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Real SYs support Her Mission, Message and Teachings; they don't thwart them.

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Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,


Namaskar: I bow to the Devi that resides in you.


i just received an email which reads:



> " With what's happening re Sfacets and Wikipedia, does this mean we

> are going to be relegated along with the anti-Sahaja Yogis? Are you

> feeling down about what is happening? Or just angry. "



i am not the least bothered or concerned by John Noyce or whatever

WCASY tells him to do. But i admit admiring the ingenuity of the

negativity that compels him/them to act that way. Over the last few

years the negativity within the organization has bloated to an

enormous size. John Noyce is just making sure his contribution is

rewarded in future with a WCASY membership.




> " i say this out of all respect, brother. What Sfacets et al is

> doing is leaving a bad taste in my mouth, for sure. i am glad you

> are working up the fight against them. However, i don't think i can

> ever stop considering myself a Sahaja Yogi. Rather, they as far as

> i am concerned, they are not Sahaja Yogis at all! Real SYs support

> Her Mission, Message and Teachings; they don't thwart them. i

> appreciate you are fighting them. "



" You have to dedicate yourself completely to me, not to Sahaja Yoga,

but to me. Sahaja Yoga is only one of my aspects. Leaving everything

you have to dedicate. Complete dedication – otherwise you cannot

ascend any further. Without questioning, Without arguing, complete

dedication is the only way you can achieve it. "


Shri Mataji - Cheltenham, U.K. – 31 July 1982


i fully agree with you that " Real SYs support Her Mission, Message

and Teachings; they don't thwart them. " However, today they are far

and few between, hence my temporary disassociation with the majority

who are siding with WCASY. You must understand that i am only against

those who oppose the websites/forum/myself. Please forgive me if

there has been a misunderstanding. When things get better in future i

may reconsider my decision. It is only at the present moment that i

want to distance myself from the subtle system majority as my

conscience does not allow me to compromise with them in any way.

Moreover, my dedication is only towards the Devi, not to Sahaja Yoga

or Yogis. So it really does not matter if i am in Sahaja Yoga or a

Sahaja Yogi. There are millions of non-SYs meditating on Her daily.


But i do not expect anyone to follow my personal decision. Be your

own master at all times.


regards to all,



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Re: Real SYs support Her Mission, Message and Teachings; they don't thwart them


Dear Jagbir (and All),


It is beneficial that you have explained your situation. i understand that as

you are at the forefront of http://www.adishakti.org/ and its associated forum,

that the weight of the responsibility lies on your shoulders. Through your sheer

determination and dedication to the Adi Shakti, you have created the path via

website and forum to get Her Mission, Message, and Wholistic Teachings out to

the world-at-large. The rest of us need only follow that path.


This is why others may not always realise that the only sane and sensible

solution when WCASY et al are against your website, forum, and yourself, is to

temporarily disassociate from them. This does not mean you have split off,

schism'd off or any other such words, which John Noyce is putting into your

'proverbial mouth'. He just has this obsession to split and schism you off. Thus

his repetitive deletion of any links of http://www.adishakti.org/ to Sahaja

Yoga. The tools he uses to split and schism, is multiple I.D.'s, and he is

deceiving Wikipedia, by pretending that his multiple I.D.'s are different

people. i really don't know how he can call his fanatical behaviour " middle of

the road Sahaja Yoga " . It beggars belief!


John Noyce and his SYSSR are " wishy-washy " according to Shri Mataji Herself. It

just has no real substance because it is just external techniques, which though

helpful, are not the substance of Sahaja Yoga. It can never be " middle of the

road Sahaja Yoga " therefore, as John claims. It is only " beside the road of the

real Sahaja Yoga " , which is within the person. Subtle system yogis will even

tell you that " collectivity " means regularly attending your local collective, or

other wise you are not " being collective " . However, Shri Mataji seems to be

saying that " real collectivity " is something much deeper spiritually, than

merely having a good Local Collective Attendance Record!:


Words of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Collectivity...


" Collectivity doesn't mean that we all should be stuck together with some glue

or something or we all become like Gibraltar, Rock of Gibraltar. No, it doesn't

mean that. It means wherever you are, you are connected. That is collectivity.


A collective doesn't mean that you hate that person. No, your connection means

you love that person, you're concerned about that person. The connection, 'the

connecting line', is " of love " and not " of hatred " . So when you are connected

with another person or persons, then you are in collectivity. But people will

live together and everyday break each other's heads. Some of them really give Me

headaches, I tell you! Sometimes... because they are nowhere near the real

growth of Sahaja Yoga.


So you may be in America, you may be in India, you may be anywhere. You are just

connected. And you are concerned. As soon as there's a problem somewhere, into

any part, any part, of the world, you are connected and you're effective; you

can manage. But if you are not connected and you are just glued together, it's

very inconvenient to live under such circumstances.


I think people don't even understand the meaning of collectivity 'where there's

not the other'... " ananya " (Sanskrit –> no other). There's no other personality.

These personalities are separated from you because of left and right or could be

both. But you are yourself fully when you're absolutely detached and your

kundalini's dancing. You're alone and never alone. This oneness with the whole

gives you all the security that you want, all the joy you want and that's why

Kundalini Awakening means collectivity. Unless and until you want pure

collectivity in your being, Kundalini won't rise. (Shri Mataji - Shri Adi

Kundalini Puja - Germany - 11 August 1991)


So according to Shri Mataji's understanding given of what collectivity is,

Jagbir is " being collective " . Not only is Jagbir " being collective " but he may

even be locally collective one day, if things get better:


" When things get better in future i may reconsider my decision. It is

only at the present moment that i want to distance myself from the

subtle system majority as my conscience does not allow me to

compromise with them in any way. Moreover, my dedication is only

towards the Devi, not to Sahaja Yoga or Yogis. So it really does not

matter if i am in Sahaja Yoga or a Sahaja Yogi. There are millions of

non-SYs meditating on Her daily. " (Jagbir)


However, Jagbir says that he does not expect anyone to follow his own personal

decision, but that we should be our own master at all times:


" But i do not expect anyone to follow my personal decision. Be your

own master at all times. " (Jagbir)


i appreciate this fact very much. It is a rare trait when someone does not try

and tell you what to think, do, and say. Through the experience of being a

moderator on this forum, i can assure you that Jagbir is very much into giving

people their spiritual liberty, and not enforcing anything on them. This is what

a " real " Sahaja Yogi is like. Real Sahaja Yogis just do not enforce their own

will on others. They do not even have any will or desire to do so! The only

desire they have is to enjoy their Union with the Divine, and to help others to

enjoy that union also. They do this by shedding the Light around that they

themselves have. It is as simple as that!


For that a person just needs to be spiritually flexible (spontaneous) and

dedicate themselves to Her (the Holy Spirit within). Here is what Shri Jesus and

Shri Mataji say, which is very important to know:


Shri Jesus:


" For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The lamp of the body

is the eye; if therefore your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of

light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness! No man

can serve two Masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he

will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon " (Shri

Jesus - Matthew 6:21-24)


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:


" You have to dedicate yourself completely to me, not to Sahaja Yoga, but to me.

Sahaja Yoga is only one of my aspects. Leaving everything you have to dedicate.

Complete dedication – otherwise you cannot ascend any further. Without

questioning, Without arguing, complete dedication is the only way you can

achieve it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Cheltenham, U.K. – 31 July 1982)


However those who have followed Sahaja Yoga rather than dedicating themselves

completely to Shri Mataji, have fallen into a very 'wishy-washy thing'. Shri

Mataji describes it like this:


" If you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people with one

chilli to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon, they will think,

" What's this going on here? Wishy-washy stuff. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi - Sheffield, UK, September 21 1985)


With the last two quotes which come from the early to mid 1980's, Shri Mataji is

really " slamming " what must already have been the emerging SYSSR. Yet what Shri

Mataji described as " wishy-washy " ... John Noyce calls

" middle-of-the-road-Sahaja-Yoga " ! But then it is typical that WCASY et al think

they know better than Shri Mataji. i guess it must be their overbloated ego that

is continually blinding them to what Shri Mataji is saying. As Shri Mataji

predicted, many Sahaja Yogis especially, are now thinking:


" What's this going on here? "


But thankfully Shri Mataji did give the answer to " What's this going

on here " in the mid-80's in Sheffield, U.K. We now know it has to be the

fullblown SYSSR She was referring to as " putting one little fish and two eggs

for ten people with one chilli to say that it is Sahaja Yoga, maybe a lemon " .


So, Jagbir, you have every good reason to temporarily disassociate yourself,

until things get better. After all, you are dedicated to Shri Mataji... and not

to WCASY. You can only serve One Master, the Adi Shakti within, just as Shri

Mataji asked Her Devotees to do. WCASY et al are just reaping the spiritual

shallowness they have sown... the results of the " wishy-washy " SYSSR. Only those

who support Her Mission, Message, and Teachings can go forward with confidence,

and not those who thwart it.






, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,


> Namaskar: I bow to the Devi that resides in you.


> i just received an email which reads:


> >

> > " With what's happening re Sfacets and Wikipedia, does this mean we

> > are going to be relegated along with the anti-Sahaja Yogis? Are


> > feeling down about what is happening? Or just angry. "

> >


> i am not the least bothered or concerned by John Noyce or whatever

> WCASY tells him to do. But i admit admiring the ingenuity of the

> negativity that compels him/them to act that way. Over the last few

> years the negativity within the organization has bloated to an

> enormous size. John Noyce is just making sure his contribution is

> rewarded in future with a WCASY membership.



> >

> > " i say this out of all respect, brother. What Sfacets et al is

> > doing is leaving a bad taste in my mouth, for sure. i am glad you

> > are working up the fight against them. However, i don't think i


> > ever stop considering myself a Sahaja Yogi. Rather, they as far as

> > i am concerned, they are not Sahaja Yogis at all! Real SYs support

> > Her Mission, Message and Teachings; they don't thwart them. i

> > appreciate you are fighting them. "

> >


> " You have to dedicate yourself completely to me, not to Sahaja Yoga,

> but to me. Sahaja Yoga is only one of my aspects. Leaving everything

> you have to dedicate. Complete dedication – otherwise you cannot

> ascend any further. Without questioning, Without arguing, complete

> dedication is the only way you can achieve it. "


> Shri Mataji - Cheltenham, U.K. – 31 July 1982


> i fully agree with you that " Real SYs support Her Mission, Message

> and Teachings; they don't thwart them. " However, today they are far

> and few between, hence my temporary disassociation with the majority

> who are siding with WCASY. You must understand that i am only


> those who oppose the websites/forum/myself. Please forgive me if

> there has been a misunderstanding. When things get better in future


> may reconsider my decision. It is only at the present moment that i

> want to distance myself from the subtle system majority as my

> conscience does not allow me to compromise with them in any way.

> Moreover, my dedication is only towards the Devi, not to Sahaja Yoga

> or Yogis. So it really does not matter if i am in Sahaja Yoga or a

> Sahaja Yogi. There are millions of non-SYs meditating on Her daily.


> But i do not expect anyone to follow my personal decision. Be your

> own master at all times.


> regards to all,


> jagbir


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