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Shri Mataji explains what a sincere, self-respecting SY is like...

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Dear All,


Here are some excerpts from a Birthday Puja Synopsis - Sydney - March 21, 1990,

which nicely complements the Easter Sunday Puja Talk - April 8th 2007 -

Pratishthan, India.





Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi...


" With the Kundalini, we can clear out our brain first. Then the sincerity will

come. When the Kundalini touches the brahmarandra, which is the seat of the

heart, the heart will expand and restore itself back to its kingly position and

all the problems will be dissolved. Then the person becomes suddenly

transformed. Ego and superego both are blasted by an awakened heart. Then we

deal with people by sweet communication. Sahaja Yoga is the only way to finish

these stony hearts, egos and superegos.


We should understand that sincerity can only come if we raise our Kundalini

again and again and open our brahmarandra. Then our hearts will rise and we can

jump into doubtless awareness. Shri Mataji said that we can then separate

ourselves from the body. Once we have separated from the body, all the barriers

of ego and superego will fall apart... All this, ONLY BY RAISING OUR KUNDALINI

AND BREAKING THE BRAHMARANDRA. The greatest achievement we have gotten is that

we can break the brahmarandra and connect the Kundalini with the all pervading

power of God. Shri Mataji further emphasized that She always tells us to

meditate and be in thoughtless awareness. Then it works out, and we don't pay

attention to outside things.


Shri Mataji said that some people just take it frivolously saying, " See, Mother,

I was silly, I was confused. " Shri Mataji said that we can't say that because

everything is done by Sahaja Yoga. " We don't want to be hypocrites. You say one

thing and do another thing. If you have any sense of gratitude and

self-respect, you should never say, Mother, I did it by mistake. That shows

that you are a mediocre person and you have no sense of gratitude towards Sahaja

Yoga and towards your Self. Sahaja Yoga is complete and does not need you, but

you need Sahaja Yoga. "


She asked us to raise our Kundalini again and again, put our attention on our

Kundalini and see that the flow is all right over the fontanele bone. This is

the way our heart is going to expand. Shri Mataji noted that people don't even

do this much. " Then you see the miracles of the heart, " Shri Mataji said, " how

it emits vibrations, by which you become compassionate, dynamic, beautiful and

sincere to Sahaja Yoga. I would request you all to open your heart today for

this Puja... I have seen Sahaja Yogis have very large hearts for Me but for

themselves they don't have. "


Shri Mataji said that many times we spend a lot of energy decorating outside but

we should decorate ourselves within our Self, with sincerity, and FIND THE WAY

TO KEEP OUR HEART LARGE. This is the message for this birthday puja, all over

the world. Shri Mataji once again expressed great joy over the birthday

greetings, phone calls, nice things and said, " Everybody is bubbling with

enjoyment that today is My birthday. " In the same way, please consider every

day is your birthday...You have to raise your Kundalini all the time and keep

the standard of your Kundalini higher and higher... The heart will become

powerful and big. "


" Large heart, " She said, " means the heart in which you can put Me in. Quite a

big Person, Myself, so you have to have a very large heart that I could reside

into your heart. "


Shri Mataji said, " I think there should be some books about how to say nice

things to others. We should write some books, how nice things could be said,

how we can make others feel our love, the expansion of love, and one such book

will help people. Once you say something nice to others, that niceness comes

back to you. " If you say nice things from your heart with sincerity, not just

to tease someone or to say something just to be superficially good, the heart of

the other person will open, and from that heart will flow those beautiful

flowers of emotions towards you. This tongue is not for saying harsh things,

for making fun of others, for teasing others, but it is for saying beautiful

things so that the other person also imbibes that beauty.


Whenever we hear nice things, we should collect them, keep them, and use them at

the right time, at the right place. This is the wisdom of Shri Ganesh.

Innocent people are the most sincere people. Those who are clever can't be

sincere because they enjoy their cunningness and their brilliance. But simple

people who are loving, and who care for love more than anything else can only

say very nice things sincerely. "


Shri Mataji said that it is unbelievable that so many people are enjoying. Once

the heart is large, whatever you do, you enjoy. You think, " We love Mother, and

we have to love each other and all the time we have to say nice things to

others, so that love increases. Anybody who tries to say things or break things

or break somebody's heart is doing sinful things. They are sins. To break the

heart of a saint is the greatest sin, and they will be punished for that. You

are sages and you have to respect each other. "


Your problems are solved if you are sincere. But if you are insincere you will

meet only insincere people and then you'll go down in your own estimation and in

the estimation of others. Insincere people have no place in Sahaja Yoga so try

to develop your sincerity.


Shri Mataji gave the key to opening the heart, " Open your heart means just raise

your Kundalini and see that the brahmarandra opens. Not only that but you see

how you feel by expanding your heart, by being nice to others. There are some

people who do not talk much, who do not meet others, have reservations and live

in the air. They must know there must be some badhas, some bhoots sitting on

their head. I've told you many things because the care, the love, the

affection, the wisdom and the patience is to be imbibed. If I'm your Guru and

Mother, you have to imbibe these qualities. "


Shri Mataji explained that She corrects our problems by frankly telling us

because She cares for us. She also pointed out that so many people--Sahaja

Yogis and non-Sahaja Yogis care for Her because She cares for them. If anybody

tells Her any problem, She solves it. She doesn't have any problems of her own.

In the same way she advised that we should not have any problems of our own and

then only can we manage!


(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Birthday Puja Synopsis - Sydney, Australia - 21

March, 1990)

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