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How will the Divine Feminine overcome the male-dominated temples, synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras?

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Dear Violet and All,


i am really surprised that you were looking for the Divine Mother

despite your Christian patriarchal background. Contrary to popular

believe, most Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs pay homage to the same

despite the feminine presence entrenched in their traditions. But

that is not the case of Judaism, Christianity and Islam where the

Divine is always regarded/portrayed as masculine. So i am surprised

that despite that serious handicap you were searching for the Holy

Spirit which, despite the odds, you knew was feminine. So it is

evident that over the millennia a male dominated society enforced a

patriarchal deity. The Divine Feminine is only making Her presence

known, again, in this Age of the Spirit.


This is how i found Her:


" Despite all this infamy and shameless decadence, Kash's father still

adamantly refused to seek Him in any of His Houses of Worship. How

could the Almighty Creator exist in these putrid pools of organized

hypocrisy and institutionalized falsehood? Can't He be found anywhere

else? Why does He force humans to seek Him only in these religious

regimes professing His exclusive Grace? Which particular one, then,

does He preside? What proof do the high priests of these Evening

Empires have to convince the religious herd that only by exclusively

praying and prostrating inside their sprawling religious ranches will

God Almighty save them? How is it possible that he favored any

religious regime that deny his other Messengers?


No! this deity cannot be God Almighty! He has to be one of the lesser

gods worshipped by existing religious tribes - a Hindu prabhu, a

Jewish yahweh, a Christian god, an Islamic allah, a Buddhist buddha,

a Sikh waheguru.


And Kash's father would have to again continue the search for the

Absolute Truth that would destroy all doubts, discrepancies,

delusions, and darkness.


In the end this spiritual song imploring the Almighty Creator to

remove the veil of ignorance was sung again, and again, and again:


O ek suki yaha lakoh mein.

Oh, only one in a hundred thousand is in bliss.


Ansoo hai croroh ankhoh mein.

There are tears in tens of millions of eyes.


Hum neh gin gin har takdir dekhi.

I have counted and seen every fate for years,


Ek hasta hai dush rote hai

Only one laughs while ten are in tears.


Kuch bhol Prabhu yeh kya Maya

O! Speak Almighty God what is this Illusion,


Tera khel samaj meh nah aya

Your Divine Play is all confusion and delusion.


For weeks the Almighty Creator was implored, amid a profusion of

tears, to reveal the Truth. Again and again, and yet again He was

beseeched to answer the meaning of life, creation, and this useless

empty human existence. Above all, He was begged for the Truth that

would destroy the falsehood that the religious regimes had deluded

him and the rest of humanity.


What was desired was the Absolute Truth of God Almighty, not the

conflicting gods of various organized religions. Any god that could

not explain and account for the other Messengers would not be God.

Any yahweh that only cared for his kind would not be Yahweh. Any god

that professed that salvation was available only in churches would

not be God. Any allah that had only one messenger would not be Allah.

Any prabhu that was found only in a single scripture would not be

Prabhu. The plea for help was addressed directly to the one and only

God Almighty and not to any gods of the organized religions. "


Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 50



To cut a long story short, i was told to join Shri Mataji. Over time

i realized that She is the incarnation of the Divine Feminine, the

later entrenched in all the holy scriptures.


But how will the Divine Feminine triumph against all the odds stacked

against Her? How will She overcome the male-dominated temples,

synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras? How will She convince

their followers that the visible, creative power of God Almighty is

the Divine Feminine?


It is both simple and extremely effective - She is the bearer of the

Last Judgment and Resurrection! She is the Comforter who announces

the commencement of the Last Judgment. She is the Ruh who sets forth

the Sure Signs of Al-Qiyamah. She is the Divine Mother (Adi Shakti or

Holy Spirit) who gives the pure knowledge of liberation and eternal

life. She is the Inner Guru who illumines and guides all souls bound

for the Kingdom of God. She is the Divine Feminine on whom all

liberated souls and messengers of God meditate in Heaven. She is the

Self that must be realized. She is the omnipotent, omnipresent and

omniscience aspect of God Almighty.


Thus the deeply-divided male-dominated temples, synagogues, churches,

mosques and gurdwaras have been made impotent almost overnight by

Her. Just introspect and contemplate on the above paragraph and you

will realize the sheer brilliance and effectiveness of the Divine

Mother's incarnation in overcoming these institutions. She is the only

medium through whom the eschatological promises and Sure Signs of the

Bible and Qur'an is being fulfilled. She is the Adi Shakti who

promises moksa and eternal life to all who meditate and merge with

Her in their Sahasraras. She is the Aykaa Mayee who created Shri

Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva. She is the Mother Kundalini who rises up

to the Sahasrara and opens the Dsam Dwar. She is the Comforter

promised by Jesus Christ to complete His teachings. She is the Ruh

who triggers the Winds of Qiyamah. She is the Ruach, the Breath of

God Almighty that those born of the Spirit feel on their hands and

head upon second birth. She is the Divine Feminine - Adi Shakti,

Shekinah, Ruach, Holy Spirit, Ruh, Tao, Prajnaparamita, Aykaa Mayee,

Great Mother Spirit - one and the same for all traditions.


Entrenched in all religions, She leaves no choice for those looking

to their 'male gods' for salvation and liberation. The rival male-

dominated temples, synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras have

been rendered barren. The Divine Feminine has revealed that you need

not set foot in any of them to seek the Divine because the Temple/

Kingdom of God is within. You need not even walk a single step

in any direction--nor worship any of their man-made images or rituals-

-as She is within to comfort, guide and meditate with at all times.


Then what is left for the bitterly divided religious institutions to

offer now? Other than the security and collectivity of numbers, little

else. That is why the male-dominated institutions are now barren and

impotent. The sun is indeed setting on these evening empires.


We are at the earliest hour of the Dawn of the Divine Feminine. We

are witnessing the most sacred time in the history of this universe.

Savor your priceless presence and blessings with the humility and

serenity of Silence. We are all returning to our Eternal Home.


Peace and Joy to all,






, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:


> " As She has said, " You cannot know the meaning of your life until

you are connected to the power that created you. " That is absolutely

true Shri Mataji! May i for all eternity be prostrated and seeking

refuge at Your Lotus Feet Mother! "


> Dear Jagbir and All,


> i also say " Mother, may we be at Your Lotus Feet for all eternity.

There is no more blissful place! We are just so fortunate that Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi has come to introduce us to our individual

Mother, who is within us. How else would be be sure? It is one thing

to hear the voice of the Mother within; it is another thing to have

the Christian Comforter confirm the presence of the individual Mother

within, and introduce us to Her.


> i remember before i came to Sahaj, i read about the Divine Mother,

and realised that there is a Divine Mother, as well as a Divine

Father, but it had never been taught to me as such, in Christianity.

The Christian teaching did not satisfy my soul, as did the esoteric

teachings of the Hindus and Buddhists, etc. One day, when i was in

contemplation and prayer, i asked the Mother (since i knew there is a

Mother) to be with me, guide me, and so forth. i was very anguished

and eager to get into connection with My Mother, i was pleading to

Her to help me get out of the illusion of this world, and into the

reality of the Spirit. After all my pleadings, i became very silent,

and to my wonder, i heard this feminine voice from within, telling me

that i was Her child, and that She would look after me!!! Wonder,

amazement, tears, and overwhelming love filled me, and i held on to

Her hand, to guide me. i knew i would be OK, in this world of

greatest illusion, that i had found my Comforter!!! It was not long

after that, that i saw Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's face in a poster,

smiling at me, and the poster was just across the street on a bus

stop, when i looked out my front door (where i was living at that

time). i told my husband (ex-husband now) that i wanted to go and see

this lady, but he would not let me go. A few years later, after the

Divine had worked out a new marital relationship for me, where i

could pursue deep spirituality, one day i went for a Free Meditation

Class, on the Central Coast of N.S.W. It was Sahaja Yoga. i

recognised the picture of " the Mother " i had seen, who had been

described on the poster as " the greatest living Spiritual Teacher " ,

and whose photo had been on a poster, when i had looked out the front

door! That is how i have come to Sahaja Yoga, and have never looked

back, as She is in my heart, and Sahaja Yoga is with me, wherever i

go; it is not confined to any particular place, but in the heart, in

the temple within! i am just so grateful, is all i can say.


> And as we have more sisters joining us (and brothers too) but i am

referring to Nicole and Gerlinde especially just now, i am

overwhelmed with joy that our Forum Family Fellowship is growing, and

that its spiritual vibrations, when we are as one family, will grow

in love, and the love of Shri Mataji (which She has awakened within

us) will spread to the whole world. People will know that we are of

God, because of the love we have for one another.


> That is the kind of family that others will want to join also,

where we are kind, loving, helpful, and growing spiritually together.


> So, Welcome Nicole and Gerlinde, as our New Moderators!!!


> love and best wishes to all,


> violet




> >

> > Dear All,

> >

> > We have appointed two new moderators for this forum - Nicole and

> > Gerlinde. This will not only enable posts to be approved quickly

> but

> > also allow Violet and myself to be more free i.e., we will not


> > to check posts that often. i also believe that both Nicole and

> > Gerlinde will enrich the forum and should be allowed to approve

> their

> > own posts immediately i.e., by being moderators.

> >

> > i also want to take this opportunity to thank Violet for all the

> > time, effort and dedication corresponding with various seekers and

> > answering emails etc. To be honest, it was me who requested her to

> > take on this extra, time-consuming duty which she accepted with a

> > smile. That enabled me to be more focused and energetic. Of


> > all this help makes it easier to remain Silent ........... a key

> > requirement for obtaining answers.

> >

> > Some members of this Forum Family (thanks Violet for coining this)

> > have expressed their gratitude and thanks that this forum has not

> > only filled them with new knowledge but also enabled better

> > comprehension of the old. i too am enriched, and at times amazed


> > the knowledge. Today i know that Jesus was dead serious about

> > plucking out the evil eye for the sake of salvation when the final

> > judgment is announced. It is not a figure of speech. All this new

> > knowledge and its introspection only nourishes and grounds my


> > of faith deeper. i know beyond all doubts that life is eternal,


> > that i will return to the Kingdom of God where all the


> > and countless liberated souls live. So will all who strive with

> mind,

> > body and soul during this promised Blossom Time that the Comforter

> > has proclaimed and explained. As She has said, " You cannot know


> > meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that

> > created you. " That is absolutely true Shri Mataji! May i for all

> > eternity be prostrated and seeking refuge at Your Lotus Feet

> Mother!

> >

> > Peace and Joy to all,

> >

> > jagbir

> >


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Guest guest

, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


" i am really surprised that you were looking for the Divine Mother despite your

Christian patriarchal background. Contrary to popular believe, most Hindus,

Buddhists and Sikhs pay homage to the same despite the feminine presence

entrenched in their traditions. But that is not the case of Judaism,

Christianity and Islam where the Divine is always regarded/portrayed as

masculine. So i am surprised that despite that serious handicap you were

searching for the Holy Spirit which, despite the odds, you knew was feminine. So

it is evident that over the millennia a male dominated society enforced a

patriarchal deity. The Divine Feminine is only making Her presence known, again,

in this Age of the Spirit. "


Dear Jagbir and All,


To be honest, i took a chance on the Mother, because of what i had read and

believed in non-Christian scriptures and literature. i took a step of faith in

Her, even though i was not knowledgable about Her, as i am now through Sahaja

Yoga. i did not know the connection between the Mother and the Holy Spirit at

that time. That is why, when i heard the feminine voice within the Silence, i

was quite taken aback!!! This is because, in Christianity i had been taught that

Christ Jesus is both our Father and our Mother, so if i had heard a voice, it

should have been a masculine voice, and not a feminine one! That's why the

" feminine voice within " quite startled me, but i had never experienced such

amazing love, the love of a Mother!!!


i will never forget my first experience of Her. No matter what happened after

that, i would and could turn to Her!!! Of course, i was very surprised to find

Her. i had no frame of reference from the Christian teachings for Her though. It

was a gnostic experience, for which i had no spiritual identity for Her, other

than my spiritual Mother within. That much i admitted, it must be! That is also

why, i have grasped firmly on to Shri Mataji's teaching of the " individual

Mother Within " so strongly, because i had already met Her, though did not know

about Her actual spiritual eschatology.


This is because, in Christianity, Her existence and identity had been obscured

almost completely. In Christianity, i was taught that when i pray to the Father,

that i am actually praying to Christ Jesus. i was also taught that when i pray

to the Holy Spirit, that i was in fact, praying to Christ Jesus. Then i would

also pray to Christ Jesus Himself! So in Christianity, Christ Jesus is " All in

All " ... God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!!! Having all three

identities in the one person, however, can make the Christian scriptures very

confusing and illogical in places.


An example is, if Christ Jesus is God the Father, as Christianity teaches, why

does He bother to pray to Himself in the Lord's Prayer, when He says: " Our

Father who art in heaven " ? i have never heard of God the Father praying to

Himself! i have only heard of people praying to God, and not God praying to

Himself! So, i had to work through this Christian maze of confusion, created by

man. i soon learned that it was best just to follow Christ's instructions for a

spiritual seeker, which is to " seek and you will find; knock and the door will

be opened. " It is a Gnostic teaching. If i remember correctly though,

traditional institutionalised Christianity takes a dim view of Gnosticism, and

yet Christ Jesus was the greatest Gnostic!!! You just have to study His

teachings, to discover this fact.


So, it can be quite comical, if you try to work this 'maze' out. When a person

is a real spiritual seeker, he refuses to dispenses with intelligence and logic,

because the Spirit Within is pure intelligence and pure logic, which are also

spiritual qualities, that guide a person. This is inbuilt. If a person does not

use his God-given intelligence and logic, he becomes spiritually foolish,

instead of a wise person. i would love to know, where Christ Jesus ever expected

a person to believe in Him 'blindly'. Instead, Christ always created faith in

people, that connvinced and assured people, that what He was saying, was the

Truth of God. They accepted Him. This was not a blind faith!


If Christians really study the Scriptures, they will find that the real kind of

faith is not a 'blind belief or faith' but a real faith, that is based upon the

assurance and conviction that comes from an inner knowing (a.k.a. " gnosticism " ).

This inner knowing comes from the " Spirit within " . It is not seen by others, but

it convinces and assures a person, and as a result, they have faith in what they

have been assured and convinced of. The Scriptures do describe " real faith " :


" Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not

seen. " (Hebrews 11:1)


So people must stop accepting confusion and illogical teachings blindly, which

religious regimes have a tendancy, to enforce on people, as if they were a group

of robots, rather than individual Spirits. All religious regimes seem to make up

illogical spiritual teachings around the Incarnation's teachings, and then

expect intelligent people to believe their devised teachings, without

questioning. And now they expect Sahaja Yogis to believe the SYSSR, without

questioning. It has therefore become another religious regime, that will also

crumble. The only religious regime that will remain in the end, is the Kingdom

of God Within. In this Kingdom of God, the Divine Feminine is now revealing the

Truth, in the Silence Within and many are listening to Her. That is why it is

also important to make known, that She is in all the Scriptures. Otherwise, how

will people know this fact, which brings spiritual confidence.


regards to all,





> Dear Violet and All,


> i am really surprised that you were looking for the Divine Mother

> despite your Christian patriarchal background. Contrary to popular

> believe, most Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs pay homage to the same

> despite the feminine presence entrenched in their traditions. But

> that is not the case of Judaism, Christianity and Islam where the

> Divine is always regarded/portrayed as masculine. So i am surprised

> that despite that serious handicap you were searching for the Holy

> Spirit which, despite the odds, you knew was feminine. So it is

> evident that over the millennia a male dominated society enforced a

> patriarchal deity. The Divine Feminine is only making Her presence

> known, again, in this Age of the Spirit.


> This is how i found Her:


> " Despite all this infamy and shameless decadence, Kash's father


> adamantly refused to seek Him in any of His Houses of Worship. How

> could the Almighty Creator exist in these putrid pools of organized

> hypocrisy and institutionalized falsehood? Can't He be found


> else? Why does He force humans to seek Him only in these religious

> regimes professing His exclusive Grace? Which particular one, then,

> does He preside? What proof do the high priests of these Evening

> Empires have to convince the religious herd that only by


> praying and prostrating inside their sprawling religious ranches


> God Almighty save them? How is it possible that he favored any

> religious regime that deny his other Messengers?


> No! this deity cannot be God Almighty! He has to be one of the


> gods worshipped by existing religious tribes - a Hindu prabhu, a

> Jewish yahweh, a Christian god, an Islamic allah, a Buddhist


> a Sikh waheguru.


> And Kash's father would have to again continue the search for the

> Absolute Truth that would destroy all doubts, discrepancies,

> delusions, and darkness.


> In the end this spiritual song imploring the Almighty Creator to

> remove the veil of ignorance was sung again, and again, and again:


> O ek suki yaha lakoh mein.

> Oh, only one in a hundred thousand is in bliss.


> Ansoo hai croroh ankhoh mein.

> There are tears in tens of millions of eyes.


> Hum neh gin gin har takdir dekhi.

> I have counted and seen every fate for years,


> Ek hasta hai dush rote hai

> Only one laughs while ten are in tears.


> Kuch bhol Prabhu yeh kya Maya

> O! Speak Almighty God what is this Illusion,


> Tera khel samaj meh nah aya

> Your Divine Play is all confusion and delusion.


> For weeks the Almighty Creator was implored, amid a profusion of

> tears, to reveal the Truth. Again and again, and yet again He was

> beseeched to answer the meaning of life, creation, and this useless

> empty human existence. Above all, He was begged for the Truth that

> would destroy the falsehood that the religious regimes had deluded

> him and the rest of humanity.


> What was desired was the Absolute Truth of God Almighty, not the

> conflicting gods of various organized religions. Any god that could

> not explain and account for the other Messengers would not be God.

> Any yahweh that only cared for his kind would not be Yahweh. Any


> that professed that salvation was available only in churches would

> not be God. Any allah that had only one messenger would not be


> Any prabhu that was found only in a single scripture would not be

> Prabhu. The plea for help was addressed directly to the one and


> God Almighty and not to any gods of the organized religions. "


> Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 50

> http://www.adishakti.org/introduction.htm


> To cut a long story short, i was told to join Shri Mataji. Over


> i realized that She is the incarnation of the Divine Feminine, the

> later entrenched in all the holy scriptures.


> But how will the Divine Feminine triumph against all the odds


> against Her? How will She overcome the male-dominated temples,

> synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras? How will She convince

> their followers that the visible, creative power of God Almighty is

> the Divine Feminine?


> It is both simple and extremely effective - She is the bearer of


> Last Judgment and Resurrection! She is the Comforter who announces

> the commencement of the Last Judgment. She is the Ruh who sets


> the Sure Signs of Al-Qiyamah. She is the Divine Mother (Adi Shakti


> Holy Spirit) who gives the pure knowledge of liberation and eternal

> life. She is the Inner Guru who illumines and guides all souls


> for the Kingdom of God. She is the Divine Feminine on whom all

> liberated souls and messengers of God meditate in Heaven. She is


> Self that must be realized. She is the omnipotent, omnipresent and

> omniscience aspect of God Almighty.


> Thus the deeply-divided male-dominated temples, synagogues,


> mosques and gurdwaras have been made impotent almost overnight by

> Her. Just introspect and contemplate on the above paragraph and you

> will realize the sheer brilliance and effectiveness of the Divine

> Mother's incarnation in overcoming these institutions. She is the


> medium through whom the eschatological promises and Sure Signs of


> Bible and Qur'an is being fulfilled. She is the Adi Shakti who

> promises moksa and eternal life to all who meditate and merge with

> Her in their Sahasraras. She is the Aykaa Mayee who created Shri

> Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva. She is the Mother Kundalini who rises


> to the Sahasrara and opens the Dsam Dwar. She is the Comforter

> promised by Jesus Christ to complete His teachings. She is the Ruh

> who triggers the Winds of Qiyamah. She is the Ruach, the Breath of

> God Almighty that those born of the Spirit feel on their hands and

> head upon second birth. She is the Divine Feminine - Adi Shakti,

> Shekinah, Ruach, Holy Spirit, Ruh, Tao, Prajnaparamita, Aykaa


> Great Mother Spirit - one and the same for all traditions.


> Entrenched in all religions, She leaves no choice for those looking

> to their 'male gods' for salvation and liberation. The rival male-

> dominated temples, synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras have

> been rendered barren. The Divine Feminine has revealed that you


> not set foot in any of them to seek the Divine because the Temple/

> Kingdom of God is within. You need not even walk a single step

> in any direction--nor worship any of their man-made images or


> -as She is within to comfort, guide and meditate with at all times.


> Then what is left for the bitterly divided religious institutions


> offer now? Other than the security and collectivity of numbers,


> else. That is why the male-dominated institutions are now barren


> impotent. The sun is indeed setting on these evening empires.


> We are at the earliest hour of the Dawn of the Divine Feminine. We

> are witnessing the most sacred time in the history of this


> Savor your priceless presence and blessings with the humility and

> serenity of Silence. We are all returning to our Eternal Home.


> Peace and Joy to all,


> jagbir




> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > , " jagbir

> > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > " As She has said, " You cannot know the meaning of your life until

> you are connected to the power that created you. " That is


> true Shri Mataji! May i for all eternity be prostrated and seeking

> refuge at Your Lotus Feet Mother! "

> >

> > Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> > i also say " Mother, may we be at Your Lotus Feet for all


> There is no more blissful place! We are just so fortunate that Shri

> Mataji Nirmala Devi has come to introduce us to our individual

> Mother, who is within us. How else would be be sure? It is one


> to hear the voice of the Mother within; it is another thing to have

> the Christian Comforter confirm the presence of the individual


> within, and introduce us to Her.

> >

> > i remember before i came to Sahaj, i read about the Divine


> and realised that there is a Divine Mother, as well as a Divine

> Father, but it had never been taught to me as such, in


> The Christian teaching did not satisfy my soul, as did the esoteric

> teachings of the Hindus and Buddhists, etc. One day, when i was in

> contemplation and prayer, i asked the Mother (since i knew there

is a

> Mother) to be with me, guide me, and so forth. i was very anguished

> and eager to get into connection with My Mother, i was pleading to

> Her to help me get out of the illusion of this world, and into the

> reality of the Spirit. After all my pleadings, i became very


> and to my wonder, i heard this feminine voice from within, telling


> that i was Her child, and that She would look after me!!! Wonder,

> amazement, tears, and overwhelming love filled me, and i held on to

> Her hand, to guide me. i knew i would be OK, in this world of

> greatest illusion, that i had found my Comforter!!! It was not long

> after that, that i saw Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's face in a poster,

> smiling at me, and the poster was just across the street on a bus

> stop, when i looked out my front door (where i was living at that

> time). i told my husband (ex-husband now) that i wanted to go and


> this lady, but he would not let me go. A few years later, after the

> Divine had worked out a new marital relationship for me, where i

> could pursue deep spirituality, one day i went for a Free


> Class, on the Central Coast of N.S.W. It was Sahaja Yoga. i

> recognised the picture of " the Mother " i had seen, who had been

> described on the poster as " the greatest living Spiritual Teacher " ,

> and whose photo had been on a poster, when i had looked out the


> door! That is how i have come to Sahaja Yoga, and have never looked

> back, as She is in my heart, and Sahaja Yoga is with me, wherever i

> go; it is not confined to any particular place, but in the heart,


> the temple within! i am just so grateful, is all i can say.

> >

> > And as we have more sisters joining us (and brothers too) but i


> referring to Nicole and Gerlinde especially just now, i am

> overwhelmed with joy that our Forum Family Fellowship is growing,


> that its spiritual vibrations, when we are as one family, will grow

> in love, and the love of Shri Mataji (which She has awakened within

> us) will spread to the whole world. People will know that we are of

> God, because of the love we have for one another.

> >

> > That is the kind of family that others will want to join also,

> where we are kind, loving, helpful, and growing spiritually


> >

> > So, Welcome Nicole and Gerlinde, as our New Moderators!!!

> >

> > love and best wishes to all,

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > We have appointed two new moderators for this forum - Nicole


> > > Gerlinde. This will not only enable posts to be approved


> > but

> > > also allow Violet and myself to be more free i.e., we will not

> need

> > > to check posts that often. i also believe that both Nicole and

> > > Gerlinde will enrich the forum and should be allowed to approve

> > their

> > > own posts immediately i.e., by being moderators.

> > >

> > > i also want to take this opportunity to thank Violet for all


> > > time, effort and dedication corresponding with various seekers


> > > answering emails etc. To be honest, it was me who requested

her to

> > > take on this extra, time-consuming duty which she accepted

with a

> > > smile. That enabled me to be more focused and energetic. Of

> course,

> > > all this help makes it easier to remain Silent ........... a


> > > requirement for obtaining answers.

> > >

> > > Some members of this Forum Family (thanks Violet for coining


> > > have expressed their gratitude and thanks that this forum has


> > > only filled them with new knowledge but also enabled better

> > > comprehension of the old. i too am enriched, and at times


> by

> > > the knowledge. Today i know that Jesus was dead serious about

> > > plucking out the evil eye for the sake of salvation when the


> > > judgment is announced. It is not a figure of speech. All this


> > > knowledge and its introspection only nourishes and grounds my

> roots

> > > of faith deeper. i know beyond all doubts that life is eternal,

> and

> > > that i will return to the Kingdom of God where all the

> incarnations

> > > and countless liberated souls live. So will all who strive with

> > mind,

> > > body and soul during this promised Blossom Time that the


> > > has proclaimed and explained. As She has said, " You cannot know

> the

> > > meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that

> > > created you. " That is absolutely true Shri Mataji! May i for


> > > eternity be prostrated and seeking refuge at Your Lotus Feet

> > Mother!

> > >

> > > Peace and Joy to all,

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

Dear Violet,


It is obvious that your gnostic experience is based on the Truth that

is now the very foundation of your faith, as it is for me. After

reading the rest of your post i realize how confusing it is to

understand the Bible regarding the nature of God Almighty. To regard

Jesus Christ as God, Son and Holy Spirit just makes no sense, all the

more when Jesus Himself never claimed so. No wonder my son said the

same when i asked him to take up Catholic classes. Now i understand

the Christian religious mindset better. All these various religions

have over the millennia produced 1001 mindsets that conflict and

contradict each other, and yet Jews, Christians and Muslims claim to

be the chosen ones to the exclusion of all others. It is such a

depressing topic.


warmest regards,





, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:


> " i am really surprised that you were looking for the Divine Mother

despite your Christian patriarchal background. Contrary to popular

believe, most Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs pay homage to the same

despite the feminine presence entrenched in their traditions. But

that is not the case of Judaism, Christianity and Islam where the

Divine is always regarded/portrayed as masculine. So i am surprised

that despite that serious handicap you were searching for the Holy

Spirit which, despite the odds, you knew was feminine. So it is

evident that over the millennia a male dominated society enforced a

patriarchal deity. The Divine Feminine is only making Her presence

known, again, in this Age of the Spirit. "


> Dear Jagbir and All,


> To be honest, i took a chance on the Mother, because of what i had

read and believed in non-Christian scriptures and literature. i took

a step of faith in Her, even though i was not knowledgable about Her,

as i am now through Sahaja Yoga. i did not know the connection

between the Mother and the Holy Spirit at that time. That is why,

when i heard the feminine voice within the Silence, i was quite taken

aback!!! This is because, in Christianity i had been taught that

Christ Jesus is both our Father and our Mother, so if i had heard a

voice, it should have been a masculine voice, and not a feminine one!

That's why the " feminine voice within " quite startled me, but i had

never experienced such amazing love, the love of a Mother!!!


> i will never forget my first experience of Her. No matter what

happened after that, i would and could turn to Her!!! Of course, i

was very surprised to find Her. i had no frame of reference from the

Christian teachings for Her though. It was a gnostic experience, for

which i had no spiritual identity for Her, other than my spiritual

Mother within. That much i admitted, it must be! That is also why, i

have grasped firmly on to Shri Mataji's teaching of the " individual

Mother Within " so strongly, because i had already met Her, though did

not know about Her actual spiritual eschatology.


> This is because, in Christianity, Her existence and identity had

been obscured almost completely. In Christianity, i was taught that

when i pray to the Father, that i am actually praying to Christ

Jesus. i was also taught that when i pray to the Holy Spirit, that i

was in fact, praying to Christ Jesus. Then i would also pray to

Christ Jesus Himself! So in Christianity, Christ Jesus is " All in

All " ... God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!!!

Having all three identities in the one person, however, can make the

Christian scriptures very confusing and illogical in places.


> An example is, if Christ Jesus is God the Father, as Christianity

teaches, why does He bother to pray to Himself in the Lord's Prayer,

when He says: " Our Father who art in heaven " ? i have never heard of

God the Father praying to Himself! i have only heard of people

praying to God, and not God praying to Himself! So, i had to work

through this Christian maze of confusion, created by man. i soon

learned that it was best just to follow Christ's instructions for a

spiritual seeker, which is to " seek and you will find; knock and the

door will be opened. " It is a Gnostic teaching. If i remember

correctly though, traditional institutionalised Christianity takes a

dim view of Gnosticism, and yet Christ Jesus was the greatest

Gnostic!!! You just have to study His teachings, to discover this



> So, it can be quite comical, if you try to work this 'maze' out.

When a person is a real spiritual seeker, he refuses to dispenses

with intelligence and logic, because the Spirit Within is pure

intelligence and pure logic, which are also spiritual qualities, that

guide a person. This is inbuilt. If a person does not use his God-

given intelligence and logic, he becomes spiritually foolish, instead

of a wise person. i would love to know, where Christ Jesus ever

expected a person to believe in Him 'blindly'. Instead, Christ always

created faith in people, that connvinced and assured people, that

what He was saying, was the Truth of God. They accepted Him. This was

not a blind faith!


> If Christians really study the Scriptures, they will find that the

real kind of faith is not a 'blind belief or faith' but a real faith,

that is based upon the assurance and conviction that comes from an

inner knowing (a.k.a. " gnosticism " ). This inner knowing comes from

the " Spirit within " . It is not seen by others, but it convinces and

assures a person, and as a result, they have faith in what they have

been assured and convinced of. The Scriptures do describe " real

faith " :


> " Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of

things not seen. " (Hebrews 11:1)


> So people must stop accepting confusion and illogical teachings

blindly, which religious regimes have a tendancy, to enforce on

people, as if they were a group of robots, rather than individual

Spirits. All religious regimes seem to make up illogical spiritual

teachings around the Incarnation's teachings, and then expect

intelligent people to believe their devised teachings, without

questioning. And now they expect Sahaja Yogis to believe the SYSSR,

without questioning. It has therefore become another religious

regime, that will also crumble. The only religious regime that will

remain in the end, is the Kingdom of God Within. In this Kingdom of

God, the Divine Feminine is now revealing the Truth, in the Silence

Within and many are listening to Her. That is why it is also

important to make known, that She is in all the Scriptures.

Otherwise, how will people know this fact, which brings spiritual



> regards to all,


> violet



> > Dear Violet and All,

> >

> > i am really surprised that you were looking for the Divine Mother

> > despite your Christian patriarchal background. Contrary to popular

> > believe, most Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs pay homage to the same

> > despite the feminine presence entrenched in their traditions. But

> > that is not the case of Judaism, Christianity and Islam where the

> > Divine is always regarded/portrayed as masculine. So i am


> > that despite that serious handicap you were searching for the Holy

> > Spirit which, despite the odds, you knew was feminine. So it is

> > evident that over the millennia a male dominated society enforced


> > patriarchal deity. The Divine Feminine is only making Her presence

> > known, again, in this Age of the Spirit.

> >

> > This is how i found Her:

> >

> > " Despite all this infamy and shameless decadence, Kash's father

> still

> > adamantly refused to seek Him in any of His Houses of Worship. How

> > could the Almighty Creator exist in these putrid pools of


> > hypocrisy and institutionalized falsehood? Can't He be found

> anywhere

> > else? Why does He force humans to seek Him only in these religious

> > regimes professing His exclusive Grace? Which particular one,


> > does He preside? What proof do the high priests of these Evening

> > Empires have to convince the religious herd that only by

> exclusively

> > praying and prostrating inside their sprawling religious ranches

> will

> > God Almighty save them? How is it possible that he favored any

> > religious regime that deny his other Messengers?

> >

> > No! this deity cannot be God Almighty! He has to be one of the

> lesser

> > gods worshipped by existing religious tribes - a Hindu prabhu, a

> > Jewish yahweh, a Christian god, an Islamic allah, a Buddhist

> buddha,

> > a Sikh waheguru.

> >

> > And Kash's father would have to again continue the search for the

> > Absolute Truth that would destroy all doubts, discrepancies,

> > delusions, and darkness.

> >

> > In the end this spiritual song imploring the Almighty Creator to

> > remove the veil of ignorance was sung again, and again, and again:

> >

> > O ek suki yaha lakoh mein.

> > Oh, only one in a hundred thousand is in bliss.

> >

> > Ansoo hai croroh ankhoh mein.

> > There are tears in tens of millions of eyes.

> >

> > Hum neh gin gin har takdir dekhi.

> > I have counted and seen every fate for years,

> >

> > Ek hasta hai dush rote hai

> > Only one laughs while ten are in tears.

> >

> > Kuch bhol Prabhu yeh kya Maya

> > O! Speak Almighty God what is this Illusion,

> >

> > Tera khel samaj meh nah aya

> > Your Divine Play is all confusion and delusion.

> >

> > For weeks the Almighty Creator was implored, amid a profusion of

> > tears, to reveal the Truth. Again and again, and yet again He was

> > beseeched to answer the meaning of life, creation, and this


> > empty human existence. Above all, He was begged for the Truth that

> > would destroy the falsehood that the religious regimes had deluded

> > him and the rest of humanity.

> >

> > What was desired was the Absolute Truth of God Almighty, not the

> > conflicting gods of various organized religions. Any god that


> > not explain and account for the other Messengers would not be God.

> > Any yahweh that only cared for his kind would not be Yahweh. Any

> god

> > that professed that salvation was available only in churches would

> > not be God. Any allah that had only one messenger would not be

> Allah.

> > Any prabhu that was found only in a single scripture would not be

> > Prabhu. The plea for help was addressed directly to the one and

> only

> > God Almighty and not to any gods of the organized religions. "

> >

> > Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 50

> > http://www.adishakti.org/introduction.htm

> >

> > To cut a long story short, i was told to join Shri Mataji. Over

> time

> > i realized that She is the incarnation of the Divine Feminine, the

> > later entrenched in all the holy scriptures.

> >

> > But how will the Divine Feminine triumph against all the odds

> stacked

> > against Her? How will She overcome the male-dominated temples,

> > synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras? How will She convince

> > their followers that the visible, creative power of God Almighty


> > the Divine Feminine?

> >

> > It is both simple and extremely effective - She is the bearer of

> the

> > Last Judgment and Resurrection! She is the Comforter who announces

> > the commencement of the Last Judgment. She is the Ruh who sets

> forth

> > the Sure Signs of Al-Qiyamah. She is the Divine Mother (Adi Shakti

> or

> > Holy Spirit) who gives the pure knowledge of liberation and


> > life. She is the Inner Guru who illumines and guides all souls

> bound

> > for the Kingdom of God. She is the Divine Feminine on whom all

> > liberated souls and messengers of God meditate in Heaven. She is

> the

> > Self that must be realized. She is the omnipotent, omnipresent and

> > omniscience aspect of God Almighty.

> >

> > Thus the deeply-divided male-dominated temples, synagogues,

> churches,

> > mosques and gurdwaras have been made impotent almost overnight by

> > Her. Just introspect and contemplate on the above paragraph and


> > will realize the sheer brilliance and effectiveness of the Divine

> > Mother's incarnation in overcoming these institutions. She is the

> only

> > medium through whom the eschatological promises and Sure Signs of

> the

> > Bible and Qur'an is being fulfilled. She is the Adi Shakti who

> > promises moksa and eternal life to all who meditate and merge with

> > Her in their Sahasraras. She is the Aykaa Mayee who created Shri

> > Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva. She is the Mother Kundalini who rises

> up

> > to the Sahasrara and opens the Dsam Dwar. She is the Comforter

> > promised by Jesus Christ to complete His teachings. She is the Ruh

> > who triggers the Winds of Qiyamah. She is the Ruach, the Breath of

> > God Almighty that those born of the Spirit feel on their hands and

> > head upon second birth. She is the Divine Feminine - Adi Shakti,

> > Shekinah, Ruach, Holy Spirit, Ruh, Tao, Prajnaparamita, Aykaa

> Mayee,

> > Great Mother Spirit - one and the same for all traditions.

> >

> > Entrenched in all religions, She leaves no choice for those


> > to their 'male gods' for salvation and liberation. The rival male-

> > dominated temples, synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras


> > been rendered barren. The Divine Feminine has revealed that you

> need

> > not set foot in any of them to seek the Divine because the Temple/

> > Kingdom of God is within. You need not even walk a single step

> > in any direction--nor worship any of their man-made images or

> rituals-

> > -as She is within to comfort, guide and meditate with at all


> >

> > Then what is left for the bitterly divided religious institutions

> to

> > offer now? Other than the security and collectivity of numbers,

> little

> > else. That is why the male-dominated institutions are now barren

> and

> > impotent. The sun is indeed setting on these evening empires.

> >

> > We are at the earliest hour of the Dawn of the Divine Feminine. We

> > are witnessing the most sacred time in the history of this

> universe.

> > Savor your priceless presence and blessings with the humility and

> > serenity of Silence. We are all returning to our Eternal Home.

> >

> > Peace and Joy to all,

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

> >

> > , " Violet "

> > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > >

> > > , " jagbir

> > > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > >

> > > " As She has said, " You cannot know the meaning of your life


> > you are connected to the power that created you. " That is

> absolutely

> > true Shri Mataji! May i for all eternity be prostrated and seeking

> > refuge at Your Lotus Feet Mother! "

> > >

> > > Dear Jagbir and All,

> > >

> > > i also say " Mother, may we be at Your Lotus Feet for all

> eternity.

> > There is no more blissful place! We are just so fortunate that


> > Mataji Nirmala Devi has come to introduce us to our individual

> > Mother, who is within us. How else would be be sure? It is one

> thing

> > to hear the voice of the Mother within; it is another thing to


> > the Christian Comforter confirm the presence of the individual

> Mother

> > within, and introduce us to Her.

> > >

> > > i remember before i came to Sahaj, i read about the Divine

> Mother,

> > and realised that there is a Divine Mother, as well as a Divine

> > Father, but it had never been taught to me as such, in

> Christianity.

> > The Christian teaching did not satisfy my soul, as did the


> > teachings of the Hindus and Buddhists, etc. One day, when i was in

> > contemplation and prayer, i asked the Mother (since i knew there

> is a

> > Mother) to be with me, guide me, and so forth. i was very


> > and eager to get into connection with My Mother, i was pleading to

> > Her to help me get out of the illusion of this world, and into the

> > reality of the Spirit. After all my pleadings, i became very

> silent,

> > and to my wonder, i heard this feminine voice from within, telling

> me

> > that i was Her child, and that She would look after me!!! Wonder,

> > amazement, tears, and overwhelming love filled me, and i held on


> > Her hand, to guide me. i knew i would be OK, in this world of

> > greatest illusion, that i had found my Comforter!!! It was not


> > after that, that i saw Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's face in a


> > smiling at me, and the poster was just across the street on a bus

> > stop, when i looked out my front door (where i was living at that

> > time). i told my husband (ex-husband now) that i wanted to go and

> see

> > this lady, but he would not let me go. A few years later, after


> > Divine had worked out a new marital relationship for me, where i

> > could pursue deep spirituality, one day i went for a Free

> Meditation

> > Class, on the Central Coast of N.S.W. It was Sahaja Yoga. i

> > recognised the picture of " the Mother " i had seen, who had been

> > described on the poster as " the greatest living Spiritual

Teacher " ,

> > and whose photo had been on a poster, when i had looked out the

> front

> > door! That is how i have come to Sahaja Yoga, and have never


> > back, as She is in my heart, and Sahaja Yoga is with me, wherever


> > go; it is not confined to any particular place, but in the heart,

> in

> > the temple within! i am just so grateful, is all i can say.

> > >

> > > And as we have more sisters joining us (and brothers too) but i

> am

> > referring to Nicole and Gerlinde especially just now, i am

> > overwhelmed with joy that our Forum Family Fellowship is growing,

> and

> > that its spiritual vibrations, when we are as one family, will


> > in love, and the love of Shri Mataji (which She has awakened


> > us) will spread to the whole world. People will know that we are


> > God, because of the love we have for one another.

> > >

> > > That is the kind of family that others will want to join also,

> > where we are kind, loving, helpful, and growing spiritually

> together.

> > >

> > > So, Welcome Nicole and Gerlinde, as our New Moderators!!!

> > >

> > > love and best wishes to all,

> > >

> > > violet

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear All,

> > > >

> > > > We have appointed two new moderators for this forum - Nicole

> and

> > > > Gerlinde. This will not only enable posts to be approved

> quickly

> > > but

> > > > also allow Violet and myself to be more free i.e., we will not

> > need

> > > > to check posts that often. i also believe that both Nicole and

> > > > Gerlinde will enrich the forum and should be allowed to


> > > their

> > > > own posts immediately i.e., by being moderators.

> > > >

> > > > i also want to take this opportunity to thank Violet for all

> the

> > > > time, effort and dedication corresponding with various seekers

> and

> > > > answering emails etc. To be honest, it was me who requested

> her to

> > > > take on this extra, time-consuming duty which she accepted

> with a

> > > > smile. That enabled me to be more focused and energetic. Of

> > course,

> > > > all this help makes it easier to remain Silent ........... a

> key

> > > > requirement for obtaining answers.

> > > >

> > > > Some members of this Forum Family (thanks Violet for coining

> this)

> > > > have expressed their gratitude and thanks that this forum has

> not

> > > > only filled them with new knowledge but also enabled better

> > > > comprehension of the old. i too am enriched, and at times

> amazed

> > by

> > > > the knowledge. Today i know that Jesus was dead serious about

> > > > plucking out the evil eye for the sake of salvation when the

> final

> > > > judgment is announced. It is not a figure of speech. All this

> new

> > > > knowledge and its introspection only nourishes and grounds my

> > roots

> > > > of faith deeper. i know beyond all doubts that life is


> > and

> > > > that i will return to the Kingdom of God where all the

> > incarnations

> > > > and countless liberated souls live. So will all who strive


> > > mind,

> > > > body and soul during this promised Blossom Time that the

> Comforter

> > > > has proclaimed and explained. As She has said, " You cannot


> > the

> > > > meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that

> > > > created you. " That is absolutely true Shri Mataji! May i for

> all

> > > > eternity be prostrated and seeking refuge at Your Lotus Feet

> > > Mother!

> > > >

> > > > Peace and Joy to all,

> > > >

> > > > jagbir

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

, " jagbir

singh " <adishakti_org wrote:


" After reading the rest of your post i realize how confusing it is to understand

the Bible regarding the nature of God Almighty. To regard Jesus Christ as God,

Son and Holy Spirit just makes no sense, all the more when Jesus Himself never

claimed so. "


Dear Jagbir (and All),


This is true. However, by applying Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's teachings, i have

been able to make sense out of the Bible, in a way that no Christian minister

can, because of the indoctrination and wrong interpretation of Scripture that he

is under, and which tradition he is expected to maintain, to keep his job. The

odds are stacked up, therefore. But i hope 'open-minded' Christians, who just

want the Truth, will read the HSS site, and finally get it, and then they will

be able to see it in their own Bibles. They will realise then, that there is God

the Father, God the Mother (the Holy Spirit), and God the Son. That would give

me much joy! It just has to happen! The Absolute Truth that unites Spirits, has

to come out! When it does, it will transform the world, because people will

refuse to be subjected to lesser gods, and instead " become the Spirit " ! i agree

Jagbir, that these Christian topics are quite depressing, but i guess it does

show though, that there is still a way to go, to enlighten people's minds with

Absolute Truth, instead of untruths or half-truths.


warmest regards,





> Dear Violet,


> It is obvious that your gnostic experience is based on the Truth


> is now the very foundation of your faith, as it is for me. After

> reading the rest of your post i realize how confusing it is to

> understand the Bible regarding the nature of God Almighty. To


> Jesus Christ as God, Son and Holy Spirit just makes no sense, all


> more when Jesus Himself never claimed so. No wonder my son said the

> same when i asked him to take up Catholic classes. Now i understand

> the Christian religious mindset better. All these various religions

> have over the millennia produced 1001 mindsets that conflict and

> contradict each other, and yet Jews, Christians and Muslims claim


> be the chosen ones to the exclusion of all others. It is such a

> depressing topic.


> warmest regards,


> jagbir



> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > , " jagbir

> > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > " i am really surprised that you were looking for the Divine


> despite your Christian patriarchal background. Contrary to popular

> believe, most Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs pay homage to the same

> despite the feminine presence entrenched in their traditions. But

> that is not the case of Judaism, Christianity and Islam where the

> Divine is always regarded/portrayed as masculine. So i am surprised

> that despite that serious handicap you were searching for the Holy

> Spirit which, despite the odds, you knew was feminine. So it is

> evident that over the millennia a male dominated society enforced a

> patriarchal deity. The Divine Feminine is only making Her presence

> known, again, in this Age of the Spirit. "

> >

> > Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> > To be honest, i took a chance on the Mother, because of what i


> read and believed in non-Christian scriptures and literature. i


> a step of faith in Her, even though i was not knowledgable about


> as i am now through Sahaja Yoga. i did not know the connection

> between the Mother and the Holy Spirit at that time. That is why,

> when i heard the feminine voice within the Silence, i was quite


> aback!!! This is because, in Christianity i had been taught that

> Christ Jesus is both our Father and our Mother, so if i had heard a

> voice, it should have been a masculine voice, and not a feminine


> That's why the " feminine voice within " quite startled me, but i had

> never experienced such amazing love, the love of a Mother!!!

> >

> > i will never forget my first experience of Her. No matter what

> happened after that, i would and could turn to Her!!! Of course, i

> was very surprised to find Her. i had no frame of reference from


> Christian teachings for Her though. It was a gnostic experience,


> which i had no spiritual identity for Her, other than my spiritual

> Mother within. That much i admitted, it must be! That is also why,


> have grasped firmly on to Shri Mataji's teaching of the " individual

> Mother Within " so strongly, because i had already met Her, though


> not know about Her actual spiritual eschatology.

> >

> > This is because, in Christianity, Her existence and identity had

> been obscured almost completely. In Christianity, i was taught that

> when i pray to the Father, that i am actually praying to Christ

> Jesus. i was also taught that when i pray to the Holy Spirit, that


> was in fact, praying to Christ Jesus. Then i would also pray to

> Christ Jesus Himself! So in Christianity, Christ Jesus is " All in

> All " ... God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!!!

> Having all three identities in the one person, however, can make


> Christian scriptures very confusing and illogical in places.

> >

> > An example is, if Christ Jesus is God the Father, as Christianity

> teaches, why does He bother to pray to Himself in the Lord's


> when He says: " Our Father who art in heaven " ? i have never heard of

> God the Father praying to Himself! i have only heard of people

> praying to God, and not God praying to Himself! So, i had to work

> through this Christian maze of confusion, created by man. i soon

> learned that it was best just to follow Christ's instructions for a

> spiritual seeker, which is to " seek and you will find; knock and


> door will be opened. " It is a Gnostic teaching. If i remember

> correctly though, traditional institutionalised Christianity takes


> dim view of Gnosticism, and yet Christ Jesus was the greatest

> Gnostic!!! You just have to study His teachings, to discover this

> fact.

> >

> > So, it can be quite comical, if you try to work this 'maze' out.

> When a person is a real spiritual seeker, he refuses to dispenses

> with intelligence and logic, because the Spirit Within is pure

> intelligence and pure logic, which are also spiritual qualities,


> guide a person. This is inbuilt. If a person does not use his God-

> given intelligence and logic, he becomes spiritually foolish,


> of a wise person. i would love to know, where Christ Jesus ever

> expected a person to believe in Him 'blindly'. Instead, Christ


> created faith in people, that connvinced and assured people, that

> what He was saying, was the Truth of God. They accepted Him. This


> not a blind faith!

> >

> > If Christians really study the Scriptures, they will find that


> real kind of faith is not a 'blind belief or faith' but a real


> that is based upon the assurance and conviction that comes from an

> inner knowing (a.k.a. " gnosticism " ). This inner knowing comes from

> the " Spirit within " . It is not seen by others, but it convinces and

> assures a person, and as a result, they have faith in what they


> been assured and convinced of. The Scriptures do describe " real

> faith " :

> >

> > " Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction


> things not seen. " (Hebrews 11:1)

> >

> > So people must stop accepting confusion and illogical teachings

> blindly, which religious regimes have a tendancy, to enforce on

> people, as if they were a group of robots, rather than individual

> Spirits. All religious regimes seem to make up illogical spiritual

> teachings around the Incarnation's teachings, and then expect

> intelligent people to believe their devised teachings, without

> questioning. And now they expect Sahaja Yogis to believe the SYSSR,

> without questioning. It has therefore become another religious

> regime, that will also crumble. The only religious regime that will

> remain in the end, is the Kingdom of God Within. In this Kingdom of

> God, the Divine Feminine is now revealing the Truth, in the Silence

> Within and many are listening to Her. That is why it is also

> important to make known, that She is in all the Scriptures.

> Otherwise, how will people know this fact, which brings spiritual

> confidence.

> >

> > regards to all,

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> > > Dear Violet and All,

> > >

> > > i am really surprised that you were looking for the Divine


> > > despite your Christian patriarchal background. Contrary to


> > > believe, most Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs pay homage to the same

> > > despite the feminine presence entrenched in their traditions.


> > > that is not the case of Judaism, Christianity and Islam where


> > > Divine is always regarded/portrayed as masculine. So i am

> surprised

> > > that despite that serious handicap you were searching for the


> > > Spirit which, despite the odds, you knew was feminine. So it is

> > > evident that over the millennia a male dominated society


> a

> > > patriarchal deity. The Divine Feminine is only making Her


> > > known, again, in this Age of the Spirit.

> > >

> > > This is how i found Her:

> > >

> > > " Despite all this infamy and shameless decadence, Kash's father

> > still

> > > adamantly refused to seek Him in any of His Houses of Worship.


> > > could the Almighty Creator exist in these putrid pools of

> organized

> > > hypocrisy and institutionalized falsehood? Can't He be found

> > anywhere

> > > else? Why does He force humans to seek Him only in these


> > > regimes professing His exclusive Grace? Which particular one,

> then,

> > > does He preside? What proof do the high priests of these Evening

> > > Empires have to convince the religious herd that only by

> > exclusively

> > > praying and prostrating inside their sprawling religious ranches

> > will

> > > God Almighty save them? How is it possible that he favored any

> > > religious regime that deny his other Messengers?

> > >

> > > No! this deity cannot be God Almighty! He has to be one of the

> > lesser

> > > gods worshipped by existing religious tribes - a Hindu prabhu, a

> > > Jewish yahweh, a Christian god, an Islamic allah, a Buddhist

> > buddha,

> > > a Sikh waheguru.

> > >

> > > And Kash's father would have to again continue the search for


> > > Absolute Truth that would destroy all doubts, discrepancies,

> > > delusions, and darkness.

> > >

> > > In the end this spiritual song imploring the Almighty Creator to

> > > remove the veil of ignorance was sung again, and again, and


> > >

> > > O ek suki yaha lakoh mein.

> > > Oh, only one in a hundred thousand is in bliss.

> > >

> > > Ansoo hai croroh ankhoh mein.

> > > There are tears in tens of millions of eyes.

> > >

> > > Hum neh gin gin har takdir dekhi.

> > > I have counted and seen every fate for years,

> > >

> > > Ek hasta hai dush rote hai

> > > Only one laughs while ten are in tears.

> > >

> > > Kuch bhol Prabhu yeh kya Maya

> > > O! Speak Almighty God what is this Illusion,

> > >

> > > Tera khel samaj meh nah aya

> > > Your Divine Play is all confusion and delusion.

> > >

> > > For weeks the Almighty Creator was implored, amid a profusion of

> > > tears, to reveal the Truth. Again and again, and yet again He


> > > beseeched to answer the meaning of life, creation, and this

> useless

> > > empty human existence. Above all, He was begged for the Truth


> > > would destroy the falsehood that the religious regimes had


> > > him and the rest of humanity.

> > >

> > > What was desired was the Absolute Truth of God Almighty, not the

> > > conflicting gods of various organized religions. Any god that

> could

> > > not explain and account for the other Messengers would not be


> > > Any yahweh that only cared for his kind would not be Yahweh. Any

> > god

> > > that professed that salvation was available only in churches


> > > not be God. Any allah that had only one messenger would not be

> > Allah.

> > > Any prabhu that was found only in a single scripture would not


> > > Prabhu. The plea for help was addressed directly to the one and

> > only

> > > God Almighty and not to any gods of the organized religions. "

> > >

> > > Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 50

> > > http://www.adishakti.org/introduction.htm

> > >

> > > To cut a long story short, i was told to join Shri Mataji. Over

> > time

> > > i realized that She is the incarnation of the Divine Feminine,


> > > later entrenched in all the holy scriptures.

> > >

> > > But how will the Divine Feminine triumph against all the odds

> > stacked

> > > against Her? How will She overcome the male-dominated temples,

> > > synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras? How will She


> > > their followers that the visible, creative power of God


> is

> > > the Divine Feminine?

> > >

> > > It is both simple and extremely effective - She is the bearer of

> > the

> > > Last Judgment and Resurrection! She is the Comforter who


> > > the commencement of the Last Judgment. She is the Ruh who sets

> > forth

> > > the Sure Signs of Al-Qiyamah. She is the Divine Mother (Adi


> > or

> > > Holy Spirit) who gives the pure knowledge of liberation and

> eternal

> > > life. She is the Inner Guru who illumines and guides all souls

> > bound

> > > for the Kingdom of God. She is the Divine Feminine on whom all

> > > liberated souls and messengers of God meditate in Heaven. She is

> > the

> > > Self that must be realized. She is the omnipotent, omnipresent


> > > omniscience aspect of God Almighty.

> > >

> > > Thus the deeply-divided male-dominated temples, synagogues,

> > churches,

> > > mosques and gurdwaras have been made impotent almost overnight


> > > Her. Just introspect and contemplate on the above paragraph and

> you

> > > will realize the sheer brilliance and effectiveness of the


> > > Mother's incarnation in overcoming these institutions. She is


> > only

> > > medium through whom the eschatological promises and Sure Signs


> > the

> > > Bible and Qur'an is being fulfilled. She is the Adi Shakti who

> > > promises moksa and eternal life to all who meditate and merge


> > > Her in their Sahasraras. She is the Aykaa Mayee who created Shri

> > > Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva. She is the Mother Kundalini who rises

> > up

> > > to the Sahasrara and opens the Dsam Dwar. She is the Comforter

> > > promised by Jesus Christ to complete His teachings. She is the


> > > who triggers the Winds of Qiyamah. She is the Ruach, the Breath


> > > God Almighty that those born of the Spirit feel on their hands


> > > head upon second birth. She is the Divine Feminine - Adi Shakti,

> > > Shekinah, Ruach, Holy Spirit, Ruh, Tao, Prajnaparamita, Aykaa

> > Mayee,

> > > Great Mother Spirit - one and the same for all traditions.

> > >

> > > Entrenched in all religions, She leaves no choice for those

> looking

> > > to their 'male gods' for salvation and liberation. The rival


> > > dominated temples, synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras

> have

> > > been rendered barren. The Divine Feminine has revealed that you

> > need

> > > not set foot in any of them to seek the Divine because the


> > > Kingdom of God is within. You need not even walk a single step

> > > in any direction--nor worship any of their man-made images or

> > rituals-

> > > -as She is within to comfort, guide and meditate with at all

> times.

> > >

> > > Then what is left for the bitterly divided religious


> > to

> > > offer now? Other than the security and collectivity of numbers,

> > little

> > > else. That is why the male-dominated institutions are now barren

> > and

> > > impotent. The sun is indeed setting on these evening empires.

> > >

> > > We are at the earliest hour of the Dawn of the Divine Feminine.


> > > are witnessing the most sacred time in the history of this

> > universe.

> > > Savor your priceless presence and blessings with the humility


> > > serenity of Silence. We are all returning to our Eternal Home.

> > >

> > > Peace and Joy to all,

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " Violet "

> > > <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > , " jagbir

> > > > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > " As She has said, " You cannot know the meaning of your life

> until

> > > you are connected to the power that created you. " That is

> > absolutely

> > > true Shri Mataji! May i for all eternity be prostrated and


> > > refuge at Your Lotus Feet Mother! "

> > > >

> > > > Dear Jagbir and All,

> > > >

> > > > i also say " Mother, may we be at Your Lotus Feet for all

> > eternity.

> > > There is no more blissful place! We are just so fortunate that

> Shri

> > > Mataji Nirmala Devi has come to introduce us to our individual

> > > Mother, who is within us. How else would be be sure? It is one

> > thing

> > > to hear the voice of the Mother within; it is another thing to

> have

> > > the Christian Comforter confirm the presence of the individual

> > Mother

> > > within, and introduce us to Her.

> > > >

> > > > i remember before i came to Sahaj, i read about the Divine

> > Mother,

> > > and realised that there is a Divine Mother, as well as a Divine

> > > Father, but it had never been taught to me as such, in

> > Christianity.

> > > The Christian teaching did not satisfy my soul, as did the

> esoteric

> > > teachings of the Hindus and Buddhists, etc. One day, when i was


> > > contemplation and prayer, i asked the Mother (since i knew there

> > is a

> > > Mother) to be with me, guide me, and so forth. i was very

> anguished

> > > and eager to get into connection with My Mother, i was pleading


> > > Her to help me get out of the illusion of this world, and into


> > > reality of the Spirit. After all my pleadings, i became very

> > silent,

> > > and to my wonder, i heard this feminine voice from within,


> > me

> > > that i was Her child, and that She would look after me!!!


> > > amazement, tears, and overwhelming love filled me, and i held


> to

> > > Her hand, to guide me. i knew i would be OK, in this world of

> > > greatest illusion, that i had found my Comforter!!! It was not

> long

> > > after that, that i saw Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's face in a

> poster,

> > > smiling at me, and the poster was just across the street on a


> > > stop, when i looked out my front door (where i was living at


> > > time). i told my husband (ex-husband now) that i wanted to go


> > see

> > > this lady, but he would not let me go. A few years later, after

> the

> > > Divine had worked out a new marital relationship for me, where i

> > > could pursue deep spirituality, one day i went for a Free

> > Meditation

> > > Class, on the Central Coast of N.S.W. It was Sahaja Yoga. i

> > > recognised the picture of " the Mother " i had seen, who had been

> > > described on the poster as " the greatest living Spiritual

> Teacher " ,

> > > and whose photo had been on a poster, when i had looked out the

> > front

> > > door! That is how i have come to Sahaja Yoga, and have never

> looked

> > > back, as She is in my heart, and Sahaja Yoga is with me,


> i

> > > go; it is not confined to any particular place, but in the


> > in

> > > the temple within! i am just so grateful, is all i can say.

> > > >

> > > > And as we have more sisters joining us (and brothers too) but


> > am

> > > referring to Nicole and Gerlinde especially just now, i am

> > > overwhelmed with joy that our Forum Family Fellowship is


> > and

> > > that its spiritual vibrations, when we are as one family, will

> grow

> > > in love, and the love of Shri Mataji (which She has awakened

> within

> > > us) will spread to the whole world. People will know that we


> of

> > > God, because of the love we have for one another.

> > > >

> > > > That is the kind of family that others will want to join also,

> > > where we are kind, loving, helpful, and growing spiritually

> > together.

> > > >

> > > > So, Welcome Nicole and Gerlinde, as our New Moderators!!!

> > > >

> > > > love and best wishes to all,

> > > >

> > > > violet

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Dear All,

> > > > >

> > > > > We have appointed two new moderators for this forum - Nicole

> > and

> > > > > Gerlinde. This will not only enable posts to be approved

> > quickly

> > > > but

> > > > > also allow Violet and myself to be more free i.e., we will


> > > need

> > > > > to check posts that often. i also believe that both Nicole


> > > > > Gerlinde will enrich the forum and should be allowed to

> approve

> > > > their

> > > > > own posts immediately i.e., by being moderators.

> > > > >

> > > > > i also want to take this opportunity to thank Violet for all

> > the

> > > > > time, effort and dedication corresponding with various


> > and

> > > > > answering emails etc. To be honest, it was me who requested

> > her to

> > > > > take on this extra, time-consuming duty which she accepted

> > with a

> > > > > smile. That enabled me to be more focused and energetic. Of

> > > course,

> > > > > all this help makes it easier to remain Silent ........... a

> > key

> > > > > requirement for obtaining answers.

> > > > >

> > > > > Some members of this Forum Family (thanks Violet for coining

> > this)

> > > > > have expressed their gratitude and thanks that this forum


> > not

> > > > > only filled them with new knowledge but also enabled better

> > > > > comprehension of the old. i too am enriched, and at times

> > amazed

> > > by

> > > > > the knowledge. Today i know that Jesus was dead serious


> > > > > plucking out the evil eye for the sake of salvation when the

> > final

> > > > > judgment is announced. It is not a figure of speech. All


> > new

> > > > > knowledge and its introspection only nourishes and grounds


> > > roots

> > > > > of faith deeper. i know beyond all doubts that life is

> eternal,

> > > and

> > > > > that i will return to the Kingdom of God where all the

> > > incarnations

> > > > > and countless liberated souls live. So will all who strive

> with

> > > > mind,

> > > > > body and soul during this promised Blossom Time that the

> > Comforter

> > > > > has proclaimed and explained. As She has said, " You cannot

> know

> > > the

> > > > > meaning of your life until you are connected to the power


> > > > > created you. " That is absolutely true Shri Mataji! May i for

> > all

> > > > > eternity be prostrated and seeking refuge at Your Lotus Feet

> > > > Mother!

> > > > >

> > > > > Peace and Joy to all,

> > > > >

> > > > > jagbir

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

Dear Violet,


You said that " i agree Jagbir, that these Christian topics are quite

depressing, but i guess it does show though, that there is still a

way to go, to enlighten people's minds with Absolute Truth, instead

of untruths or half-truths. "


Now members of this forum may realize why i had to completely hand

over the http://holyspirit-shekinah.org site to you. Again i have to

remind that it is a crucial task that will help make those with a

Christian background better understand the Bible. Their present

mindset retards spiritual growth because the three-in-one is a false

and utterly confusing indoctrination. It is a depressing topic too

because hundreds of millions are incapable of overcoming it .........

except by ignorance, blind faith, leaving, turning to other religions

or atheism.


But Jesus Christ plays a pivotal part in the Divine Feminine's

descend on Earth and Her Divine Message to humanity. So are those who

are going to explain, expand and enlighten all that. As i said before,

we are at the earliest hour at the Dawn of the Divine Feminine.


warmest regards,





, " Violet "

<violet.tubb wrote:


> " After reading the rest of your post i realize how confusing it is

to understand the Bible regarding the nature of God Almighty. To

regard Jesus Christ as God, Son and Holy Spirit just makes no sense,

all the more when Jesus Himself never claimed so. "


> Dear Jagbir (and All),


> This is true. However, by applying Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's

teachings, i have been able to make sense out of the Bible, in a way

that no Christian minister can, because of the indoctrination and

wrong interpretation of Scripture that he is under, and which

tradition he is expected to maintain, to keep his job. The odds are

stacked up, therefore. But i hope 'open-minded' Christians, who just

want the Truth, will read the HSS site, and finally get it, and then

they will be able to see it in their own Bibles. They will realise

then, that there is God the Father, God the Mother (the Holy Spirit),

and God the Son. That would give me much joy! It just has to happen!

The Absolute Truth that unites Spirits, has to come out! When it

does, it will transform the world, because people will refuse to be

subjected to lesser gods, and instead " become the Spirit " ! i agree

Jagbir, that these Christian topics are quite depressing, but i guess

it does show though, that there is still a way to go, to enlighten

people's minds with Absolute Truth, instead of untruths or half-



> warmest regards,


> violet




> , " jagbir

> singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Violet,

> >

> > It is obvious that your gnostic experience is based on the Truth

> that

> > is now the very foundation of your faith, as it is for me. After

> > reading the rest of your post i realize how confusing it is to

> > understand the Bible regarding the nature of God Almighty. To

> regard

> > Jesus Christ as God, Son and Holy Spirit just makes no sense, all

> the

> > more when Jesus Himself never claimed so. No wonder my son said


> > same when i asked him to take up Catholic classes. Now i


> > the Christian religious mindset better. All these various


> > have over the millennia produced 1001 mindsets that conflict and

> > contradict each other, and yet Jews, Christians and Muslims claim

> to

> > be the chosen ones to the exclusion of all others. It is such a

> > depressing topic.

> >

> > warmest regards,

> >

> > jagbir

> >

> >

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Dear Friends,

It is truly an unforgettable moment when a person realises that the

Divine Energy is actually much more than the religious and man-made

concepts which have tried to contain and confine it for so long. It

has been present in all the religions in various ways; and mystics

from all paths have had some awareness of it. We can see the Forms

that have been given it, and more than this, there is the

realisation that it is endlessly Formless.


The power of belief is such that matter can be affected...and

beliefs can be manifested.


Love, Semira





, " jagbir singh "

<adishakti_org wrote:


> Dear Violet and All,


> i am really surprised that you were looking for the Divine Mother

> despite your Christian patriarchal background. Contrary to popular

> believe, most Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs pay homage to the same

> despite the feminine presence entrenched in their traditions. But

> that is not the case of Judaism, Christianity and Islam where the

> Divine is always regarded/portrayed as masculine. So i am surprised

> that despite that serious handicap you were searching for the Holy

> Spirit which, despite the odds, you knew was feminine. So it is

> evident that over the millennia a male dominated society enforced a

> patriarchal deity. The Divine Feminine is only making Her presence

> known, again, in this Age of the Spirit.


> This is how i found Her:


> " Despite all this infamy and shameless decadence, Kash's father


> adamantly refused to seek Him in any of His Houses of Worship. How

> could the Almighty Creator exist in these putrid pools of organized

> hypocrisy and institutionalized falsehood? Can't He be found


> else? Why does He force humans to seek Him only in these religious

> regimes professing His exclusive Grace? Which particular one, then,

> does He preside? What proof do the high priests of these Evening

> Empires have to convince the religious herd that only by


> praying and prostrating inside their sprawling religious ranches


> God Almighty save them? How is it possible that he favored any

> religious regime that deny his other Messengers?


> No! this deity cannot be God Almighty! He has to be one of the


> gods worshipped by existing religious tribes - a Hindu prabhu, a

> Jewish yahweh, a Christian god, an Islamic allah, a Buddhist


> a Sikh waheguru.


> And Kash's father would have to again continue the search for the

> Absolute Truth that would destroy all doubts, discrepancies,

> delusions, and darkness.


> In the end this spiritual song imploring the Almighty Creator to

> remove the veil of ignorance was sung again, and again, and again:


> O ek suki yaha lakoh mein.

> Oh, only one in a hundred thousand is in bliss.


> Ansoo hai croroh ankhoh mein.

> There are tears in tens of millions of eyes.


> Hum neh gin gin har takdir dekhi.

> I have counted and seen every fate for years,


> Ek hasta hai dush rote hai

> Only one laughs while ten are in tears.


> Kuch bhol Prabhu yeh kya Maya

> O! Speak Almighty God what is this Illusion,


> Tera khel samaj meh nah aya

> Your Divine Play is all confusion and delusion.


> For weeks the Almighty Creator was implored, amid a profusion of

> tears, to reveal the Truth. Again and again, and yet again He was

> beseeched to answer the meaning of life, creation, and this useless

> empty human existence. Above all, He was begged for the Truth that

> would destroy the falsehood that the religious regimes had deluded

> him and the rest of humanity.


> What was desired was the Absolute Truth of God Almighty, not the

> conflicting gods of various organized religions. Any god that could

> not explain and account for the other Messengers would not be God.

> Any yahweh that only cared for his kind would not be Yahweh. Any


> that professed that salvation was available only in churches would

> not be God. Any allah that had only one messenger would not be


> Any prabhu that was found only in a single scripture would not be

> Prabhu. The plea for help was addressed directly to the one and


> God Almighty and not to any gods of the organized religions. "


> Shri Adi Shakti: The Kingdom Of God, page 50

> http://www.adishakti.org/introduction.htm


> To cut a long story short, i was told to join Shri Mataji. Over


> i realized that She is the incarnation of the Divine Feminine, the

> later entrenched in all the holy scriptures.


> But how will the Divine Feminine triumph against all the odds


> against Her? How will She overcome the male-dominated temples,

> synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras? How will She convince

> their followers that the visible, creative power of God Almighty is

> the Divine Feminine?


> It is both simple and extremely effective - She is the bearer of


> Last Judgment and Resurrection! She is the Comforter who announces

> the commencement of the Last Judgment. She is the Ruh who sets


> the Sure Signs of Al-Qiyamah. She is the Divine Mother (Adi Shakti


> Holy Spirit) who gives the pure knowledge of liberation and eternal

> life. She is the Inner Guru who illumines and guides all souls


> for the Kingdom of God. She is the Divine Feminine on whom all

> liberated souls and messengers of God meditate in Heaven. She is


> Self that must be realized. She is the omnipotent, omnipresent and

> omniscience aspect of God Almighty.


> Thus the deeply-divided male-dominated temples, synagogues,


> mosques and gurdwaras have been made impotent almost overnight by

> Her. Just introspect and contemplate on the above paragraph and you

> will realize the sheer brilliance and effectiveness of the Divine

> Mother's incarnation in overcoming these institutions. She is the


> medium through whom the eschatological promises and Sure Signs of


> Bible and Qur'an is being fulfilled. She is the Adi Shakti who

> promises moksa and eternal life to all who meditate and merge with

> Her in their Sahasraras. She is the Aykaa Mayee who created Shri

> Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva. She is the Mother Kundalini who rises


> to the Sahasrara and opens the Dsam Dwar. She is the Comforter

> promised by Jesus Christ to complete His teachings. She is the Ruh

> who triggers the Winds of Qiyamah. She is the Ruach, the Breath of

> God Almighty that those born of the Spirit feel on their hands and

> head upon second birth. She is the Divine Feminine - Adi Shakti,

> Shekinah, Ruach, Holy Spirit, Ruh, Tao, Prajnaparamita, Aykaa


> Great Mother Spirit - one and the same for all traditions.


> Entrenched in all religions, She leaves no choice for those looking

> to their 'male gods' for salvation and liberation. The rival male-

> dominated temples, synagogues, churches, mosques and gurdwaras have

> been rendered barren. The Divine Feminine has revealed that you


> not set foot in any of them to seek the Divine because the Temple/

> Kingdom of God is within. You need not even walk a single step

> in any direction--nor worship any of their man-made images or


> -as She is within to comfort, guide and meditate with at all times.


> Then what is left for the bitterly divided religious institutions


> offer now? Other than the security and collectivity of numbers,


> else. That is why the male-dominated institutions are now barren


> impotent. The sun is indeed setting on these evening empires.


> We are at the earliest hour of the Dawn of the Divine Feminine. We

> are witnessing the most sacred time in the history of this


> Savor your priceless presence and blessings with the humility and

> serenity of Silence. We are all returning to our Eternal Home.


> Peace and Joy to all,


> jagbir




> , " Violet "

> <violet.tubb@> wrote:

> >

> > , " jagbir

> > singh " <adishakti_org@> wrote:

> >

> > " As She has said, " You cannot know the meaning of your life until

> you are connected to the power that created you. " That is


> true Shri Mataji! May i for all eternity be prostrated and seeking

> refuge at Your Lotus Feet Mother! "

> >

> > Dear Jagbir and All,

> >

> > i also say " Mother, may we be at Your Lotus Feet for all


> There is no more blissful place! We are just so fortunate that Shri

> Mataji Nirmala Devi has come to introduce us to our individual

> Mother, who is within us. How else would be be sure? It is one


> to hear the voice of the Mother within; it is another thing to have

> the Christian Comforter confirm the presence of the individual


> within, and introduce us to Her.

> >

> > i remember before i came to Sahaj, i read about the Divine


> and realised that there is a Divine Mother, as well as a Divine

> Father, but it had never been taught to me as such, in


> The Christian teaching did not satisfy my soul, as did the esoteric

> teachings of the Hindus and Buddhists, etc. One day, when i was in

> contemplation and prayer, i asked the Mother (since i knew there

is a

> Mother) to be with me, guide me, and so forth. i was very anguished

> and eager to get into connection with My Mother, i was pleading to

> Her to help me get out of the illusion of this world, and into the

> reality of the Spirit. After all my pleadings, i became very


> and to my wonder, i heard this feminine voice from within, telling


> that i was Her child, and that She would look after me!!! Wonder,

> amazement, tears, and overwhelming love filled me, and i held on to

> Her hand, to guide me. i knew i would be OK, in this world of

> greatest illusion, that i had found my Comforter!!! It was not long

> after that, that i saw Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's face in a poster,

> smiling at me, and the poster was just across the street on a bus

> stop, when i looked out my front door (where i was living at that

> time). i told my husband (ex-husband now) that i wanted to go and


> this lady, but he would not let me go. A few years later, after the

> Divine had worked out a new marital relationship for me, where i

> could pursue deep spirituality, one day i went for a Free


> Class, on the Central Coast of N.S.W. It was Sahaja Yoga. i

> recognised the picture of " the Mother " i had seen, who had been

> described on the poster as " the greatest living Spiritual Teacher " ,

> and whose photo had been on a poster, when i had looked out the


> door! That is how i have come to Sahaja Yoga, and have never looked

> back, as She is in my heart, and Sahaja Yoga is with me, wherever i

> go; it is not confined to any particular place, but in the heart,


> the temple within! i am just so grateful, is all i can say.

> >

> > And as we have more sisters joining us (and brothers too) but i


> referring to Nicole and Gerlinde especially just now, i am

> overwhelmed with joy that our Forum Family Fellowship is growing,


> that its spiritual vibrations, when we are as one family, will grow

> in love, and the love of Shri Mataji (which She has awakened within

> us) will spread to the whole world. People will know that we are of

> God, because of the love we have for one another.

> >

> > That is the kind of family that others will want to join also,

> where we are kind, loving, helpful, and growing spiritually


> >

> > So, Welcome Nicole and Gerlinde, as our New Moderators!!!

> >

> > love and best wishes to all,

> >

> > violet

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Dear All,

> > >

> > > We have appointed two new moderators for this forum - Nicole


> > > Gerlinde. This will not only enable posts to be approved


> > but

> > > also allow Violet and myself to be more free i.e., we will not

> need

> > > to check posts that often. i also believe that both Nicole and

> > > Gerlinde will enrich the forum and should be allowed to approve

> > their

> > > own posts immediately i.e., by being moderators.

> > >

> > > i also want to take this opportunity to thank Violet for all


> > > time, effort and dedication corresponding with various seekers


> > > answering emails etc. To be honest, it was me who requested

her to

> > > take on this extra, time-consuming duty which she accepted

with a

> > > smile. That enabled me to be more focused and energetic. Of

> course,

> > > all this help makes it easier to remain Silent ........... a


> > > requirement for obtaining answers.

> > >

> > > Some members of this Forum Family (thanks Violet for coining


> > > have expressed their gratitude and thanks that this forum has


> > > only filled them with new knowledge but also enabled better

> > > comprehension of the old. i too am enriched, and at times


> by

> > > the knowledge. Today i know that Jesus was dead serious about

> > > plucking out the evil eye for the sake of salvation when the


> > > judgment is announced. It is not a figure of speech. All this


> > > knowledge and its introspection only nourishes and grounds my

> roots

> > > of faith deeper. i know beyond all doubts that life is eternal,

> and

> > > that i will return to the Kingdom of God where all the

> incarnations

> > > and countless liberated souls live. So will all who strive with

> > mind,

> > > body and soul during this promised Blossom Time that the


> > > has proclaimed and explained. As She has said, " You cannot know

> the

> > > meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that

> > > created you. " That is absolutely true Shri Mataji! May i for


> > > eternity be prostrated and seeking refuge at Your Lotus Feet

> > Mother!

> > >

> > > Peace and Joy to all,

> > >

> > > jagbir

> > >

> >


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