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His Message was so great and so deep but He had disciples who were not prepared

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Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,


Namskaar - i bow to the Holy Spirit that resides in you,


i just came across this quote:


" His Message was so great and so deep but He had disciples who were

not prepared for the battle they had to fight. It's the same thing

that sometimes happen in Sahaja Yoga. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Give up your Antichrist Behaviour, Christmas Puja,

Ganapatipule, India — December 24, 1996


That was more than a decade ago. Today it is obvious that Shri

Mataji's disciples are by far the worst any incarnation could ever

hope for. They are easily the most cowardly, hypocritical and un-

conscientious disciples in the history of spirituality. Never have

there been so many been collectively involved in the corruption of

their guru's teachings and suppression of the Message. It is beyond

belief that tens and thousands of SYs can remain silent and fearful

while leaders and their lackeys rape, pillage and plunder their Guru,

Her Teachings and Will before their very eyes.


Jesus' Message was indeed great and deep but He had disciples who

were not prepared for the battle they had to fight. Shri Mataji's

Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection is easily much greater

as the very survival and salvation of humanity and Mother Earth is at

stake. Yet, even as this eleventh hour, the silence from the vast

majority of Her disciples is deafening. It is unbelievable that only

a handful of Her devotees, labeled as " rebellious non-SYs " by WCASY

and SYs, are prepared for the battle they have to fight. There is no

question that the Adi Shakti brought along those fully prepared to

fight to the end. It is indeed a great blessing and honor to serve

Her. No matter what the odds, She will eventually triumph.


Jai Ganapathy,








, " rondosky "

<rondosky wrote:


> Hi guys,


> I read somewhere that all we need to do is to spread the

> adishakti.org website. Any advise as to how to orient a newcomer to

> the website. There is like so much info that im afraid it will

> scare a new person away.


i think it is mere speculation that the Truth will scare people away.

This is the usual excuse SYs have used for decades to justify lying

to the public about Shri Mataji and what Sahaja Yoga is all about. A

hypothetical situation would be disciples asking seekers to make free

furniture from Jesus since He is a good carpenter. Only after waiting

for months for the furniture would they be told He is actually the

Son of God i.e., sorry, the free furniture was just a ploy to get

them attracted to Jesus and His message.


But did His disciples do that? No! Unlike SYs they risked their lives

to promote the Truth about Jesus' Advent and Message.


Did they believe the Truth will scare people away? No! Unlike SYs

they believed that telling the Truth upfront and at all times will

attract more followers.


> n what abt a non religious person? how should we go abt spreading

> the message?


The Truth applies to all, irrespective of religious beliefs. Shri

Mataji never bothered whether people will believe Her or not. Who are

we to decide to whom, how and when the Truth will be delivered?



> also im starting to have problems with meditating on Mother within.

> feeling confused these days. i'm having this unsettling and

> restless feeling which i can't shake off. something is missing.



i too am having a restless and uneasy time for the last few days,

ever since i was told that:


" The main idea - Devi resides in Sahasrara, reach Her there. Russian

and Ukranian councils said " the message to be negative, they told not

to reach into Sahasrara, because it will break someone's subtle

system. They ordered to remove everyone who bring the message on

collective programme. It is possession " .


i am disturbed by the fear, hysteria and ignorance that council

members project unto SYs. This mental disease is passed all around

and will only make SYs all the more dreadful of meditating within.

They will always project the senses and attention outside, and pass

on this disease to all newcomers. There is no hope in sight as it is

the council members who have become blind and deaf to the core

teachings of Shri Mataji:


" You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus

of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Jump Into The Ocean Of Love

Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989



" But those who have got Realization will enter into the Kingdom of

God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the

Seventh Chakra. "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981



i have been doing little work the last few days. i am just trying to

understand the immense negativity that has possessed WCASY and the SY

leadership to act so - from hijacking Her will to getting henchmen

like John Noyce to remove Wikipedia links to council members

declaring that meditating on Shri Mataji within will break the subtle

system. i have also realized that a number of SYs, despite years of

footsoaking and treatments, are still unbalanced and fanatical.


The only solution is to start with a clean slate i.e., nourish and

nuture newcomers by shielding them from Sahaja Yoga collectives,

WCASY and their SYSSR. They must not be exposed to the fear, hysteria

and ignorance of the vast majority of SYs. That is why a few posts

ago i wrote:


" There are two types of followers nowadays:


- the vast majority who meditate on the external, physical Shri

Mataji and empower WCASY and their SYSSR;

- the tiny but growing minority who meditate on the internal, eternal

Adi Shakti and want to declare Her advent and message to all humanity.


If by splitting into two you mean differentiating the followers of

WCASY and their SYSSR from the devotees of the Adi Shakti's Advent

and Divine Message to humanity you are absolutely right. If by that

you mean separating the chaff (liars, cowards and hypocrites) from

the wheat (those with the conscience, dharma and nature of self-

realized souls) then you are so right again. If by that you mean

things will get worse after Her Mahasamadhi you are correct again.


In the end either the WCASY and their SYSSR or the Adi Shakti and Her

Divine Message will survive, not both. i am just giving advise as to

how to edge your bets on the future outcome of this struggle. " (end)


The only way to sustain Shri Mataji's Advent and Divine Message is to

completely ignore the conditioned and ignorant SYs and concentrate

exclusively on new seekers. To ensure success all precaution must be

taken to protect newcomers from WCASY and their SYSSR. These seekers

must be amply warned beforehand so that they will not fall victim to

the fear, hysteria and ignorance of SY collectives which never cease

to shock me. That is why it does not matter to me if all the SYs of

the world ignore or go against me and the websites and forum. If i do

not meet another SY for the rest of my life i will be at peace. That

would be a great blessing if by doing just that i am able to reach

the rest of humanity and declare the Truth of Her Advent and Message.


All i want to do is to find ways and means to ensure all new seekers

are protected from the immense negativity that has gripped many SY

collectives .......... and that is exactly what i intent to do from

today. So SYs should stop telling me that the Truth will scare people

off because i know it scares them even more in the first place to be

honest, transparent and open about their deepest beliefs. i know

there are millions of great souls out there who will have far more

faith and courage than all the present SYs combined, and She will

eventually triumph through them. Time is definitely on Her side.





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