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Violet; the time not to waste it

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As usual a lovely response.


I know that in a sense we are on borrowed time and that time is running out as

far as how much is left to learn the lessons needed to be learned to achieve

your liberation. Now this has always weighed heavy on my mind but im not exactly

sure what that time limit means.


I know 2013 is approaching soon and is the time when this Sahaja yoga really

takes off and the change in human conciousness on a grand scale begins, from

what i can understand of what Jagbir has said about it, but what does it mean

that the time is short?


If indeed short means have it accomplished by 2013(end of the mayan calander),

then thats not a lot of time to truly become the spirit; plus all those who are

looking but have yet to find it, that could plausably leave them a year until

2013 to figure it out. I know time

is short in God's plans could mean 50, 100 or 500 hundred years, but i wanted to

know if that " short " time really means extremely short in human understanding or

any information regarding this that you or anyone else can give.


I know Shri Mataji said we could become our own master in a few months if we

truly wanted to become that, but thats few and far between i imagine.


If indeed it is the case that its fast approaching, it almost makes me want to

just go live in the mountains and focus day and night on my ascent and not waste

precious time doing the whole family thing, job thing etc( not like i would do

that but that sort of feeling).


It seems that we are suppose to have normal lives, but in contradiction the time

is short and we have to really take to this ascent and work endlessesly towards

it; how is that possible?


ANy thoughts :-)



, " Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> ,

> " caraleen98 " <caraleen98@> wrote:


> " There are some questions that I would like to ask about the subject

> of reincarnation. What significance and perspective do memories of

> past lives have in regards to our present life?


> Why do the memories of past lives begin to surface? I know that it is the

present moment that is important, but to what extent do the qualities and

actions of the person that we were once were affect the person that we are now?

Is this how unfinished karma and destiny fits in? "



> Dear Semira,


> Our " Spirit Within " , who is our individual Mother Within, knows about all our

lifetimes, because She accompanied us in all those lifetimes. However, when we

are born, knowledge of our previous lifetimes is erased. It is called a " veil of

forgetting " . It is purposely done to give us the best advantage to start a new

life without any 'past baggage.' But it also means, that we forget who we really

are, which is the Spirit, and we again have to seek the



> In this lifetime, we reap the good we have sown in the past lifetime. Our

character is the sum total of all the spiritual lessons we have learned or not

learned. In this lifetime, however, it seems that our priority is to overcome

every spiritual hurdle, and achieve our spiritual liberation, because this is

the Spiritual Harvesting Time and those who have not completed their lessons,

are going to have to start all over from the beginning again, apparently. So,

the urgency is there. Something momentous is happening, and Shri Mataji

said we do not have much time left. Even the Mayans are saying the same thing.


> The spiritual lessons we have to learn, have to be learned from the deepest

part of ourselves. We have to go " deep within " . Those who only pretend to go

deep, do not achieve their spiritual liberation. It is not a game, but it is

complete spiritual transformation. That is why Shri Mataji came to help us, to

give us our kundalini

awakening, so that we have the power to transform ourselves from within. The

best way to do that is to " become our Spirit " , by realising every moment, until

this consciousness never leaves us, that we are not the mind, body, emotions,

but we are really the Spirit. We do have tendencies that we bring over from past

lifetimes, but with the power of our Spirit, and the kundalini energy, we can

overcome these. All these tendencies will come from either our

'over-inflated-ego' our our conditionings.


> There are a lot of people who have 'past life regression' and soforth these

days, in order to find out what tendencies they had, or who they were. Who they

were, does not really matter, except maybe for the novelty value. In any case,

whatever the person was, their

'good' or 'bad' tendencies will be present in their current lifetime, and that

is what is important to address, that they are replacing the lower self, with

the Higher Self, or Spirit.


> Sometimes, we wonder why things work out a certain way in our lives, but the

Divine always guides us down a certain path for our spiritual benevolence. That

benevolence is for our spiritual ascent, and for nothing else, because

everything else is only of temporary

earthly value anyway. It is not of eternal value.


> In regards to memories of past lives, i think they sometimes surface, when we

are dealing with issues in our present life, that are related to past lifetimes.

Let me give you an experience of mine, to clarify:


> When i was a young girl, i had this great desire to play the piano. However,

there were eight children in my family, and my parents could not afford to give

me music lessons. So, i taught myself to play " by ear " and had to content myself

with that, and it gave me many

hours of pleasure to play.


> Years later, in Australia, in the 1970's, i still had the same dream, to play

music. i felt it in my Spirit, that i had a feel for it, and that i would move

people through music. So, when i heard there was this very special Music

Teacher, famous in Sydney, for his own unique style of teaching, and that he

lived in the same street i lived on, i thought this was my golden opportunity,

to achieve my dream.


> i rented a small piano, and started to take music lessons from him. However,

that was not to last, because he died, after only a few months of lessons. i was

very devastated, as i had really thrived under his teaching methods, and knew i

would not find anyone like him, with his unique method of teaching. There was

this thing, whereby music somehow seemed my life, a feeling i must have had from

several past lives, dedicated to music.


> i guess it took some time for me to get over it, as it must have been a deep

issue for me at that time. In fact, i had three separate dreams, showing me

three separate lifetimes, where i was deeply involved in music. One with Chinese

instruments, one with a harp, and

one with a grand piano. My Spirit seemed to be showing me that i should feel

fortunate that i have had such great musical past lifetimes, and that this

lifetime, should be dedicated to what i now know, is the spiritual.


> Semira, i think our Spirit helps us. She knows us best, and She knows our

every lifetime. When She shows us glimpses, i think She is trying to inform and

help us, so that we can come to terms with our present lifetime, and achieve our

spiritual liberation, at this time.


> i hope this helps. Here are some things from Shri Mataji.


> love from violet




> " So in your meditations, you have to sit down. Now what do you see in

meditation. Try to see all the chakras, what chakras are catching, face it

yourself. These might be from your past life some chakras are weak, try to make

them alright, try to strengthen them. Because ideals have to be worked out. The

instrument has to be alright, if the instrument is a crazy one how will you do?

So first of all you must develop your instrument properly, it should be

balanced, powerful, not cowardly. People should feel your power. Of course the

power is of love, but love doesn't mean that you compromise with all the

nonsensical things. There should be no compromise at all. It's a very

self-certifying state. We cannot say when it is, so we just cannot say. Itself,

the state, will certify that I'm alright now, I

have reached that state. You cannot say after five hours three minutes two

seconds you will become that. You just mature and see that maturity within you.


> Once you understand, that unless and until you become your ideals, you are not

a Sahaja Yogi. Everybody can call themselves Sahaja Yogis; there's no

inauguration, we don't have any sort of a inauguration of a university where

people can come and get their

degrees and diplomas, " Alright, you are certified twice born. " There are some

who are several times twice born. They are twice born today, tomorrow they are

not, then again they become twice born, and again twice born. Some of them can

be 108 times twice born, in Sahaja Yoga. And even then they are not certified.

So you have to give yourself a

certificate. There is no university to do that. "


> (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - " Becoming The Ideals " - Diwali Puja Temple of all


Hampstead, London - 6 November, 1983)



> " Get out of that past life - that past, the myre. That should be over now. You

are quite aware, how with my power of Love, I've protected you all. You know

how, at every moment, I've helped you. At every point of your desire, I've -

come forward to fulfil it.

That's one side - as I said - the nourishment. But now your ascent has to come

from you. Your rising has to come from you. That has to be worked out by 'you' -

and you alone. Not by any other sahaja yogi or by me. I can only give you

suggestions. Not only the suggestion, but the warnings. And 'everything' is at

hand. It's all worked out so well. I'm informed. I'm informed before. You don't

have to go anywhere. The whole thing is 'within' yourself. You don't have to

give money, you don't have to give anything. But develop that

Dedication within yourself.


> (Shri Mataji - Cowley Manor, England " Complete Dedication The Only Way " - 31





> > Dear Violet, Jagbir and Friends,

> >

> > There are some questions that I would like to ask about the

> subject> > of reincarnation.

> > -What significance and perspective do memories of past lives have

> in> > regards to our present life?

> > -Why do the memories of past lives begin to surface?

> > -I know that it is the present moment that is important, but to

> what extent do the qualities and actions of the person that we were

> once were affect the person that we are now? Is this how unfinished

> karma and destiny fits in?

> >

> > Thanks, Semira

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > When the Christian priesthood removed the Doctrine of Re-

> > incarnation from the Christian Religion, they got themselves and

> > their followers in an 'awful pickle' regarding the understanding

> of the Spiritual Teachings that Christ Jesus gave.

> > >

> > > Jesus once said to Nicodemus:

> > >

> > > " Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the

> > Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is

> born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is

> > spirit. " (John 3:5)

> > >

> > > When Christ Jesus says " unless one is born of water " and in the

> > very next sentence, says: " that which is born of the flesh is

> > flesh " ... it is obvious He was referring to the physical birth of

> a human being, prior to which the mother's 'waters break'. The

> 'water' that Jesus was referring to is " amniotic fluid " . However, the priestly

caste, who took away the Doctrine of Reincarnation [that

> > Jesus clearly espoused] had to come up with some alternative

> > explanations. That is why [among other explanations] they 'put

> > about' that Jesus was referring to the " Rite of Baptism by Water " .

> > >

> > > These Christian priests and ministers, who claim to be followers

> > of Jesus, cannot even agree with each other, let alone with what

> > Christ taught. Yet they expect their followers to have 'blind

> faith' in them!

> > >

> > > Here is just one lengthy excerpt from an article, which shows

> the confusion generated by this 'passing priestly parade', who instead of

considering that reincarnation exists, are tiptoeing all around it. They just

will not see what is staring them right in the face:

> > >

> > > How Are We Born of Water and the Spirit?

> > >

> > > By Basil Overton

> > >

> > > " How are we born of water and the Spirit? Jesus said that in

> order to enter the kingdom of heaven, we must be born of water and the Spirit

(John 3:5).

> > >

> > > Being born of water and the Spirit is called by many " the new

> > birth. " One does not get the new birth, but one is born again or

> > experiences the new birth by exercising his will in response to

> the will of God.

> > >

> > > Some deny that water in John 3:5 means water. When asked what it

> > does mean, these say it means the Spirit. But, this would mean

> Jesus was saying, " Except a man be born of the Spirit and the Spirit, he

cannot enter the kingdom of God. " Obviously, water in John 3:5 does not mean the


> > >

> > > Others say water in John 3:5 does mean water, but if refers to

> the water of physical birth, and that born of the Spirit in the

> passage refers to the spiritual birth or new birth. This is another

> obvious error and misunderstanding because this interpretation would mean

Jesus was saying, " Except a man is born the first time and the second time, he

cannot enter the kingdom of God. " Obviously, if

> one is not born the first time, he cannot enter the kingdom!

> > >

> > > Those who say water in John 3:5 refers to the water of the

> > physical birth make it obvious they are overlooking the question

> > Nicodemus asked. In John 3:3, it is recorded that Jesus told

> > Nicodemus, " Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom

> of

> > God. " Nicodemus naturally responded, " How can a man be born when

> he

> > is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be

> > born? "

> > >

> > > Jesus answered this question Nicodemus asked by saying that

> being

> > born again involves water and the Spirit! Whatever water means in

> > John 3:5, we know it is involved in being born again!

> > >

> > > Jesus answered the question, " How is one born again? " by saying

> > that being born again involved both water and the Spirit! He was

> not

> > answering the question, " How is one born the first time? " Instead,

> > he was answering the question, " How is one born the second time? "

> > And, he said one must be born the second time by being born of

> water

> > and the Spirit!

> > >

> > > I read the following interesting comment on John 3:5 in one of

> > Martin Luther's books:

> > >

> > > It is true that the word water does often symbolize temptation

> in

> > Holy Writ, especially in the Psalms. (Psalms 18:16; 69:1-3.) But

> > here (John 3:5) it cannot be interpreted that way; for here Christ

> > is speaking of baptism, of real and natural water such as a cow

> may

> > drink, the baptism about which you hear in the sermons on this

> > subject. Therefore, the word water does not designate affliction

> > here; it means real, natural water, which is connected with God's

> > word and becomes a very spiritual bath through the Holy Spirit or

> > through the entire Trinity. Here Christ also speaks of the Holy

> > Spirit as present and active, in fact, the entire Holy Trinity is

> > there. And thus the person who has been baptized is said to be

> born

> > anew. In Titus 3:3 Paul terms baptism " a washing of regeneration

> and

> > renewal of the Holy Spirit. " In the last chapter of Mark we read

> > that " he who believes and is baptized will be saved. " (Mark

> 16:16.)

> > And in this passage Christ declares that whoever is not born anew

> of

> > the water and the Holy Spirit cannot come into the kingdom of God.

> > Therefore, God's words dare not be tampered with. " (Martin

> Luther's

> > Sermons on the Gospel of Saint John, Vol. 22, p. 283.)

> > http://www.gospelgazette.com/gazette/2001/mar/page17.htm

> > >

> > > i find it interesting, that inspite of the fact that the

> priestly

> > class edited out Christ Jesus' clear understanding of

> Reincarnation

> > [for their own selfish purposes] that they then have the audacity

> > though, to tell others that:

> > >

> > > " God's words dare not be tampered with " .

> > >

> > > Is this not rather hypocritical and laughable at the same time!

> Is

> > it any wonder that Christ warned about them, and said:

> > >

> > > " Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a

> > blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit. " (Matthew

> > 15:14 - NAS)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > There is another instance, where the priestly classes got it

> wrong

> > [since they disbanded the Doctrine of Reincarnation]. i am

> referring

> > to the occasion in the Bible, where the Holy Spirit shows Ezekiel

> > all these 'dry bones' that S/He says will 'come back to life'.

> This

> > is actually symbolic of reincarnation.

> > >

> > > However, the priestly class [who disbanded the Doctrine of

> > Reincarnation] will have you believe that these 'dry bones' will

> > come back to life again, as human beings. According to my husband

> > [who is a Registered Nurse - Division I], 'dry bones' have lost

> all

> > trace of genetic material [unlike fresh bones], and therefore dry

> > bones cannot be used to reproduce a human being, as the priestly

> > class would have their followers believe.

> > >

> > > In any case, why does the Divine have to 're-incarnate' a person

> > through genetics, when the Divine has already instituted that the

> > mother gives physical birth to the child. This silly concept by

> the

> > priestly class [whether they realise it or not] is just a

> > ridiculous 'pseudo form of re-incarnation' anyway! It is just

> > amazing the lengths they will go, to avoid the fact of

> > reincarnation! Yet these priests reincarnate too, whether they

> > believe in reincarnation or not. That is the real hilarious thing

> > about all this, really!

> > >

> > > So, all in all, the priestly classes are not too intelligent,

> when

> > it comes to the fact of reincarnation. Their alternative

> > explanations are below par... to say the least. It is small wonder

> > then that many followers of Christ are turning away from the

> > religions surrounding the Incarnation of Christ, and are rather

> > turning to Christ Himself. One really cannot blame them for having

> > lost faith in the priesthood, who themselves do not have, or know,

> > the answers.

> > >

> > > This is because Knowledge of the Divine, is not an intellectual

> > external pursuit, but it is an inner spiritual pursuit, which is

> > what 'gnosticism' really is, and with this inner knowledge,

> > the 'inner' and the 'outer' agree and complement each other. There

> > are no conflicts. The Absolute Truth will be seen and known!

> > >

> > > Here then, is the Vision that the Holy Spirit gave to Ezekiel,

> and

> > it is a Vision, which symbolizes and indicates that all the

> > Spiritual Seekers of the Truth of all 'past times', would re-

> > incarnate at this special time of the Last Judgment and

> > Resurrection, when the Holy Spirit would be 'poured out upon all

> > flesh' [in other words, 'En-Masse' Spiritual Transformation]:

> > >

> > > " The hand of the Lord was upon me [Ezekiel] and He brought me

> out

> > by the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the

> > valley; and it was full of bones. And S/He caused me to pass among

> > them round about, and behold, there were very many on the surface

> of

> > the valley; and lo, they were very dry. And S/He said to me, " Son

> of

> > man, can these bones live? " And I answered, " O Lord God, Thou

> > knowest. " Again S/He said to me, " Prophesy over these bones, and

> say

> > to them, `O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.' " Thus says the

> > Lord God to these bones, `Behold, I will cause breath to enter you

> > that you may come to life. And I will put sinews on you, make

> flesh

> > grow back on you, over you with skin, and put breath in you that

> you

> > may come alive; and you will know that I am the Lord' " So I

> > (Ezekiel) prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied,

> there

> > was a noise and behold, a rattling; and the bones came together,

> > bone to its bone. And I looked, and behold, sinews were on them,

> and

> > flesh grew, and skin covered them; but there was no breath in

> them.

> > Then S/He said to me, " Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of

> man,

> > and say to the breath, " Thus says the Lord God, " Come from the

> four

> > winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they come to

> > life. " ' " So I prophesied as S/He commanded me, and the breath came

> > into them, and they came to life, and stood on their feet, an

> > exceedingly great army. (Ezekiel 37:1-10)

> > >

> > > THE VISION EXPLAINED: - Then S/He said to me, " Son of man, these

> > bones are the whole house of Israel [Children of God]; behold,

> they

> > say, `Our bones are dried up, and our hope has perished. We are

> > completely cut off.' " Therefore prophesy, and say to them, `Thus

> > says the Lord God, " Behold, I will open your graves [allow passage

> > from death unto life] My people; and I will bring you into the

> land

> > of Israel [into the Kingdom of God Within]. " Then you will know

> that

> > I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves [enabled you to have

> > your Resurrection] and caused you to come up out of your graves

> > [Resurrected you], My people. (Ezekiel 37:11-13)

> > >

> > > The Vision of Ezekiel as given by the Holy Spirit, is a clear

> > reference to reincarnation. What Ezekiel prophesied [as given by

> the

> > Holy Spirit/Shekinah] is now happening. The people who used to own

> > those dry bones, are being re-incarnated, not by growing flesh on

> > old dry bones that have become dust, but through physical [ " born

> of

> > the water " ] birth. According to Shri Mataji, all the great seekers

> > of past times have re-incarnated now [in other words, have

> > been " born of water " again] in order to be " born of the Spirit "

> > [a.k.a. Second Birth of the Spirit, Self-Realisation, Moksha,

> > Kundalini Awakening).

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> >


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