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All you can do to understand Her is through Silence on Self.

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> But we have our own individual Mother too. She is unlike the

> physical Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi that most are overwhelmingly

> attracted to. Few SYs have realized that the Mother/Shakti/Spirit/

> Tao/Aykaa Mayee within is far, far more personal and powerful. She

> is verily your Self and the ultimate goal of Self-realization.


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is Her incarnation and is as human as

> possible, with all its limitations. For example, She probably does

> not know that Ulan Bator is the capital of Mongolia. The Shakti

> within can tell you the precise location and description of any

> planet in the infinite universe. She can also take you back into

> time to witness any frame, since She is Time itself. She has the

> entire record of all your countless rebirths ...... from previous

> universes too. She knows every detail of every thought of every

> human, and i mean the same Self in each human knowing instantly,

> simultaneously and continuously every thought of billions of other

> humans too. (It will take time to grasp the mind-boggling truth of

> the last sentence. Let me start by reminding that i said " every

> _detail_ of every thought " .)


> i can go on and on but no amount of praises of Her powers will do

> justice. All you can do to understand Her is through Silence on

> Self.




" In peace you have the awareness of your innermost spiritual reality,

which is harmonizing and unifying. Through this, your Self becomes an

avenue to God, to ultimate reality. As you know your Self, you enter

into communion with the divine. When the inner channel of

communication is open, you gain a new, profound experience of the

inner flow of indescribable joy. Your whole being is flooded with the

light and love of the infinite. You feel you are in the loving

embrace of God.


This silence can be of two types: static and dynamic. Static silence

means you enter into communion with the infinite more and more

deeply. You want to abide permanently in the incomprehensible,

transcendental peace of the absolute. However, dynamic silence is a

more balanced achievement.


In dynamic silence, you also enter into silent communion with the

infinite. Yet, you offer your whole being, your mind, your emotions,

your senses, and your body as a channel of expression of the creative

energy of the absolute. Inwardly you enter into silent communion with

the infinite, while outwardly you allow the creative power of God to

flow freely through you. Your whole being becomes dynamic and

creative. It is not exclusive of living in the world. It is inclusive

of the whole of life.


As a result, you come out of meditation and look at the world with

new eyes. You deal with people; you go to work; you carry on your

thinking and feeling as a transmuted instrument in the hands of God.

Inwardly there is profound silence. Outwardly there is the

performance of activities as an instrument of the divine. The

activities of life do not disturb your inner silence, for all your

activities are performed for the glory of God. "        


Dr. Haridas Chaudhuri, The Essence of Spiritual Philosophy,

Thorsons Publishing Group, UK, 1990, p. 180-81





My dear Sahaja Yogis,


The human mental is bombarded with many distractions.


When we get rid of these distractions, the Knowledge allows us to

reach a deep joy. Thank to the awakening of the Kundalini, your

mental is freed from many distractions.


You have to become aware that the Kundalini in man is a living power.

It is an evident reality.


Any human being has this power and it is easily awakened in innocent

and simple people.


This awakening of Kundalini can not be reached as a result of any

karma: However, if the " Sadhak " (seeker) is not honnest, She won't be



The reason is that even when the Kundalini is not active, She is

aware of past actions of the seeker. The Kundalini discriminates,

being the fountain mother of the seekers, She is the witness of their

good or bad actions. Thus by the grace of the Kundalini, the mental

and the ill body of the seeker get cured.


The power of Kundalini is the personnification of the power of the

desire of Bhagwati - the Divine Mother - . She is awakened

effortlessly by the power of the Desire of Bhagwati or Her Will. Even

a high placed human being has to fight, fighting hard in all

directions to reach his aim, but it is not Her fault.


The brahman purifies the following aspects : the body, mental n d ego

in you. When these aspects are affected, the vibrations in you make

you aware.


If you succeed in calming your mental, a pure mental, egoless, you

will reach the state of spirituel beatitude. The reason is that the

Light of the soul spread without obstacle.


How does the Cosmos flood out? Why? Is there a God? Such fundamental

questions remain without answer, even for the Gods. However, please

know that what I passed on to you is the Truth, you can feel it and

know it through vibrations.


But to be aware of that, your own vibrations mus be perfectly in

order. Experience will teach you that Love and Truth are one and only

thing. This experience will help you to decipher more tha a deep and

complicated principle of Brahman.


At thet state, your mental will get the revelation that Brahman is

passionless. The concept of God, the Brahman, will blossom like the

petals of a lotus, spreading it's fragrance.


When the physical, spiritual and cosmic states will get rid of this

filth deeply rooted in your mental, your intelligence will be in tune

with Brahman, the Eternal Lotus. At this moment, the distractions of

the intellect conveyed by a vain selfish glory will fade away.


Brahman is like a Sun which power is eternal. The human mental being

what it is, hesitating, unsteady, its thoughts disappear inthe flow

of the Chaitanya.


As soon as your mental will reach the " power of the Sun " , it will

stop rambling. The distraction of the mental will vanish with the

practice of meditation. Meditation is nothing but the state in which

we stay in the company of the " Everloving Bhagwati " .


The power of brahman, is when you become deeply aware, when you enter

the collective consciousness. It fills the universe under innumerous

forms, within the atoms, the molecules.


For the stubborn mind, this universe is inert, for the lazy mind, it

is full of splendid powers. For the awakened mind, it is Joy. In the

mind of the sahaja Yogis, It is Eternal Beatitude. For the Realized

Yogi, It is he ecstatic Beatitude. You have experienced all these

phases. Experiment them ! Test them. Keep your mind calm and steady.

Have a total abandon and make your mental doubtless.


These are my blessings


Your Mother Nirmala

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