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What Shri Mataji says about the different Yugas...

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Dear All,


Shri Mataji has given us information regarding the different Periods of Time,

called " Yugas " by the Hindus. In particular, these are called Kali Yuga (Age of

Confusion and Conflict), Krita Yuga (Age of Transformation or Actualisation of

Spiritual Experience) and Satya Yuga (Age of Truth or Reality) in which the

Golden Age returns and man's faculties manifest themselves in full glory once



A short intro from what Shri Mataji gave is followed by info She gave on the

diffent Yugas; Kali Yuga, Krita Yuga, and Satya Yuga. So please enjoy it for all

our collective spiritual edification.


Btw. here is Wikipedia's definition on Yuga:




love to all,





Short Introduction on the Yugas...


In the Puranas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puranas) the Modern Times we are

now living in are called " Kali Yuga " , the Age of Confusion and Conflict. Yugas

are periods of time, thousands of years long, that recur in a cyclic or spiral

progression. Dwapara Yuga is the second age, when people begin to lose some of

the great qualities they had in the first or Golden Age, and Kali Yuga marks the

lowest point of moral and spiritual development in each cycle. It (Kali Yuga) is

followed by " Krita Yuga " , the Age of Transformation or Actualisation of

Spiritual Experience, which finally leads to " Satya Yuga " , the Age of Truth or

Reality in which the Golden Age returns and all man's faculties begin to

manifest themselves in their full glory once again. Thus, according to the

Puranas, humanity has great hope of enjoying Satya Yuga (Age of Truth or

Reality) which will give Peace, Harmony and Divine Love.


If we tally the description of Kali Yuga in the Puranas with very obvious

observations of the present state of our society, it seems to me that the worst

period of Kali Yuga started during the first quarter of this century. It is

almost unbelievable how culture and thought have completely changed in such a

short time, particularly in the West. In Kali Yuga, all traditional values are

more and more undermined and destroyed and there is great moral confusion. There

is also a restless seeking for new forms and new kinds of order. According to

the Puranas, when the lowest point is reached, the people will have lost contact

with their Inner Sense of Dharma (meaning an innate Sense of Righteousness, that

is sustained). There will be confusion between (what is) right and wrong.

Children will no longer respect their parents. Men will think and act like women

and women will become like men. The lowest grades of human beings will take over

positions of Power and Authority, and the Higher, Spiritual Type of Human Being

will be neglected and despised.


However, about twenty years ago, marking the very first stirring of a new Satya

Yuga (Age of Truth/Reality)... the transitional age called " Krita Yuga "

( " Critical Yuga!!!??? " ) started manifesting itself. Krita Yuga is a unique

period of Spiritual Ascent... as the All-Pervading Power called " Paramchaitanya "

in Sanskrit, has become active at the level of ordinary human existence. It is

predicted that this Divine Activity will bring about the long-awaited Satya

Yuga, the Era of (Spiritual) Growth and Spiritual Ascent. All the signs show

that it is the Era of Truth which is now advancing, and we can see very clearly,

for example... how quite ordinary people are becoming aware of (the) Absolute

Truth and Reality through Sahaja Yoga.


Sahaja Yoga is the spontaneous union of the individual consciousness with the

All Pervading Divine Power through the awakening of the residual power of the

Kundalini, which lies dormant within all human beings in the triangular bone at

the base of the spine, called the sacrum - the sacred bone. (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi - Book, Meta Modern Era - Chapter 1 - Modernism and Rationality - 29/9/95)




What Shri Mataji says about the Kali Yuga...


I see in you the saviours of tomorrow, who are going to save this world from all

the Kali Yuga calamities, that are surrounding us. It's coming from all sides,

while you people have really taken your Second Birth (Kundalini

Awakening/Baptism of the Holy Spirit) from this pond (of) Kali Yuga, and have

really become beautiful lotuses of different colours, use, fragrancy and beauty.

Instead of you celebrating My birthday, it's better I celebrate your birthdays!

(Shri Mataji - 70th Birthday Puja - Delhi, India - 21 March, 1993)



If we tally the description of Kali Yuga in the Puranas with very obvious

observations of the present state of our society, it seems to me that the worst

period of Kali Yuga started during the first quarter of this century. It is

almost unbelievable how culture and thought have completely changed in such a

short time, particularly in the West. In Kali Yuga, all traditional values are

more and more undermined and destroyed and there is great moral confusion. There

is also a restless seeking for new forms and new kinds of order. According to

the Puranas, when the lowest point is reached, the people will have lost contact

with their inner sense of Dharma (sustained innate sense of righteousness).

There will be confusion between right and wrong. Children will no longer respect

their parents. Men will think and act like women and women will become like men.

The lowest grades of human beings will take over positions of power and

authority, and the higher, spiritual type of human being will be neglected and

despised. (Shri Mataji - Meta Modern Era - Chap. 1 - Modernism and Rationality -

29 September, 1995)



These are Modern Days of corruption and delusion. Unfortunately for many, like

the friends of the Western gentleman who wanted to shout about truth from the

roof-tops, in Kali Yuga " seeking " has developed its own momentum and people

don't want to give up the " activity of seeking " ... even when they come face to

face with what they are looking for! In the film " Modern Times " ... where Charlie

Chaplin had been working on a conveyor belt full of bolts, the activity of

'fixing the nuts' created such an inertia in his body, that even when he had

finished fixing the nuts and the conveyor belt had stopped moving, (he still

went on) performing the same action of " fixing something with his hands " . This

really is an analogy of those people who are running in the Rat Race of Seeking

and just can't get out of the habit. In this way, the " seeking of the Truth " has

(gained) that inertia which no longer can be controlled by putting on the

brakes, nor by pausing for a moment in order to listen to someone who really can

say how one finds the Absolute Truth.


(It seems that) the Knowers of the Truth are always faced with blank

incomprehension. As the poet Kabir has said: " How can I explain what I know and

see... when the whole world is blind " . Of course since Kabir's Time, things have

changed... and at this present moment, I cannot say that 'all the world is

blind' because there are thousands and thousands who have come with open minds

to know about Absolute Truth through Kundalini Awakening. Surprisingly, there

are quite a number of these realised souls.


(However), when falsehood becomes the nature of human beings, they destroy all

higher values in the mud of money and assumed powers. These money-blinded people

believe in satanic methods of harming good people with lies, false scandals and

vulgarity. (Shri Mataji - First small English Book - Chap.1 - Sahaja Yoga)



If we have to change this world, and if we have to save our people from complete

destruction, we have to take to wisdom, and that is only possible when the brain

is enlightened by Kundalini. This is what is very important today, when we see

that this world is on the verge of destruction. Of course, the Creator himself

is very anxious to save us and that is why he has in these modern times which

are called Kali Yuga, made the all-pervading power activated. (Shri Mataji -

first small English book - Chap.2 - Vishwa Nirmala Dharma... " Vishwa " meaning

" universe " ; " Nirmala " meaning " pure " or " immaculate " and " Dharma " meaning

" religion " ... thereby meaning " Universal Pure Religion " or " Universal Immaculate

Religion " )



So... now a New Age has started which is called the Age of Aquarius, (Kumbha)

meaning the pitcher carrier of spiritual holy water that is the work of

Kundalini. The activity of the Kundalini is like the sap of the tree that rises

and nourishes all parts of the tree and does not get stuck at one flower (one

energy centre/chakra). Moreover, these are Special Times. This is the

Resurrection Time. The Last Judgment is done by the Kundalini. On the fingertips

one can feel oneself and can judge oneself. Moreover, the all-pervading power

has become very activated, so the Kali Yuga (Modern times) is passing into (the)

Krita Yuga of (the) Brahma Chaitanya (activated all-pervading power). This is

helping the en-masse enlightenment and self realisation. After this, (there)

will be Satya Yuga (the Age of Truth). We have to take advantage of this

activity of the Brahma Chaitanya by all the time being corrected with the

all-pervading power and achieving our realisation and establishing it. After

such a state a person becomes very dynamic and compassionate. His race, sex,

nationality and age do not hamper his dynamic life. (Shri Mataji - First small

English book - Chap.2 - Vishwa Nirmala Dharma)




What Shri Mataji says about the Krita Yuga...


In this age of Krita Yuga, through the compassion of the Param Chaitanya (the

power of the Divine Love surrounding us)... the Kundalini is being raised in

countless human beings so that (what) is actually happening (is that) God's

people have become prophets... and what is more... they have (the) powers to

make others prophets too. (Shri Mataji - Book/Meta Modern Era - chap.1 -

Modernism and Rationality - 29/09/95)



And this is is what one has to recognize... that in this world there are many

people who are basically very great Spirits. (The) only thing (is), you have to

approach them, find them out, understand them, and discover them. Now... Sahaja

Yogis are not so much upset as they were about 10 years back. Now they know that

there are many people in this world who understand Sahaja Yoga. But that is not

sufficient. We have to give self-realisation to many thousands and thousands of

people (who) have to get their realisation. This is to prove, when you celebrate

my birthday, that this is not any more a Kali Yuga, but Krita Yuga has started,

and that Krita Yuga has to be finished now to bring the Satya Yuga on this

Earth. (Shri Mataji - Birthday Puja - Delhi, India - 28 March, 1983)



The Brahma Chaitanya (all-pervading power) has itself become very active as a

new type of age called " Krita Yuga " has started. It is achieving results and

producing miracles. It is not only talk or reading scriptures, but it is

" actualisation " and the proof. Of course, all false people are afraid of facing

the Truth, because Sahaja Yoga goes against their (egoic or materialistic)

interests. (Therefore) they are challenging and opposing violently the spread of

Sahaja Yoga. (Shri Mataji - first small English book - Chap 1 - Sahaja Yoga)



All the signs show that it is the Era of Truth which is now advancing and we can

see very clearly, for example, how quite ordinary people are becoming aware of

Absolute Truth and Reality through Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is the spontaneous

union of the individual consciousness with the All Pervading Divine Power

through the awakening of the residual power of the Kundalini, which lies dormant

within all human beings in the triangular bone at the base of the spine, called

the sacrum - the sacred bone. (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Book/ Meta Modern Era

- Chapter 1 - Modernism and Rationality - 29/09/95)



However, the manifestatiion of Krita Yuga may not yet be apparent to the

majority of human beings since Kali Yuga is still manifesting itself throughout

the whole world, but it seems more so in the West and in a much deeper manner.

However in India and in many other so-called " developing countries " where the

dharma is still respected, Kali Yuga has produced a style of life which is no

longer so traditional and dharmic... especially in the cities. The Western

modern culture is very dangerously attacking the culture of the East and

converting young people to a very cheap, frivolous, superficial and

self-promoting way of life. (Shri Mataji - book/Meta Modern Era - Chap.1 -

Modernism and Rationality - 29/09/95)




Krita Yuga has another characteristic by which when this Yuga is manifested, the

falsehood of all outside religions (and) all people in power who are unpatriotic

and dishonest... will be automatically exposed. (Also) all false prophets and

cult leaders will be exposed and all organisations that perpetrate falsehood and

hatred in the Name of God... will also be exposed, because in Krita Yuga, the

Truth is " spontaneously " brought out. All corrupt entrepreneurs and false

teachers will also be exposed.


A second characteristic of Krita Yuga is that whenever there is a falling away

from Dharma, (then) the Inner Divine Laws of Righteousness which are innate and

which regulate both Human Existence, the Whole Worldly Structure, as well as

(the) Manifestation of the Cosmos... (they) arise as a result, with a

corresponding, compensatory effect. This is called the Law of Polarity or in

Sanskrit " Karma Phalam " (the " Fruits of Action " ) which means in practical terms,

that whatever you have done... you will get the " fruits " of those actions; " as

you sow, so shall you reap " . So in this Yuga, all persons will get their Karma

Phalam. If they have led their lives in accordance with the Universal and

Eternal Laws of Being (Dharma), (then) they will enjoy an existence which is

harmonious and fulfilling. But on the other hand, whatever wrongs they have

done, that is, whenever they have fallen out of the Central Path of Dharma...

either individually or collectively, they will have to pay for that in this



(Therefore), in Krita Yuga there may be much to suffer. This is very

unfortunate, but it is simply the effect of our own actions which we have to

face. Of course suffering can be avoided, if people achieve their (Spiritual)

Ascent into what in Yoga we call the State of Spirit, or (the) Union with the

Divine Power. (However), in Krita Yuga, this manifestation of exposure and

punishment through the Law of Polarity, will take place as long as we do not

accept the Path of Spirituality which is the only true and satisfying path for

human beings. The suffering that befalls people, both collectively and

individually, will be nothing but their own " Karma Phalam " , the result of their

own choices.


However, despite this aspect, Krita Yuga is also a very Blissful Era for those

who are genuinely earnest Seekers of the Truth. In Krita Yuga, there are unique

opportunities for Self-Transformation and with their (spiritual) ascent, these

Seekers will achieve a very high state of spirituality. But in this Age of Krita

Yuga, such is the power of Divine compassion and love (a.k.a. paramchaitanya)

that those who have made mistakes and are consequently suffering, are also

redeemed of their sufferings by the Activity of this All-Pervading Divine love.


Furthermore, it is said in the Puranas that the residual power (innate energy

compelling higher spiritual seeking and ascent) which is the Kundalini... will

be awakened and will grant self-realisation (knowledge of the highest Self) to

the seekers. This power will also grant them physical, emotional and spiritual

bliss, and all the problems which come from our inner being through the energy

centres of the subtle instrument will be solved through the spontaneous

cleansing and harmonising activity of the kundalini. In this way, all individual

human problems, as well as those collective or social problems that have been

created by human beings in this world... will be solved. But it is said that

this state is only meant (only there) for people who through their (spiritual)

ascent... have achieved the state of Selfhood. (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Book/Meta Modern Era - Chapter 1 - Modernism and Rationality - 29/09/95)



There are ancient prophesies which can now be seen vividly. The Indian sage, who

may be called the pioneer in this field, was the first great astrologer,

Bhrigumuni. In his book " Nadi Granth " , he made clear predictions about these

modern times.




He also specifically predicted how the Kundalini would be awakened spontaneously

through Sahaja Yoga, that is, spontaneous union with the Divine, and become the

means of both individual and collective transformation on a mass scale, through

teachings (of the) incarnation of a great Yogi. This Yogi would be an

unparalleled master of the Kundalini and would teach all the people the ancient

secrets of self-transformation. These are the times described in the Holy Bible

as the " Last Judgement " and in the Koran as " Kiyama " , the Resurrection Time.

Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of rebirth and of

great spiritual development on the Earth.


Of course, this is also the age of science and technology in which human beings

have progressed beyond the stage of blind faith. And in this great happening of

the Last Judgement and the Resurrection Time, one need not, and should not,

believe 'blindfolded' in whatever is said about ascent or salvation, but should

treat it like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with an open mind... like a

scientist. Of course, if a hypothesis is proved, then any honest, scientifically

minded modern person has to accept it. The pure knowledge of the Divine...

manifesting itself directly through Self-Realisation... will progressively lead

to the creation of a new race for the new Age. This knowledge is not then for a

very few privileged individuals... as it was in the past, but (it is) for the

benevolence of the whole world. In this way, the last breakthrough of our

evolution will be achieved en masse. The entire human race can be renewed and

transformed. Dharma and righteousness will once again be universally respected,

and human beings will (once again) live in peace, harmoniously... with

themselves, with nature and with each other. (Shri Mataji - Book/ Meta Modern

Era - Chap.1 - Modernism and Rationality - 29/09/95)




What Shri Mataji says about the Satya Yuga...


The Satya Yuga has to he established by the Sahaja Yogis. Now they are not alone

like Christ Our Lord, Mohammed the Prophet, Socrates the philosopher or other

incarnations, seers and realised souls. They are in (the) thousands (in

numbers). They are not in any way hampered by the few people who are trying to

harm their collective progress. The Truth will be established... and " thus " , the

Dawn of Satya Yuga (the Kingdom of God) will be seen on the horizon. The Message

of Sahaja Yoga is that even these negative people have to accept the truth and

enjoy the blessings of Divine Love. (Shri Mataji - First small English book -

Chap.1 - Sahaja Yoga)



The attention of the consciousness moves to the inner being (Kundalini). As the

thread of a necklace (Sutra)...(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutra) is passing

through every bead of the necklace, the inner consciousness (Kundalini) is also

passing through every human being. As soon as our attention moves to our inner

consciousness we can move on to everybody's Kundalini. One starts feeling the

Kundalini... its nature... its position, in other persons. Collective

consciousness is thus established. Now you become a universal being.


After some days you cannot say who is the other person (because) the power of

love is so great and dynamic that with the movement of your fingers you can move

the Kundalini of thousands. It becomes child's play. This is how the en masse

evolution of human beings will take place. These are the signs of the advent of

the Golden age of Truth (Satya Yoga).


(So) let us forget whatever hardships we have suffered in our search in the

past. It does not matter if some could not find it before this. You have to open

your mind and understand that though the discovery is unprecedented, it does not

make any seeker or predecessor small. If some experiments are made, it does not

matter if... ultimately we have found out the way. It is a collective

achievement. Perhaps in the chaos of Kali Yuga, it was to happen and many of us

who have been earnestly searching in many lives... are reborn to have our

promises fulfilled by the Divine. Maybe we were our own predecessors.


On the tree of life there might have been very few flowers but now the blossom

time has come (and) their fragrance of longing has collectively materialised the

manifestation of Sahaja Yoga. Many are going to jump into the realm of

thoughtless awareness where you get introduced to yourself and start identifying

with your universal nature. Those who deserve (it) will get the throne of their

inner being which rules the skies of peace, and the oceans of divine love and

supreme knowledge within, which is limitless (Anant). (Shri Mataji - Formal Talk

- Sahaja Yoga - A Unique Discovery)



This is the Golden Age of Emancipation, Resurrection and Last Judgement. If we

can achieve it, all of us, including them (everyone else too)... then we will

have the blessings of the Divine Love, which has been promised a long time back.

(Shri Mataji - first small English book - Chap.1 - Sahaja Yoga)



Note: (As per the usual, there may be " clarifications " in Round Brackets,

condensing or streamlining; however Shri Mataji's Essential Truths have been

retained. Any constructive criticism is welcomed in relation to any " specific

clarifications " that might need even more " clarification " .)

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