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She came to me three times last night

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Dear all Jay Shri Mataji First of all thank you Jagbir for your answers. The Great Adi Shakti came to me three times last night. Each time she was in her red indian sari. In the first vision I was with her and a few followers in a room where she was teaching and we were having meditation I was in front of her and could see her face, her feet, her whole body, she was so present, so charismatic, so shining. The second time I entered a room where she was, waiting for yogis to come, and there was only one yogi. So Shri Mataji and I had a private discussion (such a blessing for I !!) about the education of children. In the third vision we were by the sea, holding hands and singing a song I wrote about Her, called "Divine Mother". You are right that there is no need for searching her physical presence, if you meditate, she comes to you ! Namaste

! Baba Chihabi jagbir singh <adishakti_org a écrit : , "jagbir singh"<adishakti_org wrote:>> Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,>> Namskaar - i bow to the Holy Spirit that resides in you,>> i just came across this quote:>> "His Message was so great and so deep but He had disciples who

were> not prepared for the battle they had to fight. It's the same thing> that sometimes happen in Sahaja Yoga.">> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi> Give up your Antichrist Behaviour, Christmas Puja,> Ganapatipule, India — December 24, 1996>> That was more than a decade ago. Today it is obvious that Shri> Mataji's disciples are by far the worst any incarnation could ever> hope for. They are easily the most cowardly, hypocritical and un-> conscientious disciples in the history of spirituality. Never have> there been so many been collectively involved in the corruption of> their guru's teachings and suppression of the Message. It is beyond> belief that tens and thousands of SYs can remain silent and fearful> while leaders and their lackeys rape, pillage and plunder their> Guru, Her Teachings and Will before their very eyes.>> Jesus' Message was indeed great

and deep but He had disciples who> were not prepared for the battle they had to fight. Shri Mataji's> Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection is easily much greater> as the very survival and salvation of humanity and Mother Earth is> at stake. Yet, even as this eleventh hour, the silence from the vast> majority of Her disciples is deafening. It is unbelievable that only> a handful of Her devotees, labeled as "rebellious non-SYs" by WCASY> and SYs, are prepared for the battle they have to fight. There is no> question that the Adi Shakti brought along those fully prepared to> fight to the end. It is indeed a great blessing and honor to serve> Her. No matter what the odds, She will eventually triumph.>> Jai Ganapathy,>>> jagbir>To the end of the Earth - Six DegreesSunday Times 15 March 07SUNDAY TIMES MAGAZINE – COVER STORY:This is our

future – famous cities are submerged, a third of theworld is desert, the rest struggling for food and fresh water.Richard Girling investigates the reality behind the science ofclimate change.Mark Lynas rummages through his filing cabinet like a badger rakingout his bedstraw, much of the stuff so crumpled that he might havebeen sleeping on it for years. Eventually he finds what he is lookingfor – four sheets of printed paper, stapled with a page of notes.It is an article, dated November 2000, which he has clipped from thescientific journal Nature: "Acceleration of global warming due tocarbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled climate model". Even when theyare mapping a short cut to Armageddon, scientists do not go in forred-top words like "crisis". If you speak the language, however, youget the message – and the message, delivered by the UK Met Office'sHadley Centre for Climate Change, was cataclysmic."There

should have been panic on the streets," says Lynas in his newbook, Six Degrees, "people shouting from the rooftops, statements toparliament and 24-hour news coverage."In layman's language, Hadley's message was that newlydiscovered "positive feedbacks" would make nonsense of acceptedglobal-warming estimates. It would not be a gradual, linear increasewith nature slowly succumbing to human attrition. Nature itself wasabout to turn nasty. Instead of absorbing and retaining greenhousegases from the atmosphere, the figures suggested, it would suddenlyspew them out again – billions of years' worth of carbon and methane,incontinently released in blazing surges that would drown orincinerate whole cities. Ice would melt in torrents, and the Earth'sessential green lung, the Amazon rainforest, could be moribund asearly as 2050. A vicious spiral would have begun which would threatennot just our way of life but the very

existence of our own and everyother species on Earth. Lynas's notes, still fixed to the report,have the dour humour of the gallows: "The end of the world is nigh,and it's already been published in Nature."Next day's newspapers ignored the rescheduling of Armageddon – theheadlines were all about faulty counts in the US presidentialelection, Gordon Brown's fiddling with National Insurance and LordFalconer's refusal to resign over "the Dome fiasco". Lynas, however,was energised like the hero of a disaster movie. Inconveniently, hehad a book to write, but as soon as he'd finished it he pedalledfrom his Oxford home to the nearby Radcliffe Science Library. He didit every working day for a year: arriving at 10am and sitting tillfive in the afternoon, being served sheaves of paper by librarianswho – even though professionally attuned to world-class standards ofeccentricity – must have wondered at the power of the man's

obsession.Lynas wanted to see every scrap of paper the library held on globalwarming. Scanning at speed, he worked his way through two or threehundred every day, tens of thousands in all. Then as now, new piecesof research were emerging almost weekly as computer models wereimproved, new data collected and analysed. Then as now, there was nosingle, provable prediction of the future. Without knowing how muchmore fossil fuel will be burnt, the best science can offer is a rangeof plausible "scenarios". These vary so widely that theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in its ThirdAssessment report in 2001, was able to suggest only that globalaverage temperatures by the end of the 21st century will have risenbetween 1.4 and 5.8C above the average for 1990 – an estimate whichlast month it pushed up to a possible maximum of 6.4C. It doesn'tlook much, but it could measure the difference between survival

andthe near-extinction of human life.On Lynas's laptop were six spreadsheets – one for each degree ofwarming from one to six. As he worked, he would slot each paper intothe appropriate file. Many of them included predictions from climatemodels, but there was more: "Some of the most interesting came frompalaeoclimate studies – investigations of how variations intemperature, calculated by analysis of soil strata and ancient ice-cores, affected the planet in prehistory." It was these that wouldgive some of the most terrifying insights into what the future mightbe like. Which parts of the globe would be abandoned first? What wasthe precise mechanism that, eventually, would wipe us out?The spreadsheets became the six core chapters of Lynas's book – adetailed, carefully annotated, degree-by-degree guide not just to ourgrandchildren's futures but to our own.UP TO ONE DEGREE OF WARMINGEven if

greenhouse emissions stopped overnight – of which there isabout as much chance as Tony Blair holidaying in Skegness – theconcentrations already in the atmosphere would still mean a globalrise of between 0.5 and 1C. A shift of a single degree is barelyperceptible to human skin, but it's not human skin we're talkingabout. It's the planet; and an average increase of one degree acrossits entire surface means huge changes in climatic extremes.Six thousand years ago, when the world was one degree warmer than itis now, the American agricultural heartland around Nebraska wasdesert. It suffered a short reprise during the dust- bowl years ofthe 1930s, when the topsoil blew away and hundreds of thousands ofrefugees trailed through the dust to an uncertain welcome furtherwest. The effect of one-degree warming, therefore, requires no greatfeat of imagination."The western United States once again could suffer

perennialdroughts, far worse than the 1930s. Deserts will reappearparticularly in Nebraska, but also in eastern Montana, Wyoming andArizona, northern Texas and Oklahoma. As dust and sandstorms turn dayinto night across thousands of miles of former prairie, farmsteads,roads and even entire towns will be engulfed by sand."What's bad for America will be worse for poorer countries closer tothe equator. The Hadley centre calculates that a one-degree increasewould eliminate fresh water from a third of the world's land surfaceby 2100. Again we have seen what this means. Lynas describes anincident in the summer of 2005: "One tributary fell so low that milesof exposed riverbank dried out into sand dunes, with winds whippingup thick sandstorms. As desperate villagers looked out onto bakingmud instead of flowing water, the army was drafted in to ferryprecious drinking water up the river – by helicopter, since most ofthe

river was too low to be navigable by boat." The river in questionwas not some small, insignificant trickle in Sussex. It was theAmazon.While tropical lands teeter on the brink, the Arctic already may havepassed the point of no return. Warming near the pole is much fasterthan the global average, with the result that Arctic icecaps andglaciers have lost 400 cubic kilometres of ice in 40 years.Permafrost – ground that has lain frozen for thousands of years – isdissolving into mud and lakes, "destabilising whole areas as theground collapses beneath buildings, roads and pipelines". As polarbears and Inuits are being pushed off the top of the planet, previouspredictions are starting to look optimistic. "Earlier snowmelt," saysLynas, "means more summer heat goes into the air and ground ratherthan into melting snow, raising temperatures in a positive feedbackeffect. More dark shrubs and forest on formerly bleak tundra

meansstill more heat is absorbed by vegetation."Out at sea the pace is even faster. "Whilst snow-covered ice reflectsmore than 80% of the sun's heat, the darker ocean absorbs up to 95%of solar radiation. Once sea ice begins to melt, in other words, theprocess becomes self-reinforcing. More ocean surface is revealed,absorbing solar heat, raising temperatures and making it unlikelierthat ice will re-form next winter. The disappearance of 720,000square kilometres of supposedly permanent ice in a single yeartestifies to the rapidity of planetary change. If you have everwondered what it will feel like when the Earth crosses a tippingpoint, savour the moment."Mountains, too, are starting to come apart. In the Alps, most groundabove 3,000 metres is stabilised by permafrost. In the summer of2003, however, the melt zone climbed right up to 4,600 metres, higherthan the summit of the Matterhorn and nearly as high as

Mont Blanc.With the glue of millennia melting away, rocks showered down and 50climbers died. As temperatures go on edging upwards, it won't just bemountaineers who flee. "Whole towns and villages will be at risk,"says Lynas. "Some towns, like Pontresina in eastern Switzerland, havealready begun building bulwarks against landslides."At the opposite end of the scale, low-lying atoll countries such asthe Maldives will be preparing for extinction as sea levels rise, andmainland coasts – in particular the eastern US and Gulf of Mexico,the Caribbean and Pacific islands and the Bay of Bengal – will be hitby stronger and stronger hurricanes as the water warms. HurricaneKatrina, which in 2005 hit New Orleans with the combined impacts ofearthquake and flood, was a nightmare precursor of what the futureholds."Most striking of all," says Lynas, "was seeing how people behavedonce the veneer of civilisation had been

torn away. Most victims werepoor and black, left to fend for themselves as the police eitherjoined in the looting or deserted the area. Four days into thecrisis, survivors were packed into the city's Superdome, living nextto overflowing toilets and rotting bodies as gangs of young men withguns seized the only food and water available. Perhaps the mostmemorable scene was a single military helicopter landing for just afew minutes, its crew flinging food parcels and water bottles outonto the ground before hurriedly taking off again as if from a warzone. In scenes more like a Third World refugee camp than an Americanurban centre, young men fought for the water as pregnant women andthe elderly looked on with nothing. Don't blame them for behavinglike this, I thought. It's what happens when people are desperate."Chance of avoiding one degree of global warming: zero.BETWEEN ONE AND TWO DEGREES OF WARMINGAt

this level, expected within 40 years, the hot European summer of2003 will be the annual norm. Anything that could be called aheatwave thereafter will be of Saharan intensity. Even in averageyears, people will die of heat stress."The first symptoms," says Lynas, "may be minor. A person will feelslightly nauseous, dizzy and irritable. It needn't be an emergency:an hour or so lying down in a cooler area, sipping water, will cureit. But in Paris, August 2003, there were no cooler areas, especiallyfor elderly people."Once body temperature reaches 41C (104F) its thermoregulatory systembegins to break down. Sweating ceases and breathing becomes shallowand rapid. The pulse quickens, and the victim may lapse into a coma.Unless drastic measures are taken to reduce the body's coretemperature, the brain is starved of oxygen and vital organs begin tofail. Death will be only minutes away unless the emergency servicescan

quickly get the victim into intensive care."These emergency services failed to save more than 10,000 French inthe summer of 2003. Mortuaries ran out of space as hundreds of deadbodies were brought in each night." Across Europe as a whole, theheatwave is believed to have cost between 22,000 and 35,000 lives.Agriculture, too, was devastated. Farmers lost $12 billion worth ofcrops, and Portugal alone suffered $12 billion of forest-fire damage.The flows of the River Po in Italy, Rhine in Germany and Loire inFrance all shrank to historic lows. Barges ran aground, and there wasnot enough water for irrigation and hydroelectricity. Melt rates inthe Alps, where some glaciers lost 10% of their mass, were not just arecord – they doubled the previous record of 1998. According to theHadley centre, more than half the European summers by 2040 will behotter than this. Extreme summers will take a much heavier toll ofhuman life,

with body counts likely to reach hundreds of thousands.Crops will bake in the fields, and forests will die off and burn.Even so, the short-term effects may not be the worst:"From the beech forests of northern Europe to the evergreen oaks ofthe Mediterranean, plant growth across the whole landmass in 2003slowed and then stopped. Instead of absorbing carbon dioxide, thestressed plants began to emit it. Around half a billion tonnes ofcarbon was added to the atmosphere from European plants, equivalentto a twelfth of global emissions from fossil fuels. This is apositive feedback of critical importance, because it suggests that,as temperatures rise, carbon emissions from forests and soils willalso rise. If these land-based emissions are sustained over longperiods, global warming could spiral out of control."In the two-degree world, nobody will think of taking Mediterraneanholidays. "The movement of people from

northern Europe to theMediterranean is likely to reverse, switching eventually into a massscramble as Saharan heatwaves sweep across the Med." Peopleeverywhere will think twice about moving to the coast. Whentemperatures were last between 1 and 2C higher than they are now,125,000 years ago, sea levels were five or six metres higher too. Allthis "lost" water is in the polar ice that is now melting.Forecasters predict that the "tipping point" for Greenland won'tarrive until average temperatures have risen by 2.7C. The snag isthat Greenland is warming much faster than the rest of the world –2.2 times the global average. "Divide one figure by the other," saysLynas, "and the result should ring alarm bells across the world.Greenland will tip into irreversible melt once global temperaturesrise past a mere 1.2C." The ensuing sea-level rise will be far morethan the half-metre that the IPCC has predicted for the end of

thecentury. Scientists point out that sea levels at the end of the lastice age shot up by a metre every 20 years for four centuries, andthat Greenland's ice, in the words of one glaciologist, isnow "thinning like mad and flowing much faster than [it] ought to".Its biggest outflow glacier, Jakobshavn Isbrae, has thinned by 15metres every year since 1997, and its speed of flow has doubled. "Atthis rate," says Lynas, "the whole Greenland ice sheet would vanishwithin 140 years. Miami would disappear, as would most of Manhattan.Central London would be flooded. Bangkok, Bombay and Shanghai wouldlose most of their area. In all, half of humanity would have to moveto higher ground."Not only coastal communities will suffer. As mountains lose theirglaciers, so people will lose their water supplies. The entire Indiansubcontinent will be fighting for survival. "As the glaciersdisappear from all but the highest peaks, their

runoff will cease topower the massive rivers that deliver vital freshwater to hundreds ofmillions. Water shortages and famine will be the result,destabilising the entire region. And this time the epicentre of thedisaster won't be India, Nepal or Bangladesh, but nuclear-armedPakistan."Everywhere, ecosystems will unravel as species either migrate or fallout of synch with each other. By the time global temperatures reachtwo degrees of warming in 2050, more than a third of all livingspecies will face extinction.Chance of avoiding two degrees of global warming: 93%, but only ifemissions of greenhouse gases are reduced by 60% over the next 10years.BETWEEN TWO AND THREE DEGREES OF WARMINGUp to this point, assuming that governments have planned carefullyand farmers have converted to more appropriate crops, not too manypeople outside subtropical Africa need have starved. Beyond twodegrees, however,

preventing mass starvation will be as easy ashalting the cycles of the moon. "First millions, then billions, ofpeople will face an increasingly tough battle to survive," says Lynas.To find anything comparable we have to go back to the Pliocene – lastepoch of the Tertiary period, 3m years ago. There were no continentalglaciers in the northern hemisphere (trees grew in the Arctic), andsea levels were 25 metres higher than today's. In this kind of heat,the death of the Amazon is as inevitable as the melting of Greenland.The paper spelling it out is the very one whose apocalyptic messageso shocked Lynas in 2000. Scientists at the Hadley centre feared thatearlier climate models, which showed global warming as astraightforward linear progression, were too simplistic in theirassumption that land and the oceans would remain inert as theirtemperatures rose. Correctly as it would turn out, they predictedpositive

feedback."Warmer seas," explains Lynas, "absorb less carbon dioxide, leavingmore to accumulate in the atmosphere and intensify global warming. Onland, matters would be even worse. Huge amounts of carbon are storedin the soil, the half-rotted remains of dead vegetation. Thegenerally accepted estimate is that the soil carbon reservoircontains some 1600 gigatonnes, more than double the entire carboncontent of the atmosphere. As soil warms, bacteria accelerate thebreakdown of this stored carbon, releasing it into the atmosphere."The Hadley team factored this new feedback into their climate model,with results that fully explain Lynas's black-comic note to himself:The end of the world is nigh. A three-degree increase in globaltemperature – possible as early as 2050 – would throw the carboncycle into reverse. "Instead of absorbing carbon dioxide," saysLynas, "vegetation and soils start to release it. So much

carbonpours into the atmosphere that it pumps up atmospheric concentrationsby 250 parts per million by 2100, boosting global warming by another1.5C. In other words, the Hadley team had discovered that carbon-cycle feedbacks could tip the planet into runaway global warming bythe middle of this century – much earlier than anyone had expected."Confirmation came from the land itself. Climate models are routinelytested against historical data. In this case, scientists checked 25years' worth of soil samples from 6,000 sites across the UK. Theresult was another black joke. "As temperatures gradually rose," saysLynas, "the scientists found that huge amounts of carbon had beenreleased naturally from the soils. They totted it all up anddiscovered – irony of ironies – that the 13m tonnes of carbon Britishsoils were emitting annually was enough to wipe out all the country'sefforts to comply with the Kyoto Protocol." All soils

will beaffected by the rising heat, but none as badly as theAmazon's. "Catastrophe" is almost too small a word for the loss ofthe rainforest. Its 7m square kilometres produce 10% of the world'sentire photosynthetic output from plants. Drought and heat willcripple it; fire will finish it off. In human terms, the effect onthe planet will be like cutting off oxygen during an asthma attack.In the US and Australia, people will curse the climate-denyinggovernments of Bush and Howard. No matter what later administrationsmay do, it will not be enough to keep the mercury down. Withnew "super-hurricanes" growing from the warming sea, Houston could bedestroyed by 2045, and Australia will be a death trap. "Farming andfood production will tip into irreversible decline. Salt water willcreep up the stricken rivers, poisoning ground water. Highertemperatures mean greater evaporation, further drying out vegetationand soils,

and causing huge losses from reservoirs." In statecapitals, heat every year is likely to kill between 8,000 and 15,000mainly elderly people.It is all too easy to visualise what will happen in Africa. InCentral America, too, tens of millions will have little to put ontheir tables. Even a moderate drought there in 2001 meant hundreds ofthousands had to rely on food aid. This won't be an option when worldsupplies are stretched to breaking point (grain yields decline by10% for every degree of heat above 30C, and at 40C they are zero).Nobody need look to the US, which will have problems of its own. Asthe mountains lose their snow, so cities and farms in the west willlose their water and dried-out forests and grasslands will perish atthe first spark.The Indian subcontinent meanwhile will be choking on dust. "All ofhuman history," says Lynas, "shows that, given the choice betweenstarving in situ and moving,

people move. In the latter part of thecentury tens of millions of Pakistani citizens may be facing thischoice. Pakistan may find itself joining the growing list of failedstates, as civil administration collapses and armed gangs seize whatlittle food is left."As the land burns, so the sea will go on rising. Even by the mostoptimistic calculation, 80% of Arctic sea ice by now will be gone,and the rest will soon follow. New York will flood; the catastrophethat struck eastern England in 1953 will become an unremarkableregular event; and the map of the Netherlands will be torn up by theNorth Sea. Everywhere, starving people will be on the move – fromCentral America into Mexico and the US, and from Africa into Europe,where resurgent fascist parties will win votes by promising to keepthem out.Chance of avoiding three degrees of global warming: poor if the risereaches two degrees and triggers carbon-cycle

feedbacks from soilsand plants.BETWEEN THREE AND FOUR DEGREES OF WARMINGThe stream of refugees will now include those fleeing from coasts tosafer interiors – millions at a time when storms hit. Where theypersist, coastal cities will become fortified islands. The worldeconomy, too, will be threadbare. "As direct losses, socialinstability and insurance payouts cascade through the system, thefunds to support displaced people will be increasingly scarce." Sealevels will be rampaging upwards – in this temperature range, bothpoles are certain to melt, causing an eventual rise of 50 metres. "Iam not suggesting it would be instantaneous," says Lynas. "In fact itwould take centuries, and probably millennia, to melt all of theAntarctic's ice. But it could yield sea-level rises of a metre or soevery 20 years – far beyond our capacity to adapt." Oxford would siton one of many coastlines in a UK reduced to an

archipelago of tinyislands.More immediately, China is on "a collision course with the planet".By 2030, if its people are consuming at the same rate as Americans,they will eat two-thirds of the entire global harvest and burn 100mbarrels of oil a day, or 125% of current world output. That prospectalone contains all the ingredients of catastrophe. But it's worsethan that: "By the latter third of the 21st century, if globaltemperatures are more than three degrees higher than now, China'sagricultural production will crash. It will face the task of feeding1.5bn much richer people – 200m more than now – on two thirds ofcurrent supplies." For people throughout much of the world,starvation will be a regular threat; but it will not be the only one."The summer will get longer still, as soaring temperatures reduceforests to tinderwood and cities to boiling morgues. Temperatures inthe Home Counties could reach 45C –

the sort of climate experiencedtoday in Marrakech. Droughts will put the south-east of England onthe global list of water-stressed areas, with farmers competingagainst cities for dwindling supplies from rivers and reservoirs."Air-conditioning will be mandatory for anyone wanting to stay cool.This in turn will put ever more stress on energy systems, which couldpour more greenhouse gases into the air if coal and gas-fired powerstations ramp up their output, hydroelectric sources dwindle andrenewables fail to take up the slack." The abandonment of theMediterranean will send even more people north to "overcrowdedrefuges in the Baltic, Scandinavia and the British Isles".Britain will have problems of its own. "As flood plains are moreregularly inundated, a general retreat out of high risk areas islikely. Millions of people will lose their lifetime investments inhouses that become uninsurable and therefore

unsaleable. TheLancashire/Humber corridor is expected to be among the worst affectedregions, as are the Thames Valley, eastern Devon and towns around thealready flood-prone Severn estuary like Monmouth and Bristol. Theentire English coast from the Isle of Wight to Middlesbrough isclassified as at `very high' or `extreme' risk, as is the whole ofCardigan Bay in Wales."One of the most dangerous of all feedbacks will now be kicking in –the runaway thaw of permafrost. Scientists believe at least 500billion tonnes of carbon are waiting to be released from the Arcticice, though none yet has put a figure on what it will add to globalwarming. One degree? Two? Three? The pointers are ominous."As with Amazon collapse and the carbon-cycle feedback in the three-degree world," says Lynas, "stabilising global temperatures at fourdegrees above current levels may not be possible. If we reach threedegrees, therefore, that

leads inexorably to four degrees, whichleads inexorably to five."Chance of avoiding four degrees of global warming: poor if the risereaches three degrees and triggers a runaway thaw of permafrost.BETWEEN FOUR AND FIVE DEGREES OF WARMINGWe are looking now at an entirely different planet. Ice sheets havevanished from both poles; rainforests have burnt up and turned todesert; the dry and lifeless Alps resemble the High Atlas; risingseas are scouring deep into continental interiors. One temptation maybe to shift populations from dry areas to the newly thawed regions ofthe far north, in Canada and Siberia. Even here, though, summers maybe too hot for crops to be grown away from the coasts; and there isno guarantee that northern governments will admit southern refugees.Lynas recalls James Lovelock's suspicion that Siberia and Canadawould be invaded by China and the US, each hammering another nailinto

humanity's coffin. "Any armed conflict, particularly involvingnuclear weapons, would of course further increase the planetarysurface area uninhabitable for humans."When temperatures were at a similar level 55m years ago, following avery sudden burst of global warming in the early Eocene, alligatorsand other subtropical species were living high in the Arctic. Whathad caused the climate to flip? Suspicion rests on methane hydrate –"an ice-like combination of methane and water that forms under theintense cold and pressure of the deep sea", and which escapes withexplosive force when tapped. Evidence of a submarine landslide offFlorida, and of huge volcanic eruptions under the North Atlantic,raises the possibility of trapped methane – a greenhouse gas 20 timesmore potent than carbon dioxide – being released in a giant belchthat, as Lynas puts it, "pushed global temperatures through the roof"."Summer heatwaves

scorched the vegetation out of continental Spain,leaving a desert terrain which was heavily eroded by winterrainstorms. Palm mangroves grew as far north as England and Belgium,and the Arctic Ocean was so warm that Mediterranean algae thrived. Inshort, it was a world much like the one we are heading into thiscentury." Although the total amount of carbon in the atmosphereduring the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum, or PETM, as scientistscall it, was more than today's, the rate of increase in the 21stcentury may be 30 times faster. It may well be the fastest increasethe world has ever seen – faster even than the episodes that causedcatastrophic mass extinctions.Globalism in the five-degree world will break down into somethingmore like parochialism. Customers will have nothing to buy becauseproducers will have nothing to sell. With no possibility ofinternational aid, migrants will have to force their way into the

fewremaining habitable enclaves and fight for survival."Where no refuge is available," says Lynas, "civil war and a collapseinto racial or communal conflict seems the likely outcome." Isolatedsurvivalism, however, may be as impracticable as dialling for roomservice. "How many of us could really trap or kill enough game tofeed a family? Even if large numbers of people did successfullymanage to fan out into the countryside, wildlife populations wouldquickly dwindle under the pressure. Supporting a hunter-gathererlifestyle takes 10 to 100 times the land per person that a settledagricultural community needs. A large-scale resort to survivalismwould turn into a further disaster for biodiversity as hungry humanskilled and ate anything that moved." Including, perhaps, eachother. "Invaders," says Lynas, "do not take kindly to residentsdenying them food. History suggests that if a stockpile isdiscovered, the

householder and his family may be tortured andkilled. Look for comparison to the experience of present-day Somalia,Sudan or Burundi, where conflicts over scarce land and food are atthe root of lingering tribal wars and state collapse."Chance of avoiding five degrees of global warming: negligible if therise reaches four degrees and releases trapped methane from the seabed.BETWEEN FIVE AND SIX DEGREES OF WARMINGAlthough warming on this scale lies within the IPCC's officiallyendorsed range of 21st-century possibilities, climate models havelittle to say about what Lynas, echoing Dante, describes as "theSixth Circle of Hell". To see the most recent climatic lookalike, wehave to turn the geological clock back between 144m and 65m years, tothe Cretaceous, which ended with the extinction of the dinosaurs.There was an even closer fit at the end of the Permian, 251m yearsago, when global temperatures rose by –

yes – six degrees, and 95% ofspecies were wiped out."That episode," says Lynas, "was the worst ever endured by life onEarth, the closest the planet has come to ending up a dead anddesolate rock in space." On land, the only winners were fungi thatflourished on dying trees and shrubs. At sea there were onlylosers. "Warm water is a killer. Less oxygen can dissolve, soconditions become stagnant and anoxic. Oxygen-breathing water-dwellers – all the higher forms of life from plankton to sharks –face suffocation. Warm water also expands, and sea levels rose by 20metres." The resulting "super-hurricanes" hitting the coasts wouldhave "triggered flash floods that no living thing could havesurvived".There are aspects of the so-called "end-Permian extinction" that areunlikely to recur – most importantly, the vast volcanic eruption inSiberia that spread magma hundreds of metres thick over an areabigger than western

Europe and shot billions of tonnes of CO² intothe atmosphere. That is small comfort, however, for beneath theoceans, another monster stirred – the same that would bring adevastating end to the Palaeocene nearly 200m years later, and thatstill lies in wait today. Methane hydrate.Lynas describes what happens when warming water releases pent-up gasfrom the sea bed. "First, a small disturbance drives a gas-saturatedparcel of water upwards. As it rises, bubbles begin to appear, asdissolved gas fizzles out with reducing pressure – just as a bottleof lemonade overflows if the top is taken off too quickly. Thesebubbles make the parcel of water still more buoyant, accelerating itsrise through the water. As it surges upwards, reaching explosiveforce, it drags surrounding water up with it. At the surface, wateris shot hundreds of metres into the air as the released gas blastsinto the atmosphere. Shockwaves propagate outwards

in all directions,triggering more eruptions nearby."The eruption is more than just another positive feedback in thequickening process of global warming. Unlike CO², methane isflammable. "Even in air-methane concentrations as low as 5%," saysLynas, "the mixture could ignite from lightning or some other sparkand send fireballs tearing across the sky." The effect would be muchlike that of the fuel-air explosives used by the US and Russianarmies – so-called "vacuum bombs" that ignite fuel droplets above atarget. According to the CIA, "Those near the ignition point areobliterated. Those at the fringes are likely to suffer many internalinjuries, including burst eardrums, severe concussion, ruptured lungsand internal organs, and possibly blindness." Such tactical weapons,however, are squibs when set against methane-air clouds from oceaniceruptions. Scientists calculate that they could "destroy terrestriallife almost

entirely" (251m years ago, only one large land animal,the pig-like lystrosaurus, survived). It has been estimated that alarge eruption in future could release energy equivalent to 108megatonnes of TNT – 100,000 times more than the world's entirestockpile of nuclear weapons. Not even Lynas, for all his scientificpropriety, can avoid the Hollywood ending. "It is not too difficultto imagine the ultimate nightmare, with oceanic methane eruptionsnear large population centres wiping out billions of people – perhapsin days. Imagine a `fuel-air explosive' fireball racing towards acity – London, say, or Tokyo – the blast wave spreading out from theexplosive centre with the speed and force of an atomic bomb.Buildings are flattened, people are incinerated where they stand, orleft blind and deaf by the force of the explosion. Mix Hiroshima withpost-Katrina New Orleans to get some idea of what such a catastrophemight look like:

burnt survivors battling over food, wandering farand wide from empty cities."Then would come hydrogen sulphide from the stagnant oceans. "It wouldbe a silent killer: imagine the scene at Bhopal following the UnionCarbide gas release in 1984, replayed first at coastal settlements,then continental interiors across the world. At the same time, as theozone layer came under assault, we would feel the sun's rays burninginto our skin, and the first cell mutations would be triggeringoutbreaks of cancer among anyone who survived. Dante's hell was aplace of judgment, where humanity was for ever punished for its sins.With all the remaining forests burning, and the corpses of people,livestock and wildlife piling up in every continent, the six-degreeworld would be a harsh penalty indeed for the mundane crime ofburning fossil energy."RED ALERTIf global warming continues at the current rate, we could be

facingextinction. So what exactly is going to happen as the Earth heats up?Here is a degree-by-degree guide1c IncreaseIce-free sea absorbs more heat and accelerates global warming; freshwater lost from a third of the world's surface; low-lying coastlinesflooded2c IncreaseEuropeans dying of heatstroke; forests ravaged by fire; stressedplants beginning to emit carbon rather than absorbing it; a third ofall species face extinction3c IncreaseCarbon release from vegetation and soils speeds global warming;death of the Amazon rainforest; super-hurricanes hit coastal cities;starvation in Africa4c IncreaseRunaway thaw of permafrost makes global warming unstoppable; much ofBritain made uninhabitable by severe flooding; Mediterranean regionabandoned5c IncreaseMethane from ocean floor accelerates global warming; ice gone fromboth poles; humans migrate in search

of food and try vainly to livelike animals off the land6c IncreaseLife on Earth ends with apocalyptic storms, flash floods, hydrogensulphide gas and methane fireballs racing across the globe with thepower of atomic bombs; only fungi surviveChance of avoiding six degrees of global warming: zero if the risepasses five degrees, by which time all feedbacks will be running outof controlTo the end of the Earth - Six Degreeshttp://www.marklynas.org/2007/3/15/to-the-end-of-the-earth-six-degrees-in-the-sunday-times

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<centrebahai wrote:


> Dear all


> Jay Shri Mataji


> First of all thank you Jagbir for your answers.


> The Great Adi Shakti came to me three times last night. Each time

> she was in her red indian sari. In the first vision I was with her

> and a few followers in a room where she was teaching and we were

> having meditation I was in front of her and could see her face, her

> feet, her whole body, she was so present, so charismatic, so

> shining. The second time I entered a room where she was, waiting

> for yogis to come, and there was only one yogi. So Shri Mataji and

> I had a private discussion (such a blessing for I !!) about the

> education of children. In the third vision we were by the sea,

> holding hands and singing a song I wrote about Her, called " Divine

> Mother " .


> You are right that there is no need for searching her physical

> presence, if you meditate, she comes to you !


> Namaste !


> Baba Chihabi



Hi Baba Chihabi




i am quite intrigued by your visions and would like you to:


i) give a background of yourself (if you do not mind);

11) how long have you been meditating on the Adi Shakti;

iii) give greater details of your visions of Her.


i look forward to hearing from you.





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