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Things we may not have realised regarding the Sahasrara - Part 3

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" Violet " <violet.tubb wrote:


Dear All,


This last post should have read " Part 3 " , so i have replied to it again, to get

the sequencing right for the other parts to come.







In ,

" Violet " <violet.tubb@> wrote:


Dear All,


i would like to explore with the readers of this forum, some of the very

interesting things Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has told, regarding the whole

subject of the Sahasrara. It will be nice to collectively learn, what we may not

have realised previously, about this subject. It will be in 2 to 3 [and more]

installments to make for less lengthy reading in each post.


regards to all,





Things we may not have realised regarding the Sahasrara - Part 3


Firstly, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi informs us, that the Sahasrara is our

awareness! She talks about the Divine technique, and says that the Divine is the

One who controls thing, and those who also get into the Divine techniques, do

not control things, but just maneuver things:


" Sahasrara is your awareness. When it is enlightened you get into the techniques

of the Divine. Now there are two techniques, the techniques of the Divine, and

the techniques you follow. You cannot act as [the] divine, but you can use the

divine power and manoeuvre it. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja

Address - Le Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[shri Mataji continues by clarifying what the Divine looks after]:


" For example, the Divine looks after all the universal happenings. Every

minutest particle is controlled by the Divine. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[shri Mataji then explains how the Divine works out our enlightenment]:


" When your sahasrara opens out, and your kundalini touches the fontanelle bone,

a sort of igniting force is ready in your sahasrara, and as soon as the

fontanelle bone area opens up in the brahmarandra, the grace of the spirit

ignites that igniting force and your nadis get enlightened. Not all of them, but

quite a lot of them; not all the length, but quite the peripheries. That's how

you get your enlightenment. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja

Address - Le Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[shri Mataji says that our seven centres in the Sahasrara are amazing, in that

so many things happen, when these centres are enlightened!]:


" So many things happen because of your seven centres being in the sahasrara.

With the light you see [experience] their relative positions. I mean you do not

see, but it works in your conscious mind. Your conscious mind feels that

integration within you. The rationality, that is separated from the heart,

becomes one with the heart. It becomes one with your attention. Wherever your

attention goes you act in a collective way. All the activities of your attention

are blessed. Your attention itself is effective. Your attention is very

important, your desires are even more important, because it is such an

integrated thing, your desires and your attention become one. Whatever is good

for the spirit you desire, and your attention goes to whatever is emitting [the]

spiritual power [within you]. The priorities change very fast. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[shri Mataji says that those people who are primitive and not evolved, may not

have this happening for them]:


" Those people who are primitive and not evolved, may not find that happening. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France - 5

May 1982)


[shri Mataji cites how some people are so logically minded, that they have to

apply this logic to everything... even their own innate spiritual experiences!]:


" Those who are mentally developed, have an attention which they try to test.

They first want to see how to raise the Kundalini. They want to see that it is

logical. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy,

France - 5 May 1982)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states that for the balanced personality, who combines

the head and the heart, instead of relying solely on logic alone, that they do

not question their own innate spiritual experience, and settle down nicely]:


" For a balanced person there is no questioning at all. We have some people like

that amongst us. They just " become " and never question [their spiritual

experience]. They just settle down. They are innocent, intelligent and above

all, spiritual! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le

Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[shri Mataji explains that whatever defects there may be in the human character

as far as spiritual qualities being present or not, that this can be corrrected

through the Sahasrara:


" Whatever may be the defects in the qualities, they can be corrected through

your sahasrara. First of all you have to put down your ego, because if the ego

is there, it presses the sahasrara. Also, the super-ego must be reduced, because

it also presses the sahasrara, and gives pain. So, keep the sahasrara in its

healthy state. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le

Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[shri Mataji states that one's priorities have to change, and for some people,

this takes time and effort]:


" One has to realize that one's priorities have to change. Some people take time,

and so they have to make deliberate efforts. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[she outlines some of the influences that can hinder the sahasrara from growing

in a healthy way]:


" There are many books, which suggest anti-God activities, and if you read them,

the enlightened sahasrara does not like it and it will close, because it is like

a poison. It does not like any poisonous thought to come into the mind. If you

go about with the poison, it again closes. In the same way, the people who are

hot tempered, very hot tempered, and have all the other problems of ego, if they

try to suppress the sahasrara, the sahasrara also starts closing. Those people

who have had wrong conditionings from gurus, books, familial, country and even

work, will also find that these conditionings do not allow the sahasrara to grow

in it's healthy way. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address -

Le Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[in the next Part, which will be Part 4, more will be shared re what Shri Mataji

gave. Part 4 will open with a statement of Shri Mataji's that may surprise all

of us. Here it is!]:


" It is only the sahasrara which has to grow, not the spirit!!! " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[This has been written in the English way, with the meaning of what Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi gave, being retained.]




Things we may not have realised regarding the Sahasrara - Part 2


[shri Mataji explains how when She first started, with the desire to open the

Sahasrara of human beings, that She had to work out, how to do it]:


" And even if you [referring to Herself] desire to open the Sahasrara, it is a

very difficult thing, because the channeling of the Divine to human beings, has

to be done through human beings. The power may be with you, but it has to be

channeled through human beings. All my life I have not known many realized

souls. How to get them? How to work it out? So I started looking out for people,

and I met an old lady of 70 years, and she was very perturbed about something

very gross and when she came to see me she felt very peaceful. Her Sahasrara was

very worn out, and in my company, she would think of something else, not the

spirit; and her brain would be covered with clouds and darkness. Again and

again, I had to enlighten it; but she did not get her realization. "


[shri Mataji explains that most of the people that came to Her in the beginning,

came in order to get cured. She mentions a lady that She gave self-realisation

to, but that it was an individual thing. Shri Mataji's greatest desire was to

give it to many people at the same time, so it could work out in the collective

consciousness of the whole humanity, and not just in one person here and there,

which is the way it happened in previous Times. Now, it had to work out on a

grand scale... " collectively " !!!]:


" Most of the people who came to me in the beginning, came to me for getting

cured. This capacity I had since childhood. And I could also give realization to

a few people before, but they had to be very earnest, " artha " .

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artha) I did not meet anyone of that quality

because I was not living in the forest, but I was living as a normal human being

among other normal human beings and they were not that earnest, 'that artha',

and I had to do this work among them. How to talk to them about the real world

that exists and the false in which they live? One lady, the first one who got

realization, just came to see me because she was possessed with the idea of

seeking! She sought and it worked with her. It was not the happiest day [though]

because she was one of those who got individually realised. With this great

happening, many should get it at a time.


[shri Mataji talks about a program in Bordi in 1970, where one gentleman got

self-realisation. She says after that, the negative forces started acting, and

there was talk of " favoritism " . She had to have a firm attitude She says, and

then things started to work out! She says that is when the mass evolution



" We had a program in Bordi in 1970 and there, first one gentleman got

realization in the evening. Next day there were negative forces acting in the

morning time, and they started talking of favoritism. I could see in the

atmosphere, that the vibrations were going wrong. In the evening, I took up a

very strong, firm attitude; I was in a great fury; I never went into such a fury

before and I lashed [out at] all of them. Surprisingly, twelve of them got

realization. That was the greatest moment! Then many got it one by one! Three of

them traveling back got realization in the train, and suddenly they felt

vibrations! So [that is when and how] the mass evolution started. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)


[This has been written in the English way, with the meaning of what Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi gave, being retained.]





Things we may not have realised regarding the Sahasrara - Part 1

> > >

> > > Firstly, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi informs us that if it were not

> > for the opening of the Sahasrara, that the possibility of giving


> > masse self realisation to people, would not have been possible.


> > says that only a few people would have been able to achieve it:

> > >

> > > " It is a great day for all of us, the seekers, that the last


> > of the Divine, of the opening the last centre in the great

> primordial

> > being, was done on the 5th of May 1970. It is the greatest event


> > all the spiritual happenings of the universe. It was done with


> > great care and great adjustments. It is not in the limits of human

> > understanding, how things are worked out in the heavens. It is


> > fortune and God's love, that has worked out this wondrous miracle.

> > Without this happening, there could not have been the possibility


> > giving mass realization to people. One could have done it for one


> > two persons here and there, but to have given such a mass


> > would not have been possible. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -


> > Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)

> > >

> > > [shri Mataji explains that the seven main chakras in the body

> > actually have their " seat " in the Sahasrara. She says that it is

> from

> > the " seat " of the Sahasrara, that the 1000 nadis [1000 nerves]


> > after human beings]:

> > >

> > > " As you know, in the Sahasrara are the seats of the seven main

> > chakras. [in the Sahasrara also], there are 1000 nadis [1000


> > or as they call it: " flames " , and each one has 16,000 powers.


> > nadi deals with a particular type of person and with the


> > permutations and combinations of all these nadis, human beings are

> > looked after. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja

> Address

> > - Le Raincy, France - 5 May 1982)

> > >

> > > [shri Mataji explains more about this assemblage of chakras and

> > nadis in the Sahasrara]:

> > >

> > > " Sahasrara is actually the assemblage of the six Chakras and is


> > hollow space, on the sides of which there are one thousand Nadis

> > (NERVES). And when the light penetrates into the limbic area, then

> > the enlightenment of these Nadis takes place and you can see them


> > flames, very gentle flames burning and these flames have all the

> > seven colors that you see in the VIBGYOR. When the last nadi,

> > ultimately becomes integrated, then it becomes a crystal clear

> flame.

> > All these seven lights ultimately become crystal clear.

> > >

> > > So you have the Sahasrara with one thousand petals, as they call

> > it. [it is also interesting that] if you cut the brain in a

> > transverse section, " horizontally " , that all the nerves that are

> > built along the limbic area look like petals, and if you were to


> > the brain " vertically " , you would find many nerves in each bundle


> > nerves. [That is why] when the Sahasrara is enlightened, it can be

> > seen as a burning bundle of flames. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

> > Formal Talk on Sahasrara Chakra - Hanuman Road, New Delhi, India

- 4

> > February 1983)

> > >

> > > [This is how Shri Mataji experienced the opening of the


> > or cosmic Sahasrara, with its accompanying tremendous force of

> > vibrations, light, fire-like appearance and profound silence,


> > took place around late night to early morning at a solitary beach

> > setting]:

> > >

> > > " As soon as the Sahasrara was opened, the whole atmosphere was

> > filled with tremendous chaitanya [vibrations] and there was

> > tremendous light in the sky, with the whole thing coming on earth

> > with the tremendous force of a torrential rain or waterfall, that


> > became stupefied and unaware! The happening was so tremendous and

> > unexpected, that I was stunned and became totally silent at the

> > grandeur of it!!! I saw the primordial Kundalini rising like a


> > silent, furnace that had a burning appearance, as when you heat up

> > metal and it has many colors. In the same way, the Kundalini


> > up as a tunnel-like furnace, such as you can see in the plants


> > they burn coal to make electricity. And the Kundalini stretched


> > like a telescope and out came the deities, one after another:


> > shoot! shoot! Just like that! And the deities came and sat on


> > golden seats, and lifted the whole of the head into the shape of a

> > dome and opened it. And then this torrential rain completely

> drenched

> > Me! I started seeing all that and got lost in the joy. It was like

> an

> > artist seeing his own creation, and I felt the joy of great

> > fulfillment. After coming out of this beautiful experience, I


> > around and saw that human beings were so [spiritually] blind, and


> > became absolutely silent and desired that I should get their cups

> > filled with nectar, rather than the stones that were

there. " ((Shri

> > Mataji Nirmala Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy,


> > - 5 May 1982)

> > >

> > > [shri Mataji describes more of Her experience and also explains

> > that the Sahasrara, is the most beautiful part of our being!]:

> > >

> > > " Sahasrara is the most beautiful part of your being. It is a big

> > lotus with a thousand petals of different colors appearing like

> > inflated flames. It is a thing that has been seen by many people,

> but

> > to see it pour that torrential rain, was like these flames


> a

> > fountain; a fountain of color and fragrance, like a flower pouring

> > its color and fragrance around. People have written very little

> about

> > Sahasrara, because whatever they have seen is from the outside,


> > it is not possible for them to see it from the inside. Even if you

> > reach [to see it] from the inside, and the whole Sahasrara is not

> > opened out, you cannot see its beauty because when the whole of it

> is

> > closed, you just pass through an aperture and are outside of it.

> > >

> > > But just imagine a huge thousand-petalled lotus, and you are

> > sitting inside it, on the corona, and looking at all those petals

> > which are all very beautifully colored, fragrant and pulsating


> > the bliss of joy! To remain on that position is the ideal


> > however, after the silence, you are filled with tremendous

> compassion

> > and love, and are drawn out to the people, who haven't as yet


> > what it is to have [the] eyes [to see]. And then you try to put


> > attention to the Sahasrara of millions of people, and then you


> > seeing the problems that exist in the Sahasrara. (Shri Mataji

> Nirmala

> > Devi - Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France - 5 May


> > >

> > > [This has been written in the English way, with the meaning of what Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi gave, being retained.]

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