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The Mother of the Universe, Creation and Adam and Eve...

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Dear Semira and All,


Here is an excerpt of some information that Shri Mataji gave on the subject of

the Mother of the Universe, Creation and Adam and Eve. i hope this helps

somewhat to answer your questions. i have written it in the English way, but the

essence of what Shri Mataji says is there, and has not been changed.


kind regards,





Mathematical things have come to us from inside, from the Divine. This [the

Creation] is not what we have created, but it was found out by some

mathematicians, who were realised souls, and they used this Alpha and Omega.

It's surprising how it [the Alpha and Omega] show so clearly the swastika

becoming the Omkara, and then the Omkara becoming the Alpha and Omega. So

everything in Sahaja Yoga [in Union with the Divine] is tangible and can be



Now today you are worshipping the Durga or all the nine forms of the Goddess.

She came nine times on this earth. She fought all the people who were destroying

the seekers, who were trying to make a mess of their lives [the seekers'lives]

and who tortured the saints when they prayed to the Goddess.... because none of

the Gods could do anything, and Sadashiva never interferes with what the Goddess

is doing. So they worshipped the Bhagavati, and then the incarnation of Hers

[the Goddess] came nine times, according to the needs of the Time. So every

Time, you find Her confronting the people who are extremely arrogant,

self-opinionated, thinking no end of themselves, and the Bhaktas are tortured by

these self-opinionated horrible rakshasas [devils].


Now in India, when we cast the horoscope of a person, we have three categories

of people. One are the Devas; they call them 'Dev'. The second are the ones

which are 'Manavas', which are the human beings, and the third ones are the

'rakshasas' [devils]. So I think I've got all of you from the 'Dev' Category,

because you could not have taken to Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine] that

seriously, unless and until, you are there.


After all, why should you believe Me also, 'that when I say that there was the

Durga and there was this thing and She did this and did that.' It's not that

from one faith you have come out and now you are jumping onto another faith.

It's not like that. It has actually been proved. You can feel, for example, that

when you are raising the kundalini on the Centre Heart, that you can feel that

on the Centre Heart, if there's a 'catch' [a psychosomatic block] you have to

take the name of Jagadamba. Unless and until you take Her Name, it won't open

out. Also, when I am clearing out this Centre Heart, I have to also say now,

that I am in reality Jagadamba, and then the Jagadamba within you, awakens.


So now, you have verified it much more than the scientists have done. The

scientists are going from outside [in], and they are not conclusive at all. Now

if you [the scientists] have one problem, they will work it out; another

problem, [they will work it out]. They work out the problems, but they don't

know the basics, 'what the problems are, and where the solutions lie', while you

can see that once the 'Amba', this Kundalini, who is a Reflection of the Holy

Ghost of the Adi Shakti within you, when She rises through these different

chakras, She gives them [people] power, because She IS the Power! She's the

Shakti! She is the Desire Power of Sadashiva! She is the Complete Power of

Sadashiva, and so She gives the power totally to every chakra, by which all the

chakras are enlightened, and all the Deities are awakened!


Supposing we have no Power of Life, we'll be like 'dead people'! So these

centres [chakras], when they receive this power, 'this Shakti', then they are

awakened. Now that you have seen it, you can do it for yourself. It's all

tangible; you can verify it. I have told you, that She resides on the Heart



Now see how the Heart Centre is placed also, that She resides on the Heart

Centre? It is very interesting to see how the Heart Centre is placed, because

while She is 'Jagadamba' but the 'Amba' means the 'pure form of power' which

resides in the triangular bone, as kundalini [lit. 'coiled energy']. But Her

Form, which is Jagadamba, and where She is the Mother of the Universe, [is that]

She resides on the Heart Centre.


Now, this Heart Centre, is very important. When a child is [up to] about the age

of twelve years of age, this Heart Centre produces the Ganas. 'Ganas' are the

workers on the left-hand-side. They are like, we can say 'Saint Michael' is

their leader, but their King is 'Ganapati', Ganesha. So firstly see, that what

She has done, is the 'Gatastapana'. 'Gatastapana' means that 'you have done it

here now'. This is a 'Gatastapana'; this is the 'Kumbha':


[ " kumbha [kumbh]: pot used for keeping water " ]



Now this 'Kumbha' She has established first, that is, the triangular bone. Now,

this is Her first Work, that is, to establish your Mooladhara. So She

established within you, 'innocence'. She established 'innocence' within you, to

begin with. So She has put this Gata in, which She is 'staying' as Kundalini. So

the first is to establish the Kundalini in the triangular bone, and then to

establish Shri Ganesha. This is the first work by which, whatever She is going

to create now, all the universes, the earth, everything, whatever She is going

to create, has to be filled with innocence.


Now if you see the stones, they are innocent. If you hit the stone, you'll get

[feel] the hit. Otherwise, it [the stone] doesn't come up and hit you. They are

innocent. If you see the rivers, they are innocent. Everything that has been

created 'as matter' is innocent. It is not cunning. It is not manipulative. It

is not aggressive; nothing of the kind! 'They are innocent', means they are

under the complete order of God Almighty. They do not have their own free will

to do what they like. Whatever is done, is absolutely under the complete command

of God Almighty. And so they are, we can say, 'they are innocent' because they

have no free will to do what they like.


So then if you see the animals, they too are innocent. Except for a very few,

most of them are innocent. 'Innocent' in the sense that they are called as

'pashu', which means that they are completely under the control of the Pasha of

God Almighty. [This means that] a tiger will behave like a tiger and a snake

will behave like a snake, but in human beings, somebody will behave like a tiger

[today], tomorrow like a snake, and the third day like a worm. There's no

steadiness. They [the animals] have no free will to change their individuality.

They are left alone, so that is not the job of the Shakti to bother; that's

already been created. They are there, and they are existing. They have a

purpose, and that's why they are there. The only purpose, is to support human

beings, because you are at the epitome of evolution. So She has created all

these things just for you to be created, and ultimately to get your Self

Realisation, to have meaning to your life, to get connected to this all

pervading power and to enter into the Kingdom of God.


All is Her work. So we can say that nine times She came, and the tenth time, She

is supposed to give Realisation to all of you. But at the tenth Time, all these

three powers [of Mahalaxshmi, Mahasaraswati and Mahakali] are joined together.

That's why it's called 'Trigunatmika', which means 'three Mothers put together'.

That's why Buddha said that 'Maitreya means three Mothers put together'. So,

this power, when it starts acting, it has the complete control over all your

three channels and seven centres [a.k.a. Christian 'Tree of Life'], 'complete

control', as if without the permission or without the 'taking the name of this

power', you cannot achieve anything. It is a fact and that is where human beings

fail, because they have a free will, and they don't know 'why' to obey anyone,

or 'why' to listen to anyone, or 'why' to accept anyone. That is why though, you

have to be given Self Realisation. The task is very difficult because you are

not used to a 'way' where, you don't have to use your free will.


So the same power [of Mahalaxshmi, Mahasaraswati and Mahakali] has now been

awakened in the Parama Chaitanya [the Divine vibrations that surround us]. Now

this awakening into the Parama Chaitanya is doing marvellous Work, which you can

see clearly. Firstly, you have seen My photographs. You see My photographs and

you are stunned and surprised. I mean, I, Myself, don't know what this

Paramchaitanya is busy with! It is so activated that all the time, it is working

out to convince you people about the Truth! If it was so active at the Time of

Christ, it would have been better, but it had to be this way, because human

beings are the most difficult things to manage. They have been given freedom.

You will be amazed how the freedom was given to Adam and Eve, how it was

achieved, but you should understand this.


In the Gnostic's bible, what I have been saying, has come out, that Adam and

Eve, both of them, were like 'Pashus' under the complete control of God; no free

will. They would have lived in the nude in the garden of Eden and would not even

have thought of knowing anything more than to eat, and to live like the animals,

just like the animals. Then it is the Shakti Itself, that took the Form of a

Snake, and went and told them, that you must have the Fruit of Knowledge. She

wanted them to evolve. That was not the idea of God Almighty, because it's quite

a headache you know, to do such a thing.


He [God Almighty] thought what is the need to have such headaches around Me, but

Shakti knew Her own style. She knew that She is capable of lots of miracles, and

She can make these human beings understand the Knowledge, and She can make them

really knowledgeable. So she said 'you must eat this fruit and you must try to

know the Knowledge'. So a new type of human race started, which wanted to know

what is the Knowledge.


You have seen that we had all kinds of primitive people before. Then they

started evolving.... evolving. Now I have to say that the first Creation which

took place, before that, there were other Higher Creations which.... which were

planned by the Adi Shakti [by the Primordial Power of God], to plan out the

whole thing. So She created Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha and She created their Lokas,

their atmospheres, or you can say, their areas. In that, all the planning was

done [as to how] we can achieve to make these animals into realised souls. From

animal to human beings and from human beings to realised souls.


It was a very big problem. That's how they created, you see, as you know that

Vishnu had his own loka, Mahesha had his own loka and Brahmadeva has his own

loka and they decided among themselves how best we can do it because these three

channels were created in human beings later on. Out of the three channels came

out the, these three Shaktis; Mahalakshmi, Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, they

produced two children one Shakti and one the brother and then inter marriage and

all that took place in a way, marriage not in the human way, not in the human

way we should say but they were, the energy was given to the potential man so

the woman who was the energy representing was given to a man like that. All

these things happened and they chose to work it out in human beings.


(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella, Italy - 27 September,





> Dear Friends,


> Just to add to my previous question on the subject of Eve and


> there are some additional questions that I would like to ask.


> -Why has Eve been portrayed in Christianity and Judaism as sinful

> and as leading Adam into sin and to disobey God? Isn't this


> a huge step in evolution, to be conscious creatures?


> -What does it mean that Eve was created from the rib of Adam?


> if Eve led Adam into awareness and knowledge, then it means that


> became aware first. How then can Adam have been created first?


> -If the Garden of Eden is a state of being unaware of mortality


> blissfully unknowing as is depicted in the bible, why is the state

> of awareness regarded in the religions as evil and deserving of

> punishment? How does yoga and becoming aware fit in here?


> -Adam and Eve were banished from paradise as a punishment because

> knowledge and awareness separated them from God, whereas shouldn't

> the opposite be true...that knowledge and awareness leads one back

> to God?


> Thanks, Semira



> adishakti_sahaj-a_yoga , " caraleen98 "

> <caraleen98@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Friends,

> > Please could you explain more about the connection between Eve


> > Mary, and Adam and Christ.

> > Thanks, Semira

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- In

> , " nicole_bougantouche "

> > <nicole_bougantouche@> wrote:

> > >

> > > URL for this page is

> > http://www.udayton.edu/mary//rosarymarkings36.html

> > ......

> > > The Rose finally became privileged as the queen of flowers.

> This

> > symbolism

> > > attained a deeper complexity when contrasted with the thorns

> among

> > which

> > > this flower blossoms. This contrast inspired the Christian

> Latin

> > poet Sedulius,

> > > who wrote (between 430-450) a very elaborate comparison


> > Eve, our

> > > first mother, and Mary, the Mother of Jesus our Savior.

> > >

> > > He illustrated the parallelism already made by the martyr and

> > apologist Justin

> > > (around 150) and developed it in a deep poetic and doctrinal

> > liturgical

> > > teaching in his Paschal song (Carmen paschale):

> > >

> > > As the delightful and very gentle rose springs forth from a

> thorny

> > bush without

> > > injuring the mother that it hides with delightful charm, so

> Mary,

> > from the race of

> > > the guilty Eve, could as the second virgin wash away, with the

> > coming sacred

> > > light, the fault of the first virgin.

> > > ......

> >


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