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RE : The Goddess Kali

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, Ravi N

<ravindran_nair2005 wrote:


Dear Ravi and All,


i have learned, and am still learning that i may not always agree with everyone,

or their opinions, etc. but that i can still have love, compassion, and respect

for the person. Until we walk a mile in someone else's shoes, we do not know

what heavy burden they may be carrying. We are the light that shines and

enlightens others, and helps them. This is a public forum, and Semira is allowed

to express herself, as are others. We may not always agree with what one

expresses, but we can learn to 'agree to disagree' without being directly

confrontational, which still allows the lines of communication to remain open.

The thing is, there is a lot of scope on this forum to express oneself, so why

not express oneself in a deep spiritual way. There are many things one can share

spiritually, for the benevolence and spiritual upliftment of all.


For example, i beg to differ, from what yourself says, but still respect you,

for yourself. Let me share with you, where i respectfully 'beg to differ' [i

will put your name, so we don't get confused here]:


Ravi: " You say 'despite who WE are, she transforms us'. The whole idea of sahaja

yoga is to get rid of the 'we are'. 'we are' nothing. so long as you think you

are something, you are still not there. "


[The whole idea of Sahaja Yoga is not to get rid of the " we are " . A person will

never get rid of their ego, if they try to do it. The only way is to " go within "

and experience that there is " no other " {ananya}. When we experience the ananya,

we cannot aggress others, because we will know, that we are aggressing

ourselves. Sahaja Yoga is Union with the Divine Within. It is not true that we

are nothing, when we have Union with the Divine Within. It means we are raised

very high, to be something, to be Her Instruments. Shri Mataji has said over and

over and over again that Sahaja Yogis { " born of the Spirit " persons, are the

epitome of spiritual evolution, and the Divine Feminine has raised us!!! How can

that be " nothing " ?]


Ravi: " Idea is to become nothing. Nothing at all. Have you read shri

mataji's poem ' a speck of dust?'


[The idea is to become instruments of Mother's Love. That is not " nothing " . It

is everything, we are meant to be. i have read Shri Mataji's poem about Her

wanting to be a 'speck of dust', so She could enter into everything and

influence everything with Her love. This was Her dream as a child, and She

accomplished Her dream. That did not make Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi " nothing " .]


Ravi: " all this talking and discussing will do nothing. "


[Look Ravi, Semira just likes to post her dreams, and she has always done so, as

far as i can remember. She is happy with that, and does not require anyone to

respond. She just enjoys doing that. Why do you not just leave her to express

herself. This is a public forum, and we do not chastize people here, for

expressing themselves. You have responded to this thread, and made it into a

'talking' and a 'discussion', and yet you say that the " discussing will do

nothing " . So, respectfully, would not the wise thing have been to refrain from

responding at all, and rather use one's powers of detachment, since nothing can

be achieved anyway, as you yourself say?]


Ravi: " stop thinking thats all. "


[i never ever thought it was my job to judge people, by saying to them that they

must " stop thinking " . i never enjoyed other Sahaja Yogis saying it to anyone,

and i still don't. i find that to tell people such a thing, is an irritating

dictum. It is different if Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi says it, though, because She

says it in a loving way, that will not offend a person's sensibilities. Anything

can be said, when it is said in love. i hope you are not offended by my saying

so, as i mean it kindly also.]


Ravi: " stay in sahasrar. "


[The same thing applies, as the above. People will not go to sahasrar, or even

stay in sahasrar, just by telling them so.]


Ravi: " Even if you dream of anything, so what? "


[What's wrong with people sharing their dreams? For example, one of Shri

Mataji's dreams was to be a 'speck of dust?! There are dreams of warning, dreams

of instruction, dreams of future events, and so forth. There are many biblical

stories about warnings, instruction, and future events that came in the form of

dreams. i do not understand that you dismiss dreams. If it is only Semira's

dreams you do not like, then it is kinder to refrain from saying anything.]


Ravi: " forget it... even if shri sai baba comes before you...so what? he comes,

by the way.


[There is something not quite right here. People do meet the deities in the

Sahasrara, for example Kash, Arwinder, and Lalita have met the deities in the

Sahasrara, including the Mother. Are you therefore also saying that if a person

meets the deities in the Sahasrara that the person, should ignore the deities?]


Ravi: " Just leave it be...forget it, stay in sahasrar. "


[This way does not work. The way that works, is to shine one's Light of the

Spirit. 'On the spot' demands, just cause aggravation to one's spirit, i am

sorry, to have to say. A sensitivity is required, to try and not hurt people's

feelings, when dealing with people.]


Ravi: " the more these things dont matter to you, the more they will happen. "


[spiritual experiences happen spontaneously. It is your Spirit. Seeking after

these experiences, does not make them happen is true, but it is your

relationship with the Divine, and in that, if it happens, it is good, and if it

does not happen, it is " not bad " .]


" Nothing matters. Nothing. let everything go. excitement in anything, interest

in anything, seeking to understand...all are a waste. let everything go. Stay in

sahasrar. Thats all. "


[seeking the Spirit is very important. People have spent lifetimes seeking the

Spirit, to finally achieve their spiritual liberation in this lifetime. How can

you say therefore, that " nothing matters " ? Seeking is not a waste of time. You

cannot stay in sahasrar, if you do not even know what the sahasrar is. It

requires the knowledge that Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given. Once a person

enters there, they still have to work it out, to remain there. Again, saying to

someone: " Stay in sahasrar " does not make it happen. That is not the correct way

to help people, is what i am saying.]


" Shri mataji is the goddess within. Jagbir is telling it for so long...try to

understand. Know the kundalini is shri mataji...hold

her hand ...pull yourself into sahasrar...then be thoughltess

there...there is nothing else to do. "


[This is starting to sound like a personal lecture. Nobody likes being 'lectured

to'. i really hope, what i am saying, does not feel like a lecture too. It is

not meant to.]


" yes, if you do want to talk and discuss...then do it to spread

sahaja yoga...go out and tell people...save them. shri mataji is

adishakti...does everyone know? "


[it is good to use our time to spread the Divine Love and Divine Light. However,

we need to be sensitive in our sharing, and do it in a loving way, that can be

accepted by others. i hope i have not been too hard on you, Ravi. i hope you

will understand.]


" Let us not start a useless argument please. "


[it is better to remain detached, on certain things. i agree to that. i hope

this helps.]


love from violet




> alice abergel <lilysharmila wrote:

> Dear Ravindra,


> Jay Shri Mataji,


> Your answear to Samira has nothing to do with her

> wonderfull dream...

> Of course it's a message for her... and I hope she

> undertood that nothing can disturb a Goddess or Lord

> Shiva.. for despite who we are ... " She transformes "

> eveyhing with her beautifull powerfull and loving

> vibrations...Jay !

> Shri Mother comes very often in our dreams, and Tell

> us a lot of things for our evolution, an when " She "

> doesn't talk She shows us things that we have to

> decode that's all !


> Sahaj Love ** Sharmila "


> --- Ravi N <ravindran_nair2005 a écrit :


> > Dear Semira,

> >

> > I am very unclear on the purpose of this mail on

> > your dream. If you watch some donald duck cartoons,

> > you will dream of a 60 ft tall duck, so?

> >

> > Goddess Kali is an attribute of God. An attribute

> > of your real/original/spiritual being. Both are the

> > same. This dream of yours has little or nothing to

> > do with that.

> >

> > The objective of sahaja yoga is to dissolve/kill

> > the (your) ego so that all that remains is pure,

> > attributeless consciousness. You will get glimpses

> > of this state first in thoughtless meditation...that

> > in turn will lead to a detached state which will

> > hold through the day and night.

> >

> > Focus on the meditation, the rest is non-sense.

> > All of it.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > Ravindran

> >

> >

> >

> > caraleen98 <caraleen98 wrote:

> > Dear Friends,

> > In a dream, I saw a woman. She appeared to me as a

> > dear friend, and

> > drew gently close to me to show me her hair. She

> > wanted me to see

> > what was in her hair, and I looked carefully and saw

> > that there were

> > many tiny insects crawling in her hair. Looking

> > closely, they were

> > ash-grey, and had brown markings. They were

> > moth-like, and the wings

> > were a triangle shape, the apex of the triangle

> > being at the head.

> > There was a brown stripe down the back, which

> > separated into 2

> > separate stripes over the wings, and in the inverted

> > 'Y' formed by

> > these stripes, there was an empty circle 'O'. She

> > was undisturbed by

> > these insects, though I felt fear.

> > I looked again, and she was transformed. Her hair

> > had completely

> > changed; it was now very long, full, streaming and

> > rippling, in 3

> > colours. The colours were shining gold, silver and

> > deep black, with

> > the gold being predominant.

> > All my fear was gone and now I felt complete wonder

> > and awe and an

> > overwhelming desire to be close to her, and wrapped

> > in her beautiful

> > hair.

> > Love, Semira

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > oneSearch: Finally, mobile search that gives

> > answers, not web links.





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