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What is left to do on the New Headings on the (HSS) site

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" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


If anyone on this forum, comes across any good quotes of Shri Mataji that will

fit in very well, with the New Headings material from HSS (Holy Spirit/Shekinah}

that i post, please feel free to post it on this forum. You can even add it to

the material that i put up, where you think it fits and enclose it in [these

square brackets]. Wikipedia work something like this. People can add material,

or edit it, etc. Even if you feel you can edit it better than what i have it, go

ahead, but please put it in [square brackets]. i will have to take the final

responsibility for it though, but if it fits and is based on Shri Mataji's

teachings and is correct, it will be accepted.



Dear All,


i have basically finished the framework for the Holy Spirit/Shekinah site {HSS}

that is geared towards Christians/Jewish. It has some Old Headings, which were

the 'first attempt' but are going to be replaced by the New Headings, which are

the 'second attempt' and with which i am very happy and so is Jagbir, as these

New Headings will facilitate us in being able to do the job that Shri Mataji

asked us to do, which is:


" They [sahaja Yogis] should also enter into scriptures and find out all the

beautiful truths, which can only be exposed through an enlightened mind, so that

the quarrels between the religions can be completely stopped by showing that all

religions are born out of the same source of spirituality. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi - first small English book)


Shri Mataji said at Melichargasse, (??? country) that:


" You must all individually also work it out that you study Sahaja Yoga in a way.

In most of the tapes whatever I have said can be seen… found out… what is said

about health… what is said about children… because I spontaneously say things…

and if you can sort it out you will know so many things… I mean if you sit down

and do a study of these tapes it will help you to find out so many little little

things that are so important for life. You can clarify it… can note it down…

that this Mother said about these things… it will be very good for us to sort it

out this way… what point is to be noted down in different headings… can put

different different headings, and jot it down. Mother has said so… Mother has

said so… whatever is not on the tape you should not listen to… whatever is on

tape is authentic… whatever is recorded already should be accepted. " (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi - Melichargasse - 25 July, 1989)


We are in Stage I of the New Headings. i am still writing some more material for

it, but need more Quotes of Shri Mataji to backup the Christian Scriptures you

will find there, so its not complete as yet. However, if you are already

listening to Her tapes and videotapes, it would not take that much effort, to

jot a few things down, that will be helpful with the HSS site.


Tomorrow i will start to post all the New Headings separately, so anyone who

wishes, can reply to them separately, with any relevant quotes and/or material

they have from Shri Mataji. I'll then do a Combined Post that includes them all

and write their individual Post Nos. beside each New Heading, so anyone wishing

to reply to them, can easily do so.


So tomorrow, i will start putting up the individual New Headings.... and again,

please realise that it is still incomplete and that is why anyone who desires

to, may contribute also, to help bring about inter-religious harmony.


regards to all,






> Dear Jagbir (and All),


> Thank you Jagbir. i agree this project is going to take time, if i

now expand it to do as per below example. i came upon the quote about

the Omkara, when i was not 100% sure that Kundalini Vibrations was

the particular word, that most closely in meaning to " the Word " in

the Bible. And then i saw the quote of Shri Mataji and knew that the

Omkara was there first, which i was very happy about finding!!! i

knew that " Omkara " just had to mean " the Word " . So, this is really

exciting, and opens up communication between Christians and Hindus,

that should enable spiritual understanding and eventual

reconciliation between those of different religious backgrounds, as

Jagbir says.


> Also, i believe that when people realise how Shri Mataji has really

opened up the Scriptures, people will become convinced that She is

truly the Christian Comforter, the Adi Shakti Incarnate. After all,

it takes the Christian Comforter to explain the teachings of Christ

and all other Incarnations and prophets. All the philosophical

discussions, theological debates, doctrines and dogmas, have not

accomplished this, but seem to have further separated believers in

God, because their teachings came from their own opinions, rather

than on the Absolute Truth, which does not vary from religion to



> Thanks for giving me all the time i need, Jagbir, which i know you

have given me in the first instance, anyway. However, we can all now

see, that this will take some time, but i will update regularly on

the forum what i am working on, to see the 'slow but sure'

progression. Like i said before, it is not easy; it is rather

painstaking. But it is very spiritually rewarding; even exciting!!!


> If anyone on this forum, comes across any good quotes of Shri

Mataji that will fit in very well, with whatever material from HSS

(Holy Spirit/Shekinah} that i post, please feel free to post it on

this forum. You can even add it to the material that i put up, where

you think it fits and enclose it in [these square brackets].

Wikipedia work something like this. People can add material, or edit

it, etc. Even if you feel you can edit it better than what i have it,

go ahead, but please put it in [square brackets]. i will have to take

the final responsibility for it though, but if it fits and is based

on Shri Mataji's teachings and is correct, it will be accepted.


> So, this is an opportunity to be involved in Shri Mataji's work if

you are interested in being involved in this way too. You never know,

some pertinent information from Shri Mataji may come your way. Just

when you study Her teachings, you may want to share them. There are

many different Headings, and i will post different ones, over time,

that everyone can contemplate and learn from and add to as well.


> Maybe, i should post all that i have done so far, so these can be

expanded upon, by whomever wishes to do so.


> Actually, i will post what i have done so far, so that if anyone in

their contemplation on Shri Mataji's teachings, may add to it, like

they do at Wikipedia. If not, i will continue on, in any case, with

or without help.


> warmest regards,


> violet




> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> >

> > To define the single divine thread that holds all the pearls of

> > religions together was not possible--nay it was blasphemous and

> still

> > is--till the advent of the Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

> Even

> > the few who believe God is One have little evidence of their

> > convictions, except perhaps quoting a few scraps of scripture.

> >

> > It is going to take time and effort to find these pearls. That is

> why

> > you should progress slowly and at a relaxed pace. There is no need

> to

> > rush in order to show progress. Such an leisurely approach and

> serene

> > atmosphere is best conducive to bring out the best results. We are

> > talking about synthesizing religions for the first time in history

> -

> > so take it easy.

> >

> > BTW, i really like " [spiritual understanding and gender emphasis

> > based upon Shri Mataji's teachings] " . It will work wonders!

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > i have made an edit to the HSS (Holy Spirit Shekinah's Site's)

> > first New Heading, whereby i understand the " Word " to be " Omkara "

> and

> > i have found a quote from Shri Mataji to show that the Omkara is

> the

> > first breaking [away] of Adi Shakti from Shiva. The " Word " in the

> > Bible has always been a mystery to me, until i have read and

> believe

> > i understand the " Word " to be the " Omkara " .

> > >

> > > It is not easy to understand some of these things, and that is

> why

> > it takes time to get it right. More and more, it is amazing what

> Shri

> > Mataji has revealed, and how She has clarified the Scriptures.

> > >

> > > regards to all,

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> > >

> > > The Holy Spirit (God the Mother) Gives Birth to the Creation

> > >

> > > It should be known that the spiritual understanding and gender

> > preferences in the material below, is based upon the teachings

> that

> > the " Christian Comforter " , Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given

> > regarding God the Mother. God the Mother is actually very present

> in

> > the Scriptures but has essentially been hidden. Before reading the

> > scriptural references below, it might help to know that, according

> to

> > Shri Mataji, God the Father is " the Witness " who watches God the

> > Mother do all the Work of Creation. Here is how Shri Mataji taught

> > the Scriptures:

> > >

> > > In the beginning was the Word [Omkara of the Adi Shakti] and the

> > Word was with God [God the Father] and the Word was God [God the

> > Mother]. She was in the beginning with God. All things came into

> > being by Her, and apart from Her nothing came into being that has

> > come into being. In Her was Life and the Life was the Light of

> men.

> > And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not

> > comprehend it. (John 1:1-5)

> > >

> > > By the Word of the Lord [Omkara of Adi Shakti] the heavens were

> > made and by the breath of Her mouth, all their Host. (Psalms 33:6)

> > >

> > > Shri Mataji explains about the Omkara of the Adi Shakti:

> > >

> > > " Christians have to rise above this Christianity and have to

> > understand that it's such a great thing that Christ came on this

> > earth as the incarnation of the principle of Ganesha. [That]

> Ganesha

> > becoming Mahavishnu is a very big thing, which one should try to

> > understand. Ganesha is the Son of Shiva. Shri Ganesha is the first

> > one who was created before anything, any atmosphere, anything,

> > because He [Ganesha] is the Omkara and the Omkara is the first

> > breaking [away] of Adi Shakti from Shiva, that sound of Omkara.

> From

> > there started Omkara and He is the one who is the embodiment of

> that

> > Omkara. So the " Sound " is Shri Ganesh; [it] is His power that was

> > created first, as the foremost thing, just to create

> > Holiness. " Pradakshna " [is] this holiness [that] was created.

> > Pradakshna [Holiness] was created and then everything was created

> in

> > the Sea of that Holiness. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Christmas

> > Puja, Ganapatipule, India – 25/12/90)

> > >

> > > Thou dost send forth Thy Spirit; they [ " All that is " ] are

> created

> > and Thou dost renew the face of the ground. (Psalms 104:30)

> > >

> > > And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the

> > surface of the deep and the [Holy] Spirit of God [the Mother] was

> > moving over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:2)

> > >

> > > Now the Lord is the [Holy] Spirit and where the Spirit of the

> Lord

> > is [awakened within] there is liberty! (2 Corinthians 3:17)

> > >

> > > [spiritual understanding and gender emphasis based upon Shri

> > Mataji's teachings]

> > >

> > >

> > > -- In ,

> > > " Violet " <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > Shri Mataji says that:

> > > >

> > > > " They [sahaja Yogis] should also enter into scriptures and


> > > out

> > > all the beautiful truths, which can only be exposed through an

> > > enlightened mind, so that the quarrels between the religions can

> be

> > > completely stopped by showing that all religions are born out of

> the

> > > same source of spirituality. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first

> > > small

> > > English book)

> > > >

> > > > Since i have been searching for God the Mother in the

> scriptures,

> > > i

> > > have found Her very much there, however She was greatly

> concealed

> by

> > > giving Her either a masculine gender, or a neuter gender, that

> is,

> > > She is mostly called " He " or She is called " Holy Spirit " .

> Therefore,

> > > based upon Shri Mataji's teachings, i have used the Bible verses

> to

> > > show Her where i feel i have very much found Her. She is

> actually

> in

> > > a much greater way in the Scriptures than i ever knew!!!

> > > >

> > > > So, i hope you can find Her there too! To me, it is a great

> find

> > > and obviously also why Shri Mataji wants us to enter into the

> > > Scriptures and bring back God the Mother into the consciousness

> of

> > > people.

> > > >

> > > > The first New Heading of " The Holy Spirit (God the Mother)

> gives

> > > Birth to the Creation " .... will start off all the New Headings


> > > the

> > > Holy Spirit Shekinah site and will replace the old heading/s,

> upon

> > > which it will be possible to expand Shri Mataji's teachings, so

> > > people will have a better understanding that the Holy Spirit is

> > > actually God the Mother, who does all the Work of Creation, just

> > > like

> > > Shri Mataji has revealed! [i am still sending them separately to

> > > you,

> > > Jagbir, as agreed and i am close to completion].

> > > >

> > > > regards to all,

> > > >

> > > > violet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > The Holy Spirit (God the Mother) Gives Birth to the Creation

> > > >

> > > > It should be known that the spiritual understanding and gender

> > > preferences in the material below, is based upon the teachings

> that

> > > the " Christian Comforter " , Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given

> > > regarding God the Mother. God the Mother is actually very

> present

> in

> > > the Scriptures but has essentially been hidden. Before reading

> the

> > > scriptural references below, it might help to know that,

> according

> > > to

> > > Shri Mataji, God the Father is " the Witness " who watches God the

> > > Mother do all the Work of Creation!:

> > > >

> > > > In the beginning was the Word [Kundalini Energy] and the Word

> was

> > > with God [God the Father] and the Word was God [God the Mother].

> She

> > > was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by


> > > and

> > > apart from Her nothing came into being that has come into being.

> In

> > > Her was Life and the Life was the Light of men. And the Light

> shines

> > > in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John

> 1:1-

> > 5)

> > > >

> > > > By the Word [Kundalini Energy] of the Lord [God the Mother,


> > > Holy Spirit] the heavens were made and by the Breath of Her

> Mouth,

> > > all their Host. (Psalms 33:6)

> > > >

> > > > Now the Lord is the [Holy] Spirit and where the Spirit of the

> Lord

> > > is [awakened within] there is liberty! (2 Corinthians 3:17)

> > > >

> > > > Thou dost send forth Thy Spirit; they [ " All that is " ] are

> created

> > > and Thou dost renew the face of the ground. (Psalms 104:30)

> > > >

> > > > And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the

> > > surface of the deep and the [Holy] Spirit of God [the Mother]


> > > moving over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:2)

> > > >

> > > > [gender emphasis based upon Shri Mataji's teachings and

> revealed

> > > > Scripture]

> > > >

> > >

> >


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" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


> Tomorrow i will start to post all the New Headings separately, so anyone who

wishes, can reply to them separately, with any relevant quotes and/or material

they have from Shri Mataji. I'll then do a Combined Post that includes them all

and write their individual Post Nos. beside each New Heading, so anyone wishing

to reply to them, can easily do so.



Dear All,


i forgot to clarify that anyone wishing to help could do a printout of the

Combined Post on which i will put the individual Post Nos. of all the New

Headings and that way it will be easy to find the post and reply to it, with

whatever quotes and/or material you have come across that is relevant.


thanks again,






> ,

> " Violet " <violet.tubb@> wrote:


> If anyone on this forum, comes across any good quotes of Shri

Mataji that will fit in very well, with the New Headings material

from HSS (Holy Spirit/Shekinah} that i post, please feel free to post

it on this forum. You can even add it to the material that i put up,

where you think it fits and enclose it in [these square brackets].

Wikipedia work something like this. People can add material, or edit

it, etc. Even if you feel you can edit it better than what i have it,

go ahead, but please put it in [square brackets]. i will have to take

the final responsibility for it though, but if it fits and is based

on Shri Mataji's teachings and is correct, it will be accepted.



> Dear All,


> i have basically finished the framework for the Holy Spirit/

Shekinah site {HSS} that is geared towards Christians/Jewish. It has

some Old Headings, which were the 'first attempt' but are going to be

replaced by the New Headings, which are the 'second attempt' and with

which i am very happy and so is Jagbir, as these New Headings will

facilitate us in being able to do the job that Shri Mataji asked us

to do, which is:


> " They [sahaja Yogis] should also enter into scriptures and find out

all the beautiful truths, which can only be exposed through an

enlightened mind, so that the quarrels between the religions can be

completely stopped by showing that all religions are born out of the

same source of spirituality. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small

English book)


> Shri Mataji said at Melichargasse, (??? country) that:


> " You must all individually also work it out that you study Sahaja

Yoga in a way. In most of the tapes whatever I have said can be seen…

found out… what is said about health… what is said about children…

because I spontaneously say things… and if you can sort it out you

will know so many things… I mean if you sit down and do a study of

these tapes it will help you to find out so many little little things

that are so important for life. You can clarify it… can note it down…

that this Mother said about these things… it will be very good for us

to sort it out this way… what point is to be noted down in different

headings… can put different different headings, and jot it down.

Mother has said so… Mother has said so… whatever is not on the tape

you should not listen to… whatever is on tape is authentic… whatever

is recorded already should be accepted. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Melichargasse - 25 July, 1989)


> We are in Stage I of the New Headings. i am still writing some more

material for it, but need more Quotes of Shri Mataji to backup the

Christian Scriptures you will find there, so its not complete as yet.

However, if you are already listening to Her tapes and videotapes, it

would not take that much effort, to jot a few things down, that will

be helpful with the HSS site.


> Tomorrow i will start to post all the New Headings separately, so

anyone who wishes, can reply to them separately, with any relevant

quotes and/or material they have from Shri Mataji. I'll then do a

Combined Post that includes them all and write their individual Post

Nos. beside each New Heading, so anyone wishing to reply to them, can

easily do so.


> So tomorrow, i will start putting up the individual New

Headings.... and again, please realise that it is still incomplete

and that is why anyone who desires to, may contribute also, to help

bring about inter-religious harmony.


> regards to all,


> violet




> > Dear Jagbir (and All),

> >

> > Thank you Jagbir. i agree this project is going to take time, if i

> now expand it to do as per below example. i came upon the quote


> the Omkara, when i was not 100% sure that Kundalini Vibrations was

> the particular word, that most closely in meaning to " the Word " in

> the Bible. And then i saw the quote of Shri Mataji and knew that the

> Omkara was there first, which i was very happy about finding!!! i

> knew that " Omkara " just had to mean " the Word " . So, this is really

> exciting, and opens up communication between Christians and Hindus,

> that should enable spiritual understanding and eventual

> reconciliation between those of different religious backgrounds, as

> Jagbir says.

> >

> > Also, i believe that when people realise how Shri Mataji has


> opened up the Scriptures, people will become convinced that She is

> truly the Christian Comforter, the Adi Shakti Incarnate. After all,

> it takes the Christian Comforter to explain the teachings of Christ

> and all other Incarnations and prophets. All the philosophical

> discussions, theological debates, doctrines and dogmas, have not

> accomplished this, but seem to have further separated believers in

> God, because their teachings came from their own opinions, rather

> than on the Absolute Truth, which does not vary from religion to

> religion.

> >

> > Thanks for giving me all the time i need, Jagbir, which i know you

> have given me in the first instance, anyway. However, we can all now

> see, that this will take some time, but i will update regularly on

> the forum what i am working on, to see the 'slow but sure'

> progression. Like i said before, it is not easy; it is rather

> painstaking. But it is very spiritually rewarding; even exciting!!!

> >

> > If anyone on this forum, comes across any good quotes of Shri

> Mataji that will fit in very well, with whatever material from HSS

> (Holy Spirit/Shekinah} that i post, please feel free to post it on

> this forum. You can even add it to the material that i put up, where

> you think it fits and enclose it in [these square brackets].

> Wikipedia work something like this. People can add material, or edit

> it, etc. Even if you feel you can edit it better than what i have


> go ahead, but please put it in [square brackets]. i will have to


> the final responsibility for it though, but if it fits and is based

> on Shri Mataji's teachings and is correct, it will be accepted.

> >

> > So, this is an opportunity to be involved in Shri Mataji's work if

> you are interested in being involved in this way too. You never


> some pertinent information from Shri Mataji may come your way. Just

> when you study Her teachings, you may want to share them. There are

> many different Headings, and i will post different ones, over time,

> that everyone can contemplate and learn from and add to as well.

> >

> > Maybe, i should post all that i have done so far, so these can be

> expanded upon, by whomever wishes to do so.

> >

> > Actually, i will post what i have done so far, so that if anyone


> their contemplation on Shri Mataji's teachings, may add to it, like

> they do at Wikipedia. If not, i will continue on, in any case, with

> or without help.

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> >

> > , " jagbir

> > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Violet,

> > >

> > > To define the single divine thread that holds all the pearls of

> > > religions together was not possible--nay it was blasphemous and

> > still

> > > is--till the advent of the Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.

> > Even

> > > the few who believe God is One have little evidence of their

> > > convictions, except perhaps quoting a few scraps of scripture.

> > >

> > > It is going to take time and effort to find these pearls. That


> > why

> > > you should progress slowly and at a relaxed pace. There is no


> > to

> > > rush in order to show progress. Such an leisurely approach and

> > serene

> > > atmosphere is best conducive to bring out the best results. We


> > > talking about synthesizing religions for the first time in


> > -

> > > so take it easy.

> > >

> > > BTW, i really like " [spiritual understanding and gender emphasis

> > > based upon Shri Mataji's teachings] " . It will work wonders!

> > >

> > > warmest regards,

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Violet "

> > > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > i have made an edit to the HSS (Holy Spirit Shekinah's Site's)

> > > first New Heading, whereby i understand the " Word " to be

" Omkara "

> > and

> > > i have found a quote from Shri Mataji to show that the Omkara is

> > the

> > > first breaking [away] of Adi Shakti from Shiva. The " Word " in


> > > Bible has always been a mystery to me, until i have read and

> > believe

> > > i understand the " Word " to be the " Omkara " .

> > > >

> > > > It is not easy to understand some of these things, and that is

> > why

> > > it takes time to get it right. More and more, it is amazing what

> > Shri

> > > Mataji has revealed, and how She has clarified the Scriptures.

> > > >

> > > > regards to all,

> > > >

> > > > violet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > The Holy Spirit (God the Mother) Gives Birth to the Creation

> > > >

> > > > It should be known that the spiritual understanding and gender

> > > preferences in the material below, is based upon the teachings

> > that

> > > the " Christian Comforter " , Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given

> > > regarding God the Mother. God the Mother is actually very


> > in

> > > the Scriptures but has essentially been hidden. Before reading


> > > scriptural references below, it might help to know that,


> > to

> > > Shri Mataji, God the Father is " the Witness " who watches God the

> > > Mother do all the Work of Creation. Here is how Shri Mataji


> > > the Scriptures:

> > > >

> > > > In the beginning was the Word [Omkara of the Adi Shakti] and


> > > Word was with God [God the Father] and the Word was God [God the

> > > Mother]. She was in the beginning with God. All things came into

> > > being by Her, and apart from Her nothing came into being that


> > > come into being. In Her was Life and the Life was the Light of

> > men.

> > > And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not

> > > comprehend it. (John 1:1-5)

> > > >

> > > > By the Word of the Lord [Omkara of Adi Shakti] the heavens


> > > made and by the breath of Her mouth, all their Host. (Psalms


> > > >

> > > > Shri Mataji explains about the Omkara of the Adi Shakti:

> > > >

> > > > " Christians have to rise above this Christianity and have to

> > > understand that it's such a great thing that Christ came on this

> > > earth as the incarnation of the principle of Ganesha. [That]

> > Ganesha

> > > becoming Mahavishnu is a very big thing, which one should try to

> > > understand. Ganesha is the Son of Shiva. Shri Ganesha is the


> > > one who was created before anything, any atmosphere, anything,

> > > because He [Ganesha] is the Omkara and the Omkara is the first

> > > breaking [away] of Adi Shakti from Shiva, that sound of Omkara.

> > From

> > > there started Omkara and He is the one who is the embodiment of

> > that

> > > Omkara. So the " Sound " is Shri Ganesh; [it] is His power that


> > > created first, as the foremost thing, just to create

> > > Holiness. " Pradakshna " [is] this holiness [that] was created.

> > > Pradakshna [Holiness] was created and then everything was


> > in

> > > the Sea of that Holiness. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Christmas

> > > Puja, Ganapatipule, India – 25/12/90)

> > > >

> > > > Thou dost send forth Thy Spirit; they [ " All that is " ] are

> > created

> > > and Thou dost renew the face of the ground. (Psalms 104:30)

> > > >

> > > > And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the

> > > surface of the deep and the [Holy] Spirit of God [the Mother]


> > > moving over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:2)

> > > >

> > > > Now the Lord is the [Holy] Spirit and where the Spirit of the

> > Lord

> > > is [awakened within] there is liberty! (2 Corinthians 3:17)

> > > >

> > > > [spiritual understanding and gender emphasis based upon Shri

> > > Mataji's teachings]

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -- In ,

> > > > " Violet " <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear All,

> > > > >

> > > > > Shri Mataji says that:

> > > > >

> > > > > " They [sahaja Yogis] should also enter into scriptures and

> find

> > > > out

> > > > all the beautiful truths, which can only be exposed through an

> > > > enlightened mind, so that the quarrels between the religions


> > be

> > > > completely stopped by showing that all religions are born out


> > the

> > > > same source of spirituality. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -


> > > > small

> > > > English book)

> > > > >

> > > > > Since i have been searching for God the Mother in the

> > scriptures,

> > > > i

> > > > have found Her very much there, however She was greatly

> > concealed

> > by

> > > > giving Her either a masculine gender, or a neuter gender, that

> > is,

> > > > She is mostly called " He " or She is called " Holy Spirit " .

> > Therefore,

> > > > based upon Shri Mataji's teachings, i have used the Bible


> > to

> > > > show Her where i feel i have very much found Her. She is

> > actually

> > in

> > > > a much greater way in the Scriptures than i ever knew!!!

> > > > >

> > > > > So, i hope you can find Her there too! To me, it is a great

> > find

> > > > and obviously also why Shri Mataji wants us to enter into the

> > > > Scriptures and bring back God the Mother into the


> > of

> > > > people.

> > > > >

> > > > > The first New Heading of " The Holy Spirit (God the Mother)

> > gives

> > > > Birth to the Creation " .... will start off all the New Headings

> on

> > > > the

> > > > Holy Spirit Shekinah site and will replace the old heading/s,

> > upon

> > > > which it will be possible to expand Shri Mataji's teachings,


> > > > people will have a better understanding that the Holy Spirit


> > > > actually God the Mother, who does all the Work of Creation,


> > > > like

> > > > Shri Mataji has revealed! [i am still sending them separately


> > > > you,

> > > > Jagbir, as agreed and i am close to completion].

> > > > >

> > > > > regards to all,

> > > > >

> > > > > violet

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > The Holy Spirit (God the Mother) Gives Birth to the Creation

> > > > >

> > > > > It should be known that the spiritual understanding and


> > > > preferences in the material below, is based upon the teachings

> > that

> > > > the " Christian Comforter " , Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given

> > > > regarding God the Mother. God the Mother is actually very

> > present

> > in

> > > > the Scriptures but has essentially been hidden. Before reading

> > the

> > > > scriptural references below, it might help to know that,

> > according

> > > > to

> > > > Shri Mataji, God the Father is " the Witness " who watches God


> > > > Mother do all the Work of Creation!:

> > > > >

> > > > > In the beginning was the Word [Kundalini Energy] and the


> > was

> > > > with God [God the Father] and the Word was God [God the


> > She

> > > > was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by

> Her,

> > > > and

> > > > apart from Her nothing came into being that has come into


> > In

> > > > Her was Life and the Life was the Light of men. And the Light

> > shines

> > > > in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John

> > 1:1-

> > > 5)

> > > > >

> > > > > By the Word [Kundalini Energy] of the Lord [God the Mother,

> the

> > > > Holy Spirit] the heavens were made and by the Breath of Her

> > Mouth,

> > > > all their Host. (Psalms 33:6)

> > > > >

> > > > > Now the Lord is the [Holy] Spirit and where the Spirit of


> > Lord

> > > > is [awakened within] there is liberty! (2 Corinthians 3:17)

> > > > >

> > > > > Thou dost send forth Thy Spirit; they [ " All that is " ] are

> > created

> > > > and Thou dost renew the face of the ground. (Psalms 104:30)

> > > > >

> > > > > And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over


> > > > surface of the deep and the [Holy] Spirit of God [the Mother]

> was

> > > > moving over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:2)

> > > > >

> > > > > [gender emphasis based upon Shri Mataji's teachings and

> > revealed

> > > > > Scripture]

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Dear Violet, It's really a GREAT job !!!!!!! Love from NicoleViolet <violet.tubb wrote: , "Violet" <violet.tubb wrote:> Tomorrow i will start to post all the New Headings separately, so anyone who wishes, can reply to them separately, with any relevant quotes and/or

material they have from Shri Mataji. I'll then do a Combined Post that includes them all and write their individual Post Nos. beside each New Heading, so anyone wishing to reply to them, can easily do so.Dear All,i forgot to clarify that anyone wishing to help could do a printout of the Combined Post on which i will put the individual Post Nos. of all the New Headings and that way it will be easy to find the post and reply to it, with whatever quotes and/or material you have come across that is relevant.thanks again,violet> ,> "Violet" <violet.tubb@> wrote:> > If anyone on this forum, comes across any good quotes of Shri Mataji that will fit in very well, with the New Headings material from HSS (Holy Spirit/Shekinah} that i post, please feel free to post it on this forum.

You can even add it to the material that i put up, where you think it fits and enclose it in [these square brackets]. Wikipedia work something like this. People can add material, or edit it, etc. Even if you feel you can edit it better than what i have it, go ahead, but please put it in [square brackets]. i will have to take the final responsibility for it though, but if it fits and is based on Shri Mataji's teachings and is correct, it will be accepted.> > > Dear All,> > i have basically finished the framework for the Holy Spirit/Shekinah site {HSS} that is geared towards Christians/Jewish. It has some Old Headings, which were the 'first attempt' but are going to be replaced by the New Headings, which are the 'second attempt' and with which i am very happy and so is Jagbir, as these New Headings will facilitate us in being able to do the job that Shri Mataji asked us to do, which

is:> > "They [sahaja Yogis] should also enter into scriptures and find out all the beautiful truths, which can only be exposed through an enlightened mind, so that the quarrels between the religions can be completely stopped by showing that all religions are born out of the same source of spirituality." (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first small English book)> > Shri Mataji said at Melichargasse, (??? country) that:> > "You must all individually also work it out that you study Sahaja Yoga in a way. In most of the tapes whatever I have said can be seen… found out… what is said about health… what is said about children… because I spontaneously say things… and if you can sort it out you will know so many things… I mean if you sit down and do a study of these tapes it will help you to find out so many little little things that are so important for life. You can clarify it… can note it down…

that this Mother said about these things… it will be very good for us to sort it out this way… what point is to be noted down in different headings… can put different different headings, and jot it down. Mother has said so… Mother has said so… whatever is not on the tape you should not listen to… whatever is on tape is authentic… whatever is recorded already should be accepted." (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Melichargasse - 25 July, 1989)> > We are in Stage I of the New Headings. i am still writing some more material for it, but need more Quotes of Shri Mataji to backup the Christian Scriptures you will find there, so its not complete as yet. However, if you are already listening to Her tapes and videotapes, it would not take that much effort, to jot a few things down, that will be helpful with the HSS site.> > Tomorrow i will start to post all the New Headings separately, so anyone who wishes,

can reply to them separately, with any relevant quotes and/or material they have from Shri Mataji. I'll then do a Combined Post that includes them all and write their individual Post Nos. beside each New Heading, so anyone wishing to reply to them, can easily do so.> > So tomorrow, i will start putting up the individual New Headings.... and again, please realise that it is still incomplete and that is why anyone who desires to, may contribute also, to help bring about inter-religious harmony.> > regards to all,> > violet> > > > > Dear Jagbir (and All),> >> > Thank you Jagbir. i agree this project is going to take time, if i> now expand it to do as per below example. i came upon the quote about> the Omkara, when i was not 100% sure that Kundalini Vibrations was> the particular word, that most closely in meaning to "the Word"

in> the Bible. And then i saw the quote of Shri Mataji and knew that the> Omkara was there first, which i was very happy about finding!!! i> knew that "Omkara" just had to mean "the Word". So, this is really> exciting, and opens up communication between Christians and Hindus,> that should enable spiritual understanding and eventual> reconciliation between those of different religious backgrounds, as> Jagbir says.> >> > Also, i believe that when people realise how Shri Mataji has really> opened up the Scriptures, people will become convinced that She is> truly the Christian Comforter, the Adi Shakti Incarnate. After all,> it takes the Christian Comforter to explain the teachings of Christ> and all other Incarnations and prophets. All the philosophical> discussions, theological debates, doctrines and dogmas, have not> accomplished this, but seem to have further

separated believers in> God, because their teachings came from their own opinions, rather> than on the Absolute Truth, which does not vary from religion to> religion.> >> > Thanks for giving me all the time i need, Jagbir, which i know you> have given me in the first instance, anyway. However, we can all now> see, that this will take some time, but i will update regularly on> the forum what i am working on, to see the 'slow but sure'> progression. Like i said before, it is not easy; it is rather> painstaking. But it is very spiritually rewarding; even exciting!!!> >> > If anyone on this forum, comes across any good quotes of Shri> Mataji that will fit in very well, with whatever material from HSS> (Holy Spirit/Shekinah} that i post, please feel free to post it on> this forum. You can even add it to the material that i put up, where> you think it fits

and enclose it in [these square brackets].> Wikipedia work something like this. People can add material, or edit> it, etc. Even if you feel you can edit it better than what i have it,> go ahead, but please put it in [square brackets]. i will have to take> the final responsibility for it though, but if it fits and is based> on Shri Mataji's teachings and is correct, it will be accepted.> >> > So, this is an opportunity to be involved in Shri Mataji's work if> you are interested in being involved in this way too. You never know,> some pertinent information from Shri Mataji may come your way. Just> when you study Her teachings, you may want to share them. There are> many different Headings, and i will post different ones, over time,> that everyone can contemplate and learn from and add to as well.> >> > Maybe, i should post all that i have done so far, so

these can be> expanded upon, by whomever wishes to do so.> >> > Actually, i will post what i have done so far, so that if anyone in> their contemplation on Shri Mataji's teachings, may add to it, like> they do at Wikipedia. If not, i will continue on, in any case, with> or without help.> >> > warmest regards,> >> > violet> >> >> >> > , "jagbir> > singh" <adishakti_org@> wrote:> > >> > > Dear Violet,> > >> > > To define the single divine thread that holds all the pearls of> > > religions together was not possible--nay it was blasphemous and> > still> > > is--till the advent of the Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.>

> Even> > > the few who believe God is One have little evidence of their> > > convictions, except perhaps quoting a few scraps of scripture.> > >> > > It is going to take time and effort to find these pearls. That is> > why> > > you should progress slowly and at a relaxed pace. There is no need> > to> > > rush in order to show progress. Such an leisurely approach and> > serene> > > atmosphere is best conducive to bring out the best results. We are> > > talking about synthesizing religions for the first time in history> > -> > > so take it easy.> > >> > > BTW, i really like "[spiritual understanding and gender emphasis> > > based upon Shri Mataji's teachings]". It will work wonders!> > >> > > warmest regards,> > >>

> > jagbir> > >> > >> > > , "Violet"> > > <violet.tubb@> wrote:> > > >> > > > Dear All,> > > >> > > > i have made an edit to the HSS (Holy Spirit Shekinah's Site's)> > > first New Heading, whereby i understand the "Word" to be "Omkara"> > and> > > i have found a quote from Shri Mataji to show that the Omkara is> > the> > > first breaking [away] of Adi Shakti from Shiva. The "Word" in the> > > Bible has always been a mystery to me, until i have read and> > believe> > > i understand the "Word" to be the "Omkara".> > > >> > > > It is not easy to understand some of these things, and that is>

> why> > > it takes time to get it right. More and more, it is amazing what> > Shri> > > Mataji has revealed, and how She has clarified the Scriptures.> > > >> > > > regards to all,> > > >> > > > violet> > > >> > > >> > > > The Holy Spirit (God the Mother) Gives Birth to the Creation> > > >> > > > It should be known that the spiritual understanding and gender> > > preferences in the material below, is based upon the teachings> > that> > > the "Christian Comforter", Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given> > > regarding God the Mother. God the Mother is actually very present> > in> > > the Scriptures but has essentially been hidden. Before reading the> > > scriptural references below, it might help to know

that, according> > to> > > Shri Mataji, God the Father is "the Witness" who watches God the> > > Mother do all the Work of Creation. Here is how Shri Mataji taught> > > the Scriptures:> > > >> > > > In the beginning was the Word [Omkara of the Adi Shakti] and the> > > Word was with God [God the Father] and the Word was God [God the> > > Mother]. She was in the beginning with God. All things came into> > > being by Her, and apart from Her nothing came into being that has> > > come into being. In Her was Life and the Life was the Light of> > men.> > > And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not> > > comprehend it. (John 1:1-5)> > > >> > > > By the Word of the Lord [Omkara of Adi Shakti] the heavens were> > > made and by the

breath of Her mouth, all their Host. (Psalms 33:6)> > > >> > > > Shri Mataji explains about the Omkara of the Adi Shakti:> > > >> > > > "Christians have to rise above this Christianity and have to> > > understand that it's such a great thing that Christ came on this> > > earth as the incarnation of the principle of Ganesha. [That]> > Ganesha> > > becoming Mahavishnu is a very big thing, which one should try to> > > understand. Ganesha is the Son of Shiva. Shri Ganesha is the first> > > one who was created before anything, any atmosphere, anything,> > > because He [Ganesha] is the Omkara and the Omkara is the first> > > breaking [away] of Adi Shakti from Shiva, that sound of Omkara.> > From> > > there started Omkara and He is the one who is the embodiment of> >

that> > > Omkara. So the "Sound" is Shri Ganesh; [it] is His power that was> > > created first, as the foremost thing, just to create> > > Holiness. "Pradakshna" [is] this holiness [that] was created.> > > Pradakshna [Holiness] was created and then everything was created> > in> > > the Sea of that Holiness." (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Christmas> > > Puja, Ganapatipule, India – 25/12/90)> > > >> > > > Thou dost send forth Thy Spirit; they ["All that is"] are> > created> > > and Thou dost renew the face of the ground. (Psalms 104:30)> > > >> > > > And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the> > > surface of the deep and the [Holy] Spirit of God [the Mother] was> > > moving over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:2)> > >

>> > > > Now the Lord is the [Holy] Spirit and where the Spirit of the> > Lord> > > is [awakened within] there is liberty! (2 Corinthians 3:17)> > > >> > > > [spiritual understanding and gender emphasis based upon Shri> > > Mataji's teachings]> > > >> > > >> > > > -- In ,> > > > "Violet" <violet.tubb@> wrote:> > > > >> > > > > Dear All,> > > > >> > > > > Shri Mataji says that:> > > > >> > > > > "They [sahaja Yogis] should also enter into scriptures and> find> > > > out> > > > all the beautiful truths, which can only be exposed through an> > >

> enlightened mind, so that the quarrels between the religions can> > be> > > > completely stopped by showing that all religions are born out of> > the> > > > same source of spirituality." (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - first> > > > small> > > > English book)> > > > >> > > > > Since i have been searching for God the Mother in the> > scriptures,> > > > i> > > > have found Her very much there, however She was greatly> > concealed> > by> > > > giving Her either a masculine gender, or a neuter gender, that> > is,> > > > She is mostly called "He" or She is called "Holy Spirit".> > Therefore,> > > > based upon Shri Mataji's teachings, i have used the Bible verses> > to> > > > show Her

where i feel i have very much found Her. She is> > actually> > in> > > > a much greater way in the Scriptures than i ever knew!!!> > > > >> > > > > So, i hope you can find Her there too! To me, it is a great> > find> > > > and obviously also why Shri Mataji wants us to enter into the> > > > Scriptures and bring back God the Mother into the consciousness> > of> > > > people.> > > > >> > > > > The first New Heading of "The Holy Spirit (God the Mother)> > gives> > > > Birth to the Creation".... will start off all the New Headings> on> > > > the> > > > Holy Spirit Shekinah site and will replace the old heading/s,> > upon> > > > which it will be possible to expand Shri Mataji's teachings, so>

> > > people will have a better understanding that the Holy Spirit is> > > > actually God the Mother, who does all the Work of Creation, just> > > > like> > > > Shri Mataji has revealed! [i am still sending them separately to> > > > you,> > > > Jagbir, as agreed and i am close to completion].> > > > >> > > > > regards to all,> > > > >> > > > > violet> > > > >> > > > >> > > > > The Holy Spirit (God the Mother) Gives Birth to the Creation> > > > >> > > > > It should be known that the spiritual understanding and gender> > > > preferences in the material below, is based upon the teachings> > that> > > > the "Christian Comforter", Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has

given> > > > regarding God the Mother. God the Mother is actually very> > present> > in> > > > the Scriptures but has essentially been hidden. Before reading> > the> > > > scriptural references below, it might help to know that,> > according> > > > to> > > > Shri Mataji, God the Father is "the Witness" who watches God the> > > > Mother do all the Work of Creation!:> > > > >> > > > > In the beginning was the Word [Kundalini Energy] and the Word> > was> > > > with God [God the Father] and the Word was God [God the Mother].> > She> > > > was in the beginning with God. All things came into being by> Her,> > > > and> > > > apart from Her nothing came into being that has come into being.> >

In> > > > Her was Life and the Life was the Light of men. And the Light> > shines> > > > in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John> > 1:1-> > > 5)> > > > >> > > > > By the Word [Kundalini Energy] of the Lord [God the Mother,> the> > > > Holy Spirit] the heavens were made and by the Breath of Her> > Mouth,> > > > all their Host. (Psalms 33:6)> > > > >> > > > > Now the Lord is the [Holy] Spirit and where the Spirit of the> > Lord> > > > is [awakened within] there is liberty! (2 Corinthians 3:17)> > > > >> > > > > Thou dost send forth Thy Spirit; they ["All that is"] are> > created> > > > and Thou dost renew the face of the ground. (Psalms 104:30)> > > >

>> > > > > And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the> > > > surface of the deep and the [Holy] Spirit of God [the Mother]> was> > > > moving over the surface of the waters. (Genesis 1:2)> > > > >> > > > > [gender emphasis based upon Shri Mataji's teachings and> > revealed> > > > > Scripture]> > > > >> > > >> > >> >>

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