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Dear All. Thanks for being my family

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Dear all,


I would just like to say that i often am very grateful that i found this

website, this forum

and these people( meaning Jagbir, Violet and everyone else on this forum)who

make up

this collective family in a digital sense instead of either never knowing

anything here at all

(meaning Shri Mataji, SY or anything else) and also meaning not being one of the

many SY

who never knew or know anything about these sites at all.


Reading posts like the last one thanking Violet by Alice Abergel, plus all the


responses i have had, both publicly and privately, from Jagbir, Violet, Dr

balwinder and

others really bring to mind to the possibilities of SY and what really hit home

for me

personally what a real collective should be about. Not that my collective aren't


people and many of them are both wonderful, kind, generous and some of the


people i have ever met, but here there is all that and the missing elements are

here as

well; ie the full truth and people who can explain it to you if you do not

understand it.


I would also like to say that this online collective really makes me feel at

home, like i have

actually met many of people on here who have posted and who have also responded


me, and i feel them much like i remember my biological family to be.


i just wanted to express that love i feel and welcoming i feel to everyone.


Thank you



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Dear Kyyan and All,


i feel much like you do, which is that http://www.adishakti.org/ and

http://www.al-qiyamah.org/ are not just any websites, and this forum is not just

any other forum, because the Truth for this Last Judgment and Resurrection Time

is well articulated here. This Truth is the most important spiritual knowledge

for this Special Time, which also enables us to become a Global On-line

Spiritually Collective Family, regardless of what spiritual, religious, or

cultural background you come from. If it were not for Shri Mataji's Mission,

Message, and Teachings in the first place, and without the determination and

will of Jagbir to get Her Mission, Message, and Teachings known, this great

on-line spiritual collectivity with its special quality of brotherly and

sisterly communications... would just not be there!!!


The other great blessing is that anyone can join this forum too. They don't

first have to be a self-realised person to join, in order to have the spiritual

freedom to discuss any aspects of Shri Mataji's Mission, Message, and Teachings,

and how these relate very vitally to us all for the transformation of our very

lives at this 'globally difficult time'.


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, Ruh of Allah,

Aykaa Mayee, Maitreya, Great Mother, Shekinah/Ruach, and Adi Shaki is just such

a Universal Being, and we have to be universal beings too. This is why Shri

Mataji asks us to follow Her and not Sahaja Yoga. This eliminates the 'priestly

factor' too, you see. It would be the same if for example, you follow Shri

Jesus, but you don't necessarily follow Christianity per se. The same with

following Shri Buddha, Shri Krishna, Shri Guru Nanak, prophet Mohammed, but not

necessarily the religion created by those who were not the incarnations and

prophets themselves. Anyway... that is why Shri Mataji also said:


" You have to dedicate yourself completely to me, not to Sahaja Yoga, but to me.

Sahaja Yoga is only one of my aspects. Leaving everything you have to dedicate.

Complete dedication – otherwise you cannot ascend any further. Without

questioning, Without arguing, complete dedication is the only way you can

achieve it. " (Cheltenham, U.K. – 31 July 1982)


You see, life is a spiritual adventure when we do that. It is a spiritual

movement of the Holy Spirit that can spread from person to person. And it is

only when we stop following Her (the Holy Spirit within, the Aykaa Mayee within,

the Ruh of Allah within, the Great Mother within, the Shekinah/Ruach within, the

Maitreya within, the Ruh of Allah within, and the Adi Shakti within) and rather

follow the instructions of mere man with their fancy titles of 'priest,

minister, ayatollah, imam, mullah, swami, sahaja yogi, etc.' that we can lose

our way. If these gurus also lead us to our own " Guru Within " then that is fine,

however, if they only lead us to themselves, to their own person only, and not

to our own " Guru Within " as Shri Mataji has done, then they are not really " true

spiritual gurus " . A true spiritual guru leads you to your " Spirit Within " .


So... in this spiritual on-line family, the aim is to have spiritual seekers

through their own self-realisation, to become their own master, teacher, and

guru. Shri Mataji said just to give people their self-realisation, and She will

take care of them. But we also have to help that process. We have to answer to

spiritual concerns, and give our spiritual understanding that we have from our

own " Guru Within " which is our Higher Self or Spirit. We must also be aware of

the problems in the world, and put our attention on that also. We cannot hide

our heads in the sand. The spiritual movement of self-realisation will transform

the person from within. Once the self-realisation is " realised " there is much

change externally also. We realise what the essential priorities are in life. We

realise that we are the Spirit and not some 'mechanical robot' that does the

same boring thing day by day in a very materialistic and external fashion. We

imbibe the Living Water of the Kundalini Energy and spread Her Life-Giving Water

to others. This is how the world as we know it... will change!!!


In regards to the internet, it is such a great medium where there is time and

space to communicate globally, which is just not possible otherwise. We cannot

have person-to-person contact with a person thousands of miles across the globe,

but the internet allows such great communication, that we can even feel we are a

global family through that quality and sweetness of brotherly and sisterly

communication. This is a gift from Shri Krishna, who is Deity of the Visshuddhi

Energy Centre (chakra). Modern communication is a Gift of the Divine, as is all

Gifts given to man, whether he knows it... or not. Global communication is

especially a boon at this crucial Last Judgment and Resurrection Time. It

enables Shri Mataji's Mission, Message, and Teachings to get out wholistically,

as She gave it. Just imagine if at Shri Jesus's Time, His followers were able to

communicate over the internet what He said, like we can with Shri Mataji. Can

you imagine!!! Not to mention Mohammed, Buddha, and all the other incarnations

and prophets too. The priestly classes would not have been able to distort so

much, which we can now see has been done from what we can read from the Nag

Hammadhi Library (Dead Sea Scrolls, etc.)


So this miracle of the internet allows us to reach interested seekers of the

truth from all over the world in the privacy of their own homes, on their own

computer, which is the way many people now prefer to get their news and are now

getting their 'Good News of Spiritual Liberation' also. Just for example, here

are some extracts only (for confidentiality purposes) of an email i received

yesterday from someone who has received their self-realisation on-line from Shri

Mataji " The Christian Comforter " and whose life has been amazingly helped

through the self-realisation the Holy Spirit has given. They are sharing their

experience of self-realisation with others too. So this is how it spreads

organically as a Spiritual Movement for the Transformation of Humanity...

because it is Her Divine Love that is being spread... and She is right there

within the seeker's own Higher Self/Spirit as Brahman. So, here is what the

person writes (extracts only):


Dear Violet,


I have been sharing my experiences with many people. I just let people know how

I have become a realized soul and share what I know with others. I have been

talking back and forth with a very old classmate from grade school whom I ran

into at a class reunion last fall. I briefly told her of why I don't drink

anymore and the experience I went through back in the summer of 2005. It seems

like yesterday!!! Anyway, she e-mailed me and wanted to know more. I told her of

the kundalini and the cool breeze and the experiences I have when I meditate. I

told her also about how I had received self realization. She emailed me back and

told me of an experience she had when she was a senior in high school. Anyway, I

will give her your e-mail address also if you do not mind. She seems very

interested in this. Love and best wishes Violet and as always, Thank you so much

for your help " . (Anonymous) (End Quote.)


This person, believe it or not, has never been to any SY Collective, and yet

they are testimony to the fact that after self-realisation, Shri Mataji will

take care of them; the Holy Spirit will take care of them. So.... the Holy

Spirit Within is awakened in people, who are even outside of the organisation of

Sahaja Yoga. The Holy Spirit is just not restricted by artificial organisational

boundaries, because the Holy Spirit Movement is a movement and not an

organisation. Therefore Kyyan, we have all hope that we can do the work Shri

Mataji gave us to do, which is to spread Her Mission, Message, and Teachings to

the world-at-large for the spiritual emancipation of all our fellow human

beings, who are really part and parcel of each other, of one human spiritual



love to all our spiritual family,





---In , " v_koa " <v_koa



> Dear all,


> I would just like to say that i often am very grateful that i found

this website, this forum

> and these people( meaning Jagbir, Violet and everyone else on this

forum)who make up

> this collective family in a digital sense instead of either never

knowing anything here at all

> (meaning Shri Mataji, SY or anything else) and also meaning not

being one of the many SY

> who never knew or know anything about these sites at all.


> Reading posts like the last one thanking Violet by Alice Abergel,

plus all the other

> responses i have had, both publicly and privately, from Jagbir,

Violet, Dr balwinder and

> others really bring to mind to the possibilities of SY and what

really hit home for me

> personally what a real collective should be about. Not that my

collective aren't wonderful

> people and many of them are both wonderful, kind, generous and some

of the nicest

> people i have ever met, but here there is all that and the missing

elements are here as

> well; ie the full truth and people who can explain it to you if you

do not understand it.


> I would also like to say that this online collective really makes

me feel at home, like i have

> actually met many of people on here who have posted and who have

also responded to

> me, and i feel them much like i remember my biological family to be.


> i just wanted to express that love i feel and welcoming i feel to



> Thank you


> Kyyan


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