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The Holy Spirit and the Agnya Chakra (Narrow Gate)

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(HSS) New Heading #14

The Holy Spirit and the Agnya Chakra ( " Narrow Gate " )




14./ Heading



The Holy Spirit and the Agnya Chakra ( " Narrow Gate " )


Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,

Unuttered or expressed;

The motion of a hidden fire

That trembles in the breast.


Prayer is the burden of a sigh,

The falling of a tear

The upward glancing of an eye,

When none but God is near.


Prayer is the simplest form of speech

That infant lips can try;

Prayer, the sublimest strains

That reach The Majesty on high.


Prayer is the Christian's vital breath,

The Christian's native air,

His watchword at the gates of death;

He enters Heav'n with prayer.


Prayer is the contrite sinner's voice,

Returning from his ways,

While angels in their songs rejoice

And cry, " Behold, he prays! "


The saints in prayer appear as one

In word, in deed, and mind,

While with the Father and the Son

Sweet fellowship they find.


No prayer is made by man alone

The Holy Spirit pleads,

And Jesus, on th'eternal throne,

For sinners intercedes.


O Thou by Whom we come to God,

The Life, the Truth, the Way,

The path of prayer Thyself hast trod:

Lord, teach us how to pray.





Christ Jesus taught us to enter by the Narrow Gate:


" Enter by the Narrow Gate, for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads

to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the Gate is small, and

the Way is narrow that leads to Life, and few are those who find it. (Christ

Jesus - Matthew 7:13-14)


[so what is the " Narrow Gate " of Christianity? It is one of the psychosomatic

energy centres or chakras, within us, which the Hindus call the " Agnya Chakra " ]:


" The Agnya Chakra [ " Narrow Gate " of Christ] is situated in the centre of the

brain area, and represents the sixth stage of human evolution. We can identify

its position as the middle point of the forehead. The Agnya Chakra is the

gateway to the Sahasrara Chakra [ " Kingdom of God " ]. When the Kundalini [awakened

power of the Holy Spirit] passes through this chakra, our thought waves elongate

so that the space between the two thoughts grows wider. This space is Silence

and as the petals of the Chakra open up, Silence blossoms in this centre and

spreads outwards, pushing our thoughts to the periphery of our awareness. This

is where the state of thoughtless awareness [nirvakalpa samadhi] happens through

the Grace of Shri Jesus. In this state we actually feel the beautiful Silence,

the Stillness, which is at the heart of creation. "



[From the " Narrow Gate " , which is the place of Lord Jesus and Mary, the Sushumna

Channel which passes through all chakras, continues on to the " Kingdom of God "

[a.k.a. " Sahasrara Chakra " ]:


" En route to the Sahasrara Chakra [Kingdom of God " within " ], the Sushumna

channel passes through the centre of Agnya Chakra. This is the place of Lord

Jesus and Mary. Jesus said that He is the Path, and it is His Path that leads us

to the Kingdom of Heaven in the Sahasrara.


The coming of Christ was a major breakthrough in the human spiritual ascent.

Through His power of forgiveness, He brought redemption to humankind. He

dissolved all the guilt, sublimated the Ego, taught forgiveness and proclaimed

the immortality of the Spirit through His Resurrection. He was born again into

the Spirit, and we also are born again into our spirit when our Mother Kundalini

gives us our second birth.


Amongst other things, the Agnya Chakra governs our sight. We should therefore

respect the eyes as a gift with which the beauty of the Divine creation is

revealed to us. We should not abuse it by having adulterous eyes. "




[Christ Jesus expresses exactly the same, which is that we must keep our `eye

clear' [reference to the " Narrow Gate " of the Agnya Chakra] and then our whole

body will be full of light!!!]:


" The lamp of the body is the eye; if therefore your eye is clear, your whole

body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full

of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the

darkness! No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love

the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God

and mammon. " (Christ Jesus - Matthew 6:22-24)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains that Christ created all the Universes

(`Brahmandas') and out of that came the Agnya Chakra or " Narrow Gate " ]:


" Now as you know, He created all the Brahmandas. 'Brahmanda' means a Universe.

[From out of the] Universe of the Sun has come the Earth; from the Earth, you

have come out, and in your agnya chakra He created a small Virata [`Virata'

means `Primordial Being']. He [Christ Jesus] exists within your agnya chakra.

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Easter Puja Talk – Ashram, London England – 6 April



[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi states that the sacrifice that Christ Jesus made is

" most significant " for human beings. She explains this in great detail]:


" This sacrifice [of Jesus Christ] is very, very significant. Though it was on

the gross [physical level], on the subtle [level] this happening took the

awareness through this centre of Agnya [ " Narrow Gate " ]. This was done by Christ,

through His crucifixion. He came as a gross [physical] person, just like other

gross [physical] human beings. His body died, but did not die, because that body

was also made of the imperishable divine vibrations, which are called " the

radiations of Brahma " . They [the vibrations/radiations] did not die, and that's

why the body did not die, and He resurrected with His body. However, He had to

die in order to show that the body, though dies, can be saved. That's why He had

to be crucified. Otherwise, He could not have shown you [except] through the

actualising that He died and then resurrected. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi –

Easter Puja Talk – Ashram, London England – 6 April 1980)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi quotes Krishna in reference to the 'body that does not



Krishna has said: " It is not killed by any weapon, neither is it burnt by any

fire, nor is it blown by any wind. Nothing can suck it. That Spirit is He. When

they [His disciples] saw His being resurrected, they started saying: " Oh, He is

the One! " Then His disciples believed Him! What ignorance! What darkness! It's

like telling an ant about human civilization! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi –

Easter Puja Talk – Ashram, London England – 6 April 1980)


[shri Mataji explains how when something happens in the gross [physical

dimension], that it also happens in the subtle [dimension]. She uses Moses, one

of the Primordial Masters of the Void [located within the psychosomatic or

'subtle' system of human beings] as an example]:


" As this gross happening took place, the same [thing] was also happening 'in the

subtle'. For example, when Moses [an incarnation of the Primordial Master] was

crossing the river, this was also 'happening in the subtle'... in the area of

the Void [located within the psychosomatic or 'subtle' system of human beings].

Whatever is expressed 'in the subtle' is also expressed 'in the gross' [the

physical]. This is exactly what happened with regard to Christ, when He was

crucified. But again, you cannot crucify Him [as the vibrations/radiations of

Brahma, that do not die, resurrect Him. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Easter Puja

Talk – Ashram, London England – 6 April 1980)


[in conclusion, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi affirms that the power of Christ, is

instrumental in opening up the subtle door [ " Narrow Gate " } that allows us to

enter the Kingdom of God!]:


" As soon as the Kundalini crosses the Agnya Chakra [ " Narrow Gate " ] the

thought-less Awareness is established. It is the power of Jesus Christ, which is

instrumental in opening the subtle door [ " Narrow Gate " ] located above Agnya

Chakra. For that purpose, you are to recite the 'Lord's Prayer', composed by

Jesus Christ. After crossing this door, the Kundalini power [power of the Holy

Ghost] enters the limbic area of the brain. It is after the Kundalini enters

this area, which is also called the " Kingdom of God " , that the state of

thought-less Awareness is established. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Formal Talk,

" Shri Kundalini and Shri Jesus Christ " - Bombay, India – 26 September 1979)


[spiritual understanding and gender emphasis based upon Shri Mataji's teachings]

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