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HOT TOPICS: Fatima Issues



Pictures of a Desecration




- Photo report of Hindu ritual at Fatima -


John Vennari


May 5, 2004: Portugal's SIC television announces its coverage of an

" uncommon ecumenical experience. " There will be a Hindu ritual at The

Fatima Shrine.


Morning prayers in the Radha Krishna temple in Lisbon.


" All the invocations of the pagans are hateful to God because all their gods

are devils. " - Saint Francis Xavier


A Hindu woman explains the importance of their gods.


About 60 Hindus travel by bus to Fatima.


Arrival at the Fatima Shrine.


The Hindus bring a gift of flowers. For them, Our Lady is a manifestation of

one of their gods.


SIC broadcasting says, " This is a unique event in the history of the Sanctuary

and of devotion itself... "


At the (Catholic) altar the Hindu priest, the Shastri, recites the prayer for



The Hindu ritual - a ceremony to false gods - desecrates the Fatima Shrine.


The " Hindu family of Portugal " worshipping at the shrine

after the Hindu ceremony.


Shrine Rector Guerra speaks approvingly about the Hindu worship at Fatima.


Crossing the esplanade to meet the Bishop and the Shrine Rector.


Received by the Bishop of Fatima. SIC explains, " The Hindu pilgrims are

received as if they were an embassy, an unheard-of gesture...


....which can be understood as an invitation for other visits. " The pagan

desecration of Fatima is likely to happen again.


The Bishop of Fatima says, " We do not want to be fundamentalists. "


Rector Guerra receives from the Hindus a shawl covered with verses of a

" sacred book " of Hinduism.


The Bishop of Fatima also receives a shawl laden with verses of pagan



All photos from a video by SIC TelevisionCatholic Family News has obtained

a video copy of the SIC television broadcast of the Hindu ritual performed at

Fatima. As reported last month, the sacrilege took place on May 5 with the

blessing of Fatima Shrine Rector Guerra, and the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, D.

Serafim de Sousa Ferreira e Silva.


SIC, a national television station in Portugal, reported on the Hindu ritual at

Fatima the same day it took place. The announcer called it an " uncommon

ecumenical experience. "


The broadcast shows morning prayer at the Radha Krishna temple in Lisbon.

" Light and water, energy and nature, mark the rhythm of the Arati, the morning

prayer, " the announcer says. " Hinduism is the oldest of the great religions. It


characterized by multiple deities, worshiped through a triple dimension of life

and sacredness: the creator god, the preserver god, and the god who has the

power to destroy. "


Thus the Hindus spent the morning worshiping their false gods, which are

nothing more than demons. Saint Francis Xavier, the apostle to India, said of

Hinduism: " All the invocations of the pagans are hateful to God because all

their gods are devils. " [1]


1. Saint Francis Xavier, James Brodrick, S.J., (New York: Wicklow Press,

1952), p.135.


A young Hindu woman appears on screen with statues of gods in the

background. She explains, " This is god Shiva and his wife Parvati. In the

center we can see god Rama, to our right his wife Sita and to our left, his

brother and companion Lakshmama. Now we can see Krishna Bhagwan and

his consort Radha. The deities are always accompanied by their respective

consorts or wives. As a rule, when we address the deities or want to ask for

their graces, we address the feminine deity, who is very important to us. "


About 60 Hindus, said the broadcast, " leave Lisbon with the chandam, the

sign on their foreheads which shows the wish for good fortune in a noble task.

And this is the day dedicated to the greatest of all female deities. She is


the Most Holy Mother, the goddess Devi, the deity of Nature who many

Portuguese Hindus also find in Fatima. "


Another young Hindu lady explains, " As a Hindu, who believes the whole

world, or rather all human beings, are members of a global family, it would be

natural for me to see any manifestation of God, including Our Lady of Fatima,

as a manifestation of the same God. "


Here, this young lady speaks as a true Hindu, since Hinduism regards the

various false gods they worship as manifestations of " God " . Thus, they are not

honoring Our Lady as the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but worshiping

Her as a manifestation of their pagan god.


The newscast then shows the Hindus bringing flowers to the statue of Our

Lady inside the Capelinha, the little chapel built over the spot where Our Lady

of Fatima appeared. The Hindu priest stands at the Catholic altar and recites

a Hindu prayer. Meanwhile, the SIC announcer says, " This is a unique

moment in the history of the Sanctuary and of devotion itself. The Hindu priest,

the Shastri, recites at the altar the Shanti Pa, the prayer for peace. "


Pope Pius XI, in a liturgical prayer consecrating the human race to the Sacred

Heart of Jesus, prayed for the conversion of all who are not members of the

Mystical Body. He invoked Our Lord, " be Thou King of all those who are

involved with the darkness of idolatry " . [2] This idolatry is now practiced at


Fatima Shrine, desecrating the sacred site, making it necessary for the chapel

to be re-consecrated.


2. Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pope Pius

XI, published along with the Encyclical Quas Primas, " On the Kingship of

Christ " , 1925.


In another clip, the Hindu priest explains that he finds a " divine energy " at

Fatima. " It is an energy that permeates the whole place, " he says. " It has the

power to be present here, around us. Whenever I come here, I feel this

vibration ... "


SIC then explains that the display of this group of Hindus at Fatima " is not

well-accepted by all Catholics " . The camera then shifts to Fatima Shrine

Rector Guerra who defends Hindu worship at the Catholic Shrine.


" It is obvious " says Rector Guerra, " that these civilizations and religions are

quite different. But I think that there is a common background to all religions.

There is a common background that, how can I put it, is born from the

common humanity we all possess. And it is very important that we recognize

this common background, because, due to the clashes of the differences, we

sometimes forget our equality. These meetings give us that occasion. "


The Hindus are then welcomed by the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima in a room

containing a large model of the modernistic Fatima Shrine now under

construction. " This time, " says the broadcast, " the Hindu pilgrims are received

as if they were an embassy; an unheard of gesture which can be understood

as an invitation for other visits. " This means that the pagan desecration of the

Fatima Shrine is likely to happen again and again.


The Bishop of Leiria- Fatima then says, " We don't want to be fundamentalist,

we don't want that, but we want to be honest, sincere and want to

communicate by osmosis the fruitfulness of our rituals, so that we may

produce fruits. I am pleased to meet them. "


At this point, the Hindu priest places on the shoulders of the Bishop of Leiria-

Fatima and Shrine Rector Guerra a shawl covered with vserse of the

Bhagwad Gita, one of Hinduism's sacred books.


The report ends with a close-up of a guest book that includes the signatures

of Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa, and a Hindu high priest. It goes on to say

that Hindus intend to keep Fatima " on the road map of places where they

claim they can find vibrations of holiness... "


Catholic Family News has reported on the interfaith orientation at Fatima

since it was launched at the interreligious Congress held at Fatima in October

2003.[4] We warned repeatedly that this type of desecration was inevitable if

Catholics did not resist the new ecumenical program.


Predictably, the enablers of the " New Fatima " such as Father Robert J. Fox

ridiculed our efforts and tried to dissuade Catholics from taking us seriously.

Father Fox, on an April 25 EWTN broadcast, claimed that the reports about

the interfaith activity at Fatima were nothing but " fabrications, " that he knows

Shrine Rector Guerra personally, and that Rector Guerra would never allow

such interfaith activities to take place. Less than two weeks after this EWTN

broadcast, the Fatima Shrine was desecrated by pagan worship, with the

blessing of Rector Guerra and the Bishop of Leiria- Fatima.>


Pope Leo XIII, along with his predecessors taught " we are bound absolutely

to worship God in the way which He has shown to be His will " .[3] Hinduism

worships false gods who are demons. It is sacrilegious for Rector Guerra and

the Bishop of Fatima to permit these rituals in a Catholic sanctuary.


Pope Pius XI called it " ignominious " to place the true religion of Jesus Christ

" on the same level with false religions " .[5] Pope Leo XIII likewise taught " it


contrary to reason that error and truth should have equal rights. " [6] Thus the

" equality " that Msgr. Guerra speaks of, and his notion of various religions

coming from a " com mon background, " defies Catholic truth.

3. Imortale Dei, 1885.

4. See J. Vennari: " Fatima to Become an Interfaith Shrine? An Account from

One Who Was There " , (CFN, December, 2003), " More News on the Fatima

Interfaith Program " , (CFN, Jan., 2004), " Shrine Rector Confirms New Interfaith

Orientation at Fatima " , (CFN, Feb., 2004), Hindu Ritual Performed at Fatima

Shrine, (CFN, May, 2004).

5. Quas Primas, 1925.

6. Libertas, 1888.


Rector Guerra and the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima are also guilty of grave

scandal. Their actions tell these poor Hindus, who are in bondage to a

heathen religion, that they are pleasing to God as they are. This is contrary to

the manifest will of Christ, Who said, " No one comes to the Father but through

Me. " " He who believes and is baptized will be saved, He who does not

believe will be condemned. " Hindus reject Jesus Christ. They have no interest

in baptism or in the truths revealed by God. Rector Guerra and the Bishop of

Lierra of Fatima counsel and encourage this apostasy. By their bad example,

they scandalize not only the Hindus, but others who observe their actions.


" Scandal " says Saint Thomas Aquinas, " is a word or act which gives occasion

to the spiritual ruin of one's neighbor. " Saint Leo calls the authors of scandal

murderers who kill not the body but the soul. Saint Bernard says that, in

speaking of sinners in general, the Scriptures hold out hope of amendment

and pardon, but the Scriptures speak of those who give scandal, as persons

separated from God, of whose salvation there is very little hope.[7]


7. Quotes taken from Sermons of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, " On Scandal, "

(Rockford: Tan Books, reprinted 1982), pp. 168-181.


Perhaps this is why we see a spiritual blindness in these men. They persist in

their apostasy despite the outrage from concerned Catholics. Nonetheless,

we must pray for them.


And what of the Hindus themselves? The Shastri comes to Fatima because

he feels there a " divine energy, " " vibrations of holiness " . Members of all

religions worship the same god and are part of the " global family " .


This is the language of paganism, not of our received Catholic tradition. " Holy

vibrations " is what Hindus call Shakti, and they go to various places to seek


They will rush to be in the presence of the Dalai Lama or Pope John Paul II or

Ghandi because this gives them Darshan, the good fortune that comes from

being in the sight of a holy man. Each and every one of their terms is rooted in

heathen superstition, not in the truths revealed by Christ.


In short, the Hindus did not go to the Fatima Shrine to be Catholicized. Rather,

they Hinduized the Fatima Shrine, folding their pagan myths and superstitions

into one of Catholicism's most sacred sites.


This is not honoring the Mother of God, but a blasphemy against Her, since

there is nothing honorable in placing Our Lady on the same level as one

more goddess in their pantheon of demonic deities. " What concord hath

Christ with Belial? " , says Saint Paul, " or what part hath the faithful with the

unbeliever? " (2 Cor. 6:15)


At the end of the visit, the Hindus presented Msgr. Guerra and the Bishop of

Fatima with a shawl covered with verses of the Bhagwad Gita. This book

contains a story which illustrates a central tenet of Hinduism.


Arjuna, a warrior, is on the eve of a great battle. He dreads the next day,

because he knows he will have to kill his friends, relatives, teachers. Arjuna's

charioteer, who turns out to be the god Krishna in disguise, tells Arjuna not to

fear the coming battle because none of it is real. No one is going to die. All


it, and all of life, is illusion.


Arjuna then thrusts himself into the bloody conflict believing it to be his

Dharma, his given path, to hack his friends and relatives to pieces. It is all

illusion anyway. No one really dies. This is Hinduism in a nutshell. You are

god, everything else is illusion.[8]


8. For more, see " The Dharma of Deception " , Edwin Faust, Catholic Family

News, November, 1998.


Catholics who behold the Fatima Shrine Rector and the Bishop of Fatima

draped in shawls laden with verses from a pagan mythology, certainly would

wish that the Hindu desecration of Fatima was an illusion, that none of it was



But no, it really happened. And Catholics must register their outrage to Rome

and to Fatima, as they offer prayers of reparation for Catholic leaders who

hand over the chapel of Our Lady of Fatima to a religion whose god is the



Reprinted from the July, 2004 edition of Catholic Family News,

MPO Box 743, Niagara Falls, NY 14302 (905-871-6292)



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