth. That is why if you need to move even a single step in anydirection to pray to God you are going the wrong way.regards to all,jagbirRelated Article:http://www.adishakti.org/forum/swami_vivekananda_mark_me_every_one_of_you_will_h\ave_to_be_a_govind_singh_1-24-2006.htm

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Sahaj and Sikhism 13.11.2006


I am a Sikh Sahajyogi from Delhi and every time there is any sahaj

gathering, I am asked by fellow sahjis about Sikhs and connection of

Sikhism and Sahaja Yoga. Sikhs have a well defined system of worship

and they worship " The holy Granth Saheb " as their Living Guru.

We were able to conduct a Public Program at the Gurudwara in

Chhindwara, on 21st March this year. Thereafter, we were able to

conduct programs for around one month at various gurudwaras in

Mumbai, Goa, Manmad and Nanded, etc. With lots of love






The ultimate objective of the preachings of Sikhism is to achieve a

Sahaj state of mind. A state which is in complete balance is natural

and spontaneous. A state in which the divine wish and our deeds are

in complete harmony with each other. A unique feature of Sikhism is

the obeisance and worship of the Holy Scripture GURU GRANTH SAHEB as

the LIVING GURU. Guru Granth of Sikhs is composed in ragas and is in

the form of poetry, and consists of the utterances of the six sikh

Gurus along with the recitations of realised saints like Kabir,

Namdev, Ravidas etc. Nanak says, `SAHAJE KO SAB KO LOCHDA, JETA SAGAL

SANSAR'. Meaning: The whole world is desirous of attaining the state

of sahaj.



Meaning: Without Sahaj, we are all immersed in the blind veil of Maya



According to Nanak, the whole world consists of three types of

people. Firstly, those who are Tamo Gunis: those who want to acquire

material wealth and worldly pleasures, by hook or by crook. Secondly,

Rajo Gunis: those who are more circumspect and worry about the right

means and methods of achieving their goals. Thirdly, the Sato Gunis:

those who try to follow the path of dharma in their lives. Beyond

these three gunas or states of Maya is the Sahaj state in which one

is beyond these three gunas or becomes Guna teet. The way to reach

such a state in Sikhism is through: (1) 'Seva' - the selfless service

to mankind, (2) through 'Bhakti' i.e. through kirtan/dwelling upon

his virtues, (3) by Simran i.e. by meditating upon his name and

repeating the guru mantra of " VAHEGURU " taken from the letters of

four yugas (eras) Va for Vasdev, Ha for hari , Ga for gobind and Ra

from Ram .Thus when we utter `VAHEGURU', the Kundalini Shakti, gets

awakened. It reaches the Sahastradhar for realized souls but doesn't

reach there in case of non-realized ones. Nanak says of the person,

who has achieved sahaj state,














Such people perform all their actions in a sahaj way. They laugh and

live in sahaj, eat and drink in a sahaj and natural manner, in a

sahaj manner they give alms, do good deeds, in sahaj they meditate,

in sahaj they remember him, in sahaj they drink the nectar of love,

and in sahaj their true religion is awakened. In sahaj they become

thoughtless, in sahaj they become one with the divine. In sahaj they

listen to the anhat naad. Nanak says, such is this exalted state of

sahaj, that he is even willing to sacrifice his own life for such a

person. Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth guru of the Sikhs, who baptized

them with amrit and gave them a separate identity with five K-signs,

namely Kara (the iron bangle), Kanga (the comb), Kes the hair), Kacha

(the long underwear) and Kirpan (the sword) created a unique

individual who was a saint and soldier at the same time, a

combination of Bhakti and Shakti. It seems Guru Gobind Singh was a

worshipper of the Bhagwati as is evident from his writings. On

completion of the writing of the holy granth saheb he wrote in


Meaning: The Divine Mother of this universe showered her blessings on

me; therefore I was able to complete this granth.


In his autobiography he writes, " HEM KUNT PARBAT HAI JAHAN, SAPT


AARADHI " . Meaning: In my previous life, I did lot of penance at

Hemkunt Mountain and worshipped the supreme Lord and the Adi Shakti

or the primordial mother (KALKA). Aaradhi means worshipping a female



He composed ARDAS, the prayer of Sikhs. This prayer is recited by all

Sikhs in a standing manner, after performing any religious ceremony,

and is part and parcel of Sikh's everyday ritual. He writes, 'EK


one creator, who is realised with the grace of true guru, and then

seek the assistance and blessings of Bhagwati. In second line he

writes, " VAR SHRI BHAGAUTI JI KI PATSHAI DASVI " . The verse of shree

Bhagwati and the ten true gurus. In the third line he


foremost, remember the Bhagwati and then Nanak and the other gurus

thereafter. So he kept Bhagwati Mother over and above Nanak and the

other Sikh Gurus. Such seemed to be his respect for the Bhagwati.

Thus, all Sikhs, unknowingly or knowingly worship and seek the

blessings of Bhagwati everyday. Sikhism preaches the realization of

union with divine in a sahaj manner and can aptly be described as

Sahajayoga. In everyday life, which is in the fast track mode these

days, it is extremely important to attain the sahaj, natural and

spontaneous state of mind, to lead a peaceful, happy and joyous life.





Note: There are a number of articles by Sikhs trying to depreciate,

even erase, the Goddess (Bhagauti/Bhagawati). i do not wish to

confuse readers by stating all the different interpretations and

reasons given by Sikhs to distance themselves from the Goddess



Maybe it is easy for Sikhs to do so with Bhagauti but what about Adi

Shakti? How are they going to explain the Adi Shakti or the

Primordial Mother (KALKA) away? There is just no way.


Last, but not the least, what about the Aykaa Mayee (One Mother) who

is entrenched in their Jap Ji Sahib, the most revered daily morning

prayers that opens the voluminous Guru Granth Sahib? No Sikh wants to

discuss about the Aykaa Mayee because they just are too conditioned

and rote learning of little understood Gurumkhi scriptural text does

little to stimulate the mind. In all my life as a Sikh i never heard

any priest, parent or Sikh talking about the Aykaa Mayee. Till today

i am unable to understand why they are so blind or deaf to the

word " Aykaa Mayee " .


The 1430-page Guru Granth Sahib refers to God Almighty (Waheguru) as

both Father and Mother i.e., God and His creative aspect Adi Shakti.

She is not only entrenched in the Holy Scriptures of Sikhism and

Hinduism but the Bible and Qur'an as well. Shri Brahma, Vishnu,

Shiva, Ganesha, Durga, Mahakali, Saraswati, Nanak, Buddha, Jesus,

Prophet Muhammad, etc., are all Her creation and Self. She is your

Self and mine too. That is why all meditate on Her within themselves.


But how can the ignorant and conditioned religious masses be made to

realize that? How can they wake up when their own gianis, priests and

pandits know as much about Self-realization as a Kalahari bushman

knows about Häagen-Dazs.







, Furat Aesam

<springingriver wrote:



> Var Sri Bhagauti Ji Also known as Chandi di

Var Var Sri Bhagauti Ji can be found in the Dasam Granth

and is third in a trilogy of compositions about the goddess Durga. It

is one of the few compositions written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in

punjabi and it is regarded as one of most significant compositions in

this language. It narrates the exploits of the goddess Durga as she

battles the demons to wrestle control of the lands of the gods.

> It was a tradition in the olden days to recite poetry and

vars of chivalry, courage and super human exploits on the eve of

battle to imbue the courageous spirit and vigor needed to face the

enemy. Having this in mind, Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote these

compositions to fill the Sikhs with a martial spirit when they went

into war and not because of any admiration for the goddess.

> It has been suggested by some that Guru Gobind Singh Ji

may have worshipped Durga and thus wrote this var as an ode to her.

Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of Sikhism or the tenth Guru

will know that this is absolutely absurd. For Guru Sahib Ji

worshipped the One true Lord and none else. At the beginning of this

composition Guru Gobind Singh Ji is very careful to state this. In

the first verse Guru Sahib Ji evokes God with the name of Bhagauti

and then calls upon the nine Gurus by name to assist and protect him.

Guru Sahib Ji then recounts how God then created the whole universe.

It should be noted that at a time when most of civilization regarded

the world to be flat Guru Sahib Ji states that God created the worlds

without pillars or support . Guru Sahib Ji then states quite clearly

that Durga (as well as Sri RamChandra Ji and Bhagwan Krishan Ji)

obtained her power and strength from the One Timeless Lord.

> Guru Gobind Singh Ji has written :

> Mai `n' ganays(i) pritham manaaoo(n), kisn bisn kabhoo(n) nh


> Kaan sunay pahichaan `n' thin so, liv laagee more pag in so

> I do not praise or hail Ganesh nor do I let the thought of Vishnu

or any incarnations of Vishnu enter my mind. I know of their

existence, but I do not ever worship them. May my prayers and

thoughts always be in the immaculate, holy feet of the Lord (the one

and only).

> Mhaa kaal rakhvaar hamaaroo , Mhaa(n) loh mai kinkar thaaro

> Apnaa jaan karo rakhvaar , ba(n)h(i) gahay kee laaj bichaar

> I pray to my protector, the one that brings death to Death (the

deity `Klal'; which was worshipped in the past). Oh unbreakable one,

I am your slave. Make me your slave oh Lord and watch over me. (I

have come to your sanctuary) So preserve my honour.


> The Var Bhagauti Ji is the mukh vaak of Guru Gobind Singh Ji,

that is, it is a composition as uttered by Guru Sahib Ji and the

descriptions of war and battle are the most stunning (although some

impact is lost due to translation) and Guru Sahib Ji heaps praise on

all who are brave and courageous, whether they are the gods or demons.



> Verse 1 - 10 Verse 11 - 20 Verse 21 - 30 Verse31 -

40 Verse 41 - 50 Verse 51 - 55 Home


Dear All,


> Just a few days back i realized how little my Sikh mother knew about

> Sikhism. This sad realization was made all the more clearer by my

> sister-in-law, a university graduate, who despite having a deep

> grounding in Sikhism is just as ignorant. Like most Sikhs, they too

> have been conditioned that Sikhism forbids the worship of the Devi.

> The fact that most Sikhs, like Muslims, do not understand the

> language of their holy scriptures just keeps them ignorant and at


> mercy of the priests.


> But if you read the holy scriptures of Sikhism you will realize that

> Shri Mataji is absolutely correct when She said " " They (Sikhs) came

> to Sahaja, but they said, " We cannot worship Goddess. " I

said " Why? " "


> i just cannot understand why Sikhs are so blind, all the more to the

> Aykaa Mayee (One Mother) whom they have recited countless times over

> the centuries when they read the Japji Sahib. Moreover, the Dasam

> Granth is clear about the Devi:


> " 6. The Granth contains sixteen compositions versified in different

> forms of poetry in the following order:


> Jap (meditation)

> Bachitar Natak ( autobiography of the Guru)

> Akal Ustat (praises of God)

> Chandi Charitar I & II (the character of goddess Chandi)

> Chandi di Var (a ballad to describe goddess Durga)

> Gian Prabodh (the awakening of knowledge)

> Chaubis Avtar (24 incarnations of Vishnu)

> Brahm Avtar (incarnation of Brahma)

> Rudar Avtar (incarnation of Shiv)

> Shabad Hazare (ten shabads)

> Swayyae (33 stanzas)

> Khalsa Mehma (the praises of the Khalsa)

> Shaster Nam Mala ( a list of weapons)

> Triya Charitar (the character of women)

> Zafarnama (epistle of victory, a letter written to Emperor


> Hikayats. (stories) "


> http://www.allaboutsikhs.com/basics/intro-03.htm



> " Touching upon various aspects of all religion and the mission of

> these incarnations, Shri Mataji reminded us of Sikhism and its

> teaching and the paradox that the present people have on

> understanding God in their own terms. She says " We have also Sikh

> community. They came to Sahaja, but they said, " We cannot worship

> Goddess. " I said " Why? " Surprised at it, because Shri Guru Nanak

> has talked about the Goddess, the Devi. The first sentence of His

> book is Adya. Adya is the Adi Shakti. And for this, if the Sikhs

> stupidly say, then why do they have a 'Chandi'-'garh'. That's so

> stupid also, nothing to really compare. "


> Transcript of 2001 Christmas Puja message of Shri Mataji



> Not only that but the Dasam Granth also praises Shri Brahma, Shiva

> and Vishnu ......... who were first created by the Aykaa Mayee.


> All this is but another pearl to be added in the priceless Necklace

> of Knowledge that the Devi (Aykaa Mayee/Shakti) has bestowed over


> years. i have realized that ignorant gianis and priests have made

> fools out of the religious faithful and retarded their spiritual

> growth. That is why if you need to move even a single step in any

> direction to pray to God you are going the wrong way.


> regards to all,


> jagbir



> Related Article:




> ave_to_be_a_govind_singh_1-24-2006.htm





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