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i never knew that Shri Mataji was years ahead of me.

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" However, although you are now feeling your chakras and their

problems, you are again analyzing them! This tendency to analyze

everything, is the biggest problem in the West. Give them any problem

at all, and they will start to analyze it, until it drives them

absolutely mad! Analysis is just the biggest thing, however this

constant analyzing is just driving them mad!


Now we have the situation, whereby people are clinging to their

realization, and on the other hand, they are analyzing everything!:

the legs get analyzed; the feet get analyzed; even the nails get

analyzed! "


Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

" Becoming " - Old Alresford, England - 18 May 1980



i remember joining the Sahaja Yoga collective in 1994 that commenced

years of ceaseless chatter of chakras, catches and cures. Till today

my wife and myself still recoil at the madness that the vast majority

of SYs regard as proof of their self-realization i.e., the detailed

knowledge of the subtle system. SYs started to analyze chakras, their

relation to physical defects etc., way back in the 1980s, until their

collective knowledge drove them absolutely 'mad'. That 'madness' is

now part and parcel of the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion, the

much touted official WCASY blueprint to emancipate humanity.


i assure those following the SYSSR that Self-realization is still

years, even decades away. By Self-realization i do not mean the petty

awareness and shallow knowledge of kundalini awakening and chakras

cleansing methods that SYs gloat in ignorance. It also has nothing to

do with all the detailed chakra analysis and innovative, patented

cures that has driven them absolutely mad, which they are blissfully



For years i have been forcefully condemning this madness. i never

knew that Shri Mataji was years ahead of me ................ and even

more blunt. Despite Her clear warning that 'madness' flourished and

is today the official Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion.


You may wonder this non-compliance, " Why? "

The answer: " What is official Sahaja Yoga without the ceaseless

chatter of chakras, catches and cures? "


Thus, without Her Divine Message of the Resurrection and Last

Judgment, only the 'madness' can now attract seekers.


You may now wonder in amazement, " Have they been successful!!!??? "

Answer: " It will be an insult to the Devi and my Self-realization to

give an answer. "


regards to all,






> , " jagbir singh "

> wrote:


> " Kundalini will rise and She will cleanse you completely.

> Kundalini will rise and always cleanse the chakras "


> Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


> So why are the vast majority of SYs catching, and their chakras

> spoiled, again and again? Is it because they do not have the

> means/IQ/proper guidance to introspect the corruption of Her

> teachings and the corrupters who have invented the Sahaja Yoga

> Subtle System Religion to replace Her Message and Vision? Are

> the 1001 cleansing innovations, the majority devised by SYs

> themselves, responsible for the catches?


> Maybe these SYs should introspect what Shri Mataji means by

> " Kundalini will rise and She will cleanse you completely " . Just

> want to emphasize _completely_. My question: Why invent/follow

> cleansing rituals when the Kundalini will always cleanse the chakras

> completely?



Official Sahaja Yoga is a culture of catches and cures, whether at

home, collective meditations or pujas. The life of subtle system SYs

revolves around this culture - there are 1001 cleansing rituals for

all sorts of diseases of the mind and body. The more they indulge in

these rituals the more susceptible they are to ever more exotic

catches ............. involving two or more chakras catching. What

turns this mental mess into madness are the countless UPIs, badhas

and all sorts of evil entities (negativity) attacking SYs day and

night from every nook and cranny.


But only when you start practising Silence on Self and begin

introspecting and testing the esoteric knowledge and experience of

merging with the Devi will this official Sahaja Yoga Subtle System

Religion culture of catches and cures repulse you. The Devi within

shields you from such avidya by making sure the Mother Kundalini

cleanses your subtle system on a 24/7 basis. You will always be catch-

free, with even the strongest catches disappearing within minutes.

(Most subtle system SYs will find this hard to believe.)


i keep saying that i am ever drifitng away from the stagnant subtle

system shore. Only when you are completely free of all external

rituals/images and meditating exclusively on the Devi within will you

begin understanding and experiencing what i am trying to say. i am

both appalled and humiliated by the shallowness and ignorance of SYs

of the stagnant subtle system shore who want to emancipate the world

with their comprehension of Self-realization.


More than a decade ago i was embarrassed (by Sahaja Yoga subtle

system cathes and rituals) to join the local collective and give Self-

realization to the public. Today, after finally realizing on my own

that Devi is my Self, i wish no seeker in future suffers the same

fate and misfortune of wasted time, effort and faith.


The main reason this Self-realization was possible is because i

completely discarded the official Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion

of 1001 external cleansing rituals. i also knew over the years that

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is only the incarnation of the eternal Devi

within. Both reasons contradict what is practised/believed by most

SYs and myself.


Yet another contradiction is the Mother Kundalini's inability to heal

SYs, despite Shri Mataji's assurance that it will always cure at all

times, and completely too. Thus, unlike myself, they need cleansing

supplements on a daily basis for the rest of their lives.


That being the case, it is obvious that the knowledge, comprehension

and experience of Self-realization between SYs and myself must also

be contradictory. Introspect these contradictions and you will

realize that something is wrong indeed .......... disturbingly wrong.


regards to all,





What will save the sanity of subtle system SYs?



, " Saarthak Vats "



> Jai Shri Mataji Everyone.


> Through this mail I wanted to draw your attention towards one

> thing : The Sahaj Material being circulated through emails.


> There are many material which we pass on to fellow Sahaj Yogis,

> which we receive from someone else (through emails), but before

> doing that checking the vibrations of the material is not our

> general habit...


> I am writing this to particularly draw your attention towards a

> treatment technique which is very much circulating nowadays

> through emails, which is : " KARMA TREATMENT " . I am attaching the

> document which describes the technique of this treatment. The

> truth is that this kind of treatment DOES NOT EXIST !! It has



> This was VALIDATED by Dr. Madhur Rai, the Incharge of Washi

> Hospital. My mother recently came back from a 10 day stay at

> Washi. Before going to Washi she was also doing this treatment

> (which I passed it to her in my ignorance because I also received

> through email ). After reaching there when she met Dr. Rai and

> told her that she was doing this treatment, Dr. Rai CLEARLY said

> that THERE IS NO SUCH TREATMENT !!! Further Dr. Rai said that

> there are many such materials on the internet being circulated

> which are not mentioned by Shri Mataji...


> If you think logically, when we say that " I am a Spirit " &

> " Mother you are the doer and the enjoyer " . This means that we

> realise that we are Spirit and Mother does everything, and for a

> Spirit there are no Karmas. Spirit is Nirmal...



Dear All,


For years i have been trying to bring sanity to the treatment and

ritual obsessed SYs, warning that many treatments are just

conjectured innovations. The ceaseless collective chatter of catches

and cures is the virus that has spread this infectious disease. Now

it is an epidemic and probably mutated beyond hope of any cure.


But there is absolutely no need to do any treatment if you only allow

the Mother Kundalini to heal, using just the attention of your

thoughtless state to rid yourself of any problem - ANY PROBLEM!


This Karma Treatment is just the tip of the iceberg. So what will

save the sanity of subtle system SYs? ............. Nothing! You can

only save your own by seeing no treatment, hearing no treatment,

speaking no treatment, following no treatment and giving no

treatment. Let the subtle system SYs mutilate, brutalize and rape all

Her teachings to their heart's content. Let them destroy themselves

and the organization with all this nonsense that repels normal

humans. Let them turn themselves into constantly sick, catching and

almost mad treatment fanatics that will starve their collectives and

ashrams of sane seekers.


All you need to do is just meditate on the Adi Shati within. Just be

patient and witness the insanity that grips the subtle system

fanatics. Let Shri Mataji destroy all the negativity that prevents

Her Divine Message from reaching humanity. One day this will be all

over and we will have normal, ritual-free seekers meditating on the

Adi Shakti within. They will do so solely to take part in the Last

Judgment and Resurrection. They will be their own masters because we

will make sure they will have all the knowledge and help to do so

right from the beginning! That process has already been put into

motion with this forum and archives.


Jai Shri Ganapathi,










Karma Treatments


It is recommended to do the Three-Candle-Treatment while doing the

Karma Treatment:


1. Candle behind the left Swadisthana


2. Candle behind the Backagnya


3. Candle in front of the left hand


Sit down in front of Mother´s picture and put another picture behind

the candle at the Backagnya. (protocol: do Namaskar to the picture,

pull your ears, because your turning your back to Shri Mataji.)


With the attention in the Sahasrara and the r. hand at the Backagnya

say the Maha Ganesha Mantra 21 times.


To avoid the counting one can also go with the attention 3 times

through all the 7 chakras.


After that, hit your Backagnya with the right hand 108 times.


Put all the 5 fingertips of your right hand together and press them

hard at the point between the neck and the head where the spine

starts (right underneath the Backagnya, called the UPPER MOOLADHARA):




Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri Ekadesha Rudra Sakshat


all spells and curses, the usage of negative symbols, magic and magic

rituals, false mantras etc., which were used by my grandparents,

relatives, parents and siblings (7 generations back) and that are

weighing heavily on my karma


Mardini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmal Devi Namoh Namah



Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri Ekadesha Rudra Sakshat


all hatred, desire for revenge and unjust actions of siblings,

relatives, parents and grandparents ( 7 generations back), that are

weighing heavily on my karma


Mardini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah



Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri Ekadesha Rudra Sakshat


all initiation rituals of christian churches or false gurus like

baptism etc., all negative symbols and ceremonies with negative

effect, that in this or in previous lives my grandparents, parents,

siblings and relatives participated in (7 generations back) and that

are therefore weighing heavily on my karma.


Mardini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah



Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri Ekadesha Rudra Sakshat


or all experiences of shock, traumas and disappointment that my

siblings, parents, relatives and grandparents experienced due to

persecution, humiliation, torture, violence or other terrible

incidents and that are therefore weighing heavily on my karma.


Mardini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmal Devi Namoh Namah



Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri Durga Sakshat


Tarakasura Mardini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi

Namoh Namah


( Nazi negativity, aggressiveness)



Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri Durga Sakshat


Nishumba Shumba Mardini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala

Devi Namoh Namah


(false christian churches)



Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri Durga Sakshat


Bandhasura Mardini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi

Namoh Namah


(attachments, ties)



Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri Durga Sakshat


Mahisasura Mardini Sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devia

Namoh Namah





4 times the following affirmations:


(don´t forget all miscarriages and all children, that died early)


MOTHER, please forgive my ancestors everything that they did wrong

knowingly or unknowingly against the Divine;


MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandmothers on my mother´s side 7

generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandfathers on my mother´s side 7

generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandmothers on my father´s side 7

generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


MOTHER, please forgive all my greatgrandfathers on my mother´s side 7

generations back everything that they have done wrong knowingly or

unknowingly against the Divine and set their souls free.


MOTHER, please forgive my grandfather.........,

grandmother...............(name) (also siblings of grandfather,

grandmother) …..


MOTHER, please forgive my father (name) ….


MOTHER, please forgive my mother…….


MOTHER, please forgive my sister/ brother (name) ...........


MOTHER, please forgive my spouse……..


MOTHER, please forgive my children (name)……….


MOTHER, please forgive all my relatives ……….


(with the relatives always name the uncles and aunts, especially

those who died early (war, accident, suicide etc.) or where there

have been close bonds, or bad incidents happening. Also a cousin of

the father, who was a priest, could cause a migraine. This karma

effects our consciousness very intensely. Don´t forget the godfather

or godmother of church rituals like baptism or confirmation etc.


MOTHER, please forgive all people in my home..........(town, state,



(you can add specific incidents in your own country´s history like

wars, mass murders, persecution, holocaust, etc… and name that also)


MOTHER, please forgive all Europeans what they have done with their

imperialistic conquests all over the world....


MOTHER, please forgive me and wash out everything, which was written

as my karma in the heavens and give me the power to forgive.


Stay in meditation for some time.


It can be very effective to do this treatment for a few days in a








That process has already been put into motion with this forum and


Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:31 pm


, " jagbir singh "



> This Karma Treatment is just the tip of the iceberg. So what will

> save the sanity of subtle system SYs? ............. Nothing! You

> can only save your own by seeing no treatment, hearing no

> treatment, speaking no treatment, following no treatment and

> giving no treatment. Let the subtle system SYs mutilate, brutalize

> and rape all Her teachings to their heart's content. Let them

> destroy themselves and the organization with all this nonsense

> that repels normal humans. Let them turn themselves into

> constantly sick, catching and almost mad treatment fanatics that

> will starve their collectives and ashrams of sane seekers.


> All you need to do is just meditate on the Adi Shakti within. Just

> be patient and witness the insanity that grips the subtle system

> fanatics. Let Shri Mataji destroy all the negativity that prevents

> Her Divine Message from reaching humanity. One day this will be all

> over and we will have normal, ritual-free seekers meditating on the

> Adi Shakti within. They will do so solely to take part in the Last

> Judgment and Resurrection. They will be their own masters because

> we will make sure they will have all the knowledge and help to do

> so right from the beginning! That process has already been put into

> motion with this forum and archives.


> Jai Shri Ganapathi,



> jagbir


> http://www.adishakti.org/forum/archives.htm



> ---------




Message From International Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Centre in


Saturday, November 11, 2006


Dear Sahaja yogis from all over the world,


The International Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Centre in Vashi

(Mumbai) has achieved, through the steady and devotional work of his Dr. Madhur Rai, her doctors and different Sahaja

professionals with skills in health and medicine, a reputation for

excellence, efficiency, miraculous healing and the impact of its

treatment and curing techniques have won global worldwide

appreciation. The whole knowledge derives from the Spiritual guidance

of our Beloved Mother Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.


Through Vashi collective involvement, we have access to the totality

of the Divine Knowledge of The Adi Shakti, containing in itself the

whole science of medicine. In this perspective, there is no need to

come with new, other, alternative proposals, ideas, suggestions that

may rise in one country or in a certain region of the world.


The International Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Centre, (Vashi) and

his Director Dr. Madhur Rai have indeed reported to me that an e-

mail is being actively circulated to Sahaja Yogis all over the World

marked " KARMA TREATMENT " , mentioning that this treatment comes from



" I strongly would like to state that this so called " KARMA TREATMENT "

has never been advocated nor practised at Health Centre which only

follows the Divine techniques advocated by Shri Mataji. "


Therefore, I would like to request that these so called unknown

practises of " Karma treatment " should stop at once. Sahaja Yogis all

over the world should have a clear vision that not only these so

called new propositions are based on no valid grounds, but undermine

the real and deep work done in Vashi. There is one way how to raise

its own Kundalini, there is also one way to treat one self, which is

the method taught by our Beloved Mother. Our sense of discrimination,

our own spirit will anyway guide us how to heal, cure or help people

when the opportunity occurs. But, anyway, we, the Sahaja Yogis,

should be focusing ourselves in giving self realisation.


In one word, I would like to confirm that this Karma techniques have

no authenticity at all and should be avoided throughout the world. If

Sahaja Yogis of the World need guidance on this vast subject (health

and well being and handling of its own physical balance) there are

great teams of professionals ready to help in Vashi and elsewhere.

Moreover, within the WCASY there is a health committee, under the

guidance of Dr David Spiro who is all the time available for

directing and counselling any Sahaja Yogi and Sahaja Yogini of the

global sangha.


I finally pray to all of you that you forget this obscure techniques

and concentrate yourselves without any equivoque on the essence of

Sahaja Divine culture.


With love and respect







Dear All,


After years of negligence that allowed the subtle system wound to

fester the SY leadership have finally noticed the unsightly pus and

retching odor (that must have driven almost all new seekers from

practicing Sahaja Yoga). Maybe they realized that unless something

drastic is done the only alternative left will be to amputate the

subtle system toe of the Sahaja Yoga body. (Yes, folks, it is

fortunately only the big left toe that seekers and SYs alike are

unfortunately led to belief is the entire body of Sahaja Yoga.)


i am sure Dr. Madhur Rai had for years known about this festering

wound but was unable to initiate a healing process. So it looks like

after years of celebrated collective fanaticism the Karma Treatment

is the insanity epidemic that had to be dealt with utmost urgency by

the SY leadership. i believe they finally realized that their decades-

old liberal subtle system experiment - one little fish and two eggs

for ten people with one chili to say that it is Sahaja Yoga - had

evolved into a Frankenstein monster that had begun taking a life and

mind of its own.


It is only when they were given evidence that their Frankenstein

monster is now spawning malignantly deformed offspring like Karma

Treatment that a sense of urgency stormed their brains. (For some

reason Auntie Shaku's order/advise that SYs stay indoors on Diwali

for 24 hours - as Shri Yama had begun a strike over mandatory

vacation co-signed in his collective agreement, and was illegally

opening the Gates of Hell in protest - did not stir similar action of

those 'chosen' to live high up in those ivory towers. Maybe it was

not insane enough to be cause for concern.)


Main Entry: ma•lig•nant

1 a obsolete : MALCONTENT, DISAFFECTED b : evil in nature,

influence, or effect : INJURIOUS c : passionately and relentlessly

malevolent : aggressively malicious

2 : tending to produce death or deterioration ;

especially : tending to infiltrate, metastasize, and terminate


- ma•lig•nant•ly adverb


Webster Online Dictionary



But do not be overjoyed that the SY leadership is making strides. On

the contrary, this is only an emergency that has finally forced the

SY leadership to try steadying and turning around their badly

battered, buffeted, rudderless ship from plunging over the abyss

looming in the distance. They want rank and file SYs to believe

they " have access to the totality of the Divine Knowledge of The Adi

Shakti " . Thus by saving the Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Religion from

the corrupting insanity of the Karma Treatment it will lead them out

of dire straits. It is still all hype, hypocrisy and hot air.


don't forget to floss your brains,






Is senior SY Aunty Shaku going to win the 2006 honors too?



> > (Only senior SY Aunty Shaku's timely warning to stay indoors for


> hours during last year's Diwali as the Gates of Hell were left open

> by Shri Yama tops the 2005 officially approved news. i later came

> to know that Yama complained that he never had a day off, and

> walked off the job in protest on Diwali. But please don't quote me

> on this because that would piss Aunty Shaku since she was not

> privy to such sensitive information. In the event she does find

> out i can assuage her hurt feelings by pointing to the fact that

> 99% of SYs never had the IQ to question this officially supported

> statement.)




i do not know how many memebrs of the officially recognised

divinesahajayoga group did not venture out last Diwali. Since this

year's Diwali is just round the corner will Aunty Shaku care to share

her distress disease with the rest of the group? Since she

practically swears by the sheer folly and extreme danger of venturing

outdoors on Diwali, is she going to win the 2006 honors too, although

the Karma Treatment should give tough competition?





i have a strong mental itch that Aunty Shaku is the author of the

Karma Treatment due to official recognition of her gifted ability to

conjecture treatments for anything that ails SYs. If this is the case

then it is a no contest and we will have to crown her the 2006 winner

for guiding and enlightening SYs. And WCASY/SY leadership can bask in

that glory for showering their blessings on divinesahajayoga where

Aunty Shaku reigns supreme as the chief in-house CAT-Scan (Catches

And Treatments Scanning) consultant. i am really impressed with the

official drive to spread Sahaja Yoga to all corners of the world. We

truly need more Aunty Shakus.





> > , " kriptodanny "

> > wrote:

> >

> > More crazy...insanity advise from Aunty Shaku!!!!!

> >

> > ,,You raise kundalini take bandhan. Light 3 candles + 1

> > Diya before Shri Mataji's photo. Take 3 lighted

> > candles you put 1 front of your left palm, 2nd near

> > left hip to clear left Swadhistan, 3rd you keep Near

> > back agnya at the back of your head position then with

> > 4th candle keep raising Kundalini. Do this treatment

> > for 15 minutes say mantra " Om Twameva Sakshat Shri

> > Mahakali, Shri Bhairavnath, Shri St. Mycle Sakshat

> > Shri Adishakti Mataji Shri Nirmaladevi Namo Namah. "

> > Also if you suffering from Bhoot' catch then you need

> > to move as bhoot move from place to place i.e. you

> > need to chase him with lighted candle till you clear

> > out. (This treatment used in S.Y. mainly for Cancer &

> > extre left sided problem such as depression etc.,)

> >

> > For reducing overweight if you are fat then you keep 1

> > lighted candle put 1 front of your left palm & left

> > hand on the ground say Mantra " Om Twameva Sakshat

> > Shri Mahakali, Shri Bhairavnath, Shri St. Mycle

> > Sakshat Shri Adishakti Mataji Shri Nirmaladevi Namo

> > Namah " . This one told by Shri Mataji when I asked Her

> > overweight problem of my niece. Jai Shri Mataji.

> > Aunty Shaku

> >


> my2pai wrote:


> " my2pai "

> Wed, 26 Oct 2005 12:35:01 -0000

> Re: You need to chase him with

> lighted candle(Aunty Shaku advise)


> Hello everybody,


> Aunty Shaku and her ilk are nothing new in Sahaja Yoga, they have

> been around since time immemorial. People of this caliber have

> been a pestilence and a menace to other Sahaja Yogis since the

> earliest days. In fact Shri Mataji was so perturbed by this

> species of Yogi that She actually warned against such idiocity in

> a Guru Puja speech. Below is the relevant except from Guru Puja,

> England, 24th July, 1983.


> " ...But some people are so funny that they start using me as a

> quotation, 'Mother has said everybody must fast.' I told somebody

> that 'You better fast,' so a thin man comes next day fainting. I

> say, 'What happened?' When I say something to a particular person

> they just circulate it because they think, 'Why should I fast

> alone? Everybody must fast!' It's a big problem that they always

> quote me. Nobody should quote me to others, that's one thing

> important. Whatever you have to say you put it on a notice board,

> maybe with my signature, better, for general. And for particular,

> whatever I say you should do it for a person. At least that much

> discretion you all should have. And try, you'll be very much

> helped. You'd be surprised you'll be very much helped. Because

> everything is for your betterment and a special grace if you

> understand the essence of protocol. "


> Chandra




, " my2pai " wrote:


Dear All,


Shri Mataji has long ago warned against trying bizarre new methods in

Sahaja Yoga, see excerpt below. According to Shri Mataji, these yogis

who conjure up new techniques and treatments could be very sinister

people who are liable to get into trouble and become mad.


In a sense, the current lunacy among Sahaja Yogis over catches and

treatments and techniques that has engulfed the whole Sahaja

collective was probably what Shri Mataji had in mind when She issued

the warning back in 1985. Shri Mataji could possibly foresee then

that Sahaja Yogis would one day be totally hung up and fixated by

catches, treatments and cures and completely miss the point of being

one with the Self, the Spirit, the Shakti.


" Now you have jumped on to that awareness where you have just to be

steady. So don't try at this point something new, just steady

yourself. " Yes, let us get back to the fundamentals, let us stick to

the fundamentals.



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