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Wisdom Speaks For Herself

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Wisdom Speaks For Herself:


Does not Wisdom call, and understanding lift up Her voice? On top of the heights

beside the way where the paths meet, She takes Her stand. Beside the gates, at

the opening to the city, at the entrance of the doors, She cries out:


" To you, O men, I call, and my voice is to the sons of men. O naive ones;

discern prudence and O fools; discern wisdom. Listen, for I shall speak noble

things and the opening of my lips will produce right things. For my mouth will

utter truth, and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.


All the utterances of my mouth are in righteousness. There is nothing crooked or

perverted in them. They are all straightforward to him who understands and right

to those who find knowledge. Take my instruction and not silver, and knowledge

rather than choicest gold. For wisdom is better than jewels and all desirable

things cannot compare with her.


I, Wisdom, dwell with providence and I find knowledge and discretion. The fear

of the Lord is to hate evil. Pride and arrogance and the evil way, and the

perverted mouth; i hate. Counsel is mine and sound wisdom. I am understanding.

Power is mine. By me kings reign and rulers decree justice. By me princes rule,

and nobles; All who judge rightly.


I love those who love me, and those who diligently seek Me will find Me. Riches

and honour are with me, enduring wealth and righteousness. My fruit is better

than gold, even pure gold and my yield than choicest silver. I walk in the way

of righteousness in the midst of the paths of justice, to endow those who love

Me with wealth, that I may fill their treasuries.


The Lord possessed Me at the beginning of His way before His works of old. From

everlasting I was established, from the beginning, from the earliest times of

the earth. When there were no depths, I was brought forth. When there were no

springs abounding with water, before the mountains were settled, before the

hills, I was brought forth. While He had not yet made the earth and the fields,

nor the first dust of the world when He established the heavens, I was there.

When He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep, when He made firm the skies

above, when the springs of the deep became fixed, when He set for the sea its

boundary so that the water should not trangress His command, when He marked out

the foundations of the earth, then I was beside Him, as a Master Workman, and I

was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him, rejoicing in the world, His

earth and having my delight in the sons of men.


Now therefore O sons, listen to me, for blessed are they who keep My ways. Heed

instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. Blessed is the man who listens

to Me, watching daily at My gates, waiting at my doorposts. For he who finds Me

finds Life, and obtains favour from the Lord. But he who sins against Me injures

himself. All those who hate Me love death. (Proverbs 8)



Wisdom's Invitation To All:


Wisdom has built Her house. She has hewn out Her seven pillars. She has mixed

Her wine. She has also set Her table. She has sent out Her maidens. She calls

from the tops of the heights of the city: " Whoever is naive, let him turn in

here! " To him who lacks understanding, She says: " Come, eat of my food, and

drink of the wine I have mixed. Forsake your folly and live, and proceed in the

way of understanding. "

(Proverbs 9:1-6)



Shri Adi Shakti, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:


The Russian people are very open-minded, especially the scientists. They were

suppressed, so they tried to find out about the subtler things. They found out

about chemicals and the physical properties of light, which took them to the

subtle knowledge of auras around the human body. Their research in this area was

accepted all over the world.


There is one physicist who holds a very high position and is very well-known

throughout the world. " Very humble and very nice person, and when he came out

with this discovery, I was happy in a way, because scientifically if it is

proved, then nobody can challenge it. " He has written a book describing in

algebraic terms the vacuum that exists beyond consciousness. Only in that vacuum

can you know reality.


" He showed so many of My photographs [Her photographs emit Heavenly Light due to

fact Shri Mataji is Incarnation of Holy Spirit/Shekinah... whom the Hindus call

as " Adi Shakti " meaning " Primordial Power " ] especially the ones where a lot of

energy is coming out of My Sahasrara when we were on a boat. So he said, 'She

[Adi Shakti] is the source of all the cosmic energy' and that is what Adi Shakti

[Primordial Power] is. She's the one who creates everything. " Her first

manifestation is on the left hand side as Mahakali, and that is where She

created Shri Ganesha [shri Jesus is Incarnation of Shri Ganesha]. " His purity,

innocence, and auspiciousness had to be created before She created the

universe. "


Then She goes up in the body of the Virata on the right hand side and there She

creates all the universes. There are 14 buvanas (many universes make one

buvana). Then She creates all the chakras, the Adi chakras or the pitas, and

then She settles the Kundalini.


Kundalini is only part of Adi Shakti. " The rest of the work is much more than

this.... First She creates these chakras in the head, we call them the pitas of

the chakras. And then She comes down and creates these chakras, which are in the

body of the Virata. "


After this, She creates human beings through the evolutionary process. " So when

She creates water, and She creates all the universes, She chooses this Mother

Earth as the best place to play Her evolutionary process, and there She makes

this little microscopic thing.... When My book will be released, you can see how

first hydrogen, carbon and oxygen and all of these things were mixed up, how

nitrogen comes into play and how a living process starts. "


" With this happening... whatever I write, now people won't doubt. They will know

it is a scientific fact and that whatever I say is a fact. " Believing in a

Mother, in Adi Shakti, was impossible for many Christians and Muslims, whose

religions completely negated the mother. Only Indian philosophy had the Mother,

and Indians are Shakti worshippers.


" In India people are very sure that it's the Mother who does everything. " That

is why Maharashtra has the swayambhus of the Mother: Mahakali, Mahasaraswati,

Mahalakshmi and Saptashringi in Nasik, which represents Adi Shakti. " Adi Shakti

is the fourth dimension of this power which gives you the ascent, and ultimately

through Mahalakshmi channel only, you get your realization. "


The Mother Earth, the whole atmosphere, all the elements are one with the Adi

Shakti. " She could create all that without any difficulties. But when human

beings came, they got their freedom. That's the only species which fell into the

maya of thinking, and of having the ego in them. With this ego, a maya worked on

them, and they forgot about the principle that created this universe; they took

it for granted. " They started feeling that the earth is their right, that they

are the owners of everything, and this led to aggression and destruction. They

never even thought that what they were doing was wrong. They were very cruel,

and had no feelings for other people.


" Now the Adi Shakti Herself has come [shri Mataji is an Incarnation of the Adi

Shakti] but... I'm very simple to look at. In My behaviour I'm very, very humble

and people take Me for granted. I don't do anything, I don't want to punish

you... but you yourself get punished, you yourself become useless if you do not

look after yourself and grow yourself. "


This Russian scientist is so learned, yet so humble. " He told me that, 'Just

imagine I'm sitting before the Creator of this world [shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

is an Incarnation of the Holy Spirit/Shekinah that is the Primordial Power that

does all the Work of Creation] and still I'm very normal.' I said, 'It's good

that you don't feel My presence so oppressive.... I'm very happy.' 'No,' he

said, 'I just feel love, just feel the compassion.' "


" Whatever is the discovery, is not a discovery for Me, but discovery for the

whole world, and I'm sure once it is established and is exposed to the whole

world, things will change for you, and for Me also. May God bless you. "


Excerpt - Adi Shakti Puja Talk Synopsis

Cabella, Italy, June 21, 1998

(The Divine Cool Breeze, August/September 1998)

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