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RE : Dreams of Adi Shakti

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Dear Jagbir, Thank you, I will enjoy these talks ! Where do you live ? Baba Chihabijagbir singh <adishakti_org a écrit : Dear Baba Chihabi,i felt good vibrations when i read your post. You are indeed blessed to have met Shri Mataji in your dreams, dreams that have strenghtened your faith in Her. Of even more importance is your visions of Her where She has given you guidance and solace in a difficult journey. Hearing Her vioce in the

Sahasrara is quite rare, a special gift. i am happy for you.i would recommend Shri Mataji's earliest talks because She was really in Her element during those years.http://www.adishakti.org/forum/shri_matajis_earliest_talks.htmWishing you all the best,jagbir , CENTRE BAHAI <centrebahai wrote:>> Dear Jagbir, > > I come from a christian and muslim family. At the age of 19 I turned to the Baha'i Faith (I left the main Baha'i organization since 2004). In 2003 I met a Baha'i who got his self realization and brought me to a Sahaja Yoga program, where I got my realization. The more I went to collective meditations, the more I felt the energy, the vibrations,

and the more I got connected to Adi Shakti. The first dream of Shri Mataji was back in 2003 when I went to UK. The very week I arrived in UK, I did not know it but Shri Mataji also arrived there and I dreamt that she arrived and people were giving flowers to her. Another dream was in 2005, just before I went to a trip in the Indian Ocean (Madagascar, Comoros, and Reunion Island). One morning I woke up and meditated. In my meditation I asked Mother to show me the vibrations of my trip. At that time she was in UK, I was in Paris. I wanted to go to UK but the trip was cancelled because I had no money to afford it. So anyway I did this meditation, then I went to sleep again, and in the vision I was going to UK to meet Mother in a collective meditation in a big house. the house was full of Yogis, and Mother was sitting, passing the candle over her left swadistan, and of course in a cosmic level, Madagascar is the left

swadistan. Here in the Indian Ocean I had to and still have to fight against the evils of sorcery, possession, and all that. I am in Reunion right now and I gave realization so some friends, all got big left swadistan problems because of all the false knowledge we have here. > I had also other visions of Adi Shakti were she comforted me that she was with me always, and blessing my activities. She often comes and guides me, and I always have to have faith in what she shows me in my dreams because even if often it seems not real -because of my own reactions and doubts of my mind- at the end life always reveals to me that it is true ! > Concerning the last visions, in the first one I found myself in a room with other yogis, and Mother was teaching. I was sitting close. she wanted to listen to banjans and had a recorded tape. when she pushed on the "play" button, the dream finished. then another dream started, I

entered a house where she was. there was only I and another yogi. She talked to me about education of children, she complained about Sahaja Yogis who do not give a good education to their children.> In these first two dreams she was dressed in her red sari, then in the last one where we were near by the sea, she was in white. > Sometimes when you are in meditation and put your attention on sahasrara you can hear her voice as well. > May God bless you !> > PS : could you send me these 1970's talks you have in mp3 in my email box ? thanks ! And also if you know a place on the net where I can get many of her talks written it would be useful for me. > > Baba Chihabi> > jagbir singh <adishakti_org a écrit :> , CENTRE BAHAI >

<centrebahai@> wrote:> >> > Dear all> > > > Jay Shri Mataji> > > > First of all thank you Jagbir for your answers. > >> > The Great Adi Shakti came to me three times last night. Each time > > she was in her red indian sari. In the first vision I was with her > > and a few followers in a room where she was teaching and we were > > having meditation I was in front of her and could see her face, her > > feet, her whole body, she was so present, so charismatic, so > > shining. The second time I entered a room where she was, waiting > > for yogis to come, and there was only one yogi. So Shri Mataji and > > I had a private discussion (such a blessing for I !!) about the > > education of children. In the third vision we were by the sea, > > holding hands and singing a song I wrote about

Her, called "Divine > > Mother". > >> > You are right that there is no need for searching her physical > > presence, if you meditate, she comes to you ! > > > > Namaste !> > > > Baba Chihabi > > > > Hi Baba Chihabi > > Namaste!> > i am quite intrigued by your visions and would like you to:> > i) give a background of yourself (if you do not mind);> 11) how long have you been meditating on the Adi Shakti;> iii) give greater details of your visions of Her.> > i look forward to hearing from you.> > regards,> > jagbir> > > > > > > > Découvrez une nouvelle façon d'obtenir des réponses à toutes vos questions ! Profitez des connaissances, des opinions et des

expériences des internautes sur Questions/Réponses.>

Découvrez une nouvelle façon d'obtenir des réponses à toutes vos questions ! Profitez des connaissances, des opinions et des expériences des internautes sur Questions/Réponses.

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