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On imparting Sahaja Yoga to others

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, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


" You are the first of the few who have the conviction, courage and conscience to

take Shri Mataji's Message of the Last Judgment to the public. That you are

alone is all the more commendable. We hope others will look up to you and follow

your lead. "


Dear All,


The reason that Gerlinde is such an inspiration, is that she has ventured out,

and is giving of herself in a very natural spiritual way, that is spontaneous,

and not to a 'set forumla' given by others. Shri Mataji gave in this way, and

says it is the best way to give Sahaja Yoga to others, also. This way, the

communication becomes a heart-to-heart one, and people are drawn to things of

the heart, rather than things of the brain. i have just come across some very

good advice that Shri Mataji gave on this very subject, and would like to share

and explore it with our forum family.


Firstly, Shri Mataji tells us that She loves the whole world, and that She cares

just as much for those who haven't got their Self Realisation, as for those who

do have it:


" My advice to you is that as your Mother loves the whole world, loves all of

you, and cares for those who haven't even got realisation, [that] you should try

to create more people for Sahaja Yoga [for Union with the Divine]. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[However, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi continues, saying]:


" But in that, if you start behaving in a manner, all the time saying: " You are

catching this, you are a bhoot, you are this, you are that... " I never said that

to anyone!!! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy

- 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji says that there is no love or understanding, in such behaviour]:


" So you should not say like that, there is no love, there is no understanding. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27

September 1998)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains what understanding is needed]:


" The understanding is that you were just the same as the person was, and now you

are knowledgeable, so you must use your knowledge to correct that person, not to

put him down. And that correction is also not verbal, it's just through your

vibrations you can correct the other person. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[it is a subtle thing, as Shri Mataji explains. The way to do it, is just to

share from the bounty of one's heart, what you have received, and give it to

another person/s. Gerlinde has given her own example, how it can be done. It is

a very individual giving from yourself to the other person, just like Shri

Mataji has worked very individually with a lot of people, also. Shri Mataji

further says that a lot of the Sahaja Yoga work is done to a method, which She

says, actually hinders the work of Sahaja Yoga]:


" Most of the Sahaja Yoga work sometimes, I have seen that it stops because we

are very methodical, we become like great teachers, we start telling them

stories, and then they get fed up. So when you are handling other people, as I

said, we have to spread the knowledge, very important, we cannot keep it to

ourselves. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy -

27 September 1998)


[Gerlinde was right, when she said that the messages of Shri Mataji must be

spoken publicly: " The smiles and ready acknowledgment of an inspiring experience

by these seekers was ample reward for me and gave me such joy and a higher level

of confidence that the messages must indeed be spoken publicly. " Shri Mataji

noreover states that the knowledge is not there for any ambition, leadership, or

recognition, but to use it to help others]:


" But it is not for any ambition, for any leadership, for any kind of

recognition, but just the use of our wisdom, use of our knowledge, that we want

to help others, out of love, not for any recognition, not for any position,

nothing! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy -

27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji describes the spiritual beauty that will happen, when we open our

hearts to people and enable them to also open their hearts]:


" Just we want to do it because we love, and I am sure this will work out very

effectively, and the persons who'll be helped, or the persons which we helped

will be just bound to you, because they find the true knowledge. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji talks about how the spiritual knowledge we are, is imparted.

Remember that we " are " the knowledge. We " become " the knowledge. It is a gnostic

thing. Imparting spiritual knowledge is a part and parcel of ourselves, and not

a fixed formula that everyone says everything the same way. Shri Mataji gives

the example of somebody coming to you, and yourself saying that " I know the true

knowledge " . The person will say that " you may know the true knowledge, but i do

not know what you know! " Then if the person asks you what is the true knowledge,

what happens if you give him a big lecture? He will just say that " that is not

the true knowledge I wasa after " !]:


" But supposing somebody comes to you and says: " I know the true knowledge. "

You'd say: " You might be knowing, but I have to know what you know. " Then you

ask that person, then he'll give you a big lecture. [You would] say: " No, that's

not the thing. " [You would] just smile: " That's not the thing. " (Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji explains what the true knowledge from the heart, which is a.k.a.

" gnosis " is]:


" The thing is true knowledge is a part and parcel of your being. It's just

within you, it is not some sort of a concrete stuff that you have read or you

have understood, but it has just become like a light within you. And that light

is there, it has no... there's no necessity for you to be very well-educated, or

to be very intelligent, or to be highly placed, not necessary. It is how your

heart is clean, in the heart it resides. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri

Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains the difference between 'head knowledge' and

'heart knowledge']:


" Imagine, all other knowledge resides in the brain, while the pure knowledge

resides in the heart. Very surprising. But we do not know also that actually our

heart rules the head. There are seven auras around the heart, which control the

brain in such a manner that we are in the hands of the Param Chaitanya. Unless

and until your heart is clean, unless and until in your heart you have a

beautiful image of a person who is very very pure, you cannot, you cannot do

anything mentally. And from your heart, if you have to do [any spiritual work],

your heart has to be very clean and extremely wise. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji talks about how over-attachment to others, or identifying with

someone too much, can create bondage]:


" This is the point one has to jump into, that: " Your heart, is it wise? " For

example, to get attached to someone too much, identified with someone, shows

that your heart is not clean, it has so much bondage. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

- Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji states that the opposite of being overattached and identifying with

someone too much, which can create bondage, or 'ties that bind', is to open

one's heart fully, and therefore being open-hearted to others]:


" Open your heart, fully. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella

Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji says that 'being attached to someone too much' or 'identifying with

someone', does not enable the heart to open fully. The thing for us to realise,

is that the Goddess in our heart, gives us all that we want!!! We only have to

realise it, though, and that is what Self Realisation is all about!!! Shri

Mataji gives a description of this Goddess in our heart, and this can really

open up our spiritual understanding and wisdom!]:


" Open your heart, fully. And that's why they say that the Goddess resides in the

heart, in the centre heart. She resides in the centre heart because She is so

balanced. She resides in the centre heart as Shakti, and She gives you all that

you want. Within you, She is settled down as many things, you know the slokas

which say that She's settled within us like knowledge, She's settled within us

as memory, She's settled within us as sleep, also She is settled within us as

illusion, Bhranti. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure,

Italy - 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji states that this Goddess, who is the Mother Herself within you, is

the One who will put us into illusions, in order to perfect us. This is to

enable us to reach spiritual maturity, that She plays around with us, and Shri

Mataji says that we must be careful, not to fall into Her Maya]:


" She's the one who puts us into illusions, because we are not yet fully

perfected. We have to become " paripakva " , that means " absolutely matured. " Till

we are matured, this Mother Herself puts you into illusions and plays around, so

that you learn how to be wise. So one should understand that She is playing

around with you, and if you should try, to be very careful and not to be falling

into Her Maya. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure,

Italy - 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji describes what it is like to fall into the Mother's Maya]:


" Because, if She puts you in the Maya, you'll go round and round and you'll

reach nowhere. So this power of Bhranti is also very important, this illusion as

I'm calling it, or you can call it this thing by which it creates a drama, in

which you become like a stupid man being found out. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

- Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[she explains that our stupidity can be removed by this Bhranti that She

creates. She says this power of Bhranti is needed, because human beings will not

understand something straightforward, but must be brought around to see their

stupidity or ignorance]:


" So this stupidity and all that can be removed by this Bhranti that She creates.

And this power of Bhranti is because of human beings as they are, because they

will not understand something straightforward. So it has to go round and round

till they reach a point to understand that it was the play of the Mother that

brought them to this shore of wisdom. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri

Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji asks us to depend on the Param Chaitanya ( " the Divine vibrations

that surround us " )]:


" So for us, it is important to see that so much has been done by Param Chaitanya

for us. The Mother has done so much for us! Now what are we going to do

ourselves, [in order to] get all these powers that She has given us, to be

completely enlightened and developed? What have we done so far? [There is]

nothing to be done as such, but to develop a kind of deep devotion and deep

understanding. And that depth is possible, absolutely possible, because now you

are on your way to that perfection. So today, in Cabella, is the last Puja, and

I want to tell you as a Mother, that you should all depend on Param Chaitanya!

It is very important to depend on Param Chaitanya! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[in Her concluding remarks, Shri Mataji states that there is a habit of people,

to put the blame on others. She says that such ideas are useless!]:


" Also there's a habit of many people to put the blame on others, like: " I got

caught up from this person, I got caught up from that person. " You are caught up

by yourself only. All such ideas are of no use! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi -

Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[shri Mataji says we must face ourselves, and perfect ourselves, in order for

something great to happen!]:


" Face yourself, find out about yourself and you have to perfect yourself, that's

so important, because, at this juncture of the time, people think that something

great is going to happen. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella

Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)


[Finally, Shri Mataji leaves it into our hands, as to whether something great is

going to happen, or not!]:


" I don't know, 2000 years, according to them, would be something great, but I

don't know, because it's all man-made, all this 2000 year and 3000 year is

man-made. But, I Myself feel, as predicted by many, that possibly, because of

your understanding and your wisdom, I'm sure something great may happen in this

world and things will be brought to a proper level of understanding, of

spirituality. Because this is the Last Judgement, and in this Last Judgement,

you have to play a very vital role, which I'm sure you can do it, if you decide

to achieve something for the future. May God bless you! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala

Devi - Navaratri Puja - Cabella Ligure, Italy - 27 September 1998)




> Hello Gerlinde,


> i would like to welcome you on behalf of our forum family too.


> feel at home here and be free to speak your mind and follow your

> conscience. i am sure you will nourish all of us with your unique

> contributions, which your inspiring first post is evidence.


> You are the first of the few who have the conviction, courage and

> conscience to take Shri Mataji's Message of the Last Judgment to


> public. That you are alone is all the more commendable. We hope

> others will look up to you and follow your lead.


> Shri Mataji promised that Sahaja Yoga will be established before


> leaves. i believe that only those stating the truth, as you have

> done, will begin leading mankind to Her. And since you speak


> about the Mother within, you are definitely leading mankind to


> She will triumph Gerlinde!


> regards,


> jagbir



> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > i would like to welcome Gerlinde to our forum family! Although

> Gerlinde is yet to post herself, she has sent an email for me to


> for her, which is appended. Gerlinde found this forum 'by


> she says. [Well, we know about these kinds of accidents, don't


> And she says that she has been reading from the websites and


> ever since, and has decided to join us. This is all very good


> that Sahaja Yogis are freely joining us, of their own accord.


> tells me that it is a sign of the future, and i believe this also!


> are not going to be " Lone Rangers " anymore, as more SY brothers


> sisters are joining with us. Jai Shri Mataji!

> >

> > Anyway, the wonderful news is that Gerlinde has made up a


> for her own use, which includes Shri Mataji's Last Judgment and

> Resurrection Message, and she says that seekers are responding

> enthusiastically to this brochure, so would like to share it with


> i have just had a read of it today, and i really would not change

> anything on it, as i believe it to be simplicity itself, well laid

> out, not to much for seekers to read, but giving the most relevant

> information, and all the words on it are Shri Mataji's Words only,

> and they certainly DO DRAW the person's attention. You will see,


> you read this pamphlet, which i have appended.

> >

> > Gerlinde, i have to say, that i also had trouble putting it on


> forum " In Format " , so i have done the best i can, and at least


> can have a look at the content, until we can have someone help us


> format it in a " Download Format " for our collective use.

> >

> > So bravo, Gerlinde! You are really doing it in your community,


> using your God-given initiative to get Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's

> Message of the Last Judgment and Resurrection across. i am sure


> people will be inspired by your example, and that is what we are


> about; to encourage each other in this Great Work of Shri Mataji!

> >

> > love to all,

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> > [Here is the email from Gerlinde to Forum Members]:

> >

> >

> >

> > Hello Violet and All,

> >

> > Thank you, Violet, so much for your warm welcome and


> >

> > Below is the simple pamphlet which has been used by me in a


> of Sahaja Yoga public presentations. As can be seen, no additional

> words other than Shri Mataji's quotes have been included. I


> to experience for myself the impact that these direct, all-


> quotes of Shri Mataji might have in the venues I was addressing. I

> focused my presentations largely around the quotes themselves.

> >

> > The reactions I've experienced have been very sweet, positive


> encouraging. " That was awesome ! " commented one student shyly as


> passed me on her way to her next class, after a World Religions


> presentation at her school. Her teacher standing beside me heard


> distinctly. Her response was a treasure in itself. Clearly it

> demonstrated the positive impact of this experience of Self-

> Realization and the innate understanding of the truth of the


> being presented.

> >

> > A group of women at a Seniors' Retirement Residence inquired


> the possibility of my return to the residence for another class of

> Sahaja Yoga. The smiles and ready acknowledgment of an inspiring

> experience by these seekers was ample reward for me and gave me


> joy and a higher level of confidence that the messages must indeed


> spoken publicly.

> >

> > Each additional presentation added to the inner knowing that my

> previous " nagging discomfort " was crucial in discovering and

> verifying for myself that a profound change in the delivery of


> Mataji's complete message must be made.

> >

> > I must also acknowledge that this " experiment " has not been


> its internal challenges, in that it's been difficult for me to


> truly confident, rather than overly cautious, in the face of such


> extraordinary venture, especially without the physical supporting

> presence of others. However, the detailed information and depth of

> this extraordinary site to which one can direct questions, if

> required, is most comforting. And how can one express the comfort,

> guidance, love and protection of the Mother Within!

> >

> > Violet, please feel free to use my present ID on the forum, if


> wish. Hereafter I'll try to contribute on the forum itself, rather

> than having you redirect my submissions.

> >

> > I'm also in total agreement to put the simple pamphlet format on

> the forum to invite diverse suggestions for additions, changes and


> on for the creation of a new pamphlet that can be easily


> in order that any yogis wishing to give Self- Realization

> individually or in groups have access to a carefully thought-out


> collectively-wrought pamphlet of great significance in the


> of the messages of Shri Mataji.

> >

> > Jai Shri Mataji!

> >

> > Warm regards,

> >

> > Gerlinde

> >

> >

> >


> > [P.S. This pamphlet will not appear formatted and centred, so

> please just enjoy the content, and imagine how nice it will look,

> when we can have it formatted as a brochure in Download Format. -

> violet]

> >


> >

> >

> >


> > " spontaneous union "

> >

> >

> > " You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are


> to the power that created you. " - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> > " Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I


> come for this Special Time, that is, the Resurrection Time. " -


> Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Picture of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > " These are the times described in the Holy Bible as the Last

> Judgment and in the Koran as Qiyamah - the Resurrection Time.

> Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the Time of

> Rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth " - Shri

> Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> > " In between Jesus Christ and His destroying incarnation of

> Mahavishnu called as Kalki,(Second Coming) there is a time given


> human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter into the

> Kingdom of God, which in the Bible is called as Last Judgment. " -

> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

> >

> > www.adishakti.org www.al-qiyamah.org www.holyspirit-


> >

> >


> ..

> >


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