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Idol worship is perhaps the greatest falsehood of Hinduism

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, " Vipul "

<swativipul2003 wrote:


> Symbolism behind Shiva Linga in Hinduism and its relationship to

> modern science


> I thought that members of this group may like to watch the

> following 16 minute video (in Hindi with English subtitles) on

> symbolism behind Shiva Linga in Hinduism.

> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7750003834905326157

> This is a great video explaining the vision of ancient rishi's

> behind the symbolism of Shiv Linga and its relation to the modern

> discoveries.



i just watched this video which embellishes facts and attempts to

justify worshipping the Shiva Linga, which is just another idol

actually ..... albeit an abstract one. There is not a single sentence

in all the Hindu scriptures that condone worshipping of idols in any

form. This is perhaps the greatest falsehood of Hinduism that keeps

hundreds of millions blissfully brainwashed and ignorant. For years

now i am still waiting for such evidence. Hindus may ask their most

learned Vedic scholar to produce that single sentence. Despite my

challenging and condemning my Hindu friends for this absolutely false

practice none have been able till date to forth such evidence.


This is what happended when i asked for evidence a few years ago from

a Hindu organization that prided itself on Vedic knowledge:



" Jagbir Singh <jagbir

A. Palaniswami <palani


Worship of Murtis

Thursday, February 11, 1999 9:32 AM


Dear Palaniswami,




We would be grateful if you could provide us with specific quotes

from Hindu scriptures related to the worship of murtis. This is a

controversial issue among non-Hindus, and so far we have been unable

to find Vedic scripture that support it. Perhaps you and your

associates will be able to provide us with precise texts to back this

practise. Thank you and have a blissful Shivaratri Puja.




OM! Shanti!




jagbir "






" Acharya Ceyonswami <ceyon

jagbir <jagbir


worship of murthis

Saturday, February 20, 1999 6:54 PM


Reply to: worship of murthis


" Namaste Jagbir,


Prostrations to Vighna Vinayaga,


There are a great many quotes in the various scriptures of the

different sects of Hinduism referring to the worship of murthis — the

Saiva Agamas, Vaishnava Agamas, and the Shakti agamas, as well as the

ancient Tirumantiram of Tirumular and much more. The Karanagama,

Silparatna and Kasyapa silpa deal in great length the details of the

various murthis. The Pratima Kosha, or Encyclopaedia of Indian

Iconography gives various research on the art form of icons and how

the murthis are to be designed.


However, we don't think it would be worthwhile spending the time to

type up quotes to convince Christians of anything — it won't matter

to them what our scriptures say, as they don't consider them

scripture! We need to stand strong for our Hindu faith and practices

without having to feel defensive to anyone for what we do. Sanatana

Dharma is the fountainhead of all religions and each practices a

certain part of the One Eternal Dharma. One God, One World.


Om Sivaya,



Ceyonswami "


Acharya Ceyonswami <ceyon








Cc: <repost-dancing-siva


Dancing with Siva Shloka 108

Wednesday, February 24, 1999 1:12 AM


What is the Nature of Image Worship?




We worship God Siva and the Gods who by their infinite powers

spiritually hover over and indwell the image, or murti, which we

revere as their temporary body. We commune with them through the

ritual act of puja. Aum.




The stone or metal Deity images are not mere symbols of the Gods;

they are the form through which their love, power and blessings flood

forth into this world. We may liken this mystery to our ability to

communicate with others through the telephone. We do not talk to the

telephone; rather we use a telephone as a means of communication with

another person who is perhaps thousands of miles away. Without the

telephone, we could not converse across such distances; and without

the sanctified murti in the temple or shrine we cannot easily commune

with the Deity. His vibration and presence can be felt in the image,

and He can use the image as a temporary physical-plane body or

channel. As we progress in our worship, we begin to adore the image

as the Deity's physical body, for we know that He is actually present

and conscious in it during puja, aware of our thoughts and feelings

and even sensing the pujari's gentle touch on the metal or stone.


The Vedas exclaim, " Come down to us, Rudra, who art in the high

mountains. Come and let the light of thy face, free from fear and

evil, shine upon us. Come to us with thy love. " Aum Namah Sivaya. "


GURUDEVA <gurudeva-dws (END)




There is not even a single line in the Vedas or Puranas that support



Thus if great learned men use the best Vedic quote, " Come down to us,

Rudra, who art in the high mountains. Come and let the light of thy

face, free from fear and evil, shine upon us. Come to us with thy

love, " and translate it into worship of stone idols we can only reel

in repulsion and disgust. If this is one of the " great many quotes in

the various scriptures of the different sects of Hinduism referring

to the worship of murthis " , then we can only shudder in silence and

utter aversion.


Hindus should remember that they are led to believe that only their

brahmins are empowered to act as middlemen between themselves and the

gods through elaborate rituals and lengthy sacred sequences of

mantras. For millennia ignorant masses have been conditioned that

these temple priests are able to communicate with the mighty deities

represented by stone statues infused with their shaktis (power) in

elaborate rituals only feasible by brahmins.


So what are brahmins without their visible idols? And what are

worshippers without common sense to distinguish between manmade

rituals and scriptural Truth? And how did the followers of the

eternal Sanatana Dharma succumb to such darkness?


The pristine and flawless Vedic scriptures did not contradict at all.

It was the priestly caste that perverted them for their own power,

and maintained it with a plethora of granite gods. And a billion

Hindus remain blind to one of the greatest falsehood perpetuated in

the name of God Almighty. May they learn through Self-Realization to

worship the Eternal Essence of Brahman (God Almighty) within their

own beings than the lifeless idols without, a stain on the Sanatana

Dharma which even the Great Adi Shakti denounces!


" At the Nirvikalpa state, the Collective Consciousness becomes

subtler and subtler. At that stage you can understand the very deep

significance of things when the Reality starts becoming clearer. . . .


You give him a statue of a deity and ask him all about this statue —

whether it is all right or not. He might say that it is not alright.

You can feel the subtle vibrations, whether it is in Dharma or



Now can we say say that Ashtavinayaka's are living gods? How do you

know Jyotirlingas are living? How will you know unless you know the

integrations of all the great souls together? And how are you going

to judge them? That is why you must get Realization. "


Shri Sastramayi Devi

New Delhi, India — February 15, 1977


(Sastramayi [705th]: The content of all Sastras. Here Sastra means

the Vedas, Upanishads and the Puranas. . . Sastramayi also

means " Saraswati, " the Mother of the Vedas and Vedangas and Upanisads

and Kavyas which establish Her.)



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> , " Vipul "

> <swativipul2003@> wrote:

> >

> > Symbolism behind Shiva Linga in Hinduism and its relationship to

> > modern science

> >

> > I thought that members of this group may like to watch the

> > following 16 minute video (in Hindi with English subtitles) on

> > symbolism behind Shiva Linga in Hinduism.

> > http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7750003834905326157

> > This is a great video explaining the vision of ancient rishi's

> > behind the symbolism of Shiv Linga and its relation to the modern

> > discoveries.

> >


> , " jagbir singh "

> <adishakti_org wrote:


> > i just watched this video which embellishes facts and attempts to

> justify worshipping the Shiva Linga, which is just another idol

> actually .... albeit an abstract one. There is not a single sentence

> in all the Hindu scriptures that condone worshipping of idols in any

> form. This is perhaps the greatest falsehood of Hinduism that keeps

> hundreds of millions blissfully brainwashed and ignorant. For years

> now i am still waiting for such evidence. Hindus may ask their most

> learned Vedic scholar to produce that single sentence. Despite my

> challenging and condemning my Hindu friends for this absolutely

> false practice none have been able till date to forth such evidence.



" The religion of the Veda knows no idols, " says Max Müller; " the

worship of idols in India is a secondary formation, a degradation of

the more primitive worship of ideal gods. "


Kabeer, some buy idols and worship them; In their stubborn-

mindedness, they make pilgrimages to sacred shrines.

They look at one another, and wear religious robes, but they are

deluded and lost.

Kabeer, someone sets up a stone idol and all the world worships it as

the Lord.

Those who hold to this belief will be drowned in the river of


Kabeer, the paper is the prison, and the ink of rituals are the bars

on the windows.

The stone idols have drowned the world, and the pandits, the

religious scholars, have plundered it on the way.


Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Shaloks Of Kabeer Jee:, p. 1371.)



" All objects of worship besides Allah are mere delusions. To anyone

who sees this clearly, through Allah's Self-revelations, the only

possible course is to give up everything else, which his own inner

experience as well as outer Revelation tell him is false or of a

temporary nature, and to bring his own will and actions into complete

unison with Allah's Will: for that is the meaning of Islam, bowing to

the Will of Allah. When we bow to the Real and Everlasting, we are

automatically saved from falling victims to the False and

Evanescent. "


Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'an



In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, O Nanak, the Jinn, the demons, have

taken birth.

The son is a demon, the daughter is a demon, and the wife is the

chief of the demons.

The Hindus have forgotten the Primal Lord; they are going the wrong


As Naarad instructed them, they worship idols. They are blind and

mute, the blindest of the blind.

The ignorant fools pick up stones and worship them.

But when those stones themselves sink, how will they carry you across?


Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Shalok, p. 556.)



“If we consider the most ancient evidence left by homo sapiens, we

can see that man has always been aware of the existence of a Supreme

Being, who is Lord of all things and of all living creatures.


Using every conceivable means, human beings of every era have always

tried to show their feelings of deep respect (and reverence) towards

God and to perform what is due to their Creator.


This is why Islam has always stressed the possibility of direct

communication with God. Even those who have fallen into idolatry have

never denied the existence of the Creator, but have simply put their

idols and images in His place. And this is still happening today.

This being the case, how can we recognise a true prophet and what is

his or her mission?


The mission of the prophets is to reveal the will of God, that is, to

provide a logical and tangible explanantion of religion as it is

experienced in our daily lives.


Genuine monotheism - the belief in a Supreme Being - means (or

implies) the unshakeable oneness of the whole creation between man

and God. Monotheism proves then, the pointlessness of idols and of

images that come between man and God. The mission of the prophets is

thus to set human beings on the right track, and in order to do this,

the prophets have used two parrallel and complementary paths:


- the way of learning, based on theology and philosophy and the way of

Self-Knowledge or Self-Realisation This is why we find in our Holy

Book, the Koran, both scholastic discourse and phrases which hint at


- the " way in " to knowledge of the Highest Self. The concrete means of

putting this message into practise is what is offered to us in this

age by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


To back up this Truth, if you will allow me. I will quote these words

of the Prophet Mahomet, who tells us: " God is closer to man than his

own veins. " And the Prophet says: " With the knowledge of the Spirit,

man will begin to know himself, so as to finally achieve knowledge of

God. " " With the purification of his inner being, man becomes

conscious that he is the Spirit. "


It is thus the experience of spontaneous Self Realisation - which is

revealed by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - and Sahaja Yoga - which is the

practise which she teaches - both spontaneous Self Realisation and

Sahaja Yoga are in perfect harmony with the teachings of Islam. It is

because of this revelation by Shri Mataji that I have wanted to speak

to you tonight. "


Ayatollah Dr. Mehdi Rouhani

(Address delivered by Ayatollah Dr. Mehdi Rouhani at the Royal Albert Hall on

Thursday 3rd July 1997)



" This union of Atma and Shakti as the protector of one's existence is

important to understand . . . At a practical level what this means is

that if one goes against the Spirit, identifying with anything apart

from it, the heart 'catches' . . .


When we come to Sahaja Yoga the Tantra is damaged and impure and the

heart 'catches.' There is nothing to be upset in that. One should

settle down silently and work to undo the 'catches,' gradually and

slowly. The whole Library of Divine Knowledge is at one's hand and if

the heart's desire to evolve the being and achieve the Absolute is

pure, the solution to every problem will occur automatically,

effortlessly and spontaneously — Sahaj.


The ultimate act against the Spirit is to worship that which has no

Spirit — gross matter or raksasas. Shri Muhammad inveighed against

both.... The Atma and its expression is the sole Reality in the

Universe. Identification with anything else causes the heart

to 'catch.' "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

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