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Letter from Shri Mataji - (1991 ?)

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Dear Violet, dear Jagbir,


First of all i would like to thank you for your love, encouragements, and of

course for all the heart you put in the work on the forum.


To close my series of documents i found recently, i would like to share with

you this beautiful letter.


Tonight i had the pleasure to be contacted by a brother yogi from Cameroun

(Africa). He asked me some help to understand the posts as he speaks

essentially French.


It is a beautiful surprise. He told me that he is in SY since 13 years and that


is only since he found the forum that he understood really who is Shri Mataji !


It just fills my soul with JOY !!!!!!!


Now, the letter.....



My dear Sahaja Yogis,


The human mental is bombarded with many distractions.


When we get rid of these distractions, the Knowledge allows us to reach a

deep joy. Thank to the awakening of the Kundalini, your mental is freed from

many distractions.


You have to become aware that the Kundalini in man is a living power. It is an

evident reality.


Any human being has this power and it is easily awakened in innocent and

simple people.


This awakening of Kundalini can not be reached as a result of any karma:

However, if the " Sadhak " (seeker " is not honnest, She won't be awakened.


The reason is that even when the Kundalini is not active, She is aware of past

actions of the seeker. The Kundalini discriminates (?), being the fountain

mother of the seekers, She is the witness of their good or bad actions. Thus by

the grace of the Kundalini, the mental and the ill body of the seeker get cured.


The power of Kundalini is the personnification of the power of the desire of

Bhagwati - the Divine Mother - . She is awakened effortlessly by the power of

the Desire of Bhagwati or Her Will. Even a high placed human being has to

fight, fighting hard in all directions to reach his aim, but it is not Her



The brahman purifies the following aspects : the body, mental n d ego in you.

When these aspects are affected, the vibrations in you make you aware.


If you succeed in calming your mental, a pure mental, egoless, you will reach

the state of spirituel beatitude. The reason is that the Light of the soul


without obstacle.


How does the Cosmos flood out ? Why ? Is there a God ? Such fondamental

questions, remain without answer, even for the Gods. However, please know

that what I passed on to you is the Truth, you can feel it and know it through



But to be aware of that, your own vibrations mus be perfectly in order.

Experience will teach you taht LOVE and TRUTH are one and only thing. This

experience will help you to decipher more tha a deep and complicated

principle of Brahman.


At thet state, your mental will get the revelation that Brahman is passionless.

The concept of God, the Brahman, will blossom like the petals of a lotus ,

spreading it's fragrance.


When the physical, spiritual and cosmic states will get rid of this filth deeply

rooted in your mental, your intelligence will be in tune with Brahman, the

Eternal Lotus. At this moment, the distractions of the intellect conveyed by a

vain selfish glory will fade away.


Brahman is like a Sun which power is eternal. The human mental being what

it is, hesitating, unsteady, its thoughts disappear inthe flow of the Chaitanya.


As soon as your mental will reach the " power of the Sun " , it will stop rambling.

The distraction of the mental will vanish with the practice of meditation.

Meditation is nothing but the state in which we stay in the company of the

" Everloving Bhagwati " .


The power of brahman, is when you become deeply aware, when you enter

the collective consciousness. It fills the universe under innumerous forms,

within the atoms, the molecules.


For the stubborn mind, this universe is inert, for the lazy mind, it is full of

splendid powers. For the awakened mind, it is Joy. In the mind of the sahaja

Yogis, It is Eternal Beatitude.


For the Realized Yogi, It is he extatic Beatitude. You have experienced all

these phases. Experiment them ! Test them. Keep your mind calm and steady.

Have a total abandon and make your mental doubtless.


These are my Blessings


Your Mother Nirmala

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