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Wikipedia:Mediation Cabal/Cases/2006-12-16 Sahaja Yoga (the clone speaks)

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This is the clone speaking, articulating slowly (the cloning process

went wrong, I only have 2/3rds of my vocal cords - also most of my

fingers on my right hand are fused, and I have a club-foot.)


I can only laugh at how bad your grasp of the situation is - do you

apply such methods of research into all your writing?


Also, the mediation hasn't concluded, nor does it overly-concern your

website -that's just your selective interpretation (glad to see that

that is consistent) at play.


Have a good one,


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, " sfacets " <sfacets wrote:


> This is the clone speaking, articulating slowly (the cloning process

> went wrong, I only have 2/3rds of my vocal cords - also most of my

> fingers on my right hand are fused, and I have a club-foot.)


> I can only laugh at how bad your grasp of the situation is - do you

> apply such methods of research into all your writing?


> Also, the mediation hasn't concluded, nor does it overly-concern

> your website -that's just your selective interpretation (glad to

> see that that is consistent) at play.


> Have a good one,

> Sfacets



Hi Sfacets,


i am a bit distressed that, notwithstanding that you are a defective

clone, you do not seem to have the manners to address others with

difficult to spell words like " Hi " , " Dear " , " Members of the Forum " .

What i am trying to say is that you do not sound human despite having

a name. i could be wrong because even cows and dogs have names that

they respond to, so why not clones?


So why do i think you are a clone?


i) you took offence that i rubbed your master John Noyce the wrong

way and reacted. But, sir, i have had the displeasure of meeting him

in the past and i was warned by SYs that he is a control freak with

an unstable personality and tantrum streak. And he proved them right!


i believe that you are just as cracked, maybe a fracture or two more.

Despite self-realization you claim that " I edit Wikipedia as a way of

maintaining my sanity, with varied success. " Common sense tells me

that you admit not being sane at all times. That's a great Sahaja

Yoga success story, don't you think?


ii) like JN you have this tendency to laugh at others, only that JN

does so hilariously when he ridicules others for the slightest error.

This is a serious mental fracture i would say. So when i read that

you " can only laugh at how bad your grasp of the situation is " , i

immediately remembered JN. You guys must have bonded extremely well

in Melbourne ............. to the extend that few in cyberspace can

differentiate your conniving ways and tendency to laugh off loud at

others. See, you must give me the benefit of doubt that you _are_ a

JN clone, shoddy as the workmanship is. But then neither is JN as

stable as you think he is, and that only makes matters worse .....

.................. for both of you i mean. If ever you guys go to a

park both will sit on the same side of the see-saw and think it's

fun, that is until children tell that you are unbalanced. See how bad

matters _actually_ are my friend?


iii) you said that " the mediation hasn't concluded, nor does it

overly-concern your website -that's just your selective

interpretation (glad to see that that is consistent) at play. "


i beg your pardon sir but i know the mediation hasn't concluded. And

perhaps you may want to rephrase " nor does it overly-concern " to

something more honest, though that may not be in your best interest.

i was under the impression that Will Beback was taking up the matter

with the mediator because your clone Sahajhist (John Noyce) and

others were constantly deleting links to www.adishakti.org. But i am

probably wrong to accuse you good folks of doing just that because

English is a language that i do not understand well. i believe that

both the mediator Somitho and Will Beback have no evidence or reason

to believe that you guys are guilty of deleting links.


Now i do not even know what the whole commotion is all about. Yes, i

agree that all the selective interpretation of Somitho, Will Beback

and myself does not meet your exacting consistency. terrible as our

comprehension of English is. My humble apologies sir.


iv) You believe strongly that:


" Censorship sucks. Auto censorship sucks more. I count warnings in

articles as a form of censorship. Sfacets 05:56, 18 January 2007

(UTC) "



i now understand that neither you nor your clone Sahajhist were

involved in any form of censorship i.e., removing links because they

do not meet you interpretation of Sahaja Yoga. As self-realized souls

both of you have advanced far in dharma, honesty and comprehension of

English. So if i have offended any of you with my lies, ignorance,

lack of evidence and English education i publicly ask for forgiveness.

Let me know how i can atone for my terrible sins.


Hope you had a better one,



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Dear Jagbir et al,


i would like to add something more also Jagbir. It is in relation to WikiPossum

saying " Why not ask them directly: symelb[at]. com.au " -WikiPossum 11:26, 29

January 2007 (UTC).


We know that John Noyce, who is also Sahajist, is also a moderator of

symelb[at].au. i know because i used to be a member of symelb forum and

John d me for the 'SYSSR Sin' of being an active member of this

forum. Dr. Balwinder also recently posted on this forum, stating that John Noyce

had removed him from another SY Forum called " Nirmalite " too and just for having

links with adishakti.org:


" Just for your information they will even genuine SYs whom they just

suspect of having any links with you or they think may be forwarding

DSY/Nirmalite forum's posts to you. I can say that because that is what happened

to me. John Noyce also removed me from the Nirmalite forum for the same reasons.

All this happened just over a year ago.



To the best of my knowledge also, rank and file SYs in Melbourne and around the

world, are also kept off the adishakti.org and associated forum by people like

John Noyce. They are not to become infected with the Verdant Truth that is at

adishakti.org. That is why i believe also that John Noyce, Sahajist, Sfacets,

and WikiPossum are all one and the same person. Add to that the fact they are

all from Melbourne. Add to that the fact they are all from the same local SY

Collective. Add to that the fact that SYs are usually prevented from knowing

about adishakti.org and this forum " at all costs " . And that is why Sahajist,

Sfacets, and WikiPossum also keep editing any link that Wikipedia make to

adishakti.org. Subtle System yogis like Sahajist are just so frightened about

hearing the Truth that Shri Mataji gave in all its Wholeness, Spirituality, and

Truth, which makes the 'man-made' SYSSR pale in comparison.


But it just makes no sense, and it has never made any sense, so it will also not

make any sense in the future either. In fact, in the future, it will be seen how

futile the whole exercise to try and delete evidence of the Adi Shakti has been.

The only thing that makes sense is that some persons (SYs) have made a Subtle

System Religion out of Sahaja Yoga, and they now teach it in a way that if you

listen to Shri Mataji's tapes, you will wonder how it came about! And when you

realise it came about by the 'would-be-priests' then you also realise why Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi also said in Cheltenham, U.K. in the Early Years of Sahaja

Yoga (1982) that:


" You have to dedicate yourself completely to me, not to Sahaja Yoga, but to me.

Sahaja Yoga is only one of my aspects. Leaving everything you have to dedicate.

Complete dedication – otherwise you cannot ascend any further. Without

questioning, Without arguing, complete dedication is the only way you can

achieve it. " (Cheltenham, U.K. – 31 July 1982)



Shri Mataji did not want domination of SYs by any of those 'would-be-priests'.

She just wanted us each to become our own guru, master, and teacher, through our

kundalini awakening/baptism of the Holy Spirit/self-realisation (whatever you

prefer to call it). It is very simple, really. However, now Sahajist in his

Contextual Word Games is trying to split adishakti.org and sahajayoga.org into

separate entities, when in reality the people who are Sahaja Yogis are united in

Spirit when they have their Union with the Divine (a.k.a. self-realisation).

Sahajhist and people like him are the " culprits " who are and have been doing

this 'splitting' all along. They do it, and then without any conscience, they

turn around and accuse those they have 'split off' of being the 'splitters'. We

can see Sahajhist's " work in progress " of 'splitting' happening right here on




We'll have to agree to disagree on that one. If I can widen this slightly: I

would suggest that the Nirmala Srivastava page be a straight-forward biography,

leaving matters of theology such as 'Shri Adi Shakti' to be dealt with on the

Sahaja Yoga page. What is your view on this?

-Sahajhist 00:07, 28 January 2007 (UTC)




i also sincerely believe Sahajist to be in error when he calls adishakti.org a

'theology'. i went to International Bible College back in the 70's in Canada. i

studied Theology. It was 'religious fodder' given to me to 'swallow whole' just

like SYs are now expected to swallow whole WCASY's SYSSR (Sahaja Yoga Subtle

System Religion) and anything else WCASY et al (which includes Sahajist et al)

choose to utter as the 'self-appointed Wills of the Adi Shakti'. On the

contrary, at adishakti.org and its associated forum, there is the spiritual

liberty to become your own SY guru, master, and teacher through kundalini

awakening/self-realisation/baptism of the Holy Spirit/enlightenment, without

being subjected to the SYSSR which is a suppressed form of Sahaja Yoga,

according to what Shri Mataji Herself 'gave'. (This does not mean that i am

saying that individual SYs are suppressed, but the religious system of the SYSSR

is a suppression) and that is why Sahajist has to defend that suppression of

what Shri Mataji has given, because it has been organised in such a way that it

cannot defend itself like the Truth of what Shri Mataji gave can. The SYSSR just

cannot stand on its own ideological feet, which instead of being built upon the

Rock of Salvation/Spiritual Liberation... is built upon the shifting sands of

what Shri Mataji described as " putting one little fish and two eggs for ten

people with one chili to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon " :


" So you better say what you've found out, in a big way. And tell them in a big

way, of course loving and gentle manner but tell them, the concern should be

there. Alright?... I don't say you aggress but don't say anything less,

understatement is not needed. There should not be any balancing in that. Those

people who'll be appeased by that will not be good Sahaja Yogis. They cannot

come in the Kingdom of God. We don't have to be begging of them but we have to

honour them, we have to respect them, we have to be kind to them, but we have to

give them what we have. Like in the family, you go, you get everything from the

fridge and give it to them, they'll be very happy to take it whatever you like,

what a spread. But if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with

one chili to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will think, " What's

this going on here? Wishy-washy stuff. " " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sheffield,

UK, September 21 1985)


What is much deeper though is the knowledge that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on

Earth gave, which shows that She and the Adi Shakti are " as One " :


" But today it is the day I declare I am the One who have to save the humanity. I

declare I am the One who is Adi Shakti, who is the Mother of all Mothers, who is

the Primordial Mother, the Shakti (Divine Primordial Power) of the Desire of

God, who has incarnated on this Earth to give meaning to itself, to this

Creation, to human beings, and I am sure that through My Love and Patience and

My Powers I am going to achieve it.


I was the One who was born again and again. But now I have come in My complete

Form and with complete Powers. I have come on this Earth not only for salvation

of human beings, not only for their emancipation, but for granting them the

Kingdom of Heaven, the Joy, the Bliss that your Father wants to bestow upon

you. "


Shri Puratana Devi

(Purantana: Primordial or Ancient)




The Adi Shakti Power has incarnated many times. The Adi Shakti says that She has

been born again and again, but that She has come in Her complete Form and with

complete Powers this time. The Adi Shakti has told SYs that She has incarnated

as the different goddesses at different times, such as Sophia and Athena. She

has said that She was also incarnated in the person of Shri Mary, the Mother of

Christ. She has also told us that She was the White Buffalo Calf Woman that gave

instructions to the native American people about their 'cleansing smoke

ceremonies' and related spiritual understandings, about the specific way they

had to do things, and how they had to look after the Mother Earth, who is a

Living Being. So, Shri Mataji on Earth does not differentiate between Her and

the Adi Shakti so much, as they are " One " . But we have:


1. The Adi Shakti, who is Shri Lalita Devi and ever youthful.


2. Then we have Her physical " Incarnation " , which is Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on

Earth, who is aging.


3. Then we have the Individual Mother within us also that Shri Mataji incarnated

to introduce us to, and of whom She states She is a reflection. (i can vouch for

this because once i saw Her looking down at me from high above my sahasrara, and

it was the physical reflection of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi i saw).


4. Then we have the Mother Earth who is also the Adi Shakti.


So, all of them are the Adi Shakti, and they are " as One " also. However, Shri

Mataji on Earth is the Incarnation of the Adi Shakti. However, Sahajist uses his

excuse of " context " to make it seem that it is not Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi who

is the actual incarnation here:


" However in this context 'Shri Adi Shakti' is only one of her Divine aspects " :



The last public lecture given by Shri Mataji was in Delhi, March

2003. The last lecture to Sahaja Yogis was also in Delhi, March 2003.

All visits by Shri Mataji and Sir C.P. since then have been private

family visits. I can understand cynicism on your part at that

statement given that there are well-documented and extensive

photo/video archives of their Australian, UK, Italian and US visits

in 2006, on various websites. However, these are still primarily

private visits. With regard to your first point, it is indeed true

that Sahaja Yogis regard Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as an incarnation

of the Goddess. However in this context 'Shri Adi Shakti' is only one

of her Divine aspects. So any statement in the first para needs to be

wider. btw, shouldnt we be discussing this on the appropriate talk


-Sahajhist 02:39, 27 January 2007 (UTC)



Will Beback:

The editing problems that we need to address here are that you

deleted that assertion without comment, and what sources we can use

to reference the theology. Why did you delete it? A complete section

on theology, whether in the Srivastava article or the SY article

would have to include using " Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God " as

a source, but that link has been removed countless times from the

articles. Can we agree to use that as a source for Sahaja Yoga's

theology and for views of Srivastava?

Also, I gather from your statements that both you and Sfacets are

residents of Melbourne, and hence members of the Melbourne

collective. There have been problems with several unregistered

editors from Melbourne. (most recently user:211.28. 128.27). Is there

a discussion of Wikipedia articles among the Melbourne Collective? Do

you know the individuals who are editing? They are a part of the

problem and their editing behavior reflects poorly on all pro-Sahaja


-Will Beback · † · 22:50, 28 January 2007 (UTC)



Why not ask them directly: symelb[at]. com.au

-WikiPossum 11:26, 29 January 2007 (UTC)




Appended is what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says about the Adi Shakti. Please

enjoy, and i can assure readers that what Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says is in

real context, and not some " Shabda Jalam " or " web of words " :


" But whether you talk of the form or the formless, it is a talk. Like if you

talk about the flowers, you don't get the honey. And if you also talk of the

honey, you don't get the honey. Talks are talks. These are words. In Sanskrit

Adi Shankaracharya called this as Shabda Jalam, is the web of the words. How to

go beyond the web of the words? (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Delhi, India - March

21, 1992)\

ddress_them.htm+Shabda+Jalam & hl=en & gl=au & ct=clnk & cd=3





" It is a difficult subject to talk about Adi Shakti because it's not easy to

understand that Adi Shakti is the power of Sadashiva. Sadashiva is the God

Almighty. She is His breath, as they some people call it. Some say She is the

desire and some say that She is the entire power of Sadashiva and Sadashiva

cannot do anything without Her powers. " (Shri Mataji - Adi Shakti Puja - Cabella

Italy - 25/05/97)


" This subject has been described by many people in various books in different

ways. But actually we need not go to the background of the creation of Adi

Shakti. For that, at least, you need seven lectures, but we will come to the

point where Adi Shakti started working on this Mother Earth. The first thing is,

we must know that She created a Kundalini in the Mother Earth itself and She

created Shri Ganesha out of the Mother Earth. It's very interesting. So the

Mother Earth becomes a very important thing for us. If we do not know how to

respect the Mother Earth, we do not know how to respect ourselves.


The expression of Adi Shakti within you is the Kundalini, no doubt. That is the

reflection of Adi Shakti in you. But the reflection in the Mother Earth is also

expressed, as you all know, in different places, different countries, different

cities, as the manifestation of chakras and Adi Shakti's creations. It was very

important first to create a very holy Mother Earth for human beings to be born

on that. So, the reflection of the Adi Shakti as Kundalini first was on the

Mother Earth. " (Shri Mataji - Adi Shakti Puja - Cabella, Italy - 25/05/97)


" Kundalini is, we should say, a wee part of the Adi Shakti, or we can say that

She is the desire, pure desire of the Adi Shakti. So Adi Shakti is the desire,

complete desire of Sadashiva, and Kundalini, Adi Kundalini is the desire,

complete desire of Adi Shakti. Now, this one was first expressed in the Mother

Earth, inside the Mother Earth. Inside the Mother Earth, the Kundalini came up,

in such a way that it cooled down the inner part of the Mother Earth - as much

as It could - and then it manifested on the surface of the earth as different



So it is tremendous similarity that we have with Virata, the Mother Earth and

the human beings, if all of them are being reflected by the Adi Kundalini. So

there has to be a great connection between them. It is not understood by human

beings how they are connected to this Mother Earth. This Kundalini passed

through different centres, creating different centres in the Mother Earth and

ultimately broke through Kailasha. " (Shri Mataji - Adi Shakti Puja - Cabella,

Italy - 25/05/97)


" It's a very deep understanding, all these elements, Mother Earth, everybody has

about everything, because their Kundalini is not like your Kundalini which is

though in itself is pure, but because of your human endeavours, human mistakes,

ego, superego, all sorts of nonsense, the Kundalini is not so sensitive, nor

does it tell you what is happening. It has to be very alert, sensitive

spirituality within you, by which you can say immediately what you think, what

you know, what you understand about anything.


But the problem is that this doesn't exist. Why is it, you should not be so

sensitive. On the contrary, I've seen if their mind works against somebody, then

they start saying: " You are catching on this, you are catching on that, you are

catching on that. " Actually the person who is saying that is catching. So, with

this thing, one has to understand that if we are the true reflection of Adi

Shakti, then we should be pure, absolutely pure like the white snow. Even one

black drop - that's why I wore today the white sari- falls on the white, it

shows. You should be so white that anything, any minute black spot also, should

be seen by you and in others also to be felt by you.


If that height is achieved by pure life, by pure thinking, by pure heart, it is

not necessary to manipulate anything, no, no, no need at all! It's all natural

like the Mother Earth is. Does she manipulate anything? Nothing! Just see how

spontaneous she is. You put a seed in the Mother Earth and see how it sprouts.

She is so spontaneous, her activity is so spontaneous. We never wonder about it.

See different types of flowers, different types of fragrance, different types of

shrubs and trees, how She grows with such balance in every place! In every

minute atom and molecule of that Mother Earth there is sense!

So, before us is the best reflection of the Adi Shakti and that is this Mother

Earth. So first we must respect the Mother Earth.


I like you people because you are siting on the ground; it's very good! for

meditation if you can sit on the Mother Earth, it will be extremely good,

because the special quality of the Mother Earth, which also I have unfortunately

that I suck your problems. She too sucks your problems and when she sucks your

problems you get rid of them without any difficulties. So if you cannot, say,

sit on the ground, then you take a stone, better is or you can have a marble or

something which is natural on which you should try to sit. But if you sit on the

plastic and do your meditation, I don't know what is going to help you, the

plastic? That's why I request you always that use natural things because natural

things can absorb your problems very well.


Unnaturally, also, we live otherwise, you see, it is on the physical line, also

on mental line. On mental line, what do we do, that we go on arguing,

explaining, it's going on and on, and on and on. There is no end to it. One

should get headache, you see actually with all that. But if you are spontaneous,

if you are very spontaneous, immediately you will know what the other fellow is

trying to do or to say or to communicate. You don't need much thinking about it,

because you can absorb even the thought of another person. Absorb doesn't mean

that you take the bad thing of that person but it's like a sieving out, you

absorb what other person is saying and you sieve it out.


Now, the problem of this Adi Shakti is this: that I decided that I will have all

of you enter into My body, absorb all of you. It is a very dangerous game, I

know, but I did play. Because I'm supposed to do at this stage of time that I

should absorb you all in My body. So with you all, your problems have also gone

into Me, all your troubles also have gone into Me, but by absorbing it, see, it

is like ocean into which you are put and you are cleansed, but what about the

ocean? Ocean has got still your problems and things lingering and they are very

troublesome. So the best thing would be for you to cleanse yourself. Cleansing

is very important through introspection. But doesn't mean thinking, never means

thinking, but introspection means meditation and that you all should meditate.

(Shri Mataji - Adi Shakti Puja - Cabella, Italy - 25/05/97)


, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> , " sfacets " <sfacets@>


> >

> > This is the clone speaking, articulating slowly (the cloning


> > went wrong, I only have 2/3rds of my vocal cords - also most of my

> > fingers on my right hand are fused, and I have a club-foot.)

> >

> > I can only laugh at how bad your grasp of the situation is - do


> > apply such methods of research into all your writing?

> >

> > Also, the mediation hasn't concluded, nor does it overly-concern

> > your website -that's just your selective interpretation (glad to

> > see that that is consistent) at play.

> >

> > Have a good one,

> > Sfacets

> >


> Hi Sfacets,


> i am a bit distressed that, notwithstanding that you are a defective

> clone, you do not seem to have the manners to address others with

> difficult to spell words like " Hi " , " Dear " , " Members of the Forum " .

> What i am trying to say is that you do not sound human despite


> a name. i could be wrong because even cows and dogs have names that

> they respond to, so why not clones?


> So why do i think you are a clone?


> i) you took offence that i rubbed your master John Noyce the wrong

> way and reacted. But, sir, i have had the displeasure of meeting him

> in the past and i was warned by SYs that he is a control freak with

> an unstable personality and tantrum streak. And he proved them



> i believe that you are just as cracked, maybe a fracture or two


> Despite self-realization you claim that " I edit Wikipedia as a way


> maintaining my sanity, with varied success. " Common sense tells me

> that you admit not being sane at all times. That's a great Sahaja

> Yoga success story, don't you think?


> ii) like JN you have this tendency to laugh at others, only that JN

> does so hilariously when he ridicules others for the slightest


> This is a serious mental fracture i would say. So when i read that

> you " can only laugh at how bad your grasp of the situation is " , i

> immediately remembered JN. You guys must have bonded extremely well

> in Melbourne ............. to the extend that few in cyberspace can

> differentiate your conniving ways and tendency to laugh off loud at

> others. See, you must give me the benefit of doubt that you _are_ a

> JN clone, shoddy as the workmanship is. But then neither is JN as

> stable as you think he is, and that only makes matters worse .....

> ................. for both of you i mean. If ever you guys go to a

> park both will sit on the same side of the see-saw and think it's

> fun, that is until children tell that you are unbalanced. See how


> matters _actually_ are my friend?


> iii) you said that " the mediation hasn't concluded, nor does it

> overly-concern your website -that's just your selective

> interpretation (glad to see that that is consistent) at play. "


> i beg your pardon sir but i know the mediation hasn't concluded. And

> perhaps you may want to rephrase " nor does it overly-concern " to

> something more honest, though that may not be in your best interest.

> i was under the impression that Will Beback was taking up the matter

> with the mediator because your clone Sahajhist (John Noyce) and

> others were constantly deleting links to www.adishakti.org. But i am

> probably wrong to accuse you good folks of doing just that because

> English is a language that i do not understand well. i believe that

> both the mediator Somitho and Will Beback have no evidence or reason

> to believe that you guys are guilty of deleting links.


> Now i do not even know what the whole commotion is all about. Yes, i

> agree that all the selective interpretation of Somitho, Will Beback

> and myself does not meet your exacting consistency. terrible as our

> comprehension of English is. My humble apologies sir.


> iv) You believe strongly that:


> " Censorship sucks. Auto censorship sucks more. I count warnings in

> articles as a form of censorship. Sfacets 05:56, 18 January 2007

> (UTC) "

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Sfacets


> i now understand that neither you nor your clone Sahajhist were

> involved in any form of censorship i.e., removing links because they

> do not meet you interpretation of Sahaja Yoga. As self-realized


> both of you have advanced far in dharma, honesty and comprehension


> English. So if i have offended any of you with my lies, ignorance,

> lack of evidence and English education i publicly ask for


> Let me know how i can atone for my terrible sins.


> Hope you had a better one,


> jagbir

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Dear forum members,


I hope none of you (well the two contributing members) took my attempt

at humour the wrong way -


i) I am cracked, possibly insane, and yet a wise man once said that

humour is a mark of intelligence.


(another wise man said " Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of

humorless people " )


ii) Again, you are taking things too seriously, and again, you are

making assumptions without the facts to back them up.


iii) It seriously hardly concerns your website... a detail among others...


iv) censorship DOES suck - let me assure you that removing the link to

your website is not censorship, my qualm is how to correctly describe

it in the article - it is debatable (following postings on

Adishakti.org) wether you still follow Sahaj or wether you have

started some kind of spin-off, but that isn't my place to say or

assume, nor would I attempt to discredit your points of view - it is

an ongoing discussion that hasn't been fully breached as yet.


I forgive you for your sins, lack of english, ignorance and lies ;)



P.S: I'm not really insane, one cannot take everything they read for


P.S.S: I could not help but notice that although you continued

referring to me as a clone, you chose to address me as a separate

entity... this is a huge step forward for clone-type.


> Hi Sfacets,


> i am a bit distressed that, notwithstanding that you are a defective

> clone, you do not seem to have the manners to address others with

> difficult to spell words like " Hi " , " Dear " , " Members of the Forum " .

> What i am trying to say is that you do not sound human despite having

> a name. i could be wrong because even cows and dogs have names that

> they respond to, so why not clones?


> So why do i think you are a clone?


> i) you took offence that i rubbed your master John Noyce the wrong

> way and reacted. But, sir, i have had the displeasure of meeting him

> in the past and i was warned by SYs that he is a control freak with

> an unstable personality and tantrum streak. And he proved them right!


> i believe that you are just as cracked, maybe a fracture or two more.

> Despite self-realization you claim that " I edit Wikipedia as a way of

> maintaining my sanity, with varied success. " Common sense tells me

> that you admit not being sane at all times. That's a great Sahaja

> Yoga success story, don't you think?


> ii) like JN you have this tendency to laugh at others, only that JN

> does so hilariously when he ridicules others for the slightest error.

> This is a serious mental fracture i would say. So when i read that

> you " can only laugh at how bad your grasp of the situation is " , i

> immediately remembered JN. You guys must have bonded extremely well

> in Melbourne ............. to the extend that few in cyberspace can

> differentiate your conniving ways and tendency to laugh off loud at

> others. See, you must give me the benefit of doubt that you _are_ a

> JN clone, shoddy as the workmanship is. But then neither is JN as

> stable as you think he is, and that only makes matters worse .....

> ................. for both of you i mean. If ever you guys go to a

> park both will sit on the same side of the see-saw and think it's

> fun, that is until children tell that you are unbalanced. See how bad

> matters _actually_ are my friend?


> iii) you said that " the mediation hasn't concluded, nor does it

> overly-concern your website -that's just your selective

> interpretation (glad to see that that is consistent) at play. "


> i beg your pardon sir but i know the mediation hasn't concluded. And

> perhaps you may want to rephrase " nor does it overly-concern " to

> something more honest, though that may not be in your best interest.

> i was under the impression that Will Beback was taking up the matter

> with the mediator because your clone Sahajhist (John Noyce) and

> others were constantly deleting links to www.adishakti.org. But i am

> probably wrong to accuse you good folks of doing just that because

> English is a language that i do not understand well. i believe that

> both the mediator Somitho and Will Beback have no evidence or reason

> to believe that you guys are guilty of deleting links.


> Now i do not even know what the whole commotion is all about. Yes, i

> agree that all the selective interpretation of Somitho, Will Beback

> and myself does not meet your exacting consistency. terrible as our

> comprehension of English is. My humble apologies sir.


> iv) You believe strongly that:


> " Censorship sucks. Auto censorship sucks more. I count warnings in

> articles as a form of censorship. Sfacets 05:56, 18 January 2007

> (UTC) "

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Sfacets


> i now understand that neither you nor your clone Sahajhist were

> involved in any form of censorship i.e., removing links because they

> do not meet you interpretation of Sahaja Yoga. As self-realized souls

> both of you have advanced far in dharma, honesty and comprehension of

> English. So if i have offended any of you with my lies, ignorance,

> lack of evidence and English education i publicly ask for forgiveness.

> Let me know how i can atone for my terrible sins.


> Hope you had a better one,


> jagbir


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i rest my case.


QC Jagbir Singh


, " sfacets " <sfacets



> Dear forum members,


> I hope none of you (well the two contributing members) took my


> at humour the wrong way -


> i) I am cracked, possibly insane, and yet a wise man once said that

> humour is a mark of intelligence.


> (another wise man said " Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of

> humorless people " )


> ii) Again, you are taking things too seriously, and again, you are

> making assumptions without the facts to back them up.


> iii) It seriously hardly concerns your website... a detail among



> iv) censorship DOES suck - let me assure you that removing the link


> your website is not censorship, my qualm is how to correctly


> it in the article - it is debatable (following postings on

> Adishakti.org) wether you still follow Sahaj or wether you have

> started some kind of spin-off, but that isn't my place to say or

> assume, nor would I attempt to discredit your points of view - it is

> an ongoing discussion that hasn't been fully breached as yet.


> I forgive you for your sins, lack of english, ignorance and lies ;)


> Sfacets

> P.S: I'm not really insane, one cannot take everything they read for

> granted.

> P.S.S: I could not help but notice that although you continued

> referring to me as a clone, you chose to address me as a separate

> entity... this is a huge step forward for clone-type.


> > Hi Sfacets,

> >

> > i am a bit distressed that, notwithstanding that you are a


> > clone, you do not seem to have the manners to address others with

> > difficult to spell words like " Hi " , " Dear " , " Members of the

Forum " .

> > What i am trying to say is that you do not sound human despite


> > a name. i could be wrong because even cows and dogs have names


> > they respond to, so why not clones?

> >

> > So why do i think you are a clone?

> >

> > i) you took offence that i rubbed your master John Noyce the wrong

> > way and reacted. But, sir, i have had the displeasure of meeting


> > in the past and i was warned by SYs that he is a control freak


> > an unstable personality and tantrum streak. And he proved them


> >

> > i believe that you are just as cracked, maybe a fracture or two


> > Despite self-realization you claim that " I edit Wikipedia as a

way of

> > maintaining my sanity, with varied success. " Common sense tells me

> > that you admit not being sane at all times. That's a great Sahaja

> > Yoga success story, don't you think?

> >

> > ii) like JN you have this tendency to laugh at others, only that


> > does so hilariously when he ridicules others for the slightest


> > This is a serious mental fracture i would say. So when i read that

> > you " can only laugh at how bad your grasp of the situation is " , i

> > immediately remembered JN. You guys must have bonded extremely


> > in Melbourne ............. to the extend that few in cyberspace


> > differentiate your conniving ways and tendency to laugh off loud


> > others. See, you must give me the benefit of doubt that you _are_


> > JN clone, shoddy as the workmanship is. But then neither is JN as

> > stable as you think he is, and that only makes matters worse .....

> > ................. for both of you i mean. If ever you guys go to


> > park both will sit on the same side of the see-saw and think it's

> > fun, that is until children tell that you are unbalanced. See how


> > matters _actually_ are my friend?

> >

> > iii) you said that " the mediation hasn't concluded, nor does it

> > overly-concern your website -that's just your selective

> > interpretation (glad to see that that is consistent) at play. "

> >

> > i beg your pardon sir but i know the mediation hasn't concluded.


> > perhaps you may want to rephrase " nor does it overly-concern " to

> > something more honest, though that may not be in your best


> > i was under the impression that Will Beback was taking up the


> > with the mediator because your clone Sahajhist (John Noyce) and

> > others were constantly deleting links to www.adishakti.org. But i


> > probably wrong to accuse you good folks of doing just that because

> > English is a language that i do not understand well. i believe


> > both the mediator Somitho and Will Beback have no evidence or


> > to believe that you guys are guilty of deleting links.

> >

> > Now i do not even know what the whole commotion is all about.

Yes, i

> > agree that all the selective interpretation of Somitho, Will


> > and myself does not meet your exacting consistency. terrible as


> > comprehension of English is. My humble apologies sir.

> >

> > iv) You believe strongly that:

> >

> > " Censorship sucks. Auto censorship sucks more. I count warnings in

> > articles as a form of censorship. Sfacets 05:56, 18 January 2007

> > (UTC) "

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Sfacets

> >

> > i now understand that neither you nor your clone Sahajhist were

> > involved in any form of censorship i.e., removing links because


> > do not meet you interpretation of Sahaja Yoga. As self-realized


> > both of you have advanced far in dharma, honesty and

comprehension of

> > English. So if i have offended any of you with my lies, ignorance,

> > lack of evidence and English education i publicly ask for


> > Let me know how i can atone for my terrible sins.

> >

> > Hope you had a better one,

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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Good :)


, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> i rest my case.


> QC Jagbir Singh


> , " sfacets " <sfacets@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Dear forum members,

> >

> > I hope none of you (well the two contributing members) took my

> attempt

> > at humour the wrong way -

> >

> > i) I am cracked, possibly insane, and yet a wise man once said that

> > humour is a mark of intelligence.

> >

> > (another wise man said " Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of

> > humorless people " )

> >

> > ii) Again, you are taking things too seriously, and again, you are

> > making assumptions without the facts to back them up.

> >

> > iii) It seriously hardly concerns your website... a detail among

> others...

> >

> > iv) censorship DOES suck - let me assure you that removing the link

> to

> > your website is not censorship, my qualm is how to correctly

> describe

> > it in the article - it is debatable (following postings on

> > Adishakti.org) wether you still follow Sahaj or wether you have

> > started some kind of spin-off, but that isn't my place to say or

> > assume, nor would I attempt to discredit your points of view - it is

> > an ongoing discussion that hasn't been fully breached as yet.

> >

> > I forgive you for your sins, lack of english, ignorance and lies ;)

> >

> > Sfacets

> > P.S: I'm not really insane, one cannot take everything they read for

> > granted.

> > P.S.S: I could not help but notice that although you continued

> > referring to me as a clone, you chose to address me as a separate

> > entity... this is a huge step forward for clone-type.

> >

> > > Hi Sfacets,

> > >

> > > i am a bit distressed that, notwithstanding that you are a

> defective

> > > clone, you do not seem to have the manners to address others with

> > > difficult to spell words like " Hi " , " Dear " , " Members of the

> Forum " .

> > > What i am trying to say is that you do not sound human despite

> having

> > > a name. i could be wrong because even cows and dogs have names

> that

> > > they respond to, so why not clones?

> > >

> > > So why do i think you are a clone?

> > >

> > > i) you took offence that i rubbed your master John Noyce the wrong

> > > way and reacted. But, sir, i have had the displeasure of meeting

> him

> > > in the past and i was warned by SYs that he is a control freak

> with

> > > an unstable personality and tantrum streak. And he proved them

> right!

> > >

> > > i believe that you are just as cracked, maybe a fracture or two

> more.

> > > Despite self-realization you claim that " I edit Wikipedia as a

> way of

> > > maintaining my sanity, with varied success. " Common sense tells me

> > > that you admit not being sane at all times. That's a great Sahaja

> > > Yoga success story, don't you think?

> > >

> > > ii) like JN you have this tendency to laugh at others, only that

> JN

> > > does so hilariously when he ridicules others for the slightest

> error.

> > > This is a serious mental fracture i would say. So when i read that

> > > you " can only laugh at how bad your grasp of the situation is " , i

> > > immediately remembered JN. You guys must have bonded extremely

> well

> > > in Melbourne ............. to the extend that few in cyberspace

> can

> > > differentiate your conniving ways and tendency to laugh off loud

> at

> > > others. See, you must give me the benefit of doubt that you _are_

> a

> > > JN clone, shoddy as the workmanship is. But then neither is JN as

> > > stable as you think he is, and that only makes matters worse .....

> > > ................. for both of you i mean. If ever you guys go to

> a

> > > park both will sit on the same side of the see-saw and think it's

> > > fun, that is until children tell that you are unbalanced. See how

> bad

> > > matters _actually_ are my friend?

> > >

> > > iii) you said that " the mediation hasn't concluded, nor does it

> > > overly-concern your website -that's just your selective

> > > interpretation (glad to see that that is consistent) at play. "

> > >

> > > i beg your pardon sir but i know the mediation hasn't concluded.

> And

> > > perhaps you may want to rephrase " nor does it overly-concern " to

> > > something more honest, though that may not be in your best

> interest.

> > > i was under the impression that Will Beback was taking up the

> matter

> > > with the mediator because your clone Sahajhist (John Noyce) and

> > > others were constantly deleting links to www.adishakti.org. But i

> am

> > > probably wrong to accuse you good folks of doing just that because

> > > English is a language that i do not understand well. i believe

> that

> > > both the mediator Somitho and Will Beback have no evidence or

> reason

> > > to believe that you guys are guilty of deleting links.

> > >

> > > Now i do not even know what the whole commotion is all about.

> Yes, i

> > > agree that all the selective interpretation of Somitho, Will

> Beback

> > > and myself does not meet your exacting consistency. terrible as

> our

> > > comprehension of English is. My humble apologies sir.

> > >

> > > iv) You believe strongly that:

> > >

> > > " Censorship sucks. Auto censorship sucks more. I count warnings in

> > > articles as a form of censorship. Sfacets 05:56, 18 January 2007

> > > (UTC) "

> > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Sfacets

> > >

> > > i now understand that neither you nor your clone Sahajhist were

> > > involved in any form of censorship i.e., removing links because

> they

> > > do not meet you interpretation of Sahaja Yoga. As self-realized

> souls

> > > both of you have advanced far in dharma, honesty and

> comprehension of

> > > English. So if i have offended any of you with my lies, ignorance,

> > > lack of evidence and English education i publicly ask for

> forgiveness.

> > > Let me know how i can atone for my terrible sins.

> > >

> > > Hope you had a better one,

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> >


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