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The Hopi prophecy-inner vision

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Dear Joe and All,


Thank you for your message. It's being considered to put the Seven Churches of

the Revelation from the Bible on to the (HSS) site, to show that it is referring

to chakras. We will see how it works out, though. i have read many Edgar Cayce

books, through my years of seeking the Truth and have always been uplifted and

inspired by the knowledge he brought.


It's interesting that you mention a " star " and a " cloud " . i heard Shri Mataji

mention about a star, but i never heard Her mention about a " cloud " . However,

She did once confide in us that She was the White Buffalo Calf Woman and in the

below URL about the White Buffalo Calf Woman, interestingly enough, there " is " a

cloud associated with that story:




You can see from the White Buffalo Calf Woman, that the indigenous people were

given the responsibility through the 7 Sacred Ceremonies to keep themselves and

the Mother Earth in spiritual balance. Shri Mataji told us, that it is the

indigenous people, who are the original caretakers of the Mother Earth, and we

can see this fact now, when the forces of greed and materialism often come up

against the protest of the indigenous people, who are taking their

responsibility seriously and also spreading the message to others, that we all

have to respect the Mother Earth. Here is what Shri Mataji said about the Mother

Earth on 25 May, 1997 at Cabella Ligure, Italy on the occasion of the Adi Shakti

Puja (i have condensed it and put it in 'the English way' for easier

comprehension of the factual knowledge that Shri Mataji gave):


" Respect The Mother Earth "


" Today, we are going to do the Puja (Worship Service) of Adi Shakti. It is a

difficult subject to talk about Adi Shakti, because it's not easy to understand

that Adi Shakti is the power of Sadashiva. Sadashiva is God Almighty. She [Adi

Shakti] is His breath, as some people call it. Some say She is the desire and

some say that She is the entire power of Sadashiva and Sadashiva cannot do

anything without Her powers. This subject has been described by many people in

various books in different ways. But actually, we need not go to the background

of the creation of Adi Shakti. For that you need at least seven lectures. But we

will come to the point, where Adi Shakti started working on this Mother Earth.


The first thing we must know is that She [Adi Shakti] created a Kundalini in the

Mother Earth itself and that She created Shri Ganesha out of the Mother Earth.

So the Mother Earth becomes a very important thing for us, because if we do not

know how to respect the Mother Earth, we do not know how to respect ourselves.

The expression of the Adi Shakti within you is the kundalini, which is the

reflection of the Adi Shakti. The reflection of the Adi Shakti in the Mother

Earth is also expressed in different places, different countries, and different

cities, as the manifestation of chakras and the Adi Shakti's creations. [shri

Mataji often referred to these creations which the Mother Earth has brought out

of Herself, which have tremendous vibrations. She gave Uluru in Australia as one

such example, where you feel the Adi Shakti's vibrations very strongly. As the

indigenous people also claim, Uluru is indeed a sacred site that is a symbol of

Shri Ganesha, which can also be seen in the shape of the Rock, which resembles

an elephant.] It was very important, firstly to create a very holy Mother Earth

for human beings to be born on, which is why the reflection of the Adi Shakti as

the Kundalini, was firstly put into the Mother Earth!


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi clarified the relationship between the individual

kundalini, the Adi Kundalini, the Adi Shakti, and Sadashiva. She said that our

individual kundalinis are a 'wee' part of the Adi Shakti... that they are " the

pure desire aspect of the Adi Shakti " and that it is the " Adi Kundalini that is

the complete desire of the Adi Shakti " . She said that " the Adi Shakti is the

complete desire of Sadashiva " ]:


" Kundalini is, we should say, a wee part of the Adi Shakti, or we can say that

She is the desire, pure desire of the Adi Shakti. So Adi Shakti is the desire,

complete desire of Sadashiva, and Kundalini, Adi Kundalini is the desire,

complete desire of Adi Shakti. "


[shri Mataji continued, saying]:


" Now, this one [Adi Kundalini] was first expressed in the Mother Earth, inside

the Mother Earth. Inside the Mother Earth, the Kundalini came up, in such a way,

that it cooled down the inner part of the Mother Earth, as much as It could, and

then it manifested on the surface of the earth as different chakras [different

energy centres]. "


[shri Mataji stated that there is a great similarity and connection between the

chakras or energy centres, in the Virata (Cosmos), the Mother Earth, and human



" So it is a tremendous similarity that we have with Virata, the Mother Earth and

human beings, if all of them are being reflected by the Adi Kundalini. So there

has to be a great connection between them. It is not understood by human beings,

how they are connected to this Mother Earth. [What happened is that], this

Kundalini passed through different centres, creating different [energy] centres

in the Mother Earth and ultimately, She broke through Kailasha. I don't know how

many of you have been to Kailasha, but you will see tremendous vibrations

flowing out of Kailasha! " [Here are some photos of Kailash, that have been

found: http://www.shaivam.org/pilkail2.htm]


[shri Mataji continued... saying that we must respect the Mother Earth and not

insult Her]:


" Now, the way we insult our Mother Earth, what we are doing is we are insulting

the Adi Shakti. So many ways there are [in which] we should respect the Mother

Earth. I mean, it was an Indian custom to begin with, when you got up from your

bed and you touched the Mother Earth with your feet, you had to say: " Oh, Mother

Earth, please forgive me, because I'm touching you with my feet. "


[shri Mataji explains that all the movements of Mother Earth are controlled by

the inner Kundalini, which is the reflection of the Adi Shakti and that even the

" gravity " is a manifestation of the Kundalini within the Mother Earth]:


" All the movements of Mother Earth, are controlled by this inner Kundalini which

is the reflection of Adi Shakti. The gravity that It has, is also the

manifestation of the Kundalini of the Mother Earth. "


[shri Mataji used to say that Mother Earth keeps us close to Her bosom. She

clears and cleanses us. If you lie on Her Green Sari {of grass) and commune with

Her, She clears, cleanses, and fills you with Her love, through the Kundalini

Energy within Her. That is, if you are awakened to Her Energy and Love, that She

wishes to give you!]


[in conclusion, Shri Mataji asks why we are suffering in this beautiful planet.

She says it is because we do not respect, what we have to respect the most!]:


" Now, why are we suffering in this beautiful planet. [it's] because we do not

respect what we have to respect the most. Mother Earth is to be respected. What

does that mean? That means that whatever is created on this earth, by the

movements of the earth, the sea and the elements... has to be respected. Today's

problem is pollution and people talk of all kinds of things [in relation to

that]. The reason behind it [is that] people never understood the importance of

all these five elements, which are supportive of our life! So to respect the

Mother Earth, people do Bhoomi Puja. Many people, when they are building a

house, they will do the Bhoomi Puja. [it] means that they will respect the

Mother Earth, because if She is not being respected, there could maybe, be an

earthquake. This means that the Mother Earth understands, knows, and acts. It

acts in such a manner, that human beings don't understand why such things

happen. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Adi Shakti Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy -

25 May, 1997)


In regards to the star, i have a story to tell. One time, my SY friend and

myself, from the Central Coast of NSW, attended to see Shri Mataji in the Sydney

area. (i can't remember if it was at the ashram, park, or weekend retreat).

Anyway, Shri Mataji talked to us all, about Venus being Her star, which would

follow Her with the greatest of interest in all Her doings, wherever She went in

the world. She then told us that we should have a look at the star that night,

and we would see it very close. So my friend and i did that. When we reached her

place and the sun had set and it was suitably dark by then, we looked out her

window, and we saw this star so close to the horizon, that we could not believe

it! i have never seen a star that close! We were both very amazed! Shri Mataji

used to give us interesting tidbits to chew on from time to time, but She never

dwelt on them, or said too much on such subjects, as Her prime purpose was to

get us to take our attention away from external things, and " go within " . She

said this was the only way that we could become the Spirit.


In regards to the White Buffalo Calf Woman, i remember Shri Mataji lovingly

recounting about Her, how She came and helped the indigenous people, giving them

the Sacred Pipe, the sacred bundle, and instructing them. Then to our amazement,

with a happy smile, She said:


" That was Me " !!!







" joe357540 " <joe357540 wrote:


> hi folks,amazing stuff I've found about the Hopi prophecy.

> http://edgarcayce.org/ps2/seven_chakras_J_Van_Auken.html

> " Opening of the crown chakra is also associated with experiencing


> Holy Spirit. How did the Holy Spirit appear among the disciples? In

> the form of tongues of fire on the tops of their heads, above the


> spot. The event is described in Acts 2:2-4: " Suddenly there came


> heaven a noise like a violent, rushing wind, and it filled the


> house. There appeared tongues as of fire and it sat above each one


> them. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit. " Prior to this

> experience, at the Last Supper, Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit upon

> the disciples and explained, " The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom


> Father will send ... he will teach you all things. "


> In the early times of the Hopi, legend says that some of the people

> strayed and stopped cooperating with the Creator. Others remained

> loyal and at-one with the Creator. To these the " Great Nephew "

> appeared, telling those that were still seeking to cooperate and


> they were to be a Chosen People to inhabit a new world that he was

> about to create. He told them that the center on the tops of their

> heads would guide them to this new world. This inner wisdom would


> them the sight to see a certain cloud which they would follow by


> and a certain star which they would follow by night. It is


> how similar this part of the Hopi legend is to that of the


> Recall how the Lord told the Israelites that they were to be a


> People, and led them out from among the others to a promised land,

> instructing them that His presence would be with them in a cloud by

> day and a column of fire by night.


> When the great Nephew had finished instructing the Hopi Chosen


> all over the First World the Chosen People disappeared. Their


> were empty. The houses, temples, and fields ­ all empty. Many of


> left behind called out to them, " Where are you going? " To which the

> Chosen Ones replied, " We are following the cloud and the star. " The

> others laughed and said, " We see no cloud or star. "


> The Chosen People explained to them, " This is because you have lost

> your inner vision that came from the tops of your heads. " !!!


> The top of the head is the crown chakra, a most important spiritual

> center. Cayce identifies it with " the mount, " and states that only

> those who have experienced " the rejuvenation in the mount " may know

> the truth and enter fully into the Creator's presence to receive


> resulting guidance. He goes on to say that as this center is


> and our soul's memories return to consciousness, stating that this

> event is what is referred to when Jesus said " The Counselor, the


> Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all

> things.... " -John 14:25.


> Let's ignite again our crown chakra. Let's ascend to the mount of

> higher consciousness. Let's open the soft spot, through which our


> first entered this body, and receive the inner vision, the inner

> guidance. The Hopi prophecy says that soon a new stage of life will

> begin, a stage in which only those who are open at the tops of


> heads will be able to hear and see and know the way. "

> Also here http://www.near-death.com/experiences/cayce10.html

> where EC explains the revelation.

> Edgar Cayce was not realized,(in my opinion)rather his higher self

> (supraconscious) was able to explain things while the subject(EC)


> in trance.


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