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The Organism of SY is Innate Pure Religion (Vishwa Nirmala Dharma)

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The Organism of SY is Innate Pure Religion (Vishwa Nirmala Dharma)



Dear All,


Shri Mataji has taught that Sahaja Yoga cannot work out through regimentation,

compulsion or force, but that it has to work out spontaneously through the

living process of evolution. She says that in this process, once the seed has

been sprouted, the primule is like the Kundalini which rises, and as the tree

grows naturally, finding its way to the light.... in the same way a person

starts growing spontaneously:


" In every human heart resides the Spirit (Atma) which is the projection of God

Almighty (Parameshwara). The nature of the Kundalini is that it is the Power of

pure desire. She is an individual mother of every individual and she is the one

that is dormant and waiting for a proper time to give every individual his or

her second birth. She is like a tape which has a record of all the good deeds

(punyas), all the wrong doings, all the desires and aspirations of the

individual. She is like a primule in a dormant seed. Once she is awakened and is

connected to the all pervading power, the spiritual growth of the fourth

dimension (Turiya) starts. "







Teaching of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi from first small English book....


The Sahaja Yogis [born of the Spirit persons] belong to one family and every

member of this family: old, young, and small, must be fully protected by the

collective. Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine Within] cannot work out through

regimentation, compulsion or force. It has to work [out] spontaneously through

the living process of evolution. In this process, once the seed has been

sprouted, the primule is like the Kundalini which rises, and as the tree grows

naturally, finding its way to the light, in the same way a person starts

growing, spontaneously. Thus all the manifestations of innate pure religion

(Vishwa Nirmala Dharma) project into and outward from his personality.


Those who want to rise higher should not force others who are still honestly

struggling with their lethargy, conditionings, egos and ignorance. Everyone must

be given a chance to rise to higher levels of full potential by their own desire

and seeking of [the] truth.


But those who, after coming to Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine Within] are

still after a period found out to be immoral, hypocrites, arrogant, ruthless,

cruel, without any integrity, manipulating, [always] thinking of money; those

who can be blown with the fashions of indecent behaviour or dress; those who

play into the hands of entrepreneurs; who use filthy language; [who are]

flirting with men or women or [who are] having extramarital relationships;

blinded by faiths without any proof or understanding; following cults and false

gurus; superstitions or any such mean and low level practices, [they] cannot

stay in Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine Within] even if they come and try to

establish themselves. Those who try to make money in Sahaja Yoga, who are

marketing God, [they] go out of Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine Within] by

the centrifugal force.


Those who are devious, [who are] the game-players who are in Sahaja Yoga [the

Organisation] who act negatively to sap the enemies of other Sahaja Yogis, get

easily exposed in the light of the Spirit, and are automatically thrown out of

Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine Within]. Sometimes they are asked to leave

Sahaja Yoga [the Organisation] and by keeping out for some time they realise

what they have lost and they genuinely try to improve, and such people must be

given a full chance again to come back with love. Some of them who go out, of

course, may try to bring a bad name to Sahaja Yoga. No-one should get worried or

upset with their propaganda, because we are now in the Kingdom of God, and all

falsehood and attacks are not going to affect our growth or the growth of Sahaja

Yoga as a whole. All such attacks actually react for our advantage as the Divine

power is helping us all the time to bring the Kingdom of God on this Earth.


Sahaja Yogis should not waste their energies with non-seekers of truth, but

always try to help a seeker who is genuine, as much as possible to seek the

truth, with full understanding that he is still lost in a cocoon, and he has to

be very gently saved from all the problems he has created for himself by

following false gurus or religions who are money oriented, or those who have

lost their capacity to ascend into a higher realm, which is the main principle

or the foundation of every religion.


Sahaja Yogis should not feel hurt or upset, as their roots are deep down into

the Divinity, They should be like seaworthy ships on the Ocean of Illusion.


All the great principles of Divinity and Vishwa Nirmala Dharma [innate Pure

Religion] must be respected and be worked out in the individual or in the

collective. A Sahaja Yogi has every right to inform about the problem in your

Centre or in your City or in your Country to the world leader if you think that

your leaders are not helpful.


Sahaja Yogis become very intelligent, penetrating into all kinds of areas of

knowledge. They should know all about the scriptures and about all the

incarnations, prophets, seers and self-realised souls of the past and should be

absolutely equipped with complete understanding of the history of spirituality;

how it has grown and has come up to this level of Sahaja Yoga (Sahasrara) where

the last break-through had to take place, Moreover, they should find out all

such people who are enlightened souls and have written about spirituality; about

Divinity. They should also enter into scriptures and find out all the beautiful

truths which can only be exposed through an enlightened mind, so that the

quarrels between the religions can be completely stopped by showing that all

religions are born out of the same source of spirituality.


So a kind of plurality develops within a Sahaja Yogi and he respects all those

aspects of religion and the people who started all these religions. Moreover he

should know how all these prophets and incarnations are related to our subtle

centres, He should also know how he can awaken them within himself on his

centres. This is all easily understood and can be practised within a few months

and proven by experimenting on people.


The living process works in Sahaja Yoga [union with the Divine Within]. This is

a fundamental point one should understand, that the living process holds by

itself and gives its own beautiful growth to the nature. In the same way it

starts working in the human being. Before a human being is enlightened, he is

like a dead seed which has no meaning, but when it is sprouted, it starts acting

and the nature looks after it. Actually the nature is looked after by the same

all-pervading power which is looking after the Sahaja Yogis who have now started

their living process for the first time. As you will understand, human beings

cannot do any living work. Whatever is dead, they convert it into another dead

thing, and they get into ego. But a Sahaja Yogi can very easily understand that

he is now holding his powers and that when he uses them, they grow much deeper

and wider and they give him more confidence, in whatever he is doing.


This faith is not blind; it is the faith which has been experimented and has

been found out on your finger tips. You can know the truth which is said in some

of the scriptures. For the time being one has to concentrate on improving

yourself, cleansing yourself and then you should project your attention onto

others, who voluntarily come to you or ask for realisation. But never go from

door to door to ask them to come, or to beg of them to get realisation. There is

no place for such people in the Kingdom of God. Only those who want and are

anxiously trying to evolve, one should pay attention to, because we must respect

the freedom which has been given to human beings to choose whether they want to

ascend or descend.


Keep yourself protected from negative forces and people who are negative,

because they feel challenged as they have been carrying on with falsehood. They

get angry with you and they would try to harm you. As far as possible, don't

advertise yourself very much, so that people will not attack you. Also, do not

get into competition with others, or jealousies. If you are a good Sahaja Yogi

you will automatically reconcile to your own life and you will not disturb



All the great principles of Divinity and innate pure religion (Vishwa Nirmala

Dharma) must be respected and expressed in the life of a Sahaja Yogi and in the

collective. Sahaja Yogis cannot take any money for Self-realisation or for cures

through the Sahaja method.


(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book)

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