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Alice letter

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Dear all, here is a letter Alice sent me. I translated it into English and gave


answer only in English.


From now on i will refuse to answer in french,except if i can help someone to

understand a quote of Shri Mataji, or translate a post from someone who does

not know english at all, but i will always post the original version to avoid




Writing in english is also difficult for me,but Shri Mataji asked us to learn


After all we are not supposed to write in the Shakespeare style.







Dear Nicole,


I didn't know you speak french also, then I would like

you, please, to explain me what's going on in Sahaja

Yoga ?

What happens really ?, Why jagbir is so vehement (though is such a great

soul), toward the other SY of WCASY, sometimes it makes me sad to see that

as Mother is still alive, such things happen. It seems that jagbir thinks that


ancients yogis try to hide things to the others, , I should not react to what he

says sometimes, but I am also an ancient yogini and be sure that so far we

have done and still do what is possible to spread SY….


He use to speak of Resurrection, but Realization is Resurrection itself !

Sometimes I `d like to write a long message, but though Ispeak English since

40 yers, some words seem not to be appropriate so i refrain from writing.


Tell him that nothing is hidden in SY, All is here… All that has been said to


ancient has been rigourously reported to the others. What happened with

uncle Guido, I have heard that he was « super » violent with the children and

even an anti-Sahaj website report that he had « affairs » with many yoginis. If

it is true, is that a yogi behaviour, he who has been so cole to Shri Mataji



Jagbir says that Sir CP has been accepted as Lord Shiva's Incarnation. WE


and that a few Incarnations are there and that a few chosen people have the

knowledge of it, what is the problem ? 2 or 3 Incarnations always came

together. In the islamic period, Lalla Fatima was Shri Mahalakhsmi Herself.

Brahmadeva, the Propher Ali, Shri mahomet, Adi Guru Dattatreya, Lalla

Khadija, Shri Mahakali, so why the husband and the daughters of Mother

should not be also Incarnations ?


But whatever it is, our Incarnation, in this period, the Principal Incarnation


Shri Adi Shakti, our Divine Mother et it is Her who makes us twiceborn. Shri

Jesus came along with His Mother, Mahalakshmi and Lord Rama came with

Lord Hanumana who is Shri Ganesha ????


Jagbir refers sometimes to fals gugus websites, he should not, we all know

that the world is stuffed with false gurus, he sould not soil his site that


Sometimes Jagbir quotes one or another swami…. We should only quote Shri

Adi Shakti, as it is Her whom he defends Body and Soul, so who cares of the

others ? it could disturb the new comers (because Jagbir's site is famous) and

if they were so « swami » they should be at the feet of Shri Mataji, just like



Thank you in advance to convey this message to him


With affection , Jay !


My answer, in English only :


Dear Sharmila,


I would like to thank you for your message. I will try to answer your letter. I

do it

in English, although it is not my mother tongue, but reading is easier than



First i will explain you in which circumstances i chosed to join the forum.


10 years in SY, i was asking me crucial questions such as why new comers

sytematically run away after a few weeks in SY.


As you know we come from different backgrouds and the reasons for joining

SY are very different from an individual to another.


In my case, i have been searching from my very childhood. I was born a

christian. At the age of ten, the church refused me to get the confirmation

because my parents had not attended all the meetings (for very good

reasons) so at that early age i told myself that i would never return in such a

weird organization.


As an adolescent i started to live in a parallel world, haunted by goddesses

that i used to draw, I had a good friend also who used to write fantasy stories

with goddesses. I felt very different and somehow rejected.


As a young adult i started praying a « Mother », not Mary, but a Glorious,

Powerful Goddess. One day i was so sad that i sat on the ground and shouted

: Mother i know you exist, so please manifest Yourself, because this world is

mad .


Believe me or not, but 3 days later, i had the opportunity to join SY. I won't


you here the exact circumstances, because it is not the purpose of this letter.

My experience was « TREMENDOUS » any time i attended the collective

meditations i felt drops flowing on my face from my Sahasrara.


Doubt could not have place in my experience, because i knew that it was the

ultimate goal of my life.

Then i attended to public programs, i gave realization to many many seekers.

But when they joined the collective EVERYTHING was made to disgust them

to come again.


I won't tell you what i've been perosnnally through (you should get rid of your

cats, you should quit your studies, your friends, family, and so on….) Never

mind because my only Reference was Mother and i was established.


But for new comers, they came with an open mind, an open heart and at the

beginning everyone was kind, but after sometime they were illtreated, and

finally left the collective.


I can't tell you all the nonsense i heard while i was there, and finally i came


the conclusion that if they wanted to ruin SY they would not act in an other



I've left SY since 2000. The Goddess, the Immense Shri Adi Shakti, Shri

Nirmala Devi Mataji did not leave me.


I found the forum thanks to a yogini who told me about it. And here i am….


Excuse me for this long introduction, but i would like you to seize whom you

are dealing with, and then come tou your own conclusions.


I will here only give you first hand informations, and i will avoid dealing with



When i was in the collective i had plenty of time to watch how a « happy few »

were sharing the power, how they put pressure on weak and poor SY in order

to make them their obligees. I witness how they ruined marriages, or better

how they organize marriages (including mine) in the name of Shri Mataji.

I can tell you also that at each Puja we organized i was devoted to clean the

toilets or peel the onions, but never mind, i made it with JOY and dignity, and


have been rewarded in a considerable way.


I heard them talking about things that the « others » the small people should

not hear about… i can describe you how they were fighting during Pujas

because they wanted their child to be at Shri Mataji's.


Regarding public programs, only few of them were allowed to speak. Most of

the time, they use to speak and speak without coming to the Point, which is

the Realization. People were systematically put on the mental state by their

endless speach and when it came to giving Realization, the half of the hall

had left, and the other half would leave after a few weeks of « collective

regime» experience.


Regarding Guido, i can not provide you any answer, both my children went to

Rome and during all this period no one complained. but i can assure you that

having affairs with yoginis, i would say more precisely, forcing young indian

girls to sleep happened amongst « great yogis » who are still in place and are

so (physically) close to Shri Mataji. And i do not hold those informations from

anti-SY websites that i refuse categorically to read, as they are false gurus.


Regarding Incarnations, what is the use for a God to incarnate as Shri Adi

Shakti Herself incarnated with ALL HER POWERS. You are an ancient yogini

Sharmila, you know that we do celebrate Pujas to Shri Mataji of course but

also for Shri Ganesha, Shri Shiva, etc… Shri Shiva NEVER incarnates, and

when we say the mantras, we say « …… Shri Shiva SAKSHAT, Shri Adi

Shakti Mataji, Shri Nirmala Devi, …… » which means that we pay hommage

to Shri Shiva in the person, the Incarnation of Shri Mataji.


How many time did She claim that She is the Adi Shakti, with all the Powers



Dear Sharmila, Resurrection is actually a crucial point now, because we the

SY of the world have to explain to all the followers of all the religions that

getting the Realization is the Resurrection. But having the Realization does

not mean that you have your ticket for the Kingdom of God. No, it is only the

first step. Shri Mataji said many times that we should not take it for granted.

Realization allows you to integrate all the powers Shri Mataji bestowed on us.

If having the Realization is effortless, it doesn't mean that our task is over.


have to go deeper, higher and meet Shri Adi Shakti in the Sahasrara, and

only There (in the Sahasrara) ou will be allowed to say that you met HER ,

because Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in Her physical form is Shri Maha Maya.


That is why, after a long period , Shri Mataji broke the Silence, the Easter Day

and that She spoke…. Of Resurrection.


I noticed also that the SY use to consider themselves as the chosen ones, of

course that is the truth, but our existence is meant to try to save the others,


to enjoy our « special status » and show off in fine embroided saris, fancy

cars, big houses, etc..


We do not have the right to abandon all the seekers of the truth, even if their

poor dicretion lead them to follow rakhshasas, we have to save them,

because SHRI Mataji asked us to do it, and if we fail in this mission, who will

succeed ? She has sacrified Her Life for us, to make us ready, it is our Duty.

Every mean is the right one if you feel it.


So now Sharmila you have reached an important crossroad : one way leads

to a sinking ship, the other one to Freedom .You have to go deep in your Soul

and find the Truth. This being done, you will have to follow your own way in

full confidence.


I hope to meet you soon in the Kingdom of God


Sincerely yours



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