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The Holy Spirit and Sahasrara ('Promised Land')

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(HSS) New Heading #15

The Holy Spirit and Sahasrara ('Promised Land')




15./ Heading



The Holy Spirit and Sahasrara ('Promised Land')


O mother dear, Jerusalem,

When shall I come to thee?

When shall my sorrows have an end,

Thy joys when shall I see?

O happy harbor of the saints!

O sweet and pleasant soil!

In thee no sorrow may be found,

No grief, no care, no toil.


No murky cloud o'ershadows thee,

Nor gloom, nor darksome night;

But every soul shines as the sun,

For God Himself gives light.

There lust and lucre cannot dwell,

There envy bears no sway;

There is no hunger, heat, nor cold,

But pleasure every way.


Thy walls are made of precious stones,

Thy bulwarks diamonds square;

Thy gates are of right orient pearl,

Exceeding rich and rare.

Thy turrets and thy pinnacles

With carbuncles do shine;

Thy very streets are paved with gold,

Surpassing clear and fine.


Thy gardens and thy gallant walks

Continually are green;

There grow such sweet and pleasant flow'rs,

As nowhere else are seen;

Quite through the streets, with silver sound,

The flood of life doth flow,

Upon whose banks on every side,

The wood of life doth grow.


There trees forevermore bear fruit,

And evermore do spring,

There evermore the angels sit,

And evermore do sing.

Jerusalem, my happy home,

Would God I were in thee!

Would God my woes were at an end,

Thy joys that I might see!




The Sahasrara is the 'Promised Land' of the Kingdom of God. It is variously

named as 'Sahasrara' by the Hindus, 'Sahasrarapadma' by the Buddhists, 'Dsam

Duar' by the Sikhs and 'Niche of Lights' in Islam. When a person has their

Kundalini Awakening, they become filled with the true light of God Almighty:


" God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. " (1 John 1:5b)


" There was the true light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. "

(John 1:9)


" For Thou dost light my lamp; the Lord my God illumines my darkness. " (Psalm



" For Thou art my lamp, O Lord; and the Lord illumines my darkness. " (2 Samuel



" If we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with

one another. " 1 John 1:7a)


Receiving the true light within oneself is called en'light'enment. Those who are

filled with the true light of the Holy Spirit, are described as having all the

colours of the rainbow at the top of their head. The Head (Sahasrara) is where

the Throne of the Kingdom of God is, within the person. Christ Jesus tells us

that the Kingdom of God is " within " and not " without " the person:


" If they say to you, 'Look, the kingdom of heaven is in the sky' then the birds

will get there before you. If they say 'It's in the sea' then the fishes will

get there first! The kingdom of heaven is within you and outside you, spread

across the land. " (Lord Jesus Christ - Gospel of Thomas)


" Nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' For behold, the

kingdom of God is in your midst! " (Christ Jesus – Luke 17 21)


" One thing I have asked from the Lord that I shall seek... 'That I may dwell in

the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord,

and to meditate in Her Temple'... For in the day of trouble, She will conceal me

in Her tabernacle; in the secret place of Her tent She will hide me. She will

lift me up on a Rock, and now my Head will be lifted up above my enemies around

me, and I will offer in Her Tent sacrifices with shouts of Joy; I will sing,

yes, I will sing praises to the Lord. " (Psalms 27: 4-6)


" The Sahasrara Chakra [Kingdom of God] encompasses the crown of the head where

all Chakras of the subtle system are integrated. When Kundalini passes through

the top of the head, at the fontanel area, your Realization is manifested.

Sahasrara is the Promised Land where absolute freedom and Truth is granted. "




" The Lord is exalted, for She dwells on high; She has filled Zion [Mt. Zion is

the hill on which Jerusalem is located] with justice and righteousness. And She

shall be the stability of your Times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom, and

knowledge. The fear [awe] of the Lord is Her treasure. " (Isaiah 33:5-6)


" Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down

from the Father [/Mother] of Lights with whom there is no variation, or shifting

shadow. " (James 1:17)


" And She who was sitting was like a jasper stone and a sardius in appearance;

and there was a rainbow around the throne. " (Revelations 4:3)


" And I saw another strong angel coming down out of heaven, clothed with a cloud;

and the rainbow was upon his head. " (Revelations 10:1)


" Now the last centre is the limbic area. It is topped by the fontanelle bone

area, which is the area for our last breakthrough (Brahma Randra). This centre

(Sahasrara) is the most important with one thousand petals, meaning that there

are one thousand nerves. When en'light'ened, they look like one thousand flames

burning very silently and quietly with different colours. There is a big

controversy about the number of these petals. This makes the understanding of

Sahaja Yoga impossible for many doctors, who are argumentative because of their

limited knowledge. In the Bible, it is said that: " I will appear before you like

tongues of flames. " Of course, it has been described in many books in Indian

scriptures as well. When Kundalini crosses over the seventh centre, she pierces

through the fontanelle bone area, which again becomes a little softer, as it was

in childhood, and this Kundalini joins or 'unites' with the all-pervading power

of Divine love, and becomes one with it. As a result, we start feeling the cool

breeze of the Holy Ghost on our finger tips, later on our hands, and also out of

our fontanelle bone area. This is the first time, that we feel the all-pervading

power of Divine love! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – book/Meta Modern Era - 29

September 1995)


" Whatever the Christians know about Lord Jesus Christ is on account of the

Bible. This book is very enigmatical [symbolic]. It is so deep and profound,

that many persons have not been able to understand the hidden meaning of the

Truth embodied therein. The Bible says, " I will come to thee as tongues of

flames " . Israeli people explained this to mean: " When the Lord would incarnate,

He would be emitting flames of fire and therefore, they would not be able to

witness Him. " The real meaning of this is that: " You would witness Me in the

Sahasrara Chakra " . You will find many references to the Kundalini Shakti and

Sahasrara in the Bible. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Shri Kundalini Shakti and

Shri Jesus Christ – Hinduja Auditorium, Bombay, India – 26 September 1979)


[Tongues 'as of fire' appeared over the disciples' heads]:


" And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they

rested on each one of them. " (Acts 2:3)


" Christ has said that " I'll appear before you like tongues of flame " . Many

people have tried to understand this sentence; some may have given you some

explanations. These are the centres, which really look like tongues of flame!!!

They are beautiful with their different colours in different areas, and they

look extremely alive and gentle, and that is how the flame glows. What is said

is: " I will appear before you like tongues of flames " . (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

– Lecture at N.S.W. University – Sydney, Australia – 24 March 1981)


[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi described the opening of the Primordial Sahasrara, as

one involving Light]:


" As soon as the Sahasrara was opened, the whole atmosphere was filled with

tremendous chaitanya [vibrations] and there was tremendous Light in the sky. "

(Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Sahasrara Day Puja Address – Le Raincy, France – 5

May 1982)


[shri Mataji also described the opening of Sahasrara as one that had a burning

appearance, 'as of fire']:


" I saw the primordial Kundalini rising like a big, silent furnace that had a

burning appearance, as when you heat up metal and it has many colours. (Shri

Mataji Nirmala Devi – Sahasrara Day Puja Address - Le Raincy, France – 5 May



[Tongues 'as of fire' have also been photographed over the heads of Shri Mataji

Nirmala Devi's disciples]:




[shri Mataji Nirmala Devi explains that these 'tongues of flames' are the



" Tongues of flames are nothing but these chakras. One flame is enlightened. They

come up like these many tongues, you see! You will see them. Actually Sahasrara

is such a beautiful thing! It's just like burning lotuses, and you see the light

also! It is just so beautiful! " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Darshan at Ashram,

Part 2 – Sydney, Australia – 25 March 1981)


[shri Mataji states that 'at the point of Sahasrara' we go beyond the relative

to the Absolute, and experience 'Heaven on Earth']:


" At the point of the Sahasrara we go beyond the relative to the Absolute, and

into the Absolute realization of Heaven on Earth. This is a country far beyond

our wildest imaginings, so much more than our words can even seek to imply. This

is our ultimate destination, stretching out forever. Our progress towards this

goal is a living process. When the seed matures it naturally sprouts. When the

Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara, the lotus petals open and enlightenment takes

place. You may feel a pulsation in the crown of the head, followed by a melting

sensation and a flow of cool vibrations from the fontanel areas. This is the

baptism by which you know that you are truly born again. "



" Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered

the heart of man, all that, God has prepared for those who love Him. For to us,

God revealed them through the [Holy] Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things,

even the depths of God. " (I Corinthians 2:9-10)


" There are 108 Upanishadas in the Sanskrit language, which have exposed the

knowledge about Kundalini awakening and the spiritual ascent. It is also

indicated in the scriptures of other countries. In the Bible, it is called the

" tree of life " and it is quoted that, " I will appear before you like tongues of

flames " . When the Kundalini rises, She passes through the various centres, which

look like tongues of flames when en'light'ened. The cool breeze of the Holy

Ghost of Pentecost is this power that you can feel in Sahaja Yoga. In the Gospel

of St. Thomas, it very clearly describes the Sahaja experience as the ultimate

of our religious life. Also it says we must look after our centres. This

Kundalini has to ascend and pierce through six subtle centres, which are placed

in the spinal cord and brain. The last breakthrough is the actualisation of the

" Baptism " as one feels the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost emitting out of one's

fontanel bone area. " (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – first small English book –



Now the Lord is the [Holy] Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is [awakened

within] there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:17)


[spiritual understanding and gender emphasis based upon Shri Mataji's teachings]

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