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Truth, Consciousness, Bliss (Sat, Chit, Ananda)...

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, " my2 pai " <my2pai wrote:


" It should be noted that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has indicated to the Sahaja

Yogis that Ramana Maharshi was an incarnation of Lord Shiva. "



Dear All,


Ramana Maharshi said that... " If you want moksha write, read and practise the

instructions in Ellam Ondre. "

http://www.cosmicharmony.com/EllamOndre/EllamOndre.htm). The Ellam Ondre is a

small book, which poses many questions, but also gives some very good answers,

which are not in a Q & A Format. However, in order to gain the fullest benefit

from them, i have put them in a Q & A Format for our spiritual contemplation and

edification. So... here they are folks...



Q./ Who is God?


A./ God is He who has transcended all that is seen by us.


Q./ If transcending this world, is there no relation between Him and

this world?


A./ Not a particle here is unrelated to Him.


Q./ Then what is meant by transcending the world?


A./ The world comprises us and the objects seen by us. In other words, the

animate and inanimate together form the world.


Q./ What shall we say of Him who created the beings and things?


A./ Of these two, we say the conscious beings to be superior. All that we can

apprehend is that He belongs to the highest order of beings known to us. Our

intellect cannot proceed further. Thus, our Creator is superior to us; He cannot

be apprehended by our intellect; therefore His Name, Transcended Being,

" Kadawul, " means that He surpasses our intellect. Hence His Name is " Kadawul " -

Transcended Being.


Q./ Can God then not be made known to us?


A./ Not quite so. In a way, He is known to us. This much of His Grace is enough

for us. We have no need for all His Greatness. He has made known so much of His

Greatness as will suffice to eradicate our misery. There is no reason for Him to

reveal a jot more of His Power than is necessary to remedy our defects in the

present state. Thus He is known according to our needs. Nay, He is in our grasp.

However limitless, He is within reach of our knowledge to some extent.


Q./ What is it which brings Him within reach of our knowledge?


A./ That He is known as Being-Consciousness-Bliss. " Being " denotes that which is

imperishable; that which exists forever.


Q./ Should He become nonexistent at any time, who is His Destroyer? Who created



A./ Since the perishable nature of all leads to the inference that they are

lorded over by One who is imperishable, this immortal Overlord is God. His

imperishable nature is Being (Sat).


Q./ Now, what is Consciousness (Chit)?


A./ By Consciousness we mean knowledge. This is absolute Knowledge, and not like

our erring intellectual knowledge. Irregularity or mistake cannot stain its

actions. It is Knowledge, pure and simple. Frequently He teaches us saying,

" Your knowledge is irregular and erring. " How orderly are even the insentient

objects of His creation! It is known to many how an atheist was taught a good

lesson when he derided the scheme of things saying, " Why did He make the seed so

small for the banyan tree which is so big? " That an insentient thing is found in

good order and later becomes useful... implies a conscious agency at work.


Q./ Can a simple, insentient thing do something which is possible for unfailing

knowledge only? Or, can't it be done by our inadequate knowledge?


A./ No, it can never be. Therefore God is said to be Consciousness (Chit) also.


Q./ Now, what is Bliss?


A./ It is the state of being free from desire for anything. It is Peace which is

ever full. Were He to desire anything, how could He be better than ourselves?

How could we gain Bliss from Him? He Himself would require another being to

fulfil His desires. But who would think Him to be so? The state of

self-contentment is that of Bliss also. Therefore He is called Bliss (Ananda).




The three (Being, Consciousness, Bliss) are inseparable. Otherwise, they would

become naught individually. Hence, He is known as Being-Consciousness-Bliss

(Sat-Chit-Ananda). Thus God remains not only transcendent but also falls within

the reach of our knowledge as Being-Consciousness-Bliss.



And now folks... here is what Shri Mataji has given in relation to Truth,

Consciousness, and Bliss. It is not 'absolutely literal' or 'verbatim

quotations'... as for the benefit of comprehension and clarity, i have

streamlined some of it, put it into compatible word casing and added some

notations (in brackets). Her essential teachings remain intact. i trust you will

enjoy these beautiful Truths that Shri Mataji has given.






Shri Mataji: " On Truth Being What It Is " ...


At the very outset, we have to know that Truth is what it is. We cannot change

it. We cannot conceptualize it. We have to know it. Unfortunately, at this human

awareness level we cannot know the Truth. We have to become the Spirit.

(Birthday Puja - Delhi, India - 21 March, 1992)




Shri Mataji: " On Being One With The Truth " ...


The second Statute is that you have to stand on your own legs and know that you

are " One with the Truth " (which is) the testimony of the Truth, that you have

seen the Truth, (that) you know what is (the) Truth and (that) you cannot

compromise with falsehood. You just cannot! For that you need not harm anyone.

You just have to profess it. You have to stand up and say that you have seen the

Truth and (that) this is the Truth, and you have to be " One " with it, so that

people (will) see that Light of (the) Truth in you and accept it. It is not

(just) for telling others (not for simply passing on the Truth 'as given') but

(in order to confirm that) " this is the Truth we have seen and this is what

God's Laws are (and this is) how they work out. " (Advice, Guru Puja, " Guru

Purnima Day " - London, England - 29 July, 1980)




Shri Mataji: " On Announcing the Truth " ...


Those who have not felt the vibrations, should not talk of Sahaja Yoga. They

have no authority. They have to receive vibrations. They have to fully imbibe

(the vibrations) within them and then they can say, " Yes, we felt " (the Truth).

This is (a) very important task Sahaja Yogis have to do in these Modern times -

i.e. to tell aloud that they have found the Truth. That part is very weak.


In Whatever Way You Like... you can Announce the Truth! You can write books, you

can talk to your friends, relations, everyone, and tell them, " this is the

Truth " ... that (we) have entered into the Kingdom of God, that we have been

blessed by the Grace of God (and) that we are realised souls... that we have

felt the Divine power which is prevailing everywhere (and) that we can give

realization to others.


This (is what) we have to tell others, and you (must) know that by accepting the

Truth, you are not adding anything to the Truth, but you are adoring your

(Highest) Self. One requires courage to enjoy the Truth. Sometimes people may

mock at you, laugh at you and persecute also but that should not worry you

because your relationship is with the Statutes, with the Grace of God.


When that (relationship with the Grace of God and His Statutes) is your

connection, you should not worry about what other people have to say about it.

You have to stand up, adorn yourself with that Truth and talk to people... and

people will know that you (have) found it. With the authenticity with which you

speak, people will know that you have found it (found the Truth).


The difference between a realized soul and a non-realized soul is basically

this. (The realised soul) does not talk of woes and his separation with God. He

says: " l have found it now. This is it! " Like Christ said, " I am the Light, I am

the Path " . Anybody can say that, but you can make out (when) it is not (the)

truth. With confidence, with complete understanding coming out of your heart,

people can make out (that) this is the absolute Truth.


And then all kinds of falsehood must be denounced. (It) doesn't matter if

somebody feels bad, because by telling 'that', you are saving them and not

harming them. But (it) must be told in a correct way; not in a frivolous way. In

a very persuasive way, you must tell them that this is wrong. You must wait for

the time when you can tell people... more in confidence. Tell them, " this is

wrong, it is wrong, you don't know. We have done the same thing! "


This is how you are going to express your principle of Mastery or you can say

" Guru Tatwa " . You have to be truthful. First and foremost thing is that you

should know the Truth and stand (on) that Testimony and Announce it. (Advice,

Guru Puja - Guru Purnima Day - London, England - 29/07/80)




Shri Mataji: " The Truth with which you can remain Ever-Blissful " ...


You should devote the whole life to Sahaja Yoga (your union with the Divine).

You should give every moment to Sahaja Yoga (that union with the Divine). That

means living spontaneously. Where will the spontaneity come from? It comes from

the Living Force. It comes from that living force, which is ever present within

you. You should not think of anything else! Even (if you do) otherwise, you

cannot enjoy (it).


Only God is the Enjoyer! You are under (the) wrong impression 'that YOU are

enjoying'. God is the Enjoyer and He alone is the Creator. You are just

in-between. You are just like pipes. If at all you enjoy something, it is God

(you are enjoying) who has unending Love for you. This is the Truth with which

you can remain Ever-Blissful. You can never get Joy from anything else! Whatever

may be the thing, He is the Enjoyer! So, the point is, today you (may) get

something you want, but you are not happy. Tomorrow, you would like something

else and even though that is given to you, you will (still) not be happy. You

will never become happy from worldly things.


Paramatma (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramatma) is the Enjoyer and therefore

All should desire Him. We should enjoy the God who is the Enjoyer of every

Thing. If we start enjoying Him, what else do we need to enjoy? We should enjoy

His bliss, what God's Creation is, what a beautiful World He has made and how

many things He has given us! Now (that) we have become Sahaja yogis, God has

given this Shakti in us. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakti) Now we can know

our Atma (http://hinduwebsite.com/atman.asp) and can recognise the Spirit in

others (and) how much Unending Grace, God is showering on us.


With these thoughts, you should grow in inner happiness. If you start enjoying

the God like this, then you will find that your heart is growing and growing and

you feel as if it is encompassing (the) entire creation! Today, my message to

you is: " Start enjoying the Paramatma " . Leaving aside all other things... " enjoy

God " ! Have that Joy everywhere, of what God has given to you, what are the

things He has given to you. Be joyous about them. Then you will find that your

attention has stabilised. In this way you will progress in Sahaja yoga (your

union with the Divine). Every minute you should appreciate: " I have received

this. I have received such and such blessings etc. " Otherwise, your complaints

will never end and your aggression will also not stop! (Translated Advice from

Hindi - New Delhi, India - 11 March, 1981; also in Nirmala Yoga - Vol. 3 -

May-June 1981)




Shri Mataji: " On Becoming a Joyous Collective Being " ...


The nature of the Kundalini (lit. " coiled energy " ) is that it is the power of

pure Desire. She is the individual mother of every individual and she is the one

that is dormant and waiting for a proper time to give every individual his or

her Second Birth (a.k.a. Kundalini Awakening, Self-Realisation or Baptism of the

Holy Spirit). She is like a tape which has a record of all the good deeds


(/message/7215?unwrap=1 & var=1\

& l=1)... all the wrong things... the desires and aspirations of the individual.

She is like a primule in a dormant seed.


Once She is awakened and is connected to the All-Pervading Power, the spiritual

growth of the fourth dimension (Turiya) starts:

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turiya) The nature of the Spirit is that it is a

Universal Being within every individual (just) as there is One God Almighty. His

projection (God Almighty's projection) on every human heart is the same, but the

projection of the Spirit (the Universal Being)... varies, because of the

different types of projectors (different types of people).


When this Spirit, which is the Source of Joy and Truth, is connected through the

Kundalini, the human attention becomes enlightened. Thus one knows the Absolute

Truth on their Central Nervous System and becomes a Joyous Collective Being. The

Spirit is projected in the Heart, but the Seat of God Almighty is above the

fontanelle bone area... above the apex of the head.


After this Living Force of Kundalini is connected to the all-pervading Divine

power within a human being, it starts developing the spirituality of a person.

One touches the spirituality within one's Self and grows into another

dimension... the Fourth one. Thus a saintly and wise personality develops. This

personality is the one which is unfolding itself naturally, spontaneously

(Sahaja)... but also, by knowing how to handle this all-pervading power through

the knowledge of purity (Shuddha Vidya)... one can evolve in a much faster way

into that new dimension.


(Note: Shri Mataji has also called this the " Pure Knowledge of the Spirit " ):-


Once the Spirit starts shining fully in one's attention, one actually becomes

enlightened in the sense that one can see for oneself... that they become their

own Guide... their own Master. Then you don't need any Guide, but you are the

Master of yourself. In the past, this process was limited to one or two very few

persons, but now a phenomena to allow 'En-Masse Realisation' was discovered

about twenty years ago... (which has changed the numbers of people able to

become their own Guide, their own Master.) All such enlightened people follow a

religion which is called as " Vishwa Nirmala Dharma " ... meaning " the innate pure

religion within us " . These people have actualised the enlightenment. They have

actualised the Baptism (of the Spirit) because they feel the Cool Breeze, as

Kundalini pierces through the fontanel, and thus (they) have become religious

saints, yogis, yoginis and seers:


( " The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know

where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is Born of the

Spirit. " - John 3:8)


They are not like ordinary people, who have not entered into this New Fourth

Dimension of Awareness and established themselves. These are the people who know

themselves " Within " ... and (who) know others in collective consciousness. They

are the people who have achieved a state in which they know on their Central

Nervous System that they are Part and Parcel of the " Whole " .


lt is not a blind faith or lip service building a net of empty words ( " Shabda

Jalam " ). This is the Knowledge of the Roots. All the trees of Modern

Civilisation have grown outside. If we do not go to our Roots and find out the

fundamentals of our existence... these unbalanced... crazily expanded

civilisations, are going to be destroyed. It is very important and imminent that

the World should try to take its Attention towards finding out its Roots. It is

described in every Scripture in some way or other, and has been extensively

described in the Indian scriptures. India is a very Ancient Country and it has

been blessed by many seers and saints who wrote treatises about Reality, and

Guidelines of how to achieve it. (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - First small English

Book - Chapter 2 - Vishwa Nirmala Dharma)

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