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Shri Mataji: When they are within you, how to destroy them?

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Dear devotees of the Divine Mother,


Namaskaar - i bow to the Adi Shakti that resides in you,


It is obvious that the Word Council for the Advancement of Sahaja

Yoga and their Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion contradicts Shri

Mataji's teachings in a number of ways. Perhaps the most striking

difference is seeking and meditating with the Adi Shakti within.


" The most important thing is where are you as far as God is

concerned? That relation you must establish, by first finding out

your Self (your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga [your union with the Divine] and

then relating yourself to that. "


But the WCASY members are dead against this and regard it as a

possession. i quote Gulik Igor:


" The main idea - Devi resides in Sahasrara, reach Her there. Russian

and Ukranian councils said " the message to be negative, they told not

to reach into Sahasrara, because it will brake someone's subtle

system. They ordered to remove everyone who bring the message on

collective programme. It is possession. "


Shri Mataji warned us nearly three decades ago in 1979 to be careful

of such characters who try to dominate others.


" In Sahaja yoga [in spontaneous union with the Divine] it is left to

your freedom to understand that you have to keep to the mains; you

have to keep to the growth, you have to keep to the whole and not to

one person here and there, who is trying to overpower the rest. "


Today we have the powerful WCASY who members are ex-communicating SYs

out of collectives, using marriage as a leverage to control them,

denouncing websites/forums promoting Shri Mataji's Advent and Divine

Message, enforcing their SYSSR on all, medicating Her against Her

Will before taking over, and committing other transgressions with



" Now the problem is very different at the present moment, which you

should try to understand. The problem of Kali-Yuga, is that, there

are not pure and simple persons, such as Sadhus and Rakshasas. So

many Rakshasas have entered into your brains. You side with so many

people, who are wrong and who are doing all sorts of wrong things in

the name of religion, in the name of politics, progress, education

and all that. Once you have sided with them, then they are in your

brains; they are within you. When they are within you, how to destroy



The most important thing is where are you as far as God is concerned.

That relation you must establish, by first finding out your Self

(your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga [your union with the Divine] and then

relating yourself to that. "


But according to WCASY what Shri Mataji said in 1979 is regarded by

them as a possession that will break your subtle system! They are

corrupting the most fundamental of Her teachings with impunity! There

is no hope in sight as council members have become blind and deaf to

the core teachings of Shri Mataji:


“You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus

of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also.”


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989


" But those who have got Realization will enter into the Kingdom of

God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in the

Seventh Chakra.”


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981


So how can we destroy the contradictory teachings of WCASY members

and their SYSSR dogma that has entered the brains of most SYs? How to

rid ourselves of those who are wrong and who are doing all sorts of

wrong things in the name of Shri Mataji? What can be done when such

people, who now openly claim to be representing Shri Mataji's Will,

are already within? How can their negativity, false ideas and

overpowering control be removed?


Answer: You do not empower them in any way. You do not associate

yourself with supporters of WCASY and their SYSSR. You denounce and

reject their false teachings, ideas, conditioning and control. You

rigorously resist them at all times for the rest of your life. You

distance yourself as far as possible from them. You seek the

protection and guidance of the Adi Shakti and meditate on Her within

at all times - there is no other way to escape WCASY and their SYSSR!


Jai Ganapathy!









Shri Mataji - Bombay, India - 28 September, 1979


Today's subject is the relationship between Kundalini & Kalki. The

word Kalki is actually an abbreviation of the word 'Nishkalank' which

means the same as my name 'Nirmala'. It [Nishkalank] means it is

spotlessly clean, without any spots or marks.


This incarnation has been described in many Puranas and will be

coming on this Earth on a white horse in a village of Sambhalpur (as

they call it). It is very interesting how people take everything

literally. The word 'Sambhal' means 'Bhal'. It is the Forehead. It

means that 'at that stage', Kalki is situated on your Bhal or

Forehead and he is going to be born. That is the real meaning of

the word.


For us, in between Christ and the destroying incarnation of

Mahavishnu called 'Kalki', there is a time given for human beings to

rectify themselves to enable them to enter the kingdom of God. The

Bible calls this 'The Last Judgment'.... that you will all be judged

on this Earth. The population of the world is maximum, as practically

all those who have aspirations to enter into the kingdom of God, have

been born in the Modern Times, or are going to be born very soon.


This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga [union with the

Divine within] is also 'The Last Judgment'. It is fantastic to have

this, but that is a fact, and it is the Truth. You can understand

though, that Mother's love makes it very easy for you to get your

self-realisaton and that the whole story of the Last Judgment, which

looks like such a horrifying experience, has been made very

beautiful, tender and delicate, and does not have to disturb you. But

this is the Last Judgment, 'I tell you' and you are all going to be

judged through Sahaja Yoga [through your Union with the Divine], [as

to] whether you can enter the kingdom of God, or not.


When we talk of Kalki, we have to remember that between getting our

Realisation and entering into the kingdom of God, we can falter very

much. This is called as 'Yoga Bhrasta Sthiti', where people take to

yoga [to union], enter into the yoga [the union] but are still

enchanted by their Pravaruttis. Examples of this enchantment are an

ego-oriented man, or a money-oriented man, who wants to dominate, can

form a group of people, whom he will dominate with his ideas, and

therefore he can go in for a fall, and the rest of the people will go

with him also in Sahaja Yoga itself.


In Sahaja yoga [in spontaneous union with the Divine] it is left to

your freedom to understand that you have to keep to the mains; you

have to keep to the growth, you have to keep to the whole and not to

one person here and there, who is trying to overpower the rest.


'Kalki' means there are eleven powers which are guarding the beauty

of sahaja yoga [the beauty of your union with the Divine]. Anybody

who tries to play around with sahaja yoga is harmed very badly. So

today is the day of telling you about the dangers of 'playing around'

with the Divine. So far people have been taking them [saintly

persons] for granted. They have tortured great saints. All the time

human beings are tortured. Now I am warning them in almost every

lecture of mine, that don't try this trick today, because Kalki is

already on. Don't try to trouble anybody who is a saintly person, who

is a good person. 'Be careful' about it because Kalki is on. And once

this power comes on you, you would not know how to hide yourself.


Not only to the sahaja yogis, but I am telling to the whole world

today that " Be careful " . Do not try to harm others. Do not try to

take advantage of others, and do not try to show off your own powers.

Because, if once this destruction starts in your life you won't know

how to stop it.


This sort of life we have been leading 'of compromising', not

understanding what is Truth, and what is not Truth. One side is

complete 'blind faith' into all these things that are going on, not

only in India, but all over the world. We are simple innocent people

with a lot of 'Havikta' within. But that does not mean that we should

be stupid and be fools.


It is so common with us that we see with our open eyes what is

happening, yet still we will be 'going on' with the same things in

the temple. Even in the name of God we are doing sins after sins. We

are adding sins to our sins, and instead of clearing it out and

understanding it through our developed brain, we just go adding to

it. That is why I call people " tamasic " who do not use their brains.

They are Moodh Buddhis [dull intellects]. They just fall on somebody

because there is some sort of hypnotic influence, or some sort of

charismatic movement. And people are running after them like madmen

and adding up to the destruction by piling up sins after sins,

instead of cleansing themselves.


This Time that we have got is a most precious time and one has to be

very careful and alert about oneself. One should not depend on any

other person for help in this; but should try to completely

consolidate one's own being into the kingdom of God, and occupy the

highest seat in the heart of the God Almighty. Because when Kalki

will come, He will slaughter all these people, without any

compassion. He is devoid of any compassion. There are 'Eleven Rudras'

in Him. This means that there are eleven destructive powers,

absolutely powerfully settled in Him.


When I see all that (because I can see all that) and this emergency

grows into me, and I tell you 'Beware of Him'. Don't play 'the fool'

with Him. Don't take it easy and do not compromise, with these

nonsensical people. Stick on to the right. Otherwise, the day is near

when Kalki is going to come.


I have to warn all the sahaja yogis who are here. Because sahaja yoga

is the Last Judgment. It is not only that you will be judged and that

you are entering into the kingdom of God, but that you become the

citizens of God, is correct. Apart from that you are capable of being

there where you have the complete surrendering and understanding of

divine love.


Today's lecture is going to be very sharp for you, because the

incarnation that you have asked me to speak on is a very sharp one.

It is the sharpest of all. We had Krishna's incarnation, for example.

He has Hanan Shakti. He has killed Kansa, so many Rakshasas. You know

also that as a child, He killed Putana, but He had 'Leela' also. He

had love and He did give concessions to people. He forgave people.


Christ is the embodiment of forgiveness. Forgiveness of Christ is

nothing but 'the power of sustenance within him'. If He Explodes, the

whole forgiveness will come on us as a big disaster, if you are not

able to understand the value of his forgiveness. He has said very

clearly that 'anything said against me [against Christ] will be

tolerated' but a word against the Holy Ghost won't be tolerated " . Now

you have to understand that the Holy Ghost is the Adi Shakti.


One has to understand that such an Incarnation is imminent, and Shri

Krishna's Powers are given to Him, which is only Hanana Shakti.

Brahma Deva's Powers which are only Hanana Shakti are given to Him.

Shiva's Powers, which are also Hanana Shakti, i.e. a part of

his 'Tandav' is given to Him. Similarly Bhairava's Khadaga Shri

Ganesha's Parshu, Shri Hanumana's Gada and the Siddhis which are

going to destroy are given to Him. Buddha's forgiveness and

Mahavira's Ahimsa, are going to turn upside down. All these Eleven

powers are going to come on the top of us when we will be finished

with Sahaja Yoga, when we will be absolutely sorted out, and the last

killing will be done by Him. I wish it is just a killing [but] it is

not going to be an ordinary Hanana, like even the Devi has done. The

Devi has killed all the Rakshasas, thousands of year back, but they

are back in the seat again.


Now the problem is very different at the present moment, which you

should try to understand. The problem of Kali-Yuga, is that, there

are not pure and simple persons, such as Sadhus and Rakshasas. So

many Rakshasas have entered into your brains. You side with so many

people, who are wrong and who are doing all sorts of wrong things in

the name of religion, in the name of politics, progress, education

and all that. Once you have sided with them, then they are in your

brains; they are within you. When they are within you, how to destroy



You may be a good person, but you may be destroyed because you are

having them in your heads. So there is not a hard and fast rule to

say who is a real negative person, and who is a real positive person.

Only Sahaja Yoga [spontaneous union with the Divine] is going to

cleanse you and make you absolutely positive. This is the only way

when your Ankura (sprouting) starts giving you Realization and you

feel your Self.


And with that Self, you know that you are Yourself and not this

Mirage. You start enjoying that Self. When you start enjoying it, you

give up all the things that make you compromise and make you

a 'horrible mixed-up person'. All this confusion will then go. So it

is essential that we take to Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine] in a

most dedicated manner and free ourselves and others, of all the wrong



Kalki is a very big subject. If you see Kalki Purana, it is such a

big book. When is the time coming? If this is a living process, when

will the work be finished? When you see that there is not any more

chance of having any more people coming in this " Time " , then Kalki

will come down. So today is the day of warning you, because you have

asked me to speak on Kalki. He is placed on our forehead. When the

chakra of Kalki is caught up, the whole of Murdha, which is on the

top goes out of order. In the Kundalini awakening, we find that if the

Murdha goes out of order, the Kundalini doesn't rise. The whole head

becomes blocked. Such people do not allow the Kundalini to rise above

the Hamsa Chakra. At the most they might try to raise it up to Agnya,

but then it drops down.


There is another reason also, as I have said that if you put your

head on the feet of wrong Gurus, you suffer. Too much thinking also

creates problem at the right hand side and one of the aspects of

Kalki gets spoiled; and there is an imbalance created on this side.

The whole forehead, if it is full of lot of bumps, then we must know

that the Kalki Chakra is out of order. If it is out of order then

what is the thing that one should do to keep the Kalki alright? To

keep your Kalki Chakra all right you must have an Awe for God, and

fear to do wrong. If you are doing something wrong, and in your Heart

of hearts, you know it, then please don't do it. Otherwise, your

Kalki will go out.


When you have that awe for God, and know that He is all pervading,

all powerful, that He has the powers to raise us to this state of

higher being and also He has powers to bestow all the blessings that

He has. He is the most compassionate God or we can say, the most

compassionate father that one can think of. But in the same way [as a

father], he has a wrath, and if that wrath falls upon you, nobody

can slip from under it. Nobody can stop it, and the compassion of the

mother will not be listened to because He may say that " you have

spoiled your children by giving them too much looseness " . But if you

do anything for Him, or for your own being or for your Self-

Realisation, you will be placed in the highest position.


Today, you may be the biggest millionaire, you may be the richest,

may be the biggest political leader and all that nonsense. In the

presence of God, those who are dear to God will be placed at the

highest position and not all these worldly things, which looks so

interesting and enchanting to you.


The most important thing is where are you as far as God is concerned.

That relation you must establish, by first finding out your Self

(your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga [your union with the Divine] and then

relating yourself to that.


(Shri Mataji - " Shri Kalki " - Bombay, India - 28 September, 1979)

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Guest guest

, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


How do they justify what Gulik Igor said that:


" The main idea - Devi resides in Sahasrara, reach Her there. Russian and

Ukranian councils said " the message to be negative, they told not to reach into

Sahasrara, because it will brake someone's subtle system. They ordered to remove

everyone who bring the message on collective programme. It is possession. "



Dear Jagbir and All,


As stated, 'reaching the Devi who resides in the Sahasrara' is the " most

important thing " , because the Devi (the Holy Spirit Within) is our connection

with the Divine, and we have to work it out for ourselves:


" The most important thing is where are you as far as God is concerned. That

relation you must establish, by first finding out your Self (your Atma) to

Sahaja Yoga [your union with the Divine] and then relating yourself to that.

(Shri Mataji - " Shri Kalki " - Bombay, India - 28 September, 1979)


According to the information given by Gulik Igor, WCASY are putting their SYSSR

over and above Shri Mataji's Message that we can meet the Divine Within, through

the Holy Spirit Within. They are also saying that by reaching for the Holy

Spirit Within, we will strain ourselves, thereby breaking the subtle system.

This is the most ridiculous assertion i have every heard in my whole life, and

to hear it from the 'supposed followers of Shri Mataji' is unbelievable!!!


But then, these are only 'so-called-followers'. They cannot be true Devotees of

the Adi Shakti, to be saying such ridiculous things. It is just " shabda jalam "

(a web of words)! If you 'read between the lines', you will realise, that what

WCASY is 'really concerned' about, is that as more SYs reach the Devi in the

Sahasrara, that their SYSSR will be broken!!! That is obviously why they are

'weeding out' as many SYs as they can. It is an attempt to protect their own

devised SYSSR, which goes against Shri Mataji's teachings. Instead of being part

and parcel of a Movement of Love that is Sahaja Yoga, they have become a Group

who have formed an Inquisitionary Religion, that is the complete opposite of

what the Holy Spirit Incarnate wanted.


What really surprises and concerns me too, is that WCASY et al do not seem to

have any Awe (or fear) of God. After all, according to Shri Mataji, Shri Jesus

tolerates anything against Himself, but He does not tolerate anything against

His Mother. What will happen to WCASY if they continue to do actions against His

Mother? i fear on their behalf, that they are so overcome with negativity. Here

is what Shri Mataji says:


" Christ is the embodiment of forgiveness. Forgiveness of Christ is nothing but

'the power of sustenance within him'. If He Explodes, the whole forgiveness will

come on us as a big disaster, if you are not able to understand the value of his

forgiveness. He has said very clearly that 'anything said against me [against

Christ] will be tolerated' but a word against the Holy Ghost won't be

tolerated " . Now you have to understand that the Holy Ghost is the Adi Shakti. "

(Shri Mataji - " Shri Kalki " - Bombay, India - 28 September, 1979)


Maybe they think that what Shri Mataji says, does not apply to them. Otherwise,

how can they keep doing what Jagbir has described below. Frankly, i think they

have become " possessed " by their own devised SYSSR, which has lost its

fundamentals. Such a " possession " is the only explanation i have for what they

are doing today:


" Today we have the powerful WCASY who members are ex-communicating SYs out of

collectives, using marriage as a leverage to control them, denouncing

websites/forums promoting Shri Mataji's Advent and Divine Message, enforcing

their SYSSR on all, medicating Her against Her Will before taking over, and

committing other transgressions with impunity. "


Jai Shri Mataji,







> Dear devotees of the Divine Mother,


> Namaskaar - i bow to the Adi Shakti that resides in you,


> It is obvious that the Word Council for the Advancement of Sahaja

> Yoga and their Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion contradicts Shri

> Mataji's teachings in a number of ways. Perhaps the most striking

> difference is seeking and meditating with the Adi Shakti within.


> " The most important thing is where are you as far as God is

> concerned? That relation you must establish, by first finding out

> your Self (your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga [your union with the Divine]


> then relating yourself to that. "


> But the WCASY members are dead against this and regard it as a

> possession. i quote Gulik Igor:


> " The main idea - Devi resides in Sahasrara, reach Her there. Russian

> and Ukranian councils said " the message to be negative, they told


> to reach into Sahasrara, because it will brake someone's subtle

> system. They ordered to remove everyone who bring the message on

> collective programme. It is possession. "


> Shri Mataji warned us nearly three decades ago in 1979 to be careful

> of such characters who try to dominate others.


> " In Sahaja yoga [in spontaneous union with the Divine] it is left to

> your freedom to understand that you have to keep to the mains; you

> have to keep to the growth, you have to keep to the whole and not to

> one person here and there, who is trying to overpower the rest. "


> Today we have the powerful WCASY who members are ex-communicating


> out of collectives, using marriage as a leverage to control them,

> denouncing websites/forums promoting Shri Mataji's Advent and Divine

> Message, enforcing their SYSSR on all, medicating Her against Her

> Will before taking over, and committing other transgressions with

> impunity.


> " Now the problem is very different at the present moment, which you

> should try to understand. The problem of Kali-Yuga, is that, there

> are not pure and simple persons, such as Sadhus and Rakshasas. So

> many Rakshasas have entered into your brains. You side with so many

> people, who are wrong and who are doing all sorts of wrong things in

> the name of religion, in the name of politics, progress, education

> and all that. Once you have sided with them, then they are in your

> brains; they are within you. When they are within you, how to


> them?...


> The most important thing is where are you as far as God is


> That relation you must establish, by first finding out your Self

> (your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga [your union with the Divine] and then

> relating yourself to that. "


> But according to WCASY what Shri Mataji said in 1979 is regarded by

> them as a possession that will break your subtle system! They are

> corrupting the most fundamental of Her teachings with impunity!


> is no hope in sight as council members have become blind and deaf to

> the core teachings of Shri Mataji:


> " You know that I reside in the Sahasrara. I incarnated on the Lotus

> of 1000 Petals; that is why I could break it open also. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> Sahasrara Puja Sorento, Italy — May 6, 1989


> " But those who have got Realization will enter into the Kingdom of

> God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here, as I say, in


> Seventh Chakra. "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981


> So how can we destroy the contradictory teachings of WCASY members

> and their SYSSR dogma that has entered the brains of most SYs? How


> rid ourselves of those who are wrong and who are doing all sorts of

> wrong things in the name of Shri Mataji? What can be done when such

> people, who now openly claim to be representing Shri Mataji's Will,

> are already within? How can their negativity, false ideas and

> overpowering control be removed?


> Answer: You do not empower them in any way. You do not associate

> yourself with supporters of WCASY and their SYSSR. You denounce and

> reject their false teachings, ideas, conditioning and control. You

> rigorously resist them at all times for the rest of your life. You

> distance yourself as far as possible from them. You seek the

> protection and guidance of the Adi Shakti and meditate on Her within

> at all times - there is no other way to escape WCASY and their



> Jai Ganapathy!



> jagbir






> Shri Mataji - Bombay, India - 28 September, 1979


> Today's subject is the relationship between Kundalini & Kalki. The

> word Kalki is actually an abbreviation of the word 'Nishkalank'


> means the same as my name 'Nirmala'. It [Nishkalank] means it is

> spotlessly clean, without any spots or marks.


> This incarnation has been described in many Puranas and will be

> coming on this Earth on a white horse in a village of Sambhalpur (as

> they call it). It is very interesting how people take everything

> literally. The word 'Sambhal' means 'Bhal'. It is the Forehead. It

> means that 'at that stage', Kalki is situated on your Bhal or

> Forehead and he is going to be born. That is the real meaning of

> the word.


> For us, in between Christ and the destroying incarnation of

> Mahavishnu called 'Kalki', there is a time given for human beings to

> rectify themselves to enable them to enter the kingdom of God. The

> Bible calls this 'The Last Judgment'.... that you will all be judged

> on this Earth. The population of the world is maximum, as


> all those who have aspirations to enter into the kingdom of God,


> been born in the Modern Times, or are going to be born very soon.


> This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga [union with the

> Divine within] is also 'The Last Judgment'. It is fantastic to have

> this, but that is a fact, and it is the Truth. You can understand

> though, that Mother's love makes it very easy for you to get your

> self-realisaton and that the whole story of the Last Judgment, which

> looks like such a horrifying experience, has been made very

> beautiful, tender and delicate, and does not have to disturb you.


> this is the Last Judgment, 'I tell you' and you are all going to be

> judged through Sahaja Yoga [through your Union with the Divine], [as

> to] whether you can enter the kingdom of God, or not.


> When we talk of Kalki, we have to remember that between getting our

> Realisation and entering into the kingdom of God, we can falter very

> much. This is called as 'Yoga Bhrasta Sthiti', where people take to

> yoga [to union], enter into the yoga [the union] but are still

> enchanted by their Pravaruttis. Examples of this enchantment are an

> ego-oriented man, or a money-oriented man, who wants to dominate,


> form a group of people, whom he will dominate with his ideas, and

> therefore he can go in for a fall, and the rest of the people will


> with him also in Sahaja Yoga itself.


> In Sahaja yoga [in spontaneous union with the Divine] it is left to

> your freedom to understand that you have to keep to the mains; you

> have to keep to the growth, you have to keep to the whole and not to

> one person here and there, who is trying to overpower the rest.


> 'Kalki' means there are eleven powers which are guarding the beauty

> of sahaja yoga [the beauty of your union with the Divine]. Anybody

> who tries to play around with sahaja yoga is harmed very badly. So

> today is the day of telling you about the dangers of 'playing


> with the Divine. So far people have been taking them [saintly

> persons] for granted. They have tortured great saints. All the time

> human beings are tortured. Now I am warning them in almost every

> lecture of mine, that don't try this trick today, because Kalki is

> already on. Don't try to trouble anybody who is a saintly person,


> is a good person. 'Be careful' about it because Kalki is on. And


> this power comes on you, you would not know how to hide yourself.


> Not only to the sahaja yogis, but I am telling to the whole world

> today that " Be careful " . Do not try to harm others. Do not try to

> take advantage of others, and do not try to show off your own


> Because, if once this destruction starts in your life you won't know

> how to stop it.


> This sort of life we have been leading 'of compromising', not

> understanding what is Truth, and what is not Truth. One side is

> complete 'blind faith' into all these things that are going on, not

> only in India, but all over the world. We are simple innocent people

> with a lot of 'Havikta' within. But that does not mean that we


> be stupid and be fools.


> It is so common with us that we see with our open eyes what is

> happening, yet still we will be 'going on' with the same things in

> the temple. Even in the name of God we are doing sins after sins. We

> are adding sins to our sins, and instead of clearing it out and

> understanding it through our developed brain, we just go adding to

> it. That is why I call people " tamasic " who do not use their brains.

> They are Moodh Buddhis [dull intellects]. They just fall on somebody

> because there is some sort of hypnotic influence, or some sort of

> charismatic movement. And people are running after them like madmen

> and adding up to the destruction by piling up sins after sins,

> instead of cleansing themselves.


> This Time that we have got is a most precious time and one has to be

> very careful and alert about oneself. One should not depend on any

> other person for help in this; but should try to completely

> consolidate one's own being into the kingdom of God, and occupy the

> highest seat in the heart of the God Almighty. Because when Kalki

> will come, He will slaughter all these people, without any

> compassion. He is devoid of any compassion. There are 'Eleven


> in Him. This means that there are eleven destructive powers,

> absolutely powerfully settled in Him.


> When I see all that (because I can see all that) and this emergency

> grows into me, and I tell you 'Beware of Him'. Don't play 'the fool'

> with Him. Don't take it easy and do not compromise, with these

> nonsensical people. Stick on to the right. Otherwise, the day is


> when Kalki is going to come.


> I have to warn all the sahaja yogis who are here. Because sahaja


> is the Last Judgment. It is not only that you will be judged and


> you are entering into the kingdom of God, but that you become the

> citizens of God, is correct. Apart from that you are capable of


> there where you have the complete surrendering and understanding of

> divine love.


> Today's lecture is going to be very sharp for you, because the

> incarnation that you have asked me to speak on is a very sharp one.

> It is the sharpest of all. We had Krishna's incarnation, for


> He has Hanan Shakti. He has killed Kansa, so many Rakshasas. You


> also that as a child, He killed Putana, but He had 'Leela' also. He

> had love and He did give concessions to people. He forgave people.


> Christ is the embodiment of forgiveness. Forgiveness of Christ is

> nothing but 'the power of sustenance within him'. If He Explodes,


> whole forgiveness will come on us as a big disaster, if you are not

> able to understand the value of his forgiveness. He has said very

> clearly that 'anything said against me [against Christ] will be

> tolerated' but a word against the Holy Ghost won't be tolerated " .


> you have to understand that the Holy Ghost is the Adi Shakti.


> One has to understand that such an Incarnation is imminent, and Shri

> Krishna's Powers are given to Him, which is only Hanana Shakti.

> Brahma Deva's Powers which are only Hanana Shakti are given to Him.

> Shiva's Powers, which are also Hanana Shakti, i.e. a part of

> his 'Tandav' is given to Him. Similarly Bhairava's Khadaga Shri

> Ganesha's Parshu, Shri Hanumana's Gada and the Siddhis which are

> going to destroy are given to Him. Buddha's forgiveness and

> Mahavira's Ahimsa, are going to turn upside down. All these Eleven

> powers are going to come on the top of us when we will be finished

> with Sahaja Yoga, when we will be absolutely sorted out, and the


> killing will be done by Him. I wish it is just a killing [but] it is

> not going to be an ordinary Hanana, like even the Devi has done. The

> Devi has killed all the Rakshasas, thousands of year back, but they

> are back in the seat again.


> Now the problem is very different at the present moment, which you

> should try to understand. The problem of Kali-Yuga, is that, there

> are not pure and simple persons, such as Sadhus and Rakshasas. So

> many Rakshasas have entered into your brains. You side with so many

> people, who are wrong and who are doing all sorts of wrong things in

> the name of religion, in the name of politics, progress, education

> and all that. Once you have sided with them, then they are in your

> brains; they are within you. When they are within you, how to


> them?


> You may be a good person, but you may be destroyed because you are

> having them in your heads. So there is not a hard and fast rule to

> say who is a real negative person, and who is a real positive


> Only Sahaja Yoga [spontaneous union with the Divine] is going to

> cleanse you and make you absolutely positive. This is the only way

> when your Ankura (sprouting) starts giving you Realization and you

> feel your Self.


> And with that Self, you know that you are Yourself and not this

> Mirage. You start enjoying that Self. When you start enjoying it,


> give up all the things that make you compromise and make you

> a 'horrible mixed-up person'. All this confusion will then go. So it

> is essential that we take to Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine] in


> most dedicated manner and free ourselves and others, of all the


> doings.


> Kalki is a very big subject. If you see Kalki Purana, it is such a

> big book. When is the time coming? If this is a living process, when

> will the work be finished? When you see that there is not any more

> chance of having any more people coming in this " Time " , then Kalki

> will come down. So today is the day of warning you, because you have

> asked me to speak on Kalki. He is placed on our forehead. When the

> chakra of Kalki is caught up, the whole of Murdha, which is on the

> top goes out of order. In the Kundalini awakening, we find that if


> Murdha goes out of order, the Kundalini doesn't rise. The whole head

> becomes blocked. Such people do not allow the Kundalini to rise


> the Hamsa Chakra. At the most they might try to raise it up to


> but then it drops down.


> There is another reason also, as I have said that if you put your

> head on the feet of wrong Gurus, you suffer. Too much thinking also

> creates problem at the right hand side and one of the aspects of

> Kalki gets spoiled; and there is an imbalance created on this side.

> The whole forehead, if it is full of lot of bumps, then we must know

> that the Kalki Chakra is out of order. If it is out of order then

> what is the thing that one should do to keep the Kalki alright? To

> keep your Kalki Chakra all right you must have an Awe for God, and

> fear to do wrong. If you are doing something wrong, and in your


> of hearts, you know it, then please don't do it. Otherwise, your

> Kalki will go out.


> When you have that awe for God, and know that He is all pervading,

> all powerful, that He has the powers to raise us to this state of

> higher being and also He has powers to bestow all the blessings that

> He has. He is the most compassionate God or we can say, the most

> compassionate father that one can think of. But in the same way [as


> father], he has a wrath, and if that wrath falls upon you, nobody

> can slip from under it. Nobody can stop it, and the compassion of


> mother will not be listened to because He may say that " you have

> spoiled your children by giving them too much looseness " . But if you

> do anything for Him, or for your own being or for your Self-

> Realisation, you will be placed in the highest position.


> Today, you may be the biggest millionaire, you may be the richest,

> may be the biggest political leader and all that nonsense. In the

> presence of God, those who are dear to God will be placed at the

> highest position and not all these worldly things, which looks so

> interesting and enchanting to you.


> The most important thing is where are you as far as God is


> That relation you must establish, by first finding out your Self

> (your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga [your union with the Divine] and then

> relating yourself to that.


> (Shri Mataji - " Shri Kalki " - Bombay, India - 28 September, 1979)


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Guest guest

, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> How do they justify what Gulik Igor said that:


> " The main idea - Devi resides in Sahasrara, reach Her there.

> Russian and Ukranian councils said " the message to be negative,

> they told not to reach into Sahasrara, because it will brake

> someone's subtle system. They ordered to remove everyone who bring

> the message on collective programme. It is possession. "



> Dear Jagbir and All,


> As stated, 'reaching the Devi who resides in the Sahasrara' is

> the " most important thing " , because the Devi (the Holy Spirit

> Within) is our connection with the Divine, and we have to work it

> out for ourselves:


> " The most important thing is where are you as far as God is

> concerned. That relation you must establish, by first finding out

> your Self (your Atma) to Sahaja Yoga [your union with the Divine]

> and then relating yourself to that. (Shri Mataji - " Shri Kalki " -

> Bombay, India - 28 September, 1979)


> According to the information given by Gulik Igor, WCASY are putting

> their SYSSR over and above Shri Mataji's Message that we can meet

> the Divine Within, through the Holy Spirit Within. They are also

> saying that by reaching for the Holy Spirit Within, we will strain

> ourselves, thereby breaking the subtle system. This is the most

> ridiculous assertion i have every heard in my whole life, and to

> hear it from the 'supposed followers of Shri Mataji' is

> unbelievable!!!


> But then, these are only 'so-called-followers'. They cannot be true

> Devotees of the Adi Shakti, to be saying such ridiculous things. It

> is just " shabda jalam " (a web of words)! If you 'read between the

> lines', you will realise, that what WCASY is 'really concerned'

> about, is that as more SYs reach the Devi in the Sahasrara, that

> their SYSSR will be broken!!! That is obviously why they

> are 'weeding out' as many SYs as they can. It is an attempt to

> protect their own devised SYSSR, which goes against Shri Mataji's

> teachings. Instead of being part and parcel of a Movement of Love

> that is Sahaja Yoga, they have become a Group who have formed an

> Inquisitionary Religion, that is the complete opposite of what the

> Holy Spirit Incarnate wanted.



Shri Mataji has been explaining about Self-realization for decades.

She must have used that word thousands of times - day after day, week

after week, month after month, year after year, and decade after

decade. Self-realization is now the sacred cow of WCASY in the form

of SYSSR. Their mantra is " Just give Self-realization " . It makes you

almost feel that you need to attend university, or at least college,

to attain their level of enlightenment. After all, they do not

explain why just giving Self-realization has been an abysmal failure.

Ordinary folks like you and me just do not have the required

intelligence, foresight and vision of these 'chosen ones' to grasp

their extraordinary talents at emancipating humanity. We common folks

are only good for the mundane and repetitive task of just giving Self-

realization. Unlike us, council members know what is Self-realization.

Or is that so?


Gulik Igor's email still takes some time to digest - council members

are insisting that meditating on the Devi within will break the

subtle system ........... and all those believing so are to be ex-

communicated/not welcome at collective meditations any more???!!!!!


What then is Self-realization other than realizing the nature and

identity of the Self within??!!! What is Self-realization other then

discovering and meditating on your Self within??!!! If council

members have not realized this despite being so close to Shri Mataji

for so many year what have they learnt? What is the nature of the

negativity that has possessed them to such a level of avidya? What is

going to happen to all SYs who listen to them? Does any SY think i

was wrong in advising new comers not to join the local collectives?

....... though it was for other reasons. This latest tradegy only

vindicates what i have always believed - our leaders are corrupting

Shri Mataji's teachings with impunity right behind Her back.


Gulik Igor's email confirms that WCASY's SYSSR conditioning is going

to get really bad before getting worse. As Violet has observed so

correctly it is to WCASY's disadvantage and demise that SYs begin to

seek and meditate on the Adi Shakti within. The very survival of

WCASY and their SYSSR depends exclusively on external images and

rituals. Remove these 'idols' and immediately the priestly class

become impotent. That is why they just cannot afford SYs realizing

and meditating on their own Self, even at the expense of corrupting

and contradicting what Shri Mataji said:


" The most important thing is where are you as far as God is

concerned. That relation you must establish, by first finding out

your Self to Sahaja Yoga and then relating yourself to that. "


The Self is within! God is within! Devi is within! The Sahasrara is

within! Salvation is within! Meditation is within! Moksa is within!

And council members want SYs to believe that meditating on Self/God/

Devi/Sahasrara within will break the subtle system??!!! What has

possessed them to utter and enforce such nonsense?


regards to all,



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