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Sir CP fails yet again to make Shri Mataji talk but make Her 'bless'

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" It was then that Sir CP was requested to speak and he did speak what

our ears yearned for long to hear the holymessahges. It were all the

prayers that we would be humbly submitting...it was the same that Sir

CP wasmaking as if we became all one before one God Who was

seated..there was a resolution taken by Sir CP on behalf of all of us

and the world to Mother...that " Mother please maintain the throne on

this Earth until every human being is trasformed.' It was

then a very lovely moment yet very serious one as Sir CP himself

tried to invoke our beloved Mother to address the collective...It was

like our father was trying to compell our Mother inside to address

Her children with Her words which She would not just do it...it was

indeed a play...I felt it was te 'Para-Vaani ' from mother that was

directly entering and activating our Madhyama inside...right into our

heart. It was the silence that had more powers and energy than mere

words it was subliming to all of us whoever needed to think as

they would take any meaning for that precious moment, It was Mother

transmitting Her vibrations through Her Para Vaani(speech of God)and

entering into our stage of Madhyama and would not just let out of the

Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and become mundane...It was for teh

netire world ...the globe...just not for teh eight thousand

collectivity who were witnessing this play.It was indeed a word

that was pleasing to hear Sir CP opening address to us with 'Jai shri

Mataji'. Later Sir congratulated the stupendous works undertaken by

teh Pune collectivity and also Mr. Pugalia to transform this part of

the Earth in Heaven compared to the last yera sceanrio.


Then there was a last request that came o sing the qwuaali

Number...'Mata Ka Karam Hain'''...this made every kunadalini

dance..Sir CP coould not help claping and beating the moments with

nods and smailes at his corner of his lips and speaking to Mother as

if saying...Look how joyous are your Children on Your Birthday...Just

bless them...and She raises Her right arm helped by Sir CP to bless

us all children.........Are we all listening....brothers and

sister...Shri Mtaji blesses us all at the conclusion of the Birthday

Puja to enjoy the vollys of cool within as we enjoy this

instruments experience...I darenot revise or revisit what Mother made

me write...I just would subit let Her vibrations flow so that our

world could grow....We are all one child of one Mother and She ois

Shri Mataji in Her Mother Form...some call Her AdiShakti some call

Her by Mahashakti...But I love to call Her asmy beloved Mother within

my Heart...She is still smiling as I am saying and I know is alaso

smiling through you and through us as we enjoy this part of the story

before more flows in....






Yes, Sir CP has failed yet again to make Shri Mataji talk. But SYs

know much better:


" It was like our father was trying to compell our Mother inside to

address Her children with Her words which She would not just do

it...it was indeed a play...I felt it was te 'Para-Vaani ' from

mother that was directly entering and activating our Madhyama

inside...right into our heart. It was the silence that had more

powers and energy than mere words it was subliming to all of us

whoever needed to think as they would take any meaning for that

precious moment, It was Mother transmitting Her vibrations through

Her Para Vaani(speech of God)and entering into our stage of Madhyama

and would not just let out of the Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and

become mundane. "


How convinient these loud words? Does it not insult intelligence?


And in case this point is missed - Sir CP helped lift Shri Mataji's

arm to bless i.e., two arms holding Her arm and waving. In total

three arms were waving in unision as one:


" Look how joyous are your Children on Your Birthday...Just bless

them...and She raises Her right arm helped by Sir CP to bless us all

children.........Are we all listening....brothers and sister. "


i almost want to believe that Sir CP deliberately lifted Shri Mataji's

arm in order to give the impression that She wanted to bless the SYs,

despite not wishing to talk to any of them or him for years now .....

i.e., ever since WCASY members sided with Sir CP and medicated Shri

Mataji against Her express _written_ wish, and the vast majority of

SYs just following along like sheep without a bleat of protest. When

last did Shri Mataji need extra limbs to lift Her arm to bless?......

unless, of course, She had no intention of doing so in the first

place. It is indeed ironic and dumb to ask SYs " Are we all listening

..... brothers and sister. " ?


SYs are just too 'blissful', blind and brainwashed to see the

obvious. Her protest in silence is now hailed as vibrations of Her

Para Vaani (speech of God)! Her silence is the way of " Mother

transmitting Her vibrations through Her Para Vaani(speech of God)and

entering into our stage of Madhyama and would not just let out of the

Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and become mundane. " (Can someone

translate and explain what the second half means?)


What's next self-realized souls so valiantly and fearlessly declaring

Her advent and message, and blazing a glorious and enviable movement

to emancipate humanity?


ignorance is indeed bliss,



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, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


Dear Jagbir and All,


i have attempted some 'translating' like you requested, Jagbir. i think it makes

a 'bit more sense' to me, now. I wonder if you `noticed' Jagbir, that the writer

`Rabi', states that 'Mother made him write, what he has written'…. and that 'he

dare not revise nor revisit it, therefore':


Rabi: " I darenot revise or revisit what Mother made me write...I just would

subit let Her vibrations flow so that our world could grow.... "


Rabi also asked SYs to listen and be aware that Shri Mataji has given a

blessing, when we all know that She cannot talk and She did not raise Her Hand,

by Herself:


Rabi: " Are we all listening....brothers and sister...Shri Mtaji

blesses us all at the conclusion of the Birthday Puja to enjoy the vollys of

cool within as we enjoy this instruments experience " ...



I think it was pathetic to make Shri Mataji raise Her hand in blessing, when She

did not do so `of Her own accord'. Here is what I have deciphered from an

extract of the speech, Jagbir, as like yourself, I could not understand what

Rabi was saying either, until I examined it `line by line', and came up with a

few surprises:



Rabi: " It was then that Sir CP was requested to speak and he did

speak what our ears yearned for long to hear the holymessahges. "


(The writer states that Sir C.P. was requested to speak, and that he

spoke what the Sahaja Yogis longed to hear, which the writer believes

are `holy messages'. I find it awful that Sir C.P. is now regarded by

SYs as an incarnation `who gives holy Messages'. But what is the holy

Message? I have never heard anything like a `holy Message of an

incarnation from Sir C.P. like what Shri Mataji has given, and this

is because `he is not an incarnation', as WCASY, in what surely must be

'ambitions for power and maybe even money'.... must be about, otherwise, why go

to such lengths, to make Mother 'bless people' when She cannot do that Herself,

as She is 'physically incapable to do that Herself'. i honestly feel, it is not

respectful to Her, and really makes a 'mockery' out of Her. i could not do that

to 'My Mother'.... ever!}



Rabi: " It were all the prayers that we would be humbly submitting...it was the

same that Sir CP wasmaking as if we became all one before one God Who was

seated..there was a resolution taken by Sir CP on behalf of all of us and the

world to Mother...that " Mother please maintain the throne on this Earth until

every human being is trasformed. "


(The writer states that whatever prayers the SYs had; they were the same prayers

that Sir C.P. had, which made everyone `one before God', who was seated before

them. The writer states that a resolution was taken by Sir C.P. `that Mother,

please maintain your throne on Earth, until every human being is transformed'.

By using the words `Mother, please maintain your throne on Earth', Sir C.P. does

not show the spiritual understanding of an incarnation. Shri Mataji never spoke

about Herself, as `maintaining a throne on Earth'. It can only be those who are

`after power and money' that can speak in such 'temporal terms', in my opinion.

I actually find it very `gross' that the Kingdom of God Within, is turned into a

`Throne on Earth'. It is just too much, Jagbir!)



Rabi: " It was then a very lovely moment yet very serious one as Sir CP himself

tried to invoke our beloved Mother to address the collective. "


(The writer states that it was a lovely, yet `serious moment', when Sir C.P.

tried to invoke Shri Mataji to address the collective. I find the use of the

word `invoke' very strange, in this context, because deities are not usually in

the physical body `when they are invoked'. So when Shri Mataji won't talk, they

`try and invoke Her!' as if She is not right in front of them. This is really

odd, in my opinion, 'to say such a thing'.)



Rabi: " It was like our father was trying to compell our Mother inside to

address Her children with Her words which She would not just do it...


(I suppose when Rabi refers to `our Mother inside', he is referring to the

`Divine Mother Within'? How can Sir C.P. compel our `Mother Within " to speak to

us? He can only 'compel' the Mother Without, who is sitting in front of us, to

speak, but no matter how hard he tries, She just won't speak. Why does he not

leave Her 'in peace' to be the way She wants to be, 'and not speak'. That would

be the respectful thing to do, to leave Her to Her Wishes. After all, She has

finished Her Job. Why does She need to say 'one more word'. Hasn't She done

enough, over the last 30 years or so?!)



Rabi: " it was indeed a play...I felt it was te 'Para-Vaani ' from

mother that was directly entering and activating our Madhyama inside...right

into our heart. "


(The vibrations from Shri Mataji are very strong, even in Her incapacitated,

ageing state. The vibratons never die and only get stronger. This is ever more

reason, just to be 'in Silence' and not 'force Her Hand' to bless, when She will

'bless those within', who will " go within " .)



Rabi: " It was the silence that had more powers and energy than mere

Words "


(Exactly! So, leave Her be. Cultivate 'the Silence Within, the Power Within'....

and not the external Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She came (incarnated) to

introduce you to your " Mother Within " . She will be most happy, if you 'make use

of that introduction'. She has done Her Job on Earth. She is just 'sitting it

out and witnessing everything' and not saying a word. She is watching what we

do, from " within us " .)




Rabi: " it was subliming to all of us whoever needed to think as they would take

any meaning for that precious moment "


(The writer states it was a `sublime moment' for each person there,

making it a `precious moment'. That is what happens, when you " go

within " , into `the Silence', and SYs should not need Shri Mataji in

front of them, to be able to do that. They should have grown up

spiritually by now, to be able to " go within " , and not expect Shri

Mataji to do the Inner Work for them.)



Rabi: " It was Mother transmitting Her vibrations through Her Para Vaani(speech

of God)and entering into our stage of Madhyama and would not just let out of the

Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and become mundane... "


(The writer reiterates for the third time, that it was Mother,

`transmitting Her vibrations' through Her `Para Vaani speech of God',

which he just clarified as meaning `the Silence. It seems he is

trying to `make up' for Shri Mataji's Silence. Maybe, it were better,

`he remain Silent too', and just 'enjoy Her Presence'.)



Rabi: It was for teh netire world ...the globe...just not for teh eight

thousand collectivity who were witnessing this play.


(The writer states that the entire world, `the globe' and not just the 8000 SYs,

were witnessing `this play'. Sorry, Rabi, it was only the SYs there. The rest of

the world, was not there, so how could they `witness it', when they were not

there? I do think you might be slightly `losing touch with reality', or not

understanding what 'witnessing the play from within' actually means. You may be

having a `sublime experience', but please also `keep your feet on the ground,




Rabi: " It was indeed a word that was pleasing to hear Sir CP's opening address

to us with 'Jai shri Mataji'.


(It seem that everything Sir C.P. does, seems to please this writer, though i

doubt it very much, that when Sir C.P is forcing the Incarnation of the Adi

Shakti to bless people, when She is not doing it Herself, that the 'Divine

Mother Within' is really pleased about that.)



Rabi: " Later Sir congratulated the stupendous works undertaken by teh Pune

collectivity and also Mr. Pugalia to transform this part of the Earth in Heaven

compared to the last yera sceanrio. "


(Sir C.P. congratulates the works undertaken by the Pune collectivity

and also Mr. Puglia for transforming `this part of Earth into Heaven'

as compared to last year's scenario.)



Rabi: " Then there was a last request that came o sing the qwuaali

Number...'Mata Ka Karam Hain'''...this made every kunadalini

dance. "


(The writer states that there was a last request to sing the qwuaali

`Mata Ke Karam Hain', which made every kundalini `dance'.)



Rabi: " Sir CP coould not help claping and beating the moments with nods and

smailes at his corner of his lips and speaking to Mother as if saying...Look how

joyous are your Children on Your Birthday...Just bless them...and She raises Her

right arm helped by Sir CP to bless us all children......... "


(The writer then states that Sir C.P. could not help but `clap' and 'beat the

moments' with his nods and smiles from the `corners of his lips', all the while

speaking to `Mother' as if saying, `Look how joyous your children are on Your

Birthday. Please, just bless them. And with that he raised Her right arm, so She

could `bless Her children'. But you `just don't do that', Sir C.P. How can you

do that? That makes Shri Mataji `like a child' that you have to `do it for Her'.

It just does not seem `right' to me. Shri Mataji has `done Her job'! She has

blessed Her Children all these years. Why do you have to 'squeeze' more

blessings out of Her, that She is not giving Herself? Hasn't She done enough!

Leave Her in peace. The SYs have had enough blessings from their external

Mother. They need to now " go within " to meet their Internal Mother!)



Rabi: " Are we all listening....brothers and sister...Shri Mtaji blesses us all

at the conclusion of the Birthday Puja to enjoy the vollys of cool within as we

enjoy this instruments experience...


(What the writer is saying, really makes me cringe, considering Shri Mataji did

not talk and say anything, nor did She raise Her Hand of Her own accord. i am

listening very carefully, but how can it be said 'that a person has blessed you'

who is in front of you, when they

have not said anything, or raised their own Hand, `in benediction'. This is

becoming a sort of `fantasy land' for SYs, who have not yet learned 'to go

within' to meet their Individual Mother Within.... thus still relying on the

external Shri Mataji.)



Rabi: " I darenot revise or revisit what Mother made

me write...I just would subit let Her vibrations flow so that our

world could grow....


(So, now, the writer is stating that Shri Mataji is inspiring what he

writes, when what is happening to the Divine Mother, really goes against the

Protocol. You just don't make Her bless people, when She is not doing it




Rabi: " We are all one child of one Mother and She ois Shri Mataji in Her Mother

Form...some call Her AdiShakti some call Her by Mahashakti...But I love to call

Her asmy beloved Mother within my Heart...


(The writer states that `we are all the children of one Mother, in Her Mothering

Form. That some call Her `Adi Shakti', that some call Her `Maha Shakti', but

that he loves to call Her as his beloved 'Mother Within " his heart.)



Rabi: " She is still smiling as I am saying and I know is alaso smiling through

you and through us as we enjoy this part of the story before more flows in....


(The writer states that Shri Mataji is `still smiling', [while he is

writing `what he is writing?] and that She is smiling within us all

[well, maybe, if we are surrendered to Her " Within " and not so

focussed on the external Shri Mataji and even `forcing Her to bless

us, when She is not in a physical position, to do this Herself.] The

writer has given us `this much of the story', and there is `more to

flow in' which he has stated earlier.... 'he dare not revise, nor revisit.' That

is a very strange thing to say. This writer, cannot 'revise' his own writing,

because he thinks it is " too inspired " ?! Dare he not `revisit it', because he

`might be embarrassed about what he has written?!' A lot of what he says, just

does not make `spiritual sense'. I would not want to 'revisit it either', if i

had written all the confusing, mixed messages, that he has written.)





> " It was then that Sir CP was requested to speak and he did speak


> our ears yearned for long to hear the holymessahges. It were all the

> prayers that we would be humbly submitting...it was the same that


> CP wasmaking as if we became all one before one God Who was

> seated..there was a resolution taken by Sir CP on behalf of all of


> and the world to Mother...that " Mother please maintain the throne


> this Earth until every human being is trasformed.' It was

> then a very lovely moment yet very serious one as Sir CP himself

> tried to invoke our beloved Mother to address the collective...It


> like our father was trying to compell our Mother inside to address

> Her children with Her words which She would not just do it...it was

> indeed a play...I felt it was te 'Para-Vaani ' from mother that was

> directly entering and activating our Madhyama inside...right into


> heart. It was the silence that had more powers and energy than mere

> words it was subliming to all of us whoever needed to think as

> they would take any meaning for that precious moment, It was Mother

> transmitting Her vibrations through Her Para Vaani(speech of God)and

> entering into our stage of Madhyama and would not just let out of


> Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and become mundane...It was for teh

> netire world ...the globe...just not for teh eight thousand

> collectivity who were witnessing this play.It was indeed a word

> that was pleasing to hear Sir CP opening address to us with 'Jai


> Mataji'. Later Sir congratulated the stupendous works undertaken by

> teh Pune collectivity and also Mr. Pugalia to transform this part of

> the Earth in Heaven compared to the last yera sceanrio.


> Then there was a last request that came o sing the qwuaali

> Number...'Mata Ka Karam Hain'''...this made every kunadalini

> dance..Sir CP coould not help claping and beating the moments with

> nods and smailes at his corner of his lips and speaking to Mother as

> if saying...Look how joyous are your Children on Your


> bless them...and She raises Her right arm helped by Sir CP to bless

> us all children.........Are we all listening....brothers and

> sister...Shri Mtaji blesses us all at the conclusion of the Birthday

> Puja to enjoy the vollys of cool within as we enjoy this

> instruments experience...I darenot revise or revisit what Mother


> me write...I just would subit let Her vibrations flow so that our

> world could grow....We are all one child of one Mother and She ois

> Shri Mataji in Her Mother Form...some call Her AdiShakti some call

> Her by Mahashakti...But I love to call Her asmy beloved Mother


> my Heart...She is still smiling as I am saying and I know is alaso

> smiling through you and through us as we enjoy this part of the


> before more flows in....


> http://sahaja-yoga-mi.blogspot.com/




> Yes, Sir CP has failed yet again to make Shri Mataji talk. But SYs

> know much better:


> " It was like our father was trying to compell our Mother inside to

> address Her children with Her words which She would not just do

> it...it was indeed a play...I felt it was te 'Para-Vaani ' from

> mother that was directly entering and activating our Madhyama

> inside...right into our heart. It was the silence that had more

> powers and energy than mere words it was subliming to all of us

> whoever needed to think as they would take any meaning for that

> precious moment, It was Mother transmitting Her vibrations through

> Her Para Vaani(speech of God)and entering into our stage of Madhyama

> and would not just let out of the Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and

> become mundane. "


> How convinient these loud words? Does it not insult intelligence?


> And in case this point is missed - Sir CP helped lift Shri Mataji's

> arm to bless i.e., two arms holding Her arm and waving. In total

> three arms were waving in unision as one:


> " Look how joyous are your Children on Your Birthday...Just bless

> them...and She raises Her right arm helped by Sir CP to bless us all

> children.........Are we all listening....brothers and sister. "


> i almost want to believe that Sir CP deliberately lifted Shri


> arm in order to give the impression that She wanted to bless the


> despite not wishing to talk to any of them or him for years now


> i.e., ever since WCASY members sided with Sir CP and medicated Shri

> Mataji against Her express _written_ wish, and the vast majority of

> SYs just following along like sheep without a bleat of protest. When

> last did Shri Mataji need extra limbs to lift Her arm to


> unless, of course, She had no intention of doing so in the first

> place. It is indeed ironic and dumb to ask SYs " Are we all listening

> .... brothers and sister. " ?


> SYs are just too 'blissful', blind and brainwashed to see the

> obvious. Her protest in silence is now hailed as vibrations of Her

> Para Vaani (speech of God)! Her silence is the way of " Mother

> transmitting Her vibrations through Her Para Vaani(speech of God)and

> entering into our stage of Madhyama and would not just let out of


> Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and become mundane. " (Can someone

> translate and explain what the second half means?)


> What's next self-realized souls so valiantly and fearlessly


> Her advent and message, and blazing a glorious and enviable movement

> to emancipate humanity?


> ignorance is indeed bliss,


> jagbir


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Dea Violet and All,


Thanks Violet for bringing out issues that many SYs just do not see.

i cannot improve on them but would just like to add this:


The 3rd-most scariest part of Rabi's email is him being blind to

reality, and incapable of comprehending the obvious.


The 2nd-most scariest part of Rabi's email is making Sir CP almost a

divine incarnation .............. which i believe is the natural

progression of some council members regarding him as Sir Shiva.


The scariest part is Rabi not daring to " revise or revisit what

Mother made (him) write " . Every Sahaja Yoga collective has a Rabi or

two. i remember one such character who wanted to write a book about

Shri Mataji 'talking' to him. His wife also wanted to do so but he

advised her to pick someone else, and suggested Shri Ganesha. He also

was going to ask his child to participate too. (i am dead serious).

The SYogini listening to him was thrilled and felt tremendous 'cool

breeze' ...... and that only reinforced his determination. Throughout

all this i sat in stunned silence - this was a disturbed and mentally

unbalanced person speaking. (The SYogini who was feeling the cool

breeze later ended up in a mental hospital for a few months.)


i again assure all the you will advance more outside the collectives.

But if you cannot then at least stop reading stuff of those unable

to " revise or revisit what Mother made (them) write " ...... or

tell you to stay indoors on Diwali because the doors of hell are open

on that day ................ or explain why cats are right-sided

and possessed ........... or praise SYs who had matka treatments

daily for a year .......... i can go on and on and on. But how are

you going to escape from the subtle negativity of such madness?







Dear Jagbir and All,


i have attempted some 'translating' like you requested, Jagbir. i

think it makes a 'bit more sense' to me, now. I wonder if you

`noticed' Jagbir, that the writer `Rabi', states that 'Mother made

him write, what he has written'…. and that 'he dare not revise nor

revisit it, therefore':


Rabi: " I darenot revise or revisit what Mother made me write...I just

would subit let Her vibrations flow so that our world could grow.... "


Rabi also asked SYs to listen and be aware that Shri Mataji has given

a blessing, when we all know that She cannot talk and She did not

raise Her Hand, by Herself:


Rabi: " Are we all listening....brothers and sister...Shri Mtaji

blesses us all at the conclusion of the Birthday Puja to enjoy the

vollys of cool within as we enjoy this instruments experience " ...



I think it was pathetic to make Shri Mataji raise Her hand in

blessing, when She did not do so `of Her own accord'. Here is what I

have deciphered from an extract of the speech, Jagbir, as like

yourself, I could not understand what Rabi was saying either, until I

examined it `line by line', and came up with a few surprises:



Rabi: " It was then that Sir CP was requested to speak and he did

speak what our ears yearned for long to hear the holymessahges. "


(The writer states that Sir C.P. was requested to speak, and that he

spoke what the Sahaja Yogis longed to hear, which the writer believes

are `holy messages'. I find it awful that Sir C.P. is now regarded by

SYs as an incarnation `who gives holy Messages'. But what is the holy

Message? I have never heard anything like a `holy Message of an

incarnation from Sir C.P. like what Shri Mataji has given, and this

is because `he is not an incarnation', as WCASY, in what surely must


'ambitions for power and maybe even money'.... must be about,

otherwise, why go to such lengths, to make Mother 'bless people' when

She cannot do that Herself, as She is 'physically incapable to do

that Herself'. i honestly feel, it is not respectful to Her, and

really makes a 'mockery' out of Her. i could not do that to 'My

Mother'.... ever!}



Rabi: " It were all the prayers that we would be humbly

submitting...it was the same that Sir CP wasmaking as if we became

all one before one God Who was seated..there was a resolution taken

by Sir CP on behalf of all of us and the world to Mother...that "

Mother please maintain the throne on this Earth until every human

being is trasformed. "


(The writer states that whatever prayers the SYs had; they were the

same prayers that Sir C.P. had, which made everyone `one before God',

who was seated before them. The writer states that a resolution was

taken by Sir C.P. `that Mother, please maintain your throne on Earth,

until every human being is transformed'. By using the words `Mother,

please maintain your throne on Earth', Sir C.P. does not show the

spiritual understanding of an incarnation. Shri Mataji never spoke

about Herself, as `maintaining a throne on Earth'. It can only be

those who are `after power and money' that can speak in

such 'temporal terms', in my opinion. I actually find it very `gross'

that the Kingdom of God Within, is turned into a `Throne on Earth'.

It is just too much, Jagbir!)



Rabi: " It was then a very lovely moment yet very serious one as Sir

CP himself tried to invoke our beloved Mother to address the

collective. "


(The writer states that it was a lovely, yet `serious moment', when

Sir C.P. tried to invoke Shri Mataji to address the collective. I

find the use of the word `invoke' very strange, in this context,

because deities are not usually in the physical body `when they are

invoked'. So when Shri Mataji won't talk, they `try and invoke Her!'

as if She is not right in front of them. This is really odd, in my

opinion, 'to say such a thing'.)



Rabi: " It was like our father was trying to compell our Mother inside

to address Her children with Her words which She would not just do



(I suppose when Rabi refers to `our Mother inside', he is referring

to the `Divine Mother Within'? How can Sir C.P. compel our `Mother

Within " to speak to us? He can only 'compel' the Mother Without, who

is sitting in front of us, to speak, but no matter how hard he tries,

She just won't speak. Why does he not leave Her 'in peace' to be the

way She wants to be, 'and not speak'. That would be the respectful

thing to do, to leave Her to Her Wishes. After all, She has

finished Her Job. Why does She need to say 'one more word'. Hasn't

She done enough, over the last 30 years or so?!)



Rabi: " it was indeed a play...I felt it was te 'Para-Vaani ' from

mother that was directly entering and activating our Madhyama

inside...right into our heart. "


(The vibrations from Shri Mataji are very strong, even in Her

incapacitated, ageing state. The vibratons never die and only get

stronger. This is ever more reason, just to be 'in Silence' and

not 'force Her Hand' to bless, when She will 'bless those within',

who will " go within " .)



Rabi: " It was the silence that had more powers and energy than mere

Words "


(Exactly! So, leave Her be. Cultivate 'the Silence Within, the Power

Within'.... and not the external Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. She came

(incarnated) to introduce you to your " Mother Within " . She will be

most happy, if you 'make use of that introduction'. She has done Her

Job on Earth. She is just 'sitting it out and witnessing everything'

and not saying a word. She is watching what we do, from " within us " .)




Rabi: " it was subliming to all of us whoever needed to think as they

would take any meaning for that precious moment "


(The writer states it was a `sublime moment' for each person there,

making it a `precious moment'. That is what happens, when you " go

within " , into `the Silence', and SYs should not need Shri Mataji in

front of them, to be able to do that. They should have grown up

spiritually by now, to be able to " go within " , and not expect Shri

Mataji to do the Inner Work for them.)



Rabi: " It was Mother transmitting Her vibrations through Her Para

Vaani(speech of God)and entering into our stage of Madhyama and would

not just let out of the Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and become

mundane... "


(The writer reiterates for the third time, that it was Mother,

`transmitting Her vibrations' through Her `Para Vaani speech of God',

which he just clarified as meaning `the Silence. It seems he is

trying to `make up' for Shri Mataji's Silence. Maybe, it were better,

`he remain Silent too', and just 'enjoy Her Presence'.)



Rabi: It was for teh netire world ...the globe...just not for teh

eight thousand collectivity who were witnessing this play.


(The writer states that the entire world, `the globe' and not just

the 8000 SYs, were witnessing `this play'. Sorry, Rabi, it was only

the SYs there. The rest of the world, was not there, so how could

they `witness it', when they were not there? I do think you might be

slightly `losing touch with reality', or not understanding

what 'witnessing the play from within' actually means. You may be

having a `sublime experience', but please also `keep your feet on the

ground, too'.)



Rabi: " It was indeed a word that was pleasing to hear Sir CP's

opening address to us with 'Jai shri Mataji'.


(It seem that everything Sir C.P. does, seems to please this writer,

though i doubt it very much, that when Sir C.P is forcing the

Incarnation of the Adi Shakti to bless people, when She is not doing

it Herself, that the 'Divine Mother Within' is really pleased about




Rabi: " Later Sir congratulated the stupendous works undertaken by teh

Pune collectivity and also Mr. Pugalia to transform this part of the

Earth in Heaven compared to the last yera sceanrio. "


(Sir C.P. congratulates the works undertaken by the Pune collectivity

and also Mr. Puglia for transforming `this part of Earth into Heaven'

as compared to last year's scenario.)



Rabi: " Then there was a last request that came o sing the qwuaali

Number...'Mata Ka Karam Hain'''...this made every kunadalini

dance. "


(The writer states that there was a last request to sing the qwuaali

`Mata Ke Karam Hain', which made every kundalini `dance'.)



Rabi: " Sir CP coould not help claping and beating the moments with

nods and smailes at his corner of his lips and speaking to Mother as

if saying...Look how joyous are your Children on Your Birthday...Just

bless them...and She raises Her right arm helped by Sir CP to bless

us all children......... "


(The writer then states that Sir C.P. could not help but `clap'

and 'beat the moments' with his nods and smiles from the `corners of

his lips', all the while speaking to `Mother' as if saying, `Look how

joyous your children are on Your Birthday. Please, just bless them.

And with that he raised Her right arm, so She could `bless Her

children'. But you `just don't do that', Sir C.P. How can you

do that? That makes Shri Mataji `like a child' that you have to `do

it for Her'. It just does not seem `right' to me. Shri Mataji has

`done Her job'! She has blessed Her Children all these years. Why do

you have to 'squeeze' more blessings out of Her, that She is not

giving Herself? Hasn't She done enough! Leave Her in peace. The SYs

have had enough blessings from their external Mother. They need to

now " go within " to meet their Internal Mother!)



Rabi: " Are we all listening....brothers and sister...Shri Mtaji

blesses us all at the conclusion of the Birthday Puja to enjoy the

vollys of cool within as we enjoy this instruments experience...


(What the writer is saying, really makes me cringe, considering Shri

Mataji did not talk and say anything, nor did She raise Her Hand of

Her own accord. i am listening very carefully, but how can it be

said 'that a person has blessed you' who is in front of you, when they

have not said anything, or raised their own Hand, `in benediction'.

This is becoming a sort of `fantasy land' for SYs, who have not yet

learned 'to go within' to meet their Individual Mother Within....

thus still relying on the external Shri Mataji.)



Rabi: " I darenot revise or revisit what Mother made

me write...I just would subit let Her vibrations flow so that our

world could grow....


(So, now, the writer is stating that Shri Mataji is inspiring what he

writes, when what is happening to the Divine Mother, really goes

against the Protocol. You just don't make Her bless people, when She

is not doing it Herself!)



Rabi: " We are all one child of one Mother and She ois Shri Mataji in

Her Mother Form...some call Her AdiShakti some call Her by

Mahashakti...But I love to call Her asmy beloved Mother within my



(The writer states that `we are all the children of one Mother, in

Her Mothering Form. That some call Her `Adi Shakti', that some call

Her `Maha Shakti', but that he loves to call Her as his

beloved 'Mother Within " his heart.)



Rabi: " She is still smiling as I am saying and I know is alaso

smiling through

you and through us as we enjoy this part of the story before more

flows in....


(The writer states that Shri Mataji is `still smiling', [while he is

writing `what he is writing?] and that She is smiling within us all

[well, maybe, if we are surrendered to Her " Within " and not so

focussed on the external Shri Mataji and even `forcing Her to bless

us, when She is not in a physical position, to do this Herself.] The

writer has given us `this much of the story', and there is `more to

flow in' which he has stated earlier.... 'he dare not revise, nor

revisit.' That is a very strange thing to say. This writer,

cannot 'revise' his own writing, because he thinks it is " too

inspired " ?! Dare he not `revisit it', because he `might be

embarrassed about what he has written?!' A lot of what he says, just

does not make `spiritual sense'. I would not want to 'revisit it

either', if i had written all the confusing, mixed messages, that he

has written.)





> " It was then that Sir CP was requested to speak and he did speak

what our ears yearned for long to hear the holymessahges. It were all

the prayers that we would be humbly submitting...it was the same that

Sir CP wasmaking as if we became all one before one God Who was

> seated..there was a resolution taken by Sir CP on behalf of all of

us and the world to Mother...that " Mother please maintain the throne

on this Earth until every human being is trasformed.' It was

> then a very lovely moment yet very serious one as Sir CP himself

> tried to invoke our beloved Mother to address the collective...It

was like our father was trying to compell our Mother inside to address

> Her children with Her words which She would not just do it...it was

> indeed a play...I felt it was te 'Para-Vaani ' from mother that was

> directly entering and activating our Madhyama inside...right into

our heart. It was the silence that had more powers and energy than

mere words it was subliming to all of us whoever needed to think as

> they would take any meaning for that precious moment, It was Mother

> transmitting Her vibrations through Her Para Vaani(speech of God)and

> entering into our stage of Madhyama and would not just let out of

the Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and become mundane...It was for teh

> netire world ...the globe...just not for teh eight thousand

> collectivity who were witnessing this play.It was indeed a word

> that was pleasing to hear Sir CP opening address to us with 'Jai

shri Mataji'. Later Sir congratulated the stupendous works undertaken

by teh Pune collectivity and also Mr. Pugalia to transform this part

of the Earth in Heaven compared to the last yera sceanrio.


> Then there was a last request that came o sing the qwuaali

> Number...'Mata Ka Karam Hain'''...this made every kunadalini

> dance..Sir CP coould not help claping and beating the moments with

> nods and smailes at his corner of his lips and speaking to Mother as

> if saying...Look how joyous are your Children on Your

Birthday...Just bless them...and She raises Her right arm helped by

Sir CP to bless us all children.........Are we all

listening....brothers and sister...Shri Mtaji blesses us all at the

conclusion of the Birthday Puja to enjoy the vollys of cool within as

we enjoy this instruments experience...I darenot revise or revisit

what Mother made me write...I just would subit let Her vibrations

flow so that our world could grow....We are all one child of one

Mother and She ois Shri Mataji in Her Mother Form...some call Her

AdiShakti some call Her by Mahashakti...But I love to call Her asmy

beloved Mother within my Heart...She is still smiling as I am saying

and I know is alaso smiling through you and through us as we enjoy

this part of the story before more flows in....


> http://sahaja-yoga-mi.blogspot.com/




> Yes, Sir CP has failed yet again to make Shri Mataji talk. But SYs

> know much better:


> " It was like our father was trying to compell our Mother inside to

> address Her children with Her words which She would not just do

> it...it was indeed a play...I felt it was te 'Para-Vaani ' from

> mother that was directly entering and activating our Madhyama

> inside...right into our heart. It was the silence that had more

> powers and energy than mere words it was subliming to all of us

> whoever needed to think as they would take any meaning for that

> precious moment, It was Mother transmitting Her vibrations through

> Her Para Vaani(speech of God)and entering into our stage of Madhyama

> and would not just let out of the Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and

> become mundane. "


> How convinient these loud words? Does it not insult intelligence?


> And in case this point is missed - Sir CP helped lift Shri Mataji's

> arm to bless i.e., two arms holding Her arm and waving. In total

> three arms were waving in unision as one:


> " Look how joyous are your Children on Your Birthday...Just bless

> them...and She raises Her right arm helped by Sir CP to bless us all

> children.........Are we all listening....brothers and sister. "


> i almost want to believe that Sir CP deliberately lifted Shri

Mataji's arm in order to give the impression that She wanted to bless

the SYs, despite not wishing to talk to any of them or him for years



> i.e., ever since WCASY members sided with Sir CP and medicated Shri

> Mataji against Her express _written_ wish, and the vast majority of

> SYs just following along like sheep without a bleat of protest. When

> last did Shri Mataji need extra limbs to lift Her arm to

bless?...... unless, of course, She had no intention of doing so in

the first place. It is indeed ironic and dumb to ask SYs " Are we all

listening .... brothers and sister. " ?


> SYs are just too 'blissful', blind and brainwashed to see the

> obvious. Her protest in silence is now hailed as vibrations of Her

> Para Vaani (speech of God)! Her silence is the way of " Mother

> transmitting Her vibrations through Her Para Vaani(speech of God)and

> entering into our stage of Madhyama and would not just let out of

the Vaikahari to be spelt aloud and become mundane. " (Can someone

> translate and explain what the second half means?)


> What's next self-realized souls so valiantly and fearlessly

declaring Her advent and message, and blazing a glorious and enviable

movement to emancipate humanity?


> ignorance is indeed bliss,


> jagbir


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